// PLEASE CHECK THE LINKS BELOW BEFORE REQUESTING ///Be specific if you request something: post the cover, book's title, artist's name...Please be patient, board is slow, someone may answer you a week later.Please search in the thread and links below before asking for something, it may well already be there.PLEASE ENCODE YOUR LINKS BEFORE YOU POST THEM HERE!Unencoded links are frequent targets for trolls and bots!>Thread recap file, updated 21-AUG-2024aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUveW41VTBCNlIjc3dCVTUtellESGI2dERUR0p6VFBkQThmamVLUzRpa0w3VHNGZHdIRExYOA==>Artbooks:aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tZWRpYWZpcmUuY29tL2ZvbGRlci8xN2F4cGY0ZDdrMDV1L2FydGJvb2tzI215ZmlsZXM=>The /ic/ Torrentmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:0aebc0f02e6c179b62e04c69af3e5adee3abee12&dn=IC-STUDY>Can't find it? Want it? Try looking here first:https://e-hentai.org/tag/artbookhttps://e-hentai.org/tag/how+tohttps://annas-archive.org/>What the hell are these links?>Are they encoded somehow?>What the hell do I do with them?No, they're not info-hashes or magnets; we're encoding the links to keep bots and scripts from recognizing and harvesting/reporting them. You will see a GIF in the first two or three posts that explains what to do. Don't understand some of the terms in the GIF? Google them. Some of the encoded links *may* have multiple layers - like ogres ... or onions! You might have to "peel" them more than once to get to the good part.>Have you seen them?https://pastebin.com/UxwtuAzp... and before some dumbass asks, here's the book from the OP image:>Character & Shape Design: Tips & Tricks by IniroYUhSMGNITTZMeTl3YVhobGJHUnlZV2x1TG1OdmJTOXNMelJXVmtFMWExWTM=
>>7273362Previously, on "Artbooks" (>>7242298):>Tom Fox Anatomy BookYUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5S2RVcG5UR0k9>Iniro/Eskbl Color Tips & Tricks 1 & 2YUhSMGNITTZMeTl3YVhobGJHUnlZV2x1TG1OdmJTOXNMMWxhZDAxQk9FVlE=>Bart Sears's Drawing Powerful Heroes, Vol 2YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdllUSlpRbEpUVWxNalNGQnBNazVHZVcwNVRVZzNVamQxWldsamNEVTFPVmRPYm5NNWRVRlZWVFkwWmxKU1RFNVVOM2xmVlE9PQ==>R. Talsorian Games' Bubblegum Crisis RPGaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9tOWdFNkc=>キャラポーズ資料集 - 女のコのからだ編 pose book (Chinese)aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC8xaWREV0E=>Momo29 artbookaHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvbUFjVDJhakMjOFNieVFGakJTcThsdEpwSkw0S1dRSkExZF9PWVZOcFFSRFhmaUUxbDFXZw==>Real Action Pose 01aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC95WnRuRHY=>Artist Masters Series: Perspective & Depth (26MB version):aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvT0JzeVJEb0wjVjZUUnJsdjFTcXROWFZwVFdtVkFSQmRTVFpUMWhObEVqS045ZmtPNDNyQQ==>Uncompressed 96MB version:aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvblpVWFdhaEkjWUNaMlJnTWlXX1FDWW5DRzdyX0dQMzJSSjJfNzNJNDZtbFYzNUNhZGNvYw==>THe Good Girl Art of Bruce TIMM Naughty and niceYUhSMGNITTZMeTlsTFdobGJuUmhhUzV2Y21jdlp5OHlNems0TnpJM0x6YzJOalUxTVRsak5ERXY=>Also found the Batman Animated book as wellYUhSMGNITTZMeTlsTFdobGJuUmhhUzV2Y21jdlp5OHlNalUxTnpNeUx6UmtPV1ZoTnpsaFlXVXY=>Modern Masters Vol. 3: Bruce TimmaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC91VU1XUjM=>Brent Eviston's The Art & Science of DrawingaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC90aWVocEc=>Lowe, John Paul - Foundations in Comic Book Art >TB Choi's Design Your Own Manga>Human Anatomy for Artists - Xiao WeichunaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC84MzdRN3Y=>Saito Naoki - The Fastest Way To Improve Illustration (English translation)aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC93ZmpGQWg=>Master Guide to Drawing the Human Body by Xiao Weichun (Chinese)aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC81YkxPcUM=>EnglishaHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvOGcxR2xDREwjekJWc2k1aVA3WXhkejJQVGwzNDlkMzJLMm5NSl9wTjFhM054RDRhbjVtSQ==
>>7273363>Cont'd>Shane Glines's S-CurvesaHR0cDovL2xpYmdlbi5pcy9ib29rL2luZGV4LnBocD9tZDU9Njg5NzAzMzY4MjMxREM2Q0I3NjY1RjY1QzEyRDVGOTA=>One Piece Film: Strong World: Eiichiro Oda ArtbookaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9BQUpOdTA=>Studio Tron Artbook 1993aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9iMkRWb1A=>Dofus Livre I Julith artbookYUhSMGNITTZMeTloYm01aGN5MWhjbU5vYVhabExtOXlaeTl0WkRVdk9EUXhOVFUzWldWaFltUXlNRFU0WW1Wak9ESTBORGc1WlRCak1XRTNPR1U9>Richard Williams's The Animator's Survival Kit (PDF, 35 MB):aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhYkZjaG1DQVohcGFweWJ1Zm9FcURIOFZuMTloVms4enhvaGFZT0I1WGpMTTJVLUVaVDhKcw==
Requesting Lois van Baarle's Art of Loish or The Style of Loish, please. If any kind anon happens to have grabbed either (or both) I'd be thankful forever!
Looking for books about anime heads!
Requesting a book on how to draw shadows (on people, clothing, objects etc).
Anons how do I translate pdfs/images/books in bulk? >https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1iDUOHzY734o_UTvurasbVxm75rUY0Tpq?usp=sharingThis has stop working for me for a while now. :(
>>7273763Burne Hogarth has a book on shadows and tones, though I haven't read it as it's more obscure than his other books, which are all easily accessible everywhere.
Reminder to know if anyone has this book>もっと魅せる・面白くする 魂に響く 漫画コマワリ教室
>>7273808The cool thing about this book is that it goes a lot deeper into paneling>Here are some images I found
>>7273808>>7273811Actually seems to be a interesting book for general comic drawing, and not just anime/manga.
requesting ASOBIZUKURI's book on wrinkles https://booth.pm/ja/items/4601035if anyone has it
are there any good artbooks/resources on painting backgrounds?
>>7273785Stop fucking recommending Hogarth you sperg.>>7273763just read the shading segment in the art and science of drawing
Does anyone have the art book for the 20th anniversary of hack? Or any other art book from the franchise? I have seen them in E hentai (except for the one in the image) but I ask if they are available to download (I don't have the points to do so)
>>7274386>Stop fucking recommending Hogarth you sperg.I think that's the first time I've ever recommended Hogarth? He has a book entirely about the subject anon was asking about, so why wouldn't I recommend it?Especially since he's considered one of the best teachers in art (debatable, I personally think his anatomy/figure drawing books are kind of ass, but that's besides the point). Anyway, stop having such extreme reactions to simple book recommendations, ya bigger spreg.
>>7273362pic relate links are all anonfile which is dead
does anyone have this Otomedius artbook?
>>7273362Requesting "まほ嫁2 総作監&監督修正集" / The Ancient Magus' Bride Season 2 Animation Works.https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=2477052
just got these. both absolutely amazing. the vanillaware one is ofc mostly amazing finalized art.the fumito ueda one is special. it's art as well as game design documents. it's amazingly inspiring to see some of the scribbles from the conceptualiom stages of the games. especially if you're someone who wants to make games and loves the worlds this guy creates. 10/10
>>7273362Requesting David Saunders book on JC Leyendecker
Requesting The Art of Panty and Stocking Vol 2
>>7275724can you send this books? they look awesome
>>7275724vanilla mania looks dope, if scans ever come out i want em
>>7276353>>7276041there's a full scan of vanilla mania on e-hentai I'm pretty sure.
Hi Anyone have this books >How to Think and Draw with Lorenzo!>"Making things sexy" Tutorials>Saito Naoki - The Fastest Way To Improve Illustration (English translation)Thank you
>>7275724can you scan Ueda's one, please?!
>>7277173i don't have a scanner, nor am i familiar with scanning. :(
>>7276353>>7276411>there's a full scan of vanilla mania on e-hentaiI'll be darned!aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC8yYWtMZ1M=
anyone happen to have pic related from a while back?Pose File Vol 7if anyone else has the other volumes, that would also be cool - some anon's were praising the quality of this book, and i want to peek at it, but the link in the archives is dead
Minimaru ‘s book. Found it on the telegram group. You’re welcomeYUhSMGNITTZMeTltYVd4bGN5NWpZWFJpYjNndWJXOWxMMnd3TlhWNmFDNXdaR1k9
>>7279335thanks anon! how kind~
>>7279335ty anon
>>7279335based, thanks man
Is there any good scan of Andrew Loomis' Creative Illustration? The only one I found has many pages cut off.
>>7279335how do you search the group?
I see someone requested Xa Colors in the pastebin, I own a copy of it but I don't have the means to get high quality scans of it, would it be ok if they're low quality scans? or should I not bother at all?
does any of you guys have that one krenz sketches folder? it was going around a few months / years ago. It was a folder of a bunch of krenz sketches and studies. if u have it can you post it?
>>7280877nvm bros i found it https://e-hentai.org/g/883632/deb86d946f/
>>7276800Seconding Lorenzo/ any of the etherington brothers books
Anyone got a MEGA of one of the translated Taco books? Can’t access E-hentai.
Any one?
Requesting a scan of Bill Morrison's Innocence & Seduction Art of Dan DeCarlo, please.
>Anime private school style character drawing technique (Machine Translation)aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9UdFhxMHU=
>>7284779>machineQuit being lazy you bilingual fucks
Anyone has some book related to some of the Yor's artwork?
Hey can anyone tell me about those chinese painting books? Would also appreciate download links to the books
>>7279627>>7282157I managed to solve it. Archive.org has a high resolution scan: images look fine and there are no pages missing nor cropped.
>>7280695Even low quality scans would be cool!
>>7284804yeah stop being lazy and just learn the language bud
>>7280016Course busters
Does anyone know what book this page is from?
>>7282499It's like $4.... I bought it out of curiosity but there's nothing new here that isn't in Stonehouse. Also not a fan of the smaller ribcage and elongated torso. Some of the illustrations are nice though.
What book is this?
>>7285971Muse by James Martin
Does anybody have Devin Korwin books? Creative Fundamentals volumes one and two.
>>7286091Damn, never would've imagined e-hentai to have that, thanks!
>>7286141that's where artbooks are dumped en masse, now you know where to look at first next time
Anyone have the "瞬撮アクションポーズ" books? Can't find them on e-hentai. Any alternative recommendations where it's a bunch of consecutive frames of an action (like bodiesinmotion but not paywalled)
>>7276800aHR0cHM6Ly9maWxlcy5jYXRib3gubW9lL3V5amZjNy5wZGY=Now can anyone reupload "Tips - Seiji Yoshida (Machine Translation)"? The link was deleted
>>7286725>Now can anyone reupload "Tips - Seiji Yoshida (Machine Translation)"? The link was deletedAh, it was on ehentai all along
>>7286726>Tips To Make You Want To Draw >Don't make me want to drawIt's over...
>>7286141do you think the sticky in the OP is just for show, retard?
>>7286820I thought the point of the sticky was the encoded message spelling what a massive cock sucking whoreson faggot you are. Now I know there's more to it, thanks!
>>7286820Get over it mate theres like 4 posts in this thread per day, who cares
Requesting:ストーリーが伝わる背景つきキャラクターイラストの描き方Doesn't seem to be on e-h.
What book is this from?!
>>7287184I wish these were translated.
>>7289109There's an untapped market for authentic Japanese how to draw anime books.
>>7289139They don't have a good reputation anymore
>>7289139Theyve been translating a lot lately
>>7289152is there any that covers CSP
>>7289178I'm not sure but probably eventually, theyve been releasing pretty consistently
>>7273362Has the Chainsaw man Artbook been scanned yet? I assumed it would have already been everywhere but I dont seem to find it. Any help, please?
Apparently AI will be permanently taken down according to an alarmist thread on CO, is it advisable to get all the art books you can get your hands on? There are things that I wasn't interested in, however with this it's best to keep it saved in case I need it in the future.
>>7289999>AIAI? You mean Internet Archive?Any site can suddenly be taken down, so it's best you keep what you can so you don't lose it - that's the entire point of Internet Archive after all.
>>7289999You mean IA?Better safe than sorry. There's a lot of things on there I've not found anywhere else.
>>7290010Yes, I hope some Gundam fanatic has all those books stored away, sadly they are not my priority but I hope someone keeps them.
>>7290011I know, but that doesn't change what I said.Though, I thought that IA only had to pay damages? I'm guessing they're unable to pay it?
>>7290024>I thought that IA only had to pay damages?Ah, just reading the case, it appears it's a different lawsuit than the one I was thinking of, and they are trying to shut down IA - or part of it at least.
>>7273808Bumping, really want to check this one out.
>>7284885Not that anon, but thank you!
Anyone have this collection from e-h, from artist 0033? There are no seeders on the torrent:https://e-hentai.org/g/2617123/910070d715/
>>7279335Link isn't working for me, is this happening to anyone else?
>>7279627https://illustrationage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/andrew-loomis-creative-illustration.pdf>>7282157Idk if this what yall want but it’s what I found
>>7290941>>7291080For heaven's sake, anon, it's only 20,000 GP!aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9RekxqNDE=
>>7291113U r a G. Thank u misterr
From the pastebin>RGB (Raku Gaki Book): a collection of color drawings by Alex Ahad From Scratch Skullgirls 3 by Alex AhadAny and all of Alex Ahad's artbooks por favor>Anything by Ashley Wood? (artbooks of his sketches or collection of his work)>>7284983>>7280695Seconding these.
How often is the torrent being updated?
>>7273362What's a good book on sketching backgrounds like forests or even in door pools?
>>7273362Anyone have preston blair's cartoon animation book in pdf or a common file format?
>>7292484this is the highest quality scan and uncensored https://animationresources.org/pics06/refpack021-advancedanimation.pdf
>>7292496tyvm anon this is gold
>>7292129seconding rgb/alex ahad
Is there a painless way to download artbooks from e-h?
>>7293527Download each image individually.I've been wanting to download a couple of books from there and I can't think of anything else. I've already checked IA and I can't find the books I'm looking for.(They're all the .Hack// art books)
>>7293542Already tried that but it seems to be lower quality
>>7293547>Already tried that but it seems to be lower qualityEach image's page should, if the image itself is not already the highest quality available, also have a link at the bottom to the original image, which could be much larger and/or higher quality.Downloading books this way is brutally painful, though.If you don't have enough Gallery Points to download the book at the highest quality, check to see if the gallery has an active torrent, and download it from the swarm. If not, you could try one of the downloading scripts for browser apps like Tampermonkey.... and if all else fails, try asking here. Maybe somebody else already downloaded it, or is willing to expend their GP so we can all share. It *does* happen occasionally (c.f. >>7277889).
>>7293527I use a script to do ithttps://github.com/ccloli/E-Hentai-DownloaderGet violentmonkey first though
>>7293982thanks, didn't notice this before>>7294015Tried that, but can only download about half of an artbook before I hit a viewing limit
Does anybody have the 2022 KJG sketchbook?>>7293527I use JDownloader. Just put in the link of the page and let it do its magic.
>>7294286go to your options and change image size from auto to 2600p, it should be enough even for artbooks and it wont use as much of your traffic as using original image size
>>7294296>I use JDownloader. Just put in the link of the page and let it do its magic.I tried jdownloader but it always changes resolution to 1200p witch is too low, do you have the same problem?
>>7294307not that anon, but doing that gives me two sources, one with low quality images, and one with account missing error
I think it would be a good idea to make some cloud folder where we could upload those books from exhentai after we download them in good quality, so other people wouldnt be wasting their time downloading same stuff and then waiting for new quota, it would benefit us all. I dont know how to set something like that up tho.
>>7294320I'd rather people just used the torrents for EHI seed all the torrents for artbooks that have them
>>7294728thank you for your service
>>7294728Could you uoad them to nyaa?
>>7293542Which books are you looking for?
>>7293527Which books do you want? I can download them without spending points and credits.
>>7294769Hi, I'm looking for the .Hack// art booksany book is fine however these are the ones I'm looking for.>.hack//20th Anniversary Book>.hack//Link Complete Setting Document Collection .hack//Archives_04>[.hack//G.U.] Complete Setting Document Collection .hack//Archives_02 BLACK LIGHT EDITION>.hack// Complete QUANTUM Guide>[.hack//] Complete Setting Document Collection .hack//Archives_03 LIGHT EDITION>『.hack』 Series Anthology .hackSUMMER 2013-2014Sorry for asking for all these books, I'm just putting up the list in case you have any or find any of these
>>7294872>.hack//20th Anniversary BookaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9LUWx2cDk=
>>7295065Thank you so much, Anon!!I will continue my search for the other books!The style of the characters seems invaluable to me, reminding me of the 2000s
Learning Japanese just so I can read these books and draw real manga.
There's no video thread so I'm asking here: has there been any notable courses recently?
>>7295250If you really want to draw manga your time will be better spent drawing manga vs the 1000s of hours necessary to actually learn japanese
>>7295077The 20th anniversary book was dirt cheap at about 2000 GP, and not one I previously had in my collection. Do you see any of those other books you wanted on E-H? If so, I could grab 'em for us.
I am skeptical that anyone would have it, but the Noriyoshi Ohrai Art Collection or his The Beauties in Myths would be greatly appreciated; hell, any of his artbooks would be
>>7294872>>.hack//Link Complete Setting Document Collection .hack//Archives_04>>[.hack//G.U.] Complete Setting Document Collection .hack//Archives_02 BLACK LIGHT EDITION>>.hack// Complete QUANTUM Guide>>[.hack//] Complete Setting Document Collection .hack//Archives_03 LIGHT EDITIONe-hentai has them.
>>7295904maybe >[.hack//G.U.] Complete Setting Document Collection .hack//Archives_02 BLACK LIGHT EDITION But I think it is very expensive so another one that could be interesting would be>.hack//Link Complete Setting Document Collection .hack//Archives_04 .hack//Archivos_04 Even if it is the cheap version I would be grateful, in any case if it is too much trouble I think I will apply what an anon above said about downloading each image in its original format, even so, thank you very much
>>7295935>[.hack G.U.] Complete Setting Document Collection .hack Archives_02 BLACK LIGHT EDITION>hack Link Complete Setting Document Collection .hack Archives_04These were surprisingly cheap - less than 10K GP combined!aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9Zd2gxWkQ=
>>7296133Thanks Anon, you saved my ass. I'll make the most of these books.
requesting>The Lying Eye: Drawing from Photos by Patrick Jonesi found a scribd link if anyone has an account>https://www.scribd.com/document/754170040/The-Lying-Eye-Drawing-From-Photos-by-Patrick-J-Jones
>>7287425not the same book but the contents are pretty much the same>Neon Genesis Evangelion - Ayanami Raising Project with Asuka Artbook
>>7296384neverminddid some uploading on scribd instead to get this one>aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC85TENTZVc=
>>7296422Thanks! I hate westernshit but this is a really good book so I have to grim and bear it
Do none of you here really have the 2022 kjg collection? I could not find it anywhere online.
>Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward - The Art of Ishgard - Stone and SteelaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC96VkFHUW8=
>>7296422nice, do you have this one? https://pt.scribd.com/document/656814150/Figures-From-Life
>>7296531just come over for some tea and biscuits and I'll let you take a gander at it
>>7298307Are you sure you cannot scan the 1000 pages and post them here? Pretty please? Maybe post it in parts? If you have the free time of course. Or just get someone to do it for you.
>>7298307Got Mead Schaeffer? I'll bring some treats too.
Has this been uploaded?https://japanese-creative-books.com/product/illustration/basic-principles-of-background-painting-taught-at-anime-studios/
>>7296531>randomly posting about muh trannies and muh george floyd definitely underage be it physically or mentally
>>7298650Just ignore him, he has brain cancer
>>7298650It is an attention grabbing image.
>>7298650don't be such a sensitive faggot
>>7298299unfortunately no
Hi Anyone have this book with English translation Thank you
>>7298152arigato anon san
>>7273364>One Piece Film: Strong World: Eiichiro Oda ArtbookaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9BQUpOdTA=Dead folder
I'm a total beginner who wants to be able to sketch my ideas so I'm trying to learn to draw. I looked around and got recommended the How to Draw by Scott Robertson. It seems like people say the book is not exactly geared towards beginners, so I saw this Sketching: The Basics by Koos & Roselien.Does anyone have experience with these and should I do the Koos book before Robertson? The content of whats covered like sketching hard-surface models, environments etc is exactly what I'm looking for which makes these books look attractive. I just don't know if I'm in over my head since I have 0 drawing experience
Does anybody have a collection of TenTen's illustration or anatomy books?
>>7299750>I just don't know if I'm in over my head since I have 0 drawing experienceJust draw. You're procrastinating. There's no perfect course. Everyone will chill their favorite. Hard work is where it's at.
>>7298650lurk more, tranny
>Action Pose Encyclopedia 5,000 Attractive Poses That Action Manga Artists Wanted>アクションポーズ大全 アクション漫画家が欲しかった魅せるポーズ5000anyone see this one floating around?
>>7300193>le draw stravinsky upside down>fun with a pencilYou are an idiot for recommending this embarrassing garbage. Snake oil for beginners.
>Live2Dではじめる!簡単かわいいVTuber はじめの1冊シリーズthis one came out recently so i'm not getting my hopes up
>>7300508I assume it would go heavily into the program live2D, so I think it'd be somewhat useless without a solid translation.On another note, is there are free, or non subscription based program for rigging and making 2D models similar to live2D?I believe that the guys who made veadotube mini are making one, but I was wondering if there are any that are currently released and decent?
Is the new Stephen Bauman portrait book out on pdf?
>>7300591don't think it's out yet period. I bought a physical copy and it's supposed to ship at the end of the month.
>>7300602ah, cool. I saw something on instagram, but it was probably the early sale or something like that.
>>7279335Which telegram group? Can you link it here?
Can a bunch of anons also upload art books on to Nyaa? There are little to no art books at all.
>>7301546Nah, I’m good. Thank you for asking.
>>7301700Thank you, anon!
>>7275593Oh it's that weird show for pedophiles
>>7273362Does anyone have a link to that book a Japanese animator did for 2d effects? It has been a couple years since I've seen it or a link for it, so sorry to be vague.
Anyone have a link for this?
>>7301700king of kings, thanks.>>7298644
Will this book ever be posted? It's by a ghibli animator who also worked on the evangelion films. It goes in detail regarding faces and portraiture. It's been asked for before but noone has this specific onehttps://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B0BM8RXN2T?&linkCode=sl1&tag=quickanime-22&linkId=6a7cb188723663b1e7e071b0b747e4ae&language=ja_JP&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
>>7302237By yasuo muroi
>>7299750Start with a basic perspective book, like Perspective Made Easy or Perspective Drawing Handbook (just one of them, they say exactly the same stuff), then How to Draw (it's not hard, plus there are a million youtube videos - some by robertson himself - teaching to do the exercises on that book. I recommend Moderndayjames perspective videos, for example) then do Sketching the basics. How to draw is more general and introductory, and Sketching etc even go into more advanced subjects like rendering and color.
>>7302250after that, if you wanna delve even deeper into perspective, you should check Framed Perspective Vol. 1 (Vol. 2 is not so useful) and if you really wanna be a perspective nerd, Creative Perspective for Artists. But I'd just stick to perspective made easy and how to draw for now.
>>7300162you're a retard. you need to start with something and stick with it, whether it's a course or a book. you are probably projecting your own procrastination with all the endless youtube videos you watch
>>7302097Scratch that, used the archive and found em
>>7302131you have a better chance finding those in pack reference threads. even then Someone needs to buy them and scan it. good luck tho
>セクシーに魅せる!萌えるパンツの描き方Anyone got this
>>7302307How is this in contradiction with what I've suggested... I'm faaaaaaaar beyond binge watching youtube videos anon, but thanks for your consideration. Surely I wouldn't have been able to figure it out on my own.
>>7302237Isn't this book also made by Muroi Yasuo?
>>7301600Fucking arrogant retard.
>>7302498Yes but! The one I linked is so much more in depth with regards to the specific methods used IN STUDIO.For projects like ghibli, evangelion ectThat's why I'm emphasising the book.Posted here >>7302237
>>7298307Lmao you and the Omphalos anon are both like this. Based sacred book preservers.
>>7303097I have it, its not much different to the other bookyou're not missing anything
>>7303097it less than $20, you don't even need to own it he literally goes over parts of it in his videos, just turn on subtitles and auto translatehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xABi5qheD1o
Pls some one T_T:https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/%E5%B0%8F%E5%B6%8B-%E6%85%B6%E7%A5%90/dp/4046830956?text=%E5%B0%8F%E5%B6%8B+%E6%85%B6%E7%A5%90
>>7303646can you please post it. i know its likely an hard ask but i think alot of people on here who ask questions abt drawing authentic anime would be purged from the chat. some of the excepts online look really in depth
>>7301889Tell me you're chronically on x without telling me you're chronically on x.
>>7304323Sadly, people prefer to wallow in ignorance by repeating arguments they read from a talkative user.Ignorance should not be taken as an argument
>>7304323im white, i dont use twitter
>>7304406I'm trans tho
>>7294320You could try uploading them to Nyaa. Nyaa barely has any art books.
>>7305358LegendI have the book but it's nice to have a PDF
Hey anonsAnyone got ahold of Fjsmu's new book yet? 考えて上手くなる 背景の描き方ISBN 4798071897I appreciate his works quite a bit and it's been a month. Figure I might just buy an ebook afterall.
>>7273362Any chance anyone has Thomas Romain's "Lost in Anime" book? I'd love to purchase my own copy but I don't have 100+ USD for it
>>7275160Thirding, fuck I didn't know they had one
Anyone have the Paul Richer Anatomy books (Artistic Anatomy and Female Morphology) at a good quality? All the copies I've found of both are xerox-y and sand off details.
>背景作画 改訂版 ゼロから学ぶプロの技 神技作画シリーズ (KITORA 神技作画シリーズ)Does any one have this book? Apparently it discusses various techniques used to draw background in Anime production.>https://amzn.asia/d/bmqAbXv
>>7273808You're the most retarted autistic I've ever seen: I'm sick of retarded weebs asking for useless Japanese books with the ugliest drawing I've ever seen thinking that only this will help them draw.Guess what??? JUST DRAWNo one is EVER going to give you that book so give up you and all the weebs in this thread
>>7292129>>7275886Bumping these 2 artooks
>>7307684Clarification: I named the Dogkiller because in my head I had the joke that men were dogs.... for insulting. I'm sorry for disrespecting dogs, it was never my intention i mean, I'm a white woman, I don't kill dogs, I fuck them lol. Good night
Does anybody have this book?
>>7308011>For KidsA-anon... I...
>>7308011This is my waifu now, no one look at her
>>7308021Why are her knees like that? :/
>>7308023Seems okay? What's wrong with it?
>>7308025Bad blowjob joke, sorry. I apologize... I'll see myself out.
>>7308030Stop sexualizing my waifu!
>>7308035now you be my waifu. I'm bald and sweaty btw.
I want these and would actually buy them if they're not scanned onlineI just wish it didn't have "FOR KIDS" on itAlso it's left to right...
>>7308429What's this
source on this?
>>7308429This is why asian kids are so talented
>>7308429no shame in buying things meant for kids if it lowers resistance. it is very common when learning other languages to read kid books
>>7308429Read a couple of chapters and it's actually kind of cool although translation feels a bit bad in places.
Does anyone have any downloads/recs for books about drawing shoes, either realistically or stylized? In Japanese is fine.
>>7308615Where did you read it?
>>7308429Can you upload Poses on catbox or something if you buy them. Getting it would be a royal pain in the butt if even possible for me even tho i have the money.>>7308651Anna's Archive has a copy
>>7308662>Anna's Archive has a copyI should have checked...
>>7308662Sucks only faces is on there, that's the one thing I'm pretty confident about
>Mutsumi Inomata 40th Anniversary Artworks SanctuaryaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9pdk9KeUY=
what's 3, 5 and 6?
>>73103753 is ファンタジー配色アイデア事典5 is Rinotuna [Kind Color], already scanned6 最短合格! 色彩検定2級・3級テキスト&問題集 第2版
>EXTEND Tsunashima Shirou Illustration Works>[EXTEND 綱島志朗画集]aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC82M1gwVHU=
New imamura book https://archive.org/details/art_of_momo29There's also a high quality scan of previous book from january. https://archive.org/details/Imamura_Ryo_artbook
>>7310375what's the mos important part of color and light? i've been reading it but some parts are pretty boring and unuseful
>>7312102You're not supposed to read it like a novel, you're supposed to refer to it while you're painting if you're having a hard time figuring something out. This video also gives nice suggestions about different ways to study that book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrLOQPKBfs0
Requesting guidebooks by Tri Le on engraving, namely "Engraving style Pen & Ink Drawing"https://www.trileart.com/products/guidebooks
>>7308429> listed on google books, but no e-book version available> even tho you can see A FUCKING 100 PAGE FRAGMENT> the only e-book edition you can buy on google play or anywhere else as far as i can tell is in fucking spanish or some shitI LOVE the modern state of publishing
anyone buy from japan overseas recently? what's the best place to buy from? I usually use Amazon since they're reliable and had low shipping prices but it's pretty high now
Does anyone recall a Russian coursebook posted a while back? I don't believe it was for classwork, but it was a comprehensive program. It was not Mogilevtsev's series.
>>7312584Not recently but I typically use cdjapan and play-asia
any books specifically about anime eyes?
>>7312579At least the JP version is on Kobo.
>>7312645maybe aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9IdzRmd1U=there are others, but this one should keep you busy for 3 years already.
>>7312895What do I do with this? I thought it was a torrent hash but it doesn't work like that.I also thought it might be a mega folder, but it doesn't either
>>7313278paste into jdownloader
>>7312895NTA but coool, do you have any more like this?
>>7313278>What do I do with this?Did you... read the OP?
>>7313278links a base64 encoded, you need to decode them. the goal is supposedly to reduce automatic detectionIt's been standard here for a while now, look at this thread>>7296133>>7311983>>7305358>>7301700etc.>>7313416Look for 978-5699045082 on annas archive. But don't hoard anon, practice. That previous book is more than enough to keep you busy for so long already
>>7312895Thank you for the rec! Found the book I was thinking of, it was this guy
>>7313683now draw, young padawan, draw.
Does anybody know any books on stylized coloring and painting?
anyone have scans of these or otherwise know where i can find them? i think there are also e-book versions available but i haven't found a download for them either.
>The Weatherly Guide To Drawing CatsaHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvb0lSM2pLUVojN1dtM0hNUF9Yd296Tk5SNUEzYXhHSDcxZkw4TnBmWmhJcC1BeFZ0aTlBbw==Enjoy
>>7314272Oh nice. Thanks for sharing. Some dude on CGP recently took photos of this one. The previous scan was very low quality and incomplete.>Joe Weatherly - The Weatherly Guide to Drawing AnimalsaHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvOHFSV1dEQUIjaDNlbVdTRGNIMWtpZ2ZRTTFSMlJGS0ctVFNjZHlGVFhNc1RxVFBsMlBKSQ
>>7313973secondingjust found https://www.pennstudioschool.com/winter-2025-online-courses-workshops/p/creative-color-palettes-in-gouache-online-workshop-winter-2025-w/-mike-hernandez
>>7273362Anyone has posebook 06?
>>7314600on the topic of pose books does anyone know where i can find couples collections like these?
Does anyone have DVD artwork, set illustrations or art books about PPGZ?
>>7300554there's Inochi2D
>>7313683do you have a link to the file? Would love a copy
>>7304323I literally don't have a twitter account, I just watched first two episodes when it came out.
>>7315251not him but i only found this shitty scan on google.https://vk.com/wall-73472180_167
>>7314272>>7314319Thank you very much for these, especially the Guide to Drawing Cats!You've made someone happy today!
>>7308429Somebody please, this book looks good.
>>7315251On Anna's Archive:aкaдeмичecкoгo pиcyнкa - Hикoлaй ЛиAnother book by the same artist:aкaдeмичecкoгo pиcyнкa - ocнoвы yчeбнoгoThe digital scans aren't the largest file sized ones
>>7314819I was pretty sure I had the first and the third one but then...
>>7315831So apparently the backup also failed. I didn't realize it until now.The folders are all empty.
>>7273363>>Brent Eviston's The Art & Science of Drawing>aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC90aWVocEc=Dead
>>7273362>Is the Junji Ito's Artbook out?
>>7315861My condolences anon...
>>7315868>DeadI've been lazy and using gofile, anon; my MEGA is almost full and I don't want to delete anything. Here's a new link. Grab it while you can.aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC85bFlkNWw=
>>7316586Get a permanent 1TB from Koofr while it's still available.https://www.stacksocial.com/sales/koofr-cloud-storage-plans-lifetime-subscription-1tb
>>7310395thanks>5 is Rinotuna [Kind Color], already scannedis there an English version??
Started Weichun's anatomy and it's kind of turbo based
>>7316586Would you happen to have >>7275080
>>7317285This one is Third Printing, First Edition, from a couple of years ago. Not sure if he's released an updated one.aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9ST0FOcGs=
>>7316324The Japanese book has been bought scanned and shared in 2018https://e-hentai.org/g/1507976/9500383b42/The English release is still nowhere to be found online.This should be a goal for /ic/anons, never stop creating until you are invited to be in an photobook of Cosplayers cosplaying your creations. ahaha
>>7317322downloading from eh is cancer, anyone already got this?
>>7317412>downloading from eh is cancerSounds like somebody doesn't have enough GP.aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9EbXVhU2U=
>>7317689thank you anon
Does anyone have any of the 3dtotal "Sketching from the Imagination" books? Particularly the "Dark Arts" or "Sci-fi" ones? There's only the characters one on AA.
>>7318000Seconding these plus "Creatures & Monster" and "Anime & Manga" from the same book series, they look really interesting.
>>7273362Are the hide channel books in the torrent? Forgive me, I'm retarded.
Uejini (gashi-gashi) will be releasing his first(?) artbook on December 18th.https://x.com/uejini/status/1841055458997522726
If someone can upload more of Shane Glines's art books, I'd die a very happy man. Unfortunately, they're out of print.
shamelessly requesting:かふん画集 かふん症候群(KAFUN SYNDROME – Kafun Illustration Works)
>>7318470wew good on gashi gashi, i remember following him on da a long time ago
>>7318591do you have s curve 1-3?
>>7318850The first S Curves was uploaded here (check the links) but the rest of the series is nowhere to be found. I don't think they were ever scanned to be honest, so if we want them then someone needs to procure a copy and upload them online.
Do you guys have this one? Pliz anyone?
Anyone has this one? Pliz somebody give me some tip how to get this one for free.
>Athlete Joshi no Kakikata - How to Draw Athlete Girls>アスリート女子の描き方 (玄光社MOOK 超描けるシリーズ)aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9OM3Y1WGQ=
>>7322943This the best scan available? Quality is shit and the file sizes are huge.
new thread?
>>7323066Give it a few more pages. The regular baker will always deliver
>>7323066>Fresh bread?>>7324185>>7324185>>7324185
>>7324123Are you psychic, anon?