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Previous: >>7224964

OP credit: Gizmo(s)

>New here? Please read best practices.

1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox (https://catbox.moe/) or any off-site that hosts images for your works.

2. Keep it to 2D Anime/Cartoon characters only. Do not post child photo references (legal or otherwise), and do not talk about issues regarding real children.

3. It is recommended to let the thread reach page 6-7 before starting a new one. Use archived(moe) or warosu to retrieve the old threads.

>Main resources & FAQ
>Lolicon Artists Directory & History of Lolicon
Sorry for altering your work, better safe than sorry
>Censors her ladybits with a microbikini
Lmao. You could have played it safer with actual clothes or at least a skmz. Nice one.
>>7237101 (me)
I think the torso too long, what do you think?
it’s too rough to notice (?)
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Ignore shitty shading, it gets painted over
Might scrap this one too. Trying to produce a finish really shines where I need to work on. But I have a hot image in my mind I must create
It hides the skeleton parts
Thanks that does look better.
I really should get these to a point I can point the flaws out before putting effort into it. Her right leg is completely flat. Been using gesture over construction
put a baby in that belly
It's too hard to tell with such limited information.
Can we get some fucking prompts going? A DTIYS? An outfit challenge? Fucking anything?
trending on artstation, <lora:orenji:1.2>
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ill redo this later
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How am I doing so far?

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This is really cute anon
Can really feel the activity here, makes me happy to look at. Did you use ref?
Check out doxy's pussy box tutorial.
>Can we get some fucking prompts going?
maybe vidya related, so people can post here and /v/idya drawthread
I am doing it, will post it out later
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stop drawing
shut the fuck up retard psychopath
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slow day huh thread

quick question what does "read the best practices" mean..? where am i meant to be finding those ?
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>>7238024 (me)
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I like it when artists not pattern brushing the kimono
>dynamic dog
You could make money out of furries but that is real effortposto and it's appreciated
It means the numbers in OP. Cute sketch, perhaps try a pointier butt?
Solid joke. Center eyes and shoulders. Godspeed in your search for cute.
love your work anon, post more often
Here's my stuff.

Tablet: Wacom Intuos Pro M
Software: Sai2 (Legit version).

What chair did you sit on when making this work? Also share PC specs and music you were listening to. If you were drinking something, please tell me if it was coffee, tea, juice or something wild.
also what moon phase was it when you were sketching pls
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My chair is a cheap one purchased in OfficeDepot.
PC specs:
>MoBo: GygaByte Aorus B450 Pro Wifi.
>Ram: 16BG
>CPU: Ryzen 5 2600
>SSD 480GB + HDD 500GB
>GPU: GTX 1050 LP 3GB

About my music: I usually listen OST from old games like Street Fighter Zero or SFIII.
I drink a lot of coffee.

I do not have that info.
Who's the girl on the right?

That’s a pretty neat setup. Thanks for sharing
yea I googled dog and kimono
the background is traced from 3d
damn at least use the updated version https://litter.catbox.moe/hqolex.jpg
will do until I cannot
>I google it
Sure anon, post it
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for that back bow
PYW, you sound retarded
yes sir
My bad, turns out I'm the retarded one, I read it wrong ; oops imma kill myself in front of a kindergarten
Make sure to twist it firmly.

Real cuteness lies in sfw art. Good job.
>Tiny tiny thong that wouldn't even cover her slit
is gamedev hard? i want to make my own lolige. Anyone have experience here?
Line weight?
Stop making lazy sketches you hack
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Are there any books that break down anatomy like the OP image?
Im struggling trying to understand places bone pushes against skin and when butt muscle blends in to taper with the waste and when the hips interrupt that.
How do you trace and still retain the loose/free-spirit energy in your lines? What's the mindset you try to put on while doing it?
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just do it
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After leaning super hard into muscle for like 2 or 3 years, I need to relearn how to draw a normal flat bitch :(
>traced a csgo map out of all things for loli drawing
kek, that made me giggle
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>perhaps try a pointier butt?
the one on her knees right..? and thank you, both for the compliment and the best practices !
Love ur work
Beautiful. Blog?
Anatomy probably wrong, will be appreciated if someone could redline it
You'll get banned everywhere

Muk tried to make a game a few years ago, that wasn't a porn game and he failed, now the censorship and pedohunt is even worse than before.


You can't release a decent project, because you won't receive support as common developers. It isn't worth it, because gamedev takes a lot of time. That's why there are no lolicon games, only some low budget made in Japan slops.
Why would established companies in Japan who already have successful IPs waste manpower and $$$ making a lolige when they can milk the IP they made 20 years ago by just continuing to drop merch? You can very well release a “decent project”, at least in Japan. It’s just why would they bother if it won’t make them any more money than putting out a 10th anniversary Dakimakura and drama CD of X character?

The winning strategy is sneaking in loli characters in your not loli only game. Making a loli only game will only make you bankrupt. Pedophiles aren’t spending money.
stop using litterbox, it glitches out every other day for me, use catbox instead
>You'll get banned everywhere
He could use the platform that Alicesoft used
and what platform is that?
DLsite, might require a Japanese publisher, but it’s not like "you’ll get banned everywhere"
Or safe lolige like Monobeno can still publish on Steam
anatomy learning from the book in OP's link
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P.S Gizmo I love you
Didnt alot of shit get nuked from DLsite? Not to mention them having to bend to the will of the payment processors.
Beautiful figures. Blog?
looking great
Nice improvement. Your shapes look more appealing
I want to change my art style and learn how to draw for real
Thanks but I only use boards to post


Damn I'm happy to hear that. I can forgive myself for lack of technical skills but lack of appeal has always been such a pain.
so do it
you need to change your art style and learn how to draw
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very cute anon
i lost it
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Why are you widening her until she looks like a dwarf?
I like fat girls
Ok I'll do it then
rock n stone brother
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I have no idea what im doing. I need to just study loli artists more. Im scrapping but ill post it here
Wanted to draw some clothes hanging off her but no idea how to do the holds
Shading was a placeholder
End of the road

is she a character from a series or oc?
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Easy to draw OC that I like to use for /i/'s Hungry Games and other activities. She's called Irina, "Iri" for the friends.
By the way, if some of you could let a loli tribute would help a lot. Just go to /i/ and search for Hungry Games. It's a good opportunity to practice your lolis and not lolis but in a stupid game.
I'll fuck off for good now.
I love your style, you need a blog. Now.
This shit is not a loli.
More hair volume on your Momoka
She looks like she's trying (and failing) to stop herself from laughing
what's the problem?
it looks safe and she doesn't make you feel like a complete pedo
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When's the next outfit dropping? this general could use some theme going on as we wait for lolitober.
Please don’t mention october. You gave me a panic attack. We’re still in July.
It's an adult woman with a shrunken down body and adult proportions, ugly as fuck adult face too. Never post in this thread again, retarded, spineless, faggot.
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Hey guys, can you find any issues with this so far?
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Need to loosen up in the early stages.
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- Pulling the back in, rather than letting it slouch out, is generally more aesthetic/sensual/sexy. The original back looked like it wanted to go outwards along with the rotation of the upper body, but the lower back didn't quite follow.
- The ass looks a bit deflated.
- The direction of her right foot might be a bit questionable, maybe.
- The tit bump might be a wee bit high.
Are you using refs for these ?
you want me to get banned for realistic child proportions or what? dude, you're obsessed with something.
fucking obviously
>posts in the loli thread
>doesn't post loli
And you're retarded, kill yourself.
if you cant recognize bait at this point in ur life i'm not sure what hope you have in anything you pursue without getting swindled
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you know, there are different types of lolis.
lolis are not children!
Sure, why not. But that thing you posted? Is not a loli.
Hey, thanks for the feedback! I'll see what I can do. Could you elaborate a bit more on the lower back part? I can't wrap my head around the going-outwards-with-the-rotation thing.
>even got the soles of the sandals right
I'm not even into it but loli artists really are on a different level
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If you want to go with the outwards bending back, in boxes it would look something like this.
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Mutsuki kicks my ass and laughs at me.
where else does cult of personality post since baarag is dead
nobody cares about your ugly hags, cult
>baarag is dead
Huh? I follow him via pawoo but it looks like he posted 9 hours ago.

>Our current domain registrar terminated baraag.net but I have managed to appeal and get us temporarily back online for the time being while I further the dispute the complaints made against us. It is possible the registrar may pull plug on us again so I am working on transferring the domain.
Just host your shit on Panama already.
Fuck kikerica and it's pozzed laws and litigious losers.
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'No, you don't understand! Normies love gore and violence! They fucking love it!!!'
*posts gore*
Normies call you a schizo, art gets deleted and reported. The end.

>baarag is dead
how many times baarag has been dead
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did you also draw this anon?
Where did you find it?
That was 2-3 years ago probably...My first attempts at drawing.
It seems I've improved a lot.
I followed you but your twitter disappeared one day, I liked your stuff.
no shit I just wanted to upload some stuff got fucked
hawt or flop? I really should start learning rendering
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Clean up.
I think it could use some clean up and refinement before thinking about rendering.
yea I meant polishing in general, I can't take more than 10 minutes per drawing, it's insane how lazy I am

I love her too bro
I deleted it, but it's a long story
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>yea I meant polishing in general, I can't take more than 10 minutes per drawing, it's insane how lazy I am
I doubt it's laziness. Usually it's because people don't feel like they are in full control of their output, which leads to not getting the results you want -> quick trip to boredom -> repeated negative experiences result in subtle reluctance.

For me the biggest factor is just finding the perfect brush size, since it determines the level of detail, how your strokes behave, how accurate you are, how quick you can draw, how far you have to zoom, how ergonomic your grip is, how much weight the lines have, etc. etc.
Try different brush sizes until you land on something that gives you confidence. Confidence in your brush marks is everything, the drawing comes after.

>taking advice from 4chan

you have a nice style, I really like it, too bad ur mildly autistic. You post anywhere other than here?
the internet needs more blue archive
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The last thing I posted was >>7242171 so none of you were talking to me.
Said that, I might consider to stop posting here if you let some tributes for HG >>>/i/787249, it doesn't even need to be a new drawing, one repost (that you made) will do and drawing the events is not obligatory. You have so many cute lolis here.
I'll let this brat to make amends. The head is too big but the body is fairly childish.
>taking advice from 4chan
This has been confirmed by experience.
No violence, no gore, no underaged characters, only big breasts, fan art. Normies want to see common softcore stuff, it's the key to success.
yeah this is now my favorite in the thread, sorry 2k
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I am learning this loli art style, I don't know why the proportions look like my current art style >>7238107 but the process is so different. I feel like the forehead in this art style is much higher, the eyes are wider, and the face to head ratio is much smaller, it's like drawing a baby face.
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The reference I used
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I wanted to draw lewd but then decided momoka deserves to stay pure
I really don't see any similarity with >>7243563
First of all, stop making the entire farther eye "smaller". That's not how perspective works. Secondly, use a reference that actually matches the angle you're drawing. Why are you using a frontal view ref for a 3/4 angle face?
>stop making the entire farther eye "smaller"
Yeah I've kind of noticed this since my old drawings, I really need to stop doing that
>Why are you using a frontal view ref for a 3/4 angle face
Actually I meant ref the art style not the drawing, if you don't see the similarity I guess it's just me, another one that inspired me is the youtube streamer Kanibiimu
>Actually I meant ref the art style not the drawing
I know, and that's why your drawing is not working. You don't have the right ref, so you aren't going to learn the style properly.
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Zoom out far out, so you can see the distortion errors easier with your macular vision.
You made it generic
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I can try to preserve the features more, but the advice still applies.
I'll try that I always fuck up the facial features.
proper perspective and the laws of nature are generic
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Perhaps an even better version.
It's okay, even pros have to adjust things often.

that's a good hypothesis, but in reality I think my adhd retarded mind needs novelty, and drawing something for more than 10 minutes is not as stimulating as making a new drawing every 10 minutes lol
You're fucking retarded.
It's ok we have time.
we don't
Someone post an outfit challenge
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ok fine ffs

Draw this in your style. Let me cook up mine.
Found a beautiful ref that left me so speechless I just had to redraw it. I apologize to the original artist for defiling his work.
I ended up making her too young and fucked the pool's perspective.
if you yourself can tell it's fucked you should fix it, also post the ref, assuming is not a real pic
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woah erotic
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make your own toddlercon general
Should I watch onimai...
It's not gay enough, I wouldn't recommend.
Here is the ref. Can't remember how I found this artist but that picture in particular really struck me.
>You will never have a daughter.
doesnt that dude post here

why he's not banned yet?
will he get banned if I report it?

How do you get all these likes with no words/hashtags?
It’s just a drawing
he has a baraag acc probably

lolicon is rare on twitter, because you'll get banned 100% for posting problematic art, so people repost it and like it, and when you reach big numbers your account get reported and suspended.

idk why lolicon artists still post on social media, because in 2024 lolicon is considered cp, literally darkweb content, you can't even monetize it properly.
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>just a drawing

It doesn't matter actually, children should be protected.

I think this might be his main https://x.com/IlIIIllIllllllI/media

given that he's only following 1 account. So he retweeted himself.
I am convinced some blue archive lolis are part sheep at this point. Their hair is endless.
BA is an ass game. I'm sick of seeing it. I'm sick of hearing about it. I hate having to clear my rec's not to see it. I'm tired of pretending I need to like it and I'm not hating it to be a contrarian. Plenty of loli characters every calendar quarter get glossed over because JP artists keep drawing this. The characters aren't sheep--the artists that draw these characters are sheep.

I knew you were going to say that.
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too fucking skinny. i made her look healthier, add some fat
go away, korean schizo
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Almost looks like your mom except she lost a few pounds.
Why do you hate cute little girls

Technically lolis aren't real children. They aren't even human. They're cartoons. So already your argument fails.

You aren't protecting anything. You're just a thought policing control freak. You just want to control people, & the reality is you can't. All you're doing is censoring art & destroying freedom of speech. Truth is, even if you were to outlaw lolicon, there's nothing stopping the next person picking up a paper & drawing them anyways.
why are you this heated over bait lmao
anything but drawing, my man
i mean got his ass i guess (???) go off

It's too much and drowns out the flavor of the season lolis. Not even 2hu popularity was this bad and there was nothing wrong with 2hu because it actually has good games, etc. I'm "convinced" everybody is drawing it to follow the herd.
Or Kancolle. And Kancolle had good music. I can't think of a single thing BA is good for except its lolis.
Way to go, Twitter nigger. Nice of you to show you abuse their report system. I'm no Twittertard but I'm certain falsifying reports on their platform is a violation of their TOS & can result in a ban.
there's absolutely nothing good with shitcolle. at fucking all. bad games, bad RNG """gameplay""", bad franchise directing, all its official stuff sucks donkey balls. fuck off.
Because he's a stupid Twitter nigger abusing the report system
Lol your report is getting looked at by some underpaid 3rd party stooge in the Philippines pushing a yes/no button. Twitter support is a cost center, nothing will happen to him.

Man, you're wrong. And Blue Troonhive sucks ass. Play a better gacha at lea--oh most people here don't in the first place.
Not only that, they have 1/3rd the write access of an actual Twitter employee. Lmao. They can't hand out bans.
It takes a while for the report to go through, but it does work. I've gotten a few AItrannies posting loli on twitter banned that way.
It works because "child safety" is a high way ticket to an actual employee at the US branch while reporting a tranny for "falsely reporting me waaah" goes outside the US because it isn't important and costs twitter $$$ to evaluate.
Kancolle is fucking ass. The "gameplay" is dogshit, the mere game itself is fucking outdated japoid badly made dogshit, piece of shit had potential but was killed by horrible directing with every official stuff being DOA and the franchise being left to die only being remembered by a couple good designs that still live in Otaku hearts.
Look at FGO going the same route.
Foreign gachas like AL, Nikke, BA, GFL came and stole their thunder because they tried to innovate and tryharded getting their market.

>BA is only good for their lolis.
Fucking exactly. It has appealing characters people love and thats all you need for fanart.

I don't remember the game being good. I said the music was very memorable and the designs were good. It lifted the samurai nationalist spirit. Then Azur Lane came and cremated Kancolle into a distant memory. But still, image sites weren't flooded to the point where all you see is Azur Lane this and that.

Blue Archive? That's all you see. If fanart is the only thing going for it then I truly hope some other gachaslop can take its place that hits all the checkboxes properly this upcoming 2nd half of the decade.
That's shady, dishonest, & dirty. All you're doing is wasting company resources over censoring cartoons because you don'tlike them. No wonder why some Japanese sites have started blacklisting westerners from joining their platforms. Apparently you moralfags are so toxic that even the gaps don't want you, because of shady, dishonest, dirty behavior. Honestly Twitter should be nuked from the Internet.
If you dislike BA so much why don't you do your part and draw something other than that? Oh, wait, you don't draw.
don't worry about me
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anyway draw the new blue archive cunny
who answered the survey?
She looks like she would be appealing to BAnon. She doesn't spark an ounce of inspiration in me though.
What survey?
Real children dying, going hungry, and slavery doesnt matter aslong as I dont see it in my feed
It's just business. I'd do the same if I ran a social media company.
Thats a hag.
I felt the same way with Blue Archive seemingly so shallow with only cute designs propping it up until I saw the 4th PV trailer. I didn't even know the first thing about the game's story but damn did it move me. Then the story progressed and it went back to being vain cuteness.
God, I'd give ANYTHING to go back to 2015. it and Touhou were the only game-based fandoms that I felt really had geniune depth to it. Some of the fan comics were actually insane in how they filled into the game's nonexistent lore. I think the same could be said for Touhou, too. Which leads me to believe that maybe it's precisely this lack of in-game world's lore exploration that allowed for the actual creatives to strive beyond fast food tier fanart.
Fuck children. They're not mine, they can die for all I care
2015 was the last of the good times
same as the anti abortion crowd. who care about the kid after is out in the world, he may starve and live in squalor for all they care. they did their duty and that's all the care about.
Congratulations, moralfags like are the reason why the Internet landscape has gone to shit in less than 10 years.

>It's just business
No, it's shady & dishonest. It was never about the drawings with you moralfags. This has everything to do with CONTROL. You want to control people & it doesn't work like that. Moralfags really are honorary kikes.
>pedo calling moralfags kikes
I love this website
>has such a shit life they hang out in a /ic/ loli thread moralfagging
Ah to be a teenager with free time/a neet with no responsibilities
based, keep fighting the good fight KING
What responsibility do you have? You don't have a family of your own. Come to reality.
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>You want to control people
Welcome to the real world, kid

>it doesn't work like that.
People are like clay it's so easy to mold them, to control, to manipulate.
Why do you think lolicon is so hated? HEHEHEHEHH...
BAnon is your only friend, maybe you should learn to like it.
Very cute!
It's only hated in kike runned countries. It's not hated in Japan & other parts of the world. Just admit you hate cartoons.

>people are like clay
you're already doing what I want you to do.
anyone wanna play wc3
fuego amigo
it's not bump limit yet
>it's not bump limit yet

we have reached loli limit
goat has posted his drawing
we can rest now
Hi guys. If you want to draw like bzehburger just use the CSP spray tool at size 4-5 for sketches. God why do we mystify art so much. The poor shit can't even get around to using csp which with one brush mimics his style
thanks for the tip man
Btw, soft spray.
Wrong thread? Who the fuck are you talking about?
we need to go faster
is he trying to draw like alke?
I don't know who that is, link his work
>I don't know who that is
are you trolling?
You know some random shitter and not alke while being in the loli thread?
Interesting, he does seem to be replicating him
I wish I could replicate Alke too
> The "gameplay" is dogshit, the mere game itself is fucking outdated japoid badly made dogshit
> Foreign gachas like AL, Nikke... came and stole their thunder
The jokes write themselves

whats the joke
The guy ruined his art career, he invested in lolicon and stagnates now. He was banned from Patreon, his Twitter account was also banned. He lost a lot of opportunities. He could become a really successful artist, like Sakimichan, but he has made a wrong decision. It's too late now, his reputation is ruined, no big clients, no publications, no interviews, people run from art related to pedophilia. People called him a pedo on fb, he stopped posting his art on the internet, except pixv and baraag. It's a good example of wasting talent and opportunities.

peak soul
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this as well
I made this one early today
A real man doesn't abandon his principles. Alke is strong for not straying from the path of lolicon. You're just a weak bitch that gave up.
wow, he's incredibly based. A role model
He's a no draw retard. Ignore it
all great. all peak.
I only liked the girl with hair that look like dog ears. No, not the popular one, the one nobody draws.
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>not straying from the path of lolicon.
Because he can't, even if he wanted to. It's too late now.
It's a psychological trap, he will continue to rationalize his catastrophic decision. He wasn't supposed to draw +18 art, especially with underaged toddler girls, it's not his field. He is not a hentai artist, he's doing it because of people who are obsessed with porn, because they don't need sfw lolicon.
sounds like a real artist, not like the fags crying about AI replacing them, when all they do is pinup poses of FOTM gachashit
That's a /g/tard narrative, retard
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AI is based
>sounds like a real artist, not like the fags
It's called splitting
It seems you're mad about something, because it's a defense mechanism.
You're immature and unable to see things as they are with a clear mind.
uhhh orenjibros?? our response?
Trannies will cut their dicks or remove their tits for their fetish.
Lolicons are not afraid of losing money or fame for their fetish.
Suck it up faggot, lolicon won't ever go away. Doesn't matter how much normalfags whine about it.
Orenji is a retard and a mediocre artists.
>stuck on vacation with family
>didnt bring my laptop
>misses drawing and doing studies with Ojisans x Lolis
I forgot why I had him blocked, but now I see why.
Oh no, how will a 72k following artist ever recover of a sublet blocking him? It's over for the orange peel.
It's not for him, it's for my sake. I don't want to see trash in my timeline.
>vacation with family
>>didnt bring my laptop
>>misses drawing and doing studies with Ojisans
"Do you guys not have phones?"
he's argentinian. a single com and he'll probably have enough money for a year.
Oh nothing. Nothing at all.
Any of you fuckers going to draw or not?
I'm not allowed to post here
But why

hug me tightly and maybe I will
>drawing on fucking phones
I rather hang myself in my hotel room
>Trannies will cut their dicks or remove

Choose your words carefully. Do you remember who moderates this thread?

no, who?
are you trying to get me banned?
Alkemanubis is based. An inspiration and makes the cowards and the axed seethe.
He's a fucking spic.
Despite that his life still has more worth than yours
Kekarot. Compare him to the average, talentless, cp owning american ""artist"".
^butthurt spics above me
How does this statement make up for your lack of good taste?
You're brown.
Just so you know, calling me the n-bomb won't take you out of the /pre/beg zone.
He's white, and as such, everything whites have achieved are also his own achievements even though he has done nothing with his worthless life.
guy who was crying while typing : " heh... ^butthurt spics above me... that will show them...heh..."
you sound buttmad
guy who was crying while typing: "heh...you sound buttmad...you have been gotten by...the epic troll"
paco, ivan, pagpag and sukhdeep are ruining this board.
you will never believe what just happened
guy who was crying while typing: "heh... you're crying right now..."
guy who was crying while typing: "heh...they call this one the old switcharoo...and send..."
children, stop it !
i dont draw
i'm aiming for 100k followers btw
heeeeh sugee ganbaru
You will never be Japenese, I told you his many times before.
and that's a good thing
the gang is almost all here
you'll never make it
get fucking real
I unironically want to see 100k anon surpass that asshole orenji
is dvdchan a 3d cheater?
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It wasn't meant for you, retard
I'm going to virtual hug you tighter
So what have you drawn lately?
I knew it
who are you talking you
this thread was going great until he showed up today with the antiloli schizo bitching about blue archive and shit out of nowhere because he misses his boyfriend >>7244783
Thread went real silent after that truthnuke.
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your loli god, guys. 30k

orenji has more, because his art is less problematic, no toddlers and less realistic, he tries to survive by posting jokes and sfw sketches.
>I unironically want to see 100k
If you draw lolicon forget about followers dude, better pray for baraag or pixiv,
idk where are you going to hide your art after getting banned and how are you going to make money. If you post sfw art on Twitter you're not gonna make it.
I'm still waiting for BAnon to show up
Shit sucks but its better than nothing.
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Now I'm a bit sad because of this anon. He was miserable. This thread got deleted.
Lolicon makes me cry sometimes, I mean people related to it and their stories. I think it's the only reason to draw lolicon, it's like giving humanitarian aid to people who suffer. Artists like Alke are doing their necessary job to their detriment, like porn actors.
I know im bias but AI acceptance makes me sad
I cant even find the ai porn hot. It just so clearly lacks soul
AI shit is fucking pathetic. Play around with it all you want but your mediocre "It equalizes artists" and "Art democratization" and other bullshit is fucking pitiable.
You want to go shoulder to shoulder with artists? Pick up a fucking pen.
People would give anything but time and practice to get good at art
that's why people want to commission art
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I like Alke
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does anyone know what happened to this guy? he is the best I've seen at combining 3D and AI
if you're a 3d lolicon artist it's even worse than 2d, even pixiv bans them.
he quitted most likely.
>You want to go shoulder to shoulder with artists?
The post wasn't about going shoulder to shoulder with artists. It wasn't about competition, at all.
It was about satisfying a huge demand that was artificially created by government and corporate crackdowns.
You have a self-centric view, think about the consumer.
100k follower material
don't talk about him, you can get banned.

big boobs?
oh yeah big round things
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How's the composition?
Really? They must mean a lot to them.
becky so sexy
looks pretty good to me anon
Yeah, try not to be jealous.

I can't be jealous if I have no idea who they are anyway.
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looks like she is going to fall over. you could change the platform like this.
Oh, I was thinking that it was a slanted edge and not following the vertical perspective, when I drew it. If it were, then yeah, definitely.
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I finished this.
is this OC? looks nice
It is. A Selkie girl that loves the beach. Sun-kissed cunny.
can we have a new thread before we disappear
hug me back and maybe I'll make one
Ok, but it has to be your art
I don't think he will be, Mr. Frodo
wait, what?//?? where I can find these drawings?
I think the situation with lolicon and (((protect children))) will get even worse now
>It was about satisfying a huge demand
Then pay artists to draw what you want
If they try to hunt down lolicons to protect their trans plants they'll just end up busting their trans plants anyway.
They're the real pedophiles who actually predate on real children. Not some guy drawing fridges who refuses to interact with the world.
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>They're the real pedophiles
Yep, they have the real power and real children.
The world filled with so much hypocrisy it makes me laugh. This is so ridiculous.
anon who wants to get 100k
watch and learn, but there's a nuance, you should also have famous friends.
and you have to sacrifice everything and sell your soul.
cringe how everyone started calling shadman a "lolicon artist" when he barely draws enough loli to be called such just to virtue signal about an eceleb tranny being le creepy
Shad, Belle, Pewd, etc. just realized people are tired of sticks in the mud and are very willing to support anyone who'd upset them.
Of course a lot of those kinds of creatives end up pooling resources to increase their wow factor.
It's modern day dadaism, except the busybodies trying to elmininate any and all fun from the world are now leftist faggots instead of frigid church ladies.

It's a shame disgusting troons hang on the periphery of these creatives, but it's inevitable, those monsters crave attention and nobody can stop talking about Shad even if he hasn't put any effort into staying relevant in years.
>he barely draws enough loli to be called
To be canceled and banned.

He's smart, he has powerful trans friends lmao. I've found his underaged characters. It seems the internet was a much better place a few years ago. Now you can't even post a sfw loli in bikini.
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>calling shadman a "lolicon artist"
No, they call him CP artist. It's 2024, you're a bit behind on life.
God I wish someone would put a bullet in that cancer already

I thought the drama alert guy retired. Why is he still around?
Imagine this is your mom and she prohibits you to draw lolicon. This is new world order.
you should go tell this stuff to lolicon artists on pixiv directly lol
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>real children
>real pedophiles

I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, but...
look at this chutzpah, at the little girl with a predatory man
there's some kind of a hidden message...
and nobody will do anything about it, normies are only allowed to report lolicon and artists.
I've been reading about this dude on twitter, and he was pretty based lmao. I'd have loved to have him as a friend if he didn't stray from the loli path and suddenly got into men.

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