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If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman
Hikaru Hayashi

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Framed Perspective
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous thread: >>7299047
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oh wow. mine made it into the OP.

Anywho, How do i unfuck my shading? I kinda just gaussian blur an mumtiplier and a overlay layer with dark purple and white respectively + possibly misguided highlights
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hogarth or huston or hampton
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Probably not worth reposting but whatever
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I decided to draw something again after taking after taking a break for several months.
Anyways, I'd apprechiate some criticism. I think the biggest problems are hands, feet and folds
this pisses me the HECK off!!!
Okay but honestly you're the biggest retard low IQ piece shit garbage pre/beg/ bloody benchod bastard I've ever came across on this board
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Anywho small fixes, trying to get her butt look better.
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You know, actually it may be her legs what needs a line readjustment.
both, really
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girl eating ice cream
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More sketches/doodles, I'm improving my times, I'm going to start trying to draw expressions.

Render more primitive or do more still life, it feels flat

Pick your colors by hand instead of letting the smudge do the gradients.

Study and copy work you like.
what do you mean by render more primitive
primitives*: sphere, cylinder, cubes
mmm...so shade each "limb" separately?
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Well, thanks for the feedback.
pls do share any tips for drawing latex/bodysuits.
that would be the next step but I would suggest to render a primitive daily and focus to make it look 3d. Honestly if we can render a simple primitive what luck do we have with a more complex object?

the thumbnail looks awesome I like the reflection too, the subject and the background doesn't look with the same perspective like they are 2 different works.
How do you even do shading in clip studio?
like any other program.
well the background is just an stage from a game.

multiply + overlay layers.
plus gaussian blur up the butt if you dont know what youre doing like me.
>multiply + overlay layers.
>gaussian blur up the butt if you dont know what youre doing like me.
and you wonder why your shit sucks.
well i am here to change that.

you can also put a gradient over the entire flat colors at aroubd 20% and overlay to help with the setting.
nondominant hand drawing
very cute
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Posted last thread but no replies.

Just picked up drawing again after a long hiatus. How bad is it guys? Any tips?
>doing box warmups
>fuck around and throw in some triangles and cylinders
>something hits me
>make a body upside down
what does this mean
Seems okay. Only advice is to work on your line confidence.
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Guys honest question, is Loomis a meme?
What head drawing method is good?
I've hung out here long enough to know that every single method is either a meme or a beg trap.
It's a learning tool. Like training wheels. Like any other head drawing method.
Its a tool to help you learn. If it doesn't work for you, then choose another. Or you can scream at the walls about how you're never going to make it because >>7302180
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Reposting since last bread was dead, but anyone know any program/course dumps from programs at Sheridan, OCAD and the like? I recently graduated and I wanna take art courses since I now have more free time without paying out the ass. Shit like weekly assignments, course project outlines, etc. I feel I can learn best with a structure like that.
I can't learn
I can't make sense of anything
I can't visualize
I can't absorb knowledge
My strokes don't get more accurate
I draw a C when I try to make an L
I can't apply what I read to future attempts
I draw each line dozens of times
I can only cheat and trace and it still looks bad
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trying to learn how layers blend modes work. I thought the stockings worked well and was kinda convincing considering it's just a layer of black that was erased and a line for reflection
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recording my drawings is quite eye-opening
>Doesnt start from 0
don't know how to turn that off in csp
how do I make something look like it's from a low res computer screen when drawing something with indian ink only?
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Tried out /trad/ today. Found out I'm too used to ctrl+z, involuntarily tried to do it irl lol
Buy tracing paper and trace the heads you want to draw and you will internalize their proportions. This is probably how your favorite artist got good.
pretty good anon, i find it interesting that you had the need to adjust the height of the figure but not the width, try it again but not side by side or at least not horizontally, width accuracy is something we all struggle with.
where is her penis?
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First time going off without reference, just from all I have assimilated from these past 2 months.
Dubs decide the next book I read.
Quran, draw muhammad
>First time going off without reference
should've been doing that the whole time bro. You nearly wasted those 2 months
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Hello beg, 1 body two heads. Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again. It is over. Is there a new anti mass reply system? or is there a trigger word? I had to delete bunch of yous, sorry.

considering how ink loves to bleed you wont. pixelated means precise squares and good luck trying to hatch tiny squares with ink. it will take you a lot of time and while looking unique, it most likely wont look pixelated
lack of replies means it is not bad enough to bait people into trying to help you and it is not good enough for praise. tldr just draw
how many kilometers does it take for the non dominant hand to reach mileage of the dominant hand?
find a photo reference of a real human. observe. draw.
loving this creepy series desu. You could do an indie graphic novel for halloween
What's the tool to stretch your drawing?

It's ok, I'm not on a hurry and I'm having fun so far.
kinda vague with looking at a real human for anime stuff
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Working on this.
not the best photo, I know, but bear with me. I realize I could've pushed the darks further, and added more variation in value, but I just wanted to do more or less a three-value study, with the tone of the paper serving as the midtone and a white colored pencil for the highlights. I also see that the left eye should be ever so slightly higher than the left, and that the space between the brow-line to the hairline is too big. took about 2 hours.
atlas shrugged
Awesome stuff Pawell.
Don't worry, it must have been some site name you wrote, like red-dit*, in example. If you type that site's name it will trigger the spam warn. Maybe you used some other spam word or site name.
I love your mass replies.
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i made my oc in blender. i have not used blender before
I am really bad. Still cant make planes of face.
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I don't know how to draw, probably never will.
Didn't think I had to clarify, but I forgot this is /ic/. I meant an art book, you ninnies.
Flow my Tears the Policeman Said
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
the brothers karamazov
then the art spirit by robert henri
this book is too based for /ic/ goblins eyes
Hope you deliver faggot.
dubs confirms dubs. there's no other way, anon (>>7302385)
Very well. Not an art book, but I will read it anyways. Maybe I'll learn something new. Especially considering I'm actually black.
I do want to read >>7302396.
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I want to kill myself
what's wrong? what are you trying to achieve?
Perspective grinding to achieve 3d sense. Just fucking bullshit. Everyone just traces 3d models nowadays because why would they spend a big chunk of time doing this dogshit.
Not even the fucking retarded hack who preaches this crap (Robertson) uses it. He is a NFT grifter who used to just trace over 3d car models
It's a serious problem in art schools these days that people graduate not knowing how to do basic things like volume, values, depth, weight, perspective, composition, etc
I would post the cap about the old school art teacher joining an art university and nobody knowing how to draw because all teachers like him were dead or retired and the students didn't want to learn how to art, they just wanted the status of an artist.
is this book https://naokisaito.booth.pm/items/3936324 good for a true /beg/ger?
You can get his videos on Jewtube
Have you tride putting his name on Youtube you illiterate nigger?
Yeah, I know, but I think the book will likely be better structured.
Same question still stands, even if I use his videos instead of the book.
doesn't exactly fit your description, but are you thinking of this?
Yes it is exactly that but I remember old school cartoon characters on top
glad they removed them, they are hideous and make the text sound like bullshit.
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no, his method is too difficult for beginners
Huh, alright. That kinda seems like a deathmarch sort of mentality, where you either make it in 3 months or never try again. Jap self-flagellation is legendary.
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the results of sniffing glue.
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such and effort, if you only knew of my plan...
in just 7 days
I can make you a man!
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/int/ here I'm tired of having to scroll past all the begtard scribbles, can we split /int/ and /beg/ back to what they were? Having your visual library polluted by begshart doodles as an upcoming artist is gonna have a huge negative effect on your output.
pyw doe
I got to sleep but I can give you a perspective secret that no book teaches tomorrow that might help
I dont believe you but I will wait.
I've been doing some drawing while listening to my new favorite book, and I'm honestly kind of bored, two complete chapters in. The good think about this book is that drawing relieves my boredom, though I am still trying to absorb and understand the author's message, so it's not just me tuning her out.
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Figure drawing practice.1 hr.
lol i have almost all those references saved on pinterest
do it again without all the scribbles
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Critics please, I couldn't resolve many of the shapes I originally intended >>7302055 way beyond my skill level, but I'll get there eventually.

The colors on the curvature of the vase are really a pretty good job.

thanks! awesome values the more I squint the more volumetric it feels

really cool, be aware of your topology its the source of many nightmares.
Hmm skimming through that i think it does offer some pretty good advice though. Having a role model, taking your practice as serious as if though you were selling it or commissioned. This is just the first chapter so maybe it gets more dense later on but all the points he makes about setting a goal and taking study serious are really what sets apart those who make quick progress from those who don't. I mean who's going to progress faster? The person with no concrete goal other than get good and half based studies to just say you studied? Or the person who has a goal like break down how my role model makes their art and treat my studies as if though they're commissioned? Ima keep it a buck, most people just really really suck at studying or creating tangible goals.
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fuck elbows
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Can someone tell me why my face looks "off"?
I haaaaate faces.

Please give me a redline
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Oh, I think I got it
It was the head placement itself that's wrong

(if anyone can redline me to improve it, please do)
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What do you guys think about this design? She's supposed to be a highborn lady and an archer in a RPG-like game setting.
I've been trying to use more realistic proportions but I never like the end result they're boring so I'm going much more cartoony and enjoying it much more.

Your face is longer and and lacks values. lines are great for finding the shapes but you're using them to avoid drawing with values. Look at the lip and lower lid and you'll see what I mean.
Do a grid on the image and on the canvas and then try and copy the shapes and use a mid value all over with the white pen used only for true whites.
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I'm a wretched int so take my points with many grains of salt.
Your characters seem to be floating, so I tried to add some weight as they're both sitting down and angled toward the "camera". Their backs aren't arched, they support their weight at the shoulders so the shoulders kind of eat the neck so it looks like their heads are growing out of their collar bones.
The blue one's face is pasted on, drawing a centerline vertically as well as horizontally that represent the center of the face and the deepest part from the top the ears helps with aligning the eyes and nose.
because you've been working on this shit for a week and your brain refuses to entertain you any longer, start a new piece lil nigga
Agreed, no offense to anyone (we all gotta start somewhere) but there's too much stuff i just can't relate to. And it makes zero fucking sense from a logic point of view. Why put elementary school and middle school kids in the same classroom?
I see the shoulder problem now

It's a commission, sorry
Gotta finish it
never posted on this board before, hope this is the right place for this
what do you think about my artstyle and character design? also, what would you infer/guess about these two characters based on their designs and this drawing?
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Tried to go sketching
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How do my boys look
you always make the figure thicker than the reference, especially the torso. Is this purposeful?
pretty sure it is. always at least 50lbs added.
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Girl kissing wip
I see your point.
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we're SO fucking back

i was grinding portraits in trad with coal, but now i can get back to my nosy girls
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How long do these take you?
I second this, split /beg/ and /int/ again.
They're OK but you could push these poses more by giving them penises
This looks worse than the previous poster lol
Do you people have no long term memory? Every time there's been 2 threads they both just become full of people telling others to go back to the other thread.
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I'm struggling trying to figure out how to fix this, it just looks "wrong" but I can't seem to figure out exactly where the "wrongness" is in order to correct it. Maybe the entire thing is just wrong.

>did you overlay the clothes onto a base model
>was the model constructed
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>have 1 (ONE) day break from drawing
>skills are already starting to rust
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You're shitting up the thread. Just post one drawing for critique retard no one cares
On the contrary I find mine improve after long breaks
Make a render of the elbow, maybe as a value mass to make it easier to understand.

If you don't even give proper criticism or hints here, what makes you think an even smaller thread will be better 4u.
Also nothing stops you from making the thread, but you won't because you don't pyw.


I like the colors and I like the princess mode, not a fan of the eyes and too much detail in the face makes it hard to read. The archer mode looks too complex. I like the contrast of the main shape between the 2 modes △▼. I would just keep it simpler.

I don't like it, looks pretentious, not fun, makes me infer too much about the author and not in a good way. resize your images before posting.
Interesting. But I'm not that gay, anon
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The butt isn't two bulbous orbs, there are angles/poses where it can be, but then you have to pose for it
Either accept that polymorphism of the butt or draw a different scene
is it possible to train observation and hand-eye coordination or is it a natural talent thing where if you cant look at what youre drawing and copy it you can only get better by symbol drawing?
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The butt isn't two bulbous orbs, there are angles/poses where it can be, but then you have to pose for it
Either accept that polymorphism of the butt or draw a different scene
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Stupid question but how long does it typically take to get at professional mangaka level? I see shit like this and it's crazy to me how this was once an empty piece of paper
any reason you reposted my deleted post which was missing slight fixes?
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The butt isn't two bulbous orbs, there are angles/poses where it can be, but then you have to pose for it
Either accept that polymorphism of the butt or draw a different scene
any reason you reposted my deleted post which was missing slight fixes?
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I made poop lady
would copying from matessi's force book help me in understanding and getting gesture right
drawing more will help you with drawing.
i hate you faggots so much it's unbelievable but you're right, ty
Idk i think the drawings from that book look like dogshit
what the other anon said is right, gesture is so nebulous you'll pretty much have to seek out every single source of knowledge on it and incorporate whatever works from each of them into your own workflow
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I made poop lady a lil better
i really like them and i think they show more... flow? motion? than other gesture styles, i tried hampton for a bit but i didn't feel like i "got" it
i understand that gesture is one of the things that you'll always get better at/always have more resources to look at, but i just want a general "decent" level at it before i start really going into bridgman and anatomy
Grind figure drawing instead. Sense for gesture comes with mileage.
I really like this character. Do you post your art on any social media?
Know that feel about finding normal proportions boring, I struggle with it too.
I really hate this character. Keep your terrible art off social media. I have no trouble with proportions.
Why are you such a nigger
Why aren't you so aryan
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more goopy figures
starting to get a better handle on how the chest and arms connect, maybe
Either your torso's are too long or your legs are too short
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did I do ok?
both i guess depending on the figure, haven't put much thought into it other than trying to eyeball it
you did great, hard edges can improve looks a little bit too much smudgy.

and I hate when you ask for help without pyw.
You didn't construct shit or you need to grind the shit out of your construction
Okay so after having one day where I was sleep deprived, and having a good nights sleep last night, I was able to draw relatively well today (not great but I felt more incontrol compared to some previous days) and did this quick gesture (?) study, which I did in 10 minutes (goal wasn't accuracy, just capturing the general pose).

I also recorded it, which you can watch here: https://streamable.com/fbgb1r

I recorded it because I would like people to critique the way I do things, if it helps.
Man, I've been gone a while and this place has really got bad. Nodraws used to post bait replies every once in a while but now it's every other post.
/pol/ is completely unreadable, worse than 2016 or 2020, /v/ and adjacent boards are all full of bait threads that get reposted multiple times a week. Even the fucking porn boards are full of bait replies about blacked and tranny shit. It's like /b/ exploded and all the porn addled children infested every other board.

I agree with >>7303233
SEAniggers have infested every single board. It's terrible. /vg/ is filled with threads taken over by the bbc scourge.
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roast me
Legs look mismatched to the rest of the figure.
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Last thing for tonight.

It doesn't look like much but hopefully tomorrow I'll get her looking nice. I feel like I am developing more confidence with my construction but god I can't get over how bad the sketching is...like at this point this could either look half decent or really really awful I have no idea.

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