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For all the anons here that have made it, what did you do to really solidify a secure income off your art? Is drawing porn the only way? How long did it take? What advice would you give to someone pursuing the same in 2024? Is it still even possible to make a living in the actual art/animation industry since its been crashing and burning for the last 2 years? Would appreciate any input from any of the more experienced anons here
I do not want to draw porn. How can I make cash off my art?
Find a niche you have passion for and that has demand. But ask yourself. Why would anyone pay for your stuff if they can get same thing free?
Define porn. Most my comms are SFW despite being fetish material meant to cater for particualr fetish
I don't know, you tell me. There's people buying AI art which is free and readily available. It's even less of a barrier than drawing so I'm genuinely stumped. What exactly compels people to support an artist.

How hard is it to keep it to one thread?
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>I don't know, you tell me
Eh. I have been drawing for 3 years and I keep getting commissioned to draw anime and vidya babes wrestling. I've been fan of the genre long time and my audience and clients can see the influence of the genre's top artists in my works. Other than established characters I also get commed to draw my client's OCs, because they have passion for the subject and want art of their OCs partaking in their fetish.

You need to establish yourself as an artist of a subject or niche you have personal passion for and have the audience find and pick you up. You won't get anywhere having others telling you what to do and how. You need to understand your subject and the viewers of the subject. The first step is to make sure anyone who could have interest in your art can easily find it.
>Is drawing porn the only way?
lol not anymore post AI, unless you make comics or animations since the AI hasn't figured that out yet. YET.
Same way you made a living in 1024, you don't.
I tried but it is pointless to do it these days. Art market is oversaturated, there are like thousands of better more talented artists that take all of the attention. If you are a beg, best option is to go back to flipping patties.
>You need to establish yourself as an artist of a subject or niche you have personal passion for and have the audience find and pick you up. You won't get anywhere having others telling you what to do and how. You need to understand your subject and the viewers of the subject. The first step is to make sure anyone who could have interest in your art can easily find it.
Next time delete the first paragraph about yourself and don't pyw.
Nope. I posted my work and method because it shows you don't need to be masterfully skilled to get money for your art and explaining how I managed to get to it might make the OG anon have a new view on their work and how to market it. They still need to do the heavy lifting themselves, I simply showed it's possible for anyone who can have grasp on what makes audience pick one up.
You do this every time there is this type of thread.
>i do for others
Nigga please
It sounds to me you spend too much online and obsess over other artists instead of focusing what you can do yourself.
To be honest, I'm having trouble with that sort of finding a niche. I gave up a lot of hobbies for drawing and I don't really know if I have anything unique or worth something for people to latch onto. I also dont want to get into whats popular just for the sake of having things to draw. I've thought about getting into hoyo games like honkai or ZZZ but it feels so shallow to try to chase that for a potential audience.
A blind man would notice
Maybe try drawing things that interest you. If something interests you there's a high chance it could interest others with similar preferences. I didn't start to draw women wrestling because there were people liking it. I started to draw it because I myself like it and just so as it happened, the other people with same preference picked me up.

And you don't have to limit yourself to one subject. You can do multiple things that interest you. For example when I did mother-daughter stuff because I liked it, people into the concept gave a surge of new followers. And got new clients wanting me to draw the subject for them. Passionate fans of subject can see if the artist share the passion. So don't pick your subject on the basis whether how marketable it is but instead pick subjects that personally interest you. When you do that, the potential audience into the same stuff pick you up if they can find you. Lotsa anon artists better than me get low traction because they are bad at tagging their stuff making them post to the void because they simply don't understand how average viewer finds and picks up new artists.
Thing is, if people suss out that you have actually accomplished something, they'll ignore you. It's even worse if what you say makes logical sense. We only take advice from deadbeat losers who don't even draw. That is the true secret to improvement and success.
Off topic, but I've heard hashtags only have downsides and that you're ignored by the algorithm. Are there any tips for visibility when posting?
if the advice has true validity, you don't need to prove yourself.
Only reason to prove yourself on an anonymous forum is to shill yourself or farm attention by talking how much you accomplished.
Basing advice on one's own achievements is meaningless because those achievements might not be even the result of the advice one is giving out.

What if the guy you give the advice to follows your formula and fails? Shouldn't you then rethink the advice you give out?
You're basically saying to someone who is poor
>wow like just earn money by trading stocks lmao
When you've basically just inherited all the money you have.

It you give out advice like this; you're only using it as an excuse to gloat and virtue signal how hecking wholesome you are.
There was another big retard who does this shit as well.
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Yes, that applies to Twitter. If you use too many hashtags and if they are vague, the algorithm will deem you a bot account and limit your visibility. Instead of using tags in Twitter, just post the pic and type out normally what it's about.

But for actual art sites where people go to see art that interest them, like Pixiv, Deviant Art and E-hentai and boorus, you bet your ass you need to use the tags. And use specfic tags. People don't search #sketch #drawing #painting #blackandwhite. They search series, characters and fetishes and niches that interest them.

So for example the pic related that is my most bookmarked work in Pixiv I used both English and Japanese tags for #wrestling and #catfight. I also tagged the popular characters from popular videogame #tifa and #aerith. The extra tag that brought the jackpot was #lowblow and japanese version of it #"strike on woman's vital spot". People use the search function to find art that interest them, so utilize the tags to make sure anyone who have interest for that particular art can find it.
wow that's whole lotta words just to say you agree
Don't mind him. He's on personal crusade and it flatters me. Let him go all out for my amusement.
You joke but it seriously feels like that sometimes. Threads where anons get their answer right away seem to immediately die and a new thread on the same question pops up the next day, while threads that are nothing but people arguing stick around for days or weeks.
Almost like the OP just wants to fill the catalog with threads and doesn't actually give a fuck about the advice or something...
idk did you want me to shill my work and talk about how heckin awesome i am?
NTA but I would def like to see your work and your view how you managed to make money from your art, since that's the subject of the thread
Not him but yes. That is what OP specifically asked for, isn't it?
>What if the guy you give the advice to follows your formula and fails? Shouldn't you then rethink the advice you give out?

I think concrete example with showcasing the practice and the skill level and proof goes further than vague opinion. Also if only certain percent of teacher's students make it to top college and land a lucrative job, does that mean the teacher is bad or does it mean that maybe there is no 100% way to succeed and lot of the responsibility lies on the student to soak up the info and apply it the best possible way? If there was 100% foolproof method, wouldn't everyone be doing it and succeeding?
Another thread derailed by this mf.
just buy an ad.
It's every thread mentioning making money off art you're like the first one in and then the thread is about you.
>Thread about how to make money off your art
>Anon who makes money off his art tells how he does it
What do you draw and how you make money off it?
his posts are on-topic lol and is actually useful
yours? derp
>anon who makes money off his art talks about himself all thread like in every thread before that
>anons call him out on it
>proceeds to be in the first 10 replies in this same thread the next week talking about himself and parroting buzzwords
might as well just get bbctard in here sperging out about crabs and giving out brain dead advice
Well be the change you want to see and post your work and your tips how to make money of your art?
Sfw Animations make more money than porn illustrations and hell even porn animations at times, but animation is already an ass to make, so there’s a heavy demand on that. Sfw illustrations are nearly impossible to make a living with it or have to go through hell and back to make it work.
Tldr: make animations
>If you are a beg, best option is to go back to flipping patties.
Nah, porn is the way to go.
Retards like that never will, anon. Shit talk due to spite.

There are both online stores and by-the-order manufacturers that can slap your art on a tshirt as needed.
There's market for that? Do you sell your own merch?
>post your work on a dead board full of shiposters and dramatrannies in a drama/shitposting thread made by the same fag that uses it as a personal blog
Very witty anon
Almost posted my work
whew that was close
that is so difficult to imagine unless you posted your merch and your social security number+ credit card and how much money you have in your bank account
I know there's companies that produce t-shirts and stickers and what-not to sell as merch but I doubt the market for it is big. Maybe in cons people want to buy merch as mementos from visiting the con but are people really browsing online to buy that stuff?

Why do you people still complain about stalkers? You’re not as important as you think you are.
>i doubt
When in doubt, shut the fuck up.
What's with this new zoomer trend of retards outing their ignorance about shit and then trying to claim anything about the shit they don't know shit about?
>the market isn't big
Lurk moar instead of sucking your own dick.
Ok. What type of merch do you sell and how much money do you make from it?
>post/thread on how to make money with art
>gets an example
>spergs out
Why are you retards like this? Just quit drawing already, faggot
>if you are famous:
buy AI companies stocks and promote AI through your social media like Oda.
>if you are nobody:
Go get a real job.
He can't quit something he never started
Saying "I doubt x is the case" does not mean "I do not know if x is the case", it means "x is unlikely given the information I possess".
What's with this new zoomer trend of deliberately misinterpreting completely normal turns of phrase and proceeding to overreact in the stupidest of ways? Is this just a way to farm engagement? Well congrats, you got me to reply.
if you haven't figured out how to make money by yourselves, you will never succeed no matter how much advice and financial guru youtubers you follow
You have the whole internet at your disposal.
Infinite information; yet you "doubt" when one google search gives you two million results.

Just fucking disagree and challenge the statement to get a (you), retard.
NTA but just because there are google results for art merch doesn't mean it's viable. Of course the merch manufacturing companies want artists to order merch from them for the artist to sell but that doesn't automatically mean there's big market for random artists merch. But of course if you are an artist who makes lot of money selling his merch, I stand corrected.
Jesus Christ man do you need a flowchart and a youtube tutorial on how to search for information?

Are you even a real person?
Are you an artist who sells his merch?
Do you have a professional license to keep asking personal questions?
Well what type of merch people buy from you? T-shirts? Stickers? Coffee mugs?
Why are you like this? Take a break man, seriously.
Ask the same thing for the 8th time
Maybe you'll get me then
Don't chew the gum if you can't swallow the cum
It starts to sound you are not an artist who makes money selling his merch
Wow anon, i almost wanted to prove myself to you
jeez man, you were close
>f you haven't figured out how to make money by yourselves, you will never succeed no matter how much advice and financial guru youtubers you follow
Then why are you in this thread? Oh wait to shitpost and derail like a retard.
Derail from what?
This is unironically the best piece of advice no one of your retarded ecelebs and artists who "made it" will ever tell you because then you're going to stop sucking their dicks.
Not that other anon but he’s actually right. I brought this up in a thread yesterday but these big tubers are psyoping their subscribers into thinking making money online is difficult. You just need to put in a little effort.
There's no reason to be upset. You brought up the idea of merchs but you failed to provide any example of it being viable other than google offering lotsa merch manufacturing companies ready to take artists' money for a chance for artists to manage to sell the merch. I can imagine the idea being profitable for the manufactor company but I can't see the artist making big profit from it unless the artist already big and having demand for merch.
but, the anons here are big tubers? they gave their experience and for some reason bbcchan was brought up though he one of the many anons that gave advice on making money with art, then some shitter starts sperging out.
>posts on the internet
>still wants to challenge some random anon over it instead of looking shit
Don't do merch then.
Yeah, bro, making money is so difficult but you can learn how if you subsribe to my onlypatreonfans for $99.99 to learn the super secret magic formulas no one will ever tell you but i will because trust me bro
$79.99 DLC included where there is even more secret tips on how to get rich BUT FAST and without putting in any work
nsfw art isn't porn
You couldn't provide single example of merch being viable way of making money for an artist. So yes, I won't be doing merch.
Cool, less competition.
You have to spend years of posting your art online to build up a fanbase first. Without that you can't do anything that would make you money. On top of that you have to be good.
If you ever want to make money doing art you should first subscribe to a famous artists patreon and then you will be able to absorb his skills by osmosis without even having to pick up a pen.
>Is drawing porn the only way?
you could photograph porn too i suppose.
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Have you considered getting a job?
you make a portfolio that showcases your skill and the fact that you can do things adjacent to that company's in-house style. Then you send it to them via email or their website or whatever. It's not that complicated.
Most of the anons here cannot legally have a bank account
So onlyfans basically
I like hearing from you from time to time, you got a bit better since the last time I saw you. Good job, anon. Keep having that positive attitude

find your niche. find your audience. make good art. make good friends. expand your network. sell yourself like an OF whore.
Wrong. You need to sell merch.
Do people even buy stuff?

Unless you are one of those big artists or an e-thot, I would say its pointless.
I tried, regardless of whetever you do porn or not, nobody cares about your work regardless of niche, subject and skill.
Sounds like a You-problem to me.
live in latin america or another country where the US dollar goes farther
Just draw, I believe in you anon
I don't know what your artwork looks like, but you may not be as skilled as you think.
I also question the length and dedication of your little trial.
Draw portraits of people's pets and horses
have a personality if i had to guess

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