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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Fun With A Pencil
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous: >>7240486
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Any good & easy tree tutorial
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i tried to improve my faces, but failed. I thought I've learned a lot after looking at some good art online and trying to measure it/replicate it, but after drawing one alright face, on the next one it still looks like my usual stuff for some reason

oh well, guess it's kind of a thing that takes more than one attempt
Check out John Muir Laws on Youtube.
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think I pulled off the kinda unique head angle on the girl here
Was late to the thread but
>check the comic
>it's amateurish but not bad
>immediately followed by anons posting art that's of lower quality
Why include the /int/ part in the OP?
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Why does this look so utterly soulless?
qrd on bammes? is it worth reading all the theory and history shit in his book or is it enough to do studies of the actual anatomy parts?
because it is
symbol drawing
I'm looking for head turnarounds, like mentioned here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2r9u5l0Y6k

I've found this, which seems very good, only problem is that there is already lighting, which is too advanced for me at the moment: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/GX3Ax1

So basically I'm looking for a simplified head turnaround, with the same (or similar) simplified head shapes, but without the lighting.
(I know asaro heads exist but I'm confused as to why one half is more complicated than the other, also they very often use the more advanced lighting I'm not yet good enough for)
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No matter what I try, I cant draw features
>mfw I have no face
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I hope it's okay to repost from the last thread since it was over 300 posts when I did.
Why not use blender? You can grab any free head model available on the internet and rotate it as you please in there, with light on, with light off, with light under any angle possible, with a texture, with no texture. Sounds like a most reasonable option, and you'll surely be able to figure out how to load a model and spin it around.
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>tfw I fell for the 1 min figures meme
I feel like I'm making scratches for my life and not doing anything, not sure if it's just because I'm not used to the exercise
How do you know if you should be drawing?
>I feel like I'm making scratches for my life and not doing anything
correct, it's literally just to help you loosen up before starting up your actual drawings. there's no reason to expect figures you drew in 1 minute to look amazing
Your hair is impeccable though, I wish I could draw hair as good as you
I'm going through Brent Eviston's The Art and Science of Drawing.
What's really frustrating is the general inaccuracy when I try to put down lines; straight lines turn out crooked. Or when I try to darken a lightly drawn circle or oval, the result looks ugly because I don't have the skill to fluidly draw a bolder curve over a lightly drawn foundation.
The big sticky recommends to do the exercises from dynamic sketching to improve this. If I practice the exercises for say an hour daily, what results should I expect in this regard? How quickly am I expected to improve?
Are there any other exercises that will help? Or should I just expect to get better with more practice / by building muscle memory?
don't mind using blender, I just can't seem to find anything of the same quality as the thing I sent. I might just use it directly though, even if it is with the lighting, if there is nothing else
What a face lol, your whole drawing is crap, why are you doing this?
any alternatives to drawabox? I've been doing it but something about how it's written puts me off.
Dynamic Sketching (we have a thread up) is the thing Drawabox adapted/stole from, so go there and watch the videos. It's basically the same thing.
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thanks. i did most of drawabox but the more it gets into theoreticals the more i hate the way it's written and coming back to it more to redo exercises ect feels like torture.
how long had you been doing drawabox? at least from eyes you seem to have progressed well.'
You're better off doing the exercise for 10 minutes instead of an hour. build up your skill incrementally over time, you'll improve faster with smaller investments that are consistent instead of sparse. One thing I use to do when I was life drawing in conté, I'd make a series of vertical lines alternating between as light as I can and as dark as the pencil could without breaking.
>when I try to darken a lightly drawn circle or oval, the result looks ugly because I don't have the skill to fluidly draw a bolder curve over a lightly drawn foundation.
Sounds like you're trying to do it in one stroke. You don't have to get the value to where it needs to be in 1 stroke. Take you time to build it up lightly if you can.

1 minute figures are only for either simple figure abstractions or you're warming up. The timer is only there to ensure you don't waste time on details instead of the big picture. For beginners, figure drawing will be hard when you can't see proportions. The thing holding you back especially is the lack of any distinct process to the point that you don't seem to know how to start. I start all of my figures with the head, ribcage or hips depending on the context. I then build out from that mass after determining its center line. You might want to start the ribcage as an upright ellipsoid and the hips as an ellipsoid on its side. Getting the angles and distance between these 2 shapes right will help you more right now than trying to one-shot a full figure.
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I think that at the very least i did something which is better than what i was doing the entire summer until now. One thing i see immediately is that i made his face too long which in addition with his hair kinda confused me. You cannot see his chin and its so messy i dont even know how to fix it without erasing half the image. Taking the other things into account where i said i have issues with, what would be a nice next step? I did a little loomies a while back but it don't click anymore. And drawing on the right side of the brain just ends up as random letters if i read if for a while.
try drawing bargue plates or look up david finch on jewtube he has videos on all the features if I remember correctly (do both)
its a seething collection of clipart with no unifying style

I like my anatomy books to be something that looks good and is worth copying.
Looking for general advice on how to find out what you enjoy drawing and how to draw through depression ? Picrel is a painting I did in about a month working on my days off. Issue is I have no real drive overwhelming or enjoyment for drawing it’s something I just do, obviously I have enough drive to paint something and to keep trying, but I don’t have that sorta overwhelming love and pleasure I wish I could get from it I don’t draw or paint daily, I have a hard time getting myself to practice. Especially when it comes to things that I should be practicing more of like construction and gestures and fundamentals getting myself to practice them even for a tiny bit becomes almost impossible. I read art books every once in awhile like loomis or bridgeman, but I spend most of my time just looking through old master paintings. Regardless how do you cultivate enjoyment and love for creating Especially while being depressed ?
You have unresolved childhood issues my friend
You ought to have an inspiration folder bro, full of art that inspires you to draw
I want to draw continiously for two hours. What should i occupy myself with?
I mean like what sorts of exercises, not what to boot up in the background.
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Just draw a cutie for two hours.
>You ought to have an inspiration folder bro
Yeah that’s a good idea, I already sorta have a folder for paintings and my paintings and ideas, but yeah I should go and make a designated one just if nothing but cool stuff. Don’t laugh I have clouds in my painting folder
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Drawing boxes without lines really filtered me out, it just looks like randomly generated boxes without connection with the intended perspective, and even so they are crooked and not correct, just some feel and draw correctly, and I feel like a retard who fell on the first step. It's kind of embarrassing.

Day 1. I am a retard
Don’t beat yourself up, I think the first step is to practice making straighter lines, right now you have a wobble to your boxes lined which really breaks them. The other secret is that you have to imagine what perspective point (or points) your boxes are going towards or facing away from. Don’t rag on yourself now, just keep going, practice mark making if you get frustrated with boxes, or maybe try practicing making curved shaped ?
What's the best resource on painting human bodies with colors?
Zorn pallet works really well, it takes some getting used to but you can get pretty close with just those colours
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First animation.
Feels nice!
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My inspiration folder is just this image
Hey do you know where I can find this artist? I found his DA but it stopped updating in 2015
A shame they fell for the storyboard simplification route
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Yeah, compared to >>7242569 it feels like art degrading
Much appreciated
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Okay, okay, your QT game is fucking high today.
Here you have a 35minute qt
are you french by any chance
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>friend commed someone from fiver to do a simple anime portrait of him
>not only does it look straight off of picrew but it doesn't even look like him
fuck it I'm gonna do it myself
Sorry, anon, I'm scum, the perspective of the face and the correct location of the eyes should help you
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Didn't know what to draw today and was getting frustrated at the fact that my portraits are all still garbage and how working with digital sucks shit, so here's some shitty gestures.
I can really feel the frustration and half-assed intent. That's art in a way.
Okay thanks or whatever
>half-assed intent
Well it's a gesture -- are you supposed to full ass a 1 minute gesture? haha. I dunno, I suck at them and everything else in art, so fuck it.
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Not yet? Lol, That's funny, I always thought about going to France and see what's up there with the art thing. But I hate travel, and nowadays with online virtuality I can learn about all of that anyways. I would like to go to South Korea though, and get some KJG books.
Have another cutie. Didn't check the time on this one tho..
are you a massive retard by any chance
I doodle shit here, instead of doing it on twatter or pixxxiv, so... maybe? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Told you before, i'm not skilled enough for cuties. I can do literally anything other than that(and mecha)
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>I can do literally anything other than that(and mecha)
There's so many little things on it.
My brain just can't process that, i don't think i could even do a rough shape. This is fucked up.

I might not be built for illustration.
why don't you draw stuff thats not hideous
Hey is this flashanon?
You gotta reupload Stranded for me, I can't find it on swfchan :(
holy christ, you won't know before you try
do you think drawings appear out of thin air?
you start with the big shapes, then get smaller and smaller
you're never going to improve if you don't challenge yourself
just fucking draw it, faglord
don't respond to this post unless it's with a sketch attached
I've decided to give up. It's fairly late and i'm like 90% i couldn't do it anyway. I can't even do simple things so a boat like that is likely beyond the scope of my abilities. It is what it is.
It's just amazing how unappealing your drawings are.
What's with the blown out vagina? It looks as if though your reference point was a fleshlight
genuinely sad, gave up before you even tried, what a life you just lead anon
If i could've done it i would've but it doesn't really fucking matter.

TLDR some people aren't built for certain things. I won't be shitting up the thread any further, drawing is just not my forte.
I'm sorry dude! I forgot that I changed the name to "HOT SUSHI" when I posted it. That's the name of the flash. It's on swfchan.
Found it, yay! Thanks anon, I finally found a place to settle so I thought I might listen to those waves while getting my life back on track.
Glad to hear that anon! The song is Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod by the way. You can also record the sound of the flash and save it as an mp3. The flash animation running in a loop tends to build up memory usage some times.
Maybe that's why she's so horny, that fucking pumped up vagingoo must be driving her crazy like that eh..
watch villpu do some gestures. his method resonated with me greatly, so maybe it will do the same for you. theres so many different ways to do them, maybe this method jsut doesnt work for you.
I wish i was better.
good or bad is not a state of being, it's a series of actions, actions you can start taking right now
no time like the present
it's 1AM and i'm passing out.
I probably won't do it tomorrow either but i absolutely for sure will not today.

I've been having this exact conversation for the past four years and nothing ever changes. I don't think it matters that much.
start tomorrow and get back to me, I'll be waiting
Probably won't happen
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>You have to have references to dra-
Can I personally check the reference you used for this illustration?
are you esl? im not going to be a copy machine like the rest of you. my drawings are 100% organic.
thats not fucking possible, thats clearly referenced
fuck off copy machine crab. youre inorganic
I find everything you draw disgusting and I love it never change anon
What would be the main requirements for me to go check the referencial piece used on this >>7242775 art work then?
I’ve seen his gesture demos. I like his work and the way they look. I absolutely cannot imitate it, lol.
Trying to force myself to draw something daily, literally anything that seems fun or just is around me. I’m also trying to stop caring whether something looks bad or good and just draw
I think he's alluding to the fact that you need to trace it
is it worth taking a break for a few days if I'm not happy with anything I'm trying to draw? just haven't been able to draw for my own satisfaction at all while been working on fundies
every single day missed is a week's worth of practice gone
for real, if you are burning out take a break
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i guess i will then. or maybe just not recreationally draw for a bit if i'm not feeling it.
how the FUCK do you even start learning to draw?
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Well fuck that. I’d rather suck shit at art than make fake non art.
There's no need for you to react like a child if you're asking me
For me it works
Last time I didn't draw for 2 weeks, and when I started drawing again my art improved significantly, just like a saiyan power boost
Drawing every day causes me burnout and makes progress almost imperceptible
Also, I have some breaks when I'm playing a game that interests me
been playing a bunch of elden ring, may keep doing that. works to keep me motivated anyway. thanks for the encouragement, maybe a break will be good
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I said I’d rather my art remain shitty than to trace and make fake art. I didn’t ask you anything.
interested in seeing timelapses of your work
I'm interested in taking you to a walk in the park, touch grass if you will
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I'd be happy to, could we hold hands as well while we take a stroll there?
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im your biggest fan, inspired by your work, wanting to see how you approach your work. and you treat me like this? me? in what way have i earned your mirth?
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Hello beg. Does anybody know about photo guide / trick to eliminate the uneven lighting on a flat surface like my canvas? Today for the first time i had enough energy left to experiment, but you can still tell from which side the light comes. How do pros do it?

once i have not drawn for a two weeks and look at me: stuck in permabeg. do not be like me
try drawing from photos, drawing stuff around you is very limiting unless you live in a museum
lmao the pussy. i kneel
>friend hires rando instead of his friend
lmao, you guys never heard about nepotism or something? does he hate you?
you should focus on your life so you dont have a reason to be depresso, instead of trying to cheat yourself and conjure motivation for a thing you obviously dont have currently on your priority list. very nice bird btw
these looks promising
less thinking, more drawing. you train hand eye coordination every single time you draw. look at my shit, i never trained lines and i can do them clean even on slippery tablet without stabilization. simply because i drew too many kilometers of line
increase time to 2 minutes and use brush with pressure. make way thicker lines
a bit stiff, ever done gesture exercise?
bad anatomy, too much stabilizer, not enough gesture, illogical line weight
Eyy, thanks for taking the time to post feedback.
>a bit stiff, ever done gesture exercise?
Not the first time I heard this.
I know about gesture drawing and did some of it before.

To make it short, I feel insecure when drawing and end blowing past the short time for gesture. I'm afraid of mistakes.
I rarely feel free as in a flow with the lines and forms.
This is abstract but the best way I can describe it without a wall of text.
AFAIK, there's no solution to it other than keep drawing and slowly free myself.
did some vilppu studies just to try out studying an artists work like that and for a break of pace
how long have you been drawing for anon?
these look nice by the way, a change of pace or practice might help get rid of your burn out.
are some shapes better for constructing men than women? Like are squares better than circles
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a long time but mostly just only things i was interested in, so i never studied or practiced anything formally. very off and on also, would go like 6 months without drawing often. so it's hard to say. i started in high school.
digital about a year ago now. here's a drawing from before i started practicing fundamentals, so probably from october.
I know you're impervious to crit, and that's good, keep it like that. I just want to point out that this particular figure drawing sheet that you did, shows something different. Maybe others won't see it. But I see it. Specially when you are doing a series, there's a moment when it happens, in this one there are some great clean and confident figure lines. The 7 and 8 panels in the left page, are showing that difference, panel 8 in particular, is shockingly "smooth" in the line path. Line confidence is at max level there. It's happening man. After all the hard foundation you're doing, architecture, perspective, clothing, etc, etc, the moment you make the "click", it will all pay off. But you know that already.

About the photography thing, I went that rabbit hole once, the search tags are "flat lay photography lighting setup", this one is a very simple and quick tutorial:
Basically you want a diffused giant ambient light, and to take the picture from a distance so your shadow don't mess with the overall light you created. A white clean wall can work to bounce off sunlight or another direct big light source on the paper.
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My linework is wobbly if I zoom in. Unsure if it's my tablet (huion kamvas), flattened pen nib, or slightly cracked screen. All of the above is cope so it's more likely my actual line accuracy skill with 2 stabilization, or the zoom level I draw at combined with the resolution (10000x10000px) 300dpi on csp.
it's definitely because of the tablet, buy a new one right away
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trace some manga/doujin pages
I literally made picrel one a Huion Kamvas
You should check if your tablet's suite, options, drivers, whatever, are working. Sometimes tablet software taps out randomly and you don't even realize about it. Display tablets are weird, and throw random bullshit at you, many times. You should have a good screenless tablet as a back up option in cases like this.
are you the one that made purple elf?
This sounds like a fun route, I'll trace more just for the sake of mileage
Good call I didn't consider the software. I had smoother lines with my tab S6 so the worse lines of a dedicated tablet confused me.
Ignoring how absolutely terrible everything else is, this is a general question. I'm looking to draw relatively realistic comics. This is your average sized sketchbook/printer paper size. If you're drawing a full figure like that on a page, is it going to turn out overly cartoony/weeby regardless? I'd prefer to avoid that. But drawing features smaller like that seems to be a PITA. Granted it also might be because I'm not using a thinner lead.
yeah, she's mine too
does tracing actually help?
it can improve your lines and notions of proportion
>draw digitally cuz need ctrl z
>literally suck at drawing and visualizing whole bodies, never know where to start
>decide to just draw each individual body part seperately and just resize and fit them together at the end.
Is this a good or terrible idea?
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Progress so far. Gonna keep this “sketch” as the final lineart. I just cant sketch on a round brush.
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/beg/ too but here's my attempt, main issue probably the nose and mouth proportion
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Yep it's penis time
I'm sorry you were cursed by a witch anon
After seeing this you've inspired to make of /beg/ my personnel blog. You'll be hearing for me regularly from now on.
I kinda want to draw something today but I just finished a drawing yesterday and I both want to draw again and don't want to draw again right away
do a tiny drawing in mspaint so you'll be relaxed and won't tryhard on it
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I'm not that anon, lol
and looks nice
you should draw a comic in this style bro

you've finally unlocked it
good shit
>10k x 10k
ummmm... post a time lapse, also write something on screen "hello /ic/!" on the canvas
how slowly are you drawing?
what doujin anon-kun
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some doujin in the original resolution(~4000x6000px) like picrel
I found some on pixiv

trace some pages using a pen and you are good to go
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Here are some figures that I traced from illustrations and I can say that the quality of my lines have improved a lot, as well as being much more fun than making circles and hatching like drawabox and the like.
whoops I meant which doujin was that pic from
what's that?
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no doujin
it's a drawing of mine
the character is lorina from the game epic7
oh shit I forgot about that game/character
nice stuff
awesome insane perspective
Thanks anon, eyes definitely look way less broken, and I can definitely see the point about proportions.

Though I'm surprised you've also went for side/back of the head being very clearly visible, and then made it even larger. One thing I've concluded after giving it a thought was that from this perspective, side of the head definitely shouldn't be this visible, I've made it more angled, and then I thought it looked a bit better. At the same time, I'm pretty sure your take looks better overall, so maybe I'm just wrong about applying perspective to head, definitely trying too hard on face in that regard.

Some good conclusions for me.
>>7242799 (You) #
>try drawing from photos, drawing stuff around you is very limiting unless you live in a museum
>>7242515 (You) #
>you should focus on your life so you dont have a reason to be depresso, instead of trying to cheat yourself and conjure motivation for a thing you obviously dont have currently on your priority list. very nice bird btw

Same person btw. Idk my life is just depressing I don’t know what to focus on or how to make it better. I already draw from both photos “master copies and photos that interest me” as well as just from my head and objects around me. I just idk I force myself to try drawing when ever I have the slightest drive otherwise I would just lay in bed on my days off and drink or lay in bed after my work day ends. I’ve been depressed and been sad since forever, I don’t know how to improve my life or feel better or motivated, I try to conjure and force myself to do these things because without will I just don’t have anything l.
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Help, what do people call this stretching pose? I've been trying to get references for it
First thing I draw with my new display tablet (artist 16 2nd gen).
Thing is dreamy. It has some of the "rawness" of trad with the convenience of digital.

It has many mistakes but I am proud of this one. I want to be able to make a full drawing out of this one.
warming up stretch?
>Can do strenuous manual labour for 9 hours a day.
>Can't keep up the concentration to draw for even an hour.
I might be cattle.
are you trying to draw something you like? something fun?
Sometimes, but i lack.the skill to do anything.
And i don't mean "oooh it'll look like shit why bother" i just can not draw what i want at all.
If the prompt is "human sitting" i can't even imagine how that'd look like beyond kindergarden tier stickman scribbles.
Well, yes, but that term is a bit too general. After posting that I found that it could be called "adductor stretch" but it looks like that dips a bit too far
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I'm going for an all-points-into-writing strat, but because I know more about the manga industry than I do book publishing, I thought I may as well try to do art for a few years to see if it's something I should do. I'm downloading the free trial for CSP right now, and I'll start by trying to learn anatomy.
I've always been jealous of the art community for having readily shared tutorials....
It feels like I need about an hour to go over all the exercises in the Dynamic sketching video - I take about 10-15minutes per exercise. I'm a university student and I don't have much work over the summer so I have plenty of time for practice.
Trying to darken in multiple passes also doesn't work well because I can't make the motion fluid and accurate at once, I always miss and the resulting line looks super thick instead of thin and dark. I'm decent at doing this when darkening one side of an ellipse. I realized today that I'm really bad at making accurate arcs / curves in general so that's something I'll work on.

Yeah it makes sense that more drawing = better lines, but it's very frustrating to try hard to draw from observation and the lines on paper look like shit. It's easier to train line quality specifically since it's less frustrating (as each exercise is short) and would help me produce cleaner-looking drawings.
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I'm a fellow pre/beg who experiences same loss of focus whenever stuff gets boring, and I just feel like it's an unavoidable fact of life
>beyond kindergarten tier stickman
kek, seems to me like you've got yourself a starting point. If you can draw a stickman, you can think of anything, and then turn it into something a bit closer to how a human is shaped, google some proportions, google how skeleton looks like in general, slowly turn it into something useful. Stickman, stickman with a square for torso, stickman with a cube for torso, make cube a bit more ribcage-shaped, repeat similar procedures for every body part. If you can draw 3d boxes, you can make a crappy character out of boxes, then make it semi-transparent and draw a bit more refined version of it on the next layer. You can also try to figure out a very simplified 'doll' of sorts, made of basic shapes, something you can more or less handle in your brain, and then layer after layer you'll work on turning the doll into a bit less of a doll. And you're 100% correct that it'll look like shit for the time being, but how could you learn to draw what you want without trying and failing?

I dunno, there are many approaches and clearly many anons around here are more into reading books, but the only way to make it fun and engaging for me is making shitty attempts of drawing something I like. Maybe you're simply more of my kind of a person, and if you are, then my personal feeling is that drawing trash and possibly picking up bad habits is still the better way to go compared to forcing yourself to do stuff you dislike and ultimately feeling like you're working rather than having fun. That being said, i'm also trash talked half the time i post something here, so i can't exactly say my results are as good as I'd want to.

Or maybe it's the opposite, and you're the book person who would much rather have a competent guide on how to get it right. In that case, I imagine there's plenty resources in a sticky.
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go to the video course general and download Vilppu's stuff, also checkout all the books in pic rel and in the studying general
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back to raw after a little break, I feel like I forgot everything
damn this is good, did you draw this? or is this tkmz?
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also drew some faces today
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hmmm haven't done one of these in a long time, nice figure though
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i just began to draw and its so hard
it's so miserable
i can't draw arms which aren't just resting on the side
can somebody give me tips on how to do that???
bros how is it possible that pawel has been at it for so long now and still hasnt made any progress
Thank you, I drew it. If you got it confused with tkmiz, then....

You drawings are nice as well. The no-nose having theif is a little unsettling, but otherwise looks awesome. Nice poses too, even the one at rest. Has a very 'milky' feel.
its an elaborate reply farming scheme, thats not what him trying looks like. a third of this thread is a reply farm. wait, are you?....
That's a lateral leg lunge.
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today's drawings
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is my line art at least somewhat competent?
I like your sketchbook doodle style. Why do some of your lines look so steppy though? You're not drawing with a mouse are you?
Yeah! It looks a little scratchy/uncertain in a few places, but only someone really looking would see. Overall nice work.
Not sure what to recommend, but you can start with adding a little bit of perspective to width of your arm boxes so ones further away are a bit smaller at the far end, and ones in front are a bit larger on the side that's closer to camera. You can also cut off two top corners from chest/belly square to separate solid ribcage from shoulders that can move back and forth, kinda pic related, that would probably be a good improvement in terms of how you can manipulate your poses. In your pic for example, those shoulders could bend back if your pose was <relaxed hands behind head>, or stay more or less in line if you were trying to go for <i'm struggling to draw holding-head-from-sides> pose.
Looking good
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Does this look decent or stupid?

Woah, it really is. Thanks!
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Tips on anatomy
the massive round forehead looks counter-intuitive but it actually works well on the anime style
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I would say this excercise doesn't help for create my own piece, but it's good for fix my proportion
more vilppu studies. pls give me more artists to try to copy
do anons draw the clothes directly or sketch the body first then draw the clothes?
Small question about copying vilppu and similar artists. When you do it does it train your "dimensional accuracy"? What i mean is when i try to copy something, realistic or stylized, i start with a feature and when i go to the next it kinda distorts and comes out at an different size, longer, shorter things like that. Will sheer quantity copying help me with that? I mean with looking at what looks off and trying to counter act it next time. And are there any things i should read or just know beforehand?
You always do the nude, even a crude one, so that you can place the clothes properly.
i think it's always helped me. i never studied theory and most of how i learned art was copying images that i liked. i think quantity does help. hopefully someone more well versed than me can answer this.
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is it cheating to use a reference of how someone else drew a face silhouette and eye shape and basically 1:1 it, or is that just what referencing is? not tracing it
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I need a quick critique on this fox bitch asap please. Proportions and perspective okay?
Honestly, who cares. Trace it first, then use it as a reference, correct any mistakes by tracing again and then do a blind copy applying those corrections.
some original studies. drawing at work.
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Hello frens, I'd like to see (you)r circle drills, I'm pretty new so I'm not sure if I'm doing them properly (is there a way to do them wrong?)
I'm trying to do 3 passes at most, varying the circle sizes and trying to correct their shape not midway but in the next one (if one is a bit flat, i try to purposefully elongate the next one to see if it looks more... circular)
Looks fucking great, mate! As long as you clean up the lines and curve out all the blocky angles on her ass, it's top notch.
of course, just a sketch
I love how simple the portrait on the right looks/feels. Wish I could do that D:
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gonna draw SOCKS
So many issues.
Draw lickable and suckable feet instead.
Steve houston basic face anatomy video course

Good, but a bit too tumblry for my type

No comments

Frazetta, karl gnass, jeff watts

Todays drawings
I like her face but something's off with her proportions, maybe head too big.
Love this.
what does tumblry mean if you don't mind me asking?
Non jacked male anthro + femenine gaze. Like, it screams non binary 27 BMI with dyed hair. Stil, from a technical view is good, i’m just not fond of it.
oh you meant the character i thought you meant the style and wanted to die for a minute. good art btw
decent for a beg
do some cloth studies, it looks like they're trapped in cardboard
good stuff
rent free
I'm too demorlized to draw even though i want to. Fully checked out.
I don't even know what would i draw if i were to, or why, or how.
Just draw and have fun. Draw for yourself copy Bridgman twice and set up a profile on Grindr if you haven't already.
If you could be any artist dead or alive, who would you like to be?
Not sure. Tbh i only know manga artists and none of the actual greats.

I don't know enough about art to know who's actually good either.
Probably Araki though because i'm just curious what goes through his head at any given moment. It's either extremely charming in how innocent the weirdness is, or just a nonstop stream of consciousness that's barely comprehendable. My bet is on nr1
Cool, well the perspective is perfect, anatomy is going to be easy for you
thanks! trying to study everyday, this are worse but just to have something to post
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Was gonna study 2 different subjects each day for 4 days (finishing with 8 subjects in total by the end) and repeat but gave up today as i've realized i'm spreading myself out too thin and am already forgetting what i learned on day 1 and 2.
Doesn't help that i was trying to do days long studies on 3/4 days when i can already feel that opening up a psd of a previous sessions would make me freeze up before i could even draw.

Gonna do only 2 days from now on and see how it goes.
Here's a shitty 1.5 hours study of KJG as imagetax.
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i'm hopeless
Nah you’re getting there, honest that already feels way out of my reach, I can only do things well when I have a direct reference. Your just being line is way outta my grasp
Forgot pic for reference
Nah that's you
You're not as long as you come back to the noses <3
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I tried to create a brush for the first time, I think it's good for gestures
just fill a canvas with shitty 3min gestures/doodles
It doesn't matter if it looks bad, quantity is the key
your stuff has personality, just keep doing figure studies and you'll get there
style is properly neat and I can only pray i'll get on this level one day, the only problem is that pose is all kinds of weird. i fear not the man who practiced a thousand kicks, i fear the man who could freeze in this exact position even for a fraction of a second
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Gonna continue 2mr and trying to understand how the breast area works with clothes. Also gonna fix the ear and shadow below the head too
when i don't have idea for poses i just randomly put legs and arms in any directions they can bend just to have "dynamic"

thanks, i hope we all gonna do it someday, just need more practice
>want to draw a basic anime head
>I can't do it for shit
How is copying drawings gonna help me?

Acc wait I just had a thought while writing this, I realized I was able to draw heads specifically front facing cus I copied gojo
Enough detail to do western fanart and stuff like Panty & Stocking
what's your drawing style goal?
style goal? i don't know anymore, i just steal a thing or two from various artists than just copy one person.
I straight up can not do it. I can't doodle or draw anything that looks coherent aside from basic as fuck stickmen.

I also don't think i even care or want to anymore. It's just a nice day dream but i haven't put work into anything in ten years at least. I don't think i'm neurologically capable of that anymore and even if i were i don't fucking care enough.

It's not that i'm lazy, it's an issue of motivation. I could do five thousand gestures and not a thing in my life would change as a result.
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Finally after 15 years I made fanart of my childhood waifu, even if it's beg shit for now. I will save it and redraw it in couple years.
Fixed some issues that bugged me the most. My first time doing anything with color. Decided to try rendering for good measure. Looks retarded alongside the cartoony style. It's some experience nonetheless.
Nah, stiff symbol drawings with bad anatomy and shitty linework can still be soulful. Like for instance early Tails Gets Trolled is prebeg, but it's brimming with soul.
at this point just take a break bro
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Araki? Interesting choice. There's a lot of random stuff to look for in his stuff. You're very cerebral it seems. You should write stuff to unclog whatever it is stopping your development. Also writing is like drawing in a basic sense.
Anyways, good luck with that.
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This makes me think

Does anyone else have any sketches they plan to work on when their skills improve?
For me is this
The thing is that i don't actually ever work so there's nothing to take a break from. I haven't drawn in four months or more.
I think it'd be a bad idea to write up a ton about the bullshit internal drama. Seems like just induging the rabbithole. I think if you're very cerberal than it's the physical work that will save you as opposed to sketching out a manifesto.
how this for a basic body construction? I have troubles with legs bend/length .
I used no reference
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I think it's a combo of mspaint having a really weird line-drawing algorithm and working in such a low resolution
I find it kinda charming, though, so it's whatever
I could be wrong, but it feels like you're drawing every individual facet of an object you can think of. This feels sensible at first, but I think it's more helpful to think of it from the opposite perspective: every line needs to justify its existence. Every line affects value, so areas with lots of detail-lines will come off as darker, and probably dirtier because of how the texture usually comes off. JP styled art will will often have the kinds of details you're drawing in here, but they'll be in a second low contrast tone to avoid this (And usually pretty minimal still). It also just seems to look worse in general. I don't know why.

Sometimes I find it useful to draw a bunch of lines for construction purposes when drafting, but not transfer them to the final drawing.

I'm not that great but I hope this is helpful still.
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Also here's a drawing of a bee from a week ago. I'm still pretty proud of it even though I can see some mistakes now.
do you draw these digitally or on paper?
yeah, you're not the first who tell this, it's just my problem with overall drapery and shitty tablet i use, so i can't do proper lineart. thank you for correction, it looks interesting

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I draw with a mouse and make a decent side-hustle selling porn. I physically cannot stand doing art with a pen, pencil, or stylus.
Is this what having a soul does to your art? Looks fantastic.
Wrong thread? I think you meant to reply to the mouse thread
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7 minute figure
what mouse thread
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I think the construction you current are using might be a bit too many steps ahead. more so the hips. I think you'd be better off with 2 ellipses as the ribcage and hips. You can then find a spot for the center line to go through both of the masses. I'd suggest also making sure you at least track the clavicle in order to make it easier to set those arms up. As for the arms and legs, make the lines bend in the direction the limb is bending. you can easily add cross contours to this to determine orientation in space. As for the length, legs are as long as the length from the bottom of the hips to the top of the head more or less. In a pose like this or the abstraction I've made on the right, just measure the top of the head to the bottom of the hips and compare to the whole length of the leg. As for that bent leg, you can get a more accurate placement with help from perspective. Knowledge and experience also help. being able to draw forms and grasp perspective is the key to producing a decent figure abstraction/construction.

If you're going to do some shadow mapping, I suggest doing it at a smaller scale. This way you can spend less time filling in the shadow shapes and more time on making the shape more accurate. You'll probably be able to do it with side of the pencil and do the shape in 1 stroke depending on how small the drawing is.

This video may help, try and find shapes on the model that you can directly compare to what you've laid down and keep it simple.
>knows manga artists
>does’t know of any masters
Fuckin sad, dude.
At least he didn't named "Akira Toriyama".
That is incredibly useful advice, thank you!
I'm not pretending to be a knower or even a hobbyist. I'm a straight up scrub consoomer who gets hyped about derivatives of derivatives.

Like i know a lot of JoJo art is heavily inspired by antique sculptures(Giorno's p5 design being literally just a copy of the David Sculpture thingy) and a lot of the traditional art as well as fundamental pieces in fashion.
I just really do not give a fuck about any of this if there isn't a character going ORA at some point.

I'm like a 70IQ peasant and i admit to it.
>Nobody replied to my drawing
it's okay anon, no one will ever stop me from drawing fat men even if it is cringe. horrible meme semi related
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this is some fucking nerd bullshit
It's not my problem that you didn't ask for anybody's opinion
The average mangaka shits, pisses and cums on your old masters.
Why do they do this?
seems like far to much effort breaking down something that is clearly apparent
I thought I was supposed to draw planes and then put shading over it. What is it supposed to look like?
if you're trying to a copy, measure more
if you're trying to learn how to construct this face, try rotating the image
if you're trying to learn how to break down light, see how its used in in life, statues, photos, or from master illustrations
its obvious whats shadow, halftone, and light here, doesn't really help your gains if you are given everything
I guess I'll try to memorize some anatomy, then fuck around with statues
Cubes. I tried to build them by drawing lines from the nearest edge along the perspective, so far it has not turned out very well, but the idea is clear, implementation is impossible due to my backwardness, the lines are still incorrectly positioned and the original representation of the cube in my head cannot be transferred to a sheet.

Day 2. Shitty cubes
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It's funny seeing Ryuuko here since I just finished Kill la Kill yesterday
it's not her but i love her also and i will draw her for just for you
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Hello beg, behold: americans!

ever since i began my trad phase month ago, i too grow curious when i see some cool looking texture or detail in trad, thinking about how i would achieve same result
just call them bara and let all gaylords to commission you. easy money
not good enough to generate praise, not bad enough to warrant laughter
they definitely dont work like you draw it. use reference, always use reference
congrats for making hard round brush with opacity, very wow and innovative :-)
use krita for freeze-free experience
cute. not sure if anyone can coom to these caricatures cartoons though
i kneel
again, you are on wrong board. try /adv /r9k /lgbt or even /sci
have you tried the usual anti depresso methods? lifting, running until exhaustion, overdosing on vitamine D (body needs at least a month to see any diff), meditation, CBT, LSD, over eating, hiring hooker?
the word you are looking for is called composition.
i am not immune to crit, its just majority of crit is
>wow you suck
>just draw, but not like you are just drawing now
>dont do course A, do course B
i guess i dont reply to the valid crit with "yes, you are correct" so they assume i ignored it. ofc some of my stuff sucks ass, but like what possible move there is, but to push onto new canvases? And no, i wont switch courses, i see daily lost prebegs on discord (and here), who switch (or seek for perfect) course and as result never get anywhere. One day they do drawabox, then Keys to drawing, then perspective, then gesture and they suck at everything.
It's funny seeing you agreeing to draw my favorite children's cartoon even though I didn't ask for it. You're a very very generous man.
Nigger get actual fucking paper.
is this knight yours, anon-san?

this is a bit embarrassing, i wanted to redline it, but wasn't good enough.
so it sat on my hdd for good couple weeks, but I had to try doing something with it: it has so much potential, very good characterization, clear and grounded pose, readable silhouette, balanced composition.

Perspective was lacking. I tried fixing that and then I got kinda carried away with redrawing... while not really fixing the perspective.
fuck, I just want to draw cute anime knights being sorrowful and shit TT__TT
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Who are you quoting
Should I post my centauress here or wait until new thread?
Sure why not
checked dubs and trips
no reason you cant do both. you can post it here for crit and then again next thread if you still feel you need more
Really nice llama. why are the others so shitty?
will the gays like my fat men? i'm willing to baramax if it'll give me positive attention
thanks for the kneel btw
bridgman study so not empty post
wanted to say she's cute, your construction is way better than you think. it's just stiff.
FACT: Centaurs have one set of genitals, and its on the horse half!
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These were roughly 10 minutes each. Getting faster, but my referenced figures don't feel as 3d as my imagination figures. Guess it's because I still copy too much.

10 minutes is a really long time to not have a face or even hair. what part of the process are you slow at?
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No, I am different anon
pawell im begging you just learn perspective. copy preston blair.
Strong fat
>he asked a str8 man about bara appeal
LOL. Barafags like myself like stronk fat like picrel. If you went further than that then you will stray into the fat/inflation fetish which is more prevalent among the furry.
schucks. maybe i'll make an OC that's more bara someday. my only fat guy character is too fat to hit the bara notes. niche autism
unrelated doodle only attached (i know it sucks) to have something to post
Thats not pencil nigger

Goddamit I hate diginigs
Definitely looks like it. What would be the difference? Time to let it go tradsisters...
It is cheating, especialky if you say
>Teehee pencil drawing
Whe you never even touched a pencil
Some 5 min doujinshi studies.
I have two headless sketchess because I just fuckong cant draw faces, it must be some sprt of autism thing
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>Post work with comment
I like you.
I cant nigga, dont you think ive tried loomis a bunch of times? Im suspecting I have that autistic thing that you cant remember faces
very cool structure on that piece. i try to post art with everything, even if i have to post art from before i started studying theory. keeps me motivated + doesn't clog thread. i like your construction + the outfit details a lot
You don't have to "remember". That's why you learn a "construction method". For an universal design that will cover the appeal aspect. That's exactly what you need.
Being able to create random faces, and random facial features based on age, gender and ethnicity is not normal, the big majority of artists will never be able to achieve that genius level. Period.
That's why "Loomis" exists.

feels like I'm drawing AI when i try it
wait till you get to feet
nta but after I learned to shape the toes like pawns instead of ellipses, suddenly I know how to draw them perfectly now
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People do spend a lot of time typing instead of drawing :)
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something about this post made my tired brain compelled to Google "pawn" and save a picture like it was a real reference and then i realized what i was doing
I googled for pics of pawns as well and felt retarded.
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hands are impossible to draw, i think i learned some basic gestures to fake so people will not really complain on them, but still can't draw a hand holding something

the thing is more you draw them better you become, you just need to master basic principles and forms and here you are, it's all about grinding
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Everything I draw is ugly and I hate it. It's not even that it's just bad. I've seen bad art that has a charm to it.
it gets better
judging by the folds in his shirt @ his right (our left) armpit region, his right arm is sticking out to his side, but that makes his arm look way too long. like if he were to rest his arm at his side his elbow would be at his hip which would look grotesque
>cute. not sure if anyone can coom to these caricatures cartoons though
There are many people myself included that prefer cute and simple over the usual sexy. I feel no arousal from almost all coom art unless it's cute.
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Is it wrong to use a smaller brush to ink the smaller figures or should the same brush and sized be used throughout the image?
if you have ever changed the size of a brush during a piece you have failed at an artist
Well I’m a NGMI stagnated permaprebeg so that’s okay.
What a dumb faggot! You have never seen a real artist draw before! What a cock sucker you are!!!
the hate feeling will go away after a couple months of daily practice.
If a cock has ever changed size while being sucked it wasn’t a real cock sucking.
fix his back arm before u paint
If I pmw now nobody will see it before the next thread.
Post your actual work, I can't tell if this is your actual work or just a doodle
No using [ ] to decrease/increase brush size is standard practice.
If you're a beginner in art, please refrain from giving me or other people advice
Cope you uneducated nigga
divide the width of your canvas in pixels by 100. this will give you the size of brush you should be using. even vilppu talks about this.
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It's just a doodle but my actual work isn't that much better.
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Sunday I had a fun session with a calligraphy nut and learned a lot. They focus a lot on expressive line weight, sharp curves and consistency, all things I lack.

fuck off, there is nothing wrong with what he said
I wish I could hug you. I understand your pain
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Could anyone tell me why this looks so fucking flat and bad?
And is it normal to keep dropping wips because everything feels fucking hopeless?
hello? new thread???
I like to doodle. It's worked for me. It gives me a sense of consistency even if it's not necessarily optimal for improvement or big ambitious pieces.

It just helps give the sense that you are actually doing some kind of drawing, and usually that's enough to light the spark for me. Looking at art that inspires you helps, there's art that motivates you and others that make you feel inadequate, probably has a lot to do with subject matter, how you feel about it, and how it makes you feel.
I find it very hard to feel inadequate looking at pieces that make me feel immersed in them, because it makes me want to draw like that too one day.
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Getting back in to it.

Really like these man. Bloggu?


I need to do some Bridgeman studies.

Bloggu? I really like the lineweight and where it's pooling.
this one suits me just fine
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Maybe I will hit my goals. Need to do studies. Need to learn more. Need to learn how to learn.
What's wrong with 500 replies, page 10 /beg/ thread?
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Probably my worst painting yet but hope this help a bit
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Good stuff. The pose is stiff and the face is symbol drawn.
I'd recommend really observing the pose redlined previously to see the difference.
>Pose is stiff
I know. I realized too late that it was fucking worthless for working on.
>Symbol drawn.
My fucking doom. All this esoteric stuff of "Shape language", Volume and "feel the form" I just cant grasp at all.
Your face looks so much better but I cant even understand why and others said the body didn't have a single good fucking shape at all and was just worthless coom but I dont get it.
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Basic shapes like boxes, cylinders and spheres all follow the same rules of perspective. learn how perspective works and how to draw simple shapes, then incorporate those shapes into drawing the human form.
You don't need to know anything advanced, just learn 1 2 and 3 point perspective, field of view, horizon line and the cone of vision.
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Today was really hard artwise
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I don't know, man, for me it's in the hips, there's no overlap or if there is, it's really shy and not useful in explaining the pose
check at the overlap of the thigh and the hip. Pic shitty redline that should not be used just to better explain myself about the overlap thing.

Ah the great equalizer, both AI and humans have trouble lol.
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any tips on how to draw shoes like this in manga?
What even is this question?
draw them like that
But anon... I'm always sleepy
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Going to probably start over learning fundies from scratch while studying hentai and anatomy alongside basic fundie stuff(especially confident lineart and shading).
I have no clue how to render(or how to lineart cleanly) wish me luck
Kill yourself humblebragging nigger.
>in manga
look at them and draw them
I swear weebs are fucking retarded beyond belief
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I thought "sketch looks better than line art" is just a /beg/ thing, picrel is from a full time japanese artist with 90k subs
Suck my dick cuckboy
Drawings like the one on the left are what makes me want to draw and i'm ashamed of it
Bite off your tongue, you self-congratulating brute
Don't be ashamed embrace it. Each person's s ability to draw is their skill/gift, and what they want to do with it is all that matters in the end(And horsecock is pretty tame by today's standards anyways).
Thank u, sir!
dw anon. the entire reason i wanted to learn theory is because i hated how this serie footjob art looked (see attached)
I've gotten in the habit of just skipping the head entirely most of the time.
>what part of the process are you slow at?
I'm just slow in general honestly, but I spend a lot of time trying to get the torso right, especially if there's a twist or a tilt in there. Those are hard.
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Embrace it. Let the Prince of Pleasures guide your hand.

Fucking great.
What theory?
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Is leaf brush cheating?
Post ref for that ass
Thanks. I have trouble understanding it and what needs to be done to fix it other than just scraping it and retrying with a more natural and engaging pose but thanks.
The thing troubling me the most is my complete inability to draw faces and how all of them look flat and misshapen to shit
I'm not sure but it might cause a clash of styles
there is a big problem, it is sovless
>Steam clouds wafting off of the futadick
Good taste anon
delete the lineart and redraw the sketch, multiple times if necessary. Each time try to find out what exactly looks bad and find out how to fix it. You will need references for that. Other artworks or stuff like picrel. Focus on the big shapes at first and try to make them look good. Don't bother with details at first.nhypj
ignore the captchta at the end
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studying fundamentals is what i mean by theory. my only drive was serie feet
i tried to draw 3 figures this morning and they all sucked so posting older art to have something to post
This is the way. Instead of constantly trying to fix individual details in your sketch just throw another layer on and go over it again. If you spend all your time massaging lines you lose the big picture.
Show me your best face right now!
And your penis.
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Come on brain, click and rewire already...
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I'm glad you're still trying to figure out The Nose
nothing ive drawn has worked out today. give me an artist to study
looks good to me
you are improving
I can only draw CalArts face
Anything more looks like deviant art cringe
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Anyone can help me to fix this?
Kind of a bad ref. The forms are not shown distinctly and her underwear covers up some key spots. This is a case where you will have to bring in outsode anatomy knowledge to show something that's not in the photo for the pose to make sense as lineart.
zyeah my biggest problem is breaking down the figure without too much effort.
I try to sketch it and I end up correcting here and there until it somewhat looks right and turns out I have made something more than a draft that is wrong and needs to be redone.

I watch artists draw on stream that can doodle a beautiful rough figure in 5 minutes and it is impressive that in those 5 minutes they already have proportions, pose, perspective and other things to build upon.
What did you study btw? That is a beautiful portrait.
thanks!! I've been studying perspective + figure studies recently.
shitty doodle without ref attached to have something to post
Dont humblebrag.
She looks a bit emaciated but everything else checks out.
Really like your portraiture. I can't even draw symbol faces worth shit so I am very impressed with how detailed and correct your elf's face looks.
keep practicing from reference, dummy
>Anyone can help me to fix this?
don't guess at perspective, draw it out with vanishing points and boxes
I attempted doodling another, with time with a model posed.
I tried keeping the construction simple and get simple shapes to start with.
I think it looks fair but face kinda looks off, I think? hip area might be wonky too.
Your advice has been super helpful so far.
tell me about your hip to shoulder ratio, anon.
The ref is AMAZING. For all the "hard" reasons. You should have done her right arm first, because is closer to her, I mean, making the left arm (the one o top) wich is positioned like on "a layer" above the other arm, makes it easier for you to calculate the foreshortening.
Sometimes such simple reasoning helps a lot to your brain to ease out those visual calculations.
I like your construction method. You're almost there. Don't stop digging now.
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the character has XY chromosomes in that image if that's what you're asking me to clarify
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I really dont fucking get loomis
Someone fucking help
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oh i just realized this for me probably, thank you for complimenting portraiture. i think faces are fun.
study im not going to finish attached
the proportions are completely off
you're drawing with your brain, not your eyes
measure with your pencil to figure out how everything relates to each other, then use those measurements to block out the rough shapes of the face
keep going
Best piece of advice I ever got was to spend 80% of the time looking at your reference and 20% looking at your drawing
It isnt
Unironically Keys to Drawing.
I kinda like this even thoughb it's absolutely dogshit.
week one of the art and science course done.
birds are pretty fun to draw beside their legs
hold out your pencil and lock your elbow
then use the tip of your lead to find the top of whatever you want to measure, and mark the bottom with the tip of your thumb
you now have a single unit with which to compare everything else
you might measure the nose from bridge to tip and see that the bottom of the nose to the chin are the same length (purely an example)
this will at least give you something to compare on the page
then once you have the nose down on the page, you might draw a light circle around your "unit" to use as reference in other parts of the drawing
also >>7244864
i really cannot emphasize how much you need to separate what your brain imagines is there vs trying to look at what is actually in front of you, the symbol drawing meme is real and it will fuck you up for a long time unless you make a concerted effort to work past it
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Trying out some brushes. Drapery is garbage. I need to paint more still lifes
If the kind anon that posted the statue reference see this, do you know the artist ? Image search only gives me reproduction shopping links
who's the artist?
Anyone? :(
i've did it only once and it was most useless shit i've ever done
sorry bro no one is going to critique your circles
I just wanted to see other people's drills.
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I'm a different anon, you're just that much of a little faggot cuck boy with no penis
how can he be boy when no weewee?
The vast majority of artists draw at least a little bit of porn; it's a good motivator and it's fun.
I picked up drawing again recently after dropping it for like three years because I want to draw porn where a girl grows a freakish monster cock like that one and it ruins her life.
It just is what it is. I will be keeping tabs on your career. You vill draw the hypercock with me, anon.
Trannies (after... the surgery...) still don't count
If it's not too much of a pain, can I see the reference photo you used? I've been struggling a lot with capturing value in line art without going full gustav dore (which I'm not insane enough to do)
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How are the proportions on the person? I'm just sketching to figure out the size.
np. I just found a random bird on pintrest
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is this a pic from the old prisons in arizona?
quick 30 - 40 minute Peridot
how do I get better at making "shiny" stuff?
I'm trying to render things, but I'm honestly just making stuff up - anyone got any good tutorials/books to recommend?
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Do you feel the form now Mr. Krabs?
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It's some castle in the middle east
half legs, half torso + head, looks fine

the more "shiny" a surface is, the more it acts like a mirror
try to find reflected values that are divorced from the diffuse light/shadow, and let them follow the contour of the form
I think you could try using bounce lights a bit. add some greens in the midtones on the dress because it reflects her arms or the other way around, or have the dress reflect on itself (the bottom of her breasts should catch some reflection from her ribs, for example, or we'd get blue highlights from the sky we wouldn't see if she wasn't covered in vaseline).
i cannot believe nobody made new bread sooner

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my lineart skills pretty noobish, even not want to render this one properly ( *ノ ゚ー゚)ノ
You are far better of going to >>>/ic/dsg for this kind of exercises, it's a far slower general but it's actually focussed in stuff from dynamic sketching and technical drawing.

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