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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman
Hikaru Hayashi

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Framed Perspective
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous: >>7242336
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hi guyz how do you go about drawing pregnado? shit's difficult
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That's on tiktok...?
what's wrong with peegnant
My beg ass think this is perfect, humble me.
Also used a reference an anon posted but reverse search won’t tell me who made this statue so if anyone knows.
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studying loomis while i do figure practice on the side
this mf coming out slanted
i tried to draw a guiding line down the center but i probably should have made sure my paper was level and used a weight on string or some shit
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My finished pieces look worse despite me spending forever on them. 2 hours for the sketch and 8 hours for line art and cel shading.

What can I do to improve? It doesn't seem like a structural issue at this point outside of some nitpicky stuff. I'm looking for most bang for my buck studies to improve here.
highlighting only half the elipses is really hard
Her forehead looks a bit big and her nose a tad short. Without having the reference it's hard to say but it looks a bit too squished together. The bridge of her nose looks quite flat.
It's all in the face honestly, that body looks very nice.
I disagree. The sidewalk and the background dont look great, sure, but the linework andcoloring of the character look fine to me.
The ears are strange, non-existent, Majin Buu like, with that photo play with the color curves play with the contrast and see if you like it more with more extreme values. Nice render

what do you like more about the sketch than the inking? Start from there
I appreciate it maybe I'll come to like it more with fresh eyes.
Good stuff. With morpho I always suggest trying to rotate the forms yourself. They're simple enough to where you can do so and it helps to solidify your understanding of those forms instead of just the reference.
That background is so half-assed it's bringing everything else down, I'd either put a bit more work into it or just drop it entirely and use coloured polygons, polka dots or something.

or maybe some shadowy foreground ground figure of another guy looking at his dick and a bit of dialogue between the both of them, speech bubbles would cover the void and maybe your audience would like the extra gay.
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Didn't feel like drawing figures so I doodled some shrooms instead.
Those are some nice shrooms.
Oh I've never thought of that, I'll try next time.
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trying to get into colours
>what can I do to improve
Stop being a furry faggot
older art attached to have something to post
i like. very geometrical faces, very fluid center girl. i envy your hands, they're so fluid
looks good but the left leg/pec and where they meet confused me a bit. maybe a matter of line weight? unsure, bad at identifying
i second what >>7245160 said but it's still really good. especially since no ctrl z. the body is great. very smooth shading
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How is it looking so far? Proportion all good? I feel like it's wrong somewhere but I can't pin where exactly. Pose is boring too, considering scrapping it. Should I keep going? Or is it over
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Wanted to try something different as reference.
What do you guys think about the anatomy? Took some liberties but wanted to be resemble the source.
your choice of subject deeply fascinates me
Thank you so much for the constructive feedback !

Thank you as well, there was in fact a lot of erasing redoing.
Love how you played with the line art, only think is it’s hard to tell what the black thing near the forearm is but not that big of a deal. Also I have an old drawing with the same tattoo same placement lol
I think kigurumis are fascinating, maybe in a morbid curiosity kinda way.
But how about the sketch, fren?
sketch looks good, lineart looks good, i feel like you just need to learn how to rendermonkey and you'll be good
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How´s this so far?
What anatomy? Your sketch sucks.
>implying literally every social media website hasn’t been taken over as a vehicle for porn
What are you surprised about?
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i'd say you've somehow managed to capture this uncanny feeling of kigu, except in a way more subtle way. Can't put it into words though, there's something about how slender and non-exaggerated body is, how head feels oddly tall, it all joins together into a similar vibe to how kigus feel, as if one little thought can change it from cute to creepy and vice versa. Or maybe it's just sketch style, eyes empty inside and such, not sure.

it might be that I only notice it because I can see the reference, but I find it very cool how it carried through
for anyone who wants to study from tomfox, there's a good upload of his book now
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Best I could do today, I'm thinking of finishing up. Anything particularly offensive I should fix at this stage?
the steps on the stairs seem very small
Both legs look like they are the left leg
Thanks for taking the time.
>somehow managed to capture this uncanny feeling of kigu
Yeah, that was kinda the point. Not straight copying the reference but making it into a bit more anime-like and retaining the kigu vibe.

>Your sketch sucks
I don't mind it sucks but if you could point the details it would help.
How? I have watercolor paints and copics should I do artist studies with them? Paint from life? My charcoal cast studies are sorta half way decent but I should probably do more of those.

Sorry for Howie questions I'm legit colorblind and can't really understand color cuz everyone acts like it's super easy on YouTube but when I try it comes out bad.
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Practicing to draw from memory. I don't draw from reference immediately after each attempt like I should.
i like the lines. inspired me a little.
You have inspired me to go take a massive dump
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cool an simple render i love it

I need a critique pls ty
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Done at least
Horse is cool. Looks like you bent the body to show more boob. Perhaps try different arm positions and have her looking in different directions.
You do need to practice heads.
Her forehead jutting out is a quick fix. Also not showing all toes if you change foot angles.
From the thumbnail i thought it was gore and it was impaled by the javelins.
How do I eyes looking like flat 2d on a 3d head? I always seem to fuck them up. I know one should be bigger/wider than the other depending on the angle but fuck me I can't get the hang of it.
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Can we get a DTIYS going?
Stop eyes*
Fuck, apparently I can't type either.
Too much clothing. Some anon drew skimpier bunnies some time ago. Hope he sees this.
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I'm sketching this
I'm having a hard time with the arm holding the swim ring
Lmao just make the rash guard/jacket longer.
Just copy anatomy LMFAO
Beginners don’t have a style
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Do this gestures show form and movement?
Took some more time on todays study.
How do I measure shit when my reference is my cellphone
>print your references
I dont have a printer
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Hello beg, americanisation.

bad value range, the texture is fucking up the form, remember to draw texture on separate layer and set it to multiply so you get both forms and texture
pillow shading, background (pole, sword, floor) no shades whatsoever, not a fan of the color palete, too sameish for foreground and background
please do some gesture exercises, it is like you are drawing robots or buildings instead of humans
thanks for heads up
perspective nitpick: where is the camera? we can see the underside of his shoes, yet the head and shoulder is almost seen from the top. which body parts are above and which are under our vision?
its nice
too aggressive colors, bad value range. next time you want to half ass background, use gaussian blur filter on it
looks like modern bargue plate, good job
nice thot
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Hey everyone, I felt like redrawing this random picture I saw, what are the most egregious mistakes I'm making? Like anything I should be trying to fix ASAP?
I don't really know anything as I just finished chapter 1 from keys to drawing, I just tried implementing the "draw big things first" and other stuff I saw in the first chapter.
Also, I realized that her expression was different halfway through but I really liked how mine looked (instead of mainly tired/sleepy to tired/upset/sleepy) so I didn't try to fix it.
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its honestly great work but I think the leg on the stair should be moved right just a tad even with the pelvis pointing that way. It looks like the forward leg would be criss crossed with the other leg which is a bit awkward.
bravo this is great
You better finish this while the trend is still hot.
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sometimes it feels like pencils are a waste of time
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I feel like this came out kind of cute like I wanted but I can't get any consistency from one piece to the next. Does that just come with more reps?
Where do you start a gesture? These have nice flow and I want to learn
You did fantastic, of course there are things to work on but they are mostly craft not process (which you did great) so picking on them at this level won't make sense, shapes are good, negative shapes are fantastic, the only thing I think you missed is the elastic hair band that helps frame the head. Keep doing the book and draw what you like, I swaer theres something on touhou that makes their fans draw funnly.

proportionally or by features, e.g. look at a landmark and say the eye width = the nose height or the torso = 3 head etc.
Hide's croquis videos helped me out a ton, do them alongside him and then try doing them on your own on one of those gesture sites. Also copy artists that do with exaggerated gesture like Bengus' art from mvc and darkstalkers
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i call this piece
Length wise i find it fine, maybe its a thing with the line in the inner articulation?
I jyst like the design, and is from a gatcha of all things. Its not coom so It barely matters. Besides I’m invisible on twitter.
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Any tips to get better line weights? This is my second pass on lineart and I feel like it's still missing something
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Hopefully this book will help me escape /beg/
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Its ll on the details.
Ahh I see, I was being way too reserved with it. Thanks fren
Thank you very much for your input anon, it made me really happy. I think i know what negative shapes are (the shape that gets created from the gap in two shapes or something right?) but I dont know what makes a good or a bad one.
About the first chapter, yeah I tried using most things, a few examples would be:
Lots of shape consciousness, especially when i started;
Not being afraid of restating lines... maybe i restated them a bit too much but iirc the book said thats fine too;
Drawing blind on "flowy" lines, like the hair and her back;
SEEING the fingers (it doesn't look good now but it looked worse when i just tried to do it without seeing the original drawings) and individualising.
Anyways, tomorrow I'll start the second chapter, i hope that i can keep up with it, the drawings the book asks you to do are very demanding.
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foot 2 when
trapped shapes = negative shapes in that book.

rest, and Keep going tomorrow keep sending updates.
Which leg is the front leg? Left or right?
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added some colours
thinking about the background now
Give that girl a snout now !!!
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morpho book of fat adn skin

Yeah, you’re right, I keep the same proportions with every face, but I guess I'm trying to achieve something like the anime face. same face proportions and just vary the eyes and the hair.

But I should do a try in this, thx for the observation.
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Good for social media?
Too good for socialist media
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idk why the body looks both accurate and inaccurate, like drawn by someone who knows its shape but doesn’t understand how it works?
Maybe show us the draft layer to see how you prepare the drawing?
honest question, did you pose a 3D model over the reference photo then trace it?
i never head about the term pillow shading
but fiar enough is true
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there are artists who post slop and get thousands of impressions while more skilled works get but a few. there's always the potential to find an audience, but depending on the specific kind of audience you want, you will need more or less skill. though in general I would venture to say having more rather than less skill will improve your chances.
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I'm sorry for desecrating makoto like that but i wanted to beggin drawing again. I know i got destroyed by the pose. I thought it would've been an easier one but i guess wrong.
I need some feedback on the neck + chest area. by the way this is still a sketch
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random stuff I sketched. not really satisfied with any of it.

so I was loosely following David Finch roadmap, and I'm getting to loomis; any tips for studying 'Drawing the Head and Hands'? I know, I assume the book itself will explain it, but just curious if there's a general advice like with copying bridgman
loomis is shit.
read faragasso's mastering drawing the human figure from life memory and imagination instead and thank me later.
not often i drop this redpill ITT.
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oh she's beautiful.
i'm in love with your style
I like the composition a lot, attaching something very vaguely similar
taking a break from brent course and doodling from imagination
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I think this is the first time I try to draw a full leg and even though it is a boring full frontal without perspective it isn't coming along properly.

I can't even recall a good leg artist to study. Any names?
I would just retouch some cloth folds near the croch to make it less confusing but otherwise you good.
>looks like modern bargue plate
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>like drawn by someone who knows its shape but doesn’t understand how it works?
That's fair to say, I still have a lot to learn.
Regardless, I'm not working on this anymore, it was more of an exercise.

>did you pose a 3D model over the reference photo then trace it?
No but I did a lot of thumbnails (gestures?) and then picked what looked to be the best one.
Reads as Stokin9
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looks good but its boring, if it were some recognizable character at least it would be A+
what was she supposed to be doing?
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I also like drawing fighting games characters

But I still can draw faces, im getting better at everything else. Another headless sketch for the collection
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chose bad ref and should've done 5 min each instead of this.
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Learned to draw a droplet today
nice droplet man

now draw it with boobs
Yeah as you continue drawing similar things you'll get quick and more efficient at it.
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Why is this shitty 5 minute effortless scribble is so soulful compared to anything I draw
Skilled but zero effort beats unskilled but high effort 100% of the time.
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I referenced an old Rumiko Takahashi illustration and drew a character I've always wanted to see in a Lum cosplay.
I kind of already know that the head is going to need work because I ran out of space at the top but how far off am I in terms of the length/size of Segawa's legs?
>Talented but zero effort beats untalented but high effort 100% of the time.
Fixed that for you
How do I escape permabegdom
Having some practice/building intuition on rotating circles/ellipses will make learning all construction easier
As in being able to relatively quickly draw a series of ellipses and give the illusion of rotation
And then do this >>7245893

Her left thigh should appear longer/larger but its being foreshortened
thats rare, someone agreeing with me that loomis is in fact shit.
how come?
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Hello guys, looking for critics on this piece
>I don't like how the lady turned out
>focusing on the face only here
>how do I paint better I use selection tool and bucket but that leaves white spot and when I use brushes I paint outside of the lines
>using sai 2
>Not used to side profile and kissing
>having trouble finding good reference for kissing wanted to go for a realistic anime style ended up on just realistic would like to make it more anime
>Talented beats untalented but high effort 100% of the time
This is how it actually works big boy
Post something you drew recently. My best guess would be that this picture had a purpose and a reason to exists, even if it's just kinda edgy humor. Shitty beginner chibi doodle made with an idea is obviously more fun to see than a perfectly anatomically accurate close-up on some place where muscles join together

coolest drawings are drawings where drawing was just a tool. i'm kinda hurting myself writing this because 95% of my drawing is generic anime girl practice, but such is the state of things, it's not easy to have a good idea, but good idea makes anything good as long as style is good enough to carry the message through
poses. I don't know. Karate stuff i guess?
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nice sakura. Why no face tho?
now do one for 2+ hours
Just do some background and render studies, man. You are already 80% there imo. But learning those things will make your work twice as better
Im bad at drawing faces
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raptor girl
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finished it, I guess
gotta get better somehow
nah I think they got the right idea. just don't practice and you'll magically get good at some point.
all i can draw is faces
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how does this look?
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I am practicing but im not gonna keep banging my head against a wall and get burned out from drawing. I hate faces
>banging my head against a wall and get burned out
you can practice how you like, but plenty of people who are not good at drawing heads practice them consistently without feeling like it's such a chore. point being, the way you feel about it is not the necessary one and there are ways you can approach it to make it not feel like a chore. there's a lot to get good at, but you're only delaying your progress when you draw figures and opt to skip drawing the head.
Bigger nipples and she's perfect.
considerably neat

Nipples feel off, though I bet it's just the matter of sketch. Maybe ass is ever so slightly tiny little bit too pointy, unless you assume that ass muscles are doing some serious job while wiggling those feet around. And also, collarbones don't really feel incorrect, but they kinda build this strong-looking structure for neck and because of that she kinda looks too, uh, robust, if you look at it the wrong way long enough. Or maybe collarbone issue is just related to lack of line between right shoulder and rest of the body, so my brain fills it up with bulky chad shape.

Or at least such is my beg take on it, i'm way below you so take it with a grain of salt. Looks amazing to me in general, nice and flowing and expressive and whatnot.
Can I get some critique?
random hair to mark she is a girl
I want to make her rather flat but not completely.
Hows the body? I know i chicken scratched a lot.
Im going to disagree with you, there are tons of things I need to get better at,one of which being the head, but just the head feels awful to practice, so im focusing on literally everything else instead of grinding hours of something I just dont enjoy and doest ever click
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I must have been too whiny and self-deprecating in my DAB Lesson 1 submission. I uploaded my homework 5 days ago and no one has reviewed it...
no worries, ultimately. in whichever way you take your studying, I hope it goes well anon.
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shoreline study
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What are some good techniques for measuring accurate proportions?
The only one I know of and use right now is the "Measure things with your pencil" thing, and it often runs into weird problems like
>Hm, yes, this leg is 1/11ths as thick as it is tall at the thigh, and 1/20ths as thick as it is tall at the ankle
Which isn't very helpful, and is very easy to miscalculate
Draw straight lines from certain parts of the body then check where that line ends on the body. Do this for as much as needed, it's how I do it.
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Anybody have any resources for drawing fabric, especially fabric in motion? Thanks.
you painted the hand on the left wrong
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the booberinos
I like the way you paint but that face is all sorts of fucked up.
bro If you cover the right side of her face she looks good. you must work on understanding the shapes.
this video made me understand How Boxes exercises Work
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today's sketches
hope I have more time to keep going later
>forgot da link
embarrassingly didn't really draw today. had no time to. will probably try to do extra tomorrow.
Just because you dont get yous doesnt mean nobody looked at it. Mine didnt get any yous but probably someone saw it.
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>draw more
>get better
>feel worse
explain this

a-are you supposed to draw every day
You get better you notice more mistakes and you spend more effort
>a-are you supposed to draw every day
Nta but I used to do that in my first month but not anymore
I drew some more
now to work :(
have a great day /beg/ & /int/ WAGMI
Looks nice, very pleasant.
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Ok, in that case, applying some construction to this piece, the right leg appears to be out of place.
looks good anon!
You should honestly start thinking about commissions. I guarantee people will pay for your coom.
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does anyone know of a tutorial or speedpaint or whatever of how to render cum? it's difficult to find nsfw educational shit man
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yo wassup
I wish that were true.
check em
idk man i just googled how to paint cum and got quite a few resources
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Decided to switch things up and do Melanie Walker/10 from Batman Beyond. Messed up the right eye a bit but otherwise I'm really proud of it
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Critique on this study?
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yoooo the anon from here appeared in my for you tab
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>Decides to take a break from pen and draw a bit from pencil for once
>Page 5 of pencil sketchbook
>The pencil fucking breaks middleway
>Angrily shits drawing on ballpoint anyways
Got the body proportions all wrong, but at least I kinda did an OC lol. I'll try drawing her again after 5 more pages or so. I don't think I'll ever draw a full body though. How do you guys manage to simplify stuff like hands or eyes in small scales?
Btw, I'm at 66/96 from ballpoint sketchbook, but I'm too lazy nowadays to post progress.
dont doodle, study
practice gesture, then practice form & construction, via figure studies
do the above a lot until they start to mesh
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right hand cannot be like that, you broke her arm, if u struggle with it check "anatomy for sculptors"
build skull and check what her eyes wrong placed, really
right hand is weird and delta too, but idea interesting
hot thottie, fullbody?
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For those of you who do/have done commissions in the past, at what point did you feel confident enough to ask people for money for drawings? Where did you market yourself and how did you decide how much to charge? Any good general advice for enacting exchanges or just dealing with people/clients in general? I know that nsfw and furry shit have much lower bars to entry but I'd rather avoid doing that if possible.

>does anyone know of a tutorial or speedpaint or whatever of how to render cum?
This and having a shadow version layer of the first run and laying that underneath are what I've found work alright. There's also some brushes that can cheese the process but they aren't very good imo.
>it's difficult to find nsfw educational shit man
It's difficult to find GOOD nsfw education stuff, yeah I agree, been looking for a good pube guide for ages.
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So ugly.
She bought?
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Probably the most effort I've put into a piece in a while. Roughly one hour. I will (You) this with the original ref and would like feedback.
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from imagination
looking at this makes me want to blow my brains out
need to study hands and feet...
>need to study hands and feet...
i think those are the least of your issues, i recommend blowing your brains out
I feel like you could push your darker values a bit further. They are apparent though, the plane changes and they don't blend into each other entirely, but you could probably make the darker tones darker.
I'm glad to know my art can evoke such emotions in you anon
You know it would have hurt him more if you just ignored it and gave people who drew better stuff a response instead
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Is that you Paige?
>https://twitter.com/HKukkii/status/1100760249773015040 (embed)
that is super clean, thanks, made my day
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hi, /beg/ here. Does this insect girl pass the vibe check?
she's beautiful anon!
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Stop telling him how to hurt my feelings or you will be executed by the secret police.

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