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If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman
Hikaru Hayashi

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Framed Perspective
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous thread: >>7296720
What do people mean when they say "fundementals"
Line confidence
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I draw Chicken Scratch Girl
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I also draw blue girl and her friend blue guy
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500 special https://youtu.be/HrOSEvIWZH0
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Everything's fine, right?
Anon this is really good, full bodies (+ expressive) in a dynamic perspective … i can learn from u
except the subject matter
fun, and has that n64 spritework kind of feel
This isn't chicken scratch
I came across PewDiePies 100day drawing vid and my genuine question is: how did he get so good without learning any fundamentals ? Is it just the fact he copies and hyperfocused on drawing heads ? Did he learn them inadvertently ?
He's not
He had normal progress
He just drew portraits which really is not difficult
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doom radys class mod
Thank Anons. I feel doing pixels or low resolution make coloring more fun n easy.
I decide call her that because of the brush
is the sekrit to getting good literally just draw more?
that no amount of theory, books, video tutorials, reference packs, monographs, lectures, inspo, etc—none of that is better for progression than brush to canvas?
that every moment you spend doing literally anything else is time spent not drawing?
that the quickest and easiest way to git gud is to simply look at something and try to replicate it?
>is the sekrit to getting good literally just draw more?
You may be onto something right there
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Memory drawing as warmup
>He just drew portraits which really is not difficult
It's literally one of the most difficult subjects...
it doesn't matter since they will all be inferior to apple pencil anyway
If you go for fundies
Otherwise, it's the easiest to eyeball with
>If you go for fundies
What does this even mean
Knowing the exact ratio, proportion, and curvatures of the face is difficult.
Mastering Eye sockets, ear, mouth, scalp, etc in different angles takes years to master.

But just eyeballing a copy is not.
>Knowing the exact ratio, proportion, and curvatures of the face is difficult.
>Mastering Eye sockets, ear, mouth, scalp, etc in different angles takes years to master.
So you mean drawing a portrait that actually looks like your subject and captures their likeness. Yea of course, but if you're not trying to capture likeness, you're not drawing a portrait, you're just drawing a head.
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How do i give my drawings more life, i try to avoid making them just standing still but i feel it could be way better.
You're being pedantic as fuck for no reason. Pewdiepie didn't even draw from imagination, he COPIED ANIME FACES. None of the prerequisite knowledge or skill you listed is required when copying. All of that only applies if you're interested in creating your own style. Pewdiepie is not. Begs will see a copy and assume you possess all of the skill that the original creator needed to create it, when the reality is you don't. They confuse end result with process because that's all their minds think of with art. So yes, unironically, to appear as if though you've magically become better to people who don't know any better or care to know any better, you copy and trace. They could give af. You'll have people like you or me who will call it how it is, but NORMIES. DON'T. CARE. They are only there to consume. They don't give af about process. They're animals that only want to suck at goyim teet. Give them their slop.
Yes it's impressive he drew the same thing for 100 days straight, most people would get bored and draw something else or quit
drawing anime faces is this board's favorite pastime besides not drawing
That's...my point
Pewd's improvement was nothing special. It's common even
He did learn fundies though, I think he practiced loomis heads on one of his videos and he might have used it on his copies
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uhhhhhhhh buuuuhhhhhhhhhh d'uhhh
>any fundamentals
Pewds has been fucking around with photoshop for a decade, maybe he doesn't have a classical education but he certainly knows the basics.

There are dozens of other videos in which other kinds of artists (graphic designers, 3D artists, Etsy art hoes making crystal necklaces, even some photographers) decide they could use some Loomis and they show the same progression.
Make the hair and clothes ruffle
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You're limited by the medium/style you chose to work on. You did everything already in that style of yours, with a lot of variation as well. So is not an skill issue.
Maybe you could find the answer in your own words. Instead of choosing an standing pose, draw them resting on different surfaces, swimming, flying, falling, stumbling. riding a cute creature, sliding down on something, doing dancing moves.
By the way, you're good enough already to delve into some animations, I think.
What the fuck, I actually really like this composition
However, poor fundamentals are dragging this artwork down, a lot.
Please study fundies then repaint this in like 5 years
What's a good book for getting a general least stylized idea for anatomy? Morpho? Tom Fox? Richer? Rubins?
Hampton, the GOAT.
You’re telling the truth, normies are way too impressed by Poodie copying anime faces
not chicken scratch for the morbillionth time
Youre like the second person today who told me im limiting myself.
While i know its true, i like garyc and sometimes its too hard for me to draw anywhere else.
Also i kinda have been avoiding those kind of poses because i try to not draw anything sexy, but ill try to do more sitting/lying poses as well, thanks.
Actually Vilppu is the goat
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hows the perspective on these faces? It seems to be a weakness of mine when working off imagination.
>I inhale
With what anon? Doesn't look too bad.

Biggest issue is not being able to tell if the hair on the right side of her face is overlapping her forehead at all.
Is jumping straight into bridgman x2 a bad idea? I feel like there might be a lot of expected prerequisites to truly learning bridgman but I'm down to just crank it out right from the getgo. My main goal heavily involves realism with anatomy
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Broken as fuck foot anatomy ruins the whole study, but at least you have confident strokes. Her clavicle area also looks a bit wonky.
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how is it broken
Your character is missing a heel. The foot doesn't just magically cut to a corner where the image is cropped off.
oh that's an easy fix then, don't know why I couldn't notice it
Clavicle needs to be way lower and traps should be much smaller, try using a ref where the hair doesnt obscure her body
What tags can I use to search for poses of woman clinging to taller man?
just get your gf to film a photoshoot with you brah. not taht hard
She got fed up yhe last time i asked her to feel her forms for anatomical accuracy while I was drawing breasts.
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Hello beg, i did not draw in like 3days, because i had to do non drawing stuff in real life. Feels beg

>draw whatever (in your case bridgman)
and you will instantly see if people will silently ignore you (ok), tell you its good or if they refer you back to keys to drawing
it is PRO
you made her chonkier and you dont use full value range
eyes too far apart + booba
i cannot determine if this is supposed to be sea or badly drawn mountains in perspective. and what are the tiny yellow thingies? candles? really confusing
i would say this is lively enough. i suspect you are simply another victim of stabilizer. stabilizer sucks the life out of your lines. but this piece is good
cute thot
i kneel
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Portrait of my oc, I think the hair lock shapes are too schizophrenic, idk why is it
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you're going to have to sharpen those observational skills. I recommend checking out animators that specialize in drawing animals. Aaron Blaise comes to mind. Zootopia is pretty good too if we're talking about some simplifications. I also don't know what animal you we're attempting to draw. Try to focus on the features that make an animal distinct, almost like charicature. I went with a wolf so his nose had to change to reflect that. I think your perspective is fine, but that you don't know how to make interesting shapes with variety, case in point the hair and lack of line variety. Learn to mix it up.


Pikat has a pretty good video on hair specifically, but what's discussed in the video applies beyond to other subjects as well. You can do this purely abstract with just shapes for doodling or fun. Automatic drawing is a fun activity to let loose too. Tim goes over it in this video.

Red blob senpai has returned
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Hey /beg/, how are you? I made this earlier today in 50ish minutes. No references, how is it?
Hi pawell, always lovely to see you posting. Keep up the good work, you are improving
you could make your game now if you wanted, Pawell, esp if its a horror game. Those drawings look nice
is it worth getting CSP on sale?
I'm using krita
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I feel retarded. I think I'll just find a retail job and forget about making money with art. I just don't have talent for it. Everything I make looks like I picked my nose and slapped it on paper. Every tutorial I try to learn from ends up looking different.
if you have plans on ever using an other industry standard software CSP is closer to that than krita. Krita is nice for what it is, but it makes transitioning or learning other softwares that are much more similar to eachother hard.
Dave Rapoza uses Krita. Krita is FOSS which means it can't be taken away from you and anyone can keep contributing to it.
CSP has perspective rulers and guides, 3d models, downloadable assets, etc. Don't let the kritaschizos convince you Krita is somehow better. Krita is a fantastic program IF it's your only option.
ntp (not that pawell), but presumably if they aren't making their game right now that means they aren't at the level they want to be at. I actually don't see a problem with them postponing its production until then. no one simply wants to make this or that game, comic, painting series, etc., but they want to do it with some specific style and/or quality. I actually think people self-sabotage, because they get so antsy about their passion projects that they can't help but work on them, but it hardly ever turns out the way they want. perhaps you could say that even when they prolong them to work on their abilities, but if quality is what their lacking, then they only would've benefitted from doing more studies instead of letting short-term gratificaiton get the best of them.

tldr: nothing wrong with working on your skills a bit more to get a more desired result in a project
anon, your art is amazing. if someone were to ask if you shape or form is more important, what would you say?

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not that anon but this is the order recommended by teal line guy
how do you study line? what does studying line mean? Do you mean line weights? Do you mean dexterity? Do you mean design? Do you mean composition? do you mean inking techniques such has hatching and crosshatching? Do you mean proportion? Do you mean accurate block-ins? Do you mean observational techniques such as plumb lines and line extension?
read the rest of the image big dog, also i'm not teal line guy. ask him not me
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if red blob senpai doesn't use boxes and cylinders, then maybe >>7299606 is a diff guy
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Well, i shake too much so got way too used to the stabilizer, but i dont know if Garyc has a stabilizer.

Also new drawing, a parody of that demons souls comic.
>Doesnt use boxes or cylinders
Redblobfag. I admire your figures and follow you closely on baraag because I want to see more. But how do you approach trickier perspectives where box construction can be neccessary to build up to a figure easily?
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I'm a total beginner who recently got into 3D modeling. I want to be able to sketch my ideas so I'm trying to learn to draw. I looked around and got recommended the How to Draw by Scott Robertson. It seems like people say the book is not exactly geared towards beginners, so I saw this Sketching: The Basics by Koos & Roselien.

Does anyone have experience with these and should I do the Koos book before Robertson? The content of whats covered like sketching hard-surface models, environments etc is exactly what I'm looking for which makes these books look attractive. I just don't know if I'm in over my head since I have 0 drawing experience
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I want to start studying landscapes and environment so i can draw backgrounds but i dont know where to start. Any other place but perspective would be nice. Suggestions for books?
are you buying these? i would just look them up for free and try them both out. maybe the artbook thread can help you

framed perspective book is helpful
Nooooo i want anything BUT perspective. Perspective is useful but scary and i dont want to feel like im wasting my time trying to figure it out
don't listen to this faggot, just trace bois.
This design is so ugly but has soul, must be the artist's.
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Finally got around to fixing this. I hope I actually fixed it this time. I suppose I tried my best.

On a scale of "extreme /beg/ jank" to "actually looks decent", how is it?
I like the muted colors, reminds me of 2018.
Thanks for the tips I was just going for generic wolf features. I like how you simplified the planes though in still working on my own internal construction for it - you can see how I adopted bending the eyes back a bit more from the first iteration.
Your 'scrollwork' sucks and quite frankly it is an insult to ornamentation. Shame on you.
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you should study face proportions, being able to keep landmarks in mind will help you greatly
nightmare fuel
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How do you into pelvis?
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he always makes the face schizo on purpose
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drop proko's constuction immediately. also anatomy studies is all perspective, it's a step up from drawing boxes
in what reality will you need 7 different perspective of a pelvis? What use is that?
when you're drawing skelly boys a lot ig
most important thing to learn about the pelvis when you're drawing actual figures is how the iliac crest wraps around the sides
this is actually part one to drawing the skeleton underneath a figure which I'm still working at getting better at.
accurate skeleton understanding is paramount for imaginative work and animation. You can always tell who will be a reference slave all their life for how quickly they dismiss more in-depth anatomy study.
you can certainly try but i'd warn you that bridgman's approach to figure is far from the most comprehensible to a beginner. when you have at least a basic knowledge of anatomy, you can instantly spot what bridgman is trying to convey with his shapes, and it's genius, but if you don't, all you're going to see is random lines and blobs that you don't know why they're there. it'd be very confusing for sure. i personally did hampton's figure drawing course first and felt prepared diving into bridgman afterwards.
>drop proko's constuction immediately.
I didn't get this from Proko, I got it from Bammes. What do you suggest doing instead?
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Forgot to attach the picture, sorry.
oh i see, bammes looks pretty good actually but id suggest drawing the actual pelvis (worth investing in a model desu) and iterating your own construction of it.
Ok, thank you. I'd love to get a full skeleton someday when I have the space and money. I could maybe ask my friend if he could print a small pelvis for me since he's really good at 3D sculpting and has a printer.
Is drawing cars a solid way to practice my perspective skills? I'm open to other suggestions.
cumming a little
telling myself I'll never get there so stop trying
picking up that pencil anyway
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Gonna go through Tomfox's book again (last time I tried I got hardfiltered, quit out of frustration, and had all sorts of mental gymnastics like why the book is shit and not that I just suck etc..)
I just need grit and patience
oooo when did CSP go on sale? picking that sweet perpetual licence up after pizza time, nice! my free trial ends in a few days too
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I will give some critic to drawings, I liked them but trying to offer some areas of improvmenet

Nothing wrong with dreaming, but of course as a beg I suppose that you need to be at a very competent level to seriously consider it. Stop with negative talk though, We are all retarded here.
>Every tutorial I try to learn from ends up looking different.
So what? It's logical if you think about it.
I think your drawing is is pretty and readable. Keep on working on

Im gigabeg but I think you shud soften the light areas. White areas, too hard lines. What is more important is theglowing thing in his hand. YOu have to make that very detailed because it's the focal point of the image and so it should be the best executed. I think you could improveon that. Another thing I may add is that the robe of the magician is the same color as the background, which I think you should change.

I think this is very pretty and a good idea. I dont have a good eye for it, but I think maybe what can be analysed is if the face proportions are correct, on the top of the head.

I think the decaying brown effects of the scroll are too overpowering and grab too much attention. Also considering that the page is rich in complex graphics and is meant to be readable for the text on it I think it fights too much with attention.

Also, on top right, white ornament is too strikingly bright. A decayed scroll would not have such fresh paint, bottom left half white ornaments look more correct

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Made it a habit to draw every day but now I can't draw until it's like 8pm even on my off days how do I fix this
yes but it's pretty difficult.
sure proko, sure
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took a look at page 9 and could only manage to draw one (1) simplified figure before getting bored out of my mind (aka started doodling mindlessly)
fuck this shit man, I just can't with this fucking book. fuck it, considered me filtered, I will find another anatomy/figure drawing book to learn from
How do I actually study anatomy? Just drawing everything in the book?
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Tired of drawing crooked shapes, I started drawing crappy hands
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some skull studies from morpho (spoopy)
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Any tips for improvement?
no it's perfect
any serious mistake i did?
the ears feel of idk...
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kek, nice
the erect braid
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idk what im doing
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I am not red blob guy. >>7299695
is right, I'm a different guy.

Shape matters because if your shapes are wrong, the proportions of the drawing are now warped. Form is important because it denotes a change in planes and informs your decisions of how light can interact with a mass. Form can't exist without shapes. The shape of what you draw limits its potential overall form, at least on the large scale. If you draw a circle and can now only add cross sections, there's many ways to manipulate it but the initial circle acts as a constraint. pic related would be an example of what I'm referring to. Orthographs offer no form knowledge but limit what the form can be from one plane of view.

Just post work and I'll get at it tomorrow or tonight.
nta, but bump for interest
Pick an anatomy book and copy the pictures, then try to remember it when you draw.
That's literally it.
You forgot the part about actually understanding how the human body works and understanding relatively intricate and complex parts and how they change, how muscle lengthen and shorten when the body stretches and poses in different ways, understanding what muscles contract together based on what the body is doing. You should study anatomy while periodically looking at your reflection in the mirror. You should also practice calisthenics and/or lift weights, play sports to truly understand anatomy. Sculpting your own form will aid your understanding and ability to draw accurate anatomy.

Or be an idiot and ‘try to remember what you copied’
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Its a direct quote from Will Weston, you retarded newfag nigger
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It's funny how my initial sketches always look like unrecognizable mess and then through iterations it actually starts resembling stuff.
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on that grindset
I would like to eat your liver and steal your skill.
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i guess we're doing charcoal now
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just draw lil bro and you'll get on my level in no time
Nah I am permageg. Could spend a decade grinding and still be bad.
post your work
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Some shit tier doodling practice.
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You getting there, bud, just be patience
Try to be intentional with your lines, look into CSI. I think Hampton's book talk about it
patient* brain fart (^:
Bullshit faggot esoteric crap like "Feel the Form™" and all of Mattesi's shit.
Overcomplicated stiff trash done by a tard. Huston could kill every single one of those hacks with his bare hands
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Back with another bad painting. What's the first thing I need to get better at bros.
what immediately hit me was how small you made the wings. otherwise I think its okay.
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well you do you, nothing wrong with that. there's a billion ways to improve, find something that works for you
just keep drawing and you'll get there, like I said
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I think I found my brush*.

*Until the next one.
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doodling 2 having fun, I need to find a better way to color my sketches.

saturation and values, the thumbnail looks uninteresting, cyan against yellow dull green in the original is nice. good job i like.

nice, keep going

the thumbnail looks awesome for a panel background need some lightest values to make it pop
>look into CSI
I never got CSI, it always sounded like bs to me
What do you mean by thumbnail, the composition?
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THE arm
Just think of it as a simplification
why draw small choppy lines to make a curved line, when you can do it in one swoop
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This is just a sketch but I wanted to share

not readable and not contrasted enough
play with it!
based, but the original butterfys key feature is the unnatural teal color. Just noting
I had trouble creating the right type of blue and just went with cobalt blue and white, maybe some green was needed
I mean miniature, its always worth checking things from a distance, for example in my drawing I can see how the hoodie robe creates a negative shape that its ugly too sharp. But yeah, things like composition and values are easy to explore with a thumbnail.
I see, thank you
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its better to match the actual value contrast than matching the hue, take a photo and turn it to grayscale in your phone and this way you can check your values in trad if you havent develop the eye for it yet :) keep going.

chad heads
What Proko course should I take if I want to learn the fundamentals?
you seem to have a lot of trouble with the scale of facial features
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Okay so I am redoing the Asuka pic I drew a week ago (Blame that time gap on anxiety due to the circumstances of this particular pic, but this won't be an issue soon), and while I do prefer this kinda style she has...I think there is something very wrong with her eyes but I can't fully put my finger on it.

I can sense issues VERY easily, but I can't always figure it out. Can someone give me a help in hand with her eyes?

I did adjust her right (as in her right) eye until it started to look about right, but I still feel it's not enough.
Her eyes are huge, you need to make them smaller.
Her neck is a bit thin and too long
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I'm gonna leave the neck as is sadly.

But lemme work on the eyes (and will post the redone eyes right now)
Another one falls for the loomis head meme.
the facial features are to high on the face. top of the eyes should be halfway between chin nd top of the head
also the head should be plased a lot more to the right.
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Thanks man! I'll see what I can incorporate from your redo. Appreciate it!
Well I did as you asked, but didn't go all the way.
Jesus, what a mog
Indeed. Hopefully I'll get to that level someday, but it doesn't discourage me much.
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Not sure why you need someone to answer this for you...it's like you haven't even browsed their catalogue -- https://www.proko.com/course/drawing-basics/overview
I'm fairly pleased with this foot. However, it's looking a little 'flat'. I think it should also be a little slimmer, with the toes slightly longer, but each time I try I mess up all the proportions. Can anyone help me out with some suggestions?
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guys, dont be mean
You will, dont worry
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How else am I going to draw sexy skeleton gurls?
>draws simplified floating anime head on white background
>how is he so good guys!?
I guarantee you can do the exact same if you actually pumped out the same number of head drawings he's done.
I don't mind it.

It's at least funny unlike some of the discouraging useless shit I do sometimes get.
Thanks anon, I'll not dive in and learn more wholistically like you advise. I also skipped the guide like a tard and it said almost exactly what you did with a few more reference books included so I'll take my time and go through the process to work up to Bridgman properly
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And that's it for today.
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Fuck it, im calling this study done
my head is absolutely drained
looks cute. looks like it could be in something like Gunfire Reborn
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Thanks, but its a study. Pic related, got it from pinterest, no idea where its originally from
I'm comfortable enough with figure drawing now that I should probably start doing heads and more detailed hands/feet but it's so daunting
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I think it looks significantly better than before. The neck is still thin, making the head's position off, but to change that would require redrawing a large portion of it. You put in the effort though, and that's what really matters for us lowly /beg/gers
To be fair I could have widened the neck a little...but oh well.

I am pretty pleased with it, so it'll go in my highlights (so far of course for me).

Oh, there will be another pic of her in the coming days hopefully soon.
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I buyed some color pencils
I feel like I'm retarded and should give up. But tomorrow I'll pick up that pencil again and give it another go.
NTA, what do you feel you learned from the study and what did you want going into it? I'm genuinely curious, but I also think reflecting upon your study would be beneficial for you.
Fuck man, drawing is such hard work. I really hate that it takes long to make a good drawing and I really really dread going about it. Like sure I enjoy the end result but man, its always a baaaatlle.. Fuck.
Also a question to all other begs, do you guys never create like a meaningful story?

Like making a mini manga and like not worrying about the dimensions of the box but like how you are gonna craft a story that is going to stir up emotions in the guy reading it? Or just a few panels
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how do I go about learning shape design like this? do I just try to brute force copy the artist? draw animals and figures and try to stylize them into basic shapes?
let me into the light
that's basically it. animals and figures stylized against a basic theme.
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rape me 4hen
>draw animals and figures and try to stylize them into basic shapes
i think it's the opposite. you make basic shapes and then draw animals/people from them
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From now on, I will post whatever piece of shit work is coming out of my hands here. Sorry guys in advance, I really wish I could write "here is my best effort, please critique" but that is clearly not happening.

At least it will motivate nodraws
i want to fondle her breasts
those are no breasts, homie. It's an oversize shirt. She is a model so there is prolly not much to grab
I want to have sex with fat women
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Rather happy of what I did with the left one.
Do you ever feel like nothing you do is enough?
How to deal with jealously?
buy some whisky, get fucked up - then draw
It's a fetish(mission from god) I've had ever since I was a lad
Looks nice anon I would love to read a comic made in your style, its very cozy
I'll pray for you
Some mix of trad and digital quick sketches today

As a great man once said, it ain’t easeh

Just keep posting anon, that’s how we all start here. You should have seen my first few posts kek

What’s the point of that, anon? Just draw and so your best. There’s literally nothing else to do
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dumping some doodles from the past few days
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>have phone with a stylus
>decide to learn how to draw
I've been drawing lines and circles for a week now. Do I need to do this till I can draw a perfect circle? Is tracing a good idea if it's just to learn?
if you're being serious you're better off just jumping in and drawing shit you actually want to draw
you'll quickly find out what you suck at doing and can then work on that
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Here's a quickie before I go to sleep
Remember folks, to relax after a long day, just whip out your pencil for a quickie! No need to make a big mess.
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dude your goal isn't to draw a circle perfectly, those exercises are purely to get your muscle mind connection good enough to do real studies. What you're doing is like going to the gym only to stretch. Which if you're just starting, it's understandable, but you gotta bite the bullet do some actual exercise eventually.
night night

add shadows

cute, the neck is what i like the least, the sternomastoid line is weird

work on overlapping shapes and lines

for me the faces and body styles doesn't match and i don't know why.

worth exploring, work on composition
Which is more efficient? Study accurate skeleton or tracing 3D models?
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CSI isn't complicated. You just use curved or straight lines. An s-curve is just 2 c-curves. Calling it esoteric is hyperbole and it isn't a complicated concept, there's a couple ways that you can apply it. Notice in pic related bottom right you can ignore a curve if you notice the line is straight from the elbow to the wrist? I can add the flexors later or keep it as is. I made a curve through the center of each tennis ball to describe the relationship their points make between each other. I could also use straight lines to explain it. The point is objects/mass have relationships which can be tracked with lines.

I agree he's esoteric because he sucks at explaining his terms. What "is" applied force or directional force? As far as I can tell he never explicitly defines them. He just calls it directional force and calls it a day. No wonder people find it difficult to grasp. It takes looking into the literal definitions and trying to understand it on a smaller scale (Like a single muscle belly held taut by two tendons) for the idea to click better. The car analogy is a good way to think about speed, inertia and momentum. Gravity is also of great importance when thinking about how the figure is moving through space.
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Problem is... I feel like I'm shit at literally everything. It really does feel like I get every step of the process wrong (lines, proportions, shading, etc) to the point that I don't even know what to focus on. I do know that I don't want to give up easily on this, I just kind of don't know what direction to take
picrel is an exercise I did following a beginner's guide
CSI isn’t complicated, but it *is* a stupid concept. A line is either straight or curved, what other fuckin kinda lines are there?
it doesn't seem stupid to me,i thought it was for helping you be more economical with lines you place down. especially helpful for animating
>what other fuckin kinda lines are there?
nta, but there are many properties about the line that are not often talked about in art (only Krenz is the only one I have seen to suggest them) the most common are curvature and eccentricity and its where many fail with their curves always feeling monotonous and stiff.

Draw 3 random points and connect them with a single line that you like.

anon draws subtle nice curves
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Try to notice the side plane that's created by a well developed core. Good stretch on the pec, but it's a bit understated in your drawing. Use a straighter line to describe the tension. If the bottom of the pec (where you've placed the nipples) is where he's got some fat, a rounded shape conveys the influence of gravity and can stay too. Also get reference. Also learn to draw some still life.

I see CSI as getting a beg to find the relationship between a series of points using an easy to remember acronym from a popular show so that they can more readily find these line patterns on the figure. The same way you can with the points in pic related. Although the jagged line is spiked it's still heading in a straight direction but the line itself isn't straight. It's just that instead of people getting caught on the jaggedness of the line, they get confused by the bumps of an arm despite it's straight direction. So no, I disagree that it is a stupid concept as it's there to help people see the forest and not the trees.
Its a bunch of stupid fucking faggot shit that sounds like babying newcomers with esoteric shit because the teachers are too fucking retarded to understand how to teach to someone without talent.
Peter Han will just teach you to sketch and doodle shit with good lines instead of chicken scratching shit tiny straight shit lines.
All that faggot shit is just bullshit ideated by people who don't remember or know what it means to be an absolute beginner and can't explain shit. Fuck them so much
My problem with CSI is what is a C and what is an S? An S is just two C's right? So what's the fucking difference? Shouldn't it just be CI?
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How's it esoteric when the vast majority of people, aside from brainlets, are able to understand it right out of the gate? Sounds like your butt hurt and have bad drawings.
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Slightly improved one of my OC's design.
I dont see any c s or i in that shit. Trying to put draftsmanship into 3 fucking letters is just bullshit.
Good stuff, try to push your construction a little further and give those bangs some volume.
Assholes with talent are able to understand, I still can't draw a torso in the form of a diaphragm-egg shaped like in your picture, and just draw a torso with a box
LMAO this sounds like the hopeless aphantasic permaprebeg last thread whining about there being no good books about beginners while not wanting to put any actual effort whatsoever
Don't you go to sleep at this time, bud? Or gonna post your noeffort doodle then cry about talent??
Thanks, and I'll try that
Not the same guy I am afraid. Just someone tired of all this shit being taught in esoteric "feel the form bruh" and "CSI BRUH. JUST LIKE SEA WAVES BRUH".
I come from a hard science career (that I am quite mediocre at too) so seeing it get """"""""""""taught""""""""""""" in this bullshit feelsy way pisses me off because I don't get it and all I take out of this is you have it or dont and I clearly dont fucking have it.
>ired of all this shit being taught in esoteric "feel the form bruh" and "CSI BRUH. JUST LIKE SEA WAVES BRUH".
god if this isn't true
Trying to learn blender vs trying to learn how to draw is just night and day. The tutorials are so much better.
I have books, I watch how talented faggots draw a torso without boxes in different perspectives like in your picture, I just have a flat oval, no matter how I turn it, no matter what angle I draw it, it's still a flat oval, it's still shit, when I draw an oval in a box it's still it remains flat, no matter how I draw it, it just doesn't have volume and it's impossible to build a normal shape out of it
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>what did you want going into it?
"Hey that looks cool, let's try to draw it"
A study doesn't have to be more than that
Wow I made it on the thumbnail, I am now a published artist. Were all gonna make it bros

A dutchfag like myself, nice.
Ewwww, stabilization
>CSI isn't complicated. You just use curved or straight lines.
But, that is basically everything what a line can be.
Either straight, or curved.
That's why it is stupid.
Not stabilized just rapidly drawn. Stabilization is for fags. If you look closely it's just a bunch of lines i slapped down while doing automatic drawing. I liked how it looked so I posted it.
real bodies have all kinds of microdetails and bumps to them, using CSI gets rid of those at the beginning to let you focus on the rhythms of the form
>rhythms of the form
Bunch of filthy fucking faggot esotheric shit. Explain in proper proven terms instead of this catch-all bullshit.
Post top of your hand and your IQ. I don't want to waste time talking to sub-humans.
I agree with you, but instead of CSI, just mean "Simplify" and "Forget about the detail, and draw a single, clean line".
>proper proven terms
List out the proper proven terms.
if you guys don't like csi curves then why don't you just ignore it and draw something else, i don't get it
thanks for taking the time out to explain this.
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Gentle reminder to ignore permabegs who refuse to listen.
You don't owe them your time nor knowledge.
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will i ever make it out of /beg/
That's up to you.
Talented rats get angry when their lies are exposed
I'm legitimately curious, are you unable to dance or do you have bad to no sense of rhythm? Are you bad with directions? Just some things I've noticed in people who can't "feel" things.
It's funny you mention those traits because people with Dyspraxia actually have difficulty with those things. Though, just because someone might not be able to think in a spatial sense doesn't mean they're doomed to being unable to understand form or perspective, etc.
I have no talent, I can't draw a diaphragm-egg torso normally, just crooked boxes, sometimes successful, but this is rare, everything comes out flat, the perspective is crooked, the lines of the cubes are constantly closing and opening in the wrong places, the fingers on the hands are crooked and inaccurate, the faces are flat, the pelvis is crooked and in the wrong position
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How do I work on my /beg/-tier social skills?

I was recently featured at a local group exhibition, and I could barely find any people to mingle or talk with at the opening. Granted it's partly my fault, because I should've advertised the opening more to my friends and acquaintances.

There was one person I knew who was from my workplace, and my mom told him that "the title is from a novel, anon can tell you the story", but I didn't feel like telling the story so I said "I don't want to". I realized this was a mistake so I did tell him the story afterwards.

I only realized after I left that I should've chatted up the curator lady who was from out of town. She gave the opening speech so I would've had that to strike up a conversation off of. I could've just told her I'm artist X, thanks for the nice opening speech, etc.

So how do I make sure that I act less autistic the next time I'm exhibited? I really want to connect with people other than my parents, but it felt like everyone had their own circle and I was just an outsider
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>but I didn't feel like telling the story so I said "I don't want to"
I'm afraid it's terminal anon
summa you niggas put more effort into your excuses than your fundies
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watch the permabegs seethe at this post
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Back with another bad painting. I just cant get the saturation correct. Is it just water colour or purely skill issue?
At least we paid attention in our English classes.
You make paintings faster than I do figure sketches
Use more water to desaturate.
Because I feel like quantity > quality as a beginner, Im using shit paint and ok paper and dont feel like I need better stuff just yet
You're not wrong
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I like drawings like this with the color pencil texture. good
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I am trying to learn how to paint backgrounds. Here is a "cloud". It looks bad. Where do I go from here?
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>>7300690 >>7300540 >>7300680
CSI is a useful tool to keep your lines brief, so you can draw without losing your flow. Steve Huston does a good job of explaining in his YouTube videos how to use straights and curves to simplify the form, keeping the figure dynamic-looking, and how all the little micro bumps can be added at the end.

In the first drawing, I tried to create the curves "directly", steering the pencil through every little turn, trying to capture every little detail of the muscles and bone at once. The end result is flat, with unappealing curves. The curves for each part of the anatomy are "all there", but they don't have quite the right shape. By focusing in on the hyper-local curvature, I lose the unifying curve of the whole arm.

In the second, I show how I arrived at the third drawing, starting with a base of simple C-curves, S-curves, and straights. The secondary bumps of various muscles are added on top of these. I take a more "indirect" approach to capturing the curves of the body, establishing a simple frame first and adding details later.
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its not working
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have you even looked at a cloud? I only made one change to make a point.
I copied that one badly from a cartoon reference. This one >>7300799 is from memory
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Did this on my phone so excuse the shitty volumetric redline. Hopefully it illustrates my point. You're treating a cloud like it's flat. If you know how to shade a sphere you know how to shade a cloud. If it helps you to simplify a cloud, it's literally just a bunch of overlapping spheres
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This is how you dynamic sketching niggas sound
Unironically increased his diaphragm strength, lung capacity and therefore vo2 max. Get fucked.
With the most popular books being an equal and opposite amount of "draw what your visual center is actually seeing instead of what you think is there" and "ignore the physical shapes and just make wobbly stick figures" it's easy to see how a newcomer would start to think all art is bullshit
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Beginners with painting usually tend to pick "symbolic" colors. The green is too "literal" of a green, like straight out of a crayon box. Too saturated and too bluish. Try using some browns to desaturate the green. Or you could change your approach and *start* with brown, and tint it greenish. You could also try avoiding using the green from the tube and instead mixing it from yellow and blue. Now, just yellow and blue will still give you a too saturated lime green. The actual color of the trees in your photo is closer to a slightly green tinted gray, and the trees farthest in the background are just a tint away from true gray.

I have provided some color mixing recipes you can try. Play with the ratios of each pigment. Notice how blue has a very strong tinting strength and needs to be used sparingly. If you have multiple versions of a color, such as alizarin crimson and cadmium red, notice how one is cool and one is warm, and how adding either one changes the resulting mixture. If you're starting with a cool color like this particular green, adding its complement (red) will bring it closer to gray, and vice versa. Gray is the "center" where all colors converge to.
anon that's clickhole. an onion parody site.
This is why I don't think it's good advice to tell people to "stop symbol drawing" and "draw what you see" because most of the time it's better to just give them a figure drawing book so they can learn what the symbols they're trying to draw actually look like. That naturally gets them into a mindset of thinking about things as 3D forms. Invention is just learning more complex symbols.
It's not my fault that I don't have talent, you lying creatures didn't say it
I'm retarded. Get fucked.
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Thank you, I will try it out. Youre right I often use the colour I think it should be. Sometimes I mix in blue to create the shadow of a colour but that's it.
Am i the only one bothered by this? Does anybody care?
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You might be the only person bothered by hard brushes, yes.
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painting/value practice
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Hello beg, my drawing rates are abysmal. Ceiling demon!

this is part of the appeal of HRB
needs a bit more smudging and some texture
you arent mixing colors and you oversimplify the hill with trees in the background. i suspect you skipped some fundies like textures and observation. you are simply not painting what you see. i suggest you to pick up pencil and redo this pic just in grayscale and posting it. so i can determine if you just struggle with new medium or if you need to go back to keys to drawing
this looks cool, but unreadable
go to places where they sell alcohol and then drink it
i kneel
the head feels a bit small compared to HUGE arms. nice hips
good to see teddy anon is still alive
thumbs up
that neck is awkward
looks promising
making money from art is difficult even if you have the skill
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Reference was pretty small and I should have upped the resolution from the start. Would have been easier working with values as well.
>Almost picture perfect copy
>Waaaaaahhh I am hso bad
Fuck you
I understand that you may not like to see humble brags etc., but my piece is far from picture perfect or even that good to begin with.
>Pelvis and lower stomach doesn't have as nice of a shape in the shadow
>splotches of random gray everywhere because I still don't understand how to mix different values that well
>Too smudgy looking even for a painterly style
>Rib area above breasts seems more like an assortment of darker grays than the artist understanding what he's looking at
I still have a long way to go and I maintain the right to be unhappy with my work.
I looked at both images on top of each other and I think he traced, at least for the initial underdrawing
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How to do perspective guidelines for something like picrel? It's supposed to be a spaceship tilted to the side
Just work on the shading on that lower half. Everything else is perfect.
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I believe there is something otherworldly and transcendetal to drawing. It's not quite magic, but it's pretty close.

that's a great reproduction, anon. If I may provide some crits
>The bottom area in shadow should be a lil darker
>elbow shadow too hard
>facial expression is not the same. specifically the slight squinting.
These are nitpicks of course, you did a very accurate job in nailing down the whole thing
Thanks Pawell, good work on your part too. I still draw, just rarely do more extensive pieces
not to get too /x/, but any type of art is man's way of giving birth. women are born with inherent magic, the ability to create life, so men need to find a way to do so as well and try to capture that same magic, which they do by creating things
krita: use blending mode grater
csp: use Compare Density
sai: use marker mode

needs some more darks to feel rounder, they feel a little bit flat

work on lips

increase saturation, improve values

face values makes it look a little flatter or maybe are the shapes, I don't know looks flat

looks cool but the aliased curves can be better they don't feel smooth, check pixel art curved lines you will find strategies for this.
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Quickish painting from imagination with reference in the end. Was feeling shitty like I've seen no improvement but even though ther's a lot wrong its definitely better than what I would produce earlier this year which is nice to see.
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Starting to think basic geometry hates me too
Alright dropping the secret truth nuke free of charge this time.
C is for the crunch, S is for the stretch and I is for everything in between.
Congratulations you now have the solution to gesture
I agree with geometry, the fuck is this
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going to throw myself off a bridge. goodnight.
Instead of copying outlines, it can be more helpful to construct a figure from the inside, using form and construction. Start with a rough sketch layer, then lighten it and draw on top, and then so on, going from basic forms into details. The Vilppu Drawing Manual is the best way to learn form, imo.
Omg he's japanese!!! master, please teach me! I promise I will work hard for you to notice me, I will not bring shame on your name sensei
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following doxxy's advice by starting out with blobs as a sketch
honestly I think it helps A LOT figuring out how to space things without thinking too much
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Mandé unos dibujos mios a un grupo y un man me preguntó si le podía dibujar a rei chiquita con un uniforme militar peruano o algo así para su pfp.
Significa que estoy mejorando?
Significa que tu arte tiene appeal, por lo menos el suficiente para llamar la atención de otro ser humano.

It means your art has appeal, at least enough to draw attention from another human being.

So the answer is yes but post your work.
>fashion designers workflow
tf does that even mean
It's always a nice feeling to notice improvement in my own art, even if I'm not quite where I'd like to be yet. Whenever I'm feeling down about my skills, I take a look at my crappy old art and compare it to now. Those little improvements will stack up in the end. Keep it up anon!
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Random question for anyone who knows.

Why does Bridgman draw asses and calf muscles so squarely/sharply?
I thought he was trying to say they were boney or harder muscles or something, but the more pages I draw through, the less I understand what he's trying to tell me by drawing them like this
no matter how round any anatomical form gets, there's always always always a front, side, back, etc.

And you can further divide up those major planes into minor planes.

Those sharp lines show those plane breaks. A calf is not square, but you can understand the major surface breaks using his basic construction. It comes in major help when you get into those 3 hour long figure drawing sessions and the light is shifting in the room and you can't decide where to put the shadow edge
He is not that good at drawing.
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wtf are those tits lmao
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Anyone know any program/course dumps from programs at Sheridan, OCAD and the like? I recently graduated from CompSci and I wanna take art courses since I now have more free time, without paying out the ass of course. Something like assignment and module dumps, but video lectures would be the cherry on top.
Gotcha, that makes the most sense.
Thanks anon.
your brain on bridgman
Bridgman stylizes the anatomy into blocky 3D forms to show the structure, design and function of the anatomy. That is so it's easier to draw and remember. A lot of the drawings are quick and sloppy class demonstrations he drew with a long stick on a huge piece of paper, so keep that in mind too. If you just mindlessly copy Bridgman you won't get much out of it because all of this will be going over your head. Ron Lemen has a great video explaining this. You could also study along with Marshall Vandruff.

Thank you for the critique. I'll try to do better next time.
Oh god... Ok, maybe Bridgman is too advanced for me...
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Came back to drawing after a long hiatus. How bad do I suck?
Also first time drawing dudes.
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>krita: use blending mode grater
wtf is this? I can't even paint black over this small area of green. why use this?
>I inhale
it feels like everything i gained over the last few weeks i instantly lost again baka
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How do i unfuck my shading? I kinda just gaussian blur an mumtiplier and a overlay layer with dark purple and white respectively + possibly misguided highlights.
Grayscale and look how weak your values are.
Also she has 2 left hands.
nta but i dont think just making the blurry shadows even more noticeable would help.
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new slop
looks good bro, don't worry about it
I looked at the midsection and it's flat, that's good.
Try pushing ALL your shadows to one side and following the planes. Both pauldrons have shadows that break their blocky shape (plus should the opening on the far pauldron be visible?). Belly has shadow right and top, everything around it left and bottom. Armpit is half lit with no shadow underneath unlike the boobs.
In sum, assume one strong light source to start rendering and don't break the planes much, it's enough for things to look good.
read the documentation
mmm. got some examples? Otherwise this helps lots and is kinda what ive been looking for.
Hello beg, 1 body two heads. Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again. It is over.

considering how ink loves to bleed you wont. pixelated means precise squares and good luck trying to hatch tiny squares with ink. it will take you a lot of time and while looking unique, it most likely wont look pixelated
good + booba
very shiny stocking
lack of replies means it is not bad enough to bait people into trying to help you and it is not good enough for praise. tldr just draw
how many kilometers does it take for the non dominant hand to reach mileage of the dominant hand?
i kneel
try to make the neck a bit more proportionate to the head
find a photo reference of a real human. observe. draw.

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