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Although her sketch is very messy, It's leagues above mine. I remember being the one teach her how to draw a cube it's discouraging seeing someone I taught to draw surpass me. How do I improve quickly?
souless, soul
>How do I improve quickly?
Make love to her
rape her
All of the above responses
And if that doesn't work, eat her heart to gain her courage
Stop referencing anime, probably. I can tell your little sister has significant western influence.
broootal mog
i'll tell you if you post her feet
Try more line thickness and thicker lines.
Like what you did around the eyes
A helpful reply I'll try it
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>eat her heart to gain her courage
Her rich, tasty courage
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I'm sorry OP but I have bad news for you.
I am the talented one I've been drawing long before she was born. I was the one that taught her how to draw. Without me she wouldn't be able to even hold a pencil probe
You know I almost added that part, but I figured it would be for no one. I guess I forget what site I am on sometimes
Everyone here these days is under 18 anyway so I don’t blame you.
this amount of copium should be illegal
Reminder that drawing too accurately eliminates your sovl
>Although her sketch is very messy
That's not a flaw. You should be messier too, your lines make everything look static and boring.
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OP you could take "private lessons" with your sister in her room, go there when your parents are sleeping, give her a kiss.
It's important to bond with your family.
Don't forget to bring condoms.
Her lines are solid and confident, on the other hand, your sketch looks like you just traced over someone else's drawing. Your art isn't bad, but it doesn't look like something anyone would have fun drawing, it's bland and uncreative.

You could try different brushes, line weight, stylization, all of those would help a lot. But also for the love of god put some thought into your lines. Why are her goggles so perfectly drawn when you didn't even try with the mouth and ears? There's no depth whatsoever there.
Solid advice. As for the inconsistent sketch I got lazy and used the shape tool
The problem isn't the art style I don't think it looks genuinely good I just think it looks better than mine in this context. She also draws anime too and I believe we are on similar levels>>7280415
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Your floating head's lineweight is flat, while her half body sketch got a cool pose and a pony!
Even the facial expressions are the SOVL vs SOVLLESS meme, if you paint her sketch in a moody color palette then her art mogs yours.
I'm sorry OP but what you need is to accept that she's got natural talent and you don't.
If she keeps at it then when she's 21, like you rn, she'll probably be a pro artist and not post here.
You should nurture her natural talent and accept that you're a talentless hack that can only hope to be an art teacher but never a pro artist.
>How do I improve quickly?
>I am the talented one I've been drawing long before she was born
>Without me she wouldn't be able to even hold a pencil probe
>I don't think it looks genuinely good

dude you're 21 kek leave your sister alone
Ask her to be your nude model
>I got lazy
Do you even like what you're drawing anon?
We all learn at different rates. Do not let her growth discourage you. Be proud of her progress and know your own goals will be achieved with consistant practice.
>what you need is to accept that she's got natural talent and you don't.
how can one sibling have genetic advantage over the other? kek
>why she better that me?!
>I got lazy
She had fun and put her own soul into it. She is truly FEELING THE FORM
Also, drew better and more dynamic hand
Do you do any work traditionally?
Anon, just guess why OP draw digitally
>no one mentioning he allowed his sister to become a mlpfreak
15 years old... I don't know if you'll be able to fix her anon. Had a friend's little sister cement her fate as a "dragon girl" around that age, fuck you Todd Howard.
Look, it's pretty clear that you're at least a little bitter about this, and I understand. But christ, if you wanna come here for advice you need to actually take the criticism you're given. Don't just whine and make excuses.

Like, gee, I wonder why you think you're not improving fast enough. I hate to be harsh, but this attitude isn't gonna get you anywhere, OP.
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>how can one sibling have genetic advantage over the other? kek
She's his half sister, her biological father have artistic genes and OP's cuck father have techbro genes so it's over for him.
>Jokes aside
Inactive genes can become active, and life experience can change gene expression.
So if OP mom's a cheater, his sister could have artistic genes, and I don't mean that she's born an artist, but that she's an easier time with emotional activities.
True art isn't about perspective, boxes and proportions.
True art is about self-expression, and you don't need advanced art fundamentals to have make moving art that speaks to the soul.
>Need an example
Color theory can either be used to influence people to buy products or it can be used to convey a beautiful message.
In both cases it messes with our emotions, but one influence you for profit purposes and the other touches your soul
Criticism from assholes talking about "sovl"? >>7280370
OP, she's no better than you, her figure has a brown torso and the lines are more inaccurate and bold, you can draw a face like that, don't listen to retards here
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Here's an art with a soul, scum. And just dare to say something in criticism, you just don't understand anything about art
Not what I was referring to, bruv. There are absolutely posts in this thread with constructive criticism the OP has ignored, only to respond to anons shitposting, with pretty evident bitterness.

Like, I don’t think OP’s art is shit or anything— both drawings above have their strengths and weaknesses— but it feels like they made this thread with the intent of getting ass-pats rather than paying attention to actual advice.
came here to say this.
What the fuck are you people talking about the left is way better and the character design isn't ugly tumblr ponyshit with piercings
hold on...
...women don’t draw like that
You're smoking crack, look at the hands. Sister mogs the OP tranime faggot tenfold.
>anime SLOP versus slightly better anime SLOP
wow, battle of the century here
but the one on the right isn’t anime
>I've been drawing long before she was born
My man are you trolling us? Your art looks like your expirience in drawing is 200 to 300 hours.
I'm a primarily traditional artist and this was one of my first attempts doing digital art
More realistic != better
The right is repulsive to look at westoidslop style whereas the left is just generic but well done and appealing
Not to mention the fucked up perspective on the torso/tunic
You did better OP
Post some of your trad work.
your 15 year old sister mogs all the 38 year old ADHD shitlords of this board

>exclusively drawing anime
It’s so fucking over.
"better than 90% of /ic/ virgins" is such a cliché statement at this point, it's practically a meme
>how can one sibling have genetic advantage over the other? kek
In the same way some perfectly normal and intelligent people have siblings with down syndrome
It's perfectly normal for girls to be into MLP you dumb pedophile
No. Consensually make love to her.
>How do I improve quickly?
And there's the reason she surpassed you. You want instant gratification and to be good, while she's enjoying the process.
You fucking retard.
>t. lauded as a child prodigy when I was young
>Parents sent me to tutoring on every subject and had me play piano and I was studying and practicing like a madman with no time for myself
>Have little sister who was basically left to her own, parents had mindset that sons were superior
>I reach 18 and graduate
>Sister reaches 18 also graduates with higher gpa than me despite no one paying attention to her
>She also wants to learn piano
>Reaches my level and starts to overtake me in 3 years
>"Bro this isn't so hard why don't you work harder?"
>Fast forward another decade
>She's earning $200k+ and operates her own business chain with 7 fig turnover
>I'm a miserable bottom tier corpo wagie
>Parents pretend I don't exist
It is what it is, nothing you can do about natural talent except keep grinding your own life.
for anyone that is interested
Talent is real and spoon feeding is detrimental for one's progress.
The other end of the story is that even though I got completely mogged in every way by her I at least achieved a level of competency to feed myself and survive on my own despite the shitty returns my efforts yielded. Still better than giving up entirely and becoming an unemployed burden.
>look at both drawings
>okay, sure, hers is better, but not "leagues better"
>notice her hand game
it's over.
Much better than hers, honestly.
If there wasn't a horse, you would still say it?
How am I a pedophile???? And it's normal for a little girl to be into MLP, not a teen girl, drawing them in alt e-girl fashion and what not.
beglet take.
>hey look a draw a cool t-rex! Isn't that neat?
>b-but i'm like them when i was yunger and...
>i-i'm still 10...
You're both kinda dumb. Did you even try to draw things that make you happy at first place no matters what?
Nothing makes me happy
we can tell
The difference is a straight close up portrait vs a weirdly angled pose with multiple characters, hers' is rougher, but it's more interesting.
Are you challenging yourself enough? Draw some squiggles or curves and use that as a base for character in motion and interacting with something or someone else. You need to go harder. Your sister can stumble on her own roadblocks, but you need to keep pushing yourself if you're feeling inadequate.
>comparing T-rexes to MLP
You're completely insane and delusional.
Shut the fuck up, anime is better than westoid style and realism shit
You shouldn't be here if you are underage.
No, seriously, how fucking dumb can you be to compare different art styles that both have their merits? You like anime, ok, we get it. So does lots of other people.
Stop arguing over something that is subjective, you absolute retard.
>ponies in 2024
Your sister is simply more powerful than you are.
>the 21 year old son draws little anime girls all day
>the 15 year old daughter draws brony trash all day
I cannot imagine how badly your house stinks
the anime one sucks,
i’d FUCK the SHIT out of the one on the right
Anon, i just changed X to Y. Instead of t-rex it could be anything
Cope crab
Because it's drawn with fuck me eyes dumbass.
It's not about the art style itself it's about how if all you draw is anime you are not going to improve
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Your character looks very cute, but you need to learn how to draw hands.
just be proud of your sister dude and then start grinding those fundies. it's not a race. and i'm sure she looks up to you. enjoy the process. i wish i had someone in my life who shared my hobby, be grateful for that. I don't think its talent holding you back, it's your cuckold mindset. . Your sister draws because she finds joy in it, you've developed a complex and instead of trying to get better you're doing mental calculus in your head to try and objectively evaluate whose better at what. "um she's better at form but it's not that good and i do anime its my style" all the while she's drawing with out a care in the world.

ask yourself this. why are you drawing in the first place? what made you want to draw?

and then ask yourself, why do you feel your sister's art is better? what to you like so much about her art that you can apply to her. Hell, you can even ask your sister for drawing tips, if you swallow your ego. It'd be a nice way to bond with her. Again, you have a very special thing that I don't think you realize how lucky you are. Cherish the time you have with her or regret losing her by being a self pitying sad sack.

and lastly, if talent exists, and your sister has it, and you don't. (all three of which you don't know) then it's something out of your control. focus on what you can control. There are objective ways that ANYONE, even mental invalids such as yourself, can learn to draw./ Your line art needs work. the moe style is cute but you need to focus more when drawing lines. study the japanese artists you masturbate to, fucking, do drawabox that shit's free. Literally work on bettering yourself instead of complaining on it to other autists on the internet
Don't listen to these retarded brutes, they are from among the defenders of the ryukishi shit, you needn't worry your sister has a crappy drawing, a bad torso and neck
Anime is better than your realistic westoid shit, you scumbag
Only jerkers on western shit are whining about anime here
His sister's drawing is shit, your western style that she used is shit
Nah OP I believe you. If you did help her from an early age you were the one to give her a leg up over you so props for being a good big bro
You write well at least.
>I passed my love of drawing on to my sister and now I'm butthurt that she developed faster with a teacher than I did trying to learn from /ic/

Have you tried not being a salty little bitch? I'd also say that although left is boring weebtrash it's not really worse than the right except for the hand.
a hierarchy based way of thinking will hold you back and make you bitter in all areas of life
this is a very realistic story that i'm sure actually happened
Get out of your comfort zone and work on your fundies, yours is "better" but I guarantee this is the only thing you draw (headshot of cute anime girl) while your sister is still learning and trying new things.
Everyone here is being faggots or saying it’s talent when literally she had a teacher in OP to help her progress in her journey which OP didn’t have. Learning with a good teacher, especially one that starts you off on the right track and can tell you what your bottlenecks are is literally one of the best ways to improve. Also she’s a kid and OP is an adult so she likely has far more time to spare. OP should be proud of both her and himself for being an effective teacher. Also, art is a craft with an infinite skill ceiling in countless different mediums so if you don’t wanna be in her shadow get into painting or modeling and stuff, but again you shouldn’t feel bad

But yeah no it’s talent you should just give up she got the genes and you didn’t pack it the fuck up.
Cope harder bro 15 year old finger artists on a phone mog a good amount of us.
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This. My work By the way because a lot of Faggots Cant draw for shit and reply like they know how to Draw 3 lines without Whining and going back to shitposting on reddit for the rest of their day.

You wanna Get fucking good? Wathc Tutorials and Apply them DAILY. Draw for 2 HOURS Daily. You will see results FAST. You want Quick Results OP? Whoop your ass and get it done,
>15yo Roastie
>Draws better than me
>I'm fucking 37

It's So over bros
Look at this way, you might be able to draw like her when you're 70
you guys need to stop being so negative, drawing is a fun thing to do and it lets you create shit, and its also a very meditative process

making up hierarchies in your head just to feel superior or inferior to others is a bitter way to live because you're either happy in a cruel way (when you think yourself better than others) or unhappy in a rough as hell way (feeling inferior) just enjoy your life
not op here but i suffer from SOVLLESS art as well, how do you bring SOVL into art
He already draws better than her, the face in her drawing is a disgusting, Westoid fake, you blind retarders ready to call any shit soul slop
He doesnt draw better, that retard can't copy the reference >>7282906 he uses. And I can forgive him for that. But he probably brought us her art without his sister's permission so we could make fun of her. That's despicable.
westoid fake? yes the westoid trying to draw eastoid slop certainly is fake
women have inherent artistic sense. stop resenting your sister for having a skill she can be proud of or give up.
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Hey OP I'm glad that you're back here pretending to be someone else but this is 4chan so you're not fooling anyone.
Can we get a containment thread to be allowed to break GR15 in? Pony should be allowed on /ic/
Your style of lineart only really looks good with color/shading etc. your sister has the more expressive lineart, which is why she’s beating you here.
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99 times out of ten I see that when people use the word talent to explain the x factor of a good artist, they really mean "taste"

My boomer father was a pro fine artist, so not only was I put onto drawing very early, I was surrounded by great art all the time.

it seems to me like a well trained eye for DESIGN is what "talent" actually is.

even the highest level academic realist artists for example are making design choices informed by years of soaking up art.

the mechanical skill is meant to expand your vocabulary so you can express beauty, I think people on this board forget that fundies are the foundation that make up of your actual work.

it matters how you compose those fundies into something beautiful.

even if you are one of these guys that want to make highly realistic work.
so much of good realism (and good art in general, I find) has tons of abstraction and pleasantly designed shapes/ratios/etc...

>She's his half sister, her biological father have artistic genes and OP's cuck father have techbro genes so it's over for him.

interesting, had an IQ test (wisc v) for tism and ADHD, my index score for spatial reasoning was the highest.

you need to be consuming art all the time, movies, games, paintings, whatever.


>not op here but i suffer from SOVLLESS art as well, how do you bring SOVL into art

stop trying to make everything look correct, force yourself to leave things alone and stop correcting as you go. get comfortable making shit.


>it is what it is, nothing you can do about natural talent except keep grinding your own life.

your parents sound like spineless reptiles. heard this story a million times, they don't care about building up a child into a strong adult

they want a human doll to use a sounding board for their ego because they have no identity

maybe she did better because she didn't have freaks breathing down her neck since childhood
here's my work:
She likes what she's drawing, probably got inspo from stuff she likes and fashion she wants to wear and made her own character and design. You just copied someone else's drawing 1/1. if you put love into what you draw, it will have soul. Also she has a better understanding of hands and form as well. Just practice
>it's discouraging seeing someone I taught to draw surpass me.
This is an evil sentiment. You should be happy to have pushed her forward further than you could have gone.
you don't understand form/perspective, while she does. your hand looks like its cut out of paper.

you are basically symbol drawing your faces, which is why they look halfway decent despite your underdeveloped fundies.
>made her own character and design
it's just soraka from league tho doe
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This anon already said what matters, you don't have to be better than everyone, you just have to be good at what you do.
If anything, you should have a healthy art relationship with your sister so you can lift each other to higher levels, stop being a woman and be a brother.

Love this doodle, salsa?
>her figure has a brown torso
Can someone translate this for me?
>No trad work posted
Its official. OP is a hack
More like
>Sister got ignored and channeled her frustration into working hard for parents approval
>No one paid attention to her and instead of giving up she tired even harder because she knows she will eventually gain her parents approval
>Starts to overtake (you) since (you) hated all the stress from being forced to study and the pressure of your parents expectations
>Sister comes out on top because she learned how to study and work hard from her own freewill instead it being forced on her
>How do I improve quickly?
Why do you need to improve quickly?
Seeing bad art makes you bad artist, alpha gen is doomed
if what you said is true, you are not talented at all
or your "drawing long before she was born" had to be a sketch once every 2 months, maybe less
there is no way you would be on this level with even a drop of real talent after such a long time drawing
if you had talent, you would get on your current level in 2 months, not many years
So I can mog my sister and feel good about being her superior
Oh well either way I would have ended up a loser/get mogged. I'll admit at this age there's no way I can match her work ethic, which I'd say is almost a talent in itself.
Your art is better because you’re drawing cute girls and she’s drawing retarded femoid bullshit
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OP here, Since making this thread I mainly started relearning how to draw funnily enough with help from my sister. From being here I actually learned what I need to improve and a practice. I would say I've improved not quite on here level but this sketch took me 10 minutes instead of my usual 15
She still mogs me all things considered but I've learned to take it like a champ and accept defeat
Explain objectively why his sister 's slop has a soul ? What is it about?
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>Its official. OP is a hack
OP been drawing since his sister's been in his mother's womb, even before that, and she's already better than him.
I'm having a blast with OP's mental breakdown ITT and his spinoff thread.
You have no talent you're now called talentlesshackanon
She draws shit. No one says what she's better at
hope she also helps you find better subject matter than animeslop, godspeed
I will suck the talent out of my sister like the vampire lord I am
I will not end up being a hacky loser. I will MAKE better work than my sister and then I slap her face with my notepad
OP you should read picrel. It's made for (you)
Just rape her dummy
>talent is real
>is a supposed child prodigy
>is overtaken by sister who took her studies more seriously and called you out on your lack of dicipline
>talent is real
She draws westoid slops, anime is better than her shit
Her drawing is crap, she could only draw a hand normally, she has an ugly face, a crooked neck and a torso, op is better than her
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Take a look at this sovl drawing, do you really like it?
They both look like reasonably decent quality amateur cartoon drawings. I don't think your sister's drawing is "leagues above" yours. Both are perfectly fine cartoon doodles.
I pray you shall one day see the light of Allah inshallah
Threads over man. No need to suck his dick anymore.
Man. Every time I see this thread again, I want to call the stupid OP racist slurs. He should respect his little sister and draw with her or at least in his own way instead of trying to justify that he's better than her. Instead he's acting like a degenerate, posting about talent and other nonsense.
The OP will never gonna make it. His sister will.
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not just EN, but also one of the worst EN members to boot
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You're incapable of understanding SOVL regardless of how skilled you become because you're a machine pretending to be human.
He never will
He's OP pretending to be someone else supporting OP. He's a talentless schizo.
Lol foolish of me to think OP had any sense of integrity. Thanks friend
(please read this in a NYC accent (I AM A HUGE K FLOCK FAN))
Ya'll artists be buggin fr fr no cap
you two smoochies draw on the same level DEADASS
even if you think she be drawin better, she looks up to you is what im thinking
ion een know why you movin wocky fr, like just work a bit smarter and stop being a dummy, ya DICKHEAD
ALSO :WORDAMUFFA, whatever you do dont be hatin on ya lil sis, keep her as ya heart even if she surpasses you, you still taught her, so be proud ya heard?
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roara mogs you crab
>you will never be as good as this italian anime cat
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applepostingart on x dot com
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Anon, I am happy for you and your sister, It must be cool to have someone to draw together, this should be a lot of fun, be happy for your sister, try to improve your line weight and try to have fun drawing, enjoy it!
See? Just enjoy it anon.
Am i the only one who thinks right is genuinely ugly? Random fashion knick knacks slapped on top of the characters haphazardly, the pony sitting at a really weird and seemingly impossible angle on top of the girl's torso, the arm going nowhere... also just looks like a very generic fotm instagram westoid slop artstyle (soulless) that little girls gravitate towards. It's definitely not leagues above op's art, i'd say they're about in the same ballpark in terms of fundies. Even though op's is just dull anime portrait it succeeds in what it's trying to do. His sister's is completely directionless and haphazard.
Humbling yourself like this and adjusting your attitude is hard work, props. This does look better and looks like you had more fun drawing it. Glad you were able to learn from and bond with your sister. Hope you both keep at it.
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Are you both sisters?

Then eat her heart and gain her confidence.
I like yours more
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You're doing one of the mistakes that Loomis said in the 40s that beginners often do.
This is the part of the story where the mentor (you) dies and leaves the protagonist (her) to begin her rising artist arc.
Then, when she has her downfall arc, she’ll return to you for wisdom, where you’ll shave your gray beard, stop farming your beets, and show her the way towards the redemption arc by draw again.
>old mentor draws some shitty vtuber anime head in white void
>laugh track
>roll credits
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The short answer is draw more and mix it with studies, you could start with hands because yours look like shit.
Also incorporate perspective, your drawing looks flat.
The long answer is your fundamentals are shit and therefore you don't even know what you should improve because you can criticise your own work (or your sister's ) in a productive way.
Fundamentals are a lot more than boxes and line exercises, and they are tedious, but without them you peak very early.
>can't criticise...
You were talented, but you didn't study. Nobody has ever made it on talent alone. What always happened is that they or a parent found out they had talent and shipped them off to art school or something. Talent is the baseline.

It's like being good at math when you're a kid, so you don't study high school or college math, then are surprised the other kids got ahead of you.

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