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Why You Should Copy Anime:
Naoki Saito: https://youtu.be/8jsZGeaWkhE?si=6HZIvG9Bx3y9qoHs&t=12
AnimeShijuku: https://twitter.com/animesijyuku/status/1717415459778347358
Krenz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKqIJcIUCw

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

General Anime Style Discussion:
>Questions about achieving certain styles/techniques/compositions etc.
>Drawing methods, study habits, resources, tutorials, tools, software, etc
>Be specific and try to post a sample of your study attempts before asking for help.

**Draw copies from good anime styled references to mindfully up our mileage, internalize appealing aesthetics, and learn from each other’s processes and knowledge.**

Recommended Resources:

/mmg/ - Manga Making General:

Previous Thread: >>7183000
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Put quite a lot of effort into this one, need a critique
Especially the hair. I have zero clue whether I did it right or not
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most mid general there is
look at last thread, a whole month lmao and all there is are endless copies like Npc's do
pyw or /nodraw/ coping
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>Redline artist who is objectively better than me
>They thank me for it and call it insightful
who else here /devious/?
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Nozomi sex
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Maple story Lucid 33yrs old
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My beloved Peo
I would love to see the references you used for this
I didn't use ref on this one
>I didn't use ref on this one
Doesn't matter how good or bad something looks, nobody cares if you didn't use a reference, so you might aswell just use them.
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Last sketch
ganbare, c-lord
more srs, check the perspective on knees, inner one is higher on ref, then curvature on teeth
This looks like a 3D model. I'm not trying to insult your work it's just the first thing that came to mind and I thought I'd let you know.
Now that you mention it I see that too, maybe it’s because I only use very simple cel shading
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Figurines as reference? y/n
>captcha k2pp
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>can finally draw in anime style
>see a Japanese artist speed sketching a rough anime girl in under a minute
>try it
>it doesn't look anime at all
Is speed sketching a dedicated skill?
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ZZZ Rina. How is it?
her face is melting and she has no bones in her arms. nice hair rendering though
Really nice rendering, but the anatomy of the face and arms looks odd
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anyone here like the 2000s anime artstyle? Probablh nostalgia goggles I actually like it more than most modern animanga style art
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Where do you draw inspiration from when choosing poses? My brain is empty bros
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Curving her body with her left hand holding her skirt
Don't have a tablet on hand right now but you get the idea
That's what 1-2 minute gestures are about. Grind faces until you only need a couple marks to draw the features
I have a problem that I'm trying to figure out how to solve. I have gotten to a point where it feels like my observation skill is racing ahead of what I can actually output. Like if I look at a piece done by a professional or someone advanced I can pick out and understand the brushes and techniques used, but I can't replicate any of it in my own pieces. What is this called?
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Declarative knowledge vs. Procedural knowledge. Or to put it simply, knowing vs. doing. You actually have to draw to get better at drawing.
Ah damn, I've always been better at the declarative knowledge stuff and sucked at procedural.
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Help I failed, I can't render for shit, how do I get that crisp paint feel?
>You actually have to draw to get better at drawing
But I've seen enough perma/beg/s to see that "just draw" isn't the end all of solutions. There must be some sort of balancing between observing and drawing that I'm not hitting.
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Hey, is this sketch alright? Im intending to move onto the lineart next.
Any critique is appreciated
Cute, seems fitting. Never tought of drawing stick figure to gauge out the pose/feel of the pose, i should try that. Thanks.
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having fun with some colors
very nice, how are you getting those subtle splashes of color in the background wash? like that patch of green on the underside of the cube etc
new drawing today. I just watched One Piece
hi subu please go back to X your original work does not belong here you are meant to post your copies assuming I'm wrong and you are just copying subu in 1 to 1 detail.
>happen across an artist with a style that looks good
>they have a speedpaint on Youtube
>I see that they have multiple, oh and there's even a recorded stream, so I can see the full process
>Oh they privated every single stream except for that one
Brutal. They definitely had other streams as well, that can be verified with the Wayback Machine.
Actually as an oldfag I remember that /ASG/ was just strictly anything anime artwork related, originally to allow more western styles to get feedback and not get drowned out by the overwhelming amount of aspiring anime fags.
There's a /studies/ general now so idk why /asg/ has stopped promoting getting feedback on original work, (...and no, we don't need to try and recreate /HAM/ we can just post it here lol)
Weird. I guess this board is changing more than I thought.
Just like the pink monkey jap pianist, it's their own invented member system, probably even have 1 month archive 3 months archive member tiers
I feel like that’s not the case here. The one stream that’s available (other than the one I found that was archived), is just one random one listed in the 40s, but they at least got up to 72 streams.And also from the archive, they used to have all the streams up at once. It seems like they just disappeared from the internet a few years ago.

No wonder /asg/ is a laughing stock, cause retards like you chase decent/good artist away.
>The old hitokaku anon apparently is now working as a concept artist for ArcSysWorks
Oh yeah I remember him. I forget what his socials are though.
Does anyone know?
What made you think this? Source or baseless rumor?
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torso could be more dynamic, but good enough I'd say
its all lasso with airbrush shading
Fix your lines first, retard
>>7237565 hey subu
Bro that's not me. I'm silverwolf fag not Rina fag. I'm drawing Grace and Ellen not Rina for ZZZ
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yup better than subu.
not bad at all, expression aside, I think its a bit too dark? maybe you are missing a lighting step big global one, not details, what is going on with the shadows on the ribbon/chest area
pose looks more stiff than the anime screenshot, hair does too
a few more steps in your journey and you are golden, keep it up bro
It aint a competition boss
that would be cool but subu was miles better than me :(
shit i can't figure out the problem with light and pose. i made the character a tiny bit darker since there's a greater light behind her idk. for the pose, i have no idea as well. the hair does look stiff. thanks!
you got the rendering and proportions and style, for charm and dynamism maybe listen to what this guy has to say?
Nice ai tracing, faggot.

And btw, fix those legs.
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>>7240306 (me)
shes kinda kawaii. keep at it!
here's my anime drawing of the week. It's Asuka from Evengelians sister.
How would you fix the legs?
can you share your model/prompts???
prompt yourself a noose, jealous pre/beg/trash
add light and soft light in u draw, you only shadow forms, thats why its feels flat, also better no lines that chicken lines...
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Who are the best Coloso guys?
It's been 2 years since I downloaded Chyan's course.
love ur drawings sm ego u r better than dat fraud subu
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What am I doing wrong? I keep fudging my studies, and I can't point out exactly what it is I'm doing wrong. I can see it doesn't look like the study subject, but not why.
buy an ad nigga
Well you can't even trace properly. Unironically go do drawabox or something else really simple
You traced her boobs to the shoulder and you think boobs are attached to the shoulder? wtf lmao
Don't copy anime mindlessly
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>you think boobs are attached to the shoulder? wtf lmao
of course not, but the ref had them. I must've traced one of the clothes' folds by accident. In any case, I wan't really focusing on the body, it was more of an afterthought, what I wanted to study was the face.
did you draw this? pretty good
No, that's the reference I'm using.I'm >>7242165
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Epic art bro, did you use reference?
>confirmed subu is an ai fag
kek what a shitter
>32k+ likes
He made it….
wtf lol
All a vendetta fag has to do is expose him for using that and he gets cancelled. A large anime artist was just called out for it a couple of days ago too.
>I can't point out exactly what it is I'm doing wrong.
Frankly, too many things to list. You need to learn the fundamentals
>yOu NeEd To LeArN tHe FuNdAmEnTaLs
you do /beg/ boy, but using ai slop will make things faster for you, but all you're doing is fucking yourself over and just waiting to get cancelled.
i have no idea what you're talking about
make sense you wouldn't, since you're a retarded /beg/ after all.
i'll have you know I have near 180 followers, show some respect
It's over....
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>Anon decides to ref a random ai pic on a random board, makes a better artwork than source
He's still better than you and that doesn't discredit his current piece.
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once a tracing prompt troon, ALWAYS a tracing prompt troon
>doesn't discredit his current piece.
Kinda does, makes it likely he used ai on his current piece as well. Keep acting retarded and your retarded behavior might cause some anon to expose him
In the AI pic the perspective of the tables was fucked. In the current pic the perspective is pretty consistent in the entire image AI still can't keep details like perspective and overlapping consistent.
work smart not hard amirite guys?
Su-subutachi...how do we cope?
Just like using a ruler to measure, right?
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so this is how he does it
is no one gonna do it? Im waiting kek lemme put this so google can pick it up, @subuart on twitter is an AI tracer. The toradora piece is proven to be traced over AI
And this is why I told him to stop being an attentionfag because sooner or later he's going to get assblasted for being an aifag.
Is this the first time he has been exposed with evidence? I've seen him being called an AIfag before, but I thought people were just being jealous.
Looking at it more closely you can see thats not the case. The Lack one is a bit more egregious but looks like he doesn't do that much anymore. Closely referenced but not traced both for the girl and the background. The real question is if you can prove if the white hair girl with the cubes is AI, surely you can prove that anon if you seem so sure that all of his pieces involve the same process.
go suck someone elses dick, @subuart is a grifting clout chaser
I've seen him draw pieces on discord all the time in anime art servers, most of the time he just uses photo refs for poses. Most recent example I can think of is with with the red hair girl from Arknights climbing the stairs and the Mori calliope based on that one Pinterest pose. The same guy keeps bringing up the old piece where he stole a lot of stuff from Lack, but pretty much every case the proportions are so off. He might have his problems with drawings but he doesnt trace, he's posted his attempts and fixes here before, for better or for worse. Go type your drama blog somewhere else, report and sage>>7243035
How about you draw instead? Maybe then you can make something better instead of shitting up the thread everytime your nemesis shows up. Why the fuck you care about some random guy with only a marginal following drawing gachaslop says more about you than the person you're trying to cancel when none of us here give a shit.
What should I focus on? Someone else mentioned drawabox
Subu is better. Your artwork will flop unlike his.
>The real question is if you can prove-
No, we don't need proof, using AI as an artist is like cheating on your wife, you will never be trusted again, subu.
Subu is an amazing artist and all his works are original. To say otherwise would be to discredit the institute of ASG. A true disservice to its people and culture. I believe that >>7242665 and >>7243035 is nothing more than fabricated evidence. Please Subu, if you’re reading this, prove yourself innocent! I need you, the server needs you, you’re my GOAT.
how bout you get that dick outta your mouth. Who says I don't draw? Can't draw and call out bullshit at the same time? Also never heard of this guy in my life, I just call it how I see it. Hate fucking grifters in art. It's an insult to those who put in the effort with original ideas, those of us who actually make art. He's my fucking nemesis now tho, ppl like you defending him so hard make me wanna shit on him even more lmao. And if you don't give a shit, stfu and stop defending the gachaslop grifter with a marginal following that you don't give a shit about.
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the evidence has been given. The onus is now on subu to prove otherwise and defend himself
I'm not him nigga.
You need to unironically touch some grass if you think any of this retardation matters , normies don't give a fuck.
Come draw shitty anime studies like the rest of us already
Normies don't care about your ideals, go draw some shitty studies like the rest of us.
Fuck, I'm ESL. Anyways I'm too tired for this. Keep discussion about current drawings and not past bullshit mkay?
Prove that you aren't some seething jealous faggot and post your work.
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He posted a breakdown on his twitter.Seems like he paints it whole thing in white light and uses gradient maps.
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i am some seething jealous faggot what of it
kr0npr1nz did it and he fucking made it
>jealous of an a.i fag
Lol, I hope you are Subu just larping as someone else because if you're one of his lowbie orbiters he gives fake compliments too that's even more pathetic. Based on the evidence he's clearly using a.i pretty heavily, sorry to burst your bubble. I no longer trust any art piece he produces from now on. Have to admit I lost a lot a respect for him. And before Subu or the orbiter say anything, someone who was on their way to getting good giving up and resorting to a.i paintovers is not good for /asg/, it shits on everybody working hard to get better. Disappointing but somehow not surprising.
There was no doubt in him doing the actual rendering, the accusations are of tracing. Though I don’t think this piece specifically was traced.
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this means nothing subu
I don’t care if you lose respect for him, nothing of value was lost. Go draw, faggot.
You know what will happen to digital artists if we let AI tracing faggots get away with it
Look at this >>7242910
how about shut the fuck up, if you keep bitching and trying to defend subu or you’re actually going to get some anon, to expose him. You’re making me think you’re subu himself. For someone who doesn’t care, you sure do love heavily defending a stranger
I’m not going to be the one to do it or go out of my way as well, but do some dumb shit and i’ll watch from the sidelines and laugh at the consequences of your actions.
>resorting to a.i paintovers is not good for /asg/,
/asg/ already has a bad rep already, this will just make it worse.
This thread is a great reminder that all you get from posting your art on 4chan is getting a bunch of mentally ill children following you around trying to ruin your life
Maybe we should just ask him to leave this place because /ic/ does not welcome aifaggots, as my multiple AI critics thread got deleted, then we can let him do what he wants in his little world, deal?
I don't think people want to see something that could very likely be AI traced art posted here right?
And also you're trying to gaslight us into thinking that every piece of art posted here will ruin your life if your blog is ever leaked, I do respect the namefag Azalea23 who make a thread weeks ago, people helped him.
You only get disrespect from your actions, not from where you belong.
>larping a.i fag gets shat on
>boohoo evil /ic/!!!
Loving every laugh. Nobody is ruining his life he is just getting called out for using a.i and lying about it.
This is brutal. It looks like he can draw so why did he do this shit
Not him, but I draw artwork exclusively to watch it flop.

I don't like people.
Plenty of good and pro artist posts here, constantly, and even for years. Fucking Peter Han had a 4chan bookmark seen on his streams
Maybe instead, try not being an AI troon? Try not being a tracing renderfag? Try actually learning to draw? Try not being an obnoxious arrogant shitstain???
Probably was bored and wanted to try out using ai as reference, which is actually a pretty common trend on Twitter. It seems like this because he makes good stuff with or without it. He can clearly draw characters in backgrounds with perspective well, which is something that the AI couldn’t do.
Subu is so GREAT!!! I’m going to tell him on Twitter that regardless of AI tracing, he is still the best!!! I’m also going to let everyone know that if they ever judge Subu, they are against me!!
>wanted to try out using ai as reference
the nigger didn't fucking mention this, which is what you always do when you reference other artist's work.
every single one of this fuckstain's work is under suspicion. and as >>7243035 always has been
>He can clearly draw characters in backgrounds with perspective well
...When 95% of the work is already done.
You're free to be as annoying as you want if you don't have any skeletons in your closet. What /ic/ gonna do?
A twitter thread exposing him. That all it will take, just waiting for someone here to do it
Because he had skeletons in his closet. Just don't have any and you'll be fine. Then again only people like that feel a need to attentionwhore to compensate for their shortcomings.
Okay that's it funny guy I'm exposing you on twitter
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None of this will elevate you from permabeg.
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All I do is pick some neat anime drawing and copy that.
Is there even a point to it I don't feel like I'm improving at all.
No matter how good the copy ends up being I don't feel like it helps me improve, wtf do I do?
Do you really want to improve?
Study anatomy (I recommend the anatomy book for sculptors)
Do you want to have the style of your favorite mangaka? Study him and his style only. (You can make copies, however you must be guided by the anatomy book to understand why your mangaka does things the way he does them)
Copy poses from Pinterest, making tracings of drawings will limit your imagination, causing that feeling of stagnation.
Watch YT videos but not on how to draw anime but rather on how to draw torsos, hands, heads and adapt it to your style
And improve your line drawing by doing the dot exercise.
You put points on an entire sheet and join them without using force, that will greatly improve your line anon, good luck.
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Thanks, I really suck at the whole "learning" thing.
Good luck anon, I also recommend that you look for artists with communities to be able to relate to. It is very difficult to do something and not have anyone to talk to about it. By joining a community of an artist I managed to improve a lot, however I am still not satisfied
And this path will be difficult but perseverance and hard work will always bring benefits.
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well you're not wrong. subu's popular and unironically got better works than me in the first place anyways. I'll just cope and be happy with likes i got
You know on what to do, anon
tracing is okay thing to do
see https://youtu.be/AcSohBqJnrY?t=233
btw I think we need an AI tracing general to study how to trace perfectly like subu
subu sisters... I don't feel so good
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i like your proportions better, gj
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New character from Nexon
Can I get some pointers on this one? Especially with her dress, i'm not really sure how it should be drawn in this angle/pose and right now it just looks like baggy pants or something.
any good summary or comparison of different styles in drawing shadows?
Is this proportion correct?
I followed the 6 head to body ratio but I feel like the torso is too long?
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>6 head
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It looks like pants because you drew her with pants.
I need some feedback on the neck + chest area. by the way this is still a sketch
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Much appreciated anon
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is that krita? yeah he's a major fucking AI user since that's all that software is good for
is naoki's 1 month illustration program any good? or are there better stuff out there
That looks familiar but i can't put my finger on it.
cute drawing anyways,
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Try to draw this tomorrow, anything to fix before I start?
>better stuff
Are you saying copying other artists is not the best way? Let me know when you find something that is vastly superior to copying.
Trying to learn how to draw makes me feel like I have negative iq.
I get that a head is a sphere, an arm is a cylinder and a torso is a cardboard box now how do I get good at drawing???
It seems like you didn't understand anything. Abstractions are not the thing.
>It seems like you didn't understand anything
Have you ever gotten one of those cuts on your skin but you don't know when you got it? That's where exactly where you are at right now, complete lack of self awareness.
Where does this ainigger get so many orbiters from?
The fags whiteknighting a guy instead of a girl makes it even more pathetic.
thats photoshop but seem like he use csp to paint and PS to retouch
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how is it looking lads
looks okay, go for it
needs more neck thats for sure
i was talking about his course thing he has
I am lacking inspiration and can't think of anything to draw. I was full of drive up until early this year when suddenly I just lost steam. Not even generic girl in random pose from instagram is doing it, its been 3 months and I've only been doing some studies to not completely stop. How do I recover?
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What do i need to do to get to Mogoon level man,. This is my first attempt to study from him. What should i be doing to approach his art style from a fundamental viewpoint? I’m really lacking in something.
Join artfight! Find OCs you like and draw them, even if its not cute anime girl u can draw them as cute animal girl, (if allowed). get ur interpretation muscles working.
How to interpret? I can't draw unless I can copy reference, I'm not skilled enough yet.

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