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I once heard a professional artist say AI will never replace human art, it will just be a tool.
Now I know what he meant
why did my filter not catch this post
did something happen? they seem desperate recently
Ai was already a tool, they used it on spiderverse to help with in betweens. The difference is that they only used their own stuff and not stolen art churned into amalgamated slop
What AI is that?
It changed a lot of things in his work that made the sketch a bit more appealing; the small thick eye brows have become thin lines; the X looking squint of the right eyes has become more standard looking and lost its charm; the hatching of the open eye has completely disappeared; the sharp angles of the scrunchy have become curved; it's added details that weren't there, such as on the hand that's on the face; so on and so forth.
Though, this could be a nice way to very quickly clean up a sketch for a brain-dead client, or as a way to speed up a rush-job, but it's not at the point where it should replace someone doing the inking on their own work yet.
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Between the statistics that AI hasn’t actually effected artist’s income with sites like patreon, many start ups finally seeing some Litigation for copyright infringement, AI image generators getting into creative fields and immediately getting fired because whatever feedback or notes they got they couldn’t make corrections on and general opinion of AI (ranging from utter disdain at the worst to disinterest at the best) steadily worsening, AIjeets are scrambling to maintain some form of hold over their idea that AI is the future. When in reality it’s a “solution” looking for a problem. AKA: utterly useless. AIfags I implore you bow out now and save yourself from further embarrassment.
>ultra generic souless anime style so traced and repeatable that even ai can replicate
and nothing of worth was lost
pyw, also I think your speech insulted most artists than AI
he's right nothing was lost. Anime is so fucking easy to replicate and copy that even ai can do it perfectly. Doesn't help that the vast majority of anime artist copy each other and work comes out as the same. The only difference between each work is the way they used colors/rendering, even then it's still mostly the same. It's rare to find an anime style or artist that's actually not some soulless copy.
AI is a solution.... to the problem "how can I get out drawing". But that's only a problem for people who don't like to draw.
I'm confused, your picture shows an example of AI not replacing human art. The human part was essential to reach that result, and said result looks more like a wonky mid-step rather than a finished product.
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You're right, there's a general disdain or indifference for AI art by non artists.
The general public isn't a fan of AI for multiple reasons, from fear for the future to how AI is fucking them in the ass right now.
Women hate AI because of deepfakes & older people hate it because of AI scams.
Creatives in general, not just artists, hate it for obvious reasons, from writers and singers to (voice) actors.
People with ethics and morals, regardless of artistic skills, hate it too.
Programmers are sick and tired of it because Copilot and Devin are near useless in the job but upper management keep pushing for it because of le future.
The general population don't really care for it, plenty of people already stopped using it and went back to consumer mode, they got bored fast.
I genuinely believe that most people don't really want to be creators, they just wanna consume slop non stop, it's easier and comfy.
Unless you invested your money in AI or you make money from it somehow, there's no point in keep using it.
At least some artists enjoy the act of drawing, the process, so even if they don't make money from art, and most won't, there's no point in worrying about AI.
> it still fucks up the hands
There's also the simple fact that it's not profitable, so the bean counters can't actually muster enthusiasm for it. None of this tech stuff is profitable because it's basically information railroads: useless for a profit once everyone's connected, but great as infrastructure. And we're finally reaching everyone's connected.
it's why the major players (openai) are pivoting towards state contracts. Microsoft can only bankroll the AI money-sink for so long, but if you can spin AI into a matter of national security like Qualcomm did with 5G youll get trillions.

> i need a bajillion dollars to build a new AI chip for reasons
t sam altman ig
it also gives them a convenient scapegoat when AGI/ASI inevitably doesnt materialize in 5 years.

> muh state regulation is why our models still suck
> if only we could say the word we'd have self driving cars now
its such a 4d chess move
>it’s a “solution” looking for a problem
the naive and idiotic sort of ai boosters think it's the solution for capitalism. apparently you defeat capitalism by making money with get-rich-quick scams. like nfts...
tech moguls are all blatant wannabe world dictators.
"give me immunity and all the power and money, and i will create utopia"
it's a 2d chess move, but for some reason many people believe them
Very whitepilling. These last couple years have been rough but the sun is starting to peak out from behind the clouds.
>deletes detail
I unironically think this is still better than using a 3d ref, at least it won't limit/change your idea like in >>7183358
The only space where it’s really being used is by Zoomers whi have deluded themselves into thinking character ai is a real friend/ relationship partner.
I hate ai for the same reason I hate moeblob isekai or mcu trash; it's samey and uninteresting and completely unmotivated. The only service it provides is showing normies that "idea guys" are fucking terrible and useless.
I could write a book about this whole fiasco, but you have to understand that the Silicon Valley has been searching for its new messiah ever since Steve Jobs thought you could cure prostate cancer by drinking lemon juice, and they found one in Sam Altman. Except Altman is a laughable fraud, a grifter who continuously failed upwards, a man described as «The Michael Jordan of listening» (lmao). What Altman has done is essentially suck up to Y combinator’s founder, in order to get in on extremely lucrative deals with companies like Airbnb, getting rich in the process. But the real kick in the nuts was the Apple conference a week ago, Apple announced it was putting AI in their phones! Hundreds of millions will now use AI! Well, that is, after a long laborious talk trying to convince us all that Apple loves privacy, right guys? Wink wink. The most interesting bit of the conference tho was at the end of a nearly two hour talk, announcing that ChatGPT will be offered to all Apple users in the future. The deal that would cement Sam Altman hold on Silicon Valley and OpenAI turned out to be a two minute announcement stapled to the main course. Despite the media’s romanticization of Sam Altman’s incredible technology, Apple’s approach is one that begins and ends with them saying “do you really want to use this?” and a remarkable lack of excitement or trust. It gets even funnier though, Apple’s deal doesn’t appear to pay OpenAI for using ChatGPT, meaning that OpenAI’s deal will immediately lose them money from the second iOS 18 launches.This deal is equal parts perilous and hilarious, and something that could genuinely end up hurting OpenAI, all while insulating Apple. In the event that this integration actually sees adoption by Apple’s hundreds of millions of users, it will cost OpenAI an incredible amount of money thanks to the compute and energy-intensive nature of ChatGPT. Clown shit
they are desperate to normalize AI to the point they can run with the idea that "if you aren't using AI, you will fall behind", there is no other play but to burn as much investment money as needed to achieve this
The reason AI took off like it did is that there’s a monstrous amount of liquidity sloshing around, and desperate to find something to be invested in. Unfortunately for rich people, regular joes like us have found out a while back that all Silicon Valley does now is iterate the same old shut year after year. Silicon Valley used to be very good at pushing a product out and immediately creating a whole new market for it, une fortunately that time has now passed and the people in charge are slowly starting to panic and are essentially throwing shit at the wall, hoping that something will stick. The shit being AI, and the wall being any fucking software or tech you can imagine, the MASSIVE problem of course is, what the fuck do LLM’s and GenAI actually do? No one can give you a straight answer, and the fantastical Sam Altman consistently lies about what his fabulous models can do. It’s a massive circus and we are the unwilling spectators.
Then why 99% of western artists fail so miserably at drawing anime?
I'd like to have that. Drawing clean lineart after the final sketch is done is so boring but desu the right one's result is still... feels like beg tier lineart at some parts lol.
ah yes, 3 trillion generic anime girls in the same style will kill the prices of art /sarc
hilarious, it makes me see the sketch on left and wish i could see the author improve, but knowing he used AI even once... he's just trash to me now and i'd unfollow on twitter. I'm not even against AI, but that's just the effect it has on me. People on twitter want to see what YOU can do, it's a social event. Shit you draw isn't "consumed", this is the key point. It remains forever.
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What's also funny is that it mostly appeals to boomers. The only groundbreaking technology that has more adoption among old people on facebook than teenagers lol.
Because most try to be different or wanting to have their own style. If they wanted to, they would have done it a longtime ago. Westerners care about style more than East. East don't care about be copying the same style, while Westerns do.
Why else you see so many complaints from the west side like same face, boring, etc? They want something unique and hate consuming the same thing over and over again.
how is this any different when most animes are copy and paste?
No job market for animu style in the west
>I could do it easily. I just don't feel like it
The ultimate cope of all copes
Anime is not that complex, well the pass produced/generic version of it. Ai has easily been able to copy/produce that style of anime quite easily, since how much of it was drawn and post it. It's not ok to cope like this anon.
No glorious nippon genes, any weeb must commit seppuku and hope to be reborn as japanese if they wish to draw an on model Sailor Moon
>All the AIslop threads being bumped at the same time
>spend time writing detailed post on market forces artificially pushing AI on everything/everyone
>retards sperg out over anime instead of having interesting discussion
>every AI spam thread devolves into the same pattern
You faggots deserve to be naturalish selectionad by AI, fuck this stupid board
i think that's because it was marketed to them on facebook, where they all squat despite the brain-rape algorithms and ads
"dumbfucks" indeed as zuck said
this actually proves his point. Cal arts style has developed just like anime did, as a necessity for a clear animation style, so repeatability and consistent product delivery. Anime avoided that issue in great degree because of its traditionalist manga and light novel culture. That pushed anime to try different styles to maintain illustrator and manga-ka styles, while sacrificing animation frames and that further pushed it into making adult-themed and artistic works. Later they even competed in animation frames thanks to the likes of ghibli referencing disney animation fluidity.
The cal arts style is entirely based on quick appeal and didn't have that input, so it's more like modern anime in that sense, which tends to look bland, use 3D poorly etc. to save on labor costs, so competing on just quick production and shoveling new works every season
It's like elder millennial and up that are into it, not just facebook. Like the Midjourney guy said, they catered the whole thing around what they thought a 38 year old male would be into. I think it also appeals to people who have long since given up on any creative aspirations but who might have held some at one point, and who now get to have the results without doing any of the work.
Definitely my experience that 38 year old boomers are the main users. Even the kids I know who have used it only did it because their dads pushed them to use it.
the younger gen will shill more ai as time goes on, they are already using chatgpt through out school. unironically gen z and millennials might be the last gen to care about tradition.
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>gen z cares about tradition
>breaks thumb
>dislocates shoulder
>glues hair to the head
>scrubs small details
>adds Escheresque junk
wOw so stronk
it's because millennials used facebook as kids, that's it. I'm sorry but my gf's brother (17) watch AI youtubers every day and plays gacha games and thinks AI is the future and he doesn't have to get a job. I wish i was lying
>but my gf's brother (17) watch AI youtubers every day and plays gacha games and thinks AI is the future and he doesn't have to get a job.
And kids in the 70's thought they could fuck around and sniff glue all day, and they wouldn't need to get a job because they were all gonna die in a nuclear war, or the communist revolution was gonna happen any day now. Times don't really change.
I'd like to see a human create this.
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All I'll say on the matter is this. The regulations that "artists" on Twitter want to enact will only benefit corporations who already have massive archives of proprietary images to feed their AI models (eg Adobe, Disney, WB) and corporations with the sheer financial resources to afford licensing (eg Google, Microsoft). They'd already have all the art and models they need, so most artists would be no less strained for work and smaller studios would get steamrolled by the sheer scale of production. It's tiring to see AI stuff in a paid product and some people act like it's the second coming of Christ, but I think people should be generally free to use it for their own personal use or even to spitball ideas before entering the early stages of concept art. I get the sense that most people on social media who are vehemently against AI don't have the bigger picture in mind, but rather see it as competition for Internet OC commissions.
I know it sounds crazy, but the group that hates ai slop the most are gen z. a good chunk of gen z still don't like porn or hate coomers, onlyfans, etc.
you post your work crab
Really if it was just reduced to personal use that wouldn’t be a big deal, it’d honestly be no worse than like someone reposting art without credit. Aslong as there is some sort of law or policy in place to keep it from have too much of a presence in things like film or music then that’s probably the best middle ground that could be reached
I like this 3D uncanny valley art style. It's great because nobody draws like that. Right now too many Aifags focus on emulating popular art styles over creating something new.
I like AI, because it makes traditionl art more valueable. I think only people who produce generic stuff really get affected by AI. People with real talent are irreplaceable
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>AI will never improve
the dumbest take ever made when it has done nothing BUT rapidly improve from previous iterations
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but anyway, I'm precipitating waifus out of entropic noise, and I love it.
AI gens have literally not changed from a year ago but okay
>Go to /v/, ai threads
>Go to /a/, ai threads
>Go to /ic/, ai threads
Okay this shit needs it own board so it can be share the same fate as /mlp/.
Honestly just feels like an inorganic AI shill raid when 5 threads pop up out of nowhere and you have retards like this on /ic/ >>7214124
We've been pretty AI free for the most part as a whole though
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>it didn't leap forward last year, this means it will never improve again, ever.
i stand by what I said
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>and you have retards like this on /ic/
I must be the only A.I. user who is also trying to learn how to draw
>has done nothing BUT rapidly improve
>it didn't leap forward last year
why do you try to be smart with 100IQ?
You think big corpos will get away with AI rehashing music? You can hook zoomers on garbage only in so long they can use it to relate to their friends. Zoomers don't give a shit which music is good, they only care it's what their friends listen to. "Oh you heard latest Ai song #384773?" won't ever work. Most kids will just find some dumb meme to relate about instead
Thanks! I am trying to do something unique hopefully by generating photorealistic content but with our favorite characters and monsters.

>Re-examined pic after posting only to realize their legs kind of blend together in the center of the photo.

>My apologies, here's another
>I am trying to do something unique hopefully by generating photorealistic content but with our favorite characters and monsters.
That was already done, nigger. Is this even considered painting/drawing discuss? shouldn't you post in 3D?
here's the thing, most people don't like ai slop. Making a board dedicated for will just die out, so ai shitters have spread their garbage in those boards because if they don't, no one will see it. ai dedicated art sites fucking dies out cause no one goes to those site.
this looks like some retarded photoshop you would see in those ads while watching/reading pirated anime/manga. Is that all you shitters can do? seriously?
>it leaped once in 7 years so surely another breakthrough is behind the door
just draw
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>many start ups finally seeing some Litigation for copyright infringement
Sauce? I want to laugh at some AIniggers getting fucked in the ass.
All of my problems with AI solely stem from the single fact that the people who most benefit from it are greedy corpos, scammers, and people who are actually retarded.

Yes, it can be fun to use, nor do I have any problems with regular people dicking around with it making whatever they want, but it already feel oversaturated.

We know once the models are actually coherent, they will NOT be public.
The new "good" public versions will be heavily restricted, online-only, and paid— meanwhile greedy corpos will have already trained on everyone's shit for free, will copyright the shit their AI produces (which is going to be trained on 99% stolen content), and put out slop like nobody's business.

Techbros and pajeet have made google search even worse by making their utterly horrendous random keyword gens on their shit AI gen sites show up as first results in image search by abusing SEO.

And then you have very low IQ coom spammers, who feel the need to upload absolutely everything they generate (rule34.xxx already has over HALF A MILLION AI generated pictures, already and 90% of them aren't even coherent, and there's even more because it's not tagged properly)
>already has over HALF A MILLION AI generated pictures
how sustainable is this for them? surely they eventually couldn't cope with the hosting costs?
Hosting costs are one reason I'm baffled they even allow it in the first place.
Short of some "nuclear fusion" type of roadblock, incremental improvement is a given, and the possibility of further leaps down the road is pretty high given that most models today are horrendously unoptimized
I'm hoping for another major leak like the stable diffusion one.
>it leaped once
Demonstrably untrue
It’s tragically hilarious that the only anon offering interesting insight is getting ignored and the usual anime shitflinging is done instead.
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AI is very soon going to turn anything digital completely worthless and erase reality and human expression on the internet.

See a digitization of an old painting or a digital photo of a person? It could be faked, and the real thing might never have existed. In 100 years, nobody will be able to tell if any digital drawing was ever made by a human.

Faking digital files was always easier than faking "the real thing" like a polaroid (until someone invents a perfect molecular printer that is), but the leap in AI is going to make it worse by a giant magnitude. Now machines can operate in the once exclusively human realm of ideas. The implications are enormous, but most people are pleb cattle and can't think 5 years into the future.
The Calarts style was so hated BECAUSE it is so same samey, which contrasts with what the animation industry has previously looked like. Heck, a lot of the calarts look is quite nice outside of the whole 'bean mouth calarts' context; gravity falls looks quite nice by itself, as does gumball, but SU continuously looks like ass. I think a lot of people would be more forgiving to this style if the animators weren't so sensitive and butt broken over the critique.

The big issue is that it seems to be industry wide. It used to be each studio had their own style, and this style was dictated by the studios method of cutting costs (limited animation). The creators of these methods, and the first animated television series, Hannah Barbera for example always had some sort of collar on their characters so that the head could be easily drawn separately from the rest of the body.
I'm not even sure what drew everyone towards the bean mouth look/method, because it honestly doesn't seem all that effective at limited animation compared to the original Hannah Barbera look, but honestly it's not even my least favourite overused style; I FUCKING HATE the 'adult animated sitcom' art style that the Simpsons and Family Guy popularised.

Where's my fucking hoverboard and self-driving car!
absolute premium enterprise grade copium, i cant wait to hear more and more deranged detachments from reality as time goes on and even more normies see AI just like everyone sees digital art compared to drawing irl
>people who most benefit from it are greedy corpos
the only ones who had access to creating big and complex images were already the corpos, now EVERYONE can, so its the opposite
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The ramifications are huge, but I only care about making remarkably niche porn with it.
LORAS were a game changer.
They're basically the equivalent of doing a study.
Anything is within your reach if you're willing to curate and properly tag the training data
>I goon therefore I am
Yeah I'm tired of retards saying just do a unique style that AI can't do when anyone can make a Lora of your shit
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They ripped out all NSFW content, reduced coherence when it comes to people.

>rapidly improve
Behold the power of SD3
AI has already peaked and is now in decline with the focus upon safety and regulations as per >>7214183

I use AI only for ideas for aesthetic differences, or character inspiration from rough color blocking, pure random noise is for crabs.

Bullshit. I can't fap to my own shit and have tried with AI, and it just can't get it right even with LORAS (and you can't train on what doesn't yet exist). I can make it do things I like, but I have to do the heavy lifting with personal effort.
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>state that people in support of AI are in the minority
>you’re the only faggot that’s disagreeing
It’s like pottery, thanks for proving my point kiddo. /g/ is down the hall and to the left
> Women hate AI because of deepfakes & older people hate it because of AI scams.
There are tech bros who do not see the problem with deepfake cheese pizza.
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They’ve been popping up more and more recently ranging from personal claims to company ones. Hell This one only sprouted up a couple hours ago
all AI will (is) be used for is improved "moderation" and censorship lol
Your ancestors also said that digital art would always look dull with those 256 colors and pixelation.
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now you know why this is good for artist, only beggers with high ego would be mad at this
>OP samefagging
Why are AIniggas basically making shad threads again. But I guess since >>7214314 happened they have to start coming in waves again to shill
Bro I earned my first "art" bucks 10 years ago doing fakes for people on /r/
By then fakes were already a thing for like another 10 years in the internet general
Fakes have never been a problem for 20+ years
You are the slowest of slowpokes
AI is a fed psyop so obviously you will always see it
>If people intentionally cripple software it gives garbage results.
SD will rather sink with a politically correct model than win with a "wrongthink" one
>Muh consent
Where do you think we are
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If there was a systematic global coomer genocide, then 99.99% of the spam would stop.
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i think it's kinda neat
i don't think it will be the be all end all of things, but it will definitely carve a niche for itself
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horny alone will move this tech forward
it's what created art in the first place
why do you feel the need to mass spam your shit nigga while fellatioing the AI. I'm pretty sure you've done this in near most the AI threads made here
>People are talking about AI in the AI thread
Wew lad
>near 5 AI threads have been made in less than 1 day apart from each other
not counting ones that may been deleted I'm pretty sure it's the same niggas who always spam shit. More than likely too mikufag being one of them
>like I should care about the integrity of an AI thread
>this shit basically just the shad thread again
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How often are these monkey pointing and going look threads are gonna be made again
>it's even a fucking Twatter thread
Shouldn't you be image dumping on /g/
>Changes the drawing's posture and silhouette, as well as the facial expression which changes image's overall tone
>"Why wouldn't artists want this!?"
C'mon now, stop being silly.
99.99% normies irl already find ai cool, and everyone online aside from retards who are seething they wont live off of comissions now either already uses ai weekly or doesnt care

you are living in a delusion, because you spent years of life learning something people no longer need to in order to create
You know you can go back and edit it to make the expression more like the original... right?
Yep, spend time on drawing something >feed it to machine to have it changed > spend more time fixing what machine has changed. Sounds like a plan.
Yup, that's how you use tools and save hours of work bud. You're catching on real quick
>because you spent years of life learning something people no longer need to in order to create.

nta and i see ai as a tool, but this statement is retarded. it's like saying that just because we have calculators, we don't need to be able to know what 1+1 equals to, we are all qualified mathematicians now.
that's how you create unnecessary work for yourself bug, but go ahead bud, you are so smart bud
>having to work less is actually having to work more
Brilliant logic, you must be one of the top minds in bangladesh
Either a purposely obtuse troll or actual retard who doesn't know that they love ai in bangladesh.
>cant refute argument because pajeet genes
>time to switch to being a semanticsnigger
Just admit youre retarded and move on
If you use a robot to draw for you you are a fucking fraud
>m-m-muh tool
If you use a pencil to draw y-you are a fucking fraud
>m-m-muh tool
AIjeet seethe
Go advertise your slop machine somewhere
you are the one who can't figure out how to draw with your hands.
This AI is just like any other AI shit, it can only help you to generate outline of 1 generic character that looking at the viewer. More than that it will be broken, melting, and randomize your sketch.
>3D reference
>pattern brushes
>painting over photo/CG background
You have no right to say this if you have never judged all three of these things before
People really think this is based? He literally acts like a kid who likes to interrupt people when they say something he doesn't want to hear.
And the clown act is literally what bullies would do to nerds in high school.
Not everyone does the right thing when they are standing by your side.
You should post something like https://youtu.be/tjSxFAGP9Ss instead of eceleb shits.
Bumping this thread so AI taking over muh jerbs gets delayed by another
>2 more weeks!
>theres no difference between good and bad things actually they are all the same!!!!
>38 year old
It's a mentality to some anon
Its bad for deepfakes to exist even outside pornography.
The issue isnt if someone jacks off to your public photos, the issue is that you can defame people and harass them by sharing fake porn photos of them.
I remember trying to teach art teachers about digital art and tablets and out of like 12 teachers only one gave a fuck. The rest of them asked why would they do digital art when they can draw with pencil and paper. I feel like AI is the same thing, it will only get better and better and soon it will be everywhere. Nobody cares who made the artwork as long as it looks good.
In the end digital art will be reduced to clip art status, hurray!
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The issue runs much deeper than character assassination. If any photo and any video of everything is fakeable then you can't trust anything anymore except for what you can see with your own eyes in the real world in real time.

How will people in 1000 years know for sure that the photographs of the atomic bombings in Japan were even real or if the photos were just AI generated? We're about to enter a post-epistemic world for the first time in history, but everyone is just focused on how to make the most money out of it.
Because masses are still illiterate and still focus on how to survive in capitalism, just like before. Only a relatively well-fed and worry-free society can think about elevating its culture. Now the only "culture" we have is consumerism
>Definitely my experience that 38 year old boomers are the main users.
Maybe that has something to do with the fact that AI requires:
>An expensive GPU and 38 year old males have more disposable income than console pleb smartphone bound zoomers
> AI requires you to have at least a minimal understanding of how file structures on computers work in order to install them , which again is something that smartphone brained zoomers struggle with
>The issue runs much deeper than character assassination. If any photo and any video of everything is fakeable then you can't trust anything anymore except for what you can see with your own eyes in the real world in real time.
welcome to the last 15 years
you're just catching up
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this is not a new phenomenon
just a new tool
>Spending even more time on the image
Sounds counter productive.
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surprisingly relevant
Effort and intent is art. No effort, not impressive, not art. I came for your skill, not you claiming effort you didn't put in as your own.
Sure, but is a tool that outright changes the drawing all that good? It should just follow my lines rather change portions of the fucking drawing. Some of the changes are so big (the legs), it's arguably barely reduced time at all.

>Indians love AI
>But hate being Indian and call other people Indian
When did Indians become so self loathing?
>We're about to enter a post-epistemic world for the first time in history,
it never was
>The implications are enormous, but most people are pleb cattle and can't think 5 years into the future.
I'm optimistic about it think it's liberating because it will force people to live in the real world and not have their perceptions shaped by screens.

Live music.
Physical art.
Physical sport.
Real world social interaction.
Inherent distrust of centrally distributed information.

It's a potential golden age, a new human Renaissance.
tard wrangling the machine spirit is very hard
so there is effort involved
>I can't fap to my own shit and have tried with AI, and it just can't get it right even with LORAS (and you can't train on what doesn't yet exist).

Maybe stop being a degenerate that can only get off to highly niche pornography and that will stop being a problem.
See >>7214705

>3D tracing
>pattern brushes
>painting over photo/CG background

nta, but I have and consider all of it hacks, now what?
You will never blame execs for this, but the artists that rather do their own thing but it gets rejected because it's not "safe" and "corporate". Literally no indie project looks anything like this today.
There was this aibro on xitter who was posting about how hard it is to make the machine spit the image he wanted, it took him 48 hours and the final result still had too many fingers.

Wild considering that any decent artist could produce this kind of picture in half the time
except in the future you won't be able to find the original because the fake will be the only thing that ever existed.
And yes, you could say AI is a hack too.
Do you think I'm pro-AI? No, I just can't stand artists who abuse technology for years and call it "work smart, not hard", but when a technology is labeled as AI they suddenly think you can't use it because it takes no effort.
I think the same, especially since only a minority of these "artists" have the skills and can function without these hacks, the rest are mid at best, in the past 10 or so years the art community has become way too permissive of these hacks and the next step to their "work smart, not hard" is AI.
Deepfake videos and voices are a new phenomenon. And you can generate fakes now without even needing any original material.
Improvement doesn't matter, you didn't make it so I don't care. Art is human, not inhuman.
Everything in that post is created by human hands, nigger. If you own it, it's yours to use however you like.
Don't own property? Shouldn't use property.
So is instructing another artist to create your shitty ideas
Doesn't make you the artist.
And before you post your feces at me
No, fan art does not claim the IP as theirs. Making a sculpture of a orange out of clay is not claiming you invented the original orange. It's made in its likeness in its own medium, it's own style, unique to that creator.

Unlike ai which is like taking the DNA of that original orange and claiming you invented that orange with that DNA when it's a homunculus frankenstein monster of a product mixed in with billions of data from unrelated sources that isn't even what you claim it as, "art" or in the context of the orange, a real fruit.
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>Wow, take a look at this kimono pattern! this artist must be talented!
If they made it, good, if they took it from someone else, bad. How hard is it to understand this shitskin?

It's entirely poorly translated into the work, showing inexperience at art. So I'm not going to be impressed by that, but at least them applying it to give the audience the implication of their thought process, is something. But they should completely consider revisiting this when they improve to reapply the elements more properly and skillfully.
>No, fan art does not claim the IP as theirs.

Making fan art is permissible, but selling it is not, even though companies may turn the blind eye, by law fan art maker can not hold the copyright to their creation unless given by the original copyright holder and thous can not sell it.

>it's a homunculus frankenstein monster

yep, Ai just assembles the patterns it has been fed into. The human version of it are those who do elaborate tracing, taking parts of several different images and trace over them into a new image while never admitting to what they did. It's shitty practice when humans do it, more so when it's AI.
I'm perfectly content with being called an A.I. commissioner
If only that's how it was advertised from day one.
I always wonder how viable this job really will be, anyone with your mindset will be generating for themselves, for corps once the ai hiccups are polished out your years of experience will be not all that important, the machine will do most of the work anyway, and once the positions are filled there won't be much demand for more. Normies will always value skills and uniqueness more, sure it might feel like a shiny toy right now, but mass production will lead to oversaturation and will end up as interesting as stock illustration, even coom consumers might get bored with the same old, same old.
>calls someone slow
>misses the bigger issue by a mile
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Look dude, I stated facts and you’re just making up bullshit because you’re seething jeet, so I’m done giving you (yous). Have a good rest of your day, and always remember: /g/ is just a few boards away.
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i use SD but am a 20 year old woman, didn't realize there was much of an age gap. makes sense tho
i just think the technology is neat. pretty okay for concepting too.
>it's what created art in the first place
You would have to be giga-coomer to actually believe this.
>You would have to be giga-coomer to actually believe this.
>this is not a new phenomenon
>just a new tool
AI is far more powerful than photoshop. Its got lower barrier of entry, and it's a lot faster.
Photoshop took skill, this doesnt.
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>Grug did more then just work on fertility idols anon
oh god grug was a zoophile
Content-aware fill in Photoshop, which artists used a long time ago, is actually an AI tech.
If horniness is the prime motivator of art then why does the amount of non-horny art far outnumber the horny art? Besides we don't even know if the Venus of Willendorf is meant to be erotic. It could be a magic charm for fertility or a pregnant woman's self portrait.
It's so good you bu/g/men have to lie about using it.
AI manages to fuck the pelvis even further.
Honest question: If tools like in OP's pic which create perfect lineart for you become the new norm, will rougher and sketchy lineart become more appealing as a result?
It seems the trend for AI-generated and AI-assisted art is heading towards flawless perfection. Perhaps embracing imperfection will be the move for real artists. In a sea of perfection, imperfection will stand out as human and interesting, no?
Imagine how many artists suffering from perfectionism would be cured if AI art's no.1 trademark were flawless perfection.
You know what becomes more appealing? traditional art
That too. Just like with realistic graphics in video games, tech-keks are obsessed with chasing perfection when imperfection is what makes one human and therefore interesting. I think I'm gonna start embracing my flaws and represent the human experience more within my art.
>Only a relatively well-fed and worry-free society can think about elevating its culture.
demonstrably false. well fed and worry free society makes weak people
>man wassum tv
it is a bit ironic that only during war personal ingenuity makes you survive and creativity keeps you sane
i'm not saying war is good, but this is precisely the same reason communism will fail every time. people just regress to lowest energy state
okay, that's enough /pol/ from me. i won't elaborate further
it was never meant to be a tool, it was meant to be an outright replacement from the very start. they hate you.
"ai is a tool bro" is a necessary pivot of the ai crowd now that they must cope with the fact that cramming more data into a model has major diminishing returns which was obviated like a year ago
also sd3 is not an open model like their preceding models were and all other (quite literally all of them) are only usable online meaning imagegen is a service that you use rather than a free as in freedom program that you run & use locally like auto1111
Monumental retardation. I genuinely feel like I got a concussion from reading this. You are an intelligent thought black hole
Nigga just do your own lineart, what the fuck.
Lmao this.

For improving thee models they need more data, which nobody in their sane mind is giving them, that's why they are lobbying like hell begging governments for fair use.

Not only current court cases may lose them their current models and billions in damages, legislation will make it incredibly harder to train future models without paying for data.

The desperation to normalize AI comes from that.
Pretty much. Only ai-centric places that have any activity are the ai subreddits and well, it's reddit. jiggle keys in their faces and they're impressed
>For improving thee models they need more data, which nobody in their sane mind is giving them
yes but the problem is not this, its the fact that since these llms can't really (conventionally) think they need data of specific phenomena which is not available because it does not exist
the models have all the available knowledge but still they can't really make use of it the same way even a moderately intelligent person would
but... but.... AI democratized art! Now we can pay subscription fee and be artists!
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