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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Fun With A Pencil
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous thread >>7234359
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Like this?

>To critique your drawing, I'll compare the color and black-and-white versions. Here are some observations:

### Strengths:
1. **Detailing and Shading**: The black-and-white version shows a good understanding of shading and highlights. The contours of the face, particularly around the eyes and cheekbones, are well defined.
2. **Expression and Emotion**: The expression is well captured, conveying a specific mood or attitude. The open mouth and slightly raised eyebrow add to the character's personality.
3. **Proportions**: The facial proportions are well done, especially the eyes, nose, and lips. They align well and create a realistic depiction.
4. **Makeup Detailing**: The eye makeup and lips in the color version are vibrant and accurately portrayed, showing attention to detail in cosmetics.

### Weaknesses:
1. **Contrast**: In the black-and-white version, some areas might benefit from increased contrast to make the features pop more. For example, the eyebrows and eyelashes could be darker to stand out against the skin.
2. **Texture**: The skin texture appears quite smooth. Adding more texture could enhance realism, especially in the black-and-white version.
3. **Lighting**: The lighting in the black-and-white version could be more dynamic. Adding stronger highlights and shadows can create a more three-dimensional effect.
4. **Background**: The background is quite plain. Adding some elements or texture could help in giving more context and depth to the image.

Overall, your drawing showcases strong skills in facial anatomy and makeup detailing. Focusing on enhancing contrast, texture, and lighting could take it to the next level.
I think he meant comparing drawing against b&w version of the reference. Though this one's also interesting.
Oh no, he didn't, you got it right and I've misread his post. Well, could you please also try out b&w reference against a drawing?
No, it did what I wanted. Although comparing the drawing to the grayscale might give better results.

the contrast advise is good
mostly cause that's a terrible ref, shitty lighting and heavily photoshopped
This is the job of the artist to abstract, arrange, compose the subject in a sensible way to connect everything into a cohesive work, even in a good hyperrealism portrait they have to make changes to the perfect ref to make it more appealing.
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>Your artwork is quite impressive, and it has several strengths along with some areas that could be improved. Here’s a critique based on the image you provided:

### Strengths:

1. **Expressiveness**: You’ve captured a lot of the emotion and attitude present in the original photograph. The expression in the eyes and the slightly open mouth convey a strong sense of personality.
2. **Line Work**: The lines are dynamic and convey a good sense of movement and texture, particularly in the hair and the eyelashes.
3. **Proportions**: The facial proportions are generally well done. The placement of the eyes, nose, and mouth is accurate and creates a balanced composition.
4. **Shading**: There’s a good attempt at shading, which gives the face some depth and dimension. The areas of shadow on the left side of the face and below the cheekbones are particularly effective.

### Weaknesses:

1. **Detail in the Eyes**: While the eyes are expressive, they could benefit from more detailed work to capture the complexity of the original photo. Adding more highlights and variations in shading would enhance their realism.
2. **Precision in Features**: Some facial features, such as the shape of the lips and the eyebrows, could be refined further to match the photo more closely. The lips in the drawing are slightly different in shape and position compared to the original.
3. **Consistency in Shading**: While there’s a good start with shading, it could be more consistent. Some areas are heavily shaded, while others are left quite light, which can make the drawing look unfinished in parts. Blending the shading more smoothly can help.
4. **Earrings and Accessories**: The star earring in the drawing lacks the sharpness and clarity of the original. Adding more detail here would help bring this accessory to life.

So...are you indi?
>### Overall:

Your drawing demonstrates a solid understanding of capturing likeness and expression. Focusing on refining details, improving shading consistency, and enhancing precision will elevate your work further. Keep practicing and experimenting with different techniques to develop your unique style!

It seems like I changed how it's viewing my art completely. I'm not sure if it's confusing images or what, but it's complimenting me on things it didn't before and critiquing me it didn't before.
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Critique please
is that from a ref? if so, post it
couldn't be
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Of course, well said and I agree but this is a the beginner thread so that's way above the skills of most people here. I mentioned it because I see beginners here always using less than ideal references. Drawing is hard enough as it is, using good references with simple lighting that shows the form makes things easier, produces better drawings and will improve your fundamental drawing skills. Unfortunately, even most references made for artists aren't that great either.
NTA. Saved this image. I never honestly considered that, but it makes a lot of sense thinking about it, obvious even on the light source and form point. I'll be more careful with the references I pick from now on.
Here's the reference
Overall I liked the what it interprets, but not so much the how to fix/improve. Studying and analyzing better artists will help you a lot more. For example, I think the ref would be really good in the style of someone like Brooks Kim.

I see what you are saying, but beg is famous for asking for directions and not taking them into consideration. The ref thing has been mentioned in the past, some will get it over time, others won't.

yeah single light source is the best but its rare, 2 light source is the most common in refs, learning to edit images will help to digest refs. Darktable is a favorite of mine too many lighting tools.
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i have no fucking idea how to color this shit
I know you're using Krita and most of these tutorials are done using Photoshop, but it's all about the same processes and the same tools in both programs:
I’m an absolute beg and was wondering if it was too late to try and eventually become a concept artist? Do I need a degree or can I be self taught? I’m 28

Also how long should I be spending drawing with a pencil or paper? As most concept I see is digital, thanks beg
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where do I draw the reference sphere to the head?
is the location of the red circle correct?
>is the location of the red circle correct?
there's no "correct" location, it's arbitrary and depends on the method you're following. if you're trying to use the Loomis method or something, you can always reference that resource to double check the shapes and their placement.
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Messing around with coloring for the first time. It really helps you see form a bit better.
cute remi
Hi Noah =)
It's never too late to learn, but it's going to take a while to become even serviceable. You don't need a degree and can be self-taught, but self-teaching is always going to be harder than having a curriculum and/or a mentor leading you through the process. All modern art related work is done digitally so if you seek to learn art to work it as a job, you should learn digital. But if you don't have the means to get digital equipment right now, like a tablet, computer (if you lack one), and software (there's free options), then learning drawing through traditional means like paper and pencil is fine, you will just have to invest some learning work to transition to a digital medium later.
Can I get some critique/redline?
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Did some folds practice today, show me your folds
Thank you very much anon, I have a computer and also a wacom tablet as well, so would you recommend starting via digital? I’ve got Keys to Drawing and some other inspiration books ‘The art of’ etc.

I sound like a faggot but I just love concept art of all kinds, it’s something I’ve finally found I enjoyed, I don’t mind photoshop either, do you have any personal recommendations for mentors or guides? Or should I READ THE STICKY
I'm not qualified to give advice beyond what I already said, those were the only things I was personally certain of. Follow the sticky, ask questions, work through Keys and in general stick to curricula instead of jumping from one thing to the next.
who is noah
The loser who gets pegged by that hottie in picrel >>7238712
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Tried making an original piece after doing a repin study, shit turned out so ass i'm gonna cry.
The eyes filtered me so bad.. Time to go back to grinding to make myself feel better.
in all possible angles?
Anon this is my favorite thing in the last thread. Fucking loved it. Beautiful style and piece.
All of them. She's a freak. I'm sure she has her own private image photo sets of "noah's being a good boy", he will do anything for her.
first schizo after I browse /ic/ for a week
jesus fucking christ
fuck off
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>>7238740 (me)
more folds
Looks great, but I think it’d looked better with a stronger line of action
Help /beg/, I'm in a rut. I'm stuck in a chicken and egg scenario where I get told to "just draw" but when I feel like I have some idea I want to try to draw I get mentally blocked and give up because they are all way above my current skill level and there's too much stuff I don't know. How do I go about getting over this problem?
I feel the same. How about we get started just doodling some on paper and then after a while we let go of our expectations and try to draw it evven if its bad?
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I have this thing all the time, but I feel like it's a normal thing, a part of this hobby, and it's perfectly logical and obvious that my beginner ass will experience that. I simply accept that the outcome will not be what I wanted, then I draw something, then I feel like I've just spent a day polishing a turd and that feels bad, but then I look back to my earlier stuff and that feels good, because I can still see some improvement on average. I hope to get to the point where I can at very least build some extremely basic style (chibi?) to draw quick things that don't look high-quality, but don't look jarring either. Also, when i have some specific idea (say, a short comic strip), I just draw it to the best of my abilities, or even simply put down a sketch, and then I stash it for later even though it looks meh. I'll redraw it once I'm good enough, no rush.

I feel you though, I got caught in a doom loop regarding that more than once. One thing that might or might not help: sometimes I'm doing quick doodles purely to cheer myself up, because drawing basic approximations of things at very fast pace is the only way to make me feel like outcome is better than I expected. Doodled those off-brand blue archive seias yesterday, she barely looks like the character I wanted to draw, but I like it anyway because my brain is tricked into thinking I could do better if only I've spent more time on it.
Honestly, kudos. Good try. Its hard, I know because I've had this exact shit happen to me. But think of it this way, you got one bad drawing out of the way. The next one you do you can take what you've learned from this one.
Keep trying. I find it helps to just let yourself get immersed in the process even if it doesn't look good. Like, maybe you enjoy shading or construction or something.
Can you download Coloso videos? A course I'm interested in is available for 10 dollars for 10 day access
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improved version already on the way
this time with less fucked perspective
but still, its just eye measurements so one of the next things to focus on will probably be how to construct in proper perspective
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not sure why but she reminds me this character
So are you gonna fuckin answer me or not? Are you fuckin indi?
why would i be, sir
Bottom left is cute, have you tried copying anime? I quit drawing in high school because of my pre/beg/ anime art style, I came back to drawing few months ago and my pre/beg/ anime art style was still there, then I started copying anime, it helped me get rid of it within a month.

My experience is: if you know your drawing is wrong but don't know how to make it right, it's probably due to a lack of observation skills, and copying anime is just right for improving observation skills
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I did my part. Your turn.
I get it now
the top of the ball should be head top as if shes bald, right?
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Copy, as in look at picture and try to imitate it? Tried it once or twice, but back when I did it, I failed to learn anything of value, even though I can clearly see that results were much nicer than they are when I draw on my own. But on the other hand, I used to have massive issues with body part proportions, and what improved the situation massively was drawing my skeleton-doll thingy on top of someone else's art, I've instantly noticed where my usual ways fail me and where is it significantly different from what I usually do. Good advice, thanks, I've never tried it for face, so I'll try drawing my usual face on top of some good art and see how it fits/where it differs.
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NTA, but your line quality could massively improve this. Stay away from that chicken scartch, esp. in the chin area
I don't know, I was just curious. I was going to compliment how much better your portraits were getting.

Either way I fuckin love this portrait. Kudos, anon.
i love when anime girls have lips
Ah, no worries, that's a copy attempt from before I started putting effort into not chicken scratching. I'm not really drawing for long, so I've only started applying the usual advice as I move on right now.

My recent stuff is more like this:
so, no chicken scratch, but meh body poses, and prebeg style anon mentioned sure is here. At least that's what I consider my biggest problems at the moment.
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WIP. any crits? is the shading correct?
It makes them look so ditsy and sexy and “high class.” Like the kind of girl who cares a lot about how she looks.
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>I failed to learn anything of value
You'll need some lines to guide you through the copying process, you can't get wrong with it
First is my first anime copy without knowing the guidelines technique, second is with guidelines, the last one is where I stopped relying on guidelines and just stick to the figure
I think the picrel is convincing enough to show how copying anime improved my observation skills
The tutorial I used was the Krenz link from /asg/, you can try it
Something I need to work on in general. I always end up weakening the pose the more I refine it. Going to try going back over it today.
Yep, that is convincing, though I got a feeling i'm way below your starting point at the moment. Regardless, more than willing to give it a shot.

Could you post something you've made recently that isn't a copy? Not trying to attack you or anything of course, but I'd love to also see that all of this pain of boring copying will result in improving 'free' drawing skills. Would be a great motivator.
Thanks, your post made me feel a lot better.
I actually was enjoying making it and thought it looked good until the eyes at which point i kinda froze and procrastinated when i shouldn't have and just winged it to be done faster.
I'm kinda excited to make another piece after this just need it to not take as long.
too lazy to finish but tried utilizing some of the advice i got here to lay flat colors down first and use bigger brushes.
These are me, ignore the rendering they are bad I know, and I didn’t keep my old drawings, I don’t think you can compare because they were much worse than the first copy, without reference I can't even draw like the first copy, the proportions were very off (eyes too close together, head way too big, etc.) and I didn’t know how to fix that at the time due to a lack of observation skills
I can definitely see the point with style, thanks. Gonna give it a shot every now and then.
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Made a semi-study. Forgive the coom.
I'm so jealous of your lines
>forgive the coom
I will not
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How do you do figure studies without drawing naked bodies
naked bodies =/= coom
when in doubt hide in the shadows

steve huston nma youtube
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Ok, well in any case thanks for jogging my brain a bit. I actually don't want to do coom as my primary focus, I chose this study because there was another picture I wanted to study with the arms raised but clothed and I realized I didn't understand what was happening under the cloth. My visual library is sorely lacking, guess I should keep pumping out studies for now.
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Knee value study. Value is hard.
Damn, you can draw. You draw way too good to not be drawing, so keep drawing.
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She looks cute
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How do I make the vibe of this better?

I was going for a dreamy hazy look, but it just looks dirty and muddled.

Also colors?
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almost finished
>I was going for a dreamy hazy look, but it just looks dirty and muddled.
Either adjust the colors of the clothes to match the background more/use less saturated colors, or the other way around. I think the former might be more interesting. Maybe you could let her tattoo be the focal point that way.
Ultimately I think the pose itself is kind of unattractive. I'd do something with her right leg to fix it and turn her gun arm a bit towards the viewer for depth, or at the very least not make it entirely straight.

I'd like to see where it goes.
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Why does my drawing look gay? How do I make it look less gay
maybe it would look less gay if it had less of a focus on a muscular naked mans chest
Anon... It's okay, you can be yourself here. No one has to know.
try drawing less gay subjects like frogs or eagles or something
because thats scooby
Thank you, and thanks for the corrections!
But why dragon ball doesnt look gay while my drawing does look gay? I dont get it
what's a good book for learning how to draw fat bitches? but not morbidly obese I don't want to get eye offended
Morpho has a book about fat people

"How to draw fat bitches" by Yora Ritart
Lmao. Here, grab a real link.
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>too poor to afford $13 or pay for an artist’s contribution
Oh God, there are still anti-piracy retards walking the earth, huh.
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You have the overall head shape down, but the features are placed incorrectly. As for your painting, squint hard. You'll notice if you squint to the point of your eyes almost closing, you'll see she's almost just a silhouette against that white background. So the values you see in that shape aren't that far apart from each other. Notice in the reference how her hair disappears into her forehead because the difference in value is not great enough. The blue light hitting the sides of the head are entirely secondary at this point. You can get a lot of information just focusing on the main light source and the shadow it creates. Also choose an easier subject to draw if you're struggling. Vases are simple but offer a great challenge. I always recommend this marco bucci video --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ5QF0q4QqQ

This seems really close up. How big is this drawing?
Get a job, fuckin lazy faggot
About 6 or 7 inches high. It’s cropped from a sketch pad.
I have one, not my fault your retarded ass thinks piracy is a money issue.
If you’re talking about pirating something like Photoshop, then go for it. Artists, especially someone like Morpho, should be compensated for their contribution to the industry.

Eat shit, scumbag faggot.
Keep talking, I need to brush up on my elementary school insults.
Hey thanks anon. I'll be sure to check out all the other free art books and guides here too.
Man I love free stuff.
>Man I love free stuff.
I know, right? What kind of retard doesn't?
Listening to music on youtube is a gray area too anon, authors can't earn a single dime, how about buying every song you listen to on bandcamp
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When a movie is too sad you turn to painting as a coping mechanism.
holy moly do i gotta sell my soul to get crit?
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Anyone who can help me?
I cant fix the dam hip and leg
The shading under her eye seems a bit arbitrary. Is the light source coming from her left side? Would her lips catch it the way you depicted it?
Really dig the skeleton side.
>holy moly do i gotta sell my soul to get crit?
That's how it is sometimes, most are begs here and probably not confident enough in giving you useful crits.
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Some areas like the kneecap are very textured and then others look rather smudged. Try to keep your tones as even as you can, having a sharp pencil helps too. Planar analysis is a big part of what makes drawings and paintings look elaborate. Your drawing isn't as appealing as it could be because the shapes end up becoming mush, following no logic or structure beneath the finish. The main concern is to tighten up your tones to make sure they are flat and even values. When they are texture like this next to more even tones, it's a bit jarring. It like an oil painting with a lot of random white specks because the painter did not apply the paint properly. What would otherwise be nice to look at can be ruined by a small oversight.
This videos pretty decent for ways to refine your shading. Keeping your lines tight and doing line pressure exercises can help you out. That and use more straights to build up a drawing.

Your shading is whatever. You've implied two light sources, both of which follow conventional patterns. For what I can tell one is coming from the upper left; the other the bottom right and a bit behind. Although if it is coming from the bottom, the top of his shoulder shouldn't be lit. The piece itself is relatively uninspired or cliché for lack of a better term.
If the lighting scenario is what I'm thinking it is, the light will make a triangle on the cheek. It should be lighting the eye or eyelids itself at all. Good catch.
Why do my old drawings look better and feel better then my current ones. I've clocked in 5 months of drawing
Gee I don't know bro, maybe you should post one of your recent drawings and an older one you feel looks better so we can give you a meaningful response.
Got the same issue, I started 3mo ago and I've asked here recently, people told me that my old stuff looks better. Asked a friend who has never seen any of my stuff to try to order pictures from oldest (lowest skill) to newest, he placed second oldest on top.

My working theory is that I used to be spending lots and lots of time on fucking around with picture, I remember trying to improve a picture for a week or so with tons of tiny little changes, and now I'm more focused, so I end up with less polish, and so result is worse even though I know more than I did before. Kind of a monkey shakespeare thing.
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Forgot to attach it

Also if ur sarcastic with me ever again I'm going to touch you inappropriately
>the light will make a triangle on the cheek
It's called Rembrandt lighting.
>I've clocked in 5 months of drawing
drawing consistently per se will not necessarily give you results
>but people told me to just draw
perhaps you wouldn't respond with this, but for the sake of others in the thread, no one who says "just draw" means it as literally as possible. none of them would say, if pressed, that you could simply draw a bunch of 2D boxes every day for 10 years and you'd be the next Raphael. volume is certainly important, especially earlier on, but it's also about what you draw, the methods you're applying to a given drawing, how often you (try to) apply them, and your level of focus.
Yeah I kinda learn that 2 days ago, I took a break from drawing and other hobbies I do. I screenshotted this anons advice, and I'm trying to get in the habit of talking to myself more whilst drawing and thinking of every stroke I made.
>I'm trying to get in the habit of talking to myself more whilst drawing and thinking of every stroke I made.
generally speaking that's not a bad habit to have, but if you have no plans to currently, it is perhaps worth considering adding timed sketches into your study routine. of course you can still think about your marks when you're timing yourself, but having less time forces you to think less but still think properly if you want a good result. I say this because you can easily fall into an extreme where you're thinking too much about all of your marks and get less out of your study sessions because you only got so much out of a couple drawings whereas you could've gotten more out of a few more drawings done in less time. there's extremes on both sides, so you wanna always be looking for that sweet spot and periodically seeing whether you can adjust your study habits.
Ya I realize I only draw things for like 10 or 5 minutes at max, at my break. I think I should treat this like how I treated my planks, I usually did 3 sets of 20 seconds and gradually increased it by 5 seconds now I can hold a plank for 7 minutes.

Appreciate it man.
no problem. I would also recommend doing longer studies in conjunction with your shorter drawings. again, it's up to you how exactly you would do it - or whether you'd take this advice at all - but you could even do something as simple as 10 minutes a day on a longer study, say a portrait, a figure, a car - whatever. and when I say longer studies I mean you're clocking *at least* two hours total on one drawing. they allow you to really flesh out your knowledge and experiment. I've recently been doing 3, 4, even 5+ hour studies and I feel like I've been making good progress. anyways, hope your drawing goes well.
Go to hell you talented shit rat
This new character is weak, nobody bites anymore.
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Man I fucking suck.
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no shit

You can think of the hip as a squished sphere that's been cut in half. The ribcage can be though of as a cylinder or ellipsoid. When drawing something like a scene, you need to think about why a subject is doing what they're doing. Where are they coming from? Where are they going to? Why are they in the position they're in? I'm not entirely sure what you're attempting to convey here, she only seems mildly inconvenienced despite being caught(?) naked. Also think about how masses can push and pull with each other. In this position, you can launch her shoulder into her cheek and do a nice squish. You got the right idea with the breasts, it's a bit more difficult to convey from the angle you were drawing from. Go through an observation course and learn about drawing some basic forms.

This is mostly true. The fact of the matter is that you need to have a definitive result in mind to what you are attempting to achieve. I did this a lot for edge control. I'd try and copy an artists edges exactly. You have to give yourself a criteria so that you know what you did right or wrong. For edge studies it's pretty straight forward. Is the edge that I drew/painted the same texture as the artist' who I am studying? If it doesn't look like it fits or is near identical, where did I deviate? Stroke direction? Is it too smooth? Is it too rough? You must extend this logic to proportion, color relationships and any aspect/fundamental or art. The better you get, the more you can juggle.

A good hierarchy of importance in terms of what makes a picture would be Shape > Volume > Value > Color

Do you have an artist you're attempting to copy? Who?
Ehhh I got several artists I'd like to copy but it's mostly kekemotsu atm.
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Alright, I remember this guys kashima doujin. I'll get back to you tomorrow with actionable steps on how you can improve and achieve this style.
Bottom looks better graphically. Squint your eyes and you’ll see it’s clearer compared to the top drawing which, although rendered more realistically, looks quite indistinct. You should draw bigger by the way
Let's see what I can do.
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I'm trying to use perspective lines to help me understand proper perspective, but I feel like im still getting something wrong or not orienting something correctly. I think it's how im orienting the waist but could use some feedback
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this is my ref for the pose btw
Pawell, what are you going to do when you run out of the 1GB Limit of GitHub Pages hosting?
caveat: I'm a beg who never got to actually use perspective lines outside of elementary school, but if you won't get a better (You), at least you'll have mine.

Legs in particular, and width of every body part in general, feels somewhat unaffected by your perspective. Given the perspective points, you're looking at the character from above, right? In that case, legs would be meters away each down below, waist would be way way wider than chest, and this entire foreshortening(?) thing should affect the chest, belly, and legs in such a way so that each body part partially covers another. Those perspective points are very close I think, so image should look kinda as if it was taken with a wide-angle lens, from above the character.

i think.
Can anyone reccomend me a good sketching brush for Krita?
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Is this the right perspective? How to draw turns and different sides correctly in perspective? It all looks the same
Jesus fucking christ
>Shape > Volume > Value > Color
Where did you learn that? Not saying you’re wrong but I learned it as Value > Shape > Volume > Color.
appreciate it, I think overlapping is one of the things thats sort of tough for me to visualize at this point. But i'll experiment and give an update
Place a dot
Hold shift.
Add another dot
I have Windows 7
Wait, you using MS paint?
Just use the line tool
Also Pawell one more question, do you not think you should go "modern" and to have stuff like comment function, contact form and more responsive design? My current concept is similar to yours (minimalist static html) but im wondering if it would help my cause to get mroe "engagement" on my art gallery.
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Do you feel like the 3d shading on the boob is out of place?
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talented rat, you've been painting for 1 fucking year and 7 months, and anon from the left for 10 fucking years, how lucky you are
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Thankyou too
You probably don't know how much he was drawing and his approach. So it's useless knowledge. And i thought you didn't want to draw anymore. Why are you still here?
just draw
Got a feeling it could be improved, but I can't figure out how exactly. Kinda feels like shading makes boob feels less of a boob shape than it should be, though it might also be related to nipple positioning to some degree.
Thanks for the feedback. I think I'll try and make it more cell-shady and see how that goes.
His approach is to be born with the right genes. I'm going to be whining here for a long time
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Six months ago, some talented rat posted this here. Envy
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Something that may help you to self-assess is to isolate the shadow shape, if it rings 3D then you are probably fine. example of what I mean. Good job, its nice, but I don't like how bulky the lower leg is compared to the arm.
this is from a chinese prodigy
just draw
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Her far breast would be in shadow and should not have light hitting it
Thanks for this tip. About the leg, I posted the sketch and lineart before and nobody said anything, so I assumed everything was ok. Guess it isn't that noticeable for most.
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Ah, I realized I typed hierarchy of what makes a good picture instead of order of learning. Sorry about that.

Just to explain what I mean anyway, in terms of what's important in making a picture are Shape (really just proportion) > Value > Color > Saturation as Craig Mullins puts it.

take pic related for example. If you we're to fill this out as if painting by the numbers, the frame on the right will never look like a sphere. This most certainly applies to any subject and shows just how tremendously important shape is in effectively communicating the subject to the viewer. That's not to say value isn't important, it contributes a lot to the picture especially what is light and what is shadow. however, if I draw a shape that looks like a car, I don't think I can convince someone what they're looking at is a chicken. Not to mention you can have wonderful colors and values on a figure but the first thing people will tend to notice is if the shapes of the facial features are nice. It speaks volumes how far you can get with just value and shape alone. You can't make an image without them.

I wish I had talent, but instead I just draw.
>so I assumed everything was ok
its ok, as I said its something I don't like it doesn't mean its wrong its just and aesthetic preference, keep going your are close to finishing it post results.
there is some additional light coming from the top left, between the viewer and candle.
Thanks, I will.
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Ok, I think I get the gist of it, thanks for the tips
Great work anon!, these are though I had huge problems with row3 col3, 2 things that can help your 1. always keep in mind where the light sources are 2. make the sphere a separate layer fill it with a base color and alpha lock the top layers This way you will not have that ring left over from the selection mask.
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Here's my head and box practice for today
I don't know how light works
I think I need get practice circles more since they look fine but when I try to "cut" them it looks wonky
Anything else I should be practicing?
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I also drew this
How's it looking?
how do I make it more dynamic?
>just draw
Fuck you, I hate drawing
more gains for me, then
>yoinks your gains
You're a rat born with talent, a nit reproaching me for something I haven't had since birth.
Stop this theorizing bullshit and make yourself a lightbox.
Only God can create, us mere mortals copy.
Make a lightbox, throw some simple objects or anime figures into it and play around with light sources.
just draw
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>game keeps hands straight because devs (is this a game, or an animation?) were too lazy to animate fingers
>game* keeps flute away from face, most likely also laziness could also be timing
>anon just straight on copies every 3d simplification 1:1

there's something amusing about that process. but i must admit, your version is actually cuter than the reference, probably because you've made head a bit slimmer
it's a karakuri clock built in 1986
God damn. I can see it, I obviously believe you when you say that, but at the same time I'm looking at the reference and I still can't believe this is not a ps2 game. Shading and light feels spot-on for something from this era of vidya.
I feel like every thing is fine but my roommates insists it’s bad without being able to explain why, I used the mirror technique too much so I’m unable to tell what’s wrong

Some part are still sketchy so don’t mind the weird Colors
>Autistic, ADHD, leaning disability
>My hand writing still looks like that of a five year old's
>Wanted to draw for a long time but never thought I could do it because of the aforementioned issues.
Is it even possible for me to learn to draw?
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More consistent, but just slightly skewed overall. Can't tell if you're /trad/ or using realistic digital brushes, but either flip your canvas or hold a hand mirror next to your page as you draw to check how it looks flipped, like the men of olde did.
You get used to your own work as you construct it, but when you see the mirrored version it resets your brain and gives you a glimpse at how another person would see your work. I shyed away from this technique for a long time, but once I started doing it my proportions magically improved.
Props for challenging yourself and redrawing, from what I can see you're on the right path.

We all started at the same place, anon. "Talent" is just a codeword for "enjoying practice"

>Gives five excuses right off the bat
Stop living with a self-defeating mindset and you might learn to draw. I have all those issues but I still draw because I enjoy drawing. ADHD medication kills your creativity btw, I learned that from experience.
>>7239556 is a troll. don't bother responding to him.
>ADHD kills your creativity
Every professional I've seen says that ADHD medication is necessary for drawing or getting motivated for any activity.
Worth refuting anyway, it takes two seconds and helps stop any lurkers from getting sucked into that mindset.

Different strokes for different folks. I tried medication and my work immediately started looking flat and stiff, there's a lot of other things that can aid focus/motivation.
>every drug dealer says that drugs are necessary
40000 keks
sovlfvl, very cool proportions
Shoulders: half-spheres partially inside the torso-cube, yes?
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Hello beg, drawing hips like this in a vacuum feels weird, but i learned something anyway

it has strong uncanny vibes, probably because outline visually merges with background while some parts like her face has strong outline contrast. and then haircut has no outlines. the legs dont have squished muscles and it looks like her knees are disjointed, you typically lean legs to only 1 side, not into both directions
you have captured the uncanniness of the reference flawlessly. i kneel
keys to drawing has whole chapter about light. also perspective books show you how to find position and shapes of casted shades
weird value range, why did you apply blur on her edges? or is it airbrush? learn how to lock alpha so your airbrush doesnt leak into background. head is not foreshortened properly (eyes distance). hands are turbo beg and so are feet
i like how you wanted the eyes visible so you fucked up the head perspective
if people want to comment, they can use social slop for that. imagine you share link to your blog and somebody made a bot, shitting up comments under every single artwork saying you are kitten murderer. also dynamic websites are DDOSed into oblivion on the daily. it is more effort for zero payout
i will simply stop drawing. or find new hosting lmao
neither looks better
this is cool
there are no highlights and background is too similar to foreground
check out some references of armpits
you dont need critique. all you need is to "just draw" more. it is all there
>Stop living with a self-defeating mindset and you might learn to draw.
Yeah I've heard this a million times for every single hobby I've ever tried. I like the idea of doing anything besides sitting in my room, laying in bed, jerking off and going to sleep or looking at my phone and staring at a wall while barely being able to get out of bed. Am I seriously raising the bar too high? Is that what you're telling me?
That's not how ADHD works. If the dopamine isn't there, or there's no immediate consequence to not doing it, then I won't do it. And as for the reading, I don't understand it when it's not shown in a visual format, I can't visualize when it's in writing.
I have never been able to do a hobby that didn't give me instant dopamine or gratification, yes. I've been able to hyperfixate on writing for hours; but now I can't anymore. My ADHD always makes me finish things as quickly as possible, including writing. I can't be patient for anything. This is what it's like for everything that I've ever tried doing. Most of the time I can't even focus on anything, just pacing around and looking at my phone or staring at a wall, not even playing video games.
So what the fuck do I do?
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SK-V1 and Sketch V2 are pretty good. I like the gesture fast ones in v2.

video and pdf explaining how to use them

or check David Revoy's brushes
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Its her head in the right position?
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Back from a long break
what exactly is a permabeg

how do i know if im one?

is having a poor creativity a sign of permabegness?
a permanent beginner, someone who can't improve. i've only seen retards and losers use the term. if you think you are one, you are one. unless you are 80 years old with late stage dementia, you can learn and improve. creativity is a skill you practice and develop like anything else.
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Well /beg/ I made it, despite my lack of soul
Aww fuck guys I'm not going to make it.
cursed by the satanic trips... anon you must throw holy water on your post or suffer random power outages without saves...
Even if it isn't, its position is necessary to show the expression
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need some solid crit here. feel like im comfortable with anatomy, but something tells me that ive made multiple mistakes.

any anatomy experts care to help? also if you have any complaints or crits with the piece itself, then feel free to point it out.
Dont know what to do with the legs and groin seems incomplete.

I am having problems with the brushes. I am using the flat textured from here

but I am having problems because it ends up too weak and I have to go over it a couple times to make the lines stick out and I end up with a thick line with very blurry edges.
Wonder if it is just the brush, a shitty sketching technique or wrong pressure issues.
That or I should stick to drafting with this kind of brush and use a "harder" one to do the clean lines.
Tried to use the brush to make the lines on her right side of the hair and I had to almost stab my tablet to make the lines pop. I stopped it.

Does the face look too flat? I like how it came out.
I think the only egregiously bad thing are the thighs and her left part of the torso

Thanks a lot. Those sketches look great and will try them out.
The portrait looks picture perfect, the folds on the cape look convincing enough and the chains look way too good as if they had been traced from a 3d model but the shoulder pad thing looks very badly made.
How much of the drawing is yours and how much is traced?
nothing is "traced". but yes, the chain is a 3d model. call me lazy but i dont feel like drawing a 10 link chain lol.

eagle looks weird cause i used a textured brush to symbolize America as the fore front, i.e i want the eagle to stand out the most. probalby doesnt make sense, but just trust the proces.
everything is very flat. focus on getting the basic forms to look 3d first before adding in anatomy details. there no roundness to the upper body at all. missing bony landmarks of the ribcage which are much more important than every abdominal and serratus separation.
actually looking at the eagle now it does look kinda weird. gonna change it in post. dont know what i was talking about
That head is incredibly well done, holy shit. But I recommend looking at reference for the torso. It doesn’t look like he has a ribcage. And the obliques, lats, and what I think was supposed to be the serratus all look kind of off. His pecs have no volume, and his torso looks pretty flat.
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NICE! Well done anon! Her legs are good as they are. Do more, keep the same sketchy style, do a sequence.
I hate the term "iterative drawing", but it is a real thing , do iterations of your drawings, it is an efficient way to build mileage and infuse shapes in your memory.
what do you do if you lack imagination and visualization
use references
Use your dick.
Use your dick as reference
thanks for the crit, but i feel like the torso is fine. just look at this pic and compare
Use your reference as dick
Really? I want to draw the full figure but have no idea how to position the lower legs.
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Been playing Jagged Alliance 3. Want to draw some mercs. Practicing on obscure 80's action movies. Probably need to focus more on costume and poses and less on faces.
your drawing looks flat like this
what exactly does it mean when a drawing's flat?
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ok I recreated it from scratch
this was me "tracing" a picture that I was looking at on my 2nd monitor with my eyes (I didn't have it on the canvas as in this image)
I'm obsessed with this art style
Feedback appreciated, I was wondering 3 things mainly:
1. Shouldn't the curve of the bottoms of the legs of the shorts both be arching the same direction? Is this a mistake of the original artist?
2. Is the draping bottom of the sleeve on the left (her right) disobeying gravity?
3. Are her legs done wrong? I feel like their angles are leading in ways that would make them not meet the pelvis properly. Are the legs meant to meet the pelvis in a way that looks more like an upside-down V than an upside-down U? Also, I feel like I accidentally made her entire torso wider than the original from accidentally making them even wider?
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What do I do if I used to be intermediate at drawing, drew every day for 3 years straight out of pure joy and want to be better, but then I went through psychosis because of schizophrenia for 4 years and the joy and wonder and drive never returned ever again, other than the passive want to be good at art?

>Inb4 kill yourself/just draw
Cringe, I want you to stroke my ego and jerk me off
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like this
Sounds like a psychological problem. We can't really help you, talk to your therapist. If you're on medication, that can be a side effect. See if there are other medications you can try.
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since i helped you with your curse ill try to help here, mind you im a /beg/ with a mouse on ms paint so this wont be great.
i did all the redlining on your ref in the top right to help explain whats going on. shes walking or running towards the viewer it seems. i cant help much with the cloth because i dont know much about it, but it looks mostly right to me, the material is very small and is stretched out as far as it can go so theres not much fold and also her arm isnt raised that high, so the friction on her skin may be keeping it up.
thanks anon, I hadn't considered that one leg would be (relatively) far in front of the other.
>since i helped you with your curse ill try to help here
thank you holy anon
fun fact: in china, "666" is slang for "cool!".
4chans getting soft

Cmon, where's the "just force yourself to draw anyway" "hehe that's what all artists experience" "pyw or we can't help you" and "just kys"?
Shoulders too narrow. Torso is misaligned.
>I won't do it
>I don't understand
>I can't visualize
>I have never been able to
>I can't anymore
>I can't be patient
>This is what it's like for everything that I've ever tried doing
>I can't even focus on anything
If someone talked to me the way you talk to yourself I'd attack them
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i hate coloring, maybe ill just stay a sketchfag.
The perspective is very wonk escpecially his right-handed leg. It's floating on mid air.
You basically specialized in drawing big honker animu girls. Try to broaden your horizon.
based homelander drawer
> mid-air
the heel is literally rested on a bench, the perspective is fine. i admit left foot is fucked, and his glutes are mishapen.
not even close
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I forced myself to draw something 20 minutes longer (30 minutes) I wonder what I can do in an hour
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nta, but here's how I see it.
How I should draw it then?
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I'm building up a portfolio to try amd get commission doing figure drawings of cute girls. Am I gonna make it? What should I improve?
Sorry for the late reply but thanks and I really would appreciate it if you did,
She's cute in general, so that worked out, but I feel like floor is under a slightly different angle and perspective compared to a girl, and current shadow on the floor didn't work out at all. I think one low-effort thing that would improve a lot would be ambient occlusion (not sure if i'm using right names?) at where body makes contact with the floor, small strong shadows to contact the character with the environment around her. Maybe shadows are also a tiny bit weird in terms of directions? On her head, light comes from middle/top left side, but at the ass shadow it feels more like it's slightly from below, and then entire body casts a shadow that's definitely from top left side.

Not bad at all though, if I'd see it on booru, I wouldn't think twice about quality.
I feel you dawg, best advice I can muster is
>Build lineweight on your cleanup lines the same as your sketch
>Go thicker on silhouette lines and forms closer to the camera
>Learn shading with a single colour, then learn saturation with a single colour, then branch into bi/tricolour schemes
yea good lineweight tips, ill try a few passes next time i do a full illustration
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you have at least 3 people telling you the torso is not fine
no amount of arguing on your part is going to make it fine, it's not fine
position of the nip is way off
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i havent drawn/painted in like 6 months. anyways no ref used. polishing a turd or keep going? also, how the fuck do i get the eyes to match?
>polishing a turn or keep going?
excuse the frankness, but you would probably do well to figure out your goal(s) for a given work before doing it. if you had any goals for this, and you haven't reached them, then keep going. otherwise move on to something else.
be patient during the lay-in phase and double check the placement and proportions
the goal is 'create' a 'fake' person and it not look shit/uncanny. its been quite a process trying this. so what im asking is, does the underlying drawing look like shit to the point where i should just stop now? besides the eyes (which i will attempt to fix), i feel like it actually pretty good in terms of being a 'not ugly' person, just need to work on the painting aspect a look more. i just want feedback from others.
>no ref used
we can tell
flip your drawing horizontally
use reference
stop trying to render shit
so the drawing is complete shit? and i do flip hoizontally.
w-what? how anon?
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Pls I need help, armpits are fucking with my mind. I've done some research and know in theory that there are 4 main muscle groups that attach there to create the form, bicep/tricep/lat/delts+pec but I don't understand all the creases happening which I lined in blue, can someone explain
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it's over, if you can't draw big boobas you have to draw them small, but small boobs are forbidden in the internet
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I wanna start making more cartoon figures, where I can start?
Any coments on this?
how can you keep drawing everyday and not quit
i did the first assignment of proko's drawing basics
drawing everyday is a meme. draw at your own pace, i saw myself improve without even drawing for weeks, its all in the subconscious.

if you actively try to improve you WILL no matter what
Try to get better while drawing things you like. Practice construction on your favourite character for example
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I just doodle daily. The purpose isn't to get good via doodling, but doodling allows me to warm up, draw things I like, while also getting all the early bad drawings out.
Right now, I'm trying to add some conscientiousness to my doodling routine, meaning such as in picrel i am trying to practice my line economy and control through actual drawings. I do this for like maybe 10-30 mins and fill up a page or two before doing any studies.

The only issue is getting good through doodles isn't really viable. I speak from experience. But I have found it to be a good way to maintain momentum even if your drawing days are not always productive.
It's hard to start off with a study. Much easier to start off fucking around and doodling because doodling is safe anyway.
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If you don't give up on something for once in your life, you could make it
don't fall for proko. just draw cool shit instead
kek those wojak crabs
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how do proportions work when forshortening? how do i decide how many "heads" an arm will be?
is steve huston's approach suitable for anime / manga style?
or just stick to loomis?
Maybe they are just skin creases? Like the ones on your palms?
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Don't use such a shitty reference. Those creases probably aren't muscles but it's hard to tell because you are doing an anatomy study on a subject with no definition in soft lighting. Go get the Anatomy for Sculptors book from one of the megas in the artbook thread and find yourself some buff dudes to look at.
I'm afraid you have to like drawing. Sorry, anon.
Day 4 week 4 of Brent eviston's course is where I'm 100% getting filtered with no hope of recovery. You are tasked with drawing the handle of a cup which is a complex shape, and technically the challenge is learning to analyse these shapes and to simplify them into something that can be drawn, but I'm afraid my drawings suck because my lines are just ugly and the curves of the handle just look wobbly and deformed. It's over.
You can't draw well after 4 weeks? Unheard of, I'd give up too
is that what ppl without talent have to deal with ?
you're not at that level to be taking comms in my opinion, no offense. It could work maybe but you'd be seen as a mid /beg/ hack like Duchess Celestia.

>Wh-what is causing this minescule wrinkle? I can't draw it unless I know!
absolute state of anatomyfags

I see you regressed to boat noses again lol

this image has potential

You feel it. measuring is for permabegs.

Are you saying you have parkinsons or that you have difficulty simplifying? You are sending mixed messages.
Yeah I basically have Parkinson's. I don't really think it's over but I'm definitely gonna have to just continue with the course while not having completed this day's challenge properly which sucks. I have no idea how to actually improve line confidence and quality, it's always been horrible and this isn't actually my fourth week of drawing.
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ok ok i think ive fixed it.
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without shading
>Yeah I basically have Parkinson's.
I bet you have autism and ADHD too.
/beg/ here
Any feedback?
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Drawing while listening to Bob Ross makes for such a pleasant evening
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the line between the middle and ring metacarpal reads weird to me like the finger extends tway up to the middle of the palm. My eyes keep wondering because I don't have a focus the eyes values are not that dark which most of the time is the focal point.

Beautiful curve of the upper arm, stitches and collarbone and rhythms of the eyes, stitches and waving skin.
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Pls rank each character by appeal
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holy moly this has to be my best drawing
congrats my friend it looks very good
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He looks like such a threat. That facial expression is perfectly uncanny, great stuff man.
Nice job!
Focus more on drawing correct proportions before experimenting with the model. Right now her frame feels incredibly wide, the pose doesn't feel natural, the arms feel too long, and her right hand has the thumb on the wrong side.
I would suggest practice-drawing each of these components separately, then adding them together sequentially when you feel confident.
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Most of my practice is drawing stills from 80's action movies. Wish I could develop into something more, an appealing style or something.
Nice line work. What program you using?
Everyone here is so good. And it seems much more active here than in the complete beg thread. I think this is the stage most artists here are at. All of you are doing great.
fun exercise. trying to simplify the shapes.
i think it turned out decent for day 2 of drawing
tsukasa hojo
not a bad attempt. use higher quality references though. and, if you aren't already, find some book or course to learn fundamentals like checking proportions and feature placement.
this is way more fun then i thought. also thumbnail showed me a lot of proportion mistakes
i was going to attempt his snail project from his course but the video was paused on a funny expression so i wanted to attempt drawing it like the pear exercise
I see. that's fine then. you just don't wanna mainly be using those sorts of images for more meaningful drawings/studies - at least not early on.
Guys, I fucking did it! I created my own art website! I am so happy, Ive wanted to do this for so long. It's pretty barebones yet, but having my own website just hits completely different. Thank you Pawell for your inspiration and help.

Visit me at: https://jade-green.neocities.org/
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finished it
It’s much better, good job. I think you should either add some light on his cheek in the shadow side or remove the light on his obliques in the shadow side because if the light is angles to hit one, it would probably hit the other. Also, with such lighting, his arm would probably cast a shadow on his body, and his shoulder eagle would, too. They look like paper cutouts and flatten the forms beneath them. Ditto for the chain’s cast shadow. Try drawing some basic organic forms and rendering them simply, with form and cast shadows to practice hard and soft edges. Shadows are basically cross contour lines than run over the surface of the forms. Once that “clicks,” you’ll fucking mog us all. You might benefit from doing a couple drawabox lessons, or joining the Dynamic Sketching general.

This is graphically very cool, your line work is awesome, and your faces are full-on /pro/ tier. Once you learn some basics of form and rendering, you’ll leapfrog right into high intermediate/advanced.

PS how did you learn to draw heads so well?
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with the given perspective and angle of her body, it would be almost completely obscured
Her neck is way too long, in this position half of her head would be obscured by the shoulder.
Possible I'm talking out my ass though.
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that was harder than i thought
what's the best way to learn how to draw arms and legs? Just grind them out?
How the fuck do I stop making shitty line art.
I feels like I can't do it without stabilization, is it a problem from my tablet thats a bit worn out in the middle? (screenless wacom intuos S) or Am I just talentless?
>draw arms and legs
>be dissatisfied by how shitty your arms and legs look
>look at arms and legs of real people (preferably not obese)
>keep drawing arms and legs
>improve (maybe)
that's what I figured but it's nice to have confirmation
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Doodle elf
Very pinup vintage like. Nice.

Thanks. I used it as a base for a delivery and reworked it. I think it came out worse.

I see that you
>made the breasts saggier and more appealing with how they droop and rest on her abdomen
>the pasties also look way better and they perfectly follow the breast's shape.
>The underwear follows along her hips and the mound of her groin
>Glutes show squish with a good view of the assfangs
>Shoulders are pointing up to show a more natural organic pose
>Stomach looks livelier with the tummy fold, squished bellybutton and fat folds on the sides
Nice. Very nice indeed. I will try to implement some.

This is just a very early draft I did with my notes to the side before going to sleep but I will redraft it and then try to use a cleaner and harder brush to make the lines.
Thanks a lot frenchie.
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So I'm making a guide right now that'll mostly apply to the whole board on how to get better. It'll be as retard proof as I can get it to be. It'll be covering basic warm up for line control, observational drawing, and painting. It'll have definitive steps and criteria for progressing to the next unit/step.

As for actionable steps for you anon. Let's start with line quality exercises. Specifically ones involving straight lines and circles. One of my favorites is something like a web you have a point and you try to draw a line through it. Another one is to fill a page by connecting 2 dots together. The lines are to be as straight as you can get them. You can also do this line exercise here. https://youtu.be/eaif0PpNMas?si=_wl6rN9prYqlwjCQ&t=419 or here https://youtu.be/1pvZPpQxGQY?si=UwlJ-6kriOxoMLJp&t=156

Only spend about 10 minutes at most doing any of this.

watch the segment on sighting in this proko video here => https://youtu.be/1J7RQvKnWf4?si=xmlLVCQWp-_3HU3b&t=142

Now I want you to measure these three spheres. Now we know a sphere is 1 : 1. This is to grease the groove to get you familiar with the observation process. We'll move on to harder subjects bit by bit. What I want you to do is measure the height of sphere 1 then compare it against the height of sphere 2. Make sure that the position of your thumb on the measuring stick remains the same. If the distance between the top of your thumb and top of the stick don't line up with the height sphere 2, retake the measurement at sphere 1. Do the same for sphere 3. Measure the height of sphere 1, then compare to sphere 3. Repeat width measurements in the same way. After you've done both of those steps and feel confident, next is to compare the height of sphere 1 to the widths of 2 and 3. Then flip and compare width to height. This is to ensure you don't lose the measurement while rotating your hand. That's your homework for now.

If you have any questions let me know.
much better
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Thanks for the feed back guys

I did some tweaking with the colors. I know it's still not there yet but for now I think it's better

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