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Previous: >>7217639

>New here? Please read best practices.

1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox (https://catbox.moe/) or any off-site that hosts images for your works.

2. Keep it to 2D Anime/Cartoon characters only. Do not post child photo references (legal or otherwise), and do not talk about issues regarding real children.

3. It is recommended to let the thread reach page 6-7 before starting a new one. Use archived(moe) or warosu to retrieve the old threads.

>Main resources & FAQ
>Lolicon Artists Directory & History of Lolicon
Wow I hate lolis but op art goes hard, blog?
I don't even try to post such things anymore, because normies are afraid of violence and blood.
just make an account in the 'raag
I hate this piece. Major skill though.
is Roxy a loli?
Goated OP pic
You can make her be one, retard. Age her down.

Omg.. I've just noticed, that creepy face in the left bottom corner...

It reminds me of a suicidal transgender guy who wanted to be my girlfriend...
Shit... It still gives me goosebumps, his scars, his collection of dolls and etc. I don't even want to talk about it.
You already did. But thanks, because it sounds like a crazy scary story lmao
Talk about it please
No, I don't think I will. Then I assume there is no problem posting this uncensored?
She's just petite

why are you asking me that? do what you want
No, I'm afraid he can find it. He has a lot of trans friends. He is so obsessed with lolis and he lied to me. He's so sick...He believes he's a girl.

I hope he's not obsessed with me anymore. I don't know why he was trying to seduce me, I'm not gay.
Anon dont worry, I'll groom you instead before he can touch you
Sounds traumatic. But if he’s not a participant in this thread I don’t know why’d you worry about them finding you.
Yeah, its not like he knows your location or real name anon
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I hate my job
Not enough energy to draw more
It's not funny, if you could see his eyes. His face was horrible.
Yeah... I can't tell everything
>But if he’s not a participant in this thread
I'm not sure, he likes to lurk on baraag. I think I should better end this conversation.
Lmao wtf are you talking about? Normies LOVE violence, blood, and gore. The mainstream successes of Berserk, Invincible, and Chainsaw Man are all proof of this. They just hate it when it's a gurofag relishing in their fetish or being a pure edgelord without any sense for aesthetics, purpose, or storytelling.
>It's not funny, if you could see his eyes. His face was horrible.
Holy shit anon... I'm sorry. Its just that the whole situation sounds extremely bizarre
trannies am I rite
>Normies LOVE violence, blood, and gore.
No, they don't like it, trust me, they like popularity, they like popular trends.

>They just hate it when it's a gurofag relishing in their fetish or being a pure edgelord without any sense for aesthetics, purpose, or storytelling.

They will call you a schizo, unless you're a successful film director, or a famous actor like Mads Mikkelsen

You can't draw violence and blood, you can get banned, or reported. You can draw a fan art of Guts, but sexy boobs get more likes, so it's a waste of time.

drink more coffee
Lied about what? Doesnt sound very traumatic, just block the fag and your problems solved
Yes. Loli isnt just toddlercon shit.
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>No, they don't like it, trust me, they like popularity, they like popular trends.
That makes no sense, bro. People like things they like. If you put something in front of them they don't like they'll either ignore it or actively hate it. Take the new season of The Boys for example.
Welcome to the sweaty summer heat.

the boys is trash though
Nice and hot
You are a living waste of time.
Lolita was 12-14.
Personally 14-16 is the sweet spot.
Shame it seems to be the least popular with seemingly everyone drawing fat toddlers instead.
gotta plap that booty
Loli involves bodytypes that arent possible irl. Flat chest and hips is also loli irregardless of age
because the subculture used to be about an art form but is now just a catalyst for paraphilic subhumans
14-16 is not loli, it's hag.
Twitter zoomers should commit suicide
Go make your own thread toddlerfreaks
I don’t think the mods would let a toddlercon thread live on the board.
youre not better than them
Sneed faggot.
>R: 42 / I: 3
Just pyw already, I am going to draw something and post here when I am home
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Posted in a dead thread like a retard...
Metroidvania inspired Dhampir girl

forgot to set 3 days burn

I have No blog. I respect those that have the balls to openly be a loli artist. I doodle lolis because I hate censorship.

Twitter deleted my previous account, just because of some little blood and softcore loli porn. Wasn't even a 1000+ followers acc at the time and they deleted it. LOL.
It's better to take money from normies by drawing the garbage they like, less hassle involved.
>Twitter deleted my previous account, just because of some little blood and softcore loli porn.

Instagram does it too

>I respect those that have the balls to openly be a loli artist.

it doesn't matter, retards will get reported and banned.

the smarter ones don't post anything controversial, because they are not allowed to do it

they are afraid to use 'loli' word, it's almost the same as the 'n' word

>It's better to take money from normies by drawing the garbage they like, less hassle involved.

lolicon is cheap, and the damage you get is ridiculously higher than the benefits, common nsfw artists make more money and they can post art everywhere they want.

I've seen many artists who regret about lolicon art they made, I'm not talking about retarded begs who don't care, I'm talking about skilled artists with a lot of followers.

as a lolicon artist you have 0 rights, 0 opportunities, it' a sad existence of a social pariah, unless you're some old Japanese pedo who doesn't care.

so a lot of them quit lolicon at some point and change nicknames, but pedo fans save all the deleted nsfw art and attach it to the new nicknames on art hosting sites, they also post comments "why you don't draw lolis anymore", "why you deleted everything?" "cunny uhhhh" so you have to block them over and over again, or close comments, like @luimi .
Jailbait and toddlercon are "loli" no no matter if we hate each other.
If we had protected each other's rights against the satanic semite and it's sex-negative anglo golems we'd all have our own generals and the loli board would still exist.
There must be a platform that allows you to post loli, just wonder where sincos and healthyman post their art.
>If we had protected each other's rights
Not gonna happen, lolicons are not furries.
I've learned a lot about lolicon and people who are involved in this madness.
Lolicon has always been doomed. Just give up.
>a platform that allows you to post loli,
dark web
reddit nigger spacing
Won't this faggot ever get tired of typing the exact same post every thread?
Nobody's gonna stop drawing what they want because of some annoying preaching from a nobody
He's mentally ill and doesn't catch on to the irony of whining about loli being a waste of time while camping this thread 24/7.
>Nobody's gonna stop drawing what they want
you're right, you can draw lolicon, but you're not allowed to post it.
then, why are you triggered?
I'm saving artists
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Japanese artist friend told me lolis should have bigger bangs, so I tried again
This feels around 10 or 11, I need to try drawing something cuter for single digits...
>Personally 14-16 is the sweet spot

I agree but it's VERY hard to draw girls that age and not make them look like a hag bc physically they're adults already.
>VERY hard to draw girls that age

they don't tell you the truth why they always dissatisfied and picky.

they're oppressed cowards, who are afraid of their own sexuality

you need to make pedos feel like they're not degenerates who can f a toddler in the ass, but special gourmets who balance on the edge.

that's what they want.

in reality they wouldn't mind to use a toddler as a f toy too, when they get horny.
I fucked many 14-16yo girls when I was 14-17yo myself.
It was amazing and I remember those times fondly.
If I can put some of that to paper I will, and I love looking at art made by others depicting cute girls in that age range too.
Nothing anyone says is gonna change that, and there'll always be a place to share our art with like minded people no matter how retarded society gets.
>500k+ followers
>works in the industry
>loved worldwide
Sucks to be a westoid loser! Enjoy appealing to trannies and teens drawing flavor of the month garbage with giant tits
You’re a westerner. Westerners conquered South Koreans and the Japanese……unless you’re South American then my condolences. I’ll pray for your family.
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a retard who ruined his artistic career, was really close to being imprisoned.
>500k+ followers
got banned, 0 followers
>loved worldwide
became a living pedo meme, a whipping boy.

it's the best example of what you should never do as an artist
I don't even get the appeal of dorontabi's work. I think people like him for his "grr correction" tweets.
Love him or hate him. Gotta respect how bold he was
>a retard who ruined his artistic career, was really close to being imprisoned.
The fuck is this schizo shit?
He's still posting and he wasn't in any trouble because of his actions, he just got targeted by some korean feminists online who went after his twitter account.
>He's still posting and he wasn't in any trouble because of his actions

cope harder, the results are great
you should try it too
I'll never understand being a resident anti in a lolicon thread
I think he's motivated by being an emotional little bitch as seen in >7225741

quote correctly
Stop responding and feeding the troll.
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welcome back wabaki
He doesn't even post here. Who cares about some random artist?
literally who
why does he do this shit

>Stop responding and feeding the troll.
stop being an emotional little bitch
Yes, that's the point. It's a popular trendy show that's getting shit on because the quality dropped to level that even normies can't stomach it.
Lmao, youre retarded
As soon as he creates another account he rises again to his former numbers. Has the most loyal following, his pixiv still untouched.
>living pedo legend
'It's a compliment.'

Lolicon will never stop. But keep going, there's nothing worse than loli drawn by westoids. I hope you can make as many as you can here quit.
just made chicken caeser wraps
post em
what's worse, they went after him in reprisal for something unrelated.
He's samefagging anyway
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incredibly erotic
>Loli involves bodytypes
if your closeted about it
>that arent possible irl
eternal online, loli art, like all, is quite often a collection of most desirable traits
>Flat chest and hips is also loli irregardless of age
"child-sized adult"
Flat chest with hips is not impossible or even uncommon irl. Unless by "hips" you mean the obesity tumor growths seen on shortstacks and black women.
>the absolute flex of the sleeping pose
The umbrella of what falls into loli is too wide
One of the hottest pieces posted on here. Blog? Id love to see more of your work!
File deleted.
I want a daughter...
You need a wife first.
I assume the uncensored is just her pantsu without nothing too intense?
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I decided to censor it, because it was too revealing. I care about you and I don't want you to fall into sin.
how thoughtful of you
The moralfag could learn from ya
He's at 50k followers on his new account
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this is average american 10-12 yrs old girl
Needs cellulite and stretch marks.
Hi subu
now try to find lolis lmao
legal for posting on twitter
wait, gizmo is a girl?

>Btfo by instances of popular media containing violence and gore

>Still wrote a copium response essay

Yes, Gizmo is totally a hot blonde loli that he keeps drawing over and over
Do not pretend that you are smart.
I know what I'm talking about. I've seen normies whining about blood and violence.
>violence and gore
It's even worse than posting lolicon.
>popular media containing violence and gore
Yes, it depends on how you present it. Try posting artworks similar to cannibal corpse covers, will see how many likes you will get, bitch. It's a small niche. Normies don't want it!
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Trying a book on the google doc, I don't know where I go with that
SOOOOOUL holy shit don't improve it's perfect right there and any improvement will relinquish this charm
You draw like a elementary school loli
Anon is an elementary school loli
Anon, what color is your randoseru?
>More copium essays because he can't just admit he's wrong

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i can never finish anything sigh
I-I don't know what to say, thank you anon

I'm a 30 years old westoid, is this a compliment ?
lmfao hes bullshitting you dumbass
An another pathetic attempt to troll me lmao....
No arguments? I see. It only proves that I'm right.

Do not reply, please.
>I'm a 30 years old westoid, is this a compliment ?

I remember, we had a proto-beg westoid in this thread, he liked to draw on paper and posting here 40000X4000 photos of his drawings with bad lighting.
No I’m not. I genuinely think it has charm.
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Ellen is fucking ugly.
ZZZ's character design is dogshit overall.
She's missing like over half her trinkets. Uninspired trash.
You're ugly and that's objectively false but >>7228109 is trash
ur mom is ugly
I only care about my dog.
This is the most anyone noticed something i drew here kek thanx guys

I get you were rushing your piece to catch the fomo but take your time.
Fair, but im also just dogshit at color. Harder to hide flaws when you cant fill in spots with black.
you should read the previous thread
Very cute, I like japanese anime art style, post more
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Wait did you guys think i was the bluearchive guy cause he talked about zzz and shit?

I think he's talking about me, not Prayer. Me and him are usually the people talking end of thread.
of course I'm just an anonymous ghost so don't worry about it
Ah my bad. I was confused at why so many ppl responded to me. Either way i guess i should study cloth more or something.
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so anyway, >>7227846
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im in the mood for some rabbit
how many times are you gonna repost this shameless klee ripoff, you ironic?? LMAO
>you ironic??
This is so funny it has to be intentional. What does this esl insult mean?
As many times as it takes to keep you keep me rent free in you mind and fussing about me, babe
It means fake pedophile, used by people who take pride in being pedophiles. No, I'm not joking. That's what it actually means.
His pedophile pride, huh...
So this is what delusion looks like
its going to take a lot to convince me you arent an AI faggot
ur dog is ugly
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lol every time its the same
you can put it to rest if you make a timelapse of your painting process since that's the most apparent.
I use photoshop so that means learning video editing. What a pain...
upload the whole thing at base speed to youtube or something
>So this is what delusion looks like

Lolicels are the most delusional retards on ic

they believe it's ok to get banned having 300k followers, because >>7226695 you can get 50k after getting banned lmao 300k to---->50k, they know how to farm followers.

oh, I've forgotten, they don't need followers or money, they are proud to be repressed social pariahs
yes, they believe it would really cool to be called a pedo, because >>7226305 'It's a compliment.'

losers, mentally ill dota2 players. they have 0 future, 0 opportunities, they are doomed and still don't get it.
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Well I guess I'll be the new "proto-beg" westoid of ths thread
As a proto-/beg/ moving towards lower un/beg/ burg (potentially the same proto-/beg/ that anon was talking about although I only ever posted one picture,) you are not a proto-/beg/. Don't feel unconfident in your art, its really charming, super kawaii.
To satisfy some nodraw crab retard? lol. Not subu btw

my dog is trained maul retards like u
If you can't tell just by looking at it for more than 5 seconds then you're obviously a nodraw
GFTO and kys nigger
Your dog is trained to eat it's own shit and die from hepatitis A.
Perhaps care for your family instead of squandering your money on a walking meat carcass for comfort.
"Its own shit" not "it's own shit", Juan.
Proof third worlders lack empathy
low IQ retards incapable of seeing generic AI similarities
>Delusional blind /beg/ retard trying to convince himself he's not blind.
b-but i was just tracing it not generating it wholesale so it must be legitimate!
I can spot traced AI shit instantly, and that's not it. You could argue it's colorpicked at most, but I don't see it. All I see is jealous crab seethe.
Only nodraws cant spot the inaccuracies ai make or blatant tracing. I'm not going to waste time arguing with a terminally online child
There's your last (you) nigger
Not a surprise the shitposters are thirdies, they're way too retardedly obsessed with making $50 in shitty commissions and can't fathom people doing shit with no transactional intent.
going to be funny when it turns out true

thank you … i will pick up the pen for you..
>anon missed out on the entirety of 90s slasher horror, 00's torture porn, and gratuities 10's
That's retarded.
Multiple Saw movies made profit on the hundred millions. Adjusting for inflation they beat most Marvel movies post Endgame and shit like The Nigger Mermaid.

Proving once again anything the antis say is outright opposite to reality.
They don't accept anything that goes against their beliefs. The most closed minded people. Well adjusted folk can accept/admit when theyre wrong
>no one posts their work
>people complain that no work is being posted
>work gets posted
>absolute turbo seething ensues
gee i wonder why people dont post often
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Any reason why you use blur on lines? For me I only use blur on shader
I use a soft airbrush pressure size to make less important parts not stand out as much as lets say, the face which has sharper edges.
that's DVD-chan anon
>"Its going to take a lot to convince me you arent an AI faggot"
Posts traced pictures
The faces aren't even the same.
You can clearly see and underdrawing underneath and realize that you can adjust the painting even after the sketch stage right???
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Why does this look bad?
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You're the epitome of a bugman lmao.
Twitter likes are more important than air and water for an imbecile like you. Of course you don't understand real human emotion and why taboo shit is so beloved.
You’re the goat of this thread.
Post your numbers, loser. Show us how successful you are. You won't of course, because you're a sub 100 follower nobody.
He's just literally copying the how to draw book pictures, it's not his art nor style.
don't be jealous
Okay? That's how you learn. Not the best way to learn. Sometimes I feel all I can do is copy draw like a damn photo scanner. Copying from multiple refs into one piece
Just stream 1 or two times and refer them to that
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not an advice, just draw for fun
fucking brat...
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ty anon

I tried my best to do it in my style (I fucked up some proportions )
ZZZ sure does have some good character designs
don't be cringe
File deleted.
ive already posted this but this face or head has been bothering me for awhile and im not sure how to fix it
Spread those buttchecks with a magnum dong.
Unrelated, but if you hate AI so much, how come you still post in a den of AIcultists, here?
pajeets dont qualify as humans, and /ic/ is largely the outlier from the rest of the retards on this site on the subject, naturally.
and i prefer 4chans ephemeral nature in an era of relentless scraping
I don't see it. 99% of people posting here also pay on another board. Same attitude everywhere. It's just a matter of degree. Also, everything you post here is automatically scraped and archived forever on warosu. Even twitter is more ephemeral lol.
Also post in another board*
Ducking autocorrect.
>a den of AIcultists, here
>this was revealed to me in a dream
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danke. some anons have suggested I studied the pelvis past the simplified box shape and how large the ribcage is supposed to be, here are a few
nice, I never got to make that drawing look good. good to know someone did
despite getting a ton of feedback, I concluded I was simply too /beg/ to fix it at the time
I'd probably be drawing shota if that was the case
that's just an old drawing that anon took a liking to
Now cut her in half and fuck her guts.
>this face or head has been bothering me for awhile
What's wrong with it?
the closest eye's lower eyelid is tilted upwards.
that's so beautiful anon. How do you do simmetry so well? Everything is so well placed, how do you do that?
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Why are all artists coomer pedos?
>goes into thread full of coomer pedos
>"why are all artists coomer pedos?"
To be this retarded
you have to be over 18 to use the site
You don't have to be so autistic about the details of the bone itself, because only contact points skin matter, but I'm proud of you. You're missing one important contact point though. The sacrum touches the skin just above the buttcrack, making a dimple because there is no fat or significant muscle above it. You have it to low and too inside of the body
the way Stonehouse teaches you to draw it, starting from a big simple shape like the Loomis' head helps a lot in keeping it symmetric. the rest is ctrl+z fuckery
wow now that you pointed it out I realize how fucked up that one on the right is
How do we save /lsg/?

You had the last 4 years to square up.

You're talking about the thread dying.
Oh nevermind. You'll never understand what I'm getting at anyway.
we need a new star
Post more plappable teen booties
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Damn yall are so good.
Uh heres my contribution.
Is the tube the ultimate form of the female body?
Nah, flat chest with just barely developing hips is.
thankk for contriboot. tummy nice
post anywhere else?
Not sure, you should post more examples for us to make an informed decision
legs are fucked
I would fuck these legs if you know what I mean

I.....don't know what you mean
Cute hair :3
it’s not his drawing though
It isn't I just wanted to post loli forms
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Rate my generic oc

Homura just got back from stabbing up Kyubey.
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>pregnancy bubble pointing away
Hoshino is a boy confirmed... Don't tell /bag/, they'll get really mad.
Whoa bring back more erotica like this please.
People will jump up and down screaming and cursing to deny it but 14-16 is just normalfag deviance. It barely even qualifies as deviance because it’s actually the norm for most men. But we have to put on a show and deny it with the heat of a thousand suns nowadays.
Is that the gamer with “child gf” guy?
I prefer fashion lolicon. Japanese term I don’t remember where I picked up.
No that's Orenji and he got his acc back
And it's gonna get worse because the majority of women, now in their mid 30's, are starting to fail to find beta providers. So they're gonna get even viler towards younger, more desireable women and the men who go after then.

It's not just peak fertility teens now, it's 20-24 year old women who are being harassed for daring to date a guy in their 30's.
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Oh i meant that as a cheeky way to write plap, but hoshino with a dick could be hot.
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Koharu is also a boy. If you know, you know.
Self-indulgent doodle. I saw this quite nasty piece of my fav Im@s and just had to redraw it for myself.
I have a question. What is the difference between plagiarism and reference?


Gives "I can fix her" vibes. Guaranteed twitter crowd.
Not too haggish. Not too toddlerish. Her lankiness adds to her charm.
>Tiny bikini given some modesty by the frills.
Just love it.

Cute ojisan

I luv u gizmo. I want to draw at least half as good as you when I grow up.
That is some fancy anatomical knowledge. Reminds me of my medschool days and how I used to carry those very same conserved bones in my backpack.
I personally like the way you reason the middle pose look like that with the underneath bones. Amazing understanding of your work.

Mogs me.

Those yours? They look really fucking solid. Jealous of your skills. Do you have a blog? Would love to see more of your work.
If you copy almost the entire drawing you ref'd, that means you're not using using ref appropriately. That's just plagiarism. Ref is meant to fill your gaps in knowledge
Is it worth giving you a long wall of text on your talking points or should I just ignore this post like all the others?
t. dude who feels his entire commission empire is threatend by the artists in this thread

Give me a single point of time before it "got bad" when artists were making a living just drawing loli in the West. I'll give you a professional tip: it has never happened. Maybe 1 or 2 people who don't care if the law catches up to them in their 3rd world country, but not here in America.

You're going off as if this shit pays your mortgage and food on the table. If your argument is to say that people should stop drawing loli in a loli thread because it won't help them financially live a better life then well thanks for your concern trolling.
Imagine not just reading but also replying to that off-topic wall of text. Peak ngmi
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>you should better quit lolicon until it's too late
>pre-begs doodlers
>not 90s
>I don't even talk about
Does orenji posts speedpaints somewhere? I'd like to know how he does coloring
It's just the most basic cel-shading.
fuck, i meant to say lineart, not coloring
you should be asking for his brushes instead
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>I got banned randomly, not because of my lolicon drawings
>I had 300k followers, now I have 30k, still a big number
>I can post whatever I want.
>People love lolicon, that's why they want to kill me
>Being called a pedophile is a compliment
i know what is the brush he using, i'm just wondering how he set it up in settings
The settings are included in the brush though. And it's not like you'll be able to see the settings in a timelapse anyway. Just DM orenji or something.
me personally i like falling for babby's first bait instead of drawing but that's just me personally
anything but drawing
>And it's not like you'll be able to see the settings in a timelapse anyway
i was thinking that he erases the lineart to make it look nice instead of doing it another way
>Mass replying
>With crap drawings

I don't get how in this thread and the dad thread people shitpost but as soon as I say something it's how dare this guy even reply to bait. It's like my words stand out or something.
He doesn't. Shaping with the eraser has a very particular look and that isn't it.
stay ngmi, draw lolicon
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I have some old ones from before my patreon was kill
just download his lora and let it color for you.
he's given it a full endorsement.
I'm not your husband so don't be concerned for me.
this will come in use. thanks!
what the fuck is this
its a new tool try it out

I didn't even know this existed and got demoralized for a few seconds until I realized it's just 1 girl on solid fill background artworks. Meh.
is this ai
don't give aitroons attention
move aside luddite, progress doesn't care about your feelings
This thread is for artists. >>>/g/
>what the fuck is this

It's called AI, orenji likes to use it

I will never marry you

>is this ai
the future of lolicon
>I will never marry you

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>wasting time drawing loli
This reminds me of when someone asked if I knew how to draw dreadlocks. I couldn't, and I wouldn't, but I knew I could always use a reference if I ever deigned to do that. It was a stupid exchange, but it struck me then that non-artists, amateurs, or the uninitiated in anything tended to see things in a more discrete and unitary way, like 'how to draw x' or 'how to draw in y style'. They don't understand that drawing is drawing and fundies are fundies no matter what it is you do and fall for fallacies like 'don't draw loli because you won't be able to do anything else' when it's simply not true. Those who've grasped the essence that unites everything can draw anything, and will achieve enlightenment.
Yeah, we all know the anti loli schizo doesn't draw. What else is new?
I saw a video of some chick calling you racist if you didn't know how to draw black people
Why would I want to waste time drawing something I dont find appealing
Drawing dudes is easy. It's just stacking boxes
So will these threads ever get prompts or themes again?
That would be really fun to see tbdesu^-^
You should report them for trolling outside of /b/
good idea
I showed this to a coworkers and he said she looked no older than 6. Was she trolling me?
Has anyone tried streaming their cunny art? Would Piczel or Picarto work?
picarto doesnt allow it but doesnt enforce it well
piczel doesnt allow it but doesnt enforce hebe more often than not
Use Pomf tv if you want to stream cunny
Proving hebe is peak cunny
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Lmao they really need to be explicit with their rules.
>living in niggerland
Kek, no wonder this faggot is so whiny
wow bittycat's voice sounds like gura
They have to compensate extra hard so it doesn't draw attention to the pedophiles on their staff.
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It's all loli
I thought I remembered there being a booru that was formatted kinda like zerochan but it was just for cunny art.
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I think I just found my place, they are all just like me frfr

Florida > your shithole
Kek home to some of the most gang ridden cities in the us

Don't care, still love my Publix, lakes, and friendly alligators.
>only one work posted in 48 hours
This general is finished
your work?
Check out surio. They stream pretty often and they're pretty fast at creating a finish piece. One of my favorites on pomf
There is no point in posting near the end of the thread when all the annoying people decide that it's okay to shitpost and offtopic bomb the hell out of threads.
Art just gets lost in drama thanks to these cunts, so people have learned to wait for the next thread if they got anything to share.
it's better if I don't post my art but since you asked for it...

Can't hear you over the sound of seagulls off the shores of Palm Beach eating my leftover turkey sub from the greatest grocery store in the country, Publix. Feels good to be a Florida man. Something you'll never experience.
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People rarely post anything, let alone work when a new thread is expected, and almost certainly not afterwards. Leave my little gatherings out of this.
Based amputee enjoyer
actually I just got bored before drawing the limbs but then I kinda liked it
Nothing wrong about having your own personal onahole
>Still no fucking work posted.

I want to invest in /dad/ again. Fuck /lsg/.
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Ah, /lsg/. Poor child abandoned at just 4 years old.
you can post your work now. it is pep talk time
wow I stayed up too long tonight wtf

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naked https://litter.catbox.moe/neynqy.jpg
I wan to punch that smug face!
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Huh, well, I'm not doing any loli right now.
fuhgggg she's perfect
fucking saved
>Those yours? They look really fucking solid.

Ye, thanks. Found a figure drawing cite with some young models and did some figure practise

But I only post loli here
looks like brooke shields
requesting the other 35 illustrations
Theres a lot of stuff posted in this thread are you literally getting pissed off at people not posting nonstop and talking instead?
tokiyuki is making me question my understanding of loli
Literally who?
I think it’s some new seasonal character that looks like girl or something. I’m so behind on shows it pains me to say this is probably what it feels like “adulting”. But I will find a way to clear my backlog.
Yeah, I realized after that post it was that boy everyone has been drawing. I had no idea what he was from until now. I just don't care about keeping up.
Congrats, you finally learned about traps. But anatomically what would be the difference between a young trap boy and a loli? Not much, loli and shota is obvious but when the line is intentionally blurred it's very similar.
That's why some loli artists will also do otokonokos on occasion.
thanks for the warning
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FYI you need to make your own threads, they are being discontinued.
Come now, you’ve been given a document in the OP with everything you need to make these threads self sustaining. I don’t need to keep making these threads every time for the rest of my life. The only thing you’ll miss is the extra effort on the OP image if you’re willing to spend more than 2 minutes.
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It's not my problem... I don't really use it anymore either.
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There needs to be a reduction in generals anyway.
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And all those cowering animals who don't know how to use their fangs will be freed into the wilderness at once.
Don't worry. I'll take over. I'll make one at page 9.
Also, I'll make a nice image, so be nice and don't snipe me.
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No, don't worry about it. We leave the survival of AIDS entirely in your hands.
It'll be a bit lonely without you guys. I'll take good care of this general from now on.
wow really cool, still love your art. the choice of colors here seem really nostalgic to me. is this a pov? (the white cloth at the bottom is from the viewer?)
also i may be wrong cause im /beg/ buy is the ear in the wrong perspective there?
also even if you stop posting here: keep on trucking youll get to kjg one day. ill support you from afar.
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How's this? I know the head is skewed because I was drawing at an angle.
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'We're here forever' rings familiar. It is quite often the case that formal partings here are never so, and that when we do truly leave it is done wordlessly. Who knows, but if there is fun to be had, I will surely follow.
Yes, it is from a first-person POV. Maybe the ear is off, but I can only compensate by clearly defining the side-planes of the face at this point. And friend, you flatter me too much, some will not be pleased. Anyway...

>I’ll take good care of this general from now on.

You misunderstand. I’m never leaving, I just want self sustainability. Truth of the matter is people are lazy. I made the last 2 /dad/ threads for example. Nobody fucking cares about this board.
>I made the last 2 /dad/ threads for example
Why? Be honest.
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These places have become impersonal sub-reddits for those who live their actual lives elsewhere, i.e. twitter or discord. Big boards can still maintain a semblance of liveliness through sheer activity alone, but /ic/ cannot.

I don’t really have a motive I think, it’s just a habit. Or maybe I want to rotate people who’d normally never get picked, so I take it in my own hands to do so. But like, I dont know why I care to do so.
Is it because you long for belonging somewhere and /dad/ was the closest thing to that place?

Was? I never left /dad/.
Really? What's your streak?
schizos are leaving
/lsg/ is healing
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I unironically saved this general once, actually. No need to thank me.

I can’t believe you fell for the theatrics. Me and banana go way back.
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are you guys even trying? pfft
What do you mean? I just wanted to know your current streak.
Why not just ask me for my name?
That would work too, but why do you have so much trouble answering my question?

Because you’re acting sus.
Just give me a range if you're shy ><
zettai yada
I give up. Are you getting comments from your fellow daddies at least?
Yes, they’re very welcoming in the discord.
You're there too? Hmm
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Just go read the last DAD thread, Watson.
Priconne really fell off hard, huh.
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Huh? Yeah. Kyaru doe.
Head is atrocious, could be serviceable if you fixed that.
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did some studies
wow very nice stuff, beautiful. would you be able to do a time lapse of one of these? id like to see the process.
Where do you get the references
So many frequent artists stopped posting. What's next for /LSG/?
kristina pakarina
I just look at the photos and draw
It's bad practice

also some fix to >>7235340
>I just look at the photos and draw
>It's bad practice
well it made for some pretty pictures at least. seriously very nice, also the kiddo is great too.
do you do draw any guidelines first or just do it all from observation? how long have you been drawing? sorry but i like hearing about others' processes.
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I do some guildlines like this
I've been drawing since these girls' age, on and off
And I made 2 last lgs threads despite barely psting anything here. Hi fellow /dad/s btw
Very nice
and nothing of value was lost
And you're still here on page 10. Shut the fuck up, retard.
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slow thread, any thoughts ?
I have one, gimme a sec
Wait, no. I wanna put Gizmo in next OP, sorry anon

i forgot
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So bored. Is the ESL king also gone?
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decided to work on this, very rough so far
you're gonna need some sauce on that....
dont forget to leave a nice quote to end this thread

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