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Previous thread: >>7235046

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Message vastian0988 on Discord for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/
I will marry my DAD crush
marriage challenge where you draw your dadsona proposing to your dadcrush
Tierlistchads. Care to save the thread?
I would rank DADs attractiveness base on their meet DADs and selfie submissions, but that would be too brutal.
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you can only do it if you post your own.
>Most men don't groom themselves, know how to take good photos, or know how to talk to women
Gee, what a surprise this graph is
>men are pigs
>don't know how to talk to woman
You did not recieve your dad's love. I pity you.
*how women rate men they don't know
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Profile pics smash or pass
I've been horny posting too much and now I get these targeted ads
it's complicated?!
do not leave bro in the sock aisle
>Right at the bottom
Whats so complicated huh?
he knows he can't get between you and your purple skunk love, anon.
I look like this.
share your DAD confessions

I've been here for years and I still don't recognize everyone's names. Or I know their name but what kind of art they do doesn't come to mind
I look like this.
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I ballpark my time estimates because I don’t really know how much time I spent in a given time period actually drawing, nor do I care to closely track it.
Weird, there are furries in every tier
I've uploaded older drawings a few times because I hate what I drew that day
>that feel when your profile pic isn’t even on the list
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I fucking suck at art
My greatest wish is that it becomes more enjoyable someday
I love it when DADs act cool and don't self deprecate
It's very sexy
I aint self depricating when I know how sexy I am
Do you ever feel like you've regressed? Here I thought I improved as an artist but I cant even draw a face right.
Tierbros were wrong about me
Are you Frytail? I can see the frustration on those faces.
Also. What's a right face any way?
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I used to be alot better at faces and heads. But I feel like since Ive been focused on painting I lost knowledge and line confidence I had when I only drew
How about using a drawing as a foundation for your painting? Draw first to get the proportions and details, then paint over it. A lot of artists do this.
Everyone should post their username ITT
this can happen when you switch focus or medium sometimes
the good news is you wont have actually forgotten it, youre just rusty
if you do it again regularly you'll pick it back up much quicker than you originally did, the neural pathways are still there, just overgrown
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Nta, but share the same sentiment. Faces looking off is a common comment and wanted to try to improve on it a little. Not really satisfied with how I'm doing, but hope something clicks eventually.
Thanks Yeah im gonna take a break from painting and refocus on basics to hopefully refresh
Maybe doing warm up exercises will help this from happening again
I usually do this if the study is complex but I usually time these so basic stuff like that I just jump into painting
The advice means little without seeing the reference and your thoughts on what you failed to capture in the 60 minutes.
After a long meditation and contemplation, I've decided to draw.
I remember every dad who's ever dropped a comment on me and I've deeply fantasized about us being together at least once. I think the idea of having someone to share your art journey with beyond the superficial layer is strangely attractive
I touch up older drawings for exactly 30 mins before uploading them.
Dont let your dreams be dreams anon. Reach out and make art friends that push you to improve
whenever i see whiff getting RT by an artist I follow i remember how much of a snob he is at replying to comments and feel disappointed
xitter fame really changed him
>feel disappointed xitter fame really changed him
If I was able to, I would definitely add sad background music to your thread.
Definitely have that feeling. My artwork is inconsistent. Sometimes I fluke and do good, other times I flunk entire pages and some are passable. I cope a lot with my hatching.
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i'm trying my best ok... it's not out of malice, just incompetence!!
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Just delete the comment and move on. What do you really get from commenting better artist except a thank you? Not a single decent coversation.
Ngl, whenever I get comments I never respond because I'm not proud of my work, and I don't want to get into conversations with other artists or become friendly because I feel like Id have more expectations for posting "good art" when I usually just use dad to dump daily slop.
Sorry to all the dads that left kind comments on art Ive made that Ive never responded to. :[
If I comment and don't get even a single word response I immediately assume you hate me and will never comment on any of your posts again
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enjoy constantly never having friends retard
Or grow up and get over it.
anon, it's rare for me to get a comment and even if I respond, it's not like the person continues the convo after. just say the bare minimum "thank you" and move on with your life.
This is whats considered a schizo meltdown these days?
Since when was Cartoon Network airing sailor moon? I flipped to the channel out of curiosity and I see it and Naruto and dbz on the schedule and then the usual callers slop.
Cal arts slop*
A whole hour block for it, too. Huh.
It’s a Friday. It was outside the toonami block unless toonami airs on Fridays now.
Well anyway, that’s pretty smart considering kids are out of school st the moment. I googled if there were any changes and apparently it’s an uncensored version that was intended for toonami but again, it’s not Saturday so that’s odd.
Oooh wait there is a "toonami rewind" on Fridays. That makes sense.
Wait, you guys all still have cable
Kids dont watch tv anymore. Not stimulating as tiktok/yt for them. Unless it's something like teen titans go
Just block comments. I hate you btw.
bitch got eggshell for skin.
I get cable tv for free because I live in 55+ community.
I don't feel that's entirely true. These networks wouldn't go through the trouble if that wasn't the case. And the younger gen is all about longing for what we had in the early 2000s.
>4 submissions of 6 birds + 1 submission of 7 = 31 birds total.
I'll just draw 1 per day.
as long as you draw it will make everyone happy <3
>And the younger gen is all about longing for what we had in the early 2000s
that gen is nearing their 20s now though
are there any japs on dad? id be very surprised

Why when they have their own social medias.

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