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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman
Hikaru Hayashi

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Framed Perspective
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

I'm so lonely
me 2
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I wish I was more careful when drawing
if you're a dude: look into outcome (in)dependence; if you're a chick: go anywhere in the real world or online and find a (boy)friend
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Fuck you too
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too straight. with the shadow meaning the lighting not being directly above means she couldnt be facing perfectly forward
where are the glasses and hand pose
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How 2 paint more good?
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Hands! Practiced them a bit and does anyone have any tips on how to get fingers right, i draw them like weird sausaes
should i just grind eyes for a week if i'm unable to draw the second one without it looking terrible
seems mostly fine except for the one center right and bottom right
don't have any pics right now but look up hampton's figure drawing book, it has a section on hands and fingers and i found his method to be pretty easy to understand
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Also some mins gestures/mannequin things

Yeah, while I can see they're sort of tapered cylinders, getting the fingernail part right is hard, and they also seem to have gesture/rhythm of their own. I'll keep practicing them.
What method do you use for gestures/figures?
Will check out, thanks
>draw an entire plane for one hand
Based. I see you draw the intersection of forearm and arm, fingers should be similar
god damn i love these anon, seconding that other anon about the method
do what you like for as long as you like, but logically speaking isolating anatomical features is a good way to "shortcut" improvement. let's say you have an hour to draw today: instead of directing all that attention more or less evenly on the head, you can focus on the eyes and are improve the likelihood of getting a good result/better result than normal; and depending on the scale or speed, you can do multiple eye drawings/more than you probably would if you were drawing the entire head.
hide channel's easy croquis
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If you’re bad at making the second one look good, try starting from the ground up and seeing if it’s easier to make them look similar
Working on folds.
I appreciate the attempt to correct the OP images guys but once again the left pic isn't "int" its literally an industry pro.
Pay it no mind anon
Thats like going on /fit/ and complaining that all the OP pics are steroid abusers
Like no shit
Dont let it bother you
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Old Koko Hekmatyar fanart I did a while ago. I feel like her ass is too far behind and shoulders looks weird too.
not sure how to explain it well but her gooch is too forward. looks like she's supposed to be wearing spats with how low it is on the right thigh but is also wearing panties.
arms and shoulders are unnaturally stiff and could use a more dynamic pose.
That dark part on her right thigh is supposed to be just a shadow. But I guess her panties should be showing in there too. Anyways, it's an old drawing. Not sure if it's worth correcting anything. But still, it's always good to know where I messed up
Are those posable dolls a good thing to have or just a crutch I shouldn't rely on?
Is Dynamic Sketching actually good/worth the time or would I be better off just doing figure drawings and anime stuff if that's what I want to do?
Theres nothing wrong with them but online poses like quickposes or line-of-action work fine too so it might not really be necessary
Anything that gets you drawing in a structured way is good honestly anon, I would just get to drawing and worry about optimal learning structuring as time goes on
if you wanna draw people, draw people
dynamic sketching your improve your ability to draw generically, drawing anime and figures will be pretty rough if you lack the above
so just do dynamic sketching over and over until every assignment is effortless, this will save you a lot of time when learning anime & figures
is there a playlist for the relevant videos? I don't speak moonrunes and it's kinda hard to navigate their channel
>Really like how an artist draws bodies
>He just does wacky extreme poses so they don't work as a reference material
link em
also, do they not post sketches/warmup material with basic poses?
@Eridhaaa333 on tw ;)
op pics used to be good though, posting oc pics from the previous thread, idk wtf these faggot ops are doing lately
Nails are too hot to not draw them

It's like drawing a trap and not adding a bulge

And heads too cause why not:

Accidentally deleted a w in the second link
Can you give me the specific time marks for the stuff I need? I don't want to scroll through the whole videos
Not only do you ask for a playlist, unable to use context clues or Google Translate to find the playlists you want, but then once provided the videos you ask for time marks, unable to... watch videos. Jesus Christ.
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how shitty is this?
Sir, you are not going to be Michaelangelo after a week of practice.
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I love big booty bitches
You’re evidently a beginner, so you should hear this much:
There is no ‘shitty’. Don’t hold your initial achievements in regards to what you ‘could’ do, but what you have done. If you haven’t done better than this, then keep observing the world around you and recognizing discrepancies between it and your art so that you can improve. When you do make better works, then you’ll finally be qualified to call something shotty. Not because you ‘could’ do better, but because you know you can do better, and you have the work to show it.

Everyone started from somewhere. Keep that in mind, unless you’re some 1000 hours in and still drawing like this.
The pics in OP are hardly ever representative. Touch grass instead of getting your panties in a twist about something that stupid.
Well, keep trying. Construction won't help you much if you don't draw the fundamental shapes correctly and in perspective. Like look at your box for the hips, the receding lines are diverging, when they should be converging (farther away, should look smaller). Overall, just take your time and give more consideration to why you're drawing each line/shape. Draw about ten more of these and report back. Good luck.
gonna jerk off to this and then study it, thanks anon
Yeah bro he’s already spoonfeeding the fuck out of you and you’re still asking for more lol
Do your own research man
I wouldnt have even given you the playlist, you could just use the auto-translate feature in almost any browser to fix that
Anyone got experience with drawpile or aggie or whatever? Whats your favourtie?
let myself draw with my right hand again for the face and some of the lines, gonna rest it now
today i drew a full page of circles
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tatsumaki was on my mind
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sorry replying to you was accidental and unrelated to your current discussion! forgot to delete the message when opening the reply thing
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The face feels off.

I like it.
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Hello beg, it seems i am stuck.

you are supposed to post what you drew, not to say what it was
draw rest of the owl, always try to draw the rest of the figure. do not stop at these primitive shapes, the goal is to draw figgies, not to draw cubes
i consider getting one myself. i already have the classical cheap wooden ones, but their joints are so shitty they ended up as furniture decoration. this is what caught my eye as probably most practical stickybones.com
its all cool until the neck and anime head. try to... make the head less anime so it fits the rest of the body? and the neck is a little too long
if you can draw 1 eye in a vacuum which looks good, then you should have all you need to draw 2 eyes. Sure there is the inability of human hand to draw symmetrical shape, but most of the time the other eye is foreshortened somehow so that is almost never an issue. post your eyes
use reference. start with yandexing water
whatever you do, never be like the incels on r9k: first decide what you want and then craft a plan with small steps and ACT on it. so in your case go to places where they sell alcohol and read how to make friends book
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todayis 2 months since I started drawing. just finished this piece and im pretty happy with it
>2 months in
>>Drawing weird nude images of children
>>>Relying on gimmicks and software tricks already instead of focusing on making a good drawing

Truly and unbelievably never going to make it.
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do you like this one anon
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Wow, that figure page is GREAT. Well done Pawell. Crabs will shit their pants after seeing this
Minos Prime after taking the gym pill. Ripe for memes.
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Just hit 80 hours of practice since starting, feeling happy with the increased confidence. Slowly getting better at construction. Having a lot of fun
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hour painting
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I wish I never heard of Dynamic Sketching...
I feel like a lunatic now, all I can think about is "Line Confidence"
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I'm not necessarily against ai, but it did suck out a lot of my motivation to draw.
How do I cope?
what's your purpose for drawing anyways?
Two reasons. When I was younger, I had a serious case of special snowflake syndrome and thought being an artist would give me a personality/charisma booster. I suppose that still holds some truth. The second reason is for coom.
Both reasons are of course superficial, and those qualities have depreciated over the years.
I only wish there was some renewed vigor or authentic aspect that rekindled the spark.
genuinely really nice pawell. You've made a breakthrough, it seems
It pays off
that wasn't me i was asleep lol but thanks for the playlists
I redid a recent drawing. I don’t know, it seems to be better than it was, but still not enough.
God, how bad the original drawing was. I'm ashamed, but when I first drew it, it seemed acceptable to me
Tree trunk neck.
you've really nailed copying from reference here
Show ref. I recognize you from other thread where you did the value study of the other woman. Your 2nd image has some good hard and soft edges, more defined bounce lighting, pushed the values overall, the features like the negative canthal tilt and lips all have more illusion of volume. It's solid progress for sure. Keep it up!
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Thank you very much, but I'm still not happy. I’ve already accepted that it doesn’t look like a reference, but the most important thing is that it’s unattractive, dirty, and insecure. But I'm afraid this is the best I can do.
what size canvas should you paint on?
That's too open a question, it largely depends on your goals.
When I just doodle or look for ideas I default to 4k
If say the most glaring error are your values on the metallic surface of her necklace and her traps. I thought she was wearing a striped shirt rather than a black drop shoulder dress and a metallic band. You also have some more subtle errors in value on face, i think you might have pushed some values too far, but overall, I think it's pretty successful, you definitely improved the construction of her features. Also to note, masterful confidence is something you build with repetition and familiarity with the forms and values you're working with, it's normal to be discontent at where you are on your journey, but don't lose sight of the horizon because of impatience. Definitely a visible progression between the two studies. Keep it up anon.
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draw this
>draw my fetish for free
Holy shit the finger tip is actually really fucking good for fixing shadows
don't tell the /beg/s
What "confidence" do you get from making gorillion senseless straight marks and ovals. Anyone can draw a line confidently. You need confidence for drawing a shape that describes form of an object you are depicting. And it's not a straight line and a perfect oval, unless you are drawing stickman. This confidence only comes after months of experience and drawing lots of various things - figures, still lifes, etc.
You are just wasting time if you are filling sheets with straight lines past first week, after picking up pencil for the first time in your life.
This is just bullshit grifters come up with to attract gullible people to spend money on their scams. Old masters never did that. Loomis never did that. Old disney animators never did that. Old mangakas never did that. Stop wasting time on pointless autism and just draw. "Line confidence" will come naturally. You will not magically attain it while being nodraw prebeg with only sheets of ovals drawn.
What are the retreating lines?
Old masters did actually repeat lines ad nauseum when lines were a popular way to describe form. Repeating lines and circles and all that jazz is just a brute force method of building a muscle mind connection. After a certain point though, once you've built some competence it's important to start actually, well, start drawing. I used to spam lines and circles because it was an easy way to feel like I did something without really doing something even though I was already at a competent enough level to actually start drawing. It's helpful, but only up to a certain point, then it can be a cop out for actual practice.
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3rd day in a row drawing, yipee. Having my sketchbook right next to me at all times helps me to remember, and follow through on actually drawing since it's right there.
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my deer mage ended up looking like a tauren shaman
Why would you get triggered over a common art school warmup? Go ahead and tell us the first year curriculum at the school you went to. I’ll have a hard time believing there was no basic drawing class that started off with sharpening a pencil, lines, circles, and geometric shapes.
shit as always
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man I have to say, didn't expect the pen to be this fucking thick, this thing is absolute wack to hold
oh well, time to start learning
pyw crab
Why not get the Gen 2?
a friend recommended it to me plus the gen 2 is about twice as expensive and I prefer my peripherals wired to wireless in general
When you want to draw but also can't skip shoulder day
you're fat, it fits
>draw a study
>whole thing is incredibly accurate, some parts were basically as accurate as tracing
>except one of the eyes is about 5mm too low and 1mm too far to the side
>so the whole thing looks JUST A LITTLE OFF
Fair enough. I was debating the same thing but went for the Gen 2 anyway because I wanted to splurge on something nice for myself.
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>Anyone can draw a line confidently
The excercise was to draw a line and then go over it 8 times and this is how it looked like when I started
>Anyone can draw a line confidently.
That's not true, it takes a lot of practice.
But the best way to practice it is to unironically just draw. Just drawing a bunch of random lines over and over is pointless.
I wasn't sure if I'm actually gonna enjoy drawing at all, so didn't want to spend that much cash on a tablet but honestly I'm having fun even if I suck ass so far and that's all that matters to me
watch out everyone we got mr art degree in the /beg/ thread
want to my mentally eel art
What I've started doing is when I'm just doodling, which on its own won't help me improve much from memory, I try to approach it conscientiously with my lines and shapes, really taking the time to being careful with applying this to mundane doodles
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neutral pose isn't dynamic but if i cant get that right how am i going to draw dynamically so i try neutral
i love chubby women!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah, imagine someone having taken a beginner art class on the art board. Inconceivable!
were 9 months into 2024. you have made notable improvement since january, right anon?
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How are you guys feeling today, I did my drawing, did you do your drawings?
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I've darkened the scan so you can really see all the erased lines.
Really gotta switch to making more shittier sketches faster, instead of spending hours on just one, biting off more than I can chew.
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just doodled for a bit so far while waiting for my food to arrive
gonna eat and get on practicing till it's bed time
I made a meaningless shit scribble. I'm too tired for coom today.
That's the spirit anon. I'm personally still struggling on the fun aspect but I hope that will get better with time.
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I've been stuck for like an hour and a half now. Idk how to proceed. I tried with the 4th leg but fucked that up several times. The rider's legs also fuck with me completely. Does anyone have any advice for the next line? Maybe from the hoof up next to the shadow and then meet in the middle?

I should've picked the Spiderman image...
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Haven't drawn in ages + dipping my toes into digital again, so I basically traced this but added my own small adjustments to get back to it again
My shoulder hurts
From pre/beg/ to low/beg/, I'm gonna make it.
post your work
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The last time I made a complete work was a month ago, pic related. I've only been impotently practicing and doodling for fun since.
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Want to draw
But too tired
What do
Rest. Draw when you're rested.
random photo practice
Post the ref.
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found some of my old bg3 art and I hope my hand works again soon, and that i get a new muse
very cute
I think this is beautiful
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forgot to attach older art
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I lose track of everything when I render, randomly hopping around and forgetting why I was working somewhere. What should I do.
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Is this better? I've also been struggling with the size of the body, seemingly too small. This is the third upscale....

I'd appreciate a redline.
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late night mood
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~3h. After uploading and flipping it, the discrepancy in shoulders and issues with left titty become more apparent. Gotta use the mirror more when drawing.
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i think i'm getting the hang of colouring
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Been practicing since last thread, working to get cleaner lines since i got rightfully shat on for that, thoughts?

Extremely WIP(not that i ever finish anything, with good reason)
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Anon, I...
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what did anon mean by that, somebody tell me i'm on the edge of my seat
outside of the grotesque subject matter, you're making the following mistakes:

1) You're painting over a bright white background. This is harder to do, because your eyes struggle with the contrast the bright white creates.

2) you're painting immediately without laying in flats. You'll end up making a mess of the overal painting, because you havent established the local value of each individual piece you plan to paint. This also illustrates a bigger picture issue, you're not planning what you're doing or thinking before painting.

Overall, you're setting yourself up for failure imo.
Thanks for the answer anon. I, however, will NOT apologise for being a fatty fucker
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Starting a new canvas. Stopped trying to figure out the splits.
no worries, i am not the anon who initially wrote anon, I. I just thought id give my thoughts on the mistakes. I hope it helps going forward :)
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Should've known, I'm freaking retarded. I'll try again.
Fixing the arms right now,
Critique or advice is appreciated.
Anon.. That mannequin on the right makes me cry.
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can we get much higher?
Great, always find time to draw.
Why coom ?
It makes ME wanna cry. Why did nature have to curse the human body to look so complicated?
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Trying to learn to draw manga

I can't draw anything below the face
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Idk what I'm really doing, I just turn brain off and try to remember things in faces I've seen. Also uneven lines and scribbly
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Hello beg, do you know word plinth?

lol, the bottle looks the best
keep practicing
listen to the anon about first putting in flat shapes before starting rendering
too many lines, it makes her look old and jerky like. not coomable
just paint
i coom
that is all sorts of cool
you are doing the right brain book, right? think less and keep drawing. making mistakes is allowed. Also read this page about restating
cute fat bitch
this has to be bait, you did not pull out the stylus from the tube it was packaged in or something, LOLOLO
fags will coom to this, good job
A4 minimum if you are tradchad. If you are digital cuck, it depends on where you want to post. For example /beg has recc pictures with resolution of 1k. So you want to draw at least in double of that (2k) and then downsample it before exporting
decent thot
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drew a reimu
>do you know word plinth?
I do know. Thanks Pawell. Cool fucking pic btw
footfags in shambles
Areola update.
can i get some help on the foreshortening/perspective of my drawings arm. i feel like it looks like she has a disformity
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if youre going for realism/semi-realism when painting, is it normal for the painting to go through a stage where it just looks cartoonish due to the lack of variation in term of hue/value/saturation/etc?
im not really good it but it depends on how you want to interpret how the gun is pointed since that its really clear either. if shes relaxed at point it down i think the arm is waay too long. not to mention its a weird spot to be gripping it in the first place. i think if you just had the arm bend across in front and gripped the gun underneath in the middle you could keep your proportions and it would make sense.
What happened to the mega of all the old resources/books and stuff? I haven't been on 4chan in a while, did they get nuked or just moved elsewhere?
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Technically, I could barely draw a straight line before this year, so you don't get the full story from this, but I think I have improved some.
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not sure if ill end up doing the shading or background
Just a rough idea but maybe something like this?
The length of the upper arm is main thing throwing it off.
There is a magnet torrent in the book thread, not sure if that contains everything, but it has a lot of stuff in it.
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why do it like this? get the chalk/pencil brush and try to capture his design/ you're losing a lot of information doing it this way
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Trying to stay positive but it's hard
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okay im fr done
The eyes and snout have very odd perspective. Otherwise, nice piece.
I like more your drawing than the reference pic. So you're doing good. Hot drawing. Whatever you wanted to express you did it. Start a new one. Keep at it.
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>reach /int/
>get tired of it and want to make /pro/ art
>do nothing instead
>no improvements so im stuck
well that sucks
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Her eyes are very far apart
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Some hand practice. Trying to do more fast practice between longer studies and personal work.
i feel like such a fraud whenever i use references, especially when those references are other artists or 3D models
Everyone uses references. Literally everyone.
i know, i need help getting out of this mindset. i don't have an issue with using photos, but when i practice by looking at my favourite artists while i draw i feel like im "stealing" or if i use a 3D model it's "cheating"
Don't call it "stealing", call it "inspiration". As long as you don't lift wholesale drawings from someone, and copy stuff like eye design, shapes of body parts like hands, and so forth, that's just legitimate inspiration. And 3D models are just a virtual version of those poseable wooden dolls people use for drawing poses, and those are also fine to use.
what should i do after doing my dynamic sketching pages for the day? i want to eventually get to doing typical splash art style pieces, but i don't know if my first focus should be figure drawing, faces, etc.

please help
that's some good advice, thank you anon
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So I just copy every drawing in the book?
Should I follow the approach on pages 12-15 or really just copy using my eyes (which is what I've been doing)?
Any special advice?
The only advice I've seen for that is
>Copy everything until you know it by heart then do it all by memory if you want to be a pro at the top of their field. Reading not required because he has some weird ideas
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When I don't know what to study i create a piece and identify the areas I struggled with for my next study. Be ambitious, create a splash, it'll probably look like shit, but it'll give you a direct way of knowing which areas you should focus on first.
I always thought blending modes were useless and ignored them but holy shit lighten and darken are actually great. it's like it automatically creates a perfect mask for you to paint over in certain situations
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>You can draw anime tiddies and refine your skills simultaneously!
Ok that caught me offguard
what do we think about mitch leeuwe's books?
>quick start resources
>Anatomy for Sculptors

>Christopher Hart
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late night doodling
work tomorrow reeee >:^(
Chatgpt is loomispilled
wagie wagie get in cagie
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thankyou anon I hope I fixed it
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I just wanna be a magical fish flying in the sky listening to breakcore
Choosing between having a job and being a sea creature?
Fuck it, call me Spongebob.
does anyone have a source for learning how to draw facial features in a line-art type style as opposed to doing it via high and low values/ "charcoal" style? I just want to add facial features to my loomis heads but every book I learn from they only show like pic related. sorry i dont know how to word what i'm asking
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das it mane
You should learn how to create a clipping mask then use multiply and color dodge blending modes. It's pretty much the bread and butter of modern digital art.
pen and ink artists
for simpler reference you want comics
am I gimping myself by not drawing on a fixed angled surface? I'm using a makeshift drawing board that I rest between my lap and the desk to put my drawing pad on instead of a fixed piece of paper affixed to a board in fix position
Check out Charles Dana Gibson stuff
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This one is so shit I'm actually angry
What a hack
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Just started using a graphic tablet
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Thought I recognised it!

I didn't draw this but it looked so much like a photo, I ended up putting it in my reference folder.
Don't know the artist but it kinda looks like they just slapped a filter on a photo
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A small doodle before bed
idk sounds like communism
stomach area looks a bit funny, aside from that I think it looks fine. also is that the gravity falls chick
I've never drawn in my life but I have a samsung phone with a stylus. Should I start with that or pen and paper? Are those cheap $50 tablets on amazon even worth it?
Better yet, $40.
Gaomon m106k.
Cheers anon. Anything I should know about this tablet if I get it? Anything related to drivers, proprietary software etc
Have the gaomon driver open while you're drawing.
Other than that, I have no idea. I just plug it in and draw.
There's no video thread? Did they rename it?
T. Wanted to beg for the Ixy course so i can draw like ixy sensei
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Lips feel impossible. Then again its likely the kind of lips I've been trying to do.
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This is my first time doing a perspective.
Can I get a redline?
I really have no idea what I am doing right now
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further revision
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Sup guys, been busy lately, plus i started doing the dynamic sketching program by peter han, so i havent been as productive as id like
I have finished this beetle now
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Hello beg, i am ended.

i kneel
drawing on tiny display is ergonomic nightmare, use pen and (A4) paper. chances are like 95% you wont like drawing anyway and this way you will save your wallet
if your spine and your carpal tunnel doesnt hurt, then you are good to draw
are you posting progress anon? mogs me
the books look like typical endless art tutorial of sorts: there are quite a few people who make living from reselling these nonstop. dont get me wrong, there "how to draw a brick wall" and "how to draw a sock" are not wrong, but like... isnt it better to learn how to analyze and draw anything instead of these mini tutorials?
my advice is to have a talent, cause i am doing just that (with different book) and there are no gains in sight. good luck anon!
you're doing this on purpose, right?
surely no one could grind human anatomy for two years and produce this, right?
pawell u should stop worrying about anatomy for a bit and work on perspective/foreshortening
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I drew these today. I tried drawing without using eraser at all.
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i will start figure drawing tomorrow
kelvin hiu is that yiu?
>my advice is to have a talent, cause i am doing just that (with different book) and there are no gains in sight.
maybe you should listen to some of the advice anons have given you over the years instead.
very stiff.
LImbs look like that of a manequin instead of figures.
the faces are absolutely horrendous and limb proportions are widlly inconsitent.
The more sketchy ones are jsut chicken scratch
no assfang? that's a paddlin
So I just copy every drawing in the book?
Basically that is the consensus, doing both side-by-side copies and memory copies.
>Should I follow the approach on pages 12-15 or really just copy with my eyes (which is what I've been doing)?
Do different things and see what works for you.

>Any special advice?
1. Study frazetta along side, his figures are heavily influenced by bridgman and there tons of analysis from pros, this one is great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqs7ye6KJ5Y&pp=ygURZnJhemV0dGEgYW5hbHlzaXM%3D

2. try adding some figures from the drapery chapter, they help develop overlaps and flowing lines.
>some of the advice anons have given you
you mean the CRABBING they poured over GODwell
there has been ZERO real advice that applies to him
he is on his path and he WILL SUCCEED and you CRABS will eat his DUST!
tranny ref
This page is really interesting. The first page have some quite weird figure results, but is amazing how in the second page you correct the shapes pretty successfully, saving those two figures in the middle of the page, they look better in the first page.
Don't listen to the crabs, keep doing these. You're cracking the code, and they know, they are getting worried.
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Sargent study.
take off your shirt and look in the mirror. draw from that. take some selfies with some poses, with a single light source. take some selfies to use as refs.

stop doing whatever drugs youre addicted to for a while. is it simply alcoholism? some sort of depressant it seems.
what did you learn?
Big ass chins
i dont understand the concept of assfangs
nothing stops me in my tracks of thinking about picking bridgman up again like seeing this nigga post his work over the years
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was playing around with hard and soft edges/impressionistic style
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Does anyone know how the pinch is meant to work between the hips and torso here?

Anything I need to fix before I finish the rough sketch?

Beautiful as always

>>7284859 (blog?)

I'm good anon, getting there, yourself?

Very nice anon. Sorry about your hand. Maybe try Rogue Trader?

You shame me, friend.
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I had so much fucking fun drawing this, you guys I fucking love drawing I never thought I'd be able to say that. I've been drawing for 10 months now. Any crits appreciated

Lose da loincloth it's really taking away my immersion from this piece
i wanted to show it to my straight friends without losing too much social credit.
You're too good for this board. Leave.
Extremely based, mogs most souless /beg/lets specially this one >>7286554
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tracing the 3d model from manga studio
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thats where her obliques are, that bulge is the fat pad that covers the obliques. i would personally remove it considering how buff she is. also it would probably bulge out more compared to the hip line right now if you keep it
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Christianity being practiced by space-marine-cyborgs millions of years from now
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Will fundies help me draw like this?
Fuck your straggot friends cock or gtfo
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I want to kill myself.
H-how? It has no perspective or boxes...
Why it is recommended for beginners to draw like 3 hours per day?
That is somewhat absurd for complete beginners because your basics are so shit that you can't even hold the pencil in your hand for 10 minutes without your butt cheeks starting to cramp out of excitement.
Do i really need to move the grabbing arm?
I'm doing it myself and i don't think i have to space it out that far. Or am i wrong
This is my first time with a dynamic pose
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>digital is finally starting to click for me
you never hold the pencil with your buttcheeks. beginner's mistake.
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qt3.14 :3c
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>2/10 poor introduction to construction of human figure and head
The 2/10 face
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I can't draw gestures. I think its because I started drawing by reading drawing from the right side of brain, which says to contour draw. Or maybe its because of my low IQ and mental illness. Is this right way to draw gestures?
but if the pen is in my butthole?
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Finished the arm, moving on to polish then the background.
I'm getting exhausted, but I won't stop.
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I want to learn to paint fantasy characters for a game I want to make
Understanding how skirts works.
You are drawing highly illegally. stop it or you might continue.
what do you mean illegal?
you might go to horny jail
nah this ain't horny drawing i guess. Any thoughts on how to improve gesture wise?
but my penis hard
tell us the secret anon
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hello /beg/, please critique my art

there are many things wrong with it, feet bad, anatomy bad, lines bad, facial composition bad, hands bad.

but i am too lost in the sauce of self loathing to tell what is actually the biggest issue here. What should i work on first?
TWO!!! years of grinding human anatomy!
seriously - what went wrong?
big heads trex arms guy doko
How long did this take to draw? The most immediate problem is that it doesn't look like you sketched if first, it looks like you went straight to line work. There is no indication you are looking at anything draw as an object that exists in 3D space, it is simply a cartoon doodle.
You don't have to incorporate shape, anatomy, composition, color theory, light, or anything else to make art, of even good art, but it's clear from what you're drawing and that you brought it up that you do. You want to convey something but you're not. Why?
The answer I'm guessing is you don't have a vision you want to share badly enough. You don't enjoy creating art for its own sake. You are copying cartoon doodles because you think they look cool. There isn't anything wrong with that, but I would challenge you to imagine something greater. Step outside anime and characters. Try to imagine a thing you want to actually express totally independent of those things and strive for that. Not the end product, not simply technical understanding. Focus on making a unique expression of yourself and strive for that and you will be driven to learn what you need.
Yes this sounds like bullshit but it's not. You would find things like the Loomis method and use them if you were motivated already, but you're not. Why? Answer that question for yourself.
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There is no secret
I just feel more comfortable handling the pen and placing down lines on my tablet now (I still have much better control in trad, but it's getting there)
There's no depth to it, it's very flat
anatomy is bad
proportions are bad
perspective is bad
coloring is bad
forms are bad
Just overall very lacking, you're far below the level to make figures in my opinion (drawing humans are very hard, especially trying to draw appealing humans)
I suggest dialing it way back and start practicing basic forms in basic perspective (2p first, then 3p once you're comfortable in 2p)

Why do you think you can draw a very complex form when you can't even draw a simple one?
you murdered that anon.. jesus christ. post your figures
i like drawing figues, so i draw figures.

i'll go do more basic forms. thanks.
Better to hear the harsh truth than sweet lies
That's totally fine, like I said in my previous post, it's just my opinion
Ganbatte anon
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Overshot my practice time, oh well.
It's not bad, but pay more attention to value. Don't paint what isn't there
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now you see them
Thanks for the compliment but i have a lot to learn still
I have no idea how to draw humans, i take too long to finish drawings, need to improve perspective/composition/rendering/etc
I want to start by finishing the dynamic sketching program, and focus on drawing animals/objects
Then in a few months i will be learning humans (maybe vilppu figure drawing and then some anatomy?)
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My Jessicas are getting better
dude just drop it, start a new one from scratch.
you are spending waay too much time polishing a turd and when you finally finish it'll still look like complete shit due to those eraser marks and all the scratches. That paper is already ruined, move on.
You'll see that you'll be able to get to that point again much much faster and with a clean canvas to work with.
And my advice, since its just a simple drawing drop the eraser, if you make a mistake re-do it again. Use the eraser only to clean up at the end not to "fix" your mistakes.
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Something drawn yesterday, looking for some criticism / things that i should keep doing before doing my next drawing
Goddamn that’s some nice shading. I think the arms look really flat as do the horns, so maybe some perspective knowledge would work here and there, but for the most part, you did a great job anon.
please practice fundies
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that mister Loomis do be spitting fax
you can have fun with a pencil
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Pls critique. How does it look?
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Pretty good. But adding pacifiers would REALLY enhance it.
I hope one day you realize you have a problem.
As anon so graciously pointed out they're more akin to babies than octolings or whatever they're called.
The fat ass and puffy vulva is about the only saving grace.
Any good books for that? Getting tired of these boxes
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any good tutorials on digital painting? only need the simple beginner stuff, really
I need it for texture painting my models in blender, just need to know how to put values down and blend them together, and what order to make stuff, ie do I start with base values, then add detail, add highlights etc
right now I just use the hard round brush and use the mixer brush tool in photoshop

help me brah
Med's Map
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you're tracing a model and still can't make confident lines. This is a problem you should work on anon, it's very bad for your wrist too
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Why is line art so fucking hard to pull off in digital?
Is there a trick I'm missing? Right now I just use basic round brush to sketch, then I swap to another brush and try my hardest to add nice lines, but it looks like ass
Maybe I should just stick with the basic round and use the eraser to get good lines?
pyw, how big is your canvas? how close do you work?

Keep in mind that most of the work you see online is downsized, part of the downsizing process is to smooth out the pixels.
this and some people also use line stabilizers like lazy nezumi pro.
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this is the fist time I actually made some effort to draw something. MS Paint is a pain because I can't rotate stuff with it. Downloading FireAlpaca
Depends on what kind of lines you want
But those with super clean lines are using a special aiding tool, think it's called "lazy nezumi" - i dont do digital anymore
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OH MY JENKINS! it is done
Time to pat myself on the back and drink some beer
>i dont do digital anymore
dangerously based.
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>Do Morpho
>Feel good when I draw the figures, understand what I'm looking at
>Feel accomplished by the end of the session
>Net positive dopamine
>Do Bridgman
>Don't feel good drawing the figures, don't know what I'm looking at 90% of the time
>Feel worse when I finish the session
>Net negative dopamine
Why Bridgman-sama... Why do you filter me so hard...
Sorry for the late reply but thanks for the input friend. It actually really helped me wrap my head around it.
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Just got done finishing this, but i kinda dunno how to shade skin in a easy or convenient way.
I just put it on multiply with a warm tone in lower opacity.
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Forgot to finish the sole of the other boot like a moron, but fixed it.
How do your lines look now

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