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How to start drawing if you have no talent?
Just start like everyone else? Are you retarded by any chance?
"like everyone else" will not work talented people evolve from boxes into something more, I can't understand the three-point perspective and my box people are crooked and abnormal
the confidence of being able to ctrl z a stroke is unparalleled
You've posted this month ago, you have to let it go
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stop making the same question every fucking day
How do I start drawing without having talent? Answer and show your work
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I wish I had the talent to draw as well as here
Try drawing for more than 2 seconds before giving up
your wish is granted mortal. here is a pen, some paper, and 48 hours of free time.
Everyone gets better over time lol talent just expedites the process
Didn't you realize that I'm NGMI? It's over.
>boxes inside boxes, in perspective
>grey and purple and red and black
Dude sketched that thing like 10 times
How to stop drawing if you have no talent?
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I'm worse than the right side in the OP picture, I want that level of boxed people but they're worse, it's over, I don't have the talent
>I want to be better than I am, but I’m not currently better than I am, so it’s impossible
Anon lmfao
Just keep practicing
If you do it for 100 more hours I promise you’ll get better
And dont make excuses like “oh thats so long oh” like those hours would have passed anyway, you might as well learn something in the meanwhile
kek what a talentlet.
Imagine having to spend 100+ hours into something when some people are just good at drawing right off the bat
It's never over until you truly believe it is anon.
So, technically, it's over.
Literally just draw

you don't need talent but you do need a basic level of intellect. If you can't understand the relation between drawing boxes and basic perspective then no one can help you.
>I don't have the talent
That's fine. Like that dude, just sketch and retrace about ten times. The first attempt will always suck
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How can I increase my intelligence in order to understand how to position correctly in perspective or just correctly position these two boxes of the torso and pelvis?
I don't need advice from some talented whore from tumblr, especially on the "just draw" type
What are you doing here if you don't want to draw
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I just want to rationally imagine how the process will move and whether it will evolve at all for lack of talent, talent is the possibility of evolution, passing through the stage of all three types of perspectives, applying perspective to build simple human figures from boxes or other simple shapes, then evolution to anatomy, first basic and then more complex, After learning how to draw anatomy, there will be drawing objects, clothes, possibly animals, then studying coloring. To complete all these stages, talent is needed, in one form or another and at one level or another. I'm on the level of crooked and dirty box people. This is a picture from /beg/ where anon reached the /int/ level in 1 year and secured it for the next year, he has talent for all stages. OP the picture shows a lack of talent, so I'm thinking whether I should continue what I started or spit on everything
16 is cool. It actually looks like a vinyl figure. I had to take a second to check if it was.

Is that your drawing? Because if it is you would know how already. If it's not then for me to give you any advice I need to know what level are you at currently.
I agree peaked at '16 everything else looks soulless
You're literally drowning yourself in sea of thoughts and cope when sometimes all you need to do is just pick up a pen and Just Draw.
Whether is a cognitive issue (stubbornness) or whatever else you will always improve if you pick up something from your last drawing and apply it to a new one
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Something like that, basically everything is worse, and no, there were two qualitative progress in that picture, at 20 as the completion of stage 19 and 22. The first three is a sure start
I also want to know this actually, I've done so many box challenges but actually sizing, spacing and placing mannequins feels impossible to me
They are approximately the same vertical length as the chest and hip box you have circled in red. Get used to it that way, then you can get a feel for it and make it longer or shorter according to the body type.
Of course stretching it in any way appears to reduce its length since the spine no longer takes a straight path but an arc.
I'm NTA, but I can tell you that your lines are uneven. You should be using a ruler to help you keep steady, even lines until your muscle and visual memory is good enough to do it without. A ruler will even help you keep you consistent with your reference, using the length of the original to compare to your study will tell you when you've gone too far or not far enough in places.
There is no original here, the ruler and the lines will not straighten or improve the correct perspective arrangement in any way, the lines are the last thing to worry about
Have you ever pet a dog before?
Last year, the last dog died due to the heat and a lot of street fleas that drank it alive to death.
Look at something (preferrebly something simple) and draw it as best as you can. Once you're done, look at what you drew and compare. Does it look accurate? Why or what not? What differences can you spot? Draw it again trying to correct those mistakes and rinse repeat while moving onto something a little harder each time.
You're not a special retard Howie. Just bloody draw
Is that your art, anon? Looks pretty good.
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Stop replying to the same stupid faggots every day. These are subhuman retards you're trying to "help". They just want to be good instantly, without any time investment. They're too fucked in the head to understand the "secret" is literally just practicing. Same way you get good at anything, violin, coding, woodworking, whatever. No, they just want the instant secret that lets them draw their anime girls right now. They don't enjoy drawing, they don't have the mindset to succeed. They are just one of the billion retards that will never accomplish anything, just stand in line at walmart, work a dead end job and die an alcoholic.
Tried searching you up on twitter but couldn't find anything, can you drop a link? I'm interested in following you.
Probably by crying like a fucking baby on a basket weaving forum. You are on the right track.
Thank you!
Aww thanks anon
Here you go: https://x.com/BriBriMeese?t=itgBAL5WtD5W-yHgcklIpw&s=09
You don't want to draw, fuck off and die already.
>how the process will move and whether it will evolve at all
It won't.
You won't get better.
You will always be shit no matter how much you study and "rationalize" it.
Because you refuse to just fucking draw and drawing is the one and only thing that makes you better at drawing.
Those hours pass anyway might as well use the time to get better at something
Some people were born stronger than me but I still do weightlifting and because of that Im stronger than 99% of people
Same can be said for drawing
You need to practice it a gajillion times, watch youtube videos and read books on the subject while doing so
You yourself are a subhuman if you think that everyone can master highly qualified professions, especially programming, where mathematical and logical thinking is needed, a mathematical mindset,Therefore, not everyone, in principle, no matter how hard they try, will not be able to become a programmer if they have been backward in it for the whole school, the whole university and the university, the same with playing the violin, where you must have an innate sound and a developed idea of the correct movement of the bow. Remember your school, there were probably retarded people in it without any knowledge. With drawing as well, there are people on this board who are literally backward and restless to progress due to lack of talent and those who reach the /int/ level in a year
Talent is a glass, everyone is born with a different glass, but you can't pour the whole bottle of alcohol into one glass, it will just pour out, this is the simplest analogy
Try doing the following
Do your construction in perspective. Screenshot or take a photo/scan.
Do your drawing.
Post side by side and ask for halp.
There are a lot of begs, fiew ints but someone eventually will gib good info.
draw 250 boxes then 250 stick figures then 250 box figures
These kinds of threads give me a motivation boost to continue drawing despite being a talentless low/beg/, because the thing I want the least for myself is to be a whiny bitch like OP.
I won't miss an opportunity to call them a faggot
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nobody talks about mastering, this is basic shit anyone can learn, heck kids who have not yet developed enough to understand math can learn the basic principles of drawing.
copy your favorite artist
Hey dum dum if your goal is to become a master artist you have to practice making art
Shocking I know
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>especially programming, where mathematical and logical thinking is needed, a mathematical mindset
I'm hyper beg but will say that anyways. I've been working with programming for a while and this and drawing are at least half more about problem resolution than mathematical and logical thinking. And this doesn't feel that different from drawing from what I've tried so far. The differences are on concepts that people will get a gist on by experimenting and learning day a day.
>>7234273 has a point in there. I believe anyone can master programming, drawing, violin or whatever else if there's enough focus and dedication, but life circunstancies makes them lazy, or without time or energy to try. It's not something related to talent, but how immerse someone is on the learning in particular.
People who say they were "self taught" and "just drew" are so incredibly dishonest with themselves

You didn't learn to draw the human form through mere trial-and-error
You looked it up, and just forgot where you learned it because you have ADD brain

"self-taught" means finding the resources to learn by yourself, without having a teacher finding them for you.

"just draw" means "practice", "practice" means draw while analyzing what you're doing.

where is the dishonesty? is this some language barrier?

and wtf with always blaming ADD? who convinced you all that everyone has ADD?
For the love of god use google, find a humanoid pic you like and start copying. It can be a pic, it can be an anime, it can be a fantasy race, but just start.

You learn languages by copying sounds and writing letters crudely
You learn sports by doing small exercises, and slowly start moving like the people who know
You learn to write by copying the same letters over and over and over in a calligraphy notebook

It's the fucking SAME, you have infinite knowledge in the palm of your hand, and all you can do is cry "wah wah wah why can't I instantly know how to draw" and when people post their drawing journey from 0 when they had just as much drawing skill as you, you start complaining about "talent"

Unironically subhuman behavior.
If you are really untalented, then good luck rotting in crooked boxes and shapes like me, if not, then you are a lying cunt who has evolved
Talented children have been drawing/ programming/ playing the violin since childhood, even then they saw their talent and developed their abilities
What the fuck are you talking about, to master programming, which means that mathematical thinking can only be done by someone who had abilities in mathematics, logic and algorithms, you are dishonest, you know yourself if you were engaged in programming, in your school everyone was talented mathematicians? Then I'll try to understand your point of view, but if not, then what the hell? Retards who are unable to evolve in the knowledge of mathematics cannot put it into practice through programming. It's the same with drawing, realizing this fucking perspective of a boxed pelvis and torso, retards without talent won't fit, it's all just crooked shit.
Those who can overcome the stage of shit and move on to the stage of normality are talented faggots who do not understand what they continue and they succeed because they are talented, the Anon in that picture became low/int/ in a year, thanks to talent, talent is what drives and what makes evolution happen, talent is what makes one child remember the formula is the first time and can be studied further, thanks to the talent here, everyone was able to succeed. You will not be able to understand drawing without talent, you will not be able to understand mathematics without talent and you will not be able to learn to play the violin without talent, learn a foreign language, become a great football player, an eloquent speaker, a cook, a ship captain, a doctor if you are a retard untalented. THIS IS GENETIC DETERMINISM? SO WHY WOULD YOU DRAW?
not talking about talented children, just average kids who won't even pick art as profession when they grow up.
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i wouldnt know...
I'm actually not that good on mathematics, and only got to develop logical thinking during the first years of college. The thing is, knowledge is not something you should absorb 100% into yourself, or is 100% needed into some set of skills. I've spent so much time programming actually that I've forgot basic mathematic stuff. My brother, that's getting into it even mocks me because of that. But all in all, my basic education was bad on that aspect, even after joining college. Getting into a job and being thrown a lot of responsibility and shit was what ended making me get my shit together and actually learning programming properly.

I think the same logic applies to mangakas, where their skill improves by having a fucking job and a schedule to put the end result together. The skill is developed by necessity.

I agree on development of logical thinking though, as being needed to master programming. However, that's not taught on schools in here at least. Funny enough, during my time of college, I've seen that mostly of people who were good into mathematics ended doing bad at programming. I believe they were too formulaic on what they did learn on school on math as a cooking formula that they became unable to do any problem solving. They wished to have it already done for them.

But anyway, there's also a point about emotional barrier stopping one from developing. And, if this thread is not a bait, I think that's actually the case. I mean, >>7234402 is freaking out...
Pick up a pencil and start drawing spheres and cubes. That’s it. If you’re really committed buy one of those fake gum prank toys that give you an electric shock and every time your spheres are not ideal then shock yourself.
What do children have to do with it? They do everything like shit if they're not talented
>Those who can overcome the stage of shit and move on to the stage of normality are talented faggots
they are not talented, it's you who is a retard, so everyone else is talented in comparison in your eyes.
an average kid is able to learn basic drawing principles if taught, doesn't need to be talented.
Listen to what you wrote, you're a talented cunt, yes, I'm genetic garbage, as it became clear, but don't compare everything with everything, you entered a fucking college, got a fucking job, don't deny that you knew mathematics well at school and had developed logical thinking, you had no barriers because you're not like that retard like me, the word talent can ultimately be considered genes, weren't there any retards like me in your fucking school? I can't, it's too shitty, it's bad, it's bad that everything is like this, why did everything work out for everyone and they refuse?
So I'm a retard and I won't draw, that's it, it's not for people like me, it's just that such bastards don't admit it and constantly fucking say the opposite
>mogs the shit out of OP through raw talent, skill and genetic superiority
He never stood a chance
I actually got the needed points to pass school by wearing clown clothes during certain school festivals... you just don't understand how weird was the educational system I've had to pass.

Also I just remembered I passed on Calculus on college because my teacher was always drunk, and refused to check my questions because of my terrible calligraphy.

Now, before wanting to draw, I think you need to make sex first. Your aura is down as hell, anon!
Stab yourself, you offspring of a canine creature
it's not a problem with you having or not having a talent, it's a you problem, maybe if you stopped thinking about it in terms of talent and used your brain when you draw maybe you would be able to learn.

it's like wanting to learn mathematics, but being unable to learn that 1+1=2 and then go around saying that it's because everyone is talented in math.

I don't think you are an actual retard, tho, I think you just don't use your brain.
Start learning line control.
Keep drawing circles until you can do it perfectly. Once you've done that you'll finally have enough talent saved up to start drawing naked anime girls
1+1 is definitely not a Leibniz formula, everyone knows the multiplication table, many have moved much further than this, but each time more and more people have been filtered. Sorry for insulting you, this is really just my problem as a complete retard. I just need to get this over with.
it's all talent
improving is a meme...
How strangely convenient that all of these so called “talented” children have extremely strict chinese parents who force them to practice many hours a day for years regardless of whether the child has a natural proclivity towards that particular interest under the threat of physical and emotional abuse
>unable to evolve in the knowledge of mathematics
Are you literally 85iq retarded? Lmfao
“evolve in knowledge” literally just means “learn”
Is your neurology literally completely non-plastic to the point that your synapses cannot form new connections?
This guy has taken too many blackpills, its over guys :(
You eventually end up having a teacher though. Or several.
Or did you think these "resources" manifest out of nowhere?

Why are you arguing with something I haven't even said? I am literally doing the above with no complaint. The only gripe is with the claim of being "self-taught".
Self taught just means you didnt go to school or pay a tutor to meet each week
If you learned by watching youtube videos and torrenting artbook pdfs and shit most people would call you “self taught”
Youre basically arguing semantics
Correct. I am.
Fair enough
self-taught: having acquired knowledge or skill on one's own initiative rather than through formal instruction or training.

do you not understand what one's own initiative means? or is it "formal instruction" and "formal training" that confuses you?

it's not even semantics, it seems he just made up his own definition and now is angry about it.

Self-taught doesn't mean teaching yourself in void and it never had such a meaning.
Im not concerned about semantics-anon
It is what it is
Im more concerned about blackpilled talent-anons
The blackpill can be dangerous
Remember elliot rodger?
We must push back the darkness by being practicepilled and neuroplasticitymaxxing
I seriously don't think he should stop drawing, on the other hand life is finite and if he feels that he is wasting his time, it's ok to move on and do something else in life that makes him happy. Seems like he likes math, could do that, like you can do very impressive and nifty stuff with procedural shaders and nodes in blender, and it's still creative and feels like magic to those who don't know and can't visualize math.
I hate mathematics, I've been retarded in this since elementary school, it's ironic that at school my friend had a talent for it, he solved examples and problems faster than anyone, in college he was exempted from attending technical subjects and mathematics, this year he will go to university to become a programmer. Why is everyone not like my friend? Because I'm genetically dumber than him. It's absolutely the same with drawing. Why are you all denying it? In an ordinary school, different students have different academic performance, there are those who are at the top and those who are at the bottom, with drawing as well. Genes determine the further ability to perceive, understand and remember information, in any field, genes are what people learn successfully, effort if you are genetically unable to understand mathematics is useless. I am genetically unable to understand either mathematics or drawing, I was damn wrong to think that drawing is different, because there is no need for mathematical thinking, but no, everything is worse, everything is much worse. The funny thing is that my friend denies that he has any innate data, saying that he liked to study all this mathematical shit since childhood. Exactly, because he had a predisposition to it.
Mathematical mindset, genes, talent, different words denoting one thing - an innate ability to understand mathematics, or another ability to succeed in something, I do not have it. People are unequal, learning means unlocking the potential of your genes and if your genes are bad, your drawings will also be bad and you will not be able to draw better, you will not be able to evolve. Genetically determinism is the determinism of your abilities, I will never be able to understand mathematics, someone will never learn to play the piano, someone will never become a programmer, etc. Genetic determinism is not about the fact that you develop and learn, it's about where the darkness comes through which you cannot cross.
this is like asking
>how do i start doing surgery when i have no talent?
>how do i rewire a house if i have no talent?
my bro, it's a skill. nobody is born a great artist. you have to slowly learn the process just like everything else in life
Genetic determinism ends a long and fascinating, or maybe a short and hateful, pencil-on-paper journey. The realization that you are worse and others are better is the first stage, the realization that people are born with the genes of great artists and are able to move on and others end up on fucking, cursed, infinitely crooked, infinitely ugly, unnecessary, rubbish boxes is the 2nd stage, accept their genes and accept that it's over this is the third stage, it's over in terms of drawing, mathematics and many other skills that almost everyone has, but you don't, it's a shame to talk about it and it's scary to admit it. It's just the way it should probably be, people are unequal, but some hotties are very unequal and it's just dark
You're absolutely right. This is why artists are so evil.
First, they know they have talent, and flaunt it constantly by making great art.
Second, they try to pass it off as hard work instead of inherent genetic greatness, giving the masses the illusion of earned skill and to justify being paid.
Third, they convince the untalented that THEY TOO can work hard to reach their level, knowing full well that they will only waste their life. They do this for no other reason than amusement because artists are ontologically evil.
But worry not. In the future, the brilliant and extremely handsome revolutionary Sam Altman will save us all from the artist menace. Do the right thing, anon. Donate your money to OpenAI today.
You never learn becuase instead of just fucking practicing you constantly whine on 4chan about how much of a loser you are
Stop whining and just fucking practice, you arent special, you can practice just like how every fucking artist in the world practices. Fuck your stupid ass circle logic
>waaaah all artists just have good genes
>they have good genes because theyre artists
If your genes really were that bad you never would have lived long enough to annoy us with your presence
I won't get any better from practicing drawing
You dont get better because you dont practce
The fuck is going on in here
Self-pitying losers who cant be bothered to learn so they instead whine on the board for the thing they supposedly gave up on
learning means having a genetic determinism that does not put a dead end
Learning means studying and practicing
Unless you dropped out of kindergarten and could never advance past that stage then you can learn, and you can practice
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Just draw a box bro
Kindergarten is not a Leibniz formula. In kindergarten, school, college and university, there is a filtration of those who have genes and those who do not
there is no leibniz formula gene, people know about it because they finished hs, went to college and bothered to study it.
i dont even know wtf that is but i will if i feel like googling it. The fac you know it means you bothered to learn it, and thus you can learn how to draw.
>preferrebly something simple
What is a simple subject in the context of drawing? Everything seems more or less equally impossible, save for rocks and trees, which seem even more impossible than everything else despite inexplicably sometimes being referred to as easy subjects.

I thought that maybe cardboard boxes would be easy, but they're extremely complex when I sit down and take a look at them. I don't know what to do with all that visual information. None of it suggests to me any way that it could be communicated with lines.

>draw it as best as you can.
I don't have a functional drawing process, so the best I can do is make a series of wild guesses regarding where lines should be placed. The end result is then an indecipherable mess, so I can't even tell which guesses, if any, were correct. The only thing thing that I can really even try to do correctly is the subject's silhouette, since bounding that with lines doesn't rely on guesswork. I can get good results with that part with sufficient time and effort, but that doesn't make for much of a drawing.

>Does it look accurate? Why or what not? What differences can you spot?
I'm not entirely clear on what accuracy means in the context of drawing. Drawings don't really seem to have all that much in common with their subjects. They seem more like an abstract means of communication than an actual representation, unlike paintings and sculptures.

I can make mental measurements well and place lines where I intend, but I struggle to figure out where I should be trying to place lines in the first place. Getting that wrong, at least to the extent that I currently do, doesn't make the right answer any more clear to me.

Drawing is unique in that it seems like no one can really communicate the process, though. Most resources aimed at beginners don't even try.
Leibniz formula is an example of when darkness comes in the study of mathematics through my genetic determinism. This is the end, I was a retard before this formula, but after it was over, the perspective and curves of the box and the shapes consisting of them are analogous to the Leibniz formula, in drawing everything ended much earlier
I have talent. How do I start drawing?
So you gave up instead of studying the formula?
Dude, you're just a loser looking for an excuse to blame something besides your laziness. You just proved you knew something I didnt, and that's because you bothered to learn something I didn't.
If you really are so incompetent you cannot learn anything then you wouldn't be out and about in society. Get back to studying.
good thread
I do not know and do not understand the Leibniz formula, only its name, and before that there are heaps of everything in mathematics. I'm not in society, I've been sitting in the same room for years without going outside. I'm just constantly looking at this board and that's it, without genes I can't understand either drawing or mathematics, all this is just impossible
You knew it's name, therefore you are capable of learning something. Unless you want to claim you were born knowing those words you are just too lazy to bother studying.
If you can figure out how to go onto 4chan and whine on /ic/ you can figure out how to use a pencil on paper
And no, there is no 4chan gene so don't try to use that excuse
>Hand to eye coordination is shit
>Never been good at hand writing
>Autism, ADHD, learning disability,
>Stimulants make me shake too much to do any fine motor skills
>Find it hard to focus on tutorials
>All the tutorials look too complex for me
What do I do?
You pet the dog, of course.
>my friend was naturally good at math and thus it was literally IMPOSSIBLE for me to also be good
Nigga if you studied lmfao
What is it that youre trying to draw dude?
Youre making drawing sound like a fucking insurmountable obstacle
Are you trying to become a professional? Or just be like decent enough to impress your friends?
Literally anybody can become good enough to impress normies in like 6 months unless you are literally a drooling cross eyes slackjawed retard
Or if youre just a lazy excuse making bitch, that would cause the same issue
Weird blackpill semi-trolling reply bait
They were just bored and wanted an active thread to fuck around in so they made a “talent” thread which is just the /ic/ equivalent of the blackpill
Which is essentially just saying that some people are naturally better at some things which is true
But the idea that just because you are not naturally talented means that it is impossible for you to become proficient at it is retarded
Any human being who does not have an actual neurological deficiency of some kind can become impressively good at drawing with a few years of dedicated and disciplined well-strategized training
That last part is where most people fuck up
They either dont practice enough, or they waste their time practicing in inefficient ways
This can cause some people to legitimately lose hope and give up
The OP of this thread is not one of those people
He is just reply-farming
>What is a simple subject in the context of drawing?
Draw a cup. Then a vase, and so forth
I am NOT reading all dat. But if you post your work I can give you better pointers so you can improve
I’d also like to add that it’s extremely scummy to knowingly attempt to discourage others by espousing this blackpill garbage, especially if its being done just for the sake of reply farming because youre fucking bored which is what youre doing
I'm pretty sure threads like this are part of a discord gayop where actual, unironic, trannies are trying to make 4chan uninhabitable both for pay and for free because they're mad about the 2016 election. I wish I was joking
It's strange to accuse me of left-wing trolling, it seems like the left, just like you all in the thread, are shouting about "just draw, just try and everything will work out", most of all I was alerted by believers that everyone can understand mathematics as well as programming, some people are stupid, they don't understand anything, each student learns information differently, and some of them break through the bottom. This is the leftmost branch that I have seen, you are trying to convince me that with effort people achieve, I say that they are able to achieve this or that from birth, sometimes everything is very bad
Ok so you're retarded. Kill yourself since you have no hope then
You finally took my side, now everything is fine
You're a lying son of a whore, you don't have to be literally disabled or with down syndrome to not have the ability to draw, in 6 fucking months there may be such a talented cunt as you could, but I don't have your genes, you asshole was born with good genes and accuse me of not drawing like you, fuck you to hell with it
It's all mental anon. You could try hypnosis therapy. Take hypnosis sessions with a professional, to program your inner self to "think as an artist". To unlock whatever that is that makes a person to draw all day like an obsessive autist.
Or ask chatgpt to come up with a therapy text, and make an AI voice generator to read it for you. If you can unlock your head, who knows what you can achieve.
You don't draw like him because you don't practice like him, jackals
You're a gross lazy blackpilled loser and you deserve to be a shit artist because you refuse to actually draw
I can try to study drawing and mathematics for a month to prove that you are all wrong and genes from birth give someone everything and someone crooked boxed people
Howie got a PhD, move to the side artfags. Your lie of a life IT'S OVER.
>a month
You think it takes just a month for this "talent gene" to kick in?
Talented people become /int/ level in a month, I won't even be able to do that
I unironically recommend the show to Draw Manga series for total beginners. It breaks down its lessons in approachable and fun ways. You can learn how to draw more realistically once you’ve built up confidence. Find artwork you like and using sheer paper draw over it trying to break down the shapes and construction lines.

I don’t recommend the box drawing challenges. It makes learning to draw boring when it should be fun.
Asian genes are playing unfair knowing that others will not be able to get close to them. The boxes are the only thing I can do, the simple shapes of the torso and pelvis in their drawings are worse than shitty boxes
Whats so fucked up about your boxes genelet-anon?
Post your box drawings
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Because of the genes, I won't become the left side.
How many of these constructed box figure mannequins are you producing each day? And for how long? And what professional resource materials (videos/books) are you using to guide you along? Or are you going to art school or have an art tutor?
I can gurantee you that the guy on the left has drawn more than x10 the amount you have to reach that level. You are simply a lazy faggot
These are not the first crooked boxes, none of this makes sense. Faggots with talent can evolve
Answer these questions to the best of your ability
Otherwise its basically just intellectual dishonesty
Which would mean this whole thread is literally just blackpill trolling
If you can do picrel you can draw
try it and pyw, if you don't do it then you are just a lazy ass
Nice thing about this technique (I forget what it's called) is it sort of trains you to also draw from observation in a bareback way
Get used to copying images with this kinda grid and you can start imagining those lines over subjects in real life. I guarantee it will improve your accuracy more than just looking for horizontal and vertical alignments or counting heads.
I think this is because estimating angles and inclinations with your eyes is easier than estimating distances.
Just copy bargue plates, especially the figure ones.
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What about the people that become /int/ level in two months? Or a year?
Either they dont have this magic gene and succeeded, or this talent gene doesnt really affect much anyway
whats all these lines for?
Use the lines, without the lines even you know you are doing it wrong you can't tell what's wrong
You can't improve if you "just draw"
i want them to beat me up to a pulp until i cant speak and i cry for mercy,
m-mercy , no.. dont pee on me...
noo my loomis books will be soaked in pee now
What lines... Everything will be crooked
This is not nearly as bad as you made it sound, i was thinking you are incapable of drawing a line the way you were talking.

Gently erase the drawing so that you can still see it and go over the reference drawing again, take note where there are deviations, try fixing those, try to avoid patting lines this time around and pick your lines with more confidence.
Talent doesnt exists on it's own, effort and grind it's what makes talent lmao
Sound like talentlet cope. Some people have a higher peak than others
>I just want to rationally imagine how the process will move
ffs you sound just like my wife learning Spanish, just practice
Talent can only effectively be evaluated retroactively
Practice or give up, nobody cares, your life is your own
How do you know whether you have talent before you start drawing?
If you have to ask this, you can be certain there is no talent in you.
Fortunately, after 10.000 hours of drawing the talent will appear.
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Okay, so I'm the guy who drew the pic on the right.

I want to debunk this whole "muh talent" bullshit. Some people have seen my post before in /beg/ wanting to improve and abd get critique on my work. And I haven't made a lot of progress in the few years that I've picked up this hobby? Do you want to know why? It's consistency.

The reality is I don't draw every day. I draw very sporadically. Sometimes I'll draw 10 hours a day, sometimes I won't draw for months. I pretty much didn't draw at all during 2022. I do practice fundies, I do try and watch tutorials, but I don't grind. I draw very casually. I do want to improve of course, but I'm not busting my ass putting the hours in like other artists. That's why I'm still /beg/. Is talent real? Yeah. There are some people who can put the same amount of work I have and still be much better. The ideas however that it's talent why my shit is still /beg/ is stupid. It's work, I don't put in the work because it's a side thing I enjoy doing. I was taking it seriously as a something I wanted to do for a career a few years ago but decided to keep it a hobby which honestly makes it more enjoyable for me. I made pic related literally two days later which is a clear improvement. I know my stuff is still /beg/ but I'm not making excuses about it. I don't put in the time, that's the main thing. I'm definitely not as talented as others who have an easier time learning art, and I'll never be Raphael, but quit using my shitty /beg/ art to make excuse for yourselves.

God this whole conversation has made me want to get gud simply to end this discussion.
how do I draw without spending hours drawings?
>just draw for 30 minutes
thats not enough time to finish anything. I can barely sketch a body in that time
I don't want to draw all day because its mentally exhausting. Its like calculating physics equations for hours. I can't take a break either because going on break makes me tired, even if I draw for one second. Its psychological.
"talent" is just ability to move your hand without microtremors.
t. ngmi
Then fucking stop jesus christ what the fuck?
If you hate drawing and math why are you constantly trying to draw and do math?
Go exercise or something jfc
Nobody really needed you to say this, everyone knows this lol
This thread is blackpill trolling
As verified by OPs unwillingness to answer these simple questions >>7235677
I'm already 20 and I'm talentless, there's no point in doing this anymore
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Another proof of talent, this time the genes are even stronger. The level of the right drawing was achieved in 1 year and 7 months, I'm not trolling, I'm completely serious, everything really begins to make sense, the anon on the right is even more talented than the left anon, this is what I always talk about, genetic determinism allows you to go through the entire path of drawing freely, damn why is that, why are they so lucky
guy on the right has been drawing for a decade lmao
now reply this post >>7237227 retardbro
Two weeks. I've been drawing crooked boxes, crooked people for two weeks, and perspective has become the end for me. I know what you're going to say, but it doesn't make sense, a year will pass, two years, three, I won't achieve improvements, because even if you remove talent, genes, genetic determinism as terms, as something that really exists, there still exists an incomprehensible moment in your reality, in the perception of your consciousness of certain aspects that simply cannot be accepted by your mind. The child unconsciously accepts letters, more consciously numbers, he repeats words after others, he develops, his consciousness freely absorbs everything new, but the further his consciousness goes deeper into this world, the more it loses its freedom, it loses it because of moments and things that it cannot accept, this is expressed in ideas, thoughts, actions, what will eventually form morality, but morality is formed partly by will, intellectual abilities are deeper, consciousness exposes the impossibility of perception, understanding of some things, individually and to varying degrees, even after attempts to understand them. And so in high school, when two students look at a formula, one does not see anything, and the other looks through it, understanding all its parts, understands the meaning of the formula, its essence. Here we can clearly draw a parallel with the past, because as easy as it is to master basic skills, it is as difficult as it is impossible for the formula to manifest itself in consciousness. The greatest achievement is to fill your consciousness with external knowledge about the world, but due to the ephemerality of certain knowledge for everyone, not everyone can do this.
2 weeks in an extraordinarily short period of time to expect significant growth
I refuse to read the rest of your post because you are blackpill trolling
>pisses and shits about not having talent when giving up after TWO WEEKS
lmao, sounds like you just have no work ethic you fucking pussy
I see you ignored most of the actual advice, you're trolling to get (you)s, and you're proud of it.
After years you'll be so proud of getting so much (you)s on this board, while other anons have improved their drawing skills.
Read to the end, I can draw for 10 years, it won't change anything
What advice? You just tell me to draw. I'm not trolling anyone
What I got out of your ramblings is that you are a coward. The idea of failing scares the shit out of you, so you ramble and give up before even trying to overcome the slightest difficulty. You are not talentless, you are a coward.
I have nothing to fear, my genes cannot be fixed
You are scared of failure and of taking responsibility for your choices. You are talking yourself out of it with your little pep talk about genes, because the mere possibility of failure is too scary for you, so you give up without trying. And you came here to get reassurance, you want people to tell you that you made the right choice, because you are too scared to take responsibility for your choice, it's less scary to share the responsibility with others. All of it is typical coward behavior.
> guy on the right has been drawing for a decade lmao
Did he? I thought he meant he drew as a kid and stopped until he picked up drawing again ten years later, idk.
Pussy. Retarded. Also your genes are not what determines it, you are giving up far too early.
Whatever helps you sleep at night about your genes and not your weak will bro
We get it you, attend philosophy class
I meant that the guy >>7237378
on the left evolved for 10 years, and the guy on the right for 1 year, now do you understand? There is no point in drawing without having talent
I will not get better after a while, as with mathematics, if genetic determinism does not give me the way it's over
I think I didn't talk to you and I think you're twisting words of the other anon >>7237397
He meant the guy on the right
I had one too, but I didn't specify the guy on the right, he overtook the other one in 1 damn year, that's the whole point
Why do you draw to improve, but how do you improve? You understand what your consciousness has accepted, but it does not contain everything, ahahha, and this is not all part of your possible happy fate of becoming an artist, hahahha, legs to the burning, if you draw for at least 10 years nothing will change, hahaha, these are genes, you are evolving thanks to this and not work.
They began to consider it a merit of labor
They make fun of what they were born with and what others don't have.
They see the essence of formulas, the essence of perspective, the essence of algorithms better than others from birth. And they lie at the same time
"I've been drawing since childhood" of course, but how could it be otherwise, you're lucky
But for some reason they all forgot about all those who are in the dark, and those who have never been able to learn how to draw
Therefore, I will not continue to draw.
Nigga I would be satisfied if I could draw even the right one without reference.
You're already better than over half of the nodraws on this board.
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Stop joking, look at this shit
you have been drawing for two weeks. That's nothing. Come again in a few months.
The hands look good, if you're saying you can't make a dynamic poses, you're just using the wrong figure.
You said youve been drawing for 2 weeks but you keep posting the same 1 drawing
If youve been drawing for weeks you should have a small stack of papers filled with figures
Post a timestamped picture with all of your figures that youve drawn so far
I dont believe youve done damn near any drawing and this is just a troll thread
LGTM. I don't even know how to construct or gesture draw yet. Only copy.
Ask yourself "Why draw?" over and over as a mantra out loud for around 15 minutes and then eat magic mushrooms and keep chanting it (meditating to the mantra, really) until they start to kick in. That way you'll really have the answers your heart needs, the answers none of us can really give you. I suggest this to all people struggling with similar shit.
Holy text wall
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oh Allah, forgive me for my sins as I'm about to murder op for being a retard.
I wonder how people get into a state when they start to improve
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Cease, anon, and let not thy hands be soiled by this undertaking.
I am self taught and still /beg/
Is there even anyone alive anymore who doesn't draw like a fucking weeb??
Go to hell with your realism
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They just continue practicing despite frustration
There are legitimately some neuroscience things you can do to enhance neuroplasticity and all that jazz but none of that matters if you dont practice regularly
Because realism and weebshit are the only two styles in existence, right?
Oh, do you like catroonshit and capeshit?
The vanishing point filters me, it's over
Man, what a retard you are
You started it first, go to hell with your realism
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just draw
No, I don't have talent, how many times do I have to tell you illiterate nigger spic monkeys????
Bro, it's not like you have anything better to do in this godforsaken blue rock in space.
Who the fuck cares about other people anyway? Just do you.
>We must push back the darkness by being practicepilled and neuroplasticitymaxxing
Unironically true.
Who the fuck cares about genes? Just do fun things? Who cares if it takes longer? For every second that you spend antsily worrying about how you're less able to make progress compared to others, that's a minute you're not on your grindset getting the shit you want to get done, done.
You see Bob, it's not that i'm lazy, it's an issue of motivation.
I can draw but i hate drawing because i cant draw amazing things. I dont want to draw shitty thingd or draw for fun, i want to make it before i reach old age (35). If a drawing i slaved over does shit numbers, its agonizing because that time is forever lost.
>i hate drawing
If you hate drawing perhaps you've chosen the wrong industry.
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I beg pardon, dear anon, for I must perform this grievous act, and in so doing, stain my hands with blood. O Lord, grant me Thy mercy for the sin I am about to commit
I hate you and I want you to kill yourself
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>This thread
You should too. If only you knew.
I'm a fucking natural and I love drawing, I have more skill in my actual shit than most people will ever see in their lives.
This, a weeb website of all places though, is the place you came to to complain about weebs? Really?
I don't draw like a fucking weeb, but there's nothing wrong with it, let people draw in their own style, it doesn't hurt you.
bro you're humble and self aware, you're good, I hope you can draw more on the future and get the results you're looking for
>If a drawing i slaved over does shit numbers
What do you mean by this? "numbers".
Pyw and i will give you a good composition based on your skill

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