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Show us your projects, big and small!

A project can be anything including but not limited to:
>a manga/comic
>a short animated film
>piece(s) for an art exhibition
>video game assets
>series of illustrations

>What type of project are you working on?

>What inspired you to create this?

>How far are you into your project?

> Any previous projects?

>Any social media?

>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?

Per usual, don't respond to bait and simply report/ignore anything that isn't conducive to drawing.
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And of course, I'll start:

>What type of project are you working on?
A series of music videos for my OCs in "The Legend of Akio." It's supposed to tell the story of a samurai on his journey towards enlightenment as he travels through the paranormally infested jungles of Japexico (yes we do a little shitposting)
Currently bouncing between making smaller animation memes for practice and building more serious stuff while I farm gains.

>What inspired you to create this?
I love music videos like you wouldn't believe (stuff like Chemical Brothers, The Avalanches, etc always inspired me growing up.) I figured I might as well stop beating around the bush and lock in.

>How far are you into your project?
Just a few videos in, currently in the character trailers phase so I got a looong road ahead of me. But it's cool I'm having lots of fun making these.

>Any previous projects?
This one was for a server event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ePLy7Ddcp4&ab_channel=BriBri
And this one was a character trailer I made for one of my ghosts to get into the groove of things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nc-3mbN2zA&ab_channel=BriBri

>Any social media?
@BriBriMeese on twitter

>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?
Yes, please! Any tips or feedback is great, help me make cooler stuff in the future!
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Really cool thread idea anon, unfortunately I don't have any projects of my own but wishing you all the best on yours.

Mexico and Japan is such an interesting mix, I wonder if you'll mix up Yokai and things like the Chupacabra etc Would love to see those ideas.

>What type of project are you working on?
I lost count, because I keep thinking of new ones, but a personal project I've gotten the furthest in and dedicated myself to this time is an artbook/zine I'm working on.

>What inspired you to create this?
I wanted to just sell all the art and stuff I was making in one book. Also, a great way to build a portfolio of work. I also want it to be a stepping stone to a much bigger idea I have in mind, but we'll see how this goes.

>>How far are you into your project?
I got some stuff, took a bit a detour. I am not sure if I can include what I'm working now in it, but I guess I'm making 2 zines/art books now. I have the first one worked out, but not the 2nd one. I have freelance projects interspersed in between.

> Any previous projects?
I've done some stuff over the years, but I make a small artbook some years ago, but tbqh I need to make another one. Anything else I've done has been with other people.

>>Any social media?
Yes, but it's ok. I haven't even announced my intentions there, yet. I hate saying I'm going to work on something and it doesn't pan out even though that's been happening to me a LOT.

>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?
Not at this time.
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>Mexico and Japan is such an interesting mix, I wonder if you'll mix up Yokai and things like the Chupacabra etc Would love to see those ideas.
Thank you! I made Japexico the way it is because I couldn't decide which folklore to go with and decided it'd be fun to mix the aesthetics on top of it. Plus it opens up a ton of doors to make my own concoctions but I'll have to keep ironing those out for now.
I'm surprised you mentioned the Chupacabra because that's actually Dusty's main antagonist (the guy with the donkey ears in pic related)
As for the yokai, Akio's spirit guide (the rooster) is based on a Basan and can breathe fire, and one of the first spirits he has to confront is La Llorona (also in pic related)

Overall thanks for the interest! I'll be sure to keep posting updates as I keep building upon it.
Love the moai btw, I think it's based as fuck that you're always posting work and encouraging others to do the same. One of our strongest soldiers fr fr

Would love to see a WIP or previous work. Best of luck on your zines, anon. May I ask what they're going to entail? Fanart, original work, etc?
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hey I've seen your work around a lot on this board, glad you're throwing positivity and showing off a lot with your music video project. really cute stuff and I hope you keep the grind going, always fun to see more projects in the world.

questionnaire time
wanted to do animated shorts for a while but got burnt out hard, so I'm doing a webcomic instead. mainly for myself.
lobcorp, SCP, just monster stuff in general. I think it's also just me feeling a bit hollow with recent horror content too and wanting to make my own, along with some bad personal experiences that I want to express through some sort of means.
>how far?
been working on it since may of 2023 but have done things with the characters even earlier than that. had a massive haitus with comic work due to college though. currently trying to continue now, but I gotta animate for some people and unpack a house so it's still gonna be on the backburner for a while. hate how unproductive I've been with it.
>previous projects?
>social media
I would drop but I'm really obnoxious on social media so I'm not saying
I don't think there's enough substantial work done to be critiqued since it's not close to done (pic related) but I don't mind anyways if there's any pointers here towards my art style. I've gotten a lot of mixed reception from people here on this board relating to my art so I'm not entirely sure where it stands.

thank you for the survey lite stuff as it always makes my brain's form filling urge feel good, and have a gn lurking anons
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I write a /qst/ about being the body guard of a twink prince (bratty). Its like interactive fiction, you vote on what happens next in the story. >>>/qst/6023570 lets see if I remember how to cross board link.

I should be working on a video game like I always planned but here we are.
How do you decide the projects you want to do?
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Some are driven by passion, others by existential anxiety and dread after having drawn hundreds of figure poses with simple or no background, porn or something other that doesn't feel meaningful or interesting or they're simply embarrassed or even disgusted by what they've ended up drawing for money or they simply feel like they can't take peide in their illustrations because what's the point of drawing anime girls in void when there are literally millions of other drawings made other artists so even if you reach the maximum level of skill it will only be appreciated by 15 second attention span ssri coombrain zoomers on twitter and dismissed as worthless by any reputable art critic, gallery, collector and the public as a whole.

But if you're good at drawing floatibg anime girls in void you do have the skills to make good art, right?
Well you don't because immediately once you start working on anything morw complicated like that, for example a comic you will feel crushed by the sudden realization that you basically have to start from zero because your writing sucks and you can only scribble the most boring, generic and uncreative plot slop imaginable and not only that but also your drawing skills are inadequate after drawing the same thing over and over again so you need to relearn composition for panels, pacing, aesthetic style, change your art style and sketching technique, narrative colour theory and worst of all, you must be creative instead of just doing what everyone else has already done.
And if you're used to drawing porn, you will constantly insert your fetishes into your visual story without even realizing it and since your follower base, even if you might not want to admit it, consists of people who give absolutely no fucks about art and are only looking to jerk off, will be alienated by your respectable, story-driven, clean project and you will realize that all those followers on your twitter were completely worthless, you prostituted your art
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The whole japeomexico concept is unqiue, if not a bit weird, idk if the avg normal fag will like it. How did you make such a ridculious concept anyhow?
KEEP DOING THE SHORTS ANON, I BELIEVE IN YA. Also scp is a mid ass inspo, but thats just me.

>What type of project are you working on?
Parody music video with frens, its prob the second biggest collab i've been in with /ic/ anons The whole then will resolve around an oc called willie teaching people how to be better at fucking with people online. In total 4 people are working on it.
>What inspired you to create this?
Mostly obscure piano,early synth, and experimental cartoons from the 70s to early 80s. Think dr demento.

>How far are you into your project?
Just started, i have a heavy demo fl file that is just bass and chords, but here is a sitched up version, my vocals are ass and have shitty mixing.
>Any previous projects
Ive done some community stuff with /g/(dmg), but i tend to work well with others because of a ungodly amount of reasons.
>Any social media
I do, but im not gonna post em on 4chan of all places lmfao, i don't want my viewers to think im a racist or anything of nature, especially since i'm just starting to get a small crowd who likes my art.
>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?
Sure, be harsh, i lile it.
I think it's called meximanga?

A mexican comic artist told me about it a few years back and apparently there are conventions and everything for that in mexico, I've seen a few meximanga comics iver the years and mexicanized american superhero comics too
Will the parody music video have instructions on how to groom underage discord users online?
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skimmed through the thread and honestly so full of sovl, your art really adds a lot to the story aspect and the interactivity with others influencing it is also really fun to see too. gay as hell but the good gay as hell. I hope your finger is doing better though after that accident, ouch.

thank you anon legit. your project sounds really fun and I hope the four of you are all having a blast with creating the music videos. you guys better have some great fuckery tactics of course, don't let willie down.
critique wise, I'm not a musician but the song did sound pretty rough on the ears, I know you said you didn't mix it that well but it's lesser on the mixing and more just on the base synth stuff being really repetitive and grating. I think the reverb-y/float-y vocals work well with the other softer synth I think I heard, but it's just that one constant beeping synth that is at the beginning that's killing me. I know older experimental synth does sound a bit rough and grating, but it doesn't feel intentional here. keep going at it of course though, only way to improve is to just keep on making music.

and also yeah I agree, most things with SCP are just mid as hell, but it was the most popular and widely understood thing I could really compare my inspirations to. I guess it's more of a rip off of the base concept more than anything just because I like the facility setting with monsters being there, but man a lot of stories told with it really aren't that good. I have some more drawings on concepts that might explain aspects of it better than I can with words (mainly environment things, pic rel), but at the same time I can only really comprehend them as "surrealish".
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>What type of project are you working on?
A visual novel!

>What inspired you to create this?
I love VNs and always wanted to make my own! I also want to write something with heavy themes, and I feel like the genre I'm writing for isn't usually known for it.

>How far are you into your project?
Early stages. I'm working on sprites right now after completing the first round of BGs.

> Any previous projects?
This is my first one.

>Any social media?
@pedeS1ayer, twitter

>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?
Sure! Any feedback/thoughts on the visuals would be appreciated.

I love these designs so much! I can't wait to see them in action!

Interesting set of inspirations anon! I recently got roped into playing a game apart of the same universe as lobcorp, I think. Seems like a very interesting setting. Good luck!
Bumping a GMI thread.
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A lot of trial and error, making all kinds of things and seeing what gave me the most fulfillment while creating. I've done anything from submitting oil paintings to galleries to editing/drawing group animatics and even sculpting once upon a time. It eventually became apparent that the type of work that makes me the most excited to work is making music videos, at least for the moment!

Thanks, anon! I appreciate the kind words.
I love spooky stuff so I doubly look forward to seeing what you cook up. As for the art style, I may be biased since I like a lot of RPGmaker horror stuff but I think you can make it work so long as you play your cards right, it's your vision so I'm sure you probably have an idea of how it's going to look. Best of luck!

>writing on top of drawing
I fucking kneel, godspeed anon I wonder if the game you're talking about might be a VN? But regardless this is immense chad energy

Thank you! The setting isn't for everybody but that's fine, the intention is to have a good time after all lol
I made the concept after deliberating on whether I should commit to writing about yokai or choosing between some of my favorite legends from down south. Though after learning some history (Did you know that once upon a time Mexico had samurai, cowboys, and pirates roaming around all at the same time? Me neither!) I thought, why not choose both? I'm not from Mexico nor am I going to pretend to know anything in-depth about Japan, but if I mix them I can create my own universe that plays with all the things while still having room to create my own entities.

Hmm very interesting, never heard of it until now but it sounds like they're having fun!

Gorgeous work, your art style is so clean and refined yet so fun to stare at (holy shape-language and the patterns oOooOoo) This game is going to be a real treat for sure. And thank you for the kind words!

(you)ing a GMI post
Hmm I will post project updates! Hope that's ok B)
Took a quick break and hopped on an animation meme wagon. It was fun to slow down a little bit but now it's back to the grind...

Uno mas bump
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gmi thread
>>What type of project are you working on?
I have a project but it's a bit weird and hard to explain. At this point I have no idea if I have a genuinely interesting and different idea or if it's just confusing for the sake of being confusing. I've been told I'm a very competent writer with an unique drawing style but it still doesn't HIT, you know? When is it hugboxing or coddling?

It's a dark comedy about a fictional fantasy country following a special force of governors and law enforcers, it's very political and all the characters are schemers with their own goals, but it's also very heartfelt and bizarre. I want something enjoyable and funny to read but not necessarily relatable. There isn't a main character though, it's all about the force. I loooove coming up with dialogue and scenarios in which the characters can be petty or violent. The grimdark scale is a meme but it's grimbright maybe?

>What inspired you to create this?
15+ years of profound stupidity with a co-writer

>How far are you into your project?
I'd say I'm about at the the midpoint. I need to literally just do something and start shilling, I can't stay in the planning stage forever. I've been glad to rework and tune it endlessly, this is a double edged sword though, it has allowed me to make many improvements but now I absolutely won't do anything until it's absolutely perfect and ready to go (never ever ever) and I don't plan to advertise in brazil for the time being

>Any previous projects?
None at all. I want to participate in something somewhere but I have no idea how to put myself out there.

>Any social media?
I hate being perceived but I've begrudgingly created some socials. I want people to notice me while at the same time not pointing arrows at myself. I have no idea why.

>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?
II can't lurk forever, so I'm open to it.
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Cool thread OP.

I'm making a game in RPGMaker
Would it be stupid to make my first comic around 400-500 pages or so?
bumping with a storyboard. I'm making a couple of these to see which one I want to make next.

Your work is lovely, anon. Your politicians look adorable too, I wanna know more.

This looks sick, I wanna play!!!

Some things to consider:

I want to make an RPG maker game so bad too, but I have no dev experience at all. I wrote down the specific mechanics I wanted for my game and narrowed down a pretty nice scope so I don't get decimated by scope creep but I feel like I only have the skills to make a comic. Shit I still want to do it some time in the future. But the solo dev life is seriously not for me I need a 1+ or a 2+ or I get big enough through art so that I can get some volunteers or ideally pay people to help me
Thanks anon. Really appreciate it.
RPGmaker is very intuitive for nocoders if you want turn based combat. Seriously I have absolutely zero programming knowledge and in a week I managed to get
>isometric mapping
>isometric movement
>dynamic shadows using 2d assets
>collisions and y sorting
>enemy sprite placement
done. I'm actually really proud of it because RPG maker is a top down game engine too.

In another week I managed to get a custom ui built.

Just give it a shot, its a lot of fun. I tried comics too but I'm much more suited for games. I have a very specific narrow scope though that is my guiding light which keeps me from getting feature crept.
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What if I am working in a project that spans multiple novels with illustrations and music? How do I talk about that?
What's the theme/genre of your project? Is it NSFW stuff?
Depends on the story. The main one is modern fantasy, think Earthbound or FFXV.
>Is it NSFW stuff?
No, drawing genitals disgusts me, and the protags are mainly teenagers and non humans so it would be kind of weird.
art and plot synopsis or progress updates or just whatever about the proj you want to talk about
>What type of project are you working on?
I’m illustrating and Co writing a comic

>What inspired you to create this?
My scenarist’s cousin is an unemployed voice actress who asked him to write her a story because he was in cinema school, he talked about an old project I ended up loving it. We initially wanted to animate it but it’s too complicated for me to do alone so it’s gonna be a comic instead.

>How far are you into your project?
There’s 3 season of eight episode. Season 1 needs to be beta’d and the other to are roughly shaped.

> Any previous projects?
Short films for him, lots of illustration for me. It is our first time experimenting with comics.

>Any social media?
@reirozen it’s dead, the few panels of comic I did are obsolete as I’m working on changing the general style. I have too many irl people on it for me to feel confident posting so im moving to @roeklose (haven’t started)

>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?

Cool thread, I felt less alone reading everyone’s project.
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>What type of project are you working on?
A novel with music and images.
>What inspired you to create this?
Nothing, it spawned from thin air when I was a kid, although in the beginning it had heavily inspiration on Ben 10, I have been leaning away from it as time went on.
>How far are you into your project?
Its technically finished, I know how starts, I know how it ends, but I need to write the thing down and make it happen, the thing has 6 sagas and 2 of them are written down, with the others already planned.
>Any social media?
Yeah, but I dont post my stuff there.
>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?
I need to learn how to take criticism, so sure, why not.
Edgy (in a melancholic way) meta story about a kid who screwed up beyond repair and is trying to fix things while dealing with the consequences of his actions.
Im doing it in HTML format because Im stupid and I wanted to add interactivity, such as music, fancy effects, drawings and some animations.
Im currently in the middle of a massive rework, changing the bad story details, reworking character designs and remaking the music.
Pic related is the kid, his current design is a bit different.
>What type of project are you working on?
different comic / mangas. but they are interconnected and have a central story. I'll post more about it later. I'm on the toilet.

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