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What do you think
wheres the other leg
I got lazy… pretty distracting?
Not bad. I like the style

Just copy and flip the left side
>flip the left side
can't do that, the perspective would be off
Look at more mating press references go to pornhub, xvideos, etc. Watch porn and screenshot a frame that you like. Try and include more of the mans (or woman if you're one of those) legs and body.

Your line art looks very nice as well.
needs anal as well
average, (I've seen alot of porn)
How long you been drawing for? My guess is 3mo - 2 years (I have no idea how hard you work)
Retarded dunning Kruger. People have been drawing for 4 years and still can’t draw at that level
Her face is kinda fucked up.
Other than that looks good
Oh God...
your attitude is reflected in your artwork :^)
They know they can hurt you more because of the effort you put into it.
It's like if you have to decide about throwing rotten eggs at some famous faggot on a red carpet, or at some poor bum on the streets... which one would be better to see? We want to see the faggot wearing the expensive suit defeated and crying and reacting while we fap and laugh like autistic retards.
Post it here, let’s see it
I’ve been drawing since I was a kid but not every day or anything

Appreciate the feedback
I will save it for later if you catch my drift
get fucked idiot crab lmao
Glad to hear it
@pomotoros on twitter, it’s basically empty rn. But going to try to make posts regularly
What would you recommend changing/what looks off?
I will fap to this.
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I'm afraid you lack appeal my man, yours looks like boomer "hentai" from the mid 2000s
because yours is disgusting. 0 effort asshole looks the way it would be drawn in a childrens cartoon. thats anime though huh. enjoy the feedback bud
It looks a little AI to me. I feel like it’s the line art giving me that impression. The steam could be a bit clearer, maybe in a different part of the drawing. The cum is also a bit flat, and the split between her asscheeks and asshole is weird.

The coloring is really nice, and the expressions. I think with just some small changes it could get traction.
Not him but you sound like a petty faggot
Thanks, this was my first finished drawing ever that I made and looking back at it I can see how it’s full of tiny mistakes that make it look awkward. Probably the fact that I referenced it from a porn frame and that I didn’t study from any finished pieces but only from books didn’t help
now you dont want feedback? make up your mind
>What do you think
I think you should post in the generals insteda of opening your own threads. She looks like an amputee btw.
>my coom image which was at least on the same level if not better

Dunning Kruger in all its glory.
>She looks like an amputee btw
Never ceases to amaze me how people on this website will just casually announce that they lack object permanence.
Lol. Nah, it genuinely looks wrong. Sorry for hurting your ego.
It looks like a copied photo ref with a cartoon face drawn in. No offense but thats what it looks like
Kys crabcel
That’s fair. I added another leg after people mentioned it was noticeable. I’m rarely on this site so I wasn’t sure if porn was alright in generals I’m kinda retarded. >>7255047 isn’t me but I kinda figured most people wouldn’t think about it cuz I’m a bit lazy
We all start somewhere and if this was your first finished piece, that’s a great start. If you start the conversation by whining about not getting attention, people are going to automatically insult you though. Life drawing is super helpful if you ever get the chance
Yeah I see it, still figuring out how to blend stylization and how I want to color.
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Plap or Oh God
The oh god thing was hot, it gives you a hint of what's she's going through...
no draw loser in all (she/her) glory
Oh no, the dunning krugerino is mad.

This needs better art, not a better caption.
>That’s fair. I added another leg after people mentioned it was noticeable. I’m rarely on this site so I wasn’t sure if porn was alright in generals I’m kinda retarded. >>7255047 isn’t me but I kinda figured most people wouldn’t think about it cuz I’m a bit lazy
Totally fair and good attitude.
Also, even if I decide to just ignore the missing leg as if it was hidden, it's too much of a stretch in this case. Like, if you were to draw a hidden leg behind her body, what would it look like? That's contortionis levels of flexibility which doesn't translate into a comfortable or even natural pose.
Die no draw cock sucker shitter aijeet
Your coping and screeching is adorable. Keep me entertained Dun Krugleone.
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That's not necessary. I self-insert as the plap sfx
santa maria.....el abominacion.......
You shouldn't be exposing your virgin status like that. Some satanic faggots would be hunting you for them rituals.
>Disliking morbid obesity menas you are a virgin.
Tell me you have an unhealthy fetish without telling me you have an unhealthy fetish.
What's your sub fetish? Scat or Femdom?
Keep exposing your virginity further and further. If you think that's "morbid obesity", you need to go out there and see some real people.
Where I live that's considered morbid obesity, yes.
I can't help if you aemriburgers love your burgers so much that the fat completely clogged your brain.
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Lmao what. She's fat as shit, absolutely morbidly obese. Granted I assumed her height but the body type matches.
I noticed this only now. She's so fat, she can't even wear high heels lol.
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The absolute state of "western manliness"
Twist it some degrees to the left and draw over it.
The absolute state of coping amerifats.
An orc ate Raven and stole her clothes
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let's see paul allen's fat raven
more appeal, worse anatomy
worse appeal, better anatomy
try a more interesting pose and less muddy colors
You need to be an archaeologist to find the woman beneath all that fat. Praising the desecration of the female form makes you more of a faggot than a literal homosexual.
I think you got your quotes mixed up there amigo
Be careful not to die sofocated obesity chaser anon
I'm jaimacan
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The color advice was really helpful, thank you.
I know the second leg isn’t great, but I’m ready to move on to a new piece. Thank you anons for the critique
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You can't go wrong with Raven
Let’s see it get refuted
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Are you seriously comparing this thicc nicely proportinate lady to those obese landwhales?
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I was there too, I had to take out my notebook and draw her ...
aw hell naw not this nigga FUCK YOU, NIGGA.
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She was hot, shit went wild when she did this on the stage.... she was having the time of her life up there... exposing her ASS like that in front of everyone... I bet she still think about that at night, on her bed, rubbing herself... heh...
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boring she needs a bigger ass a bigger stomach how am i supposed to know she's fat if she ain't got no fat in the right places
You liking obese people explains the unappealing anatomy in your nsfw stuff. Now it all makes sense. You have very non-conforming taste. This is why your redlines don't work when you try to do them for a broader audience that has normal esthetical standards.
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yeah these almost look a little normal, for him at least
need more fat ravens though
It's the opinion of the mainstream.
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Okay, I think that I remember what happened next; She was there shivering on the stage like if some big cold honey pot was being poured down over her head, covering her all over, she was moaning, you could barely hear her.... until, she suddenly exploded convulsing all of that hot jiggly flesh of her sweated body, cumming on stage... She walked away fast even when people were cheering in standing ovation. She didn't won the cosplay competition though.

Mainstream says a lot of things, most of it retarded bullshit. Not complaining tho
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for more warmth
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my waifu
You're a lucky man, anon
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It's a mountain of fat and cellulite, disgusting
deformed and unpleasant monster
which is it
Looks bad, wtf is that finger? Where leg? Uneven eyes
pretty boring porn, you need to add 1-2 more fetishes for it to stand out.
and heartbreaks
This is my blog >>7256256
I don't have any socials
Both, you low IQ moron.
This could have a lot of appeal but you completely and absolutely fucked the sexual organs of both, she doesn't have a pussy and her asshole looks like a sharpie drawing on a flat plane. Cum looks like a sticker. Come on dude, good shapes are appealing, especially for the SEXUAL PART OF YOUR SEX DRAWING, put some effort in
Look at some hentai artists for reference on how they draw that shit and compare it to the real thing, why is everyone here so bad at doing research for ref
I'd go for deeper values, they're all too close together, you're not giving much definition beyond your lines and it makes everything flat
i hope they dont live in the US, states are apparently blocking access to pornhub now? not that they will stop everyone and not that pornhub still has good content since the purge. although i cant be for sure, i use other sources for sex stuff anyway
Epic numbers, guy
did it work
OH NO???
this looks fat to you? To you, slim people must be actual skeletons.
did I say she was fat?
Nice style, although the balls are kinda goofy lookin.
Also it'd help sell the picture if her eyes were looking back at the cock instead of off into space.
Bery nice.
Cock needs more detail though.
It's all about the cock.
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First time NFSW?
First time on a drawing pad for me.
By fuck do I need to learn body dimensions.
You need to learn a lot more than that
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Tried to get some kind of result to say I'm getting somewhere
She looks high, but that's probably just a euphemism for 'I cant draw for shit'
turn it on again
It’s not your first time. That doesn’t mean it looks good though. But also that doesn’t mean it doesn’t appeal to coomers as it is now either. As lewd art goes, I’ve seen much worse get 30k likes on X.
Newfag so no clue what you're saying.
>i use other sources for sex stuff anyway
Me too. I usually just bring a girl to my dungeon and make my own refs.
I hate fats but we all need to draw one eventually.
>absolutely fucked the sexual organs
I assure you, coomers do not give a fuck about anatomy looking like shit
Are you me?
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Anon, don't let anyone tell you that you have to improve or practice. Just keep drawing the exact same way and you'll drown in likes.
I hate this so much. Once I get good at drawing I will show people how REAL hentai is made. Coomers have no taste.
just joshing
Just checking.
hey op ANYMORE PORN???
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That fucking asshole tho, and those assholes who eat it up!
it's the SUN RAYS
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Not quite porn but I’ve been doodling lol
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& the start of a 2koma

I know d.va is overdone as hell… wondering if I should just make it an oc
are you bee?
I’ll jerk off to these when I break my nofap streak
Are you flea?
are you FREE?
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like Le Tailor Girl.
le tar
>I assure you, coomers do not give a fuck about anatomy looking like shit
You, as an artist, should give a fuck.
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She brought high heels, but it was too difficult to walk in them so she took them off. Happens all the time with fat chicks.
>too difficult to wear/use
That's a nice design consideration for drawing fat women, quite hot desu.
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My first time drawing NSFW. I'm finding my drawing very weird and I don't know what it would be other than pearly cum.
(I'm still learning how to draw hands)
Stop tracing AI you numbnut
its not traced
Did you use Mandy Muse as reference for the ass
nah, athena rayne
thanks for the sauce.
Hey OP did you draw anything else?
planning on finishing something this weekend
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Well done OP
Have you ever had sex?

I hate questions like this. It’s always a ladyboy asking.
Jeez, I wonder why this thread has stayed up for so long? What could be attracting anons into it for so long? There must be so much to critique in OP's pic or something.
I know you're being facetious but its surprised me
What the fuck how this shitty post is still up?
I'm bumping this shit, I don't give a fuck. Sue me.
I want more crappy Ravens. Draw some shit already.
then draw
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the asshole sort of looks like the end of a balloon...
Why is this a bad thing?
The text is actually really nice. I'd use a font like that
I can't draw shit, I'm here to motivate others.
Cool thread
i recommend adding a little creature's head popping out of the butt
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dick too big, porndicks are so boring
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Let me know what you think
This is fucking GOOD. Love her fucking face. Well done anon!

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