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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

Previous thread >>7202409
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Thread photo is legendary, op.

Anyway pls critique my drawing
the face feels out of place when compared with the relatively nice rendering of the skirt (and for what its worth personally unappealing on its own). also the lack of uniformity in direction and weight of the lines outlining the bat hurts the drawing; you could've been a bit more dilligent with them.
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nice!, it feels floaty or that she will fall because the ankle is straight, watch some sports or runaways and watch how solid the foot is on the ground and the angle created on the floor.
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Reposting here. Thoughts on this and any critique or advice? How's my SOVL
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After reading the fastest way to improve illustration on draw anime thread sticky, i decided to stop copying images and done everything by imagination. I think i have toooooooo many steps to take. I hope by the end of the book, i can do better. 2 months in (but only copying various images not training my construction and basics) i am back at zero. Don't be like me anons study your basics.
Also is fkey a bad artist to copy for 3 months? I like his coloring style but i wanna draw big booba...
thanks, floaty was my intention but i know it looks a bit wrong. I will look for some sports refs like you said.

i'm glad that you like it
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Here is a sketch i did by copying an image. I guess i can't copy forever. Time to stop that...
No, keep copying. You need to built an appeal mental reference. You copy things because you take it as appealing and cool, you enjoy it. Keep absorbing that, you NEED that in your system.
When someone tell you to draw your kangaroo, you need to have something in your head. You can't run an imaginative engine on an empty tank.
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lil bro really thought we wouldn't notice
You need more copies boyo. Not less.
When I was on the grind I'd give myself 30 minutes for each anime copy. I'd do 4 every day, then I would draw whatever the fuck I wanted after the copies. This greatly improved my anime girls to the point that after a month I was no longer embarassed of my drawings.
Looking back, I was still drawing like shit, but I got enough confidence that it allowed me to keep going, feel proud, and notice gainz.
based noticer
>thigh longer than torso
>whole leg longer than torso + head
>can't draw hands
maximum turd polishing
Copying is a good way to learn. it's how a lot of successful artist get early gains. Lil' bro is learning.
I did the thread and OP image. I can't draw for shit (I added the hands holding the Pawell funeral portrait).
To be honest, He (Subu?) didn't polished that one too much at all.
shiters are gonna shit.
missed opportunity to replace some books with loomis
Did Pawell died?
The soul is there but the arm and readability and foreshortening is not

Study photography, mix copies in with construction practice with/without reference.

Same for you but study photos of faces

Arms are too small

Make the images you want to make and use studies to get that end goal to a more polished degree, if being able to draw those characters is the only end goal you're limiting yourself but copying will do just fine.
Nah, someone said he just had a baby in the other thread. Wich is like the same thing.
>The soul is there but the arm and readability and foreshortening is not
Yeah... I noticed I fucked up that arm big time. As well as the sword. Really, the pose as a whole is weird and may be fixed with a couple tweaks but oh well.
What's readability? I have heard the term a lot but don't have a clear idea as to what it exactly means, can you explain?
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I'm nailing it down!! Hahaaa!!
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I agree, plus it wasn't traced, he ain't slick but keep it up lil bro
broken phone
More like a prank call...
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I inked a dude from imagination
I appreciate the mamma bear.
he's smug.
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To be honest, no.
The first one in comparison with the rest looks better like that.
Pawell is actually doing garden projects with his dad at the moment. He's a good boy like that!
Such a wholesome fella! Who could hate a guy like that? Ungrateful bastards.
He's also working on a book of his dead mother's art!
He's just too good for this garbage dump. A true angel. I guess it's time to move on.
This you? >>7196291
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After almost three years of learning to draw traditionally, I decided to add digital to my art. This is my first digital painting and Im quite happy of how it turned out. I still got much to learn but this medium switch was a much needed improvement.

Would like to have an stylus though. Line art with a laptop touchpad is very tiresome.
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drawing feet was a mistake
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I myself played a large part in bullying Pawell of this board, but now that he's actually gone, I miss him. He was always a symbol of hope, a single leaflet breaking through the concrete that is life. I hope he comes back soon.
just treat it as an experiment. you thought something might go well, or at least better than it did, and now you can act accordingly going forward. no harm done.
I see. BTW great redraw,I love how you did it. Is there a way I can fix readability for future drawings? This one was unplanned/didn't turn out how I wanted exaxlrt but I went with it. Maybe that's part of the problem.
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Could I get some help with the legs? Can't seem to get them right.
no lmao
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The glutes could definitely be improved. Learn basic hip anatomy and muscle placement. Get some reference pictures too.

Dont be shy with your hands, they are something you can use to add more value to your drawing. Learn basic hand structure (Proko has a very nice video on that one) and place them on a place that makes the picture more attractive.

The eye looks kinda wonky but it gets a pass since it follows the stylization of the whole drawing.

The mouth/nose/cheek part is my favourite section of your drawing. That blush and highlight makes it look very attractive.

In summary, learn basic proportion (7/half heads for the body), learn to draw basic hand structure, learn hip anatomy, study other artists way of doing the features in profile view.

Great work
>yes, lmao
Thanks for the confirmation.
yeah, this is a fair take, calling it a mistake was hyperbole on my part but it was an angle i'm unfamiliar with so it was pretty fun to do regardless
Too lazy to use my scanner. And anyone else find it hard to not draw small when your used to drawing on a tablet?
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Ive never seen that drawing before in my life, this was the ref i used
artists amirite
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Did a quick black & white(mostly). Also drew this while hitting 7 days on nofap while being insanely horny. Did it give a boost? This is way beyond my skill level lately.

Still didn't bust, I got to into drawing.
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nice, it has appeal. which leg is holding the weight? the side that holds the weight should have a higher hip. like in contraposto or this one >>7204590
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Bro idk, this is why I'm beg, the hips are angled for it to be her left leg (the one I mentioned I might fix tomorrow If I care.) However it does not look like it should be a load bearing leg lmao. I just used a random reference off of pinterest.
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A mass replying nodraw said I should study faces so here you go
pls go away from this thread your drawings make me physically sick
its good then I had a hard time telling from your drawing because the left knee bending isn't as noticeable as the ref also the heels makes hard to guess. Then my only suggestion is to make the leg bending more noticeable. Good job.
>Glazing this
You should let the machine eat it and get sick.
pyw fag
Not him but the proportions are fucked
Nah, they're fine. Elves having long legs is no issue. Its better than 99% of the trash posted here
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playing around with proportions a bit, and I draw something that target the two main audiences in twiter.
contrast helps, blur your eyes and if the idea doesn't shine through, try again
I didn't draw today.
Garbage, drop the pencil and never draw again.
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Eat my ass loser I'm drawing more AS WE SPEAK. Also pyw
Congratulations, you broke her left leg. Thats absolutely not how legs work so first off, study anatomy and how limbs function. Your shading is pretentious and truly just comes through as incomplete and full of hesitation. You have some very primitive understanding of form, Ill give you that.

Also that arm drawing the bowstring doesnt really make sense mechanically for the position she's in.
snibbidy snab!, keep churning out that hot garbaggio, it goes well with this thread.
fair enough, give me a face to draw, or I'll redraw this one if you like.
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I bet you're worse than Pawell
Redraw the bat girl I posted
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>study hands
>get bored and draw porn
There's got to be a better way.
draw handjobs and dickgirls jackin off. play to your strengths
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Honestly didn't think of that
Keep seething beglet, no amount of replies will change your meager linework. Your false God Pawell is dead, like anything borne out of /ic/.
The way the shadows are blocked in is pretty good.
That is not my drawing, that is an sketch made by Frazetta. Why are you nitpicking an ancient drawing made by an old illustrator instead of giving advice to the other anons in here?

Be humble. Don't let your tongue be faster than your brain you chimp.
The seethe you're generating is inspiring. I'm gonna go draw.
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No amount of trolling will change the fact that I actually draw and you don't.
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v nice anon. study faces though

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Is the secret to depth and volume just overlapping shit?
Posting my very shitty draft that even in its crude shittiness feels slightly 3d or maybe I am in Peakof Mount Stupid with DUNNING KRUGER COPE BRAINLET SHIT
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lots of stuff adds volume. proportion, overlap, shading, and line weight are all things I can think of that add depth and volume
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Okay I will try my best drawfren
what the fuck is this OP pic. is this samefag the one making these threads now? this fucking beg shit lol. samefagging about how great this pic was in the last thread. stupid nigger didnt even draw the background. He just haphazardly pasted his shitty void waifu on some prerendered AI background. no regard to resolution or line width...
lol /int/ and /beg/ threads are a fucking joke no wonder no one posts in them anymore
>this fucking beg shit lol.
>Complaining about a beg being in /beg/
What level of retardation are you on?
You are free to do better than beg shit saar.
Until then pyw
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every time I try to paint something I fuck it up
not as retarded as the mysterious anons who consistantly praise and ask for critique in every one of this shit artists posts
Literally me
Feels like bonfire is missing
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Got asked to draw an Oc how is it
In the land of the /beg/, the /int/ one is king.

No, seriously. Idk what that guy does that he attracts so many crabs and haters. His shit looks fine to me. Not perfect of course, but there are few people in this shithole that draw better than him at the moment, and of course people are gonna ask for advice from someone doing better than them.
Cute semen demons. I like the stretch lines on the blouse and the bag on the hip.
Only peeve is that tiddy elf has legs and socks drawn as if they're seen from below. Like every other piece of clothing, they should make u curves.
Her body is tilted forward but her legs don't seem to be "behind" her. Feels like the pushing leg should be farther back, shorter and foreshortened.
Reference has body further right and left thigh doesn't bulge as much. It's just a gesture thing.
I do like your costume choice. Please keep that energy.
I like messy hair. Why do you add swirls on the split ends?
Center oni, very dynamic. Oni girl, very confident expression.
>two main audiences in twiter.
faggots and trannies?
this guy is no better than any other anime copier on /ic/ yet somehow is the only one who gets praise with no critiques. dumbshit doesnt even know how to samefag without being obvious
r8 this wip. not sure if i should keep it sketchy and airbrushed or go with hard lines and shading.
I mean it's subu, fucker has been a /beg/ for years, he doesn't seem to improve at all. The funniest shit about his art is that he uses big ass canvases
which is easy to tell are too much for him.

You could think that he has been drawing for a year or two, but no, he has been around for a good bit so, don't get discouraged anons, you'll eventually
be better than him.
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For picrel, where/how can I find a suitable photo reference? Any good keywords to search to get an animal or figure in strong light but also with merged shadows?
>r8 this wip
mid-/beg/ at best. the anatomy and facial features are very basic (e.g. generic anime eyes, a single line for the eyebrows and mouth), the lines are scratchy, the hands and feet/shoes are low effort. I know it's a WIP, but that's my honest assessment.
>not sure if i should keep it sketchy and airbrushed or go with hard lines and shading.
make a copy and do both, see how well you do and which you like more
almost any photo, any sunlight photo. merging work is supposed to be done by you
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Can anon help? Can I get some critique?
ill take mid-/beg/
ill definitely clean up the lines regardless of which style i go with. i like her face being simple but im not sure what to do about her nose.
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what would be the best programs for geometric style art
ive been using photoshop and MS paint
even used to use autodesk inventor lol

stuff that uses rulers, lines, curves, snapping, dimensions, shape tools etc.
too much of a perfectionist to do free hand drawing

also how do you make lines like not pixelated
Pirate Adobe Illustrator or give it a try on CSP's vector layers.
I know that I have to do the merging part, because the reference might have subtle differences in the values whereas I would shade them with the same value. The problem is that I don't think any sunlight photo will work based on a cursory Pinterest and google image search. I need a photo where the subject has some (but not all) very dark values, is in strong light so they cast a crisp shadow, and the figure is positioned such that their darker features/internal shadows touch or are adjacent to the cast shadow. And as personal preference I would like to draw an animal since I have mostly been using humans as references so far. What would be the keywords for something like that?
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Never mind, just realized that I don't necessarily need a large cast shadow for the exercise, I can just merge internal shadows
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You need to practice shading with shapes, the way you're shading now it looks like you pick a part of the drawing and kinda just scribble the same color but darker. It makes the image look really flat and the colors boring. I attached a pic that might help with picking better colors

The other thing that jumps out are the hands. they're very rectangular in a way hands normally aren't
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+ this too
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Immediate impressions: the faces are off, they're off center for both of them. The girl on the left's in particular is skewed toward the top left. Redlined to show what I mean
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can i say i'm not beg anymore?
You may. but you are
please explain. what makes me a beginner?
i'm genuinely curious, that or i'm autistic and can't see if someone's trolling
You know you're actually making us feel better, right?

The sole idea of someone looking so much into beg drawings means that they are actually progressing.
Well I'm not joking, But will not explain. But its somewhat beg work. You can say you are low int or something and continue to draw
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Most people are just going to see that as a human with pointed ears, and long legs really aren't a trait people associate with elves. There's not enough obvious deviations in the anatomy to really communicate that it's intentionally supposed to have legs that long, it just looks like an oversight.
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you are novice, draw more portraits you are doing great
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Been avoiding colouring and "rendering" as I want to improve my base skills in drawing and the fundementals before going ino colour theory, values etc etc.

But I found a flow today and this is where I'm at now, probably just going to add a bit of shading to the poncho and then post it in the Towergirls thread.
If you are avoiding something, try watching somebody do what you are avoiding on video. Nothing else. Just watch. If you feel you are wasting time, that's precisely what you need to overcome.
oh, thanks for the redline treatment. and for the encouragement uwu
what the fuck are you talking about? subu has been drawing for over 6 years and has barely improved, can't say he improved at all by how little he did
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He still hunts me to this day
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Is this beg
give it cum stains, draw that shit on canvas, call it something retarded like "black lies matter" and you got a $10,000 piece ready for the moma
honestly who tf cares if it's beg or int or whatever, looks cute.
I'd work on giving the piece more intention. I guess this is either a study or practice, but i like how you do your colors. the simplicity around the shoe is very nice, but i guess lacks intent
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While i am at it is this also monetizable?
farts from an obese dementia patient would be more monetizable than this. at least the black man was interesting and wokebait.
Zero intent or thought, I just found a cool pic and painted it out of boredom. Actually I shouldn’t have posted this, it’s mean, I know I’m not beg or int I just wanted to stir shit while waiting for a train
the black man is supposed to be the dude from the sticky....
Ok so "avoiding" was a strong word to use. I've just been cutting back making more finished artwork as I want to improve my basics. Will probably and I already have a bunch of stuff I'm working on involving colour and painting. I just feel the need to study some of it more closely before going back into em.
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Hmm... more construction or start drawing croquis .
>that nipple silhouette
t-that's pretty nice anon..
At least make her tail wiggle a bit with each wink or smth
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Ah, i am doing same. Halted all projects, returned to fundies.
fundies being?
Is there a thread for people that are past int? Or would it be the /wad thread?
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Huge hebe breasts.
we have so many immigrant girls like that where i live.
god i wish they all just fucking left my country
Good idea negro
The only kind I have homes
tell me about subu, why does he make them seethe
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the one on the left, is her right arm supposed to be on her hip? it looks stiff the where it is
even if they left your life would still be shit
You sure showed him
>hasn't posted his work all thread
yeah fucked up, i was drawing it from mile away i it was more about muscles exercise than anything , today, i didn't grip my pen strongly even once
at least he wouldn't have to look at these shrubbery headed slags anymore
Is there anywhere I can get good overviews on workflow? Like what should I have bound to my tablet buttons, what should be bound to my pen? It'd be nice to see lots of different opinions so I can pick and choose what sounds sensible to me, right now I'm using a pen button for canvas move and the second one for nothing in particular.
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I personally need, without brushes, also rotation tool, opacity slider, size slider, lasso, magic wand, fill, color select, tonal correction, back, flip, switch to opacity. All button surround numeral keyobard.
Going to be real with you. Art is great, animation is trash.
How to properly place a hairline? whats the measurement?
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I already did >>7205092
but if you insist lol, this is all I have rn. Now can you please answer the FUCKING question?
chill, he needs to check your work to know
Loomis has a measurement in "Drawing the Head and Hands". Try that.
/draw/ has a lot of skilled people. You're not above int though.
they do be cubin
Ok thanks, bye.
>you’re not above int
Anon he’s far better than you will ever be.
And that somehow disproves my claim that he's not above int?
Room temp IQ
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>makes baseless claim that anon is int even though it’s evident he’s not
>refuse to elaborate and get called out
>”ur low iq”
Top kek
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trying to paint shapes with light
if I zoom out and squint it kinda reads?
there are many threads for people past int. really almost every other thread on his board has people of every skill level, go to ones that pique your interest. they are going to be a lot slower than here, so if you don't get any many responses don't see it as a sign that your work sucks.
I can't read this ESL gibberish, sorry.
Yeah I went to check em out, draw seems really good for quick feedback. I also love the torrent thread.

you are proficient but have the attitude of a beg, solid /int/. work on your brushwork your paint looks murky and smeared, looks like you mix colors on canvas and not on palette
abstract amogus
As a beg i feel you are at least in the top of this thread if not above it. I really like the way the colors look, but again i am not in a position to analyze things like that.
I would kill everyone itt and eat their brains to have your skill level. For how long have you been drawing?
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/beg/ listen to me. I don't mean to blog out but listen.
I do not know how to draw. I know a little of form, a very small amount of perspective, i can't even draw a consistant cube and can't draw a sphere (at all.) I smoke to chill out and d/ic/k around. I feel a little bit better when I'm high. I was drawing a little Stupid comic that no one was going to see. I wanna be a cartoonist. It's a story about a guy jerking off and wishing a girl was there to ease his woes. I try to draw Morrigan from darkstalkers on the previous page, but I don't have a reference so I just draw a cartoon girl. On the next page I'm ready to draw her in full but my hand took me elsewhere.

No reference. No anatomy knowlege. Look what the fuck I just made man!!

I'll post some other pages for a comparison. What the fuck did this weed do to me???
I’m brand new to painting. Should I learn to draw before learning to paint?
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The previous page. Obviously you can tell these are weed doodles. Jesus almighty. I'm infused with the spirit of a Japanese animator!!
For some reason it rotated 90 degrees
The machine did not get sick.
Beat you there too kiddo, been drawing since you were swimming in your dads balls. The difference between us is I dont post my art in this sewer called /ic/, I just love shitting on these threads, I actually value my work unlike you.

So go ahead keep, posting that filth you call art. The cherry on top is you are a moe shitter as expected, you probably dont even exercise or eat clean.
Christ, even the howie was better than you. Try harder, this shit is embarrassing.
Pffft god I wish this board at least had Ids to know which schizophrenics to ignore
i only post my masterworks on newgrounds, where they get 5 views, (me checking if the views changed) i dont post on this filthy fucking shithole, i only post where my brilliance is appreciated, i still have to ingratiate myself to the moderation team so i get scouted, but i just have to be patient
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Is this your Frazetta? Its funny because he doesnt look the way I remember him. So one, you are full of shit, two, you could have picked a better sketch, three, the critique is absolutely valid and you and the rest of the artlets here could take the advice assuming you can actually read, of course.

So take your humble tip and stick it up your ass while you drag your chimp knuckles back to your cage, Kendall.
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trying another one today, same style
Harriet and Lola, huh? You ladies just cant stop giving me (You)s. You know you can just ignore me, right? God, how are you all so stupid?
>giving me (you)s
its giving neglected child misbehaving to get his mommy's attention
you drew this?
Idk tbqh, I think I started when I was like 14 cos I was bored shitless, and my parents refused to buy me a pc (excellent choice). Drew very little post 2020 since I was enrolled in a 4 year 3D course (esma, very good) and picked it up again this year. So in total, 9 years of drawing. made more gains this year than I did in 9 years of vaguely drawing left and right, though.
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tried transforming this pose a little bit. dogshit result, hate it, save me bridgman
I'm good at copying poses but I have a lot of trouble transforming them
can you rotate a cube? if not start there.
don't know how to draw cube? start there.
Because he's unironically better than them and improves with or without their help anyway, doing whatever he wants
>as drawing it from mile a
I love the style you have. Also the concept with the circular shape to frame it. The hand on the hands on the imp too.
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your artstyle is amazing, how did you achieve it? got any blog or socials? i'd love to see more.
Backward scum amerimutt
if that's what shows up on your main feed based on your preferences, then...yes?
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It’s so stupid that you can’t resize the cursor
thanks! it's really not great I'm still beg/int
>how did you achieve it?
right now I'm trying to imitate an artist called Kou (@kou.7684 on Instagram)
and I don't have any socials really I'm not good enough yet
man i see so many artists that dont have HALF your skills with twitter accounts getting told their art is great...
dont overthink bro
if thats really your skill, then you are underselling yourself super hard, that stuff is great.
Doing any pose that is not standing still is always a challenge.
How do you know you’re taking too long on a piece because I’m starting to get pissed off.
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Trips and tricks?
that ain't piccolo...
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I actually did a drawing (shitty and in pen so there's a lot of lines left that were WRONG) and tried to focus on construction. I feel like I improved a little but still a long way to go. Still clueless on how to not symbol draw my details.
it's always up to you, but if you're a /beg/ I would venture to say that any study beyond a few hours (probably no more than ten) is non-optimal in terms of your progress. obviously how you study matters, but to a large extent what matters at this stage is quantity, getting more mileage. it's good to set a deadline for yourself but be flexible. if you set out to "complete" a study in five hours, say, work at it for five hours. if you finish before then, good job; if you aren't finished and want to go further, then do so; and if you want to stop after the five, then do that instead.
How did you do that? Epic TRIPS, make a wish.
This dose feels kinda weird doc
bros i am very /beg/ but i gotta ask
should i be rotating canvas or should i just grind the positions where i struggle to make my lines
i'm that guy, i wish 2 become rich hentai artist among other things.
just be yourself :)
its just i always see artists rotating canvas so i wonder if i even need to grind that shit...
Both rotate and flip canvas. I have keybinds for both. It's very useful, there are many things you miss when you don't do it
I also wanted to draw the hairly beauty.
Any critics?
nta but how do I make canvas stay where it is when I flip it?
Being able to draw at any angle is useful skill you should develop. Some angles are just uncomfortable and impractical, so rotating helps a lot in those situations. Always rotating for the ideal angle is too much rotating, which breaks up your flow. Never rotating is too strict and makes things extra difficult for not much reward.
I would suggest that beginners start by rotating the canvas whenever they need to. As your skills develop, try rotating less and less often so that over time you only need to rotate for the extreme angles. If you want to specifically practice those angles, a 10 minute warm up helps, but grinding doesn't actually help that much.
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the anatomy is just not there. plus there are weird lines that make no sense, like above the boobs. also, is she wearing a shirt or not?

Remember, cartoon/stylization is SIMPLIFIED anatomy, not nonexistent. keep grindy
I hope you all had a terrific Juneteenth. Did you make any art to celebrate the emancipation of your black neighbors from slavery? Of course, many would say slavery is still happening thanks to the corrupt justice system.
I chose to continue not drawing today.
As a Chinese immigrant, I had no part in, and therefore nothing to apologize for, the enslavement of Africans.
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I dunno bout all that but here's a cute anime girl
shut up and feed your cat
I am mestizo mexican and my ancestors purged the freed african slaves the moment slavery became illegal because they fucking despised them. As a result, our (((afromexican))) community is a tiny enclave of wild negroes living in the jungles of the south too scared to go out of their trees because immigration will just van them and ship them to Haiti.
Shit, this ain't fun anymore.. Where the fuck is Pawell... For real now... Is he really gone? Did this general just lost his CEO? Did communism finally won? How ironic is that?
negative sex appeal
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Finally able to draw for the first time in a couple weeks, freaking night shift got me all fucked up
>Finally able to draw for the first time in a couple weeks
have you truly been utilizing all of your time with various obligations for the past couple weeks, or could you make minor adjustments here and there to fit drawing into a more consistent habit? I don't know, but when most people say
>I just haven't had the time
I have a bit of skepticism. not trying to be a dick either, I think the fact that one can better use their time is reassuring.
Typically i can just draw at work but we’re doing a major turn around on the facility i work at so i’m basically just working and sleeping.
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Except tonight finally been slow so it’s fucking art time niggers.
I tried to draw a Slime at some point
The 2 on the left were made after the right one so they are drawn a bit more "clean"
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What is wrong with the sphere? Paint over would be very much appreciated.

(do not care about the shadow at the bottom)
No ref, this is from imagination, but neither the shadow nor light look right to me. It comes off too flat. I can tell it's off, but don't know how to fix it.
more highlight, and a darker deep shadow, especially in areas of AO (where its sitting on the floor, basically)
No reflective light
Form wasn't felt :]
there is some
no idea who your namefag discord homo is. No one cares. abide the rules and get on with the thread
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Next time try drawing the contour lines when you're stuck
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big noob to drawing, first no ref head construction that feels remotely like I'm actually constructing pls respond
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Hi. How is this for a study?
what were you trying to study?
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A piece of art that had caught my eye.
Super hot study anon.
I mean what fundamentals in particular were you concerned with? I could be wrong, but it seems obvious you weren't trying to do a 1-to-1 copy, but that still begs the question with what you were concerned with.
It was mainly the pose, the bikini render, and the breasts. Larger breasts have been a bit challenging to draw. Same with more unique types of textures for clothing. Any pose is always welcome for a study since i wanna do aal completed one daily.
Thanks, anon.
thanks! this helped
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> Look at amazing art
> drawing better than normal
> Look at shit art, or not draw for awhile
> Abysmal shit-tier work

How do I escape this cycle? Trying to address the second half by drawing more.

I KNOW I can draw better than the left but it doesn't always come to me
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for reference
I'm sure that if you just draw less you will get better at drawing.
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Legs are fucked and I don't know how the sleeves should connect to the jacket. Will look up refs tomorrow.
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Finished version
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Would it be advisable to do some gestures (?) drawings and share them here to ask what person I should start learning from?

I've been drawing off and on forever but haven't studied anything properly ever.
I'd like to pick a person or two to study and learn from. I've got a lot of names listed down but unsure of what my best starting point would be.
Just copy someone you like, retard?
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>went from giant head to small head
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tfw head so big it looks like a chibi
that's a child
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i swear, she's just flatchested... it's because her head is too big
What uh
What is he looking at?
Think I can sell this when it’s done?
Might animate this
maybe this sounds like a cop-out, but I can't bring myself to ink my line-art because the "marker" brush in Leonardo is SO fucking comfy, not even CSP has a comparable brush IMHO

i want to do web comics so I suppose i'll have to ink but i do like the comfy factor
>i want to do web comics so I suppose i'll have to ink
Who says? Do what you think is right. I'm not saying it's some groundbreaking idea but a mory sketchy, loose comic could be cool
As a beaner, I will buy it for 200 pesos
>inking when your proportions are this shit
brother wtf
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you right, no rules only tools. maybe i'll keep it this way
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Is it just my imagination, or is /beg/'s skill level actively getting worse?
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pawell here, pyw virgin
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I cant draw with lines, just blobs
No, Pawell's not here yet, he is currently away working on collaging family fashion drawings.

I wonder what he will make of them. I have been really into collages lately, just feels good to work with your hands on different tools and materials, and it works your brain much more for composition. Besides, sometimes sliding a pencil for hours gets real boring.
nigga rediscovered what painting is
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>no such thing as lines
and pic rel is?
Several small boxes
i want to discover drawing, paintings suck
Ah fuck meant for >>7206320 FUCK IT WAS A GOOD JOKE
They're not boxes they're rectangles
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How to do good shadows and lighting on a tablet? How do I fix this drawings shading?
>>>7206278 new bread
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trying to up my perspective game, any way to improve these?
best way is to do more studies of figures in those poses. Unfortunately, we can't calculate what everytrhing will look like from any angle, in our heads. We have to seek out more information in the real world. Kim Jung Gi said he would go up to the 2nd floor of a library to look down on people on the first floor, to see what they would look. These kinds of things are what you need to do to improve. The biggest trap is to think you can calculate everything, and that's just not true.
why is the pelvis such a fucking abomination to draw
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Hey anon, I see what are you doing there, and I support your cause. I did something for (You), I hope it helps. Here's the ANIMATED version:
How the fuck do you paint appealing backgrounds? everything I try ends up looking like elementary school smeared paint.
Day 1 composition stuff. I recommend Bill Perkins
It's Lunella from Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. This was the final shot after her Mom tells her some bad news
Could you tell me what artists are you studying for such art style?
i see many anons go trad...
It improved. There are more active people, less trolls like you and people genuinely try to improve and it shows.
Right now i don't study at all, but in the past i was copying Asanagi work mostly.
i thought its AI at first, maybe it is, just traced
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Jack, a young artist, struggled with depression and creative block. His paintings, once vibrant, now felt dull and uninspired. One day, he stumbled upon the 4chan /ic/ board, where he found solace in the community's support and camaraderie.

Inspired by the community's encouragement, Jack shared his own work, a dark and moody piece that reflected his current state of mind. The response was overwhelming, with artists praising his work and offering constructive criticism.

For the first time in months, Jack felt hope. The validation and support gave him the courage to continue creating. He began to experiment with new techniques, exploring the depths of his own emotions and experiences.
As Jack's art evolved, so did his mental health. The creative outlet became a sanctuary, a place where he could process his emotions and find solace. The /ic/ community remained a constant source of support, guiding him through the ups and downs of his artistic journey.

Years later, Jack's art flourished, blending dark and moody hues with vibrant colors. His paintings became a testament to the power of art in healing and self-discovery. Through his brushstrokes, Jack found a sense of purpose and belonging, and his depression slowly began to lift. I hope this revised version meets your request. It is a shorter version of the original story, still highlighting Jack's journey from depression to self-discovery through art and the support of the /ic/ community.
Jesus christ another fucking mental case
Thank you
thank you, ChatGPT
How long until we can actually pronounce him dead?
Shall it be until his website domain expires?
NEW THREAD >>>7206278

Shit these OPs keep forgetting linking threads. Thanks anons.

He's alive and well fortunately >>7207699
I couldn't be happier.
do you have a place were you post your stuff? love the jaiden art btw

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