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File: Nature general.png (1.01 MB, 1200x654)
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Art with an emphasis on landscapes, plants, animals, and mythical creatures are welcome!

>Wildlife Reference Photos:

Animals Real and Imagined:https://kupdf.net/download/animals-real-and-imagined_58cd8907dc0d60e255c3465e_pdf
An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists:https://anatomiaartistica.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/ellenberger-atlas-animal-anatomy-for-artists.pdf
Botany for the Artist:https://docviewer.xdocs.net/view.php

Previous thread: >>6950655
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Here's a beautiful painting I saw at an exhibition, it's by Ivan Shishkin
Just beautiful.
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why are all animal books the same. all have horses, lions, and other basic af mamals and never expand on anything beyond guesture, form, and skeleton. if you read one book you read them all. i want specialized books like picrel for reptiles, amphibians, fish,etc
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Pic rel is from a book called “Nature’s Monsters: endangered reptiles /natures monsters:lizards.” (It’s like a two sided book). Lots of greatttt artwork in there. Not any guides but it has exactly what you’re looking for
very nice, thanks for sharing anon
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so, why nobody draws horses?
that's sad
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Painting I'm doing for a family friend
sorry anon I haven't forgotten ive just been swamped, your horses are lovely however. They always put a smile on my face.

Wow, that looks amazing anon. Is that acrylic I see?

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