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Thread to study the adult male body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute boys and handsome men.

Some resources:
>English Youtube channel with tutorials about ikemen/anime boys:

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different male body types, ikemen/twink/bara. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No shota. Go to /lsg/ or /ssg/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Females are welcome so long as the image remains male focused.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.

Previous thread: >>7150908
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The /cgsg/ server is officially re-opened!
A gentle reminder to people interested in joining the /cgsg/ server:

Please do the following if you want access to the cord upon arrival:

1. Post one piece of work previously posted in the /cgsg/ threads or just let us know what website you are coming when you get inside the server.

2. Post 3 completed illustrations including a WIP with layers visible. No exceptions.

>Go to /salt/ for that
Doesn't exist and I don't have the copypasta or OP images.
i cant imagine being a shotafag and not killing myself instantly
Can I get the full res of "LargoBall69"? I can feel the movement.
They changed the name to /sex/.
here you go, also thank you
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Trying to render the torso/shoulders with a little metallic flair, but I feel like I'm struggling. Am I doing it correctly?
This is about miniature painting but it applies to digital as well.
If you can't understand how to translate it to the medium of your choice, study more.
My advice will likely not be serviceable due to it being from a traditional perspective but I would try and convey some texture like brushing of the metal in various angles to make up the surface visual of it. Though this would be in regards to armour so not sure how much it'd apply.
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daily doodling
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Metal is reflective. It needs to look like it's reflecting it's surroundings. Brighter lights, darker darks, and add color from the ground and sky onto the armor where it makes sense. That's a real simple way to make it look more metallic.
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Alright anons, I tried to apply all your crit and then some + reference. I think I just need to practice more and I'll get it under my belt. Wish I had the energy to change the pose, but I'm not feeling too well...

Anyhow, thank you all for the advice!!! Helped me a lot!!!

Based... keep up that trad!!!
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>hardcore porn in the OP

o k
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Largoball numba won
I wanted to join the server but all the porn in OP made me rethink
looks pretty! good revision.
really nice expressions and pose, i love the short hair and very very long
beautiful flow language in the waist down through pelvis and hips to thighs. very fluid and attractive.
the colouring is wonderful too!

>drew for 11 hours straight
alright time for bed
The porn is relegated to a single channel in the server
But if you don't like yaoi and the imagery of men jackin off then it might not be the server for your regardless
Thank you anon, I had a very shit ref for that pose so I'm glad it turned out attractive
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I like your doodles anon
Also you've inspired me to trad doodle
Using a secondary color to sketch is such a good idea, I feel like an idiot for not thinking of it before seeing your stuff
The server was celebrating Yaoi Day hense all of the gay porn on this occasion but if naked men and gay sex make you sqemish their is a good chance this isn't the place for you.
Cute, I like the frame
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That's great then. Speaks to your built up power and knowledge of the human body! Even more cool.
Thank you for the comment, I'm glad I have. Blue or Red pencil is great, a nice accompaniment, highlight, implicator.
This is so cute and so lovely! I love your traditional work. Feels comfy. The frame as the other anon said looks beautiful. I love his soft expression looking up and over and the general vibe of an antique portrait in a frame. It's great.

Been busy drawing so didn't have much time to do sketching practice/relax for myself. So a quick few lines.
Funnily enough I've been grinding digital so much some days it's "easier" to draw in it.
you must be 18 to use this site
this is gorgeous!!
Tried drawing faces in Michaelangelo style cause I find myself relying on symbols too much lately. Kind of failed, but that just means I gotta practice more >:{}


Love these doodles!!!

Cute trad!!! Love the flowers!!!
Chibi ink test
symbol drawing is comfy and easy but leads to stagnation, grinding can be suffering but it's for the greater good! good on you for choosing the hard thing. wishing you luck!
what's the story on this guy? reminds me of some off shoot world from the little prince.
nice! bike looks real fucking good too.

will post art later
Study+testing pencils
Didn’t have the rest of the ref, so I had to use my own knowledge. I think the back of the torso should’ve been longer. Also tried to be more conscientious of how I draw out the face.

And yeah I agree I did get a little too comfy drawing anime girls all last month for artfight. I notice when I draw girls it’s easier to throw anatomy and whatnot to the wind and take shortcuts for lots of stuff.

>story on the guy
Condensed version is that he’s an empath whose powers made him the ideal candidate to become a human test subject in a series of power doping experiments. Doping his powers allowed him to manifest a world in his own mind to escape the horrors of the outside world and preserve what’s left of his rapidly-fading memories, and he is able to communicate with others via the “stars,” which are mental representations of people’s souls.

Funny you mention The Little Prince because that’s one of my all-time favorite books, and I love the style of those illustrations a lot. I’ll take your words as a compliment :)

Really feeling the form here on that motorbike and your OC. Awesome stuff!!!
It's easy to make fluid soft ladies for sure. For gentlemen (typically) there is a lot more firm structure to adhere to. Agreed.

OH what a cool backstory and lore for him.
>one of my all time favourites
Amazing! I'm glad! I'd say it's impact is that present in your work :)

Nice sketching :) laying down pose is very nice.

>tfw all I had the power to do today was gift art
Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some time for fun or study.
Based OP image.
>adult male body
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little daily sketch
the kissy face at the dude is quite cute, nice skecthes anon
Haha, thank you very much anon.
>planned on doing some gestures and practice sketches
>feeling like pure garbage for the past 72 hours
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I'm drawing my boy chibified to show different relevant outfits for his ref sheet.
very nice! the hands are beautiful
wah, he's so cute and handsome! i like his design lots
Love these, so clean!
So cute!!
Cute chibis anon. Nice
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looks pretty good to me! all I would do personally is add more detail and accentuation to the body. further refine it and the dungarees.

no time to sketch for myself yesterday/today but was able to complete my 10+ hour long weekly grind session of digital.

hopefully this weekend i'll get time for sketching. have a good one everyone!
God I wish that were me
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cute! handsome! comfy! love the colouring
reminds me of a balmy morning
i also like the density of his body, feels firm and strong at rest
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thank you so much! i love drawing dense men
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For a ref sheet, is it mandatory that I do a dedicated side view AND back view or will a 3/4 back view be alright?


Thanks a lot!
Let it be known that he's an awful person
Braumsisters... we are eating GOOD.

I've been doing a front view for everything myself, but it depends on how much detail you want to give to your viewers.
of course! he feels and seems incredibly solid, so great job! love the colouring here
>an awful person
many such cases
>dark circles
perfect, my favourite accessory to any man
seriously I love them so much, tired eyes are the best.
he looks great! fabulous build, lovely hair and brows. I personally think 3/4 is fine unless there is something specific you want on his backside that the other person should know about. (specific muscle group attention, scars, a booty outside of the expected etc.)
Doodling with ink... need to do more drapery studies
love the sleeping on side POV pose (one of my favs) and the cuddle in the bottom corner
very cute and nice work
Did my weekly digital grinding for about 9 hours this time.
Slowly but surely getting used to it. Hopefully I'll get back to sketching some stuff for myself soon. Been super sick sadly.
Hope everyone has a good end of their week and upcoming weekend.
someone on /y/ dropped this thread and i wanted to come check out the discord
link says it's invalid/expired tho, any chance to possibly get (a new) one?
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Updated thread link expires in seven days be sure to read the rules upon entering the discord.

See >>7273845
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Color study with my oc Justice :D
Do you have a twitter anon? I enjoy your art a lot
This is absolutely delicious to look at... really nice gains here!!!
very pretty! good work
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Paint study with my OC :)
love the colour choices and texture!
Thank you its @MagentaMagica
Thank very much :D
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Applied stuff from last study. Tried choosing my own colors and limiting the palette... a bit difficult, but I hope I at least made some gains here!!!

Thanks anon!!! I'm getting back into the swing of painting, so I'm hoping to make some gains!!!
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Will I make it?
>all in trad
Damn your lines are so clean. I definitely see improvement from when you last posted. Keep it up!!!
pretty! limited palettes are super helpful
looks good to me, keep it up!
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Wasn't able to get in from posting my stuff but it's fine.

If I seriously think about it, I don't go online a lot when I do end up drawing.
really nice nose
may I ask what sort of pencil you're using here?

and ye, I'm pretty sure they're a no trad art group.
Prismacolor verithins. They're easier than color pencils to erase.
oh nice! I use verithins as well! is this tuscan red or?
How did you recignize me?
Two-colored check pencils. Ive loved them since watching Erik Olson's perspective series on NMA.

I tried cheaper check pencils but they don't erase well without leaving heavy marks.
I'm gonna work on another comp study then finish up the lineart from my wip. Been a while since I did composition.
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Ohoh! I see! Thank you. I misunderstood. I'll absolutely look into this. Very excited.

Was able to sketch a little finally after a week or more.
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Almost done with the lineart

Great, what movie?
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Citizen Kane. I haven’t finished it in a while.
Watercolor practice
very cool
looking great! ocs?
lovely! watercolour is my favourite
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They're 4chan board-tan commissions

The person wants me to draw more angry, anguish type of expression.
Oh nice, good luck!
Nailing expressions can be really fulfilling when you get them just how you want!

The only expression I have that I'm satisfied with (outside of memes) is the young version of a character sad.

Anguish is a powerful emotion and it's not easy!
i really like your style
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I remember seeing your work many times before. Also I have a good memory kek.

Ganbare!!! Keep it up!!!

I never get tired of seeing your style. Inspires me to keep practicing my trad!!!

Damn that’s some good stuff!!! Loving your work!!!

No, it’s just digital art is required to get in the server (i.e. digital work with layers), but server members post trad work all the time, myself included.
>digital art is required to get in the server
>but server members post trad work all the time
OH based. Thank you for the clarification.
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thank you anon ;;
woah really nice body language. love the density and thickness of his upper torso and the knee between the legs is always HNNG the hand holding him close against the small of his back is amazing too.
really nice piece, a lucky kiss indeed.
(also i love his nose(!!) back of neck and bum too, just love how you draw him!)
awe, thank you anon. It's all over the place so i always feel very appreciative to hear something like that.
beautiful values, looks like retro watercolour (poor explanation) but it's such a cool vibe your art has
may i ask what brush you use?

few doodles with pixel brush from a little while ago
i do not care for the left most one but i shan't delete him. i will suffer through the shame.
Obsessed with your work. Please tell you have a discord/social media.
i haven't been able to draw a lot because i've been sick hahaaa
looking good anon
really nice lines and clean
cute! love them
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Like the guy on the left a lot, very cute. Your style is nostalgic in a way, it's nice.
Thank you.

Doodles before bed.
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What if dog boy Akio

Always loove seeing your work!!

Very cute guys! Get well soon anon :D

Hell yea I love seeing these dudes
Also you're lip syncing now?! Too powerful!!!

Your animations are on fire lately!!!
super cute, great work
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Wanted to draw something comfy
Cuuuuuuuuuuute. I love love it!
Comfy pics are my favourite. I love the plushies and colours too. Very nice job!
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Thanks >:{}
I didn't think I'd finish it, but I'm pretty happy with how it came!!!
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a big part of what got me into drawing guys was because of gender war stuff.

I started after I saw some statistics that said women rate the average man as 2 points uglier than average, whereas men rated the average woman as average. A lot of guys were being all salty and bitter thinking women are being picky, but honestly I just figured guys are being ranked 2 points uglier, because we actually are 2 points uglier. which led to... "wait we're actually this ugly, how tf do they even get it up for us?" haha...

I always figured you have to be gay or a girl to see men as attractive like its ESP ghost vision stuff only certain special people possess, but genius that I am, I had a rly smort thought. "y'know, I bet that's not true. I bet you can see the appeal in it, even if you're not actually into guys." Like think about it, a cute thing is clearly, visibly a cute thing, even if you feel nothing towards cute things. I should still be able to tell there's appeal to something, even if I'm not into it.

And so I looked at guys trying to see the appeal in them, and funny i found literally zero at first, but eventually I found some. I explored appeal through drawing, and I decided quickly that I didn't want to be blindly follow some stereotypical idea of what I thought a woman might like, I wanted to see with my own eyes and say "*I* see the appeal in this guy, I MYSELF actually like how this guy looks."

and basically um, that got me drawing guys. turns out guys are quite fun to draw when you try to make them cute, and I just... like making them? I like how mine look very much. I don't really know why but almost no one seems to draw them like me.
It's not that men are uglier, they just put less effort into appearance because they're too lazy or think it's gay, which I guess does make them uglier nvm
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to be fair, if you've ever read jp bl, you've read something by a shotacon kek. or if you've ever watched anime or read manga, it was probably by someone with a slight interest in loli/shota
Sorry anon that's just you
a lot of jps are into shotas yeah, we're not jps though so it's not as much of a thing
Shoo shoo pedo shoo
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I should animate my muscly guys, but I wanted to try something simpler without worrying about drawing all the muscles :c

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fuck my life im just a worthless retard
Love this and love the purples!!!
When you about yourself like a faggot, you deserved to be treated like such.
neat animation, I need to learn how to do this someday...
>w/o worrying about musculature
bro, I know lol simple slim forms are so much quicker...
damn very nice
his mouth, chest (wew) and general torso look super good
this is super pretty and i love the colours
hope you get to feeling better anon
i get not liking it but it's keky to insist its pedofilia then draw weebshit that you modeled after the pedos you hate so much
>implying that all Japanese artist are pedophiles
>implying that separation of art and artist doesn't exist
Please return to your thread >>7206757, you are disrupting this one with your low IQ projections and bad faith arguments about a nuanced subject you clearly lack the mentally capacity to discuss with others.
Anytime anyone equates cartoon characters with real life children it pisses me off.
I just wish you all would shut the fuck up.
off topic, take it too >>7206757
Stop bickering here. Ignore and report.
they arent pedofiles bc anime characters arent actual people you dunce. but every single jp woman into anime has probably shipped something like gon x the white one or gon x hisoka. sorry to break it to u
False I ship Hisoka and myself
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Ended up revisiting this image last night because I didn't like tentacle I made in the past. critiques are welcome.
cock seems a bit too pointy, but i think you could easily fix that but increasing the size of the cockhead a bit
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Good call the tip got distorted during the edit and I didnt notice it. thanks :)
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Male version of a female character. Increasingly growing on me.
is he a cuntboy? if no then the bulge seems a bit off
God no.
I didn't really think of drawing the bulge.
Doesn’t that just make a reverse futa then?
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100 percent has a dick. Maybe not a big one, but its there. I shall not elaborate further.
i was asking because of the two horizontal lines you added over his crotch and kind of makes it look like nothings there
i think if you'd drop the two fold (?) lines it would probably look more natural without you having to fully draw the bulge
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his name is Keith!
keith should be kissing meteor
Oh I see. That's good advice, thank you.
coomis is the way to go unironically, drawing porn just works
keith is a cute!
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lookin' good keith
cute hair, pretty colours
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>>7258502 (You)
Encore link to the server!

The /cgsg/ server is officially re-opened!
A gentle reminder to people interested in joining the /cgsg/ server:

Please do the following if you want access to the cord upon arrival:

1. Post one piece of work previously posted in the /cgsg/ threads or just let us know what website you are coming when you get inside the server.

2. Post 3 completed illustrations including a WIP with layers visible. No exceptions.
Do you ever have a piece you work on a long time, you're pretty satisfied surprisingly with it.
Then you look at it the next day and see all the little things you could have done to improve it further.
Then feel hesitant to share it as those mistakes are all you'll (and others possibly) will see and notice?
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Painting like a boss...

Sharing is always good in my opinion, even if you've made a few mistakes. I like to share my stuff so I can get critique if there's something I might have missed. Anyhow, I think most of the anons in this thread always give critique in good-nature.

I like the hair and his design... very nice work!!!

Also cute design/colors!!!
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Fixed the contrast a little on the face
Might be just me but his lower torso looks disproportionately long in comparison to his upper torso.
pretty! love his hands and hair.

and yeah, I know. It's just a bummer when I already know the mistakes kek
Tomorrow is my big digital grind day.
Hopefully soon I'll feel confident to post a digital piece here!

Are you guys OK with people drawing fan art of the OCs you post in thread?
I think it'd be a fun exercise and fresh look in comparison to what I typically draw.
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Gift for a mutual :)

Everyone loves and appreciates fan art, anon. I believe that's the general consensus in this thread!!!
Wow this is so cute! Good work! I'm sure they're going to be super happy!
And noted :)
Good luck anom may you make great drawings
thank you bro :')
wishing luck and ease to u as well
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im trying to make his butt and thigs and calves look more shapely and pronounced but its really herd without throwing his whole look off
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Trying to figure out a body type for Pharos. I think I'll desaturate his big scar since it's an old one.
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I think if you do something where you add just a slight very slight amount more volume to the outward curve of muscle but cut more deeply back in on the parts close to bone it will give him an overall more shapely silhouette.
With his upper body the way it is, you could even add volume to the legs and I still think he'd look fine, you could always make him a little taller as well to fit more room in for curves.
Changing the dungaree's big from spilling over might help to with visibility.
Wa! Really nice trunk and chest. I love his colours too. Good luck with your bodytype thinking! More healed/older looking scars are kino too.
Also you could slightly open his leg's stance more, that might give you more room to show the shape and flow. Kinda like some fighting game chara's art is to show their form.
Oops. Not awake lol
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quick study... I just realized the upper arm is noticeably short ;-;
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Fixed fucky arm
looks nice!!
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what did you study
can you guys help me find some sort of sizing/proportional reference for like twinks/femboys? im tryna sculpt a base mesh
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the boy, the boyfriend
love the bf's body shape silhouette to the right
Nice drawings, the shot with just his eyes showing is fucking sick . Very ominous
give me homework based hot guy drawing anons
Please draw me a handsome tall man that is fairly well built jogging. I want MOVEMENT and GESTURE flowing from your sketch!
bonus points for a cap and nice work out clothing!
Ishida Sui... I love his style and strokes, and I love the way he renders (picrel). I usually try to deviate from making a 1-to-1 so it feels like I actually learn something instead of blindly copying.

Also cute boyo yourself there... I really like the texture in your strokes.

Solid designs with both of them... can't wait to see colors for the boyfriend.
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Updated my ref for Koko just because big man time is all the time
Top tier big man, great work!
women are so weird
awww shit it's Big Man time!! Great to see you again, anon, your clowns are always so fun.
i like the shape of his belly and chest and i love the colours u chose/the palette
Aw shit it's Big Man Time!

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OC thread crosspost
cute! love the outfit and love the ghosts!
give me his lore >:)
Where to draw trap boy I want to draw some himegoto
/sex/ probably
thank you queen... missed my sister in big man love...glad to see koko again
He is not my character... he's from the OC thread >>7288875, and according to his lore he is an evil-cleansing chef.

Sorry I don't have more lore for you, anon ;-;
>Females are welcome so long as the image remains male focused.
does this apply to traps too
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that

/salt/ is now /sex/, so go to /sex/, anon.
explain the femboy like 20 posts up then
Does anyone have any traditional supply recommendations? What media do you have most fun with, I already have the basics so I mean like random add ons that make mixed media more fun.
i unironically really like super basic trad stuff
ballpoint pens, sharpies, highlight markers, post it notes, washi tape, all that kind of stuff
it's kind of comforting to just draw something in pen without having to worry how good it looks and then just adding random shit to the drawing
I am really a fan of watercolors+ink (both free ink and fineliners work). Also I really enjoy alcohol markers, particularly the ones with brush tips. Also colored pencils... they go really well with ink and watercolor as well, and you can layer them on top of your markerwork :)
oh forgive me!! i misunderstood and haven't been to those threads. i'll have to check them out sometime.
you did such a nice job for him!
i personally really like colour pencils, watercolour and jelly pens! but honestly you can't go wrong with any of it! i like to grab a bunch of new colours that remind me of a character and then making a drawing out of those various pens or pencils i picked up. makes for a fun piece! also as that other anon said, washi tape is great too :)
nta that replied but ok
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Very nice! They feel very 80s. Reminds me of some guys that might run around with the Lost Boys.
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Three boys and one girl
so cute and retro! love them
Damn thanks :)
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some coloring
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OC for a game jam, I believe I posted him before a long time ago but I changed his story a lot.
What's the game about
Basically a visual novel about two boys who plot to murder someone. You play as this guy over here, who's the MC and you make decisions that change whether you murder someone. He's an unreliable narrator though. Kind of a prequel to a comic I wrote (still a big WIP) though where the two boys show up in a trial for the murders they committed.
Aids lol, actually color your shit lazyfag, shit inconsistent line art as well. Too much girth. Weird arms as well
Just use a graphite pencil, needing all those tools is a meme. It's like masturbating with a massager, just use your hands.
>that jaw
Habsurg looking fag, holy shit that is a huge jaw, no neck?
Those proportions look odd, chibify the head retard. Not aeshtically pleasing at ALL

Thoughts on my oc? His name is ye old space, he's a epin guyyu.
Kino character dude!! Keep it up!!!!
Don't make me post the fat jew pic.
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Made another one, this one featuring Dusty, my donkey ranchero!

Thanks, guys!!

He is so cute!! Very kakkoi methinks

Holy crap fellow wiggle-maxxer? We can rule Gotham together, Batman


Love these guys, they emit such fun energy
soo cute anon! dusty numba won!!!
So damn cute and wholesome... also perfect music choices!!!

Also thank you for the complements. Your animations are honestly really inspiring and have made me want to try them out for myself. Even though I'm still learning it's super fun... really making me want to animate scenes from my lore or even try making more intricate loop animations >:{}
Cute and classic. Looks like he might be an extra in The Venture Bros.
Very cute. Another nice one. And NP!
I don't suppose anyone could direct me to a good reference for slender, soft belly's? Really that whole torso area in general. It's hard to find reference that aren't shredded 6packs. or
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drew a pic of >>7283977 figured id share it here too
they GOT HIM
how pretty! I love the colouring and transitions in your rendering. nice and painterly
HNNGHHNNGHHNNNGGHHH I love all the colors and the circuitboard detail and grrrrrr the blue glow of his body is so peak.

Also fun fact >>7283977 is his pathetic twin (they look very alike, for as much as I tried to differentiate them ;-;).

Thanks again!!! <3
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Hair coloring
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Thabk you

Booh ooh, you faggots got a single frame Pic of my face. So what?
For the love if Allah learn bridgman, your tranime characters head looks fucked. Did half of his head get chopped off?
Go outside and creep on little boys. That should work.

Actual not bad wtf? You should get off this/beg/ thread NOW
i missed his fat man titties so bad you have no idea!!!!
Looking good! He's very handsome.
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finished a request
Looks nice! Love your colour palette and lighting.
love the shading on the nose
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ty! it took a bit of workshopping but im glad with how the colors came out
thanks! I love noses!

Theres a new twitter art meme so i hopped on the train
worth the effort!
this is beautiful as well. I've always been fond of these colours together.
he looks gorgeous.
ive not seen this trend yet so i look forward to seeing it pop up.
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Looks nice! Like the expression and shading.
This looks like pen and marker, is it actually or is it a digital brush meant to emulate it? And if it is, may I ask what they are?
I see some erasing but not 100%
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Any way a new discord pink could be posted? Been looking for a male focused community like this.
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The /cgsg/ server is officially re-opening!

A gentle reminder to people interested in joining the /cgsg/ server:

Please do the following if you want access to the cord upon arrival:

1. Post one piece of work previously posted in the /cgsg/ threads or just let us know what website you are coming from when you get inside the server.

2. Post 3 completed illustrations including a WIP with layers visible. No exceptions.

beautiful abdomen/torso! super nice.
Meant to ask, if I have screenshots of drawings I've done on Magma in group draws is that OK? OR do you guys want PSDs (i think it's called?)
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What do you guys think about this one i made some weeks ago?
I struggle too much with making male characters looking submissive, I suppose its because im more used to draw girls, so when i draw a dude it ends up looking to femboyish.
Any program is fine so long as the layers tab is visible
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Thank you!
and I dide use a mixture of erasing and this particular brush I use. just google "ザクザクブラシ" clip studio.
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Thank you!
nonnies HELP! trying to draw a difficult pose and have no idea how to make this guy look over his shoulder at the viewer in a believable way. i suppose the head should be drawn in a side view of sorts but i can't make it look right without drastically changing the angle of the torso?
any redline from more experienced artists greatly appreciated.
When I look at myself with this torso pose/angle in the mirror, with the left-most head position my mouth and chin are obscured by my shoulder. When I tilt my head to look like the right-most head position, it feels more natural and my mouth becomes visible
>post my girly pyro drawings
>you are not a good fit for the server culture


What a shame! Fujos are mean.
I also tried joining, they said my art wasn't up to their standard :( is there another server with a lower bar to entry?
I’m thoroughly curious. Pyw.
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I posted this pyro art
it makes sense now
Damn anon, this is honestly pretty good. Both head turns look natural/good to me, but then again, I'm a big /beg/. Love the shoulders/back.
I think the one you have with the body looks most natural. I'd just rotate his pupil/eyeball up so that it looks like he's peeking at (You) (Us) the viewer.
Is he supposed to be posing and then looking back sheepishly? If so, that's the best one imo.

If he's supposed to be looking back and just casual the other is better (with question mark) and I think again the visual of where his pupils go will convey the feeling of looking at us/the subject.
Though the one with the ? mark almost looks like he'd be (attempting) looking down behind him naturally.
Super cute anon, though I'd work a bit more on his abdominal muscles and maybe make the flare of his cockhead just a little less pronounced.
I'd bring his hips in and make his upper traps more pronounced. Good job on the face though. Cute and handsome expression.
Based mods, draw cute boys or fack off
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paintover of a trad doodle
Is len too shota for this thread
I want to draw cute boys so bad but I still suck.
What's the best place to start after fundies?
1. Find pictures of men you like.
2. Study off of them.
3. Cultivate your style by studying off of artworks with hot men in them.
Interesting. I will try this.
If you have to ask then he's too shota for this thread.
There's a shota thread you could post in >>7206757
Thanks anon
I was going to say it's how he's drawn that matters but the majority has spoken kek
man i really like that androgynous guy
i always make them either too masculine or too feminine
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mb for the link posting, I tought that I could embed images with links, but that's only with 4chanX ,forgot to delete it
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thanks, I also very much struggle with that
If you change the "x" to twitter, it'll embed for 4chX users. No harm in not doing it.
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Crosspost from oc bread

Beautiful; I can never thank you enough for these!

Sorry for the wait! He's a farmboy turned official of a group that travels the land slaying monsters and helping people! He likes to indulge in his cooking hobby with ingredients from all over, no matter how strange, especially since the situation of the world is dire.

Love seeing your linework!
Last reply was supposed to be >>7306807 whoops
Just gotta say I really love how you drew the circuitboard patterns on his arms and neck. Also love the motion in the pose and hair. You made Edmund look so good!!! TYSM!!!

I love your linework... is he a werewolf?

Nice work... the linework and hair look really good!!!
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Can't tell if the face is cute or tarded. Also bump
Cute, body looks a bit off though
Also cute
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I'd say the eyes look a little too flat and almondy and the swoop nose is a bit much. This could be just style though. The ear also feels off but not sure why. I do agree with the other anon that the body looks off.
The wet hair is lovely and over all colours used.
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my take on a fix for the proportions looking wonky, though i probably coulda also made his arms shorter. Rendering looks great though, i really like his face and hands in particular
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I got to draw him!
Thanks! I use the default round brush in drawpile, it doesn't have a name
thank you, i don't have one for this subject
AAGGHHHHH this is so kino!!! Everyone's chibis are so cute!!!

Nice job here. I love the colors and texture brushes you used to depict the nature/hair. I agree with the other anons' fixes... shortening the torso would make the whole thing perfect!

Love the rendering and the pose!!!

NTA, but dare I say, this is unfathomably based!!! I really like the way you rendered his wings/figure/everything else >:{}

You make all your work in DRAWPILE?!
Oh my shit, that is insane... it really makes your rendering look unique!
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Thank you so much for the advice! Still unfinished but I'm too impatient gahh
This is so sex. I love the long ears, very cute
Oh my goooood anon you've spoiled me!!!! Thank you so much! Could I draw a boy for you in return?
that's beautiful
i'm obsessed with the way you shaded the gloves
reminds me a bit of bwusagi
much fonder of his nose now, how pretty
>default round brush in drawpile
Regular ink or soft ink brush in magma? May I ask what your settings are?
Regardless, it speaks to your ability! Lovely rendering and tone again. Torso, expression and left arm are especially wonderful.
beautiful art anons
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I feel like for the eyes the lacrimal and tear duct are missing to make them more 3D looking
otherwise cool artwork I like it
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Wow, what a nice thread. Sure would be a shame if I BUMPED it with my newest animation meme.... this one featuring Ayumu: The spooky asylum ghost!!

Soo pretty!!! I love the vibe of this painting, it is very classical art methinks
wow those guys look pretty cool, they definitely draw every day
I love his claws sm, I also just realized that his boots go up into his boxers... what did he mean by this...
It's giving Renaissance it's giving Louvre it's giving Kino
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This was plaguing me all night.
Maybe should have also put a mosaic over Kazuma-chan.
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I think this character SUCKS. The people want more DUSTY
YOU SUCK ayumu sisters rise.
Excellent work!!! The song really fits his vibe!!!

I really enjoy the colors you used for this... very warm and fall-like!!!
I'm sorry, but you spelled AKIO wrong.
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crosspost from OC thread
is that Mersault
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aww cmon guys let's hold hands and sing Kumbayah <3

Thanks, anon!

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