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>Can't work under someone like Murata so he can share his knowledge and train you.
>Don't have access to assistants who are also top of the industry in skill so you work together on each chapter.
>Don't have access to a network that gives insider information on how to succeed.
>Don't have college or courses that focus on manga techniques.
>Don't know japanese to read the art tutorial books, have to read translated books that causes information to fall through the gaps.
>Don't have access to industry secrets and tools to streamline your process so you can pump out 18 chapters a week. 100+ drawings a week.
>American communities try to shoot down other artists, and discourage them instead of work together
>Americans will gatekeep knowledge instead of helping everyone thrive. Even give bad advice
>The only people who share information, are those who also don't know how to become a mangaka. Meanwhile Dandan & Spy X Family mangaka worked under Fujimoto. Murata worked under Togashi. Horikoshi also worked as an assistant.

Nothing you do can compensate for this. Art is built off passing knowledge down to the next generations. The west is about gatekeeping knowledge from the next generation to protect your own needs.
is that why you're a perma/beg/?
You spent a lot of time on this weak bait. Besides why would anyone want to be a mangaka? You have to work 16 hour days 6 or 7 days a week with no job security and low pay (unless you are in the top 10%).
Theres alot of frenchies working as assistants thoughever. Also Radiant is identical to manga, it even got an anime adptation
But I don't want to be a mangaka and go ACK at the age of 50 from a fucking heart attack induced by decades of stress.
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Tell me, what do you call a Japanese book?
And you want to be this "mangaka" because...?
projecting much?
If you really want to learn manga learn japanese. You'll be able to access better internet materials. There are plenty of good self taught artists.

I dunno about getting in Jump but cowboy/porn/quickdraw anon over on /mmg/ gets published in an eromanga magazine.
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I don't want to be a mangaka. I want to make a manga (or comic inspired by Japanese manga if you're purist about the usage of that term) that I can work on at my own pace while being a /beg/ so that I can eventually post it online and have it gain popularity like ONE did, or for a video game equivalent, ZUN. It doesn't have to look pretty. It just has to resonate with people.
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I met a guy who actually went to Japan to work under a mangaka and is currently studying to do animation over there. You 1000% can (easier if you learn the language ofc)
Personally I'm content in my homeland for the time being but this weird obsession with trying to stop other people from pursuing their dreams is not only fake news but cringe demoralization tactics from people who already gave up.
I'm >>7237787
>Can't work under someone like Murata so he can share his knowledge and train you.
This is true, though it's not like such people are spending all their time training newbies, and not every newbie who succeeds has such an experience.
>Don't have access to assistants who are also top of the industry in skill so you work together on each chapter.
Neither do the japanese. Not until they're already established authors, anyway. That shit costs money and manga pays slowly initially. Unless they go in with a big chunk of savings, assistants come AFTER success.
>Don't have access to a network that gives insider information on how to succeed.
We do have access to that though? This "network" you're referring to is entirely editors giving advice. You can submit work to editors just as any japanese person can.
>Don't have college or courses that focus on manga techniques.
Courses, yes, colleges no. But neither ensure success and IMO are likely just as much a waste of time and money as any other art school.
>Don't know japanese to read the art tutorial books, have to read translated books that causes information to fall through the gaps.
Tutorials, to put it bluntly, will not make or break you as an author.
>Don't have access to industry secrets and tools to streamline your process so you can pump out 18 chapters a week. 100+ drawings a week.
Yes you do, you just gotta pay attention. Besides, 90% of time the trick turns out to be "oh, he just draws it".
>American communities try to shoot down other artists, and discourage them instead of work together
The big comic publishers do, yeah, but that's it.
>Americans will gatekeep knowledge instead of helping everyone thrive. Even give bad advice
There's a lot of bad advice out there but I don't know how much of it is intentional. Kinda like what you're doing now.
>The only people who share information, are those who also don't know how to become a mangaka.
I share info whenever I can. Reach is a severe limitation.
kill yourself. no one wants to be a 3d model tracing photobashing blender asset using bugman.
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interesting the divide between japanese and the rest of the world in media starts and stops with anime and Manga. I am surprised gamers don't have unique terms that seperates japanese games from western games or japanese live action from normal western live action.
>another autistic adhd rant of the permabeg
this thread may be bait but , the biggest obstacle to becoming a mangaka is probably the language barrier. only the most dedicated autists can cross this barrier.
And why do you want to be a Japanese with a short yellow dick, with precarizated employed, working 16 hours a day without rest, are you retarded or are your parents brothers?
No, the biggest obstacle is definitely making interesting comics. Language is only a secondary concern, it can be worked around. There's no working around a lack of ability to make something compelling.
American editors just tell you to make every character black trans self-mutilated freaks.
They do. Japanese games are games, western games are slop/trash.
Japanese movies are houga, western movies are youga.
And Japanese music is generally distinguished by a "J" like JRock and JPop.
The obstacle is culture. America is still filled with retards who would do anything rather than read. And immature retards who think any and all cartoons in all media are meant for little children and you're retarded if you even so much as look at a comic.
So go to japanese editors. I did it, why can't you? You don't need to know japanese, if that's what's stopping you.
Just read a post from a college lit professor today that said in his 24 years of teaching, students have never been so bad at reading as they are now. Americans won't even consume "mature" mediums let alone mediums they see as childish. We are so cooked.
>complains about people being retards
>uses npc internetspeak unironically
This. We GMI bro
>Meanwhile Dandadan & Spy X Family mangaka worked under Fujimoto

Are you implying that Endo, Tatsu and Kaku (you forgot him) learned anything from Fujimoto?
It's the other way around, Shihei Lin (WSJ editor) put them as assistants to Fujimoto so they could teach him the ropes, Tatsu had 10 years of industry experience when Fujimoto had his debut with Fire Punch.
It's funny how weebs don't know anything about their favorite industry, your other points are laughable, Japs learn everything from western artists be it Loomis, Jack Hamm, Preston Blair, Richard Williams, Morpho, Etc.
The plural of medium is media.
Who cares? The purpose of manga and comics is to tell stories using sequential art and word balloons. What matters first and foremost is having a compelling story to tell, not incestuously reproducing the superficial elements of works that already exist and that were created by other people from another culture with a completely different worldview from your own.
have you considered that making these threads and excuses is just cope
the real source of this feeling is because you are lazy and have no discipline and want to drag others down with you
the problem is you and you are infatuated with the IDEA OF BEING AN ARTIST not in love with creating art itself
you will not be making it
Explain Felipe Smith then.
>Even if you successfully completed your own webcomic you have to get it published as a manga somehow.
>You try to reach out to Japanese publishers to see if they are interested in selling your "manga".
>Unless you know how to speak fluent Japanese with all the autistic formality & grammar they won't even bother to look at you.
>Even if you spent all your time learning Japanese for 3 years your Japanese will still be much worse than a native speaker.
>"E-Etto, u~buko... m-mikku o manga to shiteee... shuppan shitai ndesuga! kyōmi arimasu ka??"
>「この馬鹿なアメリカ人野郎は何を言ってるんだ? 外国人は家に帰れ!!」
>"Iya... Hontoni owari da..."
>Even if you don't have to talk to publishers (which is not happening) they still require you to translate your shitty webcomic to Japanese for their Japs consumers.
>You would have to understand Japanese somewhat to translate from English to Japanese without any errors or broken sentences. Google Translate can't save you either 'cause real Japanese readers would notice any clunky sentences right away. You would have to ensure that the original meaning of your writing came through and your dialogue read cleanly, using common phrases and idioms specific to Japanese that, you have no experience with.
>You could pay a random Japanese to translate your webcomic and get it published as a manga. Unless you got some USD on you no one would ever volunteer to touch your shitty webcomic.
>After all this, let's say that for some miracle reasons your webcomic get published as a manga. You still have to compete with 5 million other mangakas that work harder than you and are submerged in Japanese culture the day they were born, they know the language more than you ever can. Can your manga compete with their superior work? Or will it fall into obscurity? As any Japs will understand that your "manga" is just a poor imitation, not contributing anything new, not worth reading, reeking desperation.
Im going to make it as a mangagaka. Just you wait /ic/. I'll show you.Then I'll come back and make a humble brag thread about it, thus dabbing on all the crabs and box drawers
its a culture issue. if you have no culture to celebrate then that's just sad imo yet most people don't do anything about it
>>Can't work under someone like Murata so he can share his knowledge and train you.
How many people is Murata training out of the millions of artists in Japan? Just being Japanese will hardly grant you this

>>Don't have access to assistants who are also top of the industry in skill so you work together on each chapter.
Assistants are not the top of the industry, they're the lowest of the industry, if they were any good they wouldn't be assistants

>>Don't have access to a network that gives insider information on how to succeed.
There are no secrets to success

>>Don't have college or courses that focus on manga techniques.
You don't need these, the information avaliable for free online is perfectly adequate

>>Don't know japanese to read the art tutorial books, have to read translated books that causes information to fall through the gaps.
You're grasping for straws, the translations are adequate, you're not reading poetry here.

>>Don't have access to industry secrets and tools to streamline your process so you can pump out 18 chapters a week. 100+ drawings a week.
It's called working hard, this isn't exactly a secret. And there are no secret tools either, everyone just uses eiher CSP or they still draw by hand

>>American communities try to shoot down other artists, and discourage them instead of work together
Just ignore them, they have no sway in your life

>>Americans will gatekeep knowledge instead of helping everyone thrive. Even give bad advice
No they don't, there are no industry secrets, everyone is freely avaliable online

>>The only people who share information, are those who also don't know how to become a mangaka. Meanwhile Dandan & Spy X Family mangaka worked under Fujimoto. Murata worked under Togashi. Horikoshi also worked as an assistant.
These people have great creative ideas, good talent, and work very hard. In a country of millions of artists, these are the cream of the crop.
I assure you, they're not hiding some super advanced mind blowing secrets to becoming a good mangaka.
Art is simple, there's nothing esoteric about it. You just have to have a few requisites
>a good idea for a story that people will be interested in
>a good idea for an art style that people will be interested in
>a good work ethic to learn and develop the above mentioned, as well as to draw 10 hours a day to bring it all to life

The only thing that Japan has that America doesn't is infrastructure.
In Japan you can draw up a 60 page oneshot manga, submit it to a competition and there's a good chance it will be seen by someone in the industry. There are countless of these competitions and they are running all year round.
If what you produce is good, and someone in the industry sees it, then you've got your foot in the door.

In America... nobody is looking for new talent, nobody is opening any doors for them. Your only chance of success in America is to be like Blacksad and just start posting your comic online and build your own business from it.
Also side note. Just look at the "knowledge" the west has. Even if they were gatekeeping, there's obviously nothing there of any value.
They're shit, the best artists in the west are concept artists that just photobash and 3d model generic slop. Nobody outside of the art industry know who they are. Not a single one of them is even comparable to the big manga artists in terms of artistic worth.
In 100 years time people will still be talking about Akira Toriyama but nobody will remember Craig Mullins or Rob Liefeld
That's a cute little story there but I've done exactly that. I approached a japanese publisher with my work. I don't speak japanese and google translate absolutely did save me there.
They're not likely to publish that work you bring them, no, because they'll want to make something from scratch with you. That's what I did with them.
Knowing japanese is not a requirement anymore, though the more you know the better. For dialogue I just get the idea across to my editor and then he fixes it up to read more naturally, then I sign off on it. There has been surprisingly few miscommunications, and there was only one line so far where he seemed to have misunderstood my intent, but we cleared up the mistake smoothly.
And who says your manga has to imitate japanese artists? Not being submerged in japanese culture has potential to be a tremendous advantage if you let it. Every single one of those "millions" of japanese artists are doing THEIR best to stand out from the crowd, while we can do it as naturally as breathing. That's a damn good reason for a japanese publishing company to consider it worth the extra work of working with a foreigner.
What's your work since I'm now curious?
When ever I hear someone trying to be a mangaka in the west I just think of all the novels and comics that go unread in bookstores. Then I think about all the manga in Japan that never makes it overseas that also go unread. Being a "western mangaka" just sounds so naive. It's already oversaturated as is. Why would you limit yourself to "manga" when there's so many other niches for graphic novels you can fill?
What about Togashi and Inoue who had no assistants help them?

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