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The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7173656 (Dead)

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga
The Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga

Habanero Scans: https://www.dailymotion.com/HabaneroScans/videos
Full MANBEN Series link: https://mega.nz/folder/YQYAGJTR#1PAs3gRYTMoerPapIZTXGg
Urasawa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIFOAoFm47XOAlJwTa6Ieg/videos

Source of OP image is Tower Dungeon chapter 3.
Some western / indie publishers of Manga:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Yen Press ( https://yenpress.com/ )
> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.
> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.
> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to yenpress@yenpress.com, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

Shrine Comics ( https://shrinecomics.com/ )
> Small indie manga publisher
> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes
> Allows crossposting to other sites

Iconic Comics (https://www.iconiccomics.com/)
>A bit like Oni Press and Antarctic Press
>A small publisher with a focus on indie works with manga inspiration
Other open comic publishers:

Dark Horse ( https://www.darkhorse.com )
>Dark Horse still welcomes your submissions, and all submissions will still be reviewed, just as they always have been.
>All unsolicited story/series proposals must have a full creative team on board. Writer-only proposals will not be reviewed.

Image comics ( https://imagecomics.com/ )
>Image Comics only publishes creator-owned material. They do not contract creators; they’re only interested in publishing original content for which you would retain all rights.
>Image Comics publishes creator-owned/creator-generated properties and THEY DON’T PAY PAGE RATES. Image takes a small flat fee off the books published, and it will be the responsibility of the creators to determine the division of the remaining pay between their creative team members.

Drawn and quarterly ( https://drawnandquarterly.com/ )
>Please email a low resolution PDF with at least 20 pages of comics and cover letter to submissions. Do not send dropbox links, scripts, or proposals. Please read our submissions FAQ.

Fantagraphics ( https://www.fantagraphics.com/ )
>submission page: https://www.fantagraphics.com/pages/faq

Top Shelf Productions ( https://www.topshelfcomix.com/ )
>Regarding submissions, we're easy. Just email us a download link of what you'd like us to review. NOTE: We cannot accept cover letters, plot synopses, or scripts unless they are accompanied by a minimum of 10-20 completed pages (i.e., fully inked and lettered comic book pages).

Additional publisher lists:
> https://jasonthibault.com/definitive-list-comic-publisher-submission-guidelines/
> https://writingtipsoasis.com/best-independent-comic-book-publishers/
Current Contests:

Kyoto International Creators Award:

Zenon Magazine:

Magic international manga contest: https://www.shibuya-productions.com/en/magic/magic-international-manga-contest.html,73

4-koma Contest:


Silent Manga Audition:

/mmg/'s very own anon-led anthology: /ic/onography

Additional community added Resources:
Mangafonts: https://mangafonts.carrd.co/
Hiro Mashima YT: https://www.youtube.com/@mashimaCh/videos

How (You) can help /mmg/:

> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.
> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.
> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.
> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.

>Full MANBEN Series link
I forgot again... It's https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0GiIM_rGEGPjTGQ4HadH4eizLu5E49Tz&si=gpRcOXt_H1l3shNF
Also fucked up the the backlink. Too sleepy.
Previous thread: >>7188049
Let's be honest no one here will ever make it to fucking jump the best thing you can hope for is getting a deal for some gooner crap by an online publisher who needs to shoots out smut daily so they take what ever they can get. Instead of acting like delusional retards how about opening a patron for your shitty manga and building up a fan base the old fashion way, that's literally the only way how you will ever get compensated IF your stuff is exceptional (which is pretty unlikely)
Good thing Jump is just one magazine out of hundreds.
Btw working with a publisher IS the old fashioned way.
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>social media
>old fashioned way
>you will never get published in Japan
moving the goalpost I see
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Alright, so this is what i got, i tried to do it painting it in black, then went with this
Now i know that it still might not look great, but i will do little clean up, not much, since my hand is getting wacky again and is locking up
And now may looks even worst, since i had to make it smaller (this time from my phone) to be able to post it
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Honestly, you may be right, it would be a privilege to work in the jump, and i would be honored to do it if i could, mostly because their mangas has been the ones that influenced me the most, but if i couldn't i would love to work in the champion, since i feel that i vibe more with their editorial line and also my story would get to live more

All of that if i were lucky and good enough, but since i'm not, i will probably will die on a dicht near my home
>Let's be honest no one here will ever make it to fucking jump
Sir this is manga making general, not joining jump general.
lets be honest, you're going to commit suicide in your mid 40s
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Current panel I'm touching up before moving to the next one. Man, it's nice to draw again. I really like Gaomon's styluses..... when their internal mechanisms work and don't just suddenly commit suicide for no reason at all.
Looks stiff, but I think that's your style. Keep it up anon, those white voids were so boring.
Did you get a whole new tablet?
No, just needed to get a new AP40 stylus, since that's the one that explicitly pairs with my drawing monitor (can't remember off the top of my head what it is, I think it's a PD1560?). The other ones allegedly work and would have shipped faster to my home, but I didn't want to spend cash on a "maybe." My drawing monitor itself is fine, thankfully.
This is the reality check we need but don't deserve...
retarded nodraw
Jumptoon says they're accepting submissions, but does that mean formal submissions or do you have to upload on their webtoon canvas equivalent first?


For anyone wondering it's shueisha's new webtoon competitor.
i think it might be better to ask here >>7123638
but i imagine they're probably taking submissions in the same way manga plus creators would for their competitions? assuming it's open and not Japanese-only, then you may as well upload it to their canvas-equivalent regardless since they say previously published online work is fine for submission anyway.
I know but if I don't make it nobody else will
I wish I was rich so I could work on comics all day.
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Finished this page yesterday but forgot to post. 42 hours on this canvas, easily the largest one.
Think I'll take the day off to game, haven't had a break all week...
Also you can bet a similar bait post will show up next thread since you guys fed him plenty of (you)s. Don't feed the birds!
Do you all have a certain character archetype you prefer in manga, and have you included that archetype in what you've written / are writing?
Maybe webtoons is an option?
>42 hours on this canvas
jesus man. nice job though, you definitely earned that break.
and yeah, i wanna be surprised such easy bait worked but i'm unfortunately not lol.
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Y'know if you read and studied more and developed your fundamentals better you wouldn't need to keep asking "how do I draw [X]" and would instead be able to figure it out on your own.
Also working on your lines will mean less strokes which will mean less wrist pain.
What games you gonna play?
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Too lewd to post fully. Opinions?
>low skill
>ironic dialogue
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You know i was talking about the helmet right? Those spikes i did themnon a whimp
Am I crazy for thinking that doesn't look low skill? The guy's face looks off, but overall I feel like it looks pretty decent.
The third panel right? I oftently forget to fix it, the thing is that i draw in trad, take a pic and then trace it in digital, that pic was from an off angle
I'd say the first panel's face looks kinda off as well, while the 2nd is acceptable.
the face in all 3 panels looks terrible, and hte mask is clearly not symmetric
>inb4 it's not supposed to be
then why is it so close to being symmetric but failing to be.
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I will give you that one, because it's a really hard shape for me and it's not in an angle were you could draw it fully front or side, and it isn't even a 3/4
Is mostly like a piece of cake shape slyly bent to one side and that's too difficult for my brain to process
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Welp, i guess you are right, i went to check (since i remember drawing those panels almost at the beginning of this) and is like a year ago, and i must have forgot to fix them, at least i think i can fix both of them with little effort
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You magnificent bastard.
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Really ought to have practiced drawing a city-type environment before deciding on drawing a destroyed city environment. Think I'll have to change plans, but I had another idea anyway, so it's fine.
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>draw and color all my pages vertically in a 9x12 sketchbook
>find out the scanner on my printer is too small when it’s time to scan
>large format scanners cost hundreds
a handheld scanner would work.. r-right?
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>a handheld scanner would work.. r-right?
Please tell me that they do, i wanna scan my work too
What about a stationary/print shop? They usually have big scanners and printers. Just google something like print scanning near me
You talking about Shonen Jump? You think that's the only manga publisher out there?
Literally just go to any print store. Everything from a Staples to a more mom and pop place near any college campus.
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Nta, but i'm a town boy and there's none of those here
How do I into architecture like Nihei (without becoming an architect)?
If you actually pay attention to his environments, you should realize it has nothing to do with architecture and everything to do with drawing whatever you think looks cool. This "his backgrounds are good because he was an architect" idea is complete nonsense (on top of being a fabrication/misunderstanding).
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I think this looks good. Idk, I've been staring at this page for too long.
Compositionally, it looks good. You're lacking most in visualizing 3D forms & space. The dragon's head is the roughest example of this. It looks very flat and isn't proportional. You can break down these complex shapes into the most basic forms in your sketching & thinking to create the illusion of 3D more easily. For the inking and screentones, it looks good, but I don't enjoy those weird scribbly lines you've done in some places, like the shadow underneath the fog in the first panel. The fog also looks chicken-scratchy. But overall you're on the right track, just keep practicing and studying the pros.
WTF is your manga about where you go from a dragon to this
That comic you responded to is an edit. Some other anon is drawing loli stuff, and a third anon edited that anon's comic and photoshopped the original anon you were talking to character's head in there.
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I did a few change, also it's exported at 80% quality and 35% of the actual size

So if anybody had recommendations for exporting, since in full quality it's like 12 mb and i think that the limit for each page is 10... but also the spread have to be posted in 2 so i think that's fine, but nonetheless i would like to export things better, so if anybody had a tip or a video to recomend
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Also the next page because i would like to better the 5th panel, i mean in how to do the after image, i will try to look into some videos, but still
I mean I know you're right, but working on a passion project is still better than gooning all day and doing nothing
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finally finishing something
Hey somebody give that nigga a parking ticket
Looks nice
next month I will start my comic, I just need to get through this week.
Dunno what you're going through but hope you're doing okay, anon.
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Well, i hope you i can see you from the other side, from this week on, things are gonna get harder for me
It feels like a race of what ends first, the comic or my life, and now i remember that anon that had a breakdown last thread, we all kind of fucks up, so i send you all a hug
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Well I finally bit the bullet. I'd appreciate if anyone had any opinions they'd be willing to share. I'm not exactly happy with how things went, but it can only be called a learning experience I suppose. I have my own opinions, but I'd like to hear from others to see if they'd point out the same things.
Guess I'll just keep grinding perspective then. He's really good at composition, very cinematic. I wonder if he studies films.
I know this question has probably been asked a million times, but left or right? I want to submit a manuscript to a Japanese publisher but obviously English is my language.
His history in architecture is important because he understands perspective. That's literally it. Some of his environments are correct and some are not for aesthetics.
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idk how but I'm still making this shitpost of a comic
I've had ideas that I liked a lot more but I struggled to even storyboard pages for
Hi, could someone help me to find manga authors who are active in streaming platforms and transmit their creation process? youtube, sketch-pixiv, twitch, etc.
Mashima from fairy tail?
Is there a good source for learning script writing? I wanna make a thing
Pornanon pornanon pornanon

There. I've said his name three times, so now he'll get summoned at some point.

Need to be way more specific. What about script writing is giving you trouble?
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Are there any manga that prominently focus on character art with minimal backgrounds outside of Bleach?
I'm not good enough art-wise to deliver a full scene with passable looking environments, and I'm making my first one shots purely to practice figure drawing, gesture, detailed inking styles and character design.
You need to leave the 'anime character in a white void' meme behind
Anons characters wake up in a featureless purgatory just to do battle with one another. They are actually in hell.

All art is just forms and lines, if you can't draw a tree and some rocks you're not going to draw a convincing person either. That being said there are more clever ways to go about minimal backgrounds, like setting your story in a desert or a salt flat. Get creative.
If you're sending it in to a publisher, just use whatever makes sense for them. Are they japanese? Then right-to-left is fine, but I think if you're good enough that they'll want to work with you then it doesn't really matter if you submit left-to-right work (don't expect the work you submit to go straight to publication though).
Otherwise, just use whatever your target audience will be comfortable with. Chances are this means left-to-right. Even if your target audience is weeaboos who only read right-to-left comics, you're making your work just a little bit more impenetrable to a normal audience for an audience that will drop you the second they realize you're not japanese anyway.
I've used both for various comics, despite what I've seen some people say, there's really no difference either way. It's a superfluous detail that doesn't change any fundamental element of your comic, so as always what actually matters here is making a good comic.

Most 4koma. That's pretty much the main place you can get away with that. As much as people seem to love the meme, Bleach has plenty of backgrounds.
Hey—you can't litter in Japan! What a delinquent
Ty. I've never really tried writing script before until recently. I sort of tried creating panels and stuff and asked a guy to review my stuff. He asks me for a script and I didn't have one lol
So really I think Im looking for beginner resources and maybe really general tips.
There are anons who prefer to just work with the panels and execute the script on the fly as they go along, but other anons (including me) like to plan things out in advance. Doing this allows you to move pages and panels around as needed if something hits a snag, as we're all just mere mortals and make mistakes. Dunno what other anons do specifically, but what I do is I plan the general breakdown of the chapter I'm going to make in bulleted outline form. Then the next thing is to connect the main actions or events that gets us from major plot point in that chapter to major plot point. From there, you then determine what each character is likely to be saying or thinking or doing and voila, you have your script broken down on a page by page basis.
I know this seems like a lot of work, and to a degree it is, but once you start doing it, it becomes second nature and muscle memory. Again, you don't HAVE to do all this, but being able to organize your thoughts has never hurt anyone.
What I do personally is I'll have an idea in my head of how I'm planning things to go and I go straight to storyboarding it with that idea in my head. In this workflow, storyboarding IS scripting, it's where I'm planning it out and making edits/rearranging things. I'm just doing it with visuals instead of descriptive text. I do it this way because it can be difficult to properly plan out a sequence without knowing exactly how much page space I have to do it in, so I need to have it on the page to figure it out.
>but being able to organize your thoughts has never hurt anyone.
I agree in principle but I think in practice a lot of people get tangled up in too many planning stages. I think especially early on, it's better to cut back on the planning and just get to the actual creation asap. Fail faster and all that.
Extensively planning a work is all well and good and makes complete sense when you're doing it for a long serialization and know exactly what you're doing, but if you're still at the point where you're struggling to even figure out what to do then I think it's probably way better to just jump in head first and make all the mistakes you're inevitably going to make and learn from them. Even if the mistake is "I needed to plan this better", you might not be conscious of all the things you need to be aware of in planning something until you find out first hand what happens when you don't.
Yeah I think having a script might give me like a goal/plan. So when I'm paneling/drawing I don't run into some kind of wall of being lost what happens next when the mental sauce or flow runs out. Hence, I think at least writing scripts will help me out or help others give better feedback.
>Even if the mistake is "I needed to plan this better"

Exactly what I ran into
i met the guy who draws dog nigga. cool dude. thats all i have to say anons, carry on
From personal experience, a script can help ensure you don't mischaracterize your own characters, and convey the information needed. The idea of 'writing as you go' is very romantic, but it can cause issues even within the space of a few pages. I didn't realize how important it was until I tried without it, and stumbled in exactly the points I mentioned.
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>7 days and 3 more pages
Hey this is looking really nice, definitely publishing quality
The text for the date of birth and the corresponding date needs to be rotated slightly, anon. It doesn't match up with the angle the card is being held at. Just a minor quibble.
I took a look at it, so here are my thoughts.

I think the writing is the best part. Everything is pretty easy to follow, and the story is pretty nicely thought out, and pretty well written. There are one or two areas where your reader may trip up just because of your page and dialogue layouts. One instance I can think of is page 16. You have two panels with connected word balloons, and then they also connect to the text in the bottom middle panel. That sort of indicates that you're supposed to read that next, and it took a second to realize that you're supposed to go back and read the bottom right panel first, then come back and read that middle panel. Its kind of a minor thing, but the way you have it set up sort of directs your reader into reading the dialogue slightly out of order.

I will say though, while the writing is good, the story telling is kinda...I dunno...a bit boring? Its two characters in a room talking about much more interesting events that happened prior and that are about to happen. I imagine you'll probably (hopefully) get to those, assuming you continue this at some point (and I think you should.)

The art is a bit weaker than the writing, though. You do have some good character reactions and facial expressions, and I think with some refining, it could look quite good. There's also the pretty novice mistake of much of it being two character heads just talking in a white void. Feel like there should to be a few more hints of background or environment now and then, or at least some more toning, or hatching, or some sort of elements to help fill the empty space in a lot of panels, as it sometimes goes on for a few pages like that.

Still though, I think it was interesting enough that I'd like to see more. Keep it up.
thank you
yeah I noticed, CSP text tool sucks ass or at least I don't know how to use it, I'm redoing the Id card in PS to make it also a lil more believable
Who do you think has the best paneling? Hard mode: no Toriyama.
Depends on what kind of paneling we're talking about. How you'd panel for action versus romance versus horror is going to be different. And I'm sorry, but for shonen I personally hold Toriyama in esteem.
The criticism is much appreciated. You pointed out a lot of the issues I held back from mentioning myself. The ‘talking heads’ is a rather novice mistake, but I’d basically already decided to just roll with it. I tried to minimize it where I could, but considering the situation, I could only do so to a certain point. When I read it just before posting, I realized that I was being a bit jumpy with how things were going. I ended up cutting some stuff, which meant I sort of sped through more than I wanted, but fixing it would mean it would take even longer for me to post it. I’m hoping with superior planning that I’ll be able to focus on art quality a bit more, though I can hardly promise a huge leap.

The compliment of ‘I’d like to see more’ is a great one, even if it’s just being said for politeness’ sake. Thanks very much.
Housekik no kuni and Innocent are master classes in paneling pacing and composition
>CSP text tool sucks ass or at least I don't know how to use it
It's just ass.
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Honestly basically any Jump manga that makes it big tends to have pretty damn good panel flow and clarity. The standouts to me though are Toriyama, Togashi and more recently the Sakamoto Days guy.
Manga doesn't need backgrounds after the initial establishing shot
So every single manga who draws any kind of background beyond the main establishing shot is just, what, wasting their time? Dude, my enjoyment of manga would go WAY down if every single panel after the initial shot was just characters in voids.
That's cool if you like backgrounds but I was talkin about manga in general. Your favorite manga probably has pages with no backgrounds without you even noticing.
kill yourself, promptly
>Your favorite manga probably has pages with no backgrounds without you even noticing.
I don't disagree that any randomly picked chapter will have pages like that, but you said that you don't need ANY backgrounds after an establishing shot. That goes a step too far in my opinion. You need something to ground the characters in the world they are living in. You don't even have to go crazy on details, but you need to put down SOMETHING once in a while. Like say you had a manga about being a high class bartender. You can't go for panels and panels and panels without showing something of the bar itself.
>kill yourself, promptly
You're right I shouldn't push myself, be creative, make any attempt to stand out or really try at all. I should do the bare minimum.
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I feel like you have the general vibe of what it's supposed to be down, but as an opening chapter it's weighed down with problems. I'll skip nuance in favor of just pointing out the largest pitfalls.

Right off the bat the way the opening sentence sounds like you started in the middle of a paragraph. I can see the reasoning for this possibly being not wanting to state it outright. But if you tackled it another way, it would have given you the possibility for a leadup, for example "humans conquered x, y, z, and then finally though whatever they finally conquered the tallest mountain of all, death itself!" Not in those exact words, but in general structure it gives the opening a stronger hook. The original structure of the second page makes it just seem like humans do nothing but throw bombs on their problems. Unintentionally, it's funny. If we're focusing on humans being powerful and destructive, the message needs to be enforced more clearly in imagery than broken pillars and bombs. Maybe you could have drawn humans looking imposing, threatening or overwhelming with strength.
The first few pages are always going to be the most important for drawing someone in, and I feel like you're on the right path but it needs refining.

The rest of the chapter is frankly, just talking. This has already been pointed out, but why it's a problem hasn't. You can have these kind of scenes, but only when things have already been established. You can't have any emotional moments when we don't know anything about the characters at all, and readers haven't had a single moment to become attached. Again, I don't know anything about them to even care enough yet. The first thing I did after I got to that point where she answered the door was click off before deciding to come back and sit through it and give it an honest read... because it's boring.

pic unrelated
In reality so little actually happens in the span of 36 pages. Lillian wakes up, Aloe enters, Lillian shows Aloe her lexicon. Aloe leaves, then Lillian leaves. One thing in particular about the end bothered me and it might seem kind of peculiar for me to ask. Why was Lillian allowed to do anything (shower?) before being taken away? But the last shot makes it seem like the authorities are just her wranglers? It might seem small, but it raises too many questions about who's in control. This would have been the most important thing to establish out of the gate, since there is so much focus on the reapers and the humans.
How do they control the reapers? Coercion? Force? A device? (devices?) Only so far, it's been mentioned they have to obey death (who is not on the human's side as far as I can tell) You'll have to forgive me if I missed something it was hard for me to sit through combing over all the dialogue. It's just too much.

To summarize, you need to do more to cut to the chase. Focus on one character, show us her world and what she does! Action isn't just punching and kicking, it's running errands, making coffee, counting pennies etc. whatever it is she does everyday that help us understand who she is and give readers a chance to like her. That's 5-10 pages at maximum. Your main character is the glue that gets us stuck to everything else you're trying to sell, you really need that if you don't want people yawning and clicking off.

I only focused on writing because while things are universally weak, strong writing can overcome artistic shortfalls.
Once again, I appreciate what you've posted here. The beginning pages were intended to be a sort of 'this is what this character does on a daily basis' , that being 'nothing', but my lack of cutting to the chase is very much a legitimate concern. Frankly, I completely agree there's too much talking, but I just had the idea in mind, and changing it after the work I had done just wasn't going to work out without taking too much time. While far from the only problem, the fact that the MC is meant to be reserved, but also wasn't put in a situation where she had to do much, is a bit of an inherent flaw. I'm sure others could have gotten across what I was intending without making it boring though, it's the sort of thing I should have considered more, rather than just going with my first idea.

I've been seeing a lot of drawing quality mentions between the places I've asked for feedback. Are there any parts of my art that are acceptable, or is it just the whole thing? I tried to make sure that the faces were at relatively acceptable standards, but perhaps I overestimated it.

Once again, I appreciate everything you've said. It can be difficult to get straightforward, nonsugarcoated criticism, which is in part why I made this in the first place. I needed to know where my weaknesses were. And in this case, perhaps everything is a weakness, but even that's something I didn't necessarily know for sure.
>thoughtful, typed out posts genuinely trying to providr constructive feedback
And this is why /mmg/ is the best thread on /ic/. It's as shrimple as that.
>I've been seeing a lot of drawing quality mentions between the places I've asked for feedback. Are there any parts of my art that are acceptable, or is it just the whole thing?

Not that anon, but for me, the art is serviceable, but there needs to be work on everything. The expressions are kind of fun in places, but the anatomy and body structure need a lot of work. Even the little backgrounds and environments don't really give much of a real sense of 3-dimensional space, its more just "A door needs to be here, so I'll draw a flat door way."

Some of the issues also stem just from the issue as already mentioned of just (mostly) talking heads. You do sprinkle in a few difficult angles here and there, and while you do get props for trying, they don't really work either, mostly because, again, the lack of making a believable "space" that the characters exist in.
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god i was more manga was talking heads
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Do you think this page has too many panels?
Looks fine to me.
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I think it definitely could be split into two pages with one having a bigger focus on the girl
Wow anon! It's look a lot better,
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Finally printed the first 5 chapters in a print store. It coast just 25 pila(5 dollars)
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Very nice, altarusia anon. It's great to have things physically in your hand.
This is your first foray. You haven't developed the skills you need yet. Both the art and writing are a mess, but because of this it would be wise not to pour your entire self into this single body of work. You can't strike yourself down if you suck because you've never really done this before and everyone's first work is a turd. (Mine is so ugly, catch me fucking dead posting that shit anywhere)
I've even seen artists that are great at art who's first comic blew ass. As it turns out, you need more than just being good at art to make something fun to read (If you have doubts about your work, try sitting through NINETY "cinematic" 1-3 panel pages where nothing happens. At least with yours we learned some things about the lore and world, jfc i've been around and seen some shit)

If you're determined, you'll make more and get better as you go and learn more lessons. Drawing comics is both the meat grinder and the reformer, it sucks but if you work hard and really try it will force rapid improvement. The ability to stick to something is more valuable than anything else starting out just because of this alone. 36 pages is no small feat, but you must do more.

I saw the other comment the anon gave him that just said "I liked the writing" ngl it just pissed me off a little because it doesn't say why or really say much of anything.
Haha, I appreciate you giving further advice. I'm aware that I can't let a poor performance stop me from ever trying again. I assure you, I wanted people to be rather blunt, because I knew that I would mess things up, and I also knew that I wouldn't be able to figure out where everything went wrong on my own. Simply posting a few pages I felt wouldn't be a true test of what I was capable of now, or more accurately, what I wasn't capable of.
>NINETY "cinematic" 1-3 panel pages where nothing happens
I wish to suffer, my curiosity is piqued.
It's by a popular twitter artist who draws cyberpunk styled stuff. The comic had a red floating skull, and overall it was very pretty, but it was clear he was an illustrator first. I would find it if I could but it's pretty much impossible to find anything via search anymore.
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Idk wtf I did but now my vector layer quick tab is gone. Can someone help me please?
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Another big one, 41 hours. It shouldn't have taken me all week but Elden Ring DLC had me distracted.
On to sketching the final scene now. Almost in the last stretch.
Just had a chat with my editor. If I complete it before August 10th it'll go in the issue release in September, so I have a date to aim for.
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I don't buddy, i have fuck up csp way more times that i have fix it...
But if you don't have many changes in the workstation, you could try to go back to you predetermined settings
just drag the panel wider, it'll pop back up lol
Wtf that took 41 hours? God dammm...why,
if you add up all the hours people all over the world spend jacking off to it, it's worth it
Yes this was it haha I’m a dumbass
For the spread, not the panel.
Even still, it's a lot. They're just polished to a sheen, that's all.
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2 days left but I'm almost done LET'S GOOOOOOOO
Nah, I totally see how the entire thing would take 41 hours. It seems like it's a lot but then you look at the time you clocked in for that piece and you're like "fucking how"
i'm not sure who you're talking about now but i initially thought you were referring to wlop's ghostblade. immensely skilled illustrator, very subpar comic creator.
Wlop is skilled, I don't think anyone but trolls would disagree. But my god is he a one note player. It's always "girl wearing ornate-lace-dress thing looking vaguely sad with sometimes an earring or a tiger in a palace." Like kudos to him, he draws what appeals to him but you've seen 2 or 3 you've seen it all
I feel like this is a problem with a lot of western comics. Cool art, worldbuilding and designs but weak narrative.
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Following this anon advice, I maked two pages from one and now I'm coloring the thing
Some of the stuff on the viz originals looks like it was done here, or on those dreadful you tube tutorials
I'm new here. WTF! You guys are so good it's motivating...
There's a lot of good anons outside of /mmg/ as well. But judiciously making comics certainly doesnt hurt since each page is essentially a minimum of 1-8 drawings on average.
Like the Anon above me said drawing comics is a good way to force you to draw, but I do think the bar is set kind of high to begin with since beginner artists don't tend to have the stamina nor the skill to draw manga.
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volume 2 cover
I really like this cover, pretty trippy. But dude, you need to come up with a better looking title design that doesnt look like you wrote out the words with your non-dominant hand in 30 seconds.
Kek you're right. I will try something better
My fellow comic creators, there's something I need to get off my chest. Besides making comics and reading other indie works (both here and elsewhere), I've realized that the overall community doesn't feel like the right fit for me anymore. Most people in this community enjoy otaku activities like going to conventions and cosplaying, which I used to enjoy as a teenager, but now it makes me feel uncomfortable and out of place. Like, I still enjoying comics, mangas etc but not in the way I used to.

Additionally, it seems there's a blend of otaku culture and political ideologies or movements. They advocate for tolerance but act like dictators if someone disagrees with them. Recently, I nearly got banned for saying: "If you can post all day about hating religion and loving your gay porn comic about devils, why can't he create a romance comic with an age gap (19 and 16)?"

I don't know if it's just me getting older and having a "boomer" moment, but everything seems more childish now. For instance, one of the oldest indie comic creators in my country made a video criticizing women for using spaces meant for selling comics to sell fashion jewelry and knick-knacks, which took away opportunities for others to promote their work. He was ostracized and had to apologize afterward, even though he was right.

I guess this IS the best place left
A lot of what you're talking about I can relate to. Some of it for me is that I like XYZ work, but god I can't stand the fanbase. And some fanbases are clearly worse than others. It's why after my teens I checked out immediately from any kind of otaku/manga/anime gatherings. Couldn't stand those people even if I happened to like some of the same stiff they did.

>romance comic with an age gap (19 and 16)?
I've noticed a growing trend in online spaces where there seems to be a push to infaticize people and their ability to make an intelligent choice until said person is around 25. People have taken the science that has shown that our brains as humans don't get the final finishing touches until 25, but then conveniently ignore that human brains are already overwhelmingly done developing by 16-18 anyway. Regardless, acting like a 19 year old and a 16 year old are light years apart is a bit of a stretch. Many places have Romeo/Juliet laws (or whatever the name is for where you live) for this reason.

Things do seem a bit more childish now, but I do have to wonder how much of that is simply because so many parents seem to have no issue with shoving smartphones into the hands of every single toddler and we're simply seeing the end results of that as years go by.
>16-18 anyway. Regardless, acting like a 19 year old and a 16 year old are light years apart is a bit of a stretch.
Anyway, it's not like they care; when they had the opportunity to simply fuck one, they did so, and when it comes to ''sex change'' or ''sexual education'' for children, they don't care. Everything is wrong, but they want to play morality in a geek community that is just as degenerate as they are. And, honestly, if we only analyze the physical body, there is no difference between a 16- and 18-year-old girl's bodies.
>we're simply seeing the end results of that as years go by.
The problem is I've seen people my age acting like this too. It's so bizarre seeing early millennials, who used to be politically incorrect, acting like 15-year-olds together with zoomers... What went wrong?
every now and then I step back and just cringe at my work
it's not actually that cringe compared to what else is out there, but it still kills me
I really want to turn this into a career, but I'm not a good creative writer, and I don't want to just write by tropes, I don't know what to do
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Insincerity is the only thing that's cringe. Just write about something you have a deep interest in and you'll be right.
Eh, you get over that self-consciousness.
English men do NOT look like femboys fyi
English men are NOT black and white cartoon characters fyi
>enough of your subterranean screeching
Fucking lol.
>You're a man now! You need sun and women!
Killed half of 4chan with that one kek
Draw comedy. You can be as cringe as you want as long as it's funny.
comic is finished and submitted :)
>don't want to just write by tropes
Technically, that's not really possible given that the whole point is that any kind of plot device/vehicle has already been done to death. But as long as you're writing something because YOU think its cool, that's all that matters. "Trope stories" as a label are more for stories that clearly were done by committees checking off boxes (i.e., Marvel movies and the like) to maximize audience retention for revenue purposes. You'll be fine anon, just write from your soul.
>have story I really want to tell via webcomic
>have drawing skills far below average and can't seem to improve no matter how hard I try
It'd over
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Much better mate.
pyw anon we can help
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This is my attempt at making the first page of my hypothetical comic. It's extremely cringe. I just don't know how to improve. Also I don't know how to color or shade or render and I don't know where to look to learn.
You can still hire another artist to do it for you
Looks P. cool to me. What do you want it to look like?
as the above anon says, i think depending on what you want then your art is perfectly fine. you definitely need to work on your line control, but that's something that comes with time and practice.
since i don't know what style you're going for, i can only really give you some generic videos that have helped me for the style i'm looking for:

>how to color
>or shade
>or render

if you post something you really hated where you're trying to go for the style you'd like to have but not quite getting it, it would be way easier to give advice on how to improve, so maybe try doing a side-by-side of a manga/anime/whatever you like where you're trying to replicate it exactly? also, how long have you been drawing and where you want to be would help to know to gauge how realistic your expectations even are.
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>read picrel today
>filled with an intense desire to completely reinvent my art
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Still better that my first pages ever, so you just grind, grind motherfucker, GRIND!!!
Had the same feeling reading Death disco
>scared that nobody will read my stuff so i never finish it every time i think about it
i’m ngmi
Love me some good landscapes.
I'll read your comic.
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>lines actually became way more thinner when i export
Why god is still messing with me
Is it intentional that the two characters look similar?
NTA but I would guess thats the father or older brother
>be me
>spend months working on a manga first chapter
>60 pages
>more than a year considering I rewrote it multiple times to at least ensure a basic art quality to start with and build from there
>ready, publish it at the beginning of the month in Manga Creators Plus by medibang and Shueisha to gather as many views as possible
>Entering the monthly top 10 is not the main objective but it would be nice
>Make sure it follows the basic guidelines
>Not gory and not the bloddiest, last month's top 5 is more explicit
>Some references to copyright material but last month's top 9 also has them
>Some heavy language but nothing out of the ordinary
>Yet a combination of all three to some degree
>Publish it
>Gets some good views despite being published at midnight
>go to sleep and wake up to it being privated by the staff and under supervision
>Most likely some fag kid reported it
>By the time is out of review, it will kill all momentum and it will be buried to obscurity
But now next time you'll spend much less than a year creating your manga. It's all a learning process, youre GMI, just keep going c:
It's happened to several of us, anon. Don't sweat it. Just keep posting, and post to as many public hosting sites as possible. Several anons here are in my opinion objectively pretty good and yet they do numbers that are absolutely pathetic compared to some of the slop out there that gets millions of views. Keep your chin up anon. Like >>7217908 said, you're GMI. But you have to keep going.
Thanks anons, it really helps.
Probably the most annoying thing was how unfair it seemed.
I have no problem losing to slop, I know I have a lot to improve on and if they get popular it's probably for a reason, it just feels bad to be cockblocked like that when it was doing well.
Is there anywhere I can publish so you guys can read it comfortably?
I need to change the dialogues to english though. I would post it here but, again, 1 image per post.
Might try publishing in the english Medibang page just for that.
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GlobalComix has an explicit no censorship platform and market that fact.
It was already made for Medibang's right to left only reading order.
Does it support it or do I have to edit it into the western reading order?
the anger and frustration was immeasurable when this happened to me first time and i was troubleshooting it

experiences like this really changes man
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Hey, at least see the bright side

... that you fixed it
GC lets you choose between horizontal and vertical scrolling. Regarding horizontal, I cannot remember if you have the option for pagination to go both directions or if its only one, sorry. At least if you opt for vertical that technically solves that problem.
but you don’t even know what my comic is about.. i hope you’ll read it, i hope someone will read it if i ever get the will to finish it
Trying and failing is the only way to learn. Just make something, it took me years of dumping garbage online to 0 viewers before I saw any real progress.
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First attempt at making a comic. Is it passable?
I'm going to be honest, you've lost me with the plot somewhat. She's into the guy (sort of) and imagining scenarios and....?
I need a girl who's first instinct when finding a loaded gun is to fire it at me.
this ain't manga
You are not Japanese
Sorry buddy but it looks more like something a tumblr woman would draw and magic comics about her and her quirky boyfriends wacky life.

Manga is a style around here.
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>22 pages out of 54 done
I thought that drawing the background would he easy...
I regret saying it, with all my heart, now if anybody now where i can look for advice on how to export i would really be thankful of that
Don't make me tap the sign.
>That said, everyone is welcome here.
then why not call it manga and comics general?
Because you can't ruin westoids false hopes of making manga despite that they'll never be Japanese
well they should at least try and not draw some bullshit that doesn't resemble anime/manga at all.
i mean, i’m technically on my 6th story attempt.. what made you finally start seeing progress? putting what you learned prior into action or just luck?
I don't think there's much of a plot, I just wrote it as I drew. But I do think I have a lot of trouble making the panels make sense. I thought it was obvious she was planning to steal his soda can on the 3rd page, but now that I look at it again it's not very obvious.
>Manga is a style around here.
No it's not.
It was just a matter of taking things more seriously and thinking more practically. Studying hard and actually evaluating my art as well as submitting to anyone I could.
they're literally posting their work so they can get better retard. do you think
>it's extremely cringe
means they don't know they need to improve? nobody's born an artist, if you want them to get better then say how.
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Working on a manga but I'm afraid of posting too slowly.
I've been planning on uploading ~15 pages every 2 months or so.

I know.... veeeery slow....
But I have a full time job too.

Do you guys think its possible to grow a decent fanbase off of this schedule?

>pic related the comic in question
Consistency is key
So yes, it's possible
>15 pages every 2 months or so
Other anons post even more slowly than you do lol. Hell, I think Aecast anon posts once every 9 months to a year. Granted it's like 50 pages at a time all at once, but still.
Consistency and frequency are the key. I guess it really depends on where you're uploading it, and how you want the story to be consumed, but instead of 15 pages every couple months, why not post like, two pages a week? Some sites, you'll actually thrive off of constant, small updates, rather than bigger chunks just a few times a year.
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That's actually a really good idea, anon.
I was thinking that, at least for me, it would be better to read a whole chapter at once instead of having the story drip-fed.
I don't know much about different places to upload - I was thinking of webtoons, or that one created by sheishua.
Do you guys have recommendations?

My plan was uploading it for free online and having a patreon with a single tier for 1 USD and maybe a "pay whatever you want" option on ko-fi.
>Extremely popular but will not only censor you but force you to make it look like you were never censored to begin with so they don't look bad because fuck you we're #1 and you're going to dance to our tune, monkey
- Webtoons

>Popular but will censor you for [insert reason here], will not require crazy editing
-Manga Plus Creators by Shueshia

>Not popular but will not censor
- GlobalComix
- NamiComi
- DuckComics
- ComicFury
If you're not posting too much, it's definitely better to post frequently in smaller doses. Some people like having something to read at all, and others will just wait months to catch up to stories in bulk, so if you don't post for months at a time then you'll only be losing out on that first group.
Most people on Comicfury actually prefer smaller updates vs longer ones, so I think if you're going to post anywhere try there first. Webtoons users are spoiled children and get mad when you don't post high-quality full color chapters weekly so I wouldn't recommend them, but I've heard Tapas doesn't get too bitchy about upload pace, and they're more supportive of non-scroll comics.

Ultimately though, you may as well post everywhere you can and just go from there. I don't think there's much to lose from that other than having to occasionally deal with someone being annoying about updates in your comments, but that's going to be unavoidable unfortunately. Also, personally I'd say pay what you want is the best for online work and I often give some money to things I see that use that model out of principle, but I haven't done it personally so I can't say how it plays out from a creator's perspective.
Really good to know!
Thank you guys.

I thought those websites would have non-competing agreements (having exclusivity clauses or something). Really interesting.
No problem, and nah all these sites just let anyone post on there (Comicfury even gives you your own domain). If you ever get into an exclusivity contract, you'll definitely know.
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What do you guys think about this as a cover? Is it cool or nah?
It has really cool flow. Love the idea of the sword being on top of the title!
I was actually planning on putting it behind but putting it in front would be cooler, ty.
>>7217886 anon here
Turned out actually pretty comfy, the edit and page ordering and manipulation is top notch.
You can publish in webtoon and print format with any reading orientation, so you can emulate both Webtoon's and Medibang's orientations. Will do an English translation for you guys.
>>Popular but will censor you for [insert reason here], will not require crazy editing
>-Manga Plus Creators by Shueshia
To be fair, while my comic was put under review in Manga Plus and is still under review, it wasn't the site's rules, but because some fag reported it as I was notified in the email.
I've seen pretty wild stuff allowed on Manga Plus, included a manga where a girl fucks a car, in panel, and has an hybrid kid that swears up a storm, so they're actually quite liberal.
I'm guessing is because my comic has the line "Choke on a cock and die", otherwise I don't know what else could have triggered someone.
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How ya guys ?
>I've seen pretty wild stuff allowed on Manga Plus, included a manga where a girl fucks a car, in panel, and has an hybrid kid that swears up a storm, so they're actually quite liberal.
Case in point, just now they released it from review without finding any issue.
In case you guys wanna read it, though it is in Spanish.
>Inb4 why the first 10 pages look so odd.
There were originally thought for Webcomic format, after I decided it was boring as hell, I adapted them to paneling format.
>not having a ninja in your manga
its almost like your not making a real manga
cool stuff, is this for a comic?
For somebody whose spanish is rusty, I was actually able to read and understand about 80% of what was written down, lol. This is not a had start for a comic. A few of the action panels could use a bit of clarification as I was not always sure sometimes how X creature was attacking Y creature. Felt sometimes like you had the musketeer popping out of the gecko almost randomly which I know is not your intention. Regardless please keep at it, I'd like to see your storytelling and art skills grow.
Sorry, typo. Meant to say "this is not a bad start to a comic."
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Made a 4koma
You mean this page?
Yes, stuff like that, and one or two other pages. I kind of got what was happening upon re-visiting pages during my first read through, but initially some panels were a bit hard to follow.
Yeah, I get it, I need to improve on action panels and, it was a bad combo of trying to experiment at the same time I still haven't understood the basics entirely.
Having said that, that page specifically was intentional, I was trying to show something ceasing to exist without fanfare or indication, simply disappearing.
At first I tried just making the main three panels, but decided it was too confusing, so I added the panels in black as some sort of transition.
Meant to this anon
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Everytime that i wake up, i enjoy that fogginess that there's in my mind, not knowing who i was... until i remember that i was the same motherfucker that told to myself "c'mon anon, make them talk in the stairs, it will be a cool scene"

I regret it since then
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This remind me those memes of genies, and my favorite one "how the genie looks at you after giving you a blowjob, but you didn't say wish"
Is it possible to make manga from stable diffusion now?
I have sketches of 18 pages but I don't know how to finish
>I don't know how to finish
Sounds like that's for the best
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Final scene is sketched, gonna start inking them right away instead of doing another full round of sketching. On a related note, if I finish it before august 10th it'll likely be in the september issue of the magazine. I'm not rushing to finish it, but giving myself an extra week to ink it gives a comfortable room for error to hit that soft deadline and potentially saves me some stress.
Looking good pornanon. Your workload pacing reasoning also makes sense.
which static website providers allow nsfw content?
I would like to put my gallery there

I will also say if you need something more like a gallery instead of solely a conventional webcomic hoster, you can also do Pixiv.
> want to draw stories that are captivating and mean something to me and how I express my ideas and philosophies

> Can only find joy/ apply myself when drawing meaningless neurotic shit

just do both
like, you want self-indulgent violence and sophistry? just do it all
you're probably a libertarian anyways so it'll fit
what content does pixiv censor?
Issue #2 cover.
A parody by++of the Quadrophenia album cover.
English release, out
Typical stuff most japanese sites do - loli and guro. Those are still allowed on the site but require users to check certain boxes in order to see that content. Also if you use AI generation for your artwork in any way you are required to label it as such.
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I'm not going finish this. My imagination is too unhinged
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I get panic attacks too sometimes during creating manga/comics. Super lame
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>panic attacks
Uh..... do you know what they're over specifically?
I've got anxiety and I can relate. I've got some rituals, maybe they'll help you too
turn off my phone completely
for digital close everything else and fullscreen csp
soft music or white noise
draw at the drawing-only desk
"drawing only desk"!!! bahaha, do you have an 'eating only desk' too?!
>its called a dinner table
no you.
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nta but i get it. sometimes you'll follow up a day where you could draw shit you never thought you could with a day where you can barely even draw gestures properly, and it gets scary thinking "what if i forgot how to draw anything forever?" or other similar nonsensical things that gets in your mind and you can't shake.
i have no clue how there are so many artists who can draw with strict deadlines, while also being pressured by fans and editors for not being good enough.
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>csp just crash before while i was doing the speech bubbles

My laptop is barely going on, i feel that between my laptop, my comic or myself, one of us isn't gonna make it to the end
>before i saved, while
Usually bold opinions. Or political, religious messages, jokes, any potentially controversial that could cause discord.

I've had it so bad my heart was pounding. I got up and waled away.
I've had intense moments of crying. It's a mystery
Looks good bro. I like how loose your inking is.
Kek, I assure you no one will give a shit and you should be more worried about getting people to read your comic at all.
It'll look like shit but you can try. Comics are the one thing that AI really can't be used for because you need consistency, and it can't do inking or tones well. It will look nothing like your style even if you train it off of your work, it has no sovl. I've seen webcomics created with AI, and they're a cheap confusing fucking mess with no coherency. The most you can use it for is auto-filling out background sketches n shit, even then it's just not as good as it'd be if you just did it yourself. The fact that you're asking this probably means you're not good at drawing; in this case, draw more.
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I almost had some too, but the shit finally it's coming together...
Although i do not trust myself being this steady
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Agreed. My comics are cringe. I usually delete them.
This has been a strange thread. Just draw, bros. It's not that hard.
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Full time job is eating my time and soul so much I hardly make any progress on my one shot at all, I have not been even touching my comic for 2 months now.
Fuck this shit.
Is there any job whether part time or freelance or anything where I spend most of working hours just sitting down and standing by?
I would like to be able to draw all day and night but can still pay my bills.
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Page done I guess
Deleting is the worst you can do. If you delete you'll have no way to look back at your progress, and lose the ability to analyze your work, which means you're making it harder for yourself to improve on purpose
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Cheezus fucking christ, i'm sorry for saying this, but you really seems like a retard on this one, that other anon is right, keeping the bad tries makes you be able to get better from there

Is like writting a paragraph, then deleting, then try to do something similar again, and then realize that you can't remember what the first paragraph said and then you either end up with something worst that the first try or similar

but the point is that you are getting yourself running on circles anon

I have like like 1000 images in total with bad tries that i used look at
you're not working for anyone, that only happens if it becomes a job. Otherwise it's more like DA where you just have a space to host things.

Good job. Over 1000 images of old, previous content. Nice.

I've deleted everything I've ever made since I started. Gotta be over 3000 paintings, sketches, Mangas, animations
Okay, retard.
I will art battle you.
why are hentai artists so skilled...
Hentai artists come in two camps. Either they're some of the best in the business because they want to portray the human body well, or they're some of the laziest trash artists that barely can go beyond /beg/ status because "why bother people will jack off to it regardless" (and they aren't entirely wrong either ).

Was drawing some tentacles myself the other day and was like "shit, how do I make it look properly fleshy." Two secinds after visiting a booru I immediately knew how to draw them better. Good hentai artists are great like that.
Because hentai isn't actually manga, it's just porn with panels and bubbles. If it isn't minimally anatomically correct people will get turned off by it. Normal comic artists don't have the same problem so they can hide their actual art skill behind simple designs.

Go on.
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Coloured it
Anyone know a place I can post this sort of stupid one-page comic besides twitter?
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Hand usage
could they tell if I'm using generative AI art in the competition?
AI's one greatest weakness is that it fails at repetitive consistency panel after panel after panel. It's also easy to notice the flaws to anyone that has seen AI art before, especially competition judges. Pick up your pencil or stylus and get to work, anon.
those are some well drawn Joshua Trees
what competition nigga... and yes, they will know.
It's really rare that I find hentai art that I like. Maybe I'm just picky.
what does finishing a page mean?
at what point do I know I complete this page?
When the inks are done and the letters are placed.
you might have a backup saved, csp saves once in a while
You can do that in 2 minutes. "done" means it passes quality control, which never ends.
pixiv is the choice for mangakas because its the most Japanese social media
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It blew off thanks to the automatic save, that's why i had to make them increase the time between saves a time ago
I wonder how pixiv feels about filthy gaijins taking over their site. Nowadays if you look at the newest posts there's about one English post every 10 Japanese ones.
I feel like porn art is starting to fold in on itself. Yeah, they usually have good anatomy but they very rarely present things in a subtle or creative way, they mostly just copy each other which has resulted in weird shit like x ray shots and floating hands, which are just immersion breaking nonsense, becoming popular. Most hentai feels like a series of pin ups rather than a cohesive story.
I've been procrastinating on my comic for two fucking weeks. If I don't finish a page tonite I will kill myself. That's the challenge I've set.
lol that was me to myself last night about today. Well it was more like a couple days not working but I still felt guilty...but the page I'm working on today is going well so I get to live!
Yeah I bet theyre digusted by making more money
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I also have been procrastinating more than i should, but the good thing it's that i spring back right at it, i was going too slow trying to do the full pages with took me some time to finish, but now i'm just going on doing the background lineart and i have done 6 pages in 2 days, and i'm finally about to finish the stairs scene, wich was the last one that needed so much precision, from now on i just need to do rubble, more rubble, and you might not believe this, but more rubble

Also some puddles
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>didn't read the "i'm kill myself" part
>post that picture
I'm sorry anon, i forgot to say in my post that you shouldn't push yourself to fully finish your pages, instead just go doing some full steps first, that why i post that picture

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