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Previous thread >>7218107

Welcome to /sex/, your general thread dedicated to sexual artworks ranging from simple pinups with exaggerated proportions to explicit pornography. Please feel free to pick your best works in progress, or finished work, and post them here.

>General Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of art styles are welcome and encouraged; submit your work and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 pixels before posting.
3) Share whatever knowledge you can. Please provide references whenever possible.
4) Do not be afraid of asking for critique, be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY and FURRY PORNOGRAPHY along with BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except for /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

>NSFW image resources

>Timed drawing gallery
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bad timing on posting in the last thread with this new one coming in. rendering goo is tough.
Well, you make it look easy.
Hey anon, you never posted your IG or any other social...
Stylized to the point of it being grotesque and uncanny. Pairing this with sterile weightless lineart gets you basically 0 hotness.
This kind of style doesn't translate well into porn imo.
Otherwise you have definitely interesting and original art.

The face is flat and crooked. You should probably spend a bit more time on construction and remember to flip your canvas regularly in order to avoid this.
I really like the rest. Nice color palet.
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>Stylized to the point of it being grotesque and uncanny
Thanks for the crit anon. Yeah I made that super fast when I saw there wasn't any posts yet. Never had a "first" lol. What I want is to get the idea of something, Really fast. It's a lot of fun to do these random doodles non stop, almost like writing. When you do that there's not much room for "sophisticated appeal and detail". It's an exercise. I think many would find it very beneficial to their improvement if they try that. Just have a go and doodle without being so anal about it, as long as the basic anatomy makes sense and the figures are readable, doing a ton of these will give you a lot of experience and also a lot of fun.
There's a place and time for everything I think. Like here I'm doing something different with much more detail and I enjoy that as well:
Here we go, this is what I meant. This series with the nun is fantastic! That's a much much better balance between realism and exaggeration. I love these!
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Thanks anon! I'm glad you liked that project
when's the last time you were kinkshamed?
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attemp of nsfw
For an "attempt" that's really nice. Good figures and pose. Her face is great.
Spitballing. An hour all up.
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>basically 0 hotness.
It depends on who is watching, I've seen way more disturbing art and people who liked it.

The way you draw lines reminds me a bit of tyto alba's early works
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Never heard of him. I found amazing that, there was a time when if you named an artist there was a huge chance that you know about him. Today that's becoming literally impossible. And we're still far from being connected as a whole. I mean , all of the BILLIONS of people in the east still out of the radar, doing art, and not even having into account the AI... I'm feeling more and more like that vanishing spidey "not feeling too well"
I appreciate what you're doing, anon. You exhibit excellent understanding of anatomy coupled with an uncanny taste for satire and caricature. If I had your gifts I probably wouldn't make some of the more grotesque aesthetic decisions, but every thing you draw is always captivating and thought provoking. It reminds me of that Behind the Dune game. If you're that guy, and that's already known in these threads, then my apologies for being a complete fucking idiot.
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nice but make those thighs a bit thiccer, a bit joocier
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No I'm not Balsamique, don't worry lol. Thanks anon. Yeah of course, I use this sort of "trash bin" space to experiment with stuff, to see reactions, if some detail or idea works or not. It's like poking something with a stick you know? xD
Like what this guy does >>7240235 he's clearly super talented, but I'm not into that kink at all. I'm not gonna say that I hate it, but, it definitely causes a primal instinct rejection on my "reptile brain". BUT I would never ever try to throw rocks at his camping site because surely someone is into that and enjoying it here, he's doing his part in the "game". And same goes to everyone else. Every new "variable" carrier producing more and new random ripples in the chaos creation realm should be celebrated and protected. They are all building something, wich we don't know or can't see from our limited point of view. "Let them cook", like someone said, lol.
>should be celebrated and protected
except for lolicon or toddlercon
you'll get banned and removed
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it's fairy hours.
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I saw this image in the last thread but did nobody notice that the guy doing redlines was also wrong? Her anus is much lower and her arm should go lower and reach behind her back if she wants to really finger her bumhole.
Nvm actually saw an Anon call him out on it.
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some cats and lewd figures
i love her
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uh ohhh... someone is in trouble now...
TEC forgot to tell her about the time limit
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I agree. It's gonna be interesting in the years to come, how this zoomer generation will deal with the cultural poison that has been being infused into their brains during this era. The world will need mental institutions the size of stadiums all over the planet.
I'm blind as fuck
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i will consider it
Be careful when drawing the (schizo cat). It will consume you.
these are great, what artists are your inspos for the lewds? Got a blog?

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think I'm done with this one for a while
Thanks, the artists who are my inspiration are Trylsc and Blue GK, I try to study their style
I have a pixiv acc that I occasionally post users/14735673
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might look better with no pupils?
Anyone check out the new humble bundle? Been doodling around in realistic paint pro has been pretty fun. It's got a year of clip studio too
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interesting idea. i would still like to keep the pupils but rolling them out or changing the shape is an option.
you're underrated
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the part where the hand is holding the legs is very well executed
Will I receive hate speech or death threats if I draw hardcore hentai fanart? insect,ryona,rape,ntr etc...
I've seen people get death threats over drawing farts so yeah probably
Are you aware that insane amounts of that content already exist? Even in ultra high "pixar" quality 3d animations in known porn video platforms since years and years now? And no one died. You will, only if you show weakness, if you play the "victim" someone will play the "hater".
try lolicon
Looks like you have fun drawing, socials?
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Forgot image
thanks, very cool anon
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Recent commission. Love how it came out
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how would i go about animating an existing 2d image? what software is best for this? i chopped up some of the assets in photoshop and made a timeline but its janky and annoying to do. there must be something where you can set up key frames then tell it to translate an asset at a certain speed
The keyframes ARE the speed. You might be thinking of easing in/out and interpolation for fine-tuning the subtle movement. Another common trap that makes animation look janky is when everything starts and stops at the same time, generally it's good to split up all the body parts (as you've done), pose the keys, then offset all the keys so the parts closer to the head start/stop first, while further extremities move a few frames later. Remember, signals take a small amount of time to move from the brain to the limb as they travel down the nerves, exaggerating this in animation makes it look more alive.
If you're willing to put the time in it can be a fun exercise to animate the way you're doing it, then drop the opacity and rough out another layer from scratch on 2s over the autotweened assets. Lets you tie everything together just the way you want it.
be careful about what you wish for, anon.
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Where do you go to get reference for pieces like these? I don't want to go on pornhub or download 100 JAV and watch through shittons of content, even porn gets mindnumbing like that.
>where do you go to get references of people having sex
nigga where do you think
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I used your torso as a jumping-off point to do a quick study, hope you don't mind, not planning on posting this anywhere else
EWW why is the ai faggot "art" in the thumbnail

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