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>formerly the webtoon making general
All formats of webcomics are welcome. PYW and show us what you got.

>Why would I make one?
To be rich & famous, of course. All jokes aside, the pay is low if you're lucky enough to get hired in the first place, the deadlines are more brutal than the manga industry, and the average reader age floats around 11. But as a novel medium with a growing industry, it may still be worthwhile enough for you to experiment.


https://www.lezhinus.com/en/ (Application only)

Previous Thread: >>7123638
I don't think it's wise to share a name with a big franchise
Where the fuck do I learn to color
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this and do life studies
>https://www.lezhinus.com/en/ (Application only)
Has anyone here gotten in?
color a drawing and then post it here so we can see what you don't know. books and detailed videos are important to know but if you just want to know how to color kids cartoons or something then i don't wanna start recommending anything not immediately necessary.
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I just signed in, and it's pretty shit desu, it's just webtoon but worse, every single series is just your average korean bl/gl slop, but with even less variety than webtoon.

But hey, now you can read your average coomer manwha slop, but only for one single episode, because you must purchase the rest with coins after that.
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Also, you can't just put your comic there for everyone to see. You must send an email to our chinese overlords with 4 completed chapters, and some info. And judging by the previous picture, it looks like they aren't very interested on hiring non-korean artists.

So, it's shit.
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my lurking has paid off, heres some art of mea culpa characters
I like the way you render
there's no way they're paying anything higher than 2$ a day either
I’m starting a comic about Ems/firefighting. I’m just new to having to tell a whole and concise story in 4 panels but I have plenty of funny material to work with.
thoughts on namicomi.com ?
well post it when you draw it
They advertise a mangadex mirror option, but the mangadex people have to see your comic and manually add it. It's not automatic like I had been lead to believe. If they don't mirror it you have to join the discord and beg which is what I didn't want to do to begin with

Besides that, it's another dead comic site. I got maybe 6 subs and its been a few months
Thank you!
I plan on it. I was working on it last night while I was up waiting to go save the eventual drunk driver
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>tfw just finished making a comic page
feels good man
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good job anon-kun
thanks. I got 4 upvotes on Reddit. WAGMI
post the link i'll be the 5th
>To be rich & famous, of course. All jokes aside
nearly got me. nearly had my fingers on my keyboards for a rebuttal so fast that uncle guiness was about to write it in his book.
learn by doing. and by pro comic book colourists on youtube.

heres a cool channel about indy and underground comics that gives me inspo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D1r8Btk628

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