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The 3rd Comics and Random Art Battles (/crab/ 3) tournament will decide (once more) the fate of the multiverse.
Original characters from multiple universes will be kidnapped by me, the Gamemaster, put into teams and take part in many extreme challenges to obtain a single Wish, whatever it may be!

Is your character up to it?
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For the 3rd edition, we'll expand the quota to 60 and have a 4chan/Newgrounds crossover.

How to join the event (18+ only)?

Share a comic, illustration, puppet show, animation, video game, music album or whatever your heart desires of your original character. Optional: Show them introducing themselves, fighting, being kidnapped by the GM or whatever you deem appropriate. The entry can be as small as a single image or as big as a 50 page epic.

Third Tournament?

Two years ago we organized on /co/ (4chan) the most successful OC Tournament with guests from various boards (20+) and then we improved the formula the following year with 48 OCs for /crab/2 (/ic).

/Crab/ Pastebin Archive: https://pastebin.com/mfGaKXMw

When does it start? How long would it take?

As soon as we hit 60 crabs. How long? 11 weeks.

Do I need to know what happened in the previous parts?

Not really, but if you’re interested, you can dig deeper in our discord or archive.


This is a lobby/filter server. You'll be granted pass to the real one once your character is confirmed.

Are they individual or group duels?

10 teams of 6 characters. Individual and maybe dual duels.

What types of duels?

Thematically, only one of the three planned stages is Combat, the other two can be anything. The First year it was Dance and Cooking. Then Sports and Leisure in the Second.

How’s a winner declared?

Individual points will be added to the team total, defined by voting. There is no elimination so you have a chance to come back. The team with the most points at the end takes all.

How does communication work?

Mainly on Discord, for the simple reason that it's not efficient to keep communication only in the threads. However it is possible to avoid Discord at your own risk, one of the contestants last year did it.

Who runs everything?

Me, the Gamemaster, a multidimensional wizard of thousands of years of virginity and power.
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I'm joining with her.
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I shall enter the Mad Witch, the Princess-Regent of the Empire of the Four Realms, Alicade Tredecima

(chara sheet pending)
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Last chance to buy Ocapon stocks, losers.
The bear market is over.
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Janitor once again back to walk trough hell and back.
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Lets go!!!
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"I accept your challenge, great gamemaster. That failure of my roommate last year didn't cut it, but me and my time magic abilities will prevail!"
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Fallen angel Sanguine throws his hat in the ring!

(I might also do a quick little comic too if I've the time).
Who is this CUTIE
ITS ALIVE!!! Dr. Stitch!! (Just make sure an organ doesn’t get stolen or something)
>tfw too busy to join
maybe next year... I will watch tho.
Don't waste your time with this trash do something else with your time.
Artfight for the less talented.
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Good things are coming
Everything looks so lame.
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Did y'all know 59/60 crabs are gay? Good thing I'm not gay.

Anyway here's Princess Sanctus, will finish her intro comic later.
I'm out. The only reason I use this site is for the anonymity and the no strings attached zero compromise. Not gonna be getting into ANY kind of socials bullshit, newgrounds, twatter, reddit, telegram, tiktok, IG, or whatever that needs an "account". It's out of the question.
Good luck to the crab runners, may the best reaches glory.
>Mainly on Discord, for the simple reason that it's not efficient to keep communication only in the threads. However it is possible to avoid Discord at your own risk, one of the contestants last year did it.
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Plug in the amp, because Wietse is here and ready to rock and roll!
Same reason why im not joining. discord shit ruined the threads last year.
can he play Wonderwall?
I thought artfight was full of underage zoomers what the fuck is this?
Like art fight but gayer, come join, it's fun.
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You never had a choice, my friend. The Janitor is IN!
Ugly feet Kome is IN!
Tredecimeme the magic rockie is IN!
I did that. Ocapon is IN!
*blushes* Oji sama is IN!
Oh ho ho ho ho, Ferfou the ara ara is IN!
Sanguine, the angel with a skirt, is IN!
A fine work of necromancy if ever there was one. Dr Stitch is IN!
Imagine the smell, Florida man is IN!
Bald Ronaldo is IN!
Princess Sanctus the UNIT is IN!
What's the big idea, get to work! Where's Berbie?

By the way, we started with quite a few early crabs, so we 15 or so spots left - get yours while you can!
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Reserving spot just in case.
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>By the way, we started with quite a few early crabs, so we 15 or so spots left - get yours while you can!
Almost all of these permabegs were already in the discord tranny tournament you lying faggot.
I will rape the competition.
>no charm
>no appeal
>no skill
no shot this shit looks AWFUL
You aren't me, so it won't happen.
>generating fake hype for a dead tourney
Someone's mad
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I sure hope that anon isn't mad enough to be posting daily despite acting like it didn't affect it
what is the pedophile to groomer ratio >>7225042 looks like 50/50
What about any of those look like they're nonces/groomers?
Just ignore the bait, anon
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Joining with this spergo
Nta but I would hope that image was drawn by a bunch of kids and not people pretending to be them because just everything here looks so...juvenile? immature? I just think of ipad kiddies when I look at this.
Quit trying to start drama ya dipshit.
Seems like you are just insecure about the begtier drawings.
There are still slots available. Why don't you join and blow the faggots out of the water.
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Hold on, reserve me a spot for Harry Chamberland (left). I'll draw a new ref specific to this after my nap.
He won't because he doesn't draw.
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bls dont maek fun of me anon im tryign my best
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>it's been a year already
please tell me this is a time spell, I want that fucking year back

I think I'll sit this one out, I have even less free time than last year and my own comic(s) to work on
but I will lurk, anxiously anticipating the nuclear personality meltdown
glhf everybody
hoooly shit bear I missed you
I will do my best to make the inevitable meltdown as entertaining as possible.
we will miss you Mr. Bear
So your team have to draw and people will vote for the best?
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I missed you too anon
and you too
I'll be here though, maybe I'll draw something funni
rooting for you, don't let us down
It's a discord circlejerk anon the game's been rigged from the start.
We love you dude. Enjoy your time off.
I'm trying to understand what is happening on this

Are anons complaining some characters are too OP to fight another? I mean, if we use logic that obvious but in theory you can use whatever creative method you want to win since this is a meme tournament.
>It's a discord circlejerk
This cant be avoided, though.
Last round some moefags were complaining that there were a lot of combat-centric characters, so their moestuff was taking a backpedal, but there's more than one way write a comic death than shonen-level "the planet-buster laser gets blocked by Mach 17 speed punching."
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you only call it a circlejerk because you're an outsider. join the tourney, hang out, they're good people.
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do you think it's a crab that studied and became a wizard, or a wizard that got turned into a crab?
My bet is that it was a wizard that became a crab to avoid paying taxes
>New Person Enters Discord Chat
>Immediately Starts Ventposting About Personal Abuse Stories
>Other New Person Enters Chat
>Immediately Starts Ventposting About Gender Feelings
Can We Please To Not?
Is this real? Lol.
>already leaking discord drama on /ic/
What a passive aggressive clique of faggots.
This seems like a pain to participate in but I'm your fan now so I'll keep watching to cheer you on.
>New person enters discord chat
>Immediately starts leaking shit
Can we please not?
I think it's a man who studied wizardry in order to turn himself into a crab
This happened last year too.
/crab/ likes to pretend that they're above being dramafags but they all just use these threads to talk shit behind people backs.
Peak faggot behavior.
like clockwork lmao
>>Other New Person Enters Chat
>>Immediately Starts Ventposting About Gender Feelings
that's not a new person, that's gabe
and people have been predicting his trooning out for a couple years already
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they'll be watching
>Literally canonically heterosexual
I'll talk shit about you to your face anon.
his gf is right there anon im sorry your yaoi fantasy isnt a real
Aw dude thats so kind, thanks
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Hey anon, as long as you give me your thoughts on my entries I won't go to your location THAT I KNOW for real this time.
>t. The only anon that knows your location
we all already know hes a ukranian merking russians
I thought he was a Russian killing Ukranians
No he's chinese
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Nu server for noncrav niggas
No he's English
Sems went over to the pit to try to stir shit, which is funny since the first rule for that faggot's server is "No dramafagging (bitching about people, being passive aggressive. hate people but keep it to yourself and stay constructive."

Makes me wonder if he typed >>7224164 >>7224175 >>7225070 >>7225073 >>7225116
>tranny server vs tranny server
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He can definitely play Wonderwall, but why the hell would he play such pussy-shit when he can play this:
Any good artist showing up? I don't want my ocs drawn by any of the permabegs shown here >>7225042
Weaksauce. True chads play this when asked to play wonderwall.
idiots all of you. everyone knows he's Pakistani
Samefag Sems!
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Great song anon
So you're telling me that if I join this tournament people will bad mouth me here? It really doesn't seem worth the trouble anymore...
I will get my bad mouth (in) you here, anon
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Who from /crab/2 is showing up to /crab/3? I lurked last year a sawlots of good artist so I'm really considering it.
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seconding this
i will only be thread only
this is nyatasha my school girl who hunks out when angry
>remember when they gayopped fred's tournament last year by larping as different begs to recruit them to their own? I wonder why they felt the need to do that.
/crab/ trannies, your response?
She's cute, would hold hands with her
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Currently the people confirmed from last year are:
>Soil Repair Unit-anon
>Paulus de Boskabouter-anon
>Nathan Higgs-anon
Oh yeah, I forgot Vormio-anon.
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>Soil Repair Unit-anon

I know fred's allegations aren't to be taken seriously, but does anyone have the screenshots posted of multiple people accusing sru anon of being a creep towards minors outside of crab?
Real and verified
no, dear newfag, gabe is a board lolcow, it has nothing to do with his participation in crab
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>See pic related
Never your tourney pedo
>it has nothing to do with his participation in crab
/crab/ or no /crab/ I shouldn't be reading about gabe's business here this is /ic/ not your general chat.
First edition was in /co/, had a Discord and had zero drama, if anything /ic/ should be grateful for Crab CHADS extending a hand to this cesspit of dramafags and giving NGMIs a chance to stop shitposting and draw.

Fortunately, some actually take the chance and deliver cool stuff, proving even d/ic/ks can be rescued from the true bucket of crabs. (You) are not invited..
You could have said that without sounding insufferable though. Troll false flagging? Too exaggerated to be an actual person.
You wouldn't have came to /ic/ if this wasn't the best you could do. If you think you're all too good for /ic/ then you need to go back your fucking board.
I hope this isn't someone from crab because that would be a bad look.
>I hope this isn't someone from crab because that would be a bad look.
Who tf talks like that though? Like, seriously.
I think its a false flag (Would be pretty obvious)
But just in case its an actual person... LMAO.
Just fair warning to anyone wanting to join I guess.
This is a huge waste of time and is just a /co/ server circlejerk. They have the sensibilities of the worst twitterfag and will have a melt down over the dumbest of shit.
If your idea of a fun tournament is a bunch of horrible OOC meme comics of the laziest OCs imaginable, then maybe you can find a small speck of enjoyment.

But don’t expect anything of value or anyone worth being friends with. You’re either mindlessly circlejerking or you’re their drama target.

Save your time and do DAD or something instead.
Just fair warning to anyone wanting to join I guess.

The poster above me is a faggot who is resentful and trying to bring drama to the tournament. The tournament is good fun, so join.
Nta but your first mistake is assuming that:
> a. people outside of the tournament didnt lurk /crab/ last year
> b. people that was in the tournament wouldn't air out your dirty laundry outside of it
> c. people would forget how /crab/ couldn't keep its drama self contained to its own threads
Being from the old oc threads I'll say that I seen all three.Y'all reputation really preceeded y'all in a bad way. Any anon who values their time and energy would sit this one out desu.
Ufathomably based.
kek, based
NTA either, but you're acting like there aren't people who join, dramafag instead of drawing, get kicked out, then whine "woe is me, /crab/ is a clique."
Even here, we have fags like >>7225042
>>7226264 (yes, I'm saying that's a samefag) who just want to be dipshits, narcissists like >>7226471 still upset because they can't get over drama where they were wrong, and fags like >>7226131 whom genuinely think they're going to build a community out of antagonizing people that proactively want to draw. People who try to spread a "reputation" entirely out of butthurt and disingenuousness.
I'm not saying all criticism of /crab/ is that. I'm saying this is the internet. There's bad guys in most sides on everything in here.
>I'm saying this is the internet.
Yeah, we're on 4chan out of all places. No one need to shake the cock together, but being a little polite is good.

Change of subject, when is the forming of the teams?
>hurr durr anon said 'yall
Said the faggots that let trannyshit into crab KWAB! >>7224137>>7225912
After the 14th the time of taking new crabs is OVER and shit gets real.
At least that's how was lat time I checked
>However it is possible to avoid Discord at your own risk, one of the contestants last year did it.
I need to ask, who was the guy on crab 2 that avoid discord?, i was under the idea that the only thread purist were janitor -annon and Ditron-annon, in the first one.
Entry to the tournament ends when the tournament either reaches 60 contestants or it's past June 14th.
Ugly ass characters.
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>C-crab is just a bunch of b-begs!
>e-enjoy your sour grapes!
>n-no one draws!
Meanwhile, in real life:

Anyone can check the archives in the OP for many gems.
>b-but they're not all A-tier comics!
Not even professional comics are good most of the time, we welcome /beg/s and /pro/s alike, as long as you are drawing.

We even tolerate these dramafags shitting their pants, as long as they are drawing and delivering. Crab is a tournament of tolerance. Inshallah you will create something to be proud of yourself.

And that's the spirit: care not what others are doing, but what you are delivering. If you go in expecting free art, you're wrong in the first place.

There, I even wrote a bunch of text so the dramafaggot can pilpul specific details and ignore that I have just showed cool stuff produced by us.
Go ahead. Fulfill your debased role on this planet.
>it’s fine to incessantly dramafag if you half ass a /beg/ sketch after weeks of whining about it

no amount of drawing or skill makes up for being obnoxious faggots.
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I have a feeling some baby is whining very loudly in the background, but unfortunately the sound of dozens of anon pens moving to produce something more than self-hate is too loud...
is there any any kind of policy on fan art or bystander art?
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I'm that baby.
Are those people showing up this year because if the answer is "no" than you are using past content to advertise current mediocrity >>7225042
>because if the answer is "no"
Lol the shitstirrer isn't even in the server and trying to act like he knows what's going on.
Will always be kino
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>j-just because good stuff happened on the previous 2 (out of 2) tournaments, doesn't mean the 3rd one will!
Not by (You), no. You're right.

None of the A tiers from previous years on this list >>7226485 except for the pedophile entering yet another little girl for the third year in a row kek
>j-join the server to find out! t-this year will be just as good
You have already been infiltrated retards. I can taste the MID from here.
>reee pedos
You’re just as bad as they are
Yeah moron "reee pedos"

What did you mean by this?
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>None of the A tiers from previous years on this list
Isn't that great? That makes it even easier for you to stand out and shine!
Unless... wait... could it be we've been talking to a 0-3 jobber this entire time?

What makes them so obsessed with our magic, Crab bros?
Is it because we have fun?
He's not showing art because even if it is good, he knows he'll be ID'd as a sour grapes dramafag, maybe from a past round.

That or he's only here to sperg on someone's behalf.
Whos the current shit stirer? Is it fred again? Or is ot that sem fag.
>He's not attaching his name to every post
>That means he isn't good
>and if he isn't then he's just a dramafag
>and even if he wasn't then...

You're on /ic/, /beg/ tier drawings aren't a symbol of pride or to be something special. Maybe on /co/ where the actual amount of drawfags is miniscule but at the very least the majority of people here have gone through loomis or a few classes and have solid foundations.
The constant
>but at least I draw
is the type of entitled attitude you see from newfags in draw threads who think people giving forced thank yous means that they're the ones running the threads or that people look forward to drawings from.

You guys are on the wrong board.
Stay on /co/ or discord, but this shit has no purpose on /ic/ especially when you sperg about critiques or being called out on your skill level.

IF my post was about an art technique or critique I have about how you did something, I'd have a reason to post work. But posting work just to win some "draw cred" is not a thing outside of drawthreads.
fuckin intro comics bitch
cant wait to get 3 silver again lets fuckin go
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Hey, I'm happy for you or I'm sorry for your loss, but until you post your work I'm not reading all that shit.
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>i hate /ic/ that board sucks
>s-so uhh I would appreciate it if you j-joined my tournament
The policy is: be our guest, all art is greatly welcome.
Some lost retard last year drew an entire duel between two characters on round 3 (he thought anyone could join and pick a duel to illustrate), it was very endearing and it entered the annals of Crab as a bonus entry.
Nobody should expect to be rewarded for just drawing but if one is here to just draw then that in on itself is enough.
Honestly the discord part is only necessary because people won't use 4chan as their means of communication. At the end of the day with all it's bells and whistles Discord is just another way to communicate. Perhaps more convenient and faster but the thread is still perfectly functional for the tournament itself. In my opinion it should be secondary to the thread when the tournament is on. This time around there's also the Newgrounds element as well so there's that.
I love that lost guy. He has no idea what was going on but he had the spirit
Lost Guy was one of the once in a lifetime kino moments that probably will never happen as genuine as that.
bear not joining
Fernando not joining
chadwick not joining
splag,also the guy who made the doom mod, not joining
turtanon, also the guy who made the france video, not joining
Pauline not joining

>you are using past content to advertise current mediocrity
literally whats happening, they're only reposting the toptier artists who left
have fun with fnf mods
>Pauline not joining
That was M4 though
>this shit has no purpose on /ic/ especially when you sperg about critiques or being called out on your skill level.
>i'd rather spend my time sperging on something i'm not even going to participate in instead of actually drawing
this nigga for real right now?
Mald harder dicknigger.
P.S. the link to your gay server is expired.
That's great, I enjoyed what little I saw the last time this happened so I'd like to show support even if I can't join directly.
Making a post about how someone is being obnoxious is not sperging about it.
Spending the entire tournament going
>hurrdurr those nodraws aren't even posting a doodle with every single post so we can all pile on them in the discord
is being a sperg.

It might shock you, but this is 4chan. And the entire appeal is being able to talk anonymously, if you don't like it then stop coming here and stay in discord.
I know who you are bitch
>You're not allowed to complain about me complaining! I'm anonkymous!
Dude you spent the last few days coming to a thread for a tournament you don't want to partake in to bitch about it existing. Maybe if you were someone who actually had some merit your whining would have some weight behind it, but you aren't and the only sperg to namefag himself (sems) seems like a bitchnugget, so you just look like a bitchnugget by association.
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We already have more crabs than last year...still, a few spots and even fewer days left! Claim your chance now or be quiet for a year!
Evelin the Xmas topper IS IN!
Dirty Harry IS IN!
In crab3's timeline Bear is dead. Let's move on
Crab Wizard. Powerful magicks
Fernando is technically juice but you get the idea
Young Wietse the bratty brat IS IN!
Nyatasha IS IN
Or is it? Confirm asap, potential crab.
The Ant that will us cancelled IS IN!
And from what I have seen so far, I have no doubt that current crabs will set a new bar of quality, higher than previous tournaments
Ah yes, we love those
>Making a post about how someone is being obnoxious is not sperging about it.
anon, you do realize that if you really find this whole thing to be that obnoxious you can literally just hide the thread and go spend your time on something more productive? i mean, its not like you have any further investment into this thing, or that this thread even leaks out to other threads, i don't really see why you're on this thread outside of dramafagging? if you're dramafagging, more power to you, but i'd imagine there are greener pastures for that here in /ic/ than this thread

>Spending the entire tournament going hurrdurr nodraw anons sux in le epic secret discord is being a sperg.
honestly this makes no sense to me. you're basically complaining that people inside a thread hosting an event you're not even participating in are complaining about random anons in their heckin epic server. and unless if it has reached the point of actual legal harassment, who actually cares? i mean, seriously, who the fuck cares if some random fucking faggot got mad that they got critiqued and cried about it in their server, and if they're unsalvegeable /beg/tards on top of that, why would you still be giving critique to them when you know that no amount of words would convince them? you'd literally just wasting time on shit that is completely irrelevant.

>It might shock you, but this is 4chan. And the entire appeal is being able to talk anonymously, if you don't like it then stop coming here and stay in discord.
you do realize that it goes both ways right? just as you can shittalk someone you don't like here freely, you should expect that some other fag would shittalk you in turn. its a free country anon, and like you said, this is 4chan. you're in a thread you aren't even planning to participate in complaining about people who even aren't here for something you purport that their do, just because some literal who got pissy at your critique.
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Don’t even know who that is. But instantly resorting to dramafagging and name dropping is exactly why people hate discordfags.
I made 4 posts in this thread. I only saw it back up yesterday.
I was gonna warn people off it but judging from the submissions and the current state of the OC threads there’s no need.
>was going to warn people off of it.
Dude. What's with the dumbass twitter canceling mentality? (You) don't like this tournament so noone else should be able to enjoy it?
Great. You've made your point and I understand what you're saying now step aside so people can post art.
>But instantly resorting to dramafagging
If you hate dramafags then stop spending every day dramafagging, sperg.
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I was one of the early entries but now is as good a time as ever to make my entry comic thread official.
Here's what happened with Janitor after Crab.

>After every CRAB 2 participant has been juiced, Janny keeps the now abandoned Rosebud Hotel clean, since he got spared from that fate. He lost all memories about Vivian and their kids. He gets sometimes help from John, a child he shares with Carolyn, despite not remembering him.
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What odds do you give janitor leaving this tournament with more offspring?
Are you saying that he hasn't already made another? Can't believe Janny would lose his mojo like that.
It hasn't even started yet, there's no way he could have impregnated someone already.
>OC's having kids
You trannies are ERPing dollhouse too?
Christ almighty go back to tumblr.
I think you're underestimating the janny's power.
The trolling attempts are starting to get sad man. Maybe try somewhere with easier targets?
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A complete character sheet for Ferfou Tompetite.
She's a noblewoman time mage specialized in fencing.
Why does she have a bulge?
Packs heat.
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Early entry but I'm posting to make it more thread official, thanks for running again this year! Last year was overall pretty fun imo
self insert character
You should draw the freckles like simple dots of color instead of outlining them only. It looks like she has a skin condition.
If (You) are embarrassed about things that happened in your event maybe you shouldn't have hosted it on 4chan.
white diamond >>>>> piss diamond
Yellow Diamond is gross, the whole SU franchise is gross.

Anyhow, whatever this is is already shaping up to be a dumpsterfire. Why it isn't on /co/ when it seems that that's where it came from in the first place is very baffling.

Wouldn't it be better to host this on /v/ or /a/?
No, because in typical /co/ fashion they have a hate boner for anime
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I wont be very active but if there's a slot for a reserve team mate. I'de be happy to lend my assistance.
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Gigabased and moai pilled
White Diamond is a disgusting off color! She’s more PINK than white! Might as well call her period stain diamond!
>Wouldn't it be better to host this on /v/ or /a/?
you damn well know why this wouldn't fly on either /v/ or /a/
No, I don't go on either of those boards so I do not know why. I suggested both of those boards because it looks like there are quite a few minors in the running, and what I do know is that /a/ and /v/ like those, don't they?

Style is simply a way of communicating media, and animu is simply thing with kawaii eyes. Why hate anime when anime is the superior form of media as of late?

Comics a dying form of media because the people who used to write them are long gone and replaced with people who want to use comics for blanket therapy sessions. They will die simply because of the people who run them.

Also explain why half the styles here appear to be very anime-leaning in the first place? That's rather odd if you ask me
This could have easily stayed on /i/ like the other /crab/ threads and you probably would have gotten a warmer reception there.
The only good line in this post is the first one.

>because it looks like there are quite a few minors
Not even hiding this is the same poster as >>7225217
What's your problem sems?
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Anyways, are you guys ready for the teams?
What teammate would you like to have?
Or you could post crab3 characters that don't look like they were made by autistic teenagers.
Gamemaster said it himself:
>And from what I have seen so far, I have no doubt that current crabs will set a new bar of quality, higher than previous tournaments
/crab3/ is already going to be betten than /crab2/ so this should be easy to prove.
I feel like you can tell who is autistic right from the get-go just by looking at certain art styles.

Surprisingly enough Gabe seems like the heaviest hitter here, and among the least autistic.

I can't wait for my mind to be blown.
Meant to reply to >>7229511 with the first post. I guess it applies to the other one as well.
Her name's Dorothy/Hikari now anon
I have a list of Teammates I'd love to have but I rather not mention any of them to not ruin my luck.
Is this for real? Is it wig and dress troonism, or HRT troonism?
which one is gabe's?
fuck off
I hope to fuck I am not placed in the same team as the fucking tranny
>no clowns
did G finally get banned from being within 500 feet of them?
Gabe is a better artist than half of these bozos change my mind
>I feel like you can tell who is autistic right from the get-go just by looking at certain art styles.
you piqued my curiosity, please do tell

although the real answer is probably "were on 4chan were all at least a little bit autism"
idk who gabe is but wtf is this drama about
Its because of a stupid reason, like always
Alright. If you say so:

>Not autistic/functionally-autistic:



Idk if I got everyone, but the thing about recognizing autism in an artist is that nonfunctional autists have a difficult time creating appeal. I had to look and think on quite a few, but I think this is pretty accurate.
>a difficult time creating appeal
i was gonna say it's the opposite considering some of the autists you cited are autistic as fuck, and "this is autistic" is pretty much a compliment to me now
but i guess youre just one of em
What else can you tell about people's artstyles? I know "who's male and who's female?" is a common question in this tourney

Don't even bother mentioning "Gabe" in regard to that question that's gonna be an infected answer
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I dont know the full details regarding teams yet as I'm a new crab, but I'd like to be on >>7228768 's team.
I'd like to fight Sorrento and Centurion so I can do some Gurren Lagann shenanigans, but I better not be too ambitious, I consider myself a low tier artist but I'm going to try my hardest, need to make sure 4chan>Newgrounds, so I have to represent. Row row fight the powah!
Fucking based, I had something similar in mind but it seems a change of plans is on the way
your art is sweet bro
Snek girl was your first pick for autism and put on the list twice. What do you have against Mishka anon?
I think >>7225315>>7226464 >>7223996 >>7229241 are the only non autistic people here
from the looks of it.
Yeah, everyone is autistic, you too probably
crab tourney is fun, its nice to have things like this from time to time
You can sort of build a gut feeling as to what gender you're dealing with if you look at enough art.

Male art focuses on coom, especially with female characters. Most men with coom brainrot will not draw good-looking men. If a guy is drawing a very good looking man, he's either confident with himself or gay.

Female art focuses on beauty, emotion, etc. Both males and females will draw beautiful women, but women will place less emphasis on the coom parts.

If an anon has a character that's a very young female, chances are they're pedo/pedo-adjacent. This does not happen very often in reverse, so the anons with young male OCs are males and use them as vectors of self-insertion.
being autistic is practically a requirement for participating in /crab/
female male chart when?
anon youre talking shit
This anon >>7224187 is obviously a woman. Just look at how she expertly captures the female gaze. I'm appalled at her for creating such an obvious coom bait character
no thats just what she looks like irl
>Muh autistic teenagers
That's not a criticism. That's a namecall. Anyone can just fling insults, but that does not show they know what they're talking about. If you want to fling shit, go to /b/.
No offense but there isn't a single non ugly male or female character posted ITT. /crab/ 4 had a much better aesthetics overall.
>Second "non-autist" is an anthro
>Floridaman and MS Based are in "autism"
Shit taste.
I meant to say ugly as in plain looking.
Janitor is in.
You could say that the anon is an otter failure.
Why aren't there any fuckable characters this year? The porn is going to suck.
then get your coom character in yourself
There's none in this thread, but there's a few homunculus-looking creatures in the server.

>but the thing about recognizing autism in an artist is that nonfunctional autists have a difficult time creating appeal. I had to look and think on quite a few, but I think this is pretty accurate.
You're literally just saying "it's autistic if I don't like it," which is retarded. Of course you think your judgement is accurate, (you) made it ya self-fellatioing jackass.
The truth is that you can't really judge an artist as autistic based on their style alone; autism is a spectrum so you have people trying to ape Sonic on one end and hyper-detailed GMIs on the other.
(imo you should look at the backstory/power scaling to see if a participant is autistic. Too OP/Mary Sue without any self-awareness? It's probably someone on the spectrum with an OC they have personal attachment to).
Plenty of fuckable characters ITT.
You got some options:

stinky brap bait

pedo bait

faggot bait

tranny bait

furfag scalie bait
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What the fuck has this thread devolved into?
Btw have Cassia's updated sheet even if she will not take part in /crab/3 c:
Agreed, anything OC related has a good whiff of autism about it. I just think that's part of the charm though.
exactly, it's a good thing. we all like to have fun around here
because she's a self insert character, a tranny just like gabe.
Due to complications in /crab/ 2 women have been banned from competing this year.
what women
Room for one more?
What about futa?
Was it the one that wrote a 10 page essay about why the last tournament was terrible?
Why was it bad? I remember lurking from time to time and seeing some really good artists in the running.
The tournament itself isn't bad. Like all things 4chan there is drama all over the place but that's to be expected of this place. If you come in looking to have fun you should be able to get something out of it. That's just my 2 cents though.
We still have a few slots open. If you want to join get in before Sunday when the headliners are voted on.
You are avoiding the question? What happened last year?
I mean you can read the thread for some examples already.
My biggest issues were just the personalities involved and the whole thing being run by an idiot who can't keep deadlines straight or communicated properly.

And if you've ever been on a 4chan discord, it's about as autistic as you'd expect, and not in the fun 4chan way. It's autistic in the sense that its a bunch of drama queens that never got attention in middle school so they reenact their puberty years online. This whole this is heavily related to an already established /co/ discord with all their baggage and bullshit as well.

And good artists don't necessarily mean they're decent people, in particular that one fag and their entire team were shitposting 24/7 making it insufferable to be around them. They were probably the best artist, but who the fuck cares at that point because they're the best artist in a tournament of /begs/
Those same people are largely responsible for why the /OC/ threads went to shit too.
You keep talking about kids, anon.
Then the problem with the tournament is it's filled with children.
Short version was two different teams flipped out the first was headed by a minor who proceeded to spam the threads trying to enact his own brand of justice by killing crab. I wouldn't be surprised if him and or his friends are the concern trolls currently ITT.

Second was a group of fujos who got mad because they were losing every round they were in.

This year is 18+
nta but If we talk about it its like calling them back and its unnecessary drama all over again.
OC threads went to shit because /crab/ kept harassing people who had no involvement with crab or already left the tournament.
Ok gurl
At least the person I'm referring to was an obnoxious shitposter before the tournament as well, and them and their friends from the tournament decided to samefag shitpost for weeks and made everything insufferable.
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In that case I'm joining with BOXING WIZARD.
I'll whip up a character sheet for him or something in the upcoming days
Did you just misgender me?
Sounds like Fred he did the same thing on /co/ for months.
yes, and I don't feel bad about it.
you could say I don't have a genderous and caring heart
It was Fred. I know some of the artists who were targeted and it was Fred every time.
I kinda have to agree with the endless shitposting being (mostly) fred in hindsight. Obsessively fucking over everyone he comes in contact with is his M.O.
It was not fred and we all know it because it was also in the discord lol.
Negating that Fr*d had much to do with it is negating reality
He's a non issue, just an underage retard going
>look how retarded I am
which was easily ignorable by anyone not retarded. it wasn't him constantly trying to manipulate the narrative around the faggots.
Starting to think (You) are constantly trying to manipulate the narrative around the faggots.
He probably also false flagged all the time too so what I think its the best we should do is to stop talking about this retarded drama and draw.
(I'm already drawing)
this looks great
The whole im retarded thing by him is a cope, he's a unironic sexpest/piece of shit who groomed minors
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Pic rel too
Anon... /crab/ had more threads on /ic/ than on /i/, the latter only had two threads. Also Fred's there.

It won't fly on /a/ because it ain't anime and they're very autistic about it, and it won't fly on /v/ because it ain't vidya, they hate generals, and are already fuming about off topic spam

Also both are blue boards
Yeah him, not the guys who made a NSFW channel in discord with a bunch of minors on their team, so they could draw porn of underage characters together.

Those dudes are fine.
If memory serves me rigbt, one of the contestant made a multipage comic of their character raping fred's(who was 15 at the time). Fred is a piece of work himself, but to make it seem that the other side is innocent of all wrong doingd is retarded.

The team was made up of three minors.
I disagree, I dont care how old you are, somebody making a comic of your oc being raped to spite you is funny as hell.
>i don't care how old you are

Bad optics lmfao.
>Why are you all forcing me to constantly think about kids?
>Yeah him, not the guys who made a NSFW channel in discord with a bunch of minors on their team
This but unironically

>so they could draw porn of underage characters together.
Name names or you're full of shit.

>one of the contestant made a multipage comic of their character raping fred's(who was 15 at the time)
Fred had one of his friends draw his character raping a bunch of others.
No shit.
It's not a coincidence that the thread shitposting turned into stroking that little groomer's ego and simping revisionism.
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>Fred had one of his friends draw his character raping a bunch of others.

That happened after the crab2. Two wrongs don't make a right. I'm not saying that you guys drawing nsfw of his oc's lessen's the crimes of fred. Getting defensive over shit the people in the tourney did and trying to throw the blame over to fred's sex pesting is hypocritical when the same thing happened to him at the hands of one of your contestants lmfao.
Not allowed
Fred has like 18 wrongs by this point. Shut the fuck up asshat.
>doesn't refute my central point
>name, calls.
>blames fred by bringing up his crimes(which is fair enough and true), but ignores their own problems

There's a reason most people on /ic/ dislikes crab3
you don't speak for me anon, /ic/ is my home board and i don't dislike crab tourney at all. You might be projecting a bit
Well I agree with the other anon.
It sucked last year and people like you are a large reason why.
There was a huge issue with shitposting and dramafagging with the actual participants last year and trying to deflect to a shitposter that got kicked out of the discord is the worst attempt at gaslighting I’ve seen.
You can blame me if you like, but I'm not the one in here exhuming silly bullshit instead of just moving on.
I'm going to take this all as a taccit admission that the anons who have been shitting up the thread since it started are the regular fredfags. I know about your erp clique so don't be throwing your bullshit "hes a child child" cope around with that monster of a glass house.
>doesn't refute my central point
Your point was self-refuted when you shat up our thread to talk about the little faggot we don't care about while blaming dozens of people for this shitposting of some sexpest.

>most people
You mean (you), dramawhore.
The dude who posted that Discord invite (sems) was the same dude that went into the pit to say "Fred is based."
What I want to know is what kind of cartel connections that little fag has that gets so many schizos to suck his cock over grudges that really only he cares about.
>one of the contestant made a multipage comic of their character raping fred
I didn't knew this, where's the comic and who drew it? (Lmao)
That sounds based.
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Yeah not joining this. Feels like I'm going to catch terminal NGMI's disease if I stuck around here for too long.
Kek, was good while it lasted anon.
Good luck out there.
It's a discord erp group made of kiddies and pedos. You could tell these faggots to get Fred's cock out of their mouth and mean it quite literally. Pretty much anyone who takes the time out of their day to come in here and shit on the tournament is probably part of that group.
Anons do be trolling until the thread reaches bump limit.
we had people draw nsfw of fred's oc?
i don't remember this happening, you've at least got some archived links?
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Entering: Davok. War veteran and seasoned monster hunter; ready to throw down.
A new thread is just going to be made after this hirs the catalog. Better to let Sems get it out of his system before the headliners.
that's homophobic
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That isn't his main fredcord, he has a secondary one filled with supporters/white knights who comfort and help him.
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this looks very cool
danke anon
Kek, that's one "and then everyone clapped" story.
Explain the art then.
Easy. You're retarded.
Some of the entries do seem like they could come from minors but realistically it's not like you can ask for ID. Being skilled at drawing doesn't automatically make you skilled at comedy or storytelling either. I hope they're doing something in the discord to make participants accountable for lying about age if something like that does come out though.

A few of the newgrounds crabs look cool but I can easily see things getting tense later if there's enough of a culture gap. There'll be drama regardless, but I suppose this way there's a lot of new blood too.
What happens when the newgrounds guys are leagues better than the ic shitbegs does the GM just leave the retard farm behind to mingle with this new friends?
Maybe, it's moved before. So long as I watch I don't really care where it's held. I think they'd be more likely to move it because of the bad attitudes more than shitty art though.
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For more of her, visit:
>rebrands crab to make it skill based rather than the current take anyone model
Would be the funniest outcome to any oc tournament possible. Everyone who wasn't grandfathered into nu-crab would be on suicide watch full stop.
How many spots are left? I'd like to play
>three young girls in a row
really putting the 'pedo' in torpedo with that one
theres enough spots, come on anon! its gonna close soon!!
fun design but i'm starting to suspect you have a thing for feet.
>not /ic/
Migrant trying to stir shit
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Battle with Kevin anon
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Meeting G
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Coping already lmao
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Well anon, good luck having fun doing your stuff, I know I'll be having a great time with this.
it would be fun to be permabeg
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You'd be surprised how often it happens that the "hyped" artists in the tournament under-deliver or drop out and some of the initially "overlooked" artists really show their best leg and become fan-favorites.
I don't think we'll ever leave 4chan behind. /CRAB/ started off as a spin-off from the How's Your Webcomic threads and eventually became its own thing thanks to the mixture of people from /i/ and /ic/. Will we go back to /co/, or move mainly to /i/ after this? I don't know. What I do know is that the Newgrounds inclusion is mainly to acquire new artists from a different pool and expand the tournament to be bigger than it was last year. Will we advertise on NG again next year? We'll see how successful this venture goes.

I know it is also sad that we miss out on guys like Splag (Linda/Chuckson) and Gus (Chadwick) for this year. But we still have loads of talent from last year here and I am sure we're gonna have a very solid tournament.
The last two champion headliners laid the foundation we stand on, and it would be an insult to them if we don't even attempt to continue to grow.
Sure thing anon
god Wietse looks so molestabal
is kevin some kind of enforcer for the wizard now?
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I know right, bratty dutch boy needs correctioning GRRRRR >: 3PT02
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Rating introcomics:
thumbnails looked boring; didn't read
looks like dogshit why did you make him so fucking fat
Make him fatter
>discord full of underage users
>draws porn
you pedos had the gall to talk down on fred
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CRAB was, is and never will be full of underage people. It was always 18+, since the beginning. It's the rule.
Because the management of the tournament is from /co/, we didn't know much about Fred and sadly GM gave him the benefit of the doubt in /CRAB2/ despite his infamy. When it was exposed he was underage, he immediately got kicked from the /HYW/ server, the server CRAB was in before it got its own server.
There has never been an underage person in CRAB and I don't know why this gets parotted around besides the fact the art styles of the contestants gets judged for looking "juvenile" or "teenage".
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It was the jobber of the tournament for new participants.
When Kevin anon left he (I hehe) putted Kevin as the way of filtering nodraws and to give the newcomers a bit of an idea for how the comics were going to be.
>random character
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Haiii, its the rel fŕred here ;3;3;3

I was kicked for trolling/baiting a bit, not for being underage lmfao. There's also a loy of underages still in the server(blame me lel).
I have that comic saved on muh folder, i consider it the greatest testament to my skill at annoying random 18+ people on 4chud. I think it was one of the members of my tram whomade it(wojjie or vormio i think??)

Not my account? I go by gayu now(mainly twitter)

I think sems is a f re ed copycat or something, weird woman i met on shitscord.
I will TOTALLY be pyspoping crab3 and you should KEEP talking about me and my good fren yd.
Also i am in your dicksword!!!!!
Back to fnf trolling 4 me
what 4th grade classroom did you steal this from
>Also i am in your dicksword!!!!!
Aren't you a middle-aged jewish man? And multiple ADULT people at that?
>the literally who revealed to be in thread the whole time
I don't know who you are, but your drawings look like shit, you talk like a quirky twitter xe/xir and your personality appears to be based around actively being an annoying faggot. Your le epic trolling must be why this threads filled to the brim with retarded annoying nothing substance. Go back, global rule 2.
So you admit to being an adult who grooms kids?
>tourney thread devolves into a bunch of spergs writing paragraphs on obvious 15 year old troll
4chan has fallen...
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Ruiji gooooo.

Here's additional introductory (not really) stuff. Link:
If you don't want to create a newgrounds account:
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Fuck you i did not groom that mentally ill cali faggot, just wanted to do funny ironic shitposting that made fun of myself, and enraged others who took stuff too srs.
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He got sacrificed for everyone's sake
Enjoyed that more than I expected. The bat is cute.
The jannies not rangebanning that little faggot is a failure on the site.
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>No elimination.

Oh no, that wont do, anyone who duels me will have the chance to eliminate me permanently. It's only fair.
shadow-sama i prostrate
why did my boy florida man have to go, it's not fair bros :(
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Via and Rose
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my ref

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