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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Fun With A Pencil
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous thread >>7230779
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Wait, why are there two int/beg threads?! WHICH DO I USE?!
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Perhaps I do not have a soul, those talented people who publish the result of their work are always kind, cheerful and friendly, they all draw since childhood, of course they have a special vision of the world and the opportunity to transfer the studied material and their feelings on paper, their parents are loving and caring and they are from a natural gift and from the environment at some level at a deep level , they are able to create . However, remember Howie, his life is literally hell with total depression, inability and despondency, I don't know for sure, but Pawell is not doing well either, I am an envious crab myself, it seems that everything is meaningless for people like me
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How is it?
i’d just like to interject for a moment. what you’re refering to as int&beg, is in fact, int/beg, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, /beg plus /int

Style be style, i understand that style choices lead to various results, but as a casual observer i really can't make any sense out of teeth. I think two circles on sides are supposed to be fangs, I understand that two middle teeth are joined into a symbolic round thingy, but lack of certainty in that regard is somewhat annoying. otherwise, neat i guess
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Posting progress. My objective is to be able to make assets and portraits for my videogame idea. Will start studying my fav game artists once I get more comfortable with the tools. Any advice on how to destruct a finished piece into its basic shapes? or maybe should I figure it out myself.
Hope this is the thread that stays alive.
Good progress. Maybe consider not posting dates next to stuff unless you enjoy mandatory "hurr i hate people with talent" replies. Angry shitposters aside, you might also make some perfectly decent people a bit sad inside once they realize they didn't go as far in the similar timeframe. I think improvement can be measured entirely objectively simply by posting old vs new, and in a way, it's a superior solution because ultimately all that matters is how good you are, not how fast you've got there. And second thing, since you're already measuring time and improvement, don't expect to be improving in perfectly linear manner where every next drawing is better than previous one, it's painful once you realize that it's not necessarily how it works on the long run and it's better to avoid this assumption entirely.

sorry to be all preaching and shit, it's just that i can already imagine you getting pretty alright soon, then you're happy, then you're posting it here with timestamps, and then thread gets flooded with sad emotional vampirism shitposts
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Gonna just do this instead of rewriting my post here
I can't give any critique due to my inferior skill, but I find her cute, especially her smooth buck teeth and smug upturned face. Good work.
I see, seems like it would be better to just stop caring about dates mostly. Thanks for the advice, I agree it's better to avoid inflamatory posts.
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Your skills are great dude. All of your drawing which I've seen.
I saw this one on Xitter yesterday and it inspired me to draw my version with an oc.
Neither nobody wants you here
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I dont have a digital drawing setup, so I drew this with a mouse. I didn't try too hard, so the proportions aren't right.

Anyway, I think you aren't seeing the primary forms for what they are. The chest is much larger than you have depicted it, and tilted back quite far. The pelvis is quite the opposite, as it is yawed toward the model's right leg and tilted downward slightly. The head is actually quite a small form on the body, but you have depicted it as quite large. The angle of the head is quite incorrect (both roll and yaw) and that is affecting the perspective. Hopefully the tracing I did will help you see this inaccuracies.

Another small note, you have placed the model's left foot in-line with the close face of the box and this makes your leg feel like a disconnected form in the foreground.

I also sketched a side angle depiction of the model's primary forms (on the right). My sketch is a bit exaggerated - however after studying your drawing, I believe your most inaccurate section is the spine itself. The curvature you have depicted for the spine is throwing off everything for you. Remember to use your x-ray vision and see the spine as it exists on the BACKSIDE of the model. It seems the spine you have sketched out follows the front surface of the model. Try to feel the center of gravity.

As a final note, I am also still learning and hope I helped. Good luck
Hah my stuff's the best your art is SHIT compared to mine
If you're drawing with a mouse, buy a tablet, cheaper ones can cost up to 40-60 bucks, if you don't wanna spend money then just do trad pen and paper, drawing with a mouth will only ruin your hands in the long run and develop a different hand eye co-ordination skillset/ which is a waste of your time.
be nice
hes just giving a redline here. its safe to assume he usually does trad and was just using the mouse to help the guy understand the perspective.
Oh oops I misread then sorry for the confusion
STFU faggot nobody wants you here either
Sketched a predator, i dont know what his expression means, he looks like he is about to get crushed by a giant ass and he Is just accepting it, but i could be wrong
what would your mother think if she knew about you being so rude to people online
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How do I go from sketch to line work? I know things like line-weight come into play but I'm not sure if my brush I'm using on the right is a good lining brush. Any tips on brush settings or types for lining?
Any good resources on how to draw the form of the chest? Videos preferred but books are fine too
some notes:
- The head cover of the hood is way oversized, people usually underestimate this,but her hood could probably fit three of her head.
- The pressure lines/folds on the left (front) arm aren't really conected to the movement she is doing on the fine lines and looks better on the sketch
- The face bends weirdly on the side and gives a really unnatural feelin that you made the face and the hair belong on completely different planes

The face and hair are pretty awesome and you could definitely pass as a professional to an average normie just based on that, it's really really great. Great hand anatomy too.
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Critique please. I know the paneling here is pretty boring, and some of the borders are not even properly horizontal, and maybe it looks too rough/sketchy, especially the first 2 pages. I didn't want to spend too much time thinking on it (yet just this took me 4 days).
In general I don't know what to study. I never do any studies except a random figures book once and like 20 pages of CA.
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Help with the hair ?
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What do you think ?
OK thanks for the tips, this was thrown together in like 30 minutes from sketch to lines, I'm not committed to this particular work at all. Still learning clothes and shit
Lines are quite retarded, especially on the eyelashes, but I suppose you just raped a sketch of yours to learn. Eyeshadows are too massive and unnatural looking. What's up with the glow levels ? Is she getting flashbanged? Her white shirt is nearly invisible because of that.
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Was posting in the pruned thread ooking for advice on how to color these digitally in a way to complement the art style, everything i do either looks too flat and under under detailed or they come out looking like old newgrounds flash stuff
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What are the best resources to learn shading / light? Trying to get better.
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Kitty cat
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Finally took my own advice and sat down to try to draw. It’s rough but I’m glad I actually did something for once

What are things I can improve on? I know my proportions are fucked right now
Is a display tablet worth it?
It is if it’s not just mirroring what’s on your monitor unless you have multiple monitors. Then it sucks.
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Participating in art fight with all the children and virgins, just finished this.

10 minute piece.
i used to draw a lot and had fun but after difficult life stuff my patience is almost nonexistent and I give up on a sketch after 3 minutes because it looks like shit how do i make it fun again
You need to focus on how the hair would fit on a sphere, imagine putting a mop over a soccer ball lmao.

Also hard shadows hitting the forehead under the strands will help it look more 3-dimensional.
>and I give up on a sketch after 3 minutes because it looks like shit how do i make it fun again
You don't. You ignore the shitty feeling and push through it.
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>draw this in an hour
this has to be a joke
It's been like 4 hours and I'm only halfway done the outline
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do his pants/legs look okay? legs are harder for me to draw and I don't know why
Because you're not thinking in forms.

Think about the 3d shapes and think about the volumes you're trying to convey. Not just 'lines'.
I can do that with other parts of the body but for some reason I run into a problem with legs (and arms sometimes). I've been trying to do it with legs but I'm not used to it. Maybe I should grind out some legs but I'm pretty happy with this piece and I don't want to abandon it just because the legs need work
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>but for some reason I run into a problem with legs (and arms sometimes)

Literally just start with straight cylinders. It may not be fully accurate, but it allows you to think in those forms and it'll be easier to think about the leg in a 3d way. As time goes on you can taper these cylinders like I do one the right, or add mass to them (however you want to show muscle).

Mine aren't anatomically accurate, but I have a much easier time on my limb work because I can easily just go to a simple 3d cylinder and build from there.
Not that anon, but I really need to see what a build process looks like starting from what you’ve got here
I'll save your pic and give your advice a try but do you think his legs are crap? should I redraw them?
I think your drawing lacks form. The issue you're having with the leg is the same issue you're having overall.

For example, his lips. You KNOW what lips look like, but you don't know the 3d form of his lips. The planes. How it looks in 3d space. But you have found a way to draw them in a 2d way.

The arms are only better because they are concealed by the coat.

From your drawing I don't see you having a strong feel for simple forms and 3d shapes.

I wouldn't 'scrap' this. But I'd open another drawing document and forget the details like the lines on his suitvest, but focus soley on building the character in simple 3d shapes.

Cylinders, cubes, balls, and cones.

I didn't have this when I started but I wish I did.
Marshall Vandruff's bridgeman bootcamp is a long series (12 2 hour episodes), but I wish I had it when I started. I think he does an excellent job on explaining forms to the absolute beginner. And as you've already spent time drawing it'll be easier for you as well.

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It's basic stuff. But this is pretty much what I do anytime I make a character. I do more cartoony and simple stuff as I really only draw to animate.

Right now I really want to get good, or at least have a solid understanding of lighting. I feel confident in my 3d forms, I just need to take more time studying the anatomy side of it so I know which more complex forms to use.

If you can draw 3d simple forms, rotate them in space, and FEEL them. You can draw practically anything.
are you saying my drawing is flat? I noticed his face was a little off but I was too lazy to redraw it
It's mid 2024 and you haven't given up in drawing, why?
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stubbornness and mental retardation
my dream in life is to draw anime boys. my ourpose in life is to draw anime boys. my enjoyment in life is drawing anime boys. i want nothing more than to draw anime boys. i coom to anime boys
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Which one should I go with?
They are all kinda cliche but imho if you make B's clevage window bigger and make her tits noticeably hanging, then it has potential for kino. Eroticism way beyond what the other two can offer.
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So I was watching this dude’s trailer and saw how he likes showing is ass and I had this stupid idea…Y/N???
I'm this dude >>7236532
Got a reference for what I mean. If you make her do something like this I will kiss you(no homo)
Still it's 100% up to you
I like A. B is fine. But A is better
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gonna need in game reference
what'a the optimal learning path from a total beginner to a manga artist?
1.-Be Japenese
That's it.
car one is at least a bit interesting, the rest are just generic pin up poses
A if you exagerate the perspective to highlight ass
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A has more potential, keep the nice arc made by the leg and umbrella. Great thumbnails
how can any of us know if a purchase is worth it to you or not
I was luckly enough to find a cintiq 16 under 150$, before that I used a large screenless, I like the cintiq better honestly, I can use it as a second monitor too.

Does it makes my drawings better? no, skill does that
Do I enjoy drawing on screen more? yes
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some tips for inking
use a large canvas size, something at least 2000px on the smaller side
brush size around 10-15 px and vary the size of the lines through the pressure you apply to the pen
add more details to hair to reduce empty spaces
adding black in places like under the chin will help give three-dimensionality
tracing manga pages is a good exercise to improve linework
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Which 16? The pro one or the more recent budget one?
Dont you find the hd resolution small?
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why does the surface form of the ribcage here gradually meet at a point instead of adhering closer to its shape?
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It is, moving from a screenless tablet to one with a display gave a massive boost to me, the quality of my linework was very poor but with a display I find it much easier to do lines the way I imagine, inking was a nightmare for me.
And because it's closer to trad I find it much more fun, I can't imagine going back now
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I want to draw maps like this for RPG nerds. I have only worked with authors and people via commissions but they're all photobashed and not drawings. The main "feel" I'm aiming for is something like Mike Schley's maps, but when I zoom in to study the drawings I can't quite pin down the elements that make his maps so appealing to look at despite having pretty simplistic linework. What should I focus on studying for this type of art? I'm thinking
>tone and value for expressing elevations and roughness of terrain
>contours and line weight
but I don't know if that's the right track
>play moba
>alt tab and draw while waiting to respawn
name one flaw.
if youre having fun then there are no flaws
>name one flaw
your mitigated progress
the play moba part
Luv ur work. What model you got?
Werent you french or am I confusing you with another drawfag?
Ive become quite good in copying anime girls, I just cant draw faces or make the fucking drawings fit on the page
>can't make the fucking drawings fit on the page
start your drawings with simplified lines to set the borders, then work your way inward and to the finer details, refining your preliminary lines as need be
>install clip studio paint on android
>no perpetual license possible
any alternatives?
Yup it's me, I'm using a huion kamvas 13 pro
After a year of use, I can say that it does its job well for the price, but if you are looking for a tablet display I recommend getting one at least 16 inches, I myself plan to migrate to a kamvas 22 plus
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I wish I was born as talented as he is
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pls give me body proportions advice. i can't seem to shake off some bad habits
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I do not think i understand the Gesture in gesture drawing.
Is there any idiot proof resource for understanding it.
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Get farther away from it so you can see it all
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Sup beg, i atone for yesterday failure to draw by drawing today... TWICE (it is not over yet)

vilppu drawing manual or eviston art and science of drawing are very good at explaining gesture
use reference and then you cannot be wrong with proportions mister INT
krita, medibag, autodesk sketchbook, paintstorm studio
i see variable linework, decent value range, watercolor like color palette and applied noise and blur filter. the brush they used for lines imitates trad
that is stylized drawing, real ribcage doesnt work like that
i like it
start with keys to drawing, there is whole chapter about it
multiply layer with opacity set to like 30%, pick some washed out colors close to white. use filter on the trad layer to boost midtones (in krita that is called levels)
awful, forms are wrong, colors are ugly, background is too aggressive and lmao only lips have outline
very nice. the only weird thing i noticed is how often you go for camera bellow the face, that is something you dont see very often anywhere, cause drawing face from bellow is hard and usually it even looks bad
its great
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A band of knights whose goofy faces are based on different helmet types
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>Participating in art fight with all the children and virgins,

Where do you think we are right now
ref practice
I am too depressed and can't bring myself to draw. How can I get good without having to draw?
DTK1660K0B so the budget one,
>Dont you find the hd resolution small?
honestly no, i work just fine just stay in that sweet 16inch range not too big not too small. i haven't played with the pro one, probably feels way better, but then again, will it make my drawings better? no, skill does that

Check out ebay, marketplace, craiglist, etc, you might find a good deal.

The proportions are in service of style, if they are characteristic enough they will sound true to the audience, also is hard to judge without the legs. The only thing I see here is that this is hard to read, too many things are competing for my attention.
>4 years of drawing
>STILL can't make good copies of Hogarth
Why is this fucker so hard to study?
>4 years of drawing
>STILL doesn't post work
>copies of Hogarth
literally every one of his books said that copying is for retards
thats really good, anon, how long did it take you?
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saw how messy the face was when i uploaded it so cleaned it up just a bit. wish i could delete the old one


errr i have no idea. maybe a bit more than an hour? didn't really check the clock
trying to get photoshop running on linux I get this error: "user name, organization or serial number is missing or invalid" anyone can help me out?

can someone show me what a regedit file looks like (censor all the sensitive info ofc)
This could be so much better if it wasn't solely focused on the coom aspect of it's composition. Sad desu.
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whatever cocksniffer
fuck off retard
weak bait
the vertical gap between the left and right ends of her hair should be a little more drastic, and either side should be below the clavicle. the tilt of the head and it major features (lips, eye, maybe nose) should be more steep. you could've also rounded out the shoulders a bit more. more care could've been put into the shape of the hair - its intricate curves and groupings. all things considered it's a nice study.
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I hope it is looking alright now
>weak bait
>3 (You)s within minutes
Looks nice, do you make money off your art?
maybe in anime this is more permissible, but I feel like her closed eye should not be so small compared to her open eye. also her left hand looks off. if it's rotated backwards you would see the thumb on the outside, but the outside finger looks like a curled up pinky.
Wow this guy is good at structure and anatomy but something as simple as gesture is preventing him from being mid int.
Only since rescently. I've been drawing for 1 year and severn months, but only started getting regular commissions like six weeks ago.
could you explain that a bit further? Why is the structure good, but the gesture not?
meh, I tried I guess
beautiful etna, Anon. she's my waifu. you got a blog?
>but I feel like her closed eye should not be so small compared to her open eye
At some point I will paint over the lineart anyway, should be easy to fix with extending the the eyebrow a bit.

>but the outside finger looks like a curled up pinky
At some point I also rotated my arm backwards and rested it like that on the bed and i naturally curled in my thumb, so I thought it would be ok to draw it like that. The bed sheets will cover part of her hand anyway, so I guess it won't be noticeable.

Thanks for the critique.
You probably will be disappointed. I'm only drawing this Etna for a commission, I don't even draw anime, but furshit.
Because his bodies look very believable and realistic, they don’t seem broken or flat. But they are also too realistic and that makes them look stiff, unlike other good drawings which are usually more dynamic and flowy than what is possible in real life
I understand, thanks!
real life sucks even in drawings, lemau
Her top arm doing the Spider-Man thing is perhaps slightly short. Otherwise proportions and everything else are good. Slightly hard to read, but not too bad desu.
He’s got at drawing the body parts and making them look solid and real, but his figures are somewhat stiff and lifeless, especially the men. He’s gotten a little better though, to his credit. Before, his drawings used to look like dead statues rather than living people. Now they look like living people holding a pose, rather than a snapshot of a movement or of a person just being. The difference between a drawing that looks inanimate and a drawing that looks alive usually comes down to gesture.
>only drawing for one year and seven months
Damn, you’re good. What’s the secre—
>only draws furshit
Ah. So it’s mileage and passion, then. Based.
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What if /beg/ would be an anime where we would be like all university students trying to become good artists and like we would hang out and progress together, we would experience friendship, love, change, betrayal, heartbreak etc. I think that would be a good idea
Just go draw anon
>Ah. So it’s mileage and passion, then. Based.

Having some kind of obsession with a character that you want to draw over and over again can certainly help. A muse of some sort.
>1 year and severn months
damn anon whats your practice look like? whats your journey been like up to now?
“Just draw” is a /beg/ trap. No one has ever improved by drawing.
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What if it was a gacha and we'd all regularly get molested by some redditor
>damn anon whats your practice look like? whats your journey been like up to now

I don't practice in the sense that I do studies or read books. I only draw things I want to draw and when I encounter a problem I try to find fitting references, or look at other artwork and try to imitate it. So yeah, a lot of references, I guess.
I also draw a lot. Multiple hours every day. Sometimes after work, I draw until I go to sleep again. With breaks inbetween, of course. That's probably the biggest reason, why my progress has been relatively quick.
I just found the contrast between the crab and the relatively skilled anon's statements to be funny, especially them being almost right next to each other.
People in here are very sensitive when you tell them to just draw.
it's much easier on one's ego to reject a piece of advice as being bad than admitting a personal shortcoming (lack of gains)
ah ok, I'm just here every few months
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idk if thats your construction phase, but avoid drawing the ass like 2 balls .....uhhhhhhh feel the form sweaty, alsdo that torso is kinda squished
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working on a character sheet
i don't feel like drawing when i use digital, i have 0 line control, it doesn't work for me
how 2 cope
keep practicing. use simple lines.

what kind of tablet are you using? screenless? screen? ipad?

i'm a prebeg so correct me with reasonable argumentation, but i've no idea why people hate on it. shit's no different from this line pen with a tiny little brush that smoothens out your lines on paper, and glossy ass ipad makes drawing feel like ice skating
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Just throwing shit to the wall to see what sticks, just an armpit study.
that's one wrinkly armpit, never saw anything like that. is it based on some kind of a reference, or was it more of guesswork/style choice?
Oh, I'm not actually using a reference, i don't care for the anatomy on this one. It's more for the texture and skin coloring, I'd have used a reference but I couldn't find one at the moment and wanted to doodle. next time for sure
écorché arm
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> I've been drawing for 1 year and severn months
Whaddafack... It's incredible how many things you've got right in that time. There are anime artists who've drawn a shitton longer and can't draw feet half as well
Nice, thanks man!
I maybe had a headstart. In elementary school I liked to copy characters i liked a lot. But that was over ten years ago.
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Drew Guts so that I wouldn't have to worry about getting two eyes perfect
good job anon
Can you share blog? I don't mind furshit
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I found my old drawings btw. The later and better one's looked something like this.
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Very appealing. Solid progress too. I'm jelly
so is this >>7236452 actually crap? should I just move on to my next drawing
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Anyone who can give me a proper redline?
I am struggling at this pose
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Another proof of genetic determinism that allowed to go all the way from start to finish all in 1 year and 7 months, why the hell is it so disgusting how lying talented people tell you to draw, genetic determinism is not about what you study, it's about where you finish studying, where insurmountable darkness sets in, like Leibniz's formula, like building figures with boxes that are crooked, it doesn't matter what it could be, what matters is that there is no way further, further is the abyss, why lying rats with talent, with genes lie so much
Disgusting crooked shit, genes spat on you, you are not an artist
just draw
I'd rather cry about talent and be incredibly obvious in my trolling while people worse than me become better than me right in front of my eyes.
we know
HAHAHAHA as always, everything from childhood, a vile talented rat successfully dug a hole to the cheese cellar, rotten creatures continue to lie, go to hell with your drawing, it is not your merit, it is not your personal merit, your genes gave it to you, your damn artist genes, like mathematical thinking giving power in programming, your artist genes freed you from determinism, under which your drawings did not remain a crooked disgusting likeness of a person
How long have you been drawing for?

>Another proof of genetic determinism
True, that anon is obviously talented (not to undermine the hard work he's put in). I've been drawing for 8 years and I'm still dogshit. If art wasn't meaningful and was in the same unfeeling category as coding I'd have given up years ago
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There is not a drop of deception or trolling in my words, unlike your ironic post, how dare you call me worse than me, look, look at this shit, you are a dishonest creature, he has talent, he has more talent than someone like me, he was lucky to be born with it, in a fucking year he has achieved more than all of you in your garbage pit, how dare you compare me to him, I am worse than him, I can't draw like him, you are a lying creature, I don't have the genes to be like him
it's not merely about quantity - how much and how long for you've been drawing - but quality - what you draw and how you approach improving. I'm guessing you're Indi. you seem to do more or less the same thing and expect different results. you don't seem to do longer studies either. why would you expect to be anything other than dogshit still?
drew her again
Finally, someone understood me.
Shut up talented rat, without genes you won't evolve with your training
I don't know if you're confusing me with >>7237389

> I'm guessing you're Indi
wtf how dare you call me a pajeet, that's the worst thing anyone has called me

>you seem to do more or less the same thing and expect different results. you don't seem to do longer studies either.
Doesn't really apply to me. I made those mistakes in my first 3 years, and sometimes still do, but I'm pretty focused otherwise
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also Pinterest doodles
Critique gentlemen?
Bite your tongue, you carrion spawn.
I'm not an artist, no. I'm a struggler. I will keep struggling to draw until I'm dead.
make me
don't take him seriously he's a retard with loser mentality lashing out at others. The latest schizo lolcow after howie left.
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bad linework aside how the fuck do i draw fur
Like this.
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this is hard and I'm bad at drawing arms
is this the redpill
it's the blackpill. no non-Japanese person has ever become nor will ever become a good manga artist. the sooner everyone realizes this, the better all our lives will be.
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pen practice
Working to get better at doing a cartoon/far side style, but this is where I’m at now.
Should I draw over my sketches for final linework or just keep refining them if I'm good at it?
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I like old anime artstyles
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i tried
i look like this
you made him somali
Kek, yeah. I didn't check my measures :(
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a few more or less subtle errors in placement I marked. also notice how exaggerated certain shapes are in your portrait compared to the refernce photo, like the line of the forehead going from his left eyebrow to his hair; also the front line of the hairline that starts to the right and goes left to the side of the head. in your rendering these lines are much more blocky and drastic, while in the reference they're more subtle and smooth.
What does being a true mangaka even mean by your definition? Living in Japan and publishing manga like the natives? Breaking into the Japanese market? Making manga that's indistinguishable from Japanese ones?

All such goals seems to be starts off on the wrong foot to me. They are not artistic endeavors so much as career endeavors. It's understandable that when you just start out as an aspiring young artist, you copy what you love. But eventually you have to develope your own style and whether this style ends up being more Japanese or American or whatever is not so important as its artistic merit. A flawed, but genuine and original piece of work is always better valued by people than even the most flawless copycat.

Do you think successful Japanese mangaka think about things like how "Japanese" or "authentic" it needs to be when they write a manga? I bet they just want to make good comic books.

People who say they want to be mangaka should really be thinking about just be a good comic book artist. Learning Japanese and living in Japan doesn't have all that much to do with making good comic books in that perspective. It makes as much sense as an American author go through all the trouble of mastering Japanese so he can publish in Japan. If your book is good enough, someone else will translate it for you.
i feel like this has potential but it looks way too messy
i advise you to first put down flat colors and then put down the shadows with a big brush, move on to a small brush to fix the strokes and only then move on to lighting with big brush and small brush. the big brush should force you to think about your strokes and where the shadows should be
Ty Ty. Yeah I didn't check my measurements as well as I could have. This was more about trying to see if I could use lines in rendering, which worked in the way that I wanted it, even though the portrait overall was a failure.

Do you think the blockier shapes work? I tried to consciously make decisions around those rather than making them subtle.
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I do it this way, but there must be more efficient methods
thank you for the criticism, i'll try to utilize that. getting better is hard
You will never be Japenese
>esl posting
hes actually agreeing with you since you didnt read the post
>Do you think the blockier shapes work?
not to be rude, but I'm not sure what that means exactly. to the extent that the reference doesn't have blocky shapes, but you make them so in your copy, you have less likeness. but if you had better proportions and finer rendering you could have a little less likeness but still have an appealing portrait. you've still made something fairly like the reference in terms of the proportions and shape of features, so to that extent you might say the blockier shapes "work."
tried going over and flattening everything out, should i try adding some values back in?
No worries, you haven't been rude, you've actually answered my question. I like blockier, chunkier shapes, like squaring things off, thicker strokes, and if it's a round form then making look thicker as well, and I've been trying to work more of that in. Thank you for the crits, I appreciate it anon.
You will never be Japense either
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Does anyone have tips on capturing the likeness of your subject? I feel like I just stumble upon it after multiple tries, but I'd like to see how I could get it more consistent
Do a line drawing of this and do different lighting situations for your B&Ws, you can do this in small thumbnails, it helps with time commitment and finding different solutions without requiring too much detail.
Work with big, simple and clearly defined shapes combined with smaller ones where you want to lead the eye, all this while having a decent balance of light and shadow, it's generally a good idea that one dominates over the other, ie: 60/40 or 70/30, that logic can be used with shape contrast as well (big/medium/small).
>tips on capturing likeness
this is not a sexy answer, but you capture its likeness by making the proportions, shapes, and color/tone more like it. what I mean is that there's no secret technique or approach. I would conjecture that the broader shapes of a subject are the most important, as caricatures can be quite distinct and easily recognizable even though people play with the proportions quite a bit. so perhaps focus on the shapes primarily if you want to capture a likeness, but if you're trying to approach realism with your subjects, obviously proportions and color/tonal values matter too. just work on your fundamentals in outlining, measurement checking, value checking, etc., and using them in a given study.
the first compliment ive received here and its from an esl
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is it appealing?
personally, no. and I could only see low-effort art enjoyers liking it, which isn't 0, so it's not like your audience isn't out there.
Not quite there yet. But you are certainly on your way to get there.
C. Everybody else hates you
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I spent more time on this than I would admit.
At least I learned something about contrast with the line and the color.
Why is pen stabilization frowned upon? From what I can tell for digital art, you always get wobbly lines because tablets are very sensitive to tiny movements and have noises from the sensor. Why don't we accept this fact and all use stabilizers and move on?
Holy digits anon. Those are some lucky quads right there.
really appealing. how did you go about your color choices?

I have watched many professional artists draw on livestreams/timelapses, and I will say there are some who use 0 and others who have that shit cranked out. its really about preference
Cut yourself, you rotten Ameritard dog carrion
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Fuck iiiiiit
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I haven't drawn in over a decade, and I'm finally trying to get back into it
until i go to the store for cheap newsprint and pencils or borrow a tablet from a friend, i've been doing 30s figure sketches in VR and it's a lot of fun
Nice stuff anon. Would you post your drawings when you get some paper and pencil? I want to see some real art
thanks, i will
this is a fun board once you filter the crabs
What brush did you use for the first step?
Legacy round brush, opacity enabled. 85 for shading, 15 for details.
Don't draw every strain of fur. Simplified big group of fur and learn to draw suggestion of fur.
Thanks. I’ll keep at it, appreciate the feedback.
Picrel = suggestiton of fur (for the outline and dark areas)
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I drew this and I don't like it, went past sketch purely to practice on anything because I keep drawing early sketches and rejecting them. If (You) also feel like it's meh, what do you think is the biggest offender? Stiff pose, or maybe face, or is the problem actually light/shade/lines/anything else that happens after sketch phase?
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This one is also something i force-finished recently, and it also feels wrong in similar ways
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Meanwhile, this quick doodle feels kinda nice, I think I kinda enjoy it despite everything, but at the same time I feel like it would look like trash if I'd work on it any more than I did.
i've got a screenless tablet and it's a disaster
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>tfw trying to learn nip and drawing at the same time
i hate this image
Why would you torture yourself twice at once?
How long have you been using that tablet? I keep reading that screenless take time to get used to
>the only weird thing i noticed is how often you go for camera bellow the face
I do that because it looks dramatic. Didn't realize it's unnatural. I do have to work on positioning the "camera" properly because I don't understand it.
Holocaust vibes
What I did was copy anime, I couldn't even draw a line at that time so I had no choice, in the first few practices I used the grid method which gave me very tiny improvements in drawing but helped me with hand-eye coordination
You probably don't draw enough or don't have the right approach, or both.
Someone starting earlier with drawing doesn't mean shit. Someone who is just doodling stuff mostly without references for twenty minutes twice per week doesn't need to act surprised, when someone who started 2 years ago, and who is using a bunch of references for every drawing and draws for hours every day, overtakes him eventually
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how do you make it look fluffy and not bristly
how can AI help beginners
It filters those lacking what it takes to get good by making them give up earlier. In that sense it helps the class of "beginner" more than it does beginners as individuals.
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I think I have the mental fortitude to try and go through loomis again. I'm gonna try to do it very gradually and just try to absorb what he's trying to do+copying him. Hopefully this will grant me some results. I feel like as long as I don't overthink it and just draw, I'll see more progress in myself.
In the mean time, I'll just copy a page a day and will continue on my other studies.
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Don't over do the fur, keep it simple. I have a layer for the fur and another layer for the shade. Texture and brush-strokes are their own subjects. I can't teach them. Search some youtube drawing/painting vids and then draw/paint along.
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so I practiced tracing again with line weights this time
it's harder than I thought and being consistent is really hard
where can I improve and what are my next steps?
also idk how to draw blood
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ref img
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it does look a bit better
i'm not the same guy but i tried fixing some things although i'm not that good to do it perfectly.
maybe someone can do a better job
I have no talent and I will not draw. Never. Never again will I touch this disgusting pencil and paper and never again will I create these crooked box people, let the talented rats eat their own cheese, I have had enough
Lines are clean. It's definitely the pose. Her back is straight and doesn't visibly twist enough to read as movement. The head looking to the viewer also flattens it
The best one. Feels like it needs the head to hang upside down even more in perspective
The hair having many long ( ) lines kills the movement. It'd be better to do / | \ lines in shading
Here the main culprit is proportion. Needs a reference. Also overlapping shapes. Only the head clearly overlaps the body.
Overall, you seem to use ( ) shapes a lot on limbs. Using more s curves will help with thighs, wrists, elbows, etc.
Thanks a lot for feedback. I had a feeling that first picture pose feels less like spinning and more like trying to intimidate small dinosaurs, but eventually I gave up on trying to fix it on sketch. Will consider it next time, it's funny because I felt like back was bent backwards during drawing, but now that you've said, I'm looking at it and she's pretty much standing straight. Will probably try making effects of pose perspective more dramatic, gonna try drawing at least one fisheye lens tier drawing, maybe that would help with my tendency to flatten everything to hell and beyond. Limbs are tougher topic, because I don't exactly understand body part shapes yet. Will surely come with time as long as I keep it in mind hard enough and try harder with analyzing muscle-skeletons on the internet, gonna try different shading approach as well.

But yeah, thanks again, it's great to get someone's opinion. I'm surprised how blind my eye gets once I draw anything, it's as if brain completely ignores everything except for some specific one single thing i've got to notice early on during sketching.
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Rate how appealing my art is.
Rate each side, from 1-10
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I’m not the most confidant with painting, but I tried out a new brush set and I like how it came out
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Where can I find Qing ornates, decorative patterns like pic related ("The Duke of Mount Deer" webtoon).
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Just a sketch
Cool composition, I hope you keep at it nice work anon
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Oh I haven't added a picture by accident
Kissing you on the lips.

Wife material.
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sub /beg/
felt a bit lost to what to tackle next (I was debating between a prespective course, drawabox or redrawing bridgman) and it blocked me for a few days. I just went for some fig drawings while I debate what I need
cutie. only think I would change is the color used on the forehead to make it a bit more distinct from the brightened parts of the hair. just making it a tad bit closer to the rest of the skin is what I would go for
way too rough to be appealing
Is it better to block out shapes like a painter and only use lines when you have to, or do all lines and fill in later?
Neither is better. Untill you decide what works for you, they're both valid.
idk how long it took you to draw those, but work on your ability to measure proportions and compare two-dimensional values
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Hello beg

this is cool, but you did not use pink or yellow in her skin tones, so she looks a bit... uncanny. Also the shades dont make much sense on her body. did you just mirrored 1 half of her body?
this is super cool
it is awful, you are supposed to do 2nd pass on top of these sketches
nice purple elf thot
find picture of blood, draw what you see
i would argue you succeeded in making fluffy texture
too stiff, grind gestures. where are black values? you draw in grayscale and still dont use black? are you racist or something? and dont use mirror symmetry for faces, it looks uncanny
nice thots
whole first half of keys to drawing is just about that: accuracy
i prefer the draw over them
this is funny, it shows you care about drawing hot anime thot way more than the rest of subjects, which looks like a beg made them
but you hid the hands?
try to draw whole comic page or at least panel before asking for crit of cartoons lmao
i kneel
i kneel and coom, god damn that feet! and that face expression. ugh. give me your gains
not unnatural, just very rarely used for the reasons i mentioned. you can keep using it and just for that being unique comic drawer
took roughly 1 hour I think between the 3, maybe more. any resources/exercises/techniques you would recommend or just be mindful of it?
I did want to move around things in the last one but yeah, those proportions don't match up
>but you hid the hands?
perhaps I'm hiding them cause I'm afraid of drawing them
perhaps there are ones better than this, but I personally went through Keys to Drawing. it tackles proportions and comparative measurements in the first few chapters. if you don't know, it details these techniques and gives multiple exercises to try the techniques. beyond that it's just about drawing with intention and working ever more to see and capture the proportions and 2D values more efficiently.
>roughly 1 hour between the three, maybe more
I don't know what your study habits are like, but if you don't already, it would do you some good to do timed figure studies in addition to untimed, more laborious figure studies (say a single figure that takes you an hour or more - and I mean like 3,4, or 5+ hours). a common figure session I've seen people do is something like a few figures with a minute time limit, a few with a couple minutes, a couple with 5 minutes, and then one or more at 10-15 minutes. obviously the number of figures and length of time is malliable, but in addition to understanding the anatomy it would benefit you greatly being able to capture an albeit more simplistic figure but an accurate one in less time. volume is probably most important, but taking *some* time to be more delicate and labored with a figure can do you a lot of good as well - again, like a few hours even.
I was sitting here thinking that I do know techniques for proportions and stuff, but I keep switching between 1/2 of them and sometimes just winging it. I was wondering what exactly I could do yo carve those things into my brain so I don't jump the shark, and timed figures sounds exactly what could do it. I'll give Keys to Drawing a chance, see what it says.
Thanks man
I love you all! Thank you so much for giving me comments on my art!
we all hate you! any positive comment you get is disingenuous!
3-2 and 5-2 are the ones I like the most
Maybe you would improve faster if you drew more things you liked.
I'd imagine this stuff is tedious as hell to draw , no offense.
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aye we animatin and shiiiiiet in here
are you drawing from reference?
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Pawell, are you purposely trying to make art as unenjoyable as possible?
I will post it here tho cause its an interesting read

The price of supplies may fluctuate, but the value of the emotions and stories conveyed through the canvas remains priceless.
You clearly know your muscles and shit, but you don't bother trying to make these look appealing. Everything looks hastily drawn. What's the point of knowing every single muscle and bone and where they belong if you don't practice making it also look good?
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didn't quite capture the crazy convict ref but oh well at least i'm having fun.
>didn't quite capture the crazy convict ref
Dude are you fuckin blind or just that severely critical of yourself? It looks *just like* the ref. Fuck off attention whore.
Not sure why but it reads as if he's looking slightly upwards, and it isn't like that in the ref.
Very nice work. Could be smoothed out a tiny bit because hard round brushstrokes can be kinda ugly
NTA but I agree with him. His drawing looks like it's a thin 80s styled fashion model or rockstar, not someone whos life was destroyed by meth.
his expression is completely different
the ref is a little small - and so if you wanted critiques it would be better to post it separately fully scaled - but it looks like you turned his head to the (his) left a bit. also you went astray from the shape of the hair a bit - most notably the sides. your rendition looks more normal, but in the ref he clearly has uneven sides. also like the one anon said he's looking up and to the (his) left, whereas in the ref he appears to be looking about eye level, maybe slightly downward, and to the right.
shadows on the top of the eyes are softening the crazy state
missing his fucked up skin texture/wounds
facial hair isn't ratty enough
small details in the cheeks are missing that show how gaunt and fucked up he is
in isolation it's a good portrait but there's enough missing details that you lose the effect
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First time trying highlights since my last piece felt a little flat with just the base colors and shadows. Intentionality chose a character with some more reflective accessories (glasses, goggles) to practice.

I like the cel shaded look I’ve done for my past few pieces, but I’d like to give more realistic shading a try next time. Still very new to digital. Looking for any tips based on this piece though. Thanks!
the be honest that small ref is what i was working with because i just get them from paint along videos that i bought from gumroad
it was only half way though that i actually realized he was actually clenching his teeth
from now on i'll try to actually find the original refs he's using before starting to paint
now you're cruising
I get it that you're trying to be careful and methodical but youre still missing the point, and he's still some young cuteguy from an alt rock band.

This dude is the farthest thing there is from symmetry.
I can't handle line art.
I don't like line art.
I don't wanna do line art.
thank god for free will!
It still captures the likeness of the ref.
too much symmetry, not gnashing teeth
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Freddy Krueger
is krita good to start with?
If you like diarrhea garbage
It's not better than pirated CSP.
it's very good. ignore retards that couldn't put in ten minutes to learn the interface.
Krita is as good as any other painting software and it's the one I use. It does have a slightly harder start because it has a lot of settings. However if you just want to pick up a preset brush and paint it's easy to get in to.
on android, no
sketchbook is a better choice
The BEST way to start with. The problem with Krita is that it's hard to go and try something different once you get used to it. Working in Krita is a true delight.
Reasons why I am not drawing right now:
>back pain
>feels like too much effort
>anticipation of bad outcome
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am i int yet
That eye is all kinds of fucked up.
Also, code yellow slop alert.
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I am not used to this perspective. How can I improve/fix this?
yeah i think thats the main mistake. i wanted to le exaggerate, in this case the perspective, but i did it improperly so it looks wrong.
>code yellow slop alert
i dont know what this means
it's stiff because of your line work
>chicken scratch
>no confidence, shaky
>no line variation
>tapered ends, lots of ugly crossover
That's cause it's not the final lineart. Usually I swap to G Pen and clean up the rest.
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Is this a serviceable background sketch
Where are Etna's nipples
if the payment for this service is my fist in your face yes
Main question is do the two windows behind her look good?
will do them later
Her face is sliding off of her head
Are you indi on DAD?
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It all comes tumbling down.
is it normal that I have to redraw shit a million times to get it right?
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Why can't I make shading work? I'm measuring the value and also using the lasso tool to cut pieces out and blurring too
thats overwhelming, try shading a single primitive first.
rough wip for tonight
Which tool am I supposed to use for soft shadows? the blur filter, a smudge brush, or something else?
Try using a soft round brush
Appreciated. Thanks anon
this is the workflow I follow

big light/shadow shapes with a wet textured brush, blend to give the general form (roundness) and then detailing with a soft round brush and an airbrush I use temporary layers instead of selections for me its faster.

pic results of my workflow.
lol, I've never even touched a soft brush before, time to play around
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Sup begozis, hips or booba?

you have picked the most shittiest photoshopped photography of a fucking anime figure. choose non edited photo of real life during sunset or morning. and read keys to drawing chapter 4 i think: about light and shade
very cool thots
welcome to the permabegdom. the rumors are that after you draw your 999 999th figure you will magically turn into INT. i will let you know if it works after i draw mine
i kneel and coom
krita is THE BEST all rounded draw app i tried so far. Only Rebelle, CSP and Corel Painter did a few things better, but neither was direct upgrade. And it is free and runs on everything
my tip is to be more aggressive with shadows. if you cannot see shadows in thumbnail, then they are not strong enough to matter
funny you say that while i literally learned that day like 2 new muscle groups. after i get okay at shitting out figgies i will bother with rendering them appealing
i had a lot of fun making that project, while satisfying my "autism". that whole page is art, it is even written in cheeky business like lmao language. dont tell me you never asked yourself if that 5€ marker is 10 times better than 0.5€ pen
half is copy from reference, other half is memory / construction
this depends entirely on how you roll and how smooth you need it to be. smoothest is blend tool, almost smooth is airbrush, rough is soft round brush. you can also simply use brush with opacity or eraser
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how do I ask gpt to give criticism on my drawings for me to improve?
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kek. no idea personally, but if you'll find something that can process images as input and you'll give it a shot, please report the results. i expect some funny stuff to happen at very least once
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NTA but here you go.
>Your drawing demonstrates a good grasp of the subject's likeness and overall form. Here are some strengths and areas for improvement:

### Strengths:
1. **Likeness and Expression**: You've captured the subject's expression well, particularly the wide-eyed look and slightly open mouth, which convey a sense of surprise or curiosity.
2. **Shading and Contrast**: The shading is well done, giving a sense of depth and volume to the face. The highlights and shadows are placed effectively to create a three-dimensional effect.
3. **Eye Detail**: The eyes are detailed and expressive, drawing attention, which is crucial in portraiture.

### Areas for Improvement:
1. **Proportions**: Some facial proportions could be adjusted. For instance, the distance between the eyes seems slightly off compared to the reference. Paying close attention to the spatial relationships between facial features can enhance accuracy.
2. **Nose and Lips Detail**: The nose and lips could benefit from more precise detailing. The nose, in particular, lacks the subtle contouring seen in the reference, and the lips could be more defined to match the glossy, voluminous look in the photo.
3. **Hair Texture**: The hair could be rendered with more texture and flow. Adding more lines and varying the thickness can make it appear more natural and dynamic.
4. **Earring and Accessories**: The earring in your drawing is not as defined as in the reference. Including such small details can add to the overall likeness and completeness of the drawing.
5. **Eye Makeup**: The eye makeup in the reference is vibrant and bold. Capturing the intensity of the blue eyeshadow would make the drawing more striking and true to the reference.

Overall, your drawing is strong and shows a clear effort to capture the likeness and personality of the subject. With some adjustments to proportions and added detail, it could be even more compelling.

Is chatgpt based or /prebeg/?
GPT is useless because it doesn't understand anything. It is just good a guessing the next word to make it sound like it knows things. It mentions color even though it's a graphite drawing, It tells him to add details even though the basics need work. All the advice is just generic buzzwords. If you're low IQ or ESL it sounds intelligent but it's just word slop.
more based than me for sure, i'd just try fixing up left eye/cheek, probably fail, and call it a job well done. Though i feel like it has no concept of different levels of detail in artworkm complaining about hair texture makes no sense in that context if you ask me, then again i might be prebeg

guess it's kinda amusing that it complains about color intensity of makeup, so i'm happy, it said at least one funny thing
simple test, do the same but comparing the og ref with its grayscale and see what outputs.
maybe it doesn't know which one is your drawing?
I like it
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If it weren't for the eye, low-mid /int/. High /beg/ construction but /int/ polish for sure.
If you were going for a fisheye look you'd want to carry the perspective through through the nose and ear, otherwise the top and bottom halves look like they're from two separate angles.
yes if you look closely the right side of the nose is slightly lower than the left side. same for the mouth. maybe if i emphasise that more it will salvage it a little.
but in the first place, yes, i didnt construct it with proper perspective.

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