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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

Previous thread >>7213427
I have just a couple of more days to live unless I can improve without drawing so who’s the NGMI now, you fucks?
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100% the provem way to never improve/not make it, don't kill yourself

but up to you
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I drew a bird
I hate gesture drawing, but there's no way around it if I want to draw characters and human bodies.
>harpy eagle
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Got ignored last thread, anyway look at my sketch please :)
If you got ignored that usually means there's literally nothing wrong with your composition. Good job, try adding more contrast next time.
Screw backgrounds, man.
Backgrounds is your mom's nickname
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I'm getting filtered by the tomfox book's ugliness so gonna start a new figure/anatomy book next time.
So far i've peeked into bridgman, xiao weichun, morpho, taco and they all seem good. Can any anons choose for me which one of these to start next?
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bit a little more than I can chew with that one
Look nigga no amount of books will help you if you don't copy the intended books style of drawing. I bet ya if you tried bridgeman or copied bargue plate now you'd quit drawing all together.
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Amazing work, mister. But where is her futanari dick?
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the black spot at the left is pretty distracting, maybe make the white room the extremest value so it catches the viewers eye.

cool internet gas texture
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What more can I improve on in this peice? Been working on it off and on for a couple of months and just now redid basically the whole torso and some other parts by overpainting it.
Armpit enjoyer here. That armpit looks disgusting. The way it's shaded it somehow looks like layers of flesh carved onto her skin. I would especially remake that part
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i haven't been this dissatisfied with a drawing in a long time what the fuck this a step backwards
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Is there any book for specifically drawing unique armors?
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what about now?
now its gone
just look up reference from pitchads nigga
a book teaching drawing something implies there are some rules and things that are common in that type of stuff, which contradicts uniqueness.
Just study real life armour, then some fantasy armour and then try to mix and match something yourself
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True, don't know any though. Not like I'm trying to appeal to that specific fetish I just want it not to like like a damn flesh wound
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Check out my raising, bros
I wanted to add more detail like that but that damn site has ink limit and that was it, i hate how much i like drawing in there.
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can I claim /int/ membership club with this piece? If not, what or where should I improve?
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Damn she's hot! Good work anon.
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gonna color it maybe, looks pretty funny
Looks high /beg/ to me
What to improve?
>Stylistic choice but the faces could be cuter/cooler. Depends if you are trying for a pure anime style or going for something else, but right now it looks like anime inspired western art, which it is.
>Hand looks kinda weird. The length of each finger bone is wrong, you missed drawing her nails, wrist broken. Needs reps. Brings down the rest of the drawing and since it has an important role in the composition you can't ignore it.
>The hair doesn't has enough details to seem that it's made by a bunch of little hairs. looks kinda too uniform and not "flowy" enough. I think it's the airbrushed shadows, makes it look kinda "round" . It's not bad though, just needs more polish. It kinda does looks good on the top of their heads, that looks way better. I know it would be a pain in the ass to render everything like that though, there are several tricks that can help you with this when drawing long hair.
>Cloth creasing could be better, especially around the pink girl's waist and where the purple girl's head is resting. But I can see you did good in the area around her neck.

It's a high effort piece and there are a lot of good things about it though. Background is simple but does a good job. The composition is nice and not just a mere 1girl posing. The colors chosen kinda reflect the pink background, which is a good thing, the characters look part of the drawing overall and not pasted. I don't think it's /int/ but I think you are on a good path and GMI, all you need is time and studies. Genuinely. Good job
Yeah, sure, why not. You can open commisions too.
The details are where the magic is. The stretch on the shirt and the way the boobs poke out really level up everything by like ten times. I really admire the efficiency in your brush strokes, they are super clean and effective. I spent like 2 hours trying to copy the strokes of the belly, but I don't know the balance between hard strokes and the blend brush. And I am still doubting in the style of painting I wanna apply, if it is clean/render or more sketchy.

And yes, I have been copying it and a couple more artists. I love the way they stylize things, like buts. I don't really wanna be a cheap copy of them, but it is what it is.

Usually, I like to see my drawings on cellphone. The colors change from one device to another, and I like that it gives an overall view of the drawing as a whole

I don't have many drawings on my main social yet, and I'm always changing styles, so you are not missing nothing of value.

>>7214852 I like it, nice belly. You just need more practice and study.
Help on choosing resolution and DPI for digital art?
I feel like that has huge effect on what you do and how you draw.
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Can I get some critique?
Unless you plan on printing your illustrations, DPI doesn't really matter, only the pixels quantity of the canvas.

Resolution can be more flexible, i always start with a thumbnail sized canvas to get the overall idea and gradually increase its size to accommodate the illustration.

If it's for studying or some quick doodle, i usually use resolutions with 16:9 aspect ratio, something like 2560:1440.
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Any critique or feedback would be appreciated, i'm currently studying anatomy, focusing the torso.

Thanks. :)
I'm not super experienced but from glance, the nose looks a bit weird due to the weird shading, and the breasts dont really look spherical.
its mostly a shading issue, proportions look fine, and line art does as well (bit wonky on her upper chest). although the right arm has green line but the left one doesn't
the leg superposition could do a little mode work but overalls looks pretty good, could use some post processing, gradients and stuff to put everything together.
Mostly the rendering looks off, her nose is one example, maybe try setting an artificial light source on one point and add the shadows and rendering according. Or don't add it at all, just render the values of her skin and suit and i think it would be just fine.
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Man, you took on a very challenging pose. I commend the determination. When it comes to drawing the human figure, I suggest finding abstractions that are simple, like the arms and legs of the Reilly method. The key to using an abstraction is being able to find the lines on a real figure. You can do this by tracing an abstraction over top the model to see whether or not the lines go where they need to. Then you do it freehand with the trace as a guide. To progress from that, you remove the trace and now all you have is the model.


Tim's approach is a pretty stripped down reilly method where he mostly follows the rhythms until his figure is done. He seems to have a decent bunch of videos where he just drawing on his channel. Take a course on some basics and try to apply every lesson to a piece your working on that you'll have fun with. If you want your general observation skills to improve, I always suggest becoming proficient at still-life drawings. Get good at grayscale then color will follow better when your values are strong. I recommend doing them the way they are in pic rel so that you can focus on proportions and picking out average values in a subject.

I had to go through a bit of a blending phase to make my soft edges look soft. it's okay to use a soft brush for it, I find the soft brush harder to use because your can lose sight of edges very quickly. Use the biggest brush you can when blending. Don't be afraid to repaint areas if you have to. Over painting others work can help you build that confidence too. The blend brush is fine, any brush that has an opacity jitter will do.


There's not much to blending other than experience. I did spheres and random shapes that blended out as practice.
>nothing wrong with your composition
nta, but that's bogus. I've posted in here before, asking for sincere feedback, after giving my own on others', and I don't get feedback
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I will start learning hair next week, need a break from drawing repetitive bodies
looks like you put a ton of effort into this, great job man. when i do something like this i would ask myself what is it i'm trying to achieve? and how does this help me? I say this because it looks incredibly flat to me, if you are trying to learn the names of the parts and roughly where they are it seems good, but if you want to use it artistically I don't see enough ROI.
I would just do a single pose (bottom left) and really focus on the overlap, twist, depth, flow, connection of the muscles and then you can extrapolate that knowledge in different angles.

I like this video It changed the goal of my anatomy studies.

the colors on the highlight are beautiful, but the shape of the light and dark side makes the instep too squarish.
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tell me ic
well you posted at the very end of the last thread, posts there don't get many views and replies.
as the other anon said, try to make darks darker, I know some things get lost in translation when scanning or taking a photo but still. also I think the tits are tiny bit too low
Yeah, i actually don't know how to render well yet and i plan on studying it after i can at least construct a body with correct anatomy and proportions, so yeah, they look flat... x.x
But your critique is very enlightening, so i'll try to add some cross contour lines and more cohesive overlaps, since it's important to highlight the plane of each muscle.

Although i'm only doing those to learn the forms and placements of general anatomy of the muscles, i'll try to improve this ASAP, i hope the video you linked will help me, genuinely thanks for the critique and recommendation. :)
I think you are taking the roughest path, your accuracy and sense of proportion looks good enough but it seems you are only drawing lines, I bet you if you dedicate 3 days to improving your gradient control you will see huge returns in your drawings, why? because there are things that are better represented as value shapes than lines and its easier to learn toning than effective cross hatching.

but do what brings you the most joy.
loomis or michael hampton (if you're autistic) is what you need
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I can't simplify squatting poses, where the legs are max bent, how do i do it?
Thank you so much for the advice and feedback, especially the reilly method and Tims video. I’ve been working a lot many of the areas you brought up and this Will help me immensly going forward.

As for this specific artwork I think I’ll work on it a bit more before calling it finished. I made the initial sketch and lineart before studying gesture, anatomy, figure drawing/still-life etc on a deeper level than I am doing now.
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There's something uncanny or off about this blender model I'm making. Besides the hair as a placeholder, can someone tell me what's off? Been staring at this for the better part of a week
Well, for starters, that's not how a head is shaped...
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use real skulls as reference for the shape
reference of how you would like to look at the end?
probable issues I see
1- ugly proportions, the eye width vs nose height vs mouth width are not appeling, also probably applying the rule of thirds would help.
2- details in the wrong places: why so much emphasis in the nostrils and philtrum?
3- pointy chins mainly work on 2d I think
4- cocaine eyes
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can keys to drawing projects be done digitally or would I be better off using paper?
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I used this as a reference during blockout, but got away from it. Originally the nose was a simple point but I wanted to try making nostrils instead of passing it by
I do feel that, in fact, that's the reason i'm in so much need of criticism and feedback, i'll definitely look into these.

I have a good sense of criticism for myself, but it can only go so far. Although i'm not trying to render these, since i'm doing them for anatomy study's sake, i'll still address these problems.

Also, i don't know if this information will be of any clarification, but i've started drawing roughly 8-10 months ago, so i'm lacking on a lot of other subjects, i mainly do figure drawing and some rendering of fruits and forms.

Then again, any criticism is welcome. :)
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start simple and it won't look uncanny (it will just suck)
yeah mouth too narrow, nose too short and too wide eyes. keep it simple keep your ref no one should care you are already doing something difficult (sculpting digitally is a pain, it really sucks) anything that makes the process easier should be welcome.
unless you have an extremely good reason, your seams should be in as least visible place possible, not front and center
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got some advice, got more time, and made some changes to my library
I had no idea what was I doing desu. I remember that the mapping looked messed up if I didn't placed the seams there. I'll give it another go some other day
I.. I think she has 5 fingers on her left hand.
What is this hairstyle called? I want to emulate it
what a freak
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here, it should be fixed now.
based thumbs aren't fingers chad
That's inexcusable.
Its OK, dont call the police. Sometimes you get lost in the sauce boss man
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today I was slow in drawing and in thinking, couldn't draw the tank correctly but I won't let that defeat me, I will do it untill I succed. I am also thinking about installing war thunders purely so I can get references from more interesting angles, most photos have are shot from the same angle (not that I can draw that correctly lmao)
I don't get the hate. It's the best painting we've seen on /beg/ in a long time.
Wait till you see faggots complaining in /asg/. They'll claim every trick under the sun on why I made something better than them despite me never using them. It is what is, it's 4chan after all
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No hate, just saw finger.
What "tricks" have they accused you of using?
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Sup beg. The fountain pen (3€) offers a tiny bit of variance in line weight, but if you draw really fast like sonic during hatching, the ink is not keeping up with your hand and it has a little more friction against the paper. So i declare that rollerball pen is better. Becoming tradchad opened whole new universe of autism for me: deciding which type of tool is the best

if you are too good, you attract crabs in similar manner as when you are really bad
the choice of medium is irrelevant. you do the same things
making any sort of organic shape to not look uncanny in 3D is very challenging
use reference
look up photos of real people and pay EXTRA attention to what happens to their eye distance when they tilt the head
mogs me
it is nice, but anti coomer: not enough booba
this is cool, but looks unfinished
that looks funny. though i am nota fan of the small eyes, owls tend to have them pretty big
the only method of memorizing i know of is repetition. LOTs of repetition.
Tracing 3D, tracing Lack, Using Reference, and now recently AI generating, and Tracing AI. A whole lot of tracing it seems....It's all so tiresome.
>using refernce is a dirty trick
that's a new one
Ok, how about refining your method, and doing the repetitions until you actually memorize it instead of speed-running this book?
None of you are going to make it. You, the ones that draw erotic anime stuff, you are like drug dealers. Not like a coke dealer, more like a guy that sells dirty fentanyl laced heroin to junkies. Your art is a poison that harms people that are already damaged enough. You audience are people so deep inside their addiction, they cannot get it up to real stuff so they need your smut. What a sad existence, it probably reflects the lack of meaning in your life.
Ain’t no one said shit about my raisin. Fuck you guys.
don't care
still posting coom anime girls
gay tumblr man face
to me it looks more like a rock
or a foreshortened turd
I was actually thinking the other day about how good of a reference for form and volume a turd would be. Probably pretty good.
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Training observational fundies with Eviston's beg course. He says to do it with something easy that you like so I picked Digimon. Do you guys think they look alright
Here are the images:
I just asked my parents if they could change my name to "Art" but they refused. Any tips?
I see you're still not beating the AI allegations
It's good to see some trad work.
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I can't draw elbows, I only know coom
>wut hair style
dumb quesrion
dumb answer
Have you heard of hair styles catalogue? Just learn how to draw hair so you can draw both short and long hair.
coomers and weebs will call anything with dark skin and short hair a tomboy, I wouldn't bother arguing with them
Not really, nobody caught it the last time even during earlier stages. If you really wanted to claim it was AI then other things like the background would not be as consistent. I have never seen AI get both a character and background in the same perspective, let alone have it be lit right.
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Shit anon you're the best. Keep going.
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thanks dude
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How do I build up values quicker on digital. I’ve only worked trad where I can layer graphite or marker easily. Video resources would be a big help, I haven’t had much luck with Marco Bucci.

Currently my arduous process is using a pencil brush to lay in groups of values (picrel) then smoothing it with a soft brush and finally some light use of the smudge tool. It takes forever and doesn’t even look that good.
Nice. You there, keep improving.
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so digital is amazing for gesture, i had no idea
yep, preach it brother
One of the variations of a Pixie cut

Please work on anatomy, specifically noses

lookup steve huston

you gotta post the ref for this ish

here have a (you)

Generally hands should go halfway down her thighs, eyes look dead and not looking in any particular direction. Lighting could be a bit better considering she has green glow behind her. Feels like a missed opportunity. Try to work on using hard and soft edges when shading, right now you don't have many hard ones. Keep making finished pieces using reference, you're about 40 finished pieces/drawings away from having things click to the point where it becomes second nature and professional looking
Drawing is too hard bros
>B-but just use references!!
Impossible. I have to use imagination for everything and it comes out terrible EVERYTIME.
Love the expression, anon.
Also it's not that I CANT use a reference. It's just the stuff I want to draw is too specific for references. For example I'm trying to do a drawing of someone walking into a store and there's literally no references for this.
lots of peopel dont use reference for figures, or they just pull out an anatomy book for certain areas.

> comic / manga artists
> animators
> even fine artists will rough in figures off imagination and then work off the model
Try movies or tv shows
Sopranos scene where Chrissy shoots the guy selling him pastries
do people really spend 30+ minutes looking for reference?
So am I unironically supposed to Frankenstein shit until it looks good? It feels unsatisfying to do desu
no you do studies of anatomy, lots of memory drawing, and work on quick poses from imagination. Are you stupid or just pretending?
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really lazy paintover

use soft round/textured brushes

make stroke at partial opacity to make an in-between color and colorpick and paint with that color to make a smoother gradient

make a selection and paint into it with bigger brushstrokes

main techniques for values with soft edges. Generally people use a mix of all 3
hmm im seeing why shortcuts are so useful for digital, just changing colors through the picker on procreate is time consuming
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Small shitty doodle. Erased the face.
Will wake up and redraw it now with more time because I need toa ctually put effort into something.
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where can I learn simple anatomy like this?
Is not that hard, simple boxes are way more than enough for that.
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I want to be able to draw figures like this from imagination. Can you look how simple they seem and yet they are perfect with beautiful perspective, depth and form to it?
All I try to draw comes out horrible and yet this looks so good.

Wish I could shit out stuff this good without effort instead of spending a whole hour on a figure that has one tenth of this quality.
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How do i get to this level? Keys to drawing into loomies or what is known to work for noobies?
Very cool art, keep doing what you are doing. It reminds me a lot of the art used in starsector.
Is that Chud and 'lita?
Yes and its an absolute gem. Now how do i learn this power?
Today I tried to draw a masculine face, I feel like it looks like a short haired girl with fucked anatomy can anybody help ?

Try short side part

The flooring is a bit uneven maybe your pencils are bad quality

Don’t be shy to take picture of your own elbow for reference

Head too big back to short
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Look at that silly broad neck. This nigga must've been neckmaxxin or something in order to have a neck as broad as his god damn skull
Lmao thanks for not sugar coating it, I’ll definitely remember you comment in the future

Love her face not a fan of the pointy left shoulder /bendy left arm
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Background suggestion for this silly drawing?
Hello my name is Mahmasahat
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bros i hate lining but i gotta do it eventually. a few friends have asked about commissions but i don't feel ready to take any until i get over lining/coloring
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about to start lineart, hows it lookin?
Reminder to critique others work, if every one only posts their own stuff this thread becomes useless.
Yeah make sure to """"critique"""" the others work for the marginal amount of non improvement they THINK they will get. If the other guy is a /beg/ what good do you think it will do if the blind leads the blind?
Cool, I like the thick outlines.
Their clothes don't read too well though, I don't know what's going on with the left guy's arm and I think it's because of his shirt (uniform?) is so vague
Some of the people that posted are well over beg level even a simple there’s something odd with _ is helpful. Or at least from my experience having received such critique from people that don’t even draw when I’m struggling taking a step back. You’re free to do what you want but personally I won’t help someone that didn’t take the time to give a few critiques, granted unless they’re at complete beginner level and they might not have the confidence to do so.
here's some critique, you can fix your faggotry by killing yourself
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This sucks
Futa. Dick. Reveal.
A wise man said: the only way to do it, is to fucking do it

As you go, don't tunnel vision. You will enter state where you repeat same mistake over and over. Stop. Break. Try different approach. Different angle. Different joint. Different muscles. I have to get over it myself.
"Futa is gay" is the gayest thing you could possibly say
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Been trying to do a "Beavis after losing his good, boyish looks from years of substance abuse".

Any thoughts fellers?
schizophrenic closet homo
its a combination of knowing your basic shapes (squares and cylinders), figure drawings and anatomy
mike judge already did that for you
looks like peggy hill

still better than all my portraits
looks like a 50s greaser
is this trad or digital? what does your process look like? what tools are you using? vine charcoal and a charcoal pencil?
>look up photos of real people and pay EXTRA attention to what happens to their eye distance when they tilt the head
Are you talking about the width of the left eye in the bottom right face? Yeah i drew that too width
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Is it ok to study both a book amd a course at the same time
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Trad graphite but filtered darker. I try to go by Loomis method but it doesn't really work for me.
Make the scratchy marks disappear and it will look better. The edges you want should be in value.
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i didn't plan the composition and perspective looks too bad (with this shitty background), but i'm really in the mood to try to color it
I've heard that you should just pick something and stick to it fully instead of jumping around or doing several things at once. Not sure how true that is but it sounds true so I'm repeating it.
taco and krenz focus more in that kind of shape oriented figures.

>How do i get to this level?
by copying and figuring out the choices made by the artist.
start with either keys or right side.

ears are too low and kinda small, but it looks like a child, longer face, bigger nose and angular jaw line will help, like the one at far left side >>7216621

inside a chinese pavillion, would keep it simple

stick to one and finish it, books > bloated videos
That’s it. I’m done. It’s your fault I’m dead. Next time be more careful with who you tell is NGMI.
See you tomorrow anon.
I found Krenz Cushart but who's taco?
korean artist, search it by publisher LEZHIN
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Much appreciated, anons
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You take a photo of your drawing and run it through photoshop and increase the contrast or what?
Nah dude, trad is so much better. I was on the digital wagon for a while and switched to trad. Holding a pencil in multiple different grip styles feels so much more natural. Can’t really do it with a digital pen. Even Apple Pencil sucks for that. Everything I do in trad looks better. My lines are better and more controlled, etc.
Fuck off, faggot.
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Gave up on referencing the clothing and used the easier one.
First time trying coloring, the colors really make the drawing so much better, think I will start coloring most of my future drawings.

Thanks anon
Mitsubishi HI-UNI baby
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I think its the first time I draw a character crying. I hope I managed to portray that well

Any criticism is welcome
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no one likes my work after grinding for a year and a half, im in this for spite now
> doesnt know most people posting are begs and dunning krugers
You must be new.
People who give the most amount critique are more often than not, browsing ic and not actually drawing.
The problem with this is that anybody can tell you "Oh i feel like X is wrong...etc" even normies, but only people who can draw better than you can give you meaningful solutions to your problems. You might say "Oh but, I dont want to do that because its annoying and is too much free effort, so I just want to point out the stuff that bothers me!"
The problem is that this is not actual constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is advice that both highlights what is good and needs to be kept with the piece as well as potential changes that could be done to "enhance" the image, not simply throw away their work and insult their abilities.
The moment you start getting advice from actual professionals you'll realize the feedback here is just idiots spouting their personal opinions with little to no effect on the artist.
All that yelling at Pawell, but nobody redlines or shows him how to do it correctly.
Providing drawings or paintings to demonstrate the issues and solutions is way more helpful, even if it changes their style, because it can explain so much without any words, but most anons seethe and run away the moment you try and get them to demonstrate (because they dont draw). Too much talking, not enough drawing.
I think the first time I got a lot of (You)s for a drawing was after 2 and a half years after I started. Looking back it wasn't even that good of a drawing, but it was high effort and it showed.
Any reason why the tablet general is pure schizophrenia?
Just give up. All of you make terribly shit pedophile cartoon art, watching these pathetic attempts is not even funny anymore. The art you make has no relation to real life and you cant even get it up to a real woman.
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Belvedere played a convincing Southerner.
I wonder why after doing some really good drawing studies my brain just decides that i won't draw anything cohesive until the next day, even when i want to keep practicing, It's kinda wierd, am i getting mentally exhausted?
Also imagine you show someone your awesome digital painting you liquified/rendered to perfection (potentially traced and used special brushes) and they ask you to draw a quick sketch on paper and you can’t do anything else than mediocre.

It’s so easy to emulate talent on tablet But true masters should be able to make good art without all that exterior help.

And before digital artists come at me I’m also a digital artist lol
You are but flesh and flesh gets tired.
Try forcing it with caffeine and sugar if you want but it wont get you anywhere good in long term
no lolis were harmed during the making of this sketchbook thread
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Makes sense. I guess my brain is also trying to recollect and organize inside my smooth brain everything that i just learned.
you're not alone anon. I hate it when I feel mentally exhausted but still want to draw
I’m the person you responded to, of course good thorough criticism is the best I’ve been blessed by a very few anons that took the time to paint over my stuff with construction lines and those are really angels, these criticism are safely very rare so I’ll take a minimal criticism like this one >>7216605

Of course a full criticism would have been great but just being able to correct that mistake is still nice as I’m not good enough yet to see the neck as to big yet

I experience this with music after a certain point I can’t make any progress but if I wait a day I’ll be able to do the part I unsuccessfully try harded quickly. I’ve head the same from musician but never artists tho
I think the brain needs to process things
You think the brain can just keep on trucking like that?
When you do heavy thinking the brain is constantly using fuel to get shit done and unlike other cells that can just shit it out immediately, the brain stores it and it is only during a good sleep that it manages to flush it out.

Take a nap or force your brain to keep fighting with caffeine and easy fuel (sugar) but that shit will keep piling on.
to keep it succinct, the more people criticize, the more likely it is that Cunningham's Law will apply, which is a good thing.
This explains everything... I used to feel bad cuz i thought i didn't learn anything after all the practicing, but it's just my brain bein' a lil' bitch
at what point do i know that i'm ready to start posting a comic?
i know a free comic is not a huge commitment, and really the point is practice. but it's still like, my figure poses don't come together quite as well as i'd like, my linework is still a bit shaky, my rendering is basically baby tier. it feels like i may be best off devoting more time to just study, before mixing in real publishing practice with the studies.
at the same time tho, i'm like ravenously drafting scripts and panel layouts, i reaaaally wanna draw this story. is there a right time to take the leap with it?
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Having a pretty fucking nice evening. Just relit my pipe and a loon started crying on the lake
Very much frustrating, this frigging dumb ass of a brain...
I’m in a similar situation, what I’ve been doing is character design sheets, draw your characters from every angles until you’re satisfied (even if you have to do a certain angle again and again) so you’ll be able to trace the successful attempts and ultimately gain time when making your comic

Like this :
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>Head too big back to short
Can kinda see it. Let me brekky and edraw it.
Would kill for a redline...................

Brain commits stuff to memory and cements synapses and purges bad shit and builds the good shit when you sleep.
To put it in layman's terms, it is like your phone or computer restarting when applying an update.

Question. Is referencing already digested drawings like this one bad? I am too stupid to break down and use actual bodies as reference but I can kinda, somewhat, very shittily copy lines of broken down figures.
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That also explains everything, dang...
Pedophile retards keep posting here but you cannot draw for shit. It's very obvious that you're low level gay crooks, it's a shame for me to even interact with you. At least you give me a good laugh.
I like the original gesture more, it is more energetic and extreme, I can imagine a feeling of relief in my upper back.
stand and bleed out, bitch
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Hello Gentleman I have decided to get good at oil painting portraits. I am coming from 0 art knowledge so I need advice on how to progress. I figure before I touch paint I should get good at drawing with pencil/charcoal.
I dont know the details of what those specifically mean so could anyone help me arrange those in order of what to learn first before progressing. Or perhaps you can provide a roadmap of your own for me since I honestly have no idea. Thanks in advance
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Brent Eviston for figure drawing and fundamentals or Proko, you could even give Marco Bucci a try. I mainly learned the fundamentals with them. Right now i'm studying anatomy under Scott Eaton and Proko.

Also, they both work with traditionally or digitally, Brent Eviston is mostly traditional, but it can be applied to digital,
I'm planning to apply to art school with this, do you think they'll take me?
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Learning art isn’t a straight line. You’re going to constantly be learning everything at once all the time. Pick one thing and start studying it, if you like, but everything goes together. If you’re a complete beginner, pick up the book Keys To Drawing. Since you want to focus on heads, check out NMA courses from Steve Huston Constructive Head Drawing and Glenn Vilppu Renaissance Head Drawing.
Actually you probably should learn form before the rest of the stuff. Learning how to turn a shape into something with volume is going to massively improve everything else.
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is it even appealing?
True dat, i learned all these things under Brent Eviston, he's genuinely a great teacher. His communication and instructions is so constructive, digested and versatile that even a child would have an easy time learning.
I just bought 3 of his courses. The figure drawing demo he did makes me feel like I can actually do it (of course I'm still awful cause I've only been at it a few months, but I feel confident is the point). Brent is great. I also switched to trad recently and started using an overhand grip. Dis me >>7216827 and I really do feel a lot more confident with my lines, marks, etc. Everything. Feels good man.
I wish he had a Discord or something.
Bro why is newsprint paper so fuckin based? I hate this fuckin glue/gum bound pads it comes in though. It's way too fuckin fragile.
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Man, these looks great, specially the gesture, also proportion is berry good.
And, yeah, it takes time and practice to get the hang of it, i've been drawing for roughly a year and i only got the hang of it midway, right now i'm studying mostly anatomy, all thanks to Brent Eviston (and some Proko, to be fair).
fist thing that pops up is the mouth. Did some small changes to blush and eyebrows but thats just personal
Hi, I like your Umamusume drawing on bottom left. share your blog so I can stalk you and masturbate to your work and be friends :-)
Not my work obviously.
>this is cool, but looks unfinished
thanks. agreed it's unfinished but I don't know how to refine it so I'll just move on for now
thank you! it means a lot. haven't seen any starsector art before, but I can indeed see the resemblence. nice
Has anyone used the book Drawing on the right side of the brain?

It says I need some pretty expensive paper and a drawing board, I’ve got a cheap-ish sketchbook, is that okay?
fantastic advice, perf way to funnel my need to draw for this story into the practice! thank you anon!! :)
>I’ve got a cheap-ish sketchbook, is that okay?
You can use literally anything. Just put pencil to paper.
>I’ve got a cheap-ish sketchbook, is that okay?
Don't use dollar-store sketchbooks, find a medium-weight paper at least. I find Bienfang to be too thin a paper imo
What's an idea for something challenging to draw
loli feet
Learn to render form.
That's accurate
sounds like anon's asking for exercises for some specific book that says to use expensive paper (i think)
They are, but expensive paper isn't needed for anything when you're just starting out. Just draw.
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I have a tard question, but is it easier to draw details with pens than pencils? I feel the pencils have a lower ability for precision(which is probably a skill issue), and I haven’t tried pens before to really know. I draw with a HB pen, and I don’t tend to sharpen it if that matters.
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man, I am too tired for this shit, I haven't slept for proper 8 hours in over a week, I wasn't even supposed to draw today but to be honest you can barely call that drawing lmao
this man looks like he has down's syndrome, is that intentional?
I think the whole idea of this thread is fundametally flawed, a bunch of anons with not a lot of experience, each at a different stage of exprience, each with different goals, each using different methods/courses. most anons can point out simple stuff when it's really wrong, but for the more constructive advice and guidance about subtler stuff you need experienced people which there are very few, and they rarely have time and or will to do that.
For example I can try to comment and give criticism but you tell me what it is worth when my drawings look like that (all from reference)
IMO the face conveys mixed messages, I can see she is crying, but the mouth expression fells to vague and the eyes feel outright happy as in she's crying tears of joy, also I think her right iris shoud be somewhat covered by built up tears since tear duct.
literally prebeg, don't even try you will get laughed out
do not bother with expensive paper when you are starting out, the quality difference does not matter that much when you are learning, but the price will, since you will need a LOT of paper,
I would even advise buying printer paper when done with sketchbook and just drawing on that
mostly yes, sharpened pencil can draw really really thin lines but after about 3 strokes you need to sharpen it again, but if you want to draw details draw bigger, at least twice as big as from your photo and please sharpen your pencil

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