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The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7284233

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga
The Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga

Habanero Scans: https://www.dailymotion.com/HabaneroScans/videos
Full MANBEN Series link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0GiIM_rGEGPjTGQ4HadH4eizLu5E49Tz&si=gpRcOXt_H1l3shNF
Urasawa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIFOAoFm47XOAlJwTa6Ieg/videos

Source of OP image is Gon chapter 4.
Some western / indie publishers of Manga:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Yen Press ( https://yenpress.com/ )
> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.
> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.
> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to yenpress@yenpress.com, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

Shrine Comics ( https://shrinecomics.com/ )
> Small indie manga publisher
> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes
> Allows crossposting to other sites

Iconic Comics (https://www.iconiccomics.com/)
>A bit like Oni Press and Antarctic Press
>A small publisher with a focus on indie works with manga inspiration
Other open comic publishers:

Dark Horse ( https://www.darkhorse.com )
>Dark Horse still welcomes your submissions, and all submissions will still be reviewed, just as they always have been.
>All unsolicited story/series proposals must have a full creative team on board. Writer-only proposals will not be reviewed.

Image comics ( https://imagecomics.com/ )
>Image Comics only publishes creator-owned material. They do not contract creators; they’re only interested in publishing original content for which you would retain all rights.
>Image Comics publishes creator-owned/creator-generated properties and THEY DON’T PAY PAGE RATES. Image takes a small flat fee off the books published, and it will be the responsibility of the creators to determine the division of the remaining pay between their creative team members.

Drawn and quarterly ( https://drawnandquarterly.com/ )
>Please email a low resolution PDF with at least 20 pages of comics and cover letter to submissions. Do not send dropbox links, scripts, or proposals. Please read our submissions FAQ.

Fantagraphics ( https://www.fantagraphics.com/ )
>submission page: https://www.fantagraphics.com/pages/faq

Top Shelf Productions ( https://www.topshelfcomix.com/ )
>Regarding submissions, we're easy. Just email us a download link of what you'd like us to review. NOTE: We cannot accept cover letters, plot synopses, or scripts unless they are accompanied by a minimum of 10-20 completed pages (i.e., fully inked and lettered comic book pages).

Additional publisher lists:
> https://jasonthibault.com/definitive-list-comic-publisher-submission-guidelines/
> https://writingtipsoasis.com/best-independent-comic-book-publishers/
Current Contests:

Silent Manga Audition 22 "Seized With Rage":

Global Comics Awards 2024:

Magic international manga contest: https://www.shibuya-productions.com/en/magic/magic-international-manga-contest.html,73


/mmg/'s very own anon-led anthology: /ic/onography
(Anthology project is defunct but the discord is alive)

Additional community added Resources:
Mangafonts: https://mangafonts.carrd.co/
Hiro Mashima YT: https://www.youtube.com/@mashimaCh/videos
Ganmo, a job listing board for manga assistant work: https://ganmo.j-comi.co.jp/posts

How (You) can help /mmg/:

> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.
> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.
> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.
> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.
>Do you make covers for every issue you make, every certain amount of chapters, just special chapters?
>What are some manga covers you are personally proud of?
>What is your cover style (showcasing character, issue related, artsy, etc)?
This is my first cover
I'm trying to showcase the characters personality and mainly draw the readers in to see wtf is going on.
>Do you make covers for every issue you make, every certain amount of chapters, just special chapters?
I make them for every issue I make, which is on a chapter by chapter basis. When I finish the current chapter (#4) and compile the first four chapters into a physical tankobon for sale on Amazon and other marketplaces, I will make a new cover for that one as well. The smaller chapter covers will be included somewhere on the inside.
>What are some manga covers you are personally proud of?
Chapters 2 (Naomi facing the Saadahk) and 4 (Paige on the balcony). I really enjoy moody/atmospheric pictures.
>What is your cover style (showcasing character, issue related, artsy, etc)?
Thus far, each chapter has focused on 1-2 characters at a time and I go down the list of girls so everyone has coverage. My personal rule for myself is that the cover should show something that happens in the manga chapter itself but from a different angle not shown in any of the panels. I will likely have a different ruleset for the tankobon release as the primary rule there is being immediately eye-catching.
Pure fucking SOUL! :)
What do you anons do for a dayjob?
I'm an engineer and on one hand I like the money, but there are several things I don't like about the industry.
Sometimes I think about when I was an invisible wagie and I just turned up, did my thing and could go home and draw a page or go to the gym. I left it for a job as an engineer at amazon at double the pay where 90% of the job was just picking cardboard out of conveyor belts, but then got fired after 6 weeks. I keep NEETmaxxing in between jobs because the salary lets me, but this is unsustainable in the long run because I won't be a 24 yr old zoomer for ever.
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Nice covers. The last one reminds me of pic rel.
>compile the first four chapters into a physical tankobon for sale on Amazon and other marketplaces
So you are self published? Where do you get your mangas printed?
I LARP as a Japenase man on 4chan for most of my day but I don't why my occupation would matter
Discarded two-page spread for my next chapter, it was too flat, so I decided to make it more interesting. Having said that, I still kinda like it, so I didn't want it to just erase it.
I'm doing cover for every chapter
I've also decided to make the covers parodies of movies I like, that have nothing to do with the chapter.
Is that helpful for the reader? Does it convey what the plot is?
No, but this was never for the reader
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>So you are self published?
So far I've made physical copies of all my chapters as there is a small reader base of personal friends and extended family that have expressed interest in having an actual book they can hold and read. These in turn have on their own talked about it with other people, which has grown the demand for physical books a small amount as well. So for each chapter I make, I get around 30-50 physical copies made, with any spares sitting in my drawing room. A surprising amount of people have insisted they pay me for the book(s), so I'm only very slightly in the red when it comes to printing costs (not that this is what I care about anyway - I didn't get into drawing expecting to make any actual money). However, none of this is actually published in the sense that it's available on a mainstream market - I will save that for the tankobon which will include all four chapters. Once that is done, I am weighing whether to also get it officially translated into Japanese - the professional translator I have reached out to also offers minor art editing and typesetting so that the translations don't look awkwardly stuck on.

>Where do you get your mangas printed?
I currently use Mixam printing. Their prices were decent (at least for me), they offered a variety of publishing options I liked and their customer support has been nothing but extremely friendly/helpful whenever I run into a print issue.
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>>Do you make covers for every issue you make, every certain amount of chapters, just special chapters?
I have only released 2 but have 3 and 4 already in sketch, so every chapter
>What are some manga covers you are personally proud of?
Chapter 2, it just looks cool
>What is your cover style (showcasing character, issue related, artsy, etc)?
Issue related.
1 is the MC using the world's powers just like in chapter 1. The font is my arial handwriting.
2 is a homage to Quadrophenia from The Who, which ties to the chapter's themes of rebelliousness and the dilemma for it's worth it. Replacing the rider with a character doing deliveries. The font tries to imitate the one in the album cover.
3 is about a character visiting his mom's grave and not being able to remember her face, gonna change it to make it more symmetrical and with stone textures to make it look like a grave. The font is made front me drawing like a kid, like a fist, with my weak hand
4 It's an event of the chapter, a fight, within the golden spiral, the title outside the spiral. The Font is my handwriting with a fountain pen.

>I've also decided to make the covers parodies of movies I like
Tried to do the same for 3 and 4 after 2, but finally decided against it.
3 was gonna be a parody of the scene in Terminator 3 when the T-1000 was carrying John's mom casket, and 4 was going to be a parody of the Mm... Food from MF Doom since the chapter contains multiple references to him.
Might still do them as alternative covers.
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>I work as a payroll technician, 9:00 to 18:00 (fucking hate my job) so I just have soo little time to work on my manga. and probably I will put it agains on stand by to work on the next SMA contest (Still no news from the previous one).
>What do you anons do for a dayjob?
Firmware engineer in a third world country and the pay is absolute shit even for local standards, but was the only position available out of college for my major.
At least I'm working in my field but the only way to get a better pay is to either swallow the shitty salary until I get more experience or abandon my manga in order to study and work, and I just can't.
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Made this to practice drawing something from sketch to finish, as I've been deep in inking hell for weeks now
How do you actually manage this lineart quality anon?
and I'm always curious.
Some artists you can clearly tell their strokes, but others (particularly lolicon hentai ones for some reason), have extremely clean lineart that I haven't been able to replicate no matter the brush and carefulness.
Your drawing is very nice and the lineart is really good but you can still tell it was made by human skill, but for those other artists, it has to an insane amount of stroke stabilization.
Hey, looks nice dude. Good to see you posting an image again.
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>Do you make covers for every issue you make, every certain amount of chapters, just special chapters?
I don't make chapter covers all the time and I think this is fine to do, sometimes it's not appropriate, sometimes I just don't have either the time or energy to figure it out.

>What are some manga covers you are personally proud of?
2 is my personal favorite. I don't know if I can top it since it also was not a struggle to put together. Here are also some chapter covers I like. A couple other favorites are left out to keep the image from being too big.

>What is your cover style (showcasing character, issue related, artsy, etc)?
I like saturated colors because to me I want to evoke a strange feeling. Also maybe that it all feels kind of dangerous, like a blue ringed octopus. My goal is just to pick a different subject every time.

I also want to print, just a couple copies for me to have and maybe one to give to a friend. I have been a little too dumb to figure it out.
I sometimes wonder if we shouldn't do some kind of general googledocs spreadsheet in the initial /mmg/ general thread posts listing the comics and socials (if an anon wants to), cos I cannot recall ever seeing your work before. The spreadsheet ideally would only be for anons that want to put their own info in, so we aren't stepping on anyone's toes. Would anyone here take issue with this?
I'm happier staying on the DL so I rarely post my work to begin with, but i'd be okay with being added to some kind of doc or sheet. I just don't like drawing huge amounts of attention to myself.
>I LARP as a Japenase man on 4chan
thats great. But I actually AM a Japanese man.
I'm a Japanese Salary man. I often have to go to drinking parties and get drunk with the boss. It's sugoi.
at night I'm a ninja.
are you really ugly?
if so, how many of your coworkers wives have you blackmailed and fucked?
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Am I gmi?
Personally, I would give the brick wall background some level of shading both to make it not look so bare and to highlight the characters more. Outside of that however, looking good anon.
Used to be a preschool teacher, now I do contracting for payroll software
I might be able to help anon! lmao
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Thank you sir
I'm adding colour and airbrush to it so I'll do that instead first.
I'll be honest anon, the original black and white for "STEEL CUPID" read better, as in it was easier to discern what letters I was looking at. If you want to stick with color, you may want to give the words a small white outline for readability. Just my two cents.
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no, I'm hansamu. its against the bushido code to blackmail my coworkers. or else I'd have to commit seppuku.
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It’s up>> https://globalcomix.com/c/monday-s-forecast-for-hareyakana-shi/chapters/en/3/1?utm_medium=GCMobileReaderApp&utm_source=share-release&utm_campaign=chopsuey&utm_term=22058
Actual version
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working on linework and stuff, does this style feel communicable? if not, what can i do to make it feel more like a digestible manga/comic?
Thanks, I think starting to work on a bigger project has allowed me to simply get more mileage with actual draftsmanship. I put way too many hours into rendering, light and color during my early years, so trying to undo some of that damage now. Been experimenting a lot to figure out what I think looks good, as well as looking to manga I like. It's been more fun to focus on lineart when I know it also progresses my comic. Personally I enjoy lineart with some roughness to it, and I find it really painful to make that super clean lineart you mention. I don't know if that answered your question at all. The inking brush I use is free, if you want to check it out: https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1787606

Thank you, I may not post often, but I do lurk here from time to time
less detail, simple as
10 years ago I was you but software engineer, now I'm full-time salary
I flat out hate the industry now and I wish I had gone into the arts, but my experiences have heavily influenced my writing so I'm sure I'd be in a worse place if I hadn't been where I've been
still I want to get out of this ratrace, I'd accept an equivalently unpleasant mangaka ratrace if it meant working on my comics instead of shitty proprietary bloatware that'll disappear in a year or two
I think that would be great for the BnW inside cover
But >>7297364 should be in color.
I think everyone here has done a color cover
>unlock to view
Maybe next paycheck anon
Downloadable pdf is also $1 at the site
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Probably, but I was looking at some of niheis covers and this one just blends in with the environment and I liked the aesthetic.
I wanted to do the red/blue embossed colour type to maximise the anglo aesthetic. I'll see what the regular non embossed version looks like in the desaturated red.
I think he just meant the colour of the type. But the whole comic is going to be coloured.
better, but the perspective on the kid feels a bit off
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made 16 new pages of my autobrioghapical comic


critique welcome

main inspiration is stuff from kabi nagata. so comparision to her are welcome
Man, you're art really hasn't improved.
I actually liked the one about the raghead prince, but you posted that over a year or so ago, and it arguably looked better
I'll read this one later.
My biggest issue with this is that this story feels like it lacks a "goal" or any kinds of obvious structure/narrative beats, that makes it feel hard to sit through.

The story is like "I'm dumb i'm dumb AHH i'm dumb, WHY AM I SO DUMB" though you touch on your childhood dreams and your passions with a cute optimism and love, it never seems to go anywhere significant. When it does, it wraps back around to beating yourself up over what you can't do or feeling different from everyone. The comic flying into the toilet was memorable for me and funny though i'm not sure if that was intentional, most of the time your retelling of the bad events over and over feel close to being self flagellating.
Could this be a side effect of people's lives not really making for interesting storytelling? Possibly. In this case it happens to meander on scenes where it just didn't need to, or reiterating things to the point of where it's like "ok I get it, move on."

Maybe autobiography is not where this kind of creativity is meant to be diverted. Something about it doesn't seem productive, even for your own self discovery, as opposed to putting your energy into a different off the cuff creative work. In this sense I find it pretty odd to have a comic lamenting over your unaccomplished dreams, but without having a point like "I'm quit my job and do this NOW!" Or even just speaking about what failing to do that meant for you. And not having any other works behind it I can see makes the whole thing not come off well to me, as joe schmoe reader man.

tl:dr it has the potential to be decent if you just applied structure more carefully.
I think the reason you don't seem to fit in is that you might be a saiyan.
Actually I changed me mind. I'm just going to ink and screentone the actual pages. This colour shit is too time consuming.
He should move to mexico.
Cover 3 done
Also, the hands are intentionally chubby from reference.
looks good to me (if the below body gets more strongly defined)
not sure if that's supposed to be the same person in both, based on the scars. they look like different people to me, top looks more feminine with a longer more oval face.
thanks for the response

i have written everything out already - so it goes: im stupid im stupid im stupid and then life gets a bit better when he get's to a assisted living facility for people with mental problems (aliens) and then there is a long chapter about the first GF with schizophrenia and he realizes that hes not so crazy and not an alien
/ic/ is getting worse and worse. So many demoralizing threads and angry people arguing over nothing.
That's just 4chan as a whole, or perhaps the whole world right now, and 4chan is just the dregs of that. It's somewhat safe in here. I only use /ic/ for this thread.
But I think it's a good thing and not demoralizing. Now is the time to focus on what is truly valuable and ignore the noise while everyone is screaming and crying. You will come out on top.
This is good to know, but this is my first time seeing your work or your posts. I have to tell you that as a reader, I don't know what is to come and can't anticipate it, all I know is what is put in front of me.
Do you like it?
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>fiddling around in krita instead of just, like, finishing pages
Not even 2 pages fully inked and already it feels like I'm about to be filtered and just wanna procrastinate. I was expecting to get humbled, but not quite this fast ":D"
On the flipside, I'm now about 100% certain I'll be using Krita for screentoning effect instead of colouring with different grey markers. Will probably do speech bubbles digitally too. Hoping that the scanner I ordered arrives next week

Yea, your comic is very ebin
Finally, on to page 40. Always feels nice to turn a number.
>I only use /ic/ for this thread
Same here lol. Sometimes I'll see or remember seeing people talk negatively about /ic/ and wonder what their problem is... But then I open the catalog and get flash banged with nodraw crab central. I'm glad this general is chill, I'd held off from it for a long time because I was scared it would be like /asg/.
And yeah, it feels everyone's so angry and divided about every little thing which is upsetting, but I agree that it's made me a lot more aware of what matters in life by going on walks and caring about my self and my art.
reminds me of when I started and I was banging out 3 pages a week and I thought that was phenomenal since everything was fully rendered in greyscale. In reality it was like trying to build a car with my bare hands. I was going about it in the most inefficient ways imaginable and taking more time and energy to accomplish my goals since I was just starting and had no concept of what a good workflow looked like. What I can say about that is if it feels like you're swimming too hard against the current, it's okay to step back and consider paths of less resistance. Unfortunately I "completed my car" but immediately sped it off a cliff and fucked myself up in the head.

The workload required to make a comic (especially one that's good) never really escapes me, even if it's not understood even by other artists. I am amazed I can do it at all, repeatedly, potentially until I am dead. It did take a long time to reach this point, and lots of hardship. It is certainly not for anyone without a strong drive or solid goal in sight.

I just hit a new milestone. Fucking hype.
>new milestone
Which is.....?
I honestly don't understand people who just aimlessly draw pin-ups for socials or even worse, play dressup with "ocs". It just seems so boring and "making it" just means you get to draw the same shit over and over again for dumbass commissioners. In the digital age where everything can be infinitely replicated, drawings feel worthless unless they're contributing towards some bigger project. But I might just be wrong, I was talking to comic people at a convention and they reckon all the money is in prints. He said they made about 400$ selling comics and 6000$ selling prints.
you da best
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introducing a character that I've been wanting to introduce for 7 years as of this year. It's been so long it's just become a running gag that all she does is pathetically wait forever for her debut.

If I had to wait any longer I think the gag would start hurting me physically.

It's fun to make new characters, they don't always have to be for something. Sometimes things can just be cool on their own. I am not that kind of person though, the whole reason I make comics is because letting stories rot in my head drives me fucking insane.
>He said they made about 400$ selling comics and 6000$ selling prints.

That seems to be what I see con goers say too. Maybe not those amounts, but trinkets like prints, keychains/charms, stickers, bookmarks, etc. etc. sell a ton.

I don't know why you seem so mad about people just drawing characters and OCs and stuff...at the very least, a lot of artists seem to use it as a vehicle to reel in people who might be drawn in if you're doing fanart pieces (either just to post, or as actual products to sell) and those people might end up liking your stuff enough to stick around for your actual projects beyond just the stuff you're posting possibly to specifically garner attention.
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Thank you sir, have you considered pirating clip studio paint like me? Unless you are a linux chad of course.
The lighting is very ebin
>I don't know why you seem so mad about people just drawing characters and OCs and stuff
I just think it's boring. So many cool art styles that feel wasted because the artist is stuck drawing porn or whatever and can't fully devote themselves to something ambitious. I guess my beef is more with the consoomers who dictate what's profitable than with the artists themselves.
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Yeah I pretty much agree. That's one reason why making manga is so great.
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One of my inked pages for the manga I'm working on. I'm trying to scan it in so I can make my digital corrections and add screen tones. Does anyone have experience with this, and if so, what setting should I generally aim for?

So far, doing black and white picture mode at my local Staples has gotten me absolutely ass quality, and I don't have access to the good scanner I used to use.
I don't have any experience using anything but an at home scanner. Usually I just scan in 16 bit greyscale at 600 dpi, since I can correct the balance on my computer how I want it. I think scanning in black and white picture mode could end up adjusting the contrast automatically(?) and this could be bad for the preservation of quality (especially for thin or light lines) I only vaguely remember this being the case from experimenting one or two times though- I just find using greyscale to be the easier to manage to my liking. The high dpi is because I want to print, and it's only relevant for printing.

If you plan on continuing working on paper it's wise to just invest in a decent scanner. Page stitching is not a big deal either if you don't cheap out.
Hi, thank you for the response! Yeah, black and white ended up murdering my line quality. I think I was using 16 bit greyscale when I had access to a good scanner, thanks! And I am also planning to print, so 600 DPI is my standard as well.

I'm planning on investing in a good scanner soon. My living situation is a little bit in flux right now, but it should settle down soon. Thanks for the feedback!
>have you considered pirating clip studio paint
Not really, I prefer to use free software or buying it if it's reasonably priced over pirating.
CSP seems to be absolutely stacked with useful features and it's on sale now that I checked... kinda tempting, but would it be worth it when the few things I'm planning to do digitally can be done without it? Probably not.

Those screentone and speech bubble gizmos though...
I'm studying chemE, my routine is one hour of study, 4 hours of classes, and have 10 more hours to do whatever I want, it's a good time
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chapter 2 finished!
thanks for the feedback in the first chapter
Anon, the title text "LIFE DRAWINGS" detracts from the quality of the work.
You put a lot of effort into the image, good on that. However that quick & low-effort mspaint style spray tool just ruins everything.
Just my personal opinion.
I agree.
Too many toxic pricks just being assholes for the sake of it.
When you see them, just insult them. lol it's the only way they understand things.
Any anons here who managed to self published their short manga/manhwa online? Like uploaded it on sites like Webtoon etc. and got it monetized. How did you deal with the copyright of your work and legalities of your intellectual property? Especially with AI nowadays easily grabbing your work to be used in their training. I'm not very well verse when it comes to the legalities of independent online publishing.

The reason why I'm asking is because I'm currently making a short one shot manga to be posted online. I know it'll get buried behind tons of other artists with better story writing and art style. I just don't want anyone stealing the credit to the manga I will be publishing online hence the reason why I'm asking. Thanks in advance to anyone who'll answer, or can linked me to a site where it gets explained fully.
>Just my personal opinion.
Yeah, I get it, I wrote that with my weak hand grabbing it like a fist like a little kid would since latter in the chapter we see something in the perspective of a little kid.

Has happened to me before, I tried to publish my comic on a web editorial as well, they have the equivalent of original and canvas sections, but even to get into the canvas section equivalent, the comic has to pass trough a selection filter.
My comic was rejected for having "Unfinished pages and sketches", despite me specifying that every chapter starting with something resembling a kid drawing on a notebook was intentional as the characters are tweens.
They were not convinced despite only being like 4 pages in 62 of the original first issue, said it was unacceptable and rejected it.
Such is life.
Forgot the page
Similarly, next chapter first page is similar
Under usual circumstances where you just simply upload to a site like Webtoons, Tapas, etc., is that you still maintain all control over your comic/IP. You can upload it to anyone or anywhere else, and the host frankly can't do anything to stop you because not only do they NOT own the comic, but because there is no monetization involved it's going to be a very difficult battle for them to argue to an arbitrator or a court of law that they somehow suffered damages and thus are now entitled to relief.

If you make a comic and then Webtoons or the like approaches you for you to become an official partner with them (i.e., this comic is now a Webtoons Original), then that changes everything. You will sign a contract with the site, and very likely they will have some stake in the ownership of the IP, if not an outright controlling portion which will dictate how and where you can post the comic and in what manner, how it can be promoted, etc. That would all be spelled out in the contract with the webtoons host.

Does this answer your question? TL;DR: If you're just doing a normal upload, then you still maintain control. Normally the only way you would ever lose your comic is if you explicitly cede it to somebody else (in our case, the webcomic host in exchange for being promoted, etc.). There will be exceptions, but this covers most instances generally. Always read your contracts.
So it's an "inception" thing. Meaning, that manga page is drawn by the kid in the manga?
I guess that's what the lined pages are for, right? It's like a page out of his personal notebook?
>I know it'll get buried behind tons of other artists with better story writing and art style. I just don't want anyone stealing the credit to the manga I will be publishing online
Why are you scared of your work being stolen if you're not even proud of it.
>I guess that's what the lined pages are for, right? It's like a page out of his personal notebook?
Not exclusively from his perspective but that's the general idea, yeah, is like a couch gag.
Personally it lets me to just put whatever there and start the comic with no pressure for perfection.
5th day. Cute monster girl sketch (goblin attempt 1).

Is it smart to practice drawing before drawing your manga if you are a low/mid beg until reaching at least advanced beg level?

Or is it just being a faggot coward?
I think it's fine to start even if you think your art isn't up to snuff. I never regret waiting, because the experience writing worse versions of my story was time spent not doing that when my art got better. I had more excuses to scrap things because I didn't like them, but also had the time to work out major narrative issues that would have only resulted in a lower quality work had I not restarted.

Comics can't carry themselves on art alone, it's an amalgamation of different skills most of which you can only sharpen by doing said thing.
never regret waiting
*never regret starting. ffs
Now it makes sense.
I would start now. It's always nice to see an artist get better over time. If you're judiciously drawing each panel then each panel should constitute practice for you as well.
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start making manga right now! you don't have to upload it yet if you're not feeling good about it.
Making a constant manga series will improve your art so fucking much.
>Get to draw the same characters over and over
Improves consistency skill and lineart skills
>Having to see and draw the same characters over and over
Improves character design
>Time limit
Not Shueisha tier of abuse but put yourself a time limit, improves efficiency
>Make covers
Improves illustration and composition.
yeah. and it gives the characters something to do. so they aren't just standing in a void.
You won't improve unless you challenge yourself, and by forcing your characters to do stuff, putting them in a manga, within a composition, within a panel flow, the challenges quite literally appear by themselves.
where do you all post your mangas? I've gotten the most views on Reddit (heh). I got 27 views for this page which is really good for me.
i love your artstyle
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i really love the art style , it feels like a perfect blend of cartoon network and anime , there is also a human wramth to it . really soulfull and comfy
thanks. that's sort of what I'm going for.
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my cover for the third chapter , this really puts you out of the comfort zone.
Where on earth do you post on reddit? So many of the subreddits have so many rules about when and where you can post, and the one that don't have rules are all by and large nearly dead from lack of traffic.
your confusing esl is putting me out of my comfort zone.
You being a cocksucking faggot for insulting someone's second language is putting me out of my comfort zone.
nta, but I couldn't follow what was going on his first chapter. I don't even think that he was anglo born English professor it would have made it more understandable. I like his art though
Practice drawing by grinding your important characters. Draw them dozens of times to get your designs solid.
And yeah just draw your manga before you forget about it. Draw fast, skip to the next panel if you feel blocked. You can redraw it later.
All of this will help you naturally concentrate on the important shit and carve off the useless junk.
Are you Japenase yet or no?
are you finished with this cover?
>Where on earth do you post on reddit?
I've been posting on r/comics. it's the biggest comic one. there's 1.2k people online now.
I said I got 27 views but I meant to say likes.
I got 4.6k views.
So yeah, you will get a lot more views posting to reddit than some odd thread on 4chin.
My comment has ZERO bearing on the quality of what he's creating (other than making it difficult to understand) so this anger is so abrupt and misplaced that I can't help but laugh.

Not gonna survive in this medium if that's all it takes to tip you off.
>So many of the subreddits have so many rules about when and where you can post
its very simple though. all you have to do is put [OC] in the title.
True, whilst your comment had zero bearing on the quality of the work he's creating, I found your passive aggressive remark unnecessarily tactless an just as abrupt and misplaced as my shitpost.
That also has zero bearing on wether or not I'll survive in this medium, I'm not concerned there, it's just a fun hobby for me.
What does it matter? It's an anomalous jalapeno identification board or something?
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It's come to my slow realization that I think I am the only one here who draws 4 finger hands. (It's just the cartoons I grew up with I assume)

I'm contemplating if I should make the change, but I don't know if it will be noticeable for later chapters and stick out like a sore thumb (ha)
Make it part of your style.
My only concern is that something like r/comics is only good as far as I can tell for a simple 4 panel strip as opposed to longer comics like many of the anons are making here. I'm still happy for your viewership regardless though, good on you.
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Holy shit..

I can not believe this. You not only took notice about a low beg that nobody cared about, but you also gave so much life to a couple of low quality sketches. I Fucking Kneel

Gonna save that pic forever. Thanks dude.
Kek, with just a few changes you can create a scene.
Thanks, but the style is heavily inspired by another author, so i guess its not my art style.. or is it?

6th day. i kinda want to add a gun wielding character. Like fuck your magic kind of character.
Working on a 55 page manga, I've been drawing non stop and I've made some progress but I wish I was faster, 2 pages a day is not enough
>2 pages a day is not enough
thats pretty fast without an assistant though anon, how complicated are your pages?
hard to explain. I'm trying to keep the backgrounds simple and focusing more on the character's art but I've given myself a deadline for september 30th and I'm only 20 pages in since starting the month, I hope I can make it
yeah, that's one of the problems with it. It's very one shot gag comic oriented. But they allow other comics as well.
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I like your comic, take some fanart
2 pages a day? I'm hesitant
Can you post a panel to give an idea of what you're tackling?

the line art is done, i'm just going to place shadows and tones later
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Is it possible to have my final lineart and inking withing A4 (US letter size) paper sheets?

Most pros use huge paper sizes so they can pack a lot of detail in ink, but those are expensive af and i can't print them in my house.

A4 is used in comic and manga industry.
You're AOK.
But for the whole comic page?
Of course it's possible.
The end result could look better if you drew on a larger size, but I think A4 is larger than most printed comics/manga already.

Yes, for the whole comic pages. Are you asking for permission or something? Draw your comic dude, on A4 if you have to. Believe me if there's a problem with your art it won't be because an A4 is too small.
A4 is a good start but you should make the pages a little narrower to make room for binding. It's what a talent-finding comic book from the 1980s told me.
The A4 is already a bit taller and narrower than the US Letter, but you have to go a little further. Look at having a live area of 1*1.5 instead of the paper size's 1*1.414.
Resist spreads unless you know exactly what you're doing.
2 pages a day does not sound bad at all to me. Hell, I wish I could finish 1 - 2 pages a day
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not necessarily a panel but this is the way I'm drawing my characters
Jesus christ - you want to draw multiple panels in this format at that detail what that shading......... and do two pages a DAY? And that's not including whatever de minimis backgrounding you still need to do? Holy shit man, you must have some insane workmode zen if true.
That's quite impressive anon. 2 pages a day is nuts. You're working like you've already made it, and with this effort, you very well may.
Don't get burned out!
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ngl I feel pretty tired everyday but working towards a goal feels rewarding, my workmode is just me wanting to stop being a consoomer and start creating more.
thank you anon, your words are very encouraging, hope we can all make it.
keep drawing autistic kraut anon, you're doing more than me
thats great. please please use a smaller dot size for her hair, you can't see any of the details...
you need to accept that 50 pages will take a long time. You need to factor in rest when doing a project, humans can't just work nonstop from beginning to end. That's an invention of capitalism.
That's not true! You can choose instead to suddenly die at 50 from overwork and stress! :D
I think with so much life to live if you want to get finish things it's imperative to have some hustle. I can only max one a day, two when I really wanted to get things done. Pushing it hard is perfectly okay to me, in the short term.

More important than that is working on some way to maintain momentum by balancing the elements of your workflow and even your life. Drive is a competitive asset. The more you do, the more you learn, the better chances you have of making something worth reading.
i really think the hair needs to be a smaller size tone
but overall that's fantastic, looking forward to seeing your manga
thank you for the feedback, yeah the dots are much smaller in the one shot.
I agree, I'm not killing myself over it, but I'm putting a lot of effort into getting it done and I feel like I've been able to progress a lot with my art thanks to it.
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>One month goes by
>Still on page one and it's not even close to finished

Hell yeah bros. I'm totally gonna make it
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practicing inking before starting the next big thing
Rooting for you anon, any progress is progress
Reminds me of Clarke's Masque of The Red Death. Looks good anon
Damn this looks cool
This looks really good, you already know what will your next project be about?
can you share the reference for that bottom left one with the woman
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So what's your excuse?
>autistic kraut

can drawings be "autistic". like chris chan?
Why did you save this. I've lost all motivation
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New imprint under Mad Cave Studios. Like with Viz having their “original’s” imprint, they will publish manga-inspired titles, manhwa, webtoons, etc.

Whats is that?
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thank you, next project is about fishing
what manga are you making lately?
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last comic I made was for SMA 21, I don't think it won anything but I'm wating to post it in full till the results are out
Is picrel yours? Looks fantastic.
yes it is, thank you
The asuka pissing guy has a point. Just spend more time drawing. What's the problem?
>The asuka pissing guy has a point.

There is no problem. I just hate how long is taking. And I can't draw more than I already do. Not enough time for it.
Where can I see more of your stuff? Your style is similar to what I'm striving for. I would like to see more of it
K, have fun uploading your first chapter in 2054 then.
How does a literally who have the gall to even have an "imprint" anyway?
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>Why did you save this
sorry, they didn't have a Rei on the toilet. maybe this image is better.
for the record, August was a terrible month for me and I got very little done on my manga. I just got stuck in the fail zone.
>pencils look great
>ink loses half the soul
Every time
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I'd talk back, but you're probably right. And working overtime this week. Hoped I could draw once I got home. But I don't think I'll be able to
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hehe there isn't much to see, I have a twitter and instragram where I post unrealeted studies @hanameru_, as for comics picrel and the spaceman comic are all I've made so far
I see. I'm just interested in how you do shading. All the scribbling looks so simplistic, but it's clean and it works very well.
nta but I remember this one shot maybe a year ago, wasnt it for a contest or something?
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look up really good artist and really zoom in the pages
pros keep it so simple it baffles me
I was looking at picrel when drawing >>7303603 and I couldn't keep it as simple and clean as shirahama does
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it was for a community thing on /DAD/, a month later I made an extra page to test out using pictures as backgrounds
huge waste of time btw, anyone that says using pics is a shortcut is a retard who never tried to actually do it, it's a nice effect but in no way it saves any time
Manga is big business, even for Western comic book companies. Having publishers following suit after Viz in giving western manga a shot again would be great.
This is one of the reasons I like pen drawing so much. The ability to zoom in on a crazy illustration and see the exact process it was made with is a blessing that you don't really get with most digital art.
I'm curious, has anyone ever 'studied' how a mangaka does their chapters? I feel like most advice you see in regards to making chapters and their layouts is a bit more generic. Vary the angles and zoom, or otherwise just 'keep doing it and you'll get better'. As advice, both are reasonable, but I feel like there's surely a way to better learn how to do things in a more 'proper' way.
Scott McCloud babbled about "masking effects" when combining realistic stuff with the cartoony. Photo backgrounds are deleted emotionally by the brain.
You seem to be talking about something else unrelated to whatever you meant by "chapters", Paneling? The only way to do that is to pick a good role model and study. There isn't a one size fits all solution to what you're looking for because it's complex and approaches vary even just from the standpoint of personal choice, the only wrong way to do it is if it becomes confusing.
I presume I just worded it in an awkward way, I don't think anything I said was unrelated to one another. Every chapter has multiple pages, and every page has it's own way of being set up. While mangaka go out of their way to shake things up, they likely have preferences when it comes to conveying information. Like when do close-up shots occur, when do characters step outside the bounds of a panel? When are panels left open instead of closed? How much information is conveyed per page, and is there a certain way the authors sets up pages to ensure no information is lost? I remembering seeing a template once, where the most important information was on the top outside edges, iirc, while the less important things were lower and inner. And it was to ensure that even if a reader tended to skip things, they'd likely get the most important information.
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another page down
How many pages left?
Still posting non-manga shit in the manga thread
Post more than you, and that burns your up inside. I love it
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Is this manga enough? The title of it is even Fantasy Baka Densetsu.
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Yes! With a smile too!
May I ask for assistance here? Generic as it is, I'm looking for an anime style artwork about a blonde girl with a black fur coat, I don't know if it was a colored manga cover or if it just looked like it but I wanted to find the artist, does anyone have any idea of something of that description? I really liked the art style.. there were a few artworks where she was looking out the window, one where she was hugging a guy and one where she's sleeping. I'm going insane trying to find where this might be from..
is the GOAT back??
nu fred is that you?
I think I understand what you mean but the other anon is right, most of the development you'll gain in this is picking a few stories you like with the kind of page flow you're after and studying their techniques. Most mangaka don't go into more detail than broad and generic advice because for the most part their decisions, while based in concrete knowledge of the medium, are typically "this could look interesting, let's see how it works". Try reverse engineering, playing around, mixing different shots, seeing if you could improve, etc.
I would also say some good practice would be to read through one chapter of any manga, break it down into a script, and then come back a week or month or so later and try to thumbnail/storyboard it from that script you wrote, then comparing it to the OG. Do that for a bunch of manga over enough time and it'll start being second nature.

That being said if you're interested in things like shot composition and panel layouts, I think it'd be best to look into cinematography and look for some videos and books on the matter.
My recommendations:
Studio Binder's shot list series (part one here) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyML8xuKfoc
Framed Ink: https://e-hentai.org/g/2869588/ea1778a4fc/
David Finch composition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atZhM-9E08k
This looks amazing
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Normally, /a/ would likely be a better place to ask around as they do nothing but consume anime and thus have a larger library to draw from. That said, is pic related what you're talking about? This is Maetel from Galaxy Express 999.
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only halfway. 24 total i think. its more of a personal project cause i've never made a comic before. I'll put a link on /ic/ when i get it finished, cause i'm not gonna charge for it.

thanks buddy
This may sound like a dumb question, but how do you figure out the panel layout of any particular page you're starting? Do you work from a storyboard first and then make an educated guess on which shape & size panel would be best for each panel? Or do you just wing it and choose layouts at random?
Varies from person to person. I spend way too much time on the storyboard, and it's not practical.

Just copy some mangas you like, that bite of what they do.
Looking forward to it.
I study some that I like, but the most popular manga out there looks like shit to me so I don't know what to take from them. Like reading one piece, its just close of their face one after another, no backgrounds, people shouting nonsense that I would need to catch up to understand, literal noodle arms art style... I dunno man. Jujutsu kaisen is pretty cool too but a lot of the expressions are super sketchy and the art style in general looks extremely rushed, the composition is much more interesting through. Most of the time though the page 80% words and there's barely any art or composition to study, and then the fights are barely comprehensible. Maybe I'm just an oldhead, reading older manga has taught me a lot more.
>Normally, /a/ would likely be a better place to ask around as they do nothing but consume anime and thus have a larger library to draw from
>request threads on /a/
No, newfriend.
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Any tips to getting a character's face to look the same way everytime you draw him?
Yeah, draw him a thousand times.
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ACK! Just as I feared


you use ink or something else?
4 pages and one panel to go and enter corrections phase
Very cool, very grim, Abe's Escape vibes.
This isn't what I was looking for but that looks pretty good too, I'll look this one up no less! thank you friend. I was honestly debating to myself if I were to ask in /a/ instead but I was concerned if it was a genuine anime to begin with. My memory can only go so far at this point no?
Is hiragana just intrinsically better suited to make sound effects? They are, from my perspective, a lot closer to raw sensorial experience than alphabetic characters, which seem more symbolic and abstract in comparison. Then again, I only learned Japanese as an adult, so this conclusion might be different from a native speaker's pov. Anyway, is there a way around this, other than outright writing your comics in Japanese?
I do think the phonetic nature of kana and the way they're just a bit more integrated into japanese language than english ones are make them a little better suited specifically for SFX, yes. However, it's not that big of a deal. Comic authors have managed to use the roman alphabet to create evocative sound effects in their comics for damn near a century now. Maybe you find english SFX kinda cringe, but believe me they're nowhere near as cringe as trying to force japanese sound effects in an otherwise not-japanese-language work.
I think the biggest difference is just that japanese sound effects are often accepted to represent moods rather than purely sounds. "ゴゴゴ" isn't always a literal sound in the scene, but rather a feeling of dread, and so on. They're often something that can be left to interpretation, whereas romance languages don't really have an equivalent. Also they just look kinda nice.
>you use ink or something else?
just lots of washed out ink, and a sponge to get a nice smooth surface with the inkwash
thanks! I've been ripping off the style of oddworld quite a bit actually
>manga making general
>not making manga
thumbnail sketch for the next page
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I think it's mainly that you aren't familiar with it, same as with people who get Asian language tattoos thinking they mean something deep and spiritual meanwhile they just mean chicken sandwich. The same is true of the opposite, with non-English people wearing clothes that just say shit like "hot dog" because the text looks unique to them. Pic rel is a cool example of an explosion sound I've seen in western comics, it's really just about being creative with it.

What the other anon said about Japanese language sound effects being better for describing moods is generally correct imo, but that's more the kind of thing that can be left up to the format of the scene in English language comics, like with stronger shading to show a serious situation or (if using color) introducing harsh colors like red when shit goes down, and so on.

it also helps to remember that "boom", "pow", "wham", and other stock sounds are just examples and not solid rules, you can and should use whichever sound you want, however you want. If you want, there's no reason you can't also stick to using punctuation like !!!! or ??? in place of actual sounds.
not him but
the biggest issues to me is indicating the exact sound, especially when the sound is coming from off panel and you see what's making it on the next page
that and not sounding stupid lmao
like for my manga I needed an air raid siren. how do you onomatopoeia that? Every time I look at the panel I'm unhappy with what I wrote again
meanwhile for all i know there's a jap symbol that means the exact same thing as "air raid siren noise" and it'd look cool on the screen but, if i wrote "air raid siren noise" in english, i'd look like a lazy bum
>drawing a very serious comic about war
>air raid siren scene
>have to draw everyone looking scared and serious while you write ARWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNWEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOO in big capital letters all over the screen

The above example is an obvious stretch, but it's still to a degree why each chapter of mine barely has SFX written down anywhere, if at all. It just looks too cringe to me. I can't, I just can't.
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>there are scanners at the local library that can be used free of charge
Well shit, would've been nice if I had realized this BEFORE ordering one last week. What a blunder!

Payge 3, 13 more to go for chapter 1. 3rd panel getting redrawn after all pages are done, way too scuffed. I only like the 2nd one, rest could probably do with some adjustments in Krita/GIMP
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Started a thread on /co/ for you's, hope it helps. Others have already started adding their examples so it should have a lot of inspo to draw from assuming it doesn't die after 20 posts.
based, thanks
yeah, you get it.
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If you really hate it then there are other ways to imply sound, you don't have to use sfx if you don't want to. Get creative, this is what I came up with.
hey, that is pretty cool, thanks for the idea! I'm going to look into at the very least combining that air wave effect with the onomatopoeia
I hate to say this when you're already so far along it, but I think that last panel has the huge issue of him looking *back* and saying let's see where the road goes
I think it'd be so much more effective if you just turn him around on the spot so he's walking towards the horizon
That's a nice idea anon. Communicates the concept without making it seem like you're just using OG-Batman tier "kapow!" and "bam!" SFX.
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Latest completed page, around 20 to go for this chapter
That's some pro shit anon. Any finished chapters we can read?
I'll agree with >>7307556, this is rather nice, both the environment and the girls. My only minor personal nitpick is that I am not the biggest fan of the way the stars/milky way are shown in the night sky, something feels ever slightly...... off, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
it's too bright. needs to be faded
they look like they're in outer space
Thanks, I'll share what I've made so far when this chapter's finished.

I wanted the night sky to be really vivd with lots of stars and a visible galaxy, but might've overdone it a bit since both of you comment on it. I'll mull it over some while I continue working
I wonder if it might look better if you just made it stark black with the stars, rather than putting toning in it.

By seeing the eyes of the girl, I deduce this is a one shot about Makima when she was young, right?
Not bad. Where's the words?
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Can someone give me an idea on how to do shading? I'm using a mouse. I tried using the shape tool to shade the inside of that locker on the second panel, but of course it looks terrible.
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loomis, and then draw him 1000 times (or more)
>I'm using a mouse.
For god's sake why?
Get yourself a very old used drawing tablet, like a wacom.
I would avoid the new ones as they are all botnet.
Or at least use a touch screen or a (blegh) appleshit tablet with a stylus.
>tldr a stylus is a must.

Why are you torturing yourself?
Because of my own retarded reasons. I'll buy one in the future. Just not right now.
Then draw trad until you get a tablet. You will produce nothing decent with a fucking mouse.
>I'm using a mouse.
Now your lack of progress makes sense
Yeah, i was going to recommend the same.
Trad will also give you the muscle memory to move onto digital.
But you can just do it all in trad too.

This as well.
One month by mouse is normal, because you're using the wrong tool for the job, and making your job excruciating.
Fucking one month is great for a page using a mouse, that I could have whipped up in around an hour using trad.

You're trying to clean the deck of a ship using a toothbrush.
Always use the right tool for the job.
drawing slowly and carefully is relaxing but if you are worried about your speed, you will need to make changes like reduce the size of the pages you draw, reduce the amoutn of detail, and decide the complexity of shading. Buying a cheap $50-100 tablet is worth it and there is a bit of a learning curve but you could even just use it for coloring and it should save you massive time.
The mouse is not the reason is taking me so long. I just don't have much time to draw and I'm still a beg. Most of the time I've spent in it was just me staring at the screen and thinking "How do I do this?". If I at least the basics and had more experience I'm sure I would have finished already.
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>Now entering section D-6!
there's some cleaning up to do, but it's almost there now
Sounds like you just answered your own question, buy a sketchbook and start studying.
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How I imagine using a mouse would work

But you aren't living up to my expectations
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ruined this by trying to ink the shadows, have to redo it. suggestions for version 2, thinking of combining the top two panels to just show from the deers pov rather than try to split it, and maybe drop the unnecessary panel that shows crouching and just move onto the panel with the jump followed by the attack?
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Something a bit like this, maybe?
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Holy shit anon. Thanks a lot. I wanted to try some hatching before throwing in the screentone and stuff. But it looks like I should have done that early on. Uour pic is pretty much what I intended it to look like.
What is this red version of it?
Then ya gotta use values. When it's night there's not much ambient light, so anything not hit directly by the moon or a lamp or any other light source = deep shadow. Though of course realistically speak in the snow the light would reflect a lot so there'd be a lot more ambient light, especially with two massive moons like that, but that wouldn't be very visually striking nor would it really convey that it's night time or whatever. Plus it would make it harder to see the snow, so deep blacks are helping on two fronts.
The soft brushing is rushed here but ideally you'd want to make it look like air currents blowing the snow around. I also wanted to draw drop shadows behind the snowmobile/wreckage but I couldn't get it to look right quickly so I just left it.

I'm just showing the bits I added. Blue is the original image, red is the additions. This one's very red, but I include this when I draw over somebody's work so they can easily see what bits I added. Doesn't really work when I drew with white, but hopefully you get the idea.
latest page. did I post it on /mmg/ yet? I don't see it ITT.
oh yeah, I already posted this. THIS is the latest page
Understood. Thanks for the help. I've been using Artweaver all this time so I'll look for a better software asap so I can start doing screentones. I see you changed a little bit of the snow patches as well which looks nice. And the scene isn't really supposed to be night, but it really was going to be dark because of the snowstorm, so there would be lots of grey.
this can't be the ruined version
anyway, i think you just remove the panel lines and the second wolf thing to combine the top two panels and it looks great
Can this general be changed to just general comic general?
With the death of /hyw/, theres nowhere else to go, and manga is such a specific style it leaves out all other comic styles
all styles of sequential art are permitted
I don't want the autistic fags from /hyw/ here, those retards are just pure drama and even started doxxing each other in their thread at co
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A recent page. Drawing while sick sucks.
You are butchering the 180º rule here
We've been posting here for years already
This place is better by default because of the no drama rule
i don't see why anything about /mmg/ has to change just because another general on another board imploded. people who complain about things not being "manga" are pretty infrequent and also nodraws who don't contribute anything anyway, so are easily ignorable.

as someone who also came here from /hyw/, /mmg/ is its own place and its up to us to integrate ourselves with /ic/ and not get them to change things for us.
How very un /co/ of you
Thank God
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I was picking up colors for the background, but I think it doesn't fit the character in the middle. Any sugestions?
But it doesn't suck that the drawing is sick.
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Speech bubble brushes? Which one you guys use?
Also, do you use the manga/comic preset in CSP or something else?
really like your stuff anon, your panels and composition is solid
All im asking is to change the name
Why does it have to be manga general when all comics are allowed? Most of this website is western anyway
listen, and i'm assuming you're still asking in good faith, the reason the name shouldn't change is because few else here want it to, but nobody would stop you from making your own /cmg/. /mmg/ is so called because that's what /ic/ chose, not what /co/ or /hyw/ wants it to be.

besides, manga just means comic anyway. if anyone wants to squabble about what is and isn't "manga" then they're easily ignorable by that fact alone.
If you have a comic you want to share, just post it. Noone's going to cry that it's not manga.
I draw them with my regular line work brush, which is just the real g-pen tool.
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>but nobody would stop you from making your own /cmg/.
He literally did it almost one year ago. He was doing exactly the same as he is doing now trying to shit the thread(for drama sake) until he went full retard and decided do create his own new thread with the """"correct name"""" when the former one reached the bump limit and guess what? No one posted there lol. Now he is here again so please don't feed him. Btw this schizo is Fred, he decided to come back to /ic/ again. Just warning you and anons who came here who don't know him.
Filling tool, or maybe use a ruler when you use a crosshatching brush, i did almost all my shading like that
Nothing is stopping you from making a comic thread. There have been comic generals on /ic/ recently as well lately. Just no one has made these threads lately
manga means comic in japanese and this is a japanese image board
>this is a japanese image board
That panel is funny. Like I know what he's going for, but I get shit done and I love it. They're not mutually exclusive, you can in fact do both.
Ironically, cowboy anon says he hates drawing
You're missing the point, perhaps seeing the words only without understanding the context. Itagaki isn't saying it's mutually exclusive. Baki obviously works hard, harder than almost anybody else. Because he enjoys it more than anybody else. Somebody who merely works hard won't be able to keep up.

Yeah I don't enjoy it at all. I'll never be able to genuinely put in 16 hours a day every day, because drawing wears me down. There are people out there who seem to gain energy from drawing, rather than expend it. They can be said to be the people who "enjoy themselves". It's not that it isn't still hard work for them. But they can sink hours into drawing like I can sink hours into video games. I'll never be somebody who can do that with drawing, so I don't let it bother me and just worry about doing the best that I can do. Thankfully, drawing isn't a competition. It's not a zero-sum game with a winner and a loser, especially not in comics.
I didnt draw yesterday so im gonna reset the counter.


quick second sketch of the gun wielding character. Tbhs, sketch 1 looks better.
Comic general right here
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>be me a corporate wagecuck.
>write a story
>30% completed
>shitstorm happens at my work
>abandon my draft
>things start to ease up
>pick up where I left
>this is not good enough
>30% completed
>shitstorm happens at my work
>has to abandon my draft
>things start to ease up
>pick up where I left
>this is not good enough
What should I do to stop this shit?
do not allow yourself to rewrite until you have an entire draft
yeah i assumed so, i wasn't going to reply after that last post anyway but sometimes people repeat that "why japanese when website western" thing about 4chan in earnest. so i wanted to clear it up
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I don't see anything wrong with this except the wage cucking
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I too wished I could quit my job and pursue career as a comic artist.
But alas I have bills to pay and parents to feed.
Pages 36-38 from the rough draft of my comic series "Geo"'s first chapter
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The rough draft of the first pages of "Geo"'s second chapter
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I don't read Baki, so I can only take this at face value. Sounds to me like I nailed it and didn't even know it.

That's unfortunate. Being a full time comic artist can come with strange challenges unknown to other people, but at the heart of it you can only draw so much and hate it every step of the way. Then again, i'd hate the work too if it was something I had no heart in as opposed to something I loved. I don't feel that way about drawing, it's not miserable but it's not thrilling either, it just is. And I do it because I just like doing it.
Anon, a mouse will always slow you down and slowing you down will make you dislike art.

As for your tendency to overthink, i have the same bad habit I broke it with timed fast sketches. I take a low quality book and sketh it from various angles, timing myself at 30 seconds each.
After about 5 minutes, I often have passed the 30 second mark, however I now have at least 4-8 versions to pick from.
It only takes 5 minutes.
Nice, even nicer if you did it all with a mouse.
Get well soon anon.
Nice action.
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Which model for the cover do you prefer? I was thinking to use the left one to padronize every cover.
I dunno. I like the little chibi guys, but on the 2nd one it's more clear it's a wrestling wring because I can see the 2 ropes
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I don't have a manga, but I'm trying to practice the manga style. I'm trying to copy mangakas I like, so this is the first time I've tried screen-toning in a long while.
Really nice, the action movement reads very well
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Sketching a Simple a bit more cartoonish design. Not entirely happy about it. gonna try to make it more wacky tomorrow
presto progresso
wow, thank you so much anon!
This has the potential to be an actual comic.
Excellent stuff, creativity, content, flow of the panels.
Disturbing and engrossing.
You better finish this anon, and make a full story & comic out of it, or i'll haunt you in your sleep.
Great, but maybe try DAD?
As opposed to a fake comic?

Also 300 bump limit, page 10 here we come
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The first chapter's cover art (rough draft)
You're not wrong, I think I've become manga-brained so to speak due to pretty much only reading manga aside from the odd webcomic here and there. Going with western panel order feels a bit counterproductive in hindsight...

I also had different idea for the last panel originally, but decided against it for some reason. Maybe the current one can be somewhat fixed just by flipping it, at least that way the traveler is going to the right direction aka the next page. That or shooping the redrawn character in, we'll see
>I hate to say this when you're already so far along it, but I think that last panel has the huge issue of him looking *back* and saying let's see where the road goes
I like it because it demonstrates how he's been wandering.
This is great stuff anon. Just the pace and setting, his outfit and bindle, it makes me interested in where he's going and where he came from.
Good stuff. Some more backgrounds/establishing shots would be nice. It would make the world more grounded and real. I was impressed with how good your characters look.
New thread >>7312387

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