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If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman
Hikaru Hayashi

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Framed Perspective
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous thread: >>7294140
Here they come
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>draw something that looks like pure unadulterated garbage
>go to bed
>look at it the next day
>it's actually fine
im pretty sure only the other way around can happen
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reposting so anon can see, i made this for him, sorry it's not a very complex thing having a CTS flareup
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I've been in the permabeg shit trap for a month now, this is my first head
My thirty seconds/minute long gesture drawings from tonight. I started trying to place the rib cage and pelvis in some of the minute poses.

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Practicing dynamic angles and foreshortening with master copies of Bengus this time og:

Also a bit of a dumb question but when tring to enclose a figure in a box when it's in a dynamic pose, should you warp the box so the figure fits?
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how can this be a more effective landscape? what do you think about the depiction of the trees and the mountains in the back?
I drew this from memory thanks to fundies. I am sorry I was led astray by the boxnigger. You were always there for me.
I know it looks like utter shit but I am proud of being able to draw it from scratch by myself thanks to guidelines.

How fucked is it? I-i am imprvijg, r-r-right?
I think it looks good anon love the head angle and how you construct her bob
Make it more effective by using the reference more efficiently. You’re short cutting a lot of the piece by putting huge masses of lines to represent the trees. Instead try drawing small shapes to represent every tree, or something similar, but just make the presence more established. The combination of each individual tree should make that mass that you’ve drawn, not the other way around. With the background, you’ve done the same thing. The mountains aren’t much established at all and the contour is only shown. Be deliberate and intentional with each mark and make sure every element of the landscape has clarity
Flip the canvas horizontally (or use a mirror) and be amazed.
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tried something new with the shading
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Crunching the resolution makes painting easier for me for.
Less things to worry about
Nah, I'm the same way. If I walk away from a drawing unsatisfied, I'm nearly always pleasantly surprised the next day.
still looks fine guess im just built different
do you guys ever wake up and kind of have an epiphany? like i knew "just copy" but i would always ask "how?" but this morning i woke up and realized i was being retarded

(i still can't figure out how to make good looking gesture though)
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Finished this after 6 hours (4 of which were consecutive), it honestly feels rather frustrating that I took probably 3x the time the original artist took to make something way inferior like that. Six damn hours, I don't know why I'm so slow but yeah, at least I'm done now and I'll try to do better next time. I hope that the criticisms won't be too harsh, the longer you do something the more sensitive you grow towards it.
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Use a 4 or 5 value scale, your values are shy so it looks flat, unify shadow and light shapes, if you have trouble seeing shapes you can use an image editor and play around with the levels and color balance to try things:
Here is an example of what I would try.

Cool tools/tips:
-blur to fix unevenly lit areas
-lasso tool to filter certain areas
-dith/color quantization to find shapes
-Overlay blend mode to darken areas with black and lighten areas with white.
-Color balance: highlights to cool colors (cyan) and shadows to warm colors (red/orange)
I do this
>Six damn hours, I don't know why I'm so slow
It's because the artist used construction, master studies aren't constructions. Different skill set. Do you get it?
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Cant wait to finish it
I barely slept, so didn't feel like doing proper studies, so I did some more anatomy trace studies...

I am able to consistently use the same shapes for Torsos and heads, though when it comes to limbs and extremities I'm still not 100% figured out on those. My feet are cube like but I never feel comfortable having them be cubes, and same with hands, though I think that's the result of a lack of practice.

You can be honest I wanna know if I have the right idea doing them like this, or if there are shapes I should be trying instead...perhaps learning how to gesture more?
Look at dood blog posting and shit
>dood blog posting
I really really do not get the stigma against this on a thread about beginner critiques.
Finally actually drew "something". It was pretty bad but I retried, and each time I tried again, I felt like I was getting better.
He's drawing, unlike you.
To be fair they were tracings using real life references...I consider it studying/learning but not drawing.
Blogposting is fine if you add your drawings, but people like >>7296941 are just a waste of space and -1 to the bump limit.
Kill yourself faggot
Draw me committing suicide then.
Should I study and become familiar with some simple/general anatomy (Rubins, Peck) before fully diving into Bridgman or other more stylized work like Hogarth?
whats a good way to practice spacing?
I think that's what I'm worst at, I always draw things to big and I have to expand my canvas
Here's a little secret no one ever mentions here. **No one gets anything right the first time**. You have to be willing to make adjustments, and then follow through with it, during the process. If you see your piece is starting to get too big, make adjustments during the process and then continue.
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With shading
nondominant hand drawing. didn't use a reference because i was at work
very much like the third figure up top
I like this better than the other more typical rendering style you did
kino ushanka wtf
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hey that's my oshi!
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is it time to take the furry pill?
C-c-can you draw a h-horse a-anthro? With a very flared tip bulge on his underwear?
I admire your balls to draw furry fetish shit on paper. All my fetish shit is digital.
please go to >>7289817
What about the third figure?

It is just a tracing (where I draw the shape of the hips and rib cage and so on the so forth on a picture) so not a proper reference study, but I guess it helps to reinforce how things are shaped in perspective.
Ehhh the head shape is fucked and the expression is very lame. I also think I gave her lazy eye and the hair doesn't follow proper gravity and looks too hard.
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Haven't tried drawing horses yet. Only wolves and recently deer.
Hi /begssssss hiii
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I am happy with this painting, please prove me wrong
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not sure i'm on the right track but it's hard to do more than a couple of figures each day even though i know i should be hammering these out
not that it takes too long i can get one out in 10-15 minutes but it's draining
>please respond
How would you fix this with water colour?
using less water
less water == more saturated
more water == less saturated
nondominant hand + no ref roll today
ooh, i just thought it looked really good
really good mileage, make sure you do some longer figures with focus on accuracy as well
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to be honest, i dont think neither of those drawing look that good. this artists piece seems like a quick colored sketch with no care for how the body should be built, which is fine by itself but not good for studying. these mistakes are even easier to notice if you flip the drawing.

your own drawing isnt bad, but you need more confidence in your lines. chicken scratching is fine for sketches, but it might make your piece look messy and careless, and it absolutely does not reflect all the time youve put into it. the head seems shapeless too, where are the ears? behind their hair? speaking of hair though, i think it looks really nice and you made a good job with it! lovely color palette too.

overall, you should practice your pulse (doing straight lines, circles and squares helps a lot) and observation skills (ask yourself basic questions like where does this line connect to? how does this work? will its weight affect the way i should draw it?).
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how do i push the pose more
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Posting again; I made some changes.
Finally, Some Good Fucking Fun
Thank you for the replies. Also I tried adding lots of different line weights to my drawing, do you guys think I did a good job?
So they are supposed to always take a very long time?
I would've picked something prettier had I know it'd turn out to be a six hour endeavor if I'm being honest... But I still don't see issue with the body shape, isn't her right arm just foreshortened?
>chicken scratching
I actually find the scratchy look prettier than clean lines, but you're right, I should, at least when training, try to keep my lines as sharp as possible. I just got a drawing tablet a few days ago so this was my first attempt at digital drawing (and well, painting at all), straight lines are still quite finicky to achieve so I might abuse the undo feature.
>where are the ears? behind their hair?
Y-yes... I should've at least tried to add the little tips poking through the hair, didn't think about that at all.
> i think it looks really nice and you made a good job with it!
Thank you, the character is called Van Gogh from Fate Grand/Order, she has three different designs so I used a different one for inspiration, I was technically going to add her braids but I mean... after six hours I didn't really feel like adding much more.
>practice your pulse
I do a page of circles, straight lines and ellipses every day.
>observation skills
I'll try to be more attentive, there's so many things I need to keep in mind when drawing that I always end up forgetting something
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looks like shit
and its pretty funny you've been drawing for literal years and still can only produce poor doodles
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Ignoring other issues like the hair
Any idea how to make mouths and lips look more interesting.
what's that old vhs sketching tutorial with the guy who says "the word draw literally means to pull"?
you've shaded everything but the lips lol
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I gave it a try with just the thumbnail.


just draw

pyw, you need to practice your spatial sensitivity. Here are some random shapes inside a square: https://idlecanvas-wagmi.web.app/?mode=shapes. Draw a square and try to copy them as accurately as you can. Experiment with different methods to measure and sketch.

Check your values by turning your photo to grayscale. Use darker values to indicate depth, for example, in the overlap of the wings.
I have an artist friend, works on commission and stuff, who suggested drawabox for a beginner course
I have another friend of a friend who said it’s absolutely horrible and to watch some guy called Peter Han
Anyone know who to trust or both or neither
guys? any books/pamphlets on proportions and wire frame of characters?
people will cry about the 250 boxes but its to help build a solid foundation and you're going to be doing them anyway as part of your warmups for a while
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When I say Goho you say LOVE
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>He doesn't know
You fool! He's only using 10% of his true power level!
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Han is the original author of Dynamic Sketching which is what DAB is based on except it's drawn the fuck out and notorious for burning people out before they get a chance to have fun with drawing
I'd say do the 250 boxes and maybe some organic form construction but once you're done (shouldn't take more than a couple of days or an afternoon if you really blaze through it) just go straight to figure drawing or whatever specific thing you wanna draw
I thought you were supposed to use construction on master copies to try and reverse engineer what they did?
Guys hands are too short, he looks all bent and unstable
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Decided to try and do a proper study last thing, running on 4 hours or so of sleep...

Looks awful, but I was able to see the errors with it much easier now. I know I am capable of doing better than this, and admittedly my confidence despite how awful it looks was a bit better than the other day. I just hope tomorrow I can do a more clean one because I have done much more accurate/cleaner studies before, but that may be because I didn't give myself much time (and being tired won't help).

Also, can an anon give me some advice on how to make my lines look nice? I notice many artists use thicker lines for sketching, but mine look really lame and overly thin/ugly.
Why do you draw
i think scratchy lines are more aesthetically pleasing too. I'll never understand the obsession with clean linework, it's way less visually interesting.
0/10 wheres the tramp stamp
Comparison of the same study, about 25 hours apart in terms of overall practice. Feel like I am really improving. Wonder what it will look like in another 25 hours
Drawers rejected, begs corrected
Crabs, howies and schizos are thoroughly respected
The likes gets divided
The followers get excited
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his arms? needing to be foreshortened more like this? + he’s supposed to look unstable, he’s being pulled, but maybe his legs need to be changed to convey that?

Try using a skinnier ref with more prominent ribcage/pelvis, it will be easier to make out where they're pointing
Yeah guess I just need to work with better references.

Thanks, downloading now, I'll still redo the one I drew tomorrow as i can see her rib better now, but the ones you recommended will be very useful to me.

Heere's hoping my quality will return to where it should be in a few days. I'm confident it will.
Girls right arm (our left) and left leg could be bent to show force/running
how the fuck do you draw breasts and make them look good
Typically a master copy is different than a focused study. You're trying to imitate and learn the style of the master, see what makes their style theirs, brushstrokes, linework, composition, etc. A focused study on construction is where you would be applying construction to forms to see how they're built or fit together. Not that this process needs to be rigid or anything, if it works for you it works for you. What's most important is that you are getting what YOU want out of the study.
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aside from the broader relative alignment of landmarks, look at the features of the face more like the nose and lips. the circular shape for the side of the head isn't that bad, but the lips are virtually falling off the face, for instance, whereas in the ref there's a good amount of space between the right outside portion of the lips and the edge of the face.
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how do i get good when this is the best i can do. should i just keep drawing models until i can draw them good or do other exercises?
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How are my boxes looking?
kys perma/beg/-kun
Damn that's pretty cool, I might start doing that.
Did you take that exercise from somewhere or did you just come up with it yourself?
you haven't improved in a whole year since you started posting here.

what have you been doing?
stop fighting with random people
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thank you senpai, very useful
a.) not fighting
b.) not random
c.) truth hurts, doesn't it hun?
Fucking hot I like it
im absolutely certain im not who you think i am, i just think that picking fights in a self improvement thread is a tad silly
Dude I'm loving these series of pics! Really interesting "genre" or whatever this is. Keep it going
What's the go-to book for anime? Preferably something that goes into detail about eyes/faces overall.
I would understand what you're saying if it were any other anon, but that guy literally hasn't improved in a year. If I don't give him a reality check, that'd be more cruel
Fuck off Powell, nobody gets moved by your garbage
give them penises
Hey, complete beginner here.
I want to do anime but not sure if I should already start going to the anime thread or I should go through the stickies here first.
Which one do you anons recommend?
Go to /fig/ and start grinding figures for a whole year at the least. Forget about rendering, forget, about color theory, forget about tutorials and shit. Grind quick figures, all the poses you can find. Animation is all about seeing posing figures in your head. You will have to grind figgies fo a loooong time.
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I've been studying hands for a couple of days, and decided to draw from imagination to see if I've learned anything.
I know there are mistakes with these, but I can't make out any specifics. Would anybody be willing to point out some areas to work on?
Thank you.
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>What's the go-to book for anime
last time I was drawing I was slowly working my way through Bridgman (like 1-2 figures a day, 20-30 min).
after a couple months of that I stopped drawing completely.
guess the Bridgman defeated me.
Wooo roomis-san!!!
I do half a page of Keys to Drawing every day, just the act of picking it up is a good mental exercise.
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people told me "just draw" so i started drawing bridgman, is this good or passable for a very first bridgman figure from somebody new to drawing? or am i barking up the wrong tree too early?
it's good continue
I don't like your tone smart guy, you should try KYS to drawing
ur amazing anon. what's your iq? Must be nothing less than a 140
Not bad, keep it up
thank you
re-reading the post and it does come off as "smart guy" i'm sorry, i didn't mean it that way lmao. i just genuinely asked before if i should study non-stylized anatomy before bridgman to see if it would make it easier to understand
good job! drawing it again from memory right after its helpful too, continue just keep drawing.
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Does anybody have any good resources/methods for drawing hands?
I've gone through a few different construction techniques, but the box-hand thing is just not clicking for me for some reason. The joints in particular I really struggle with
>re-reading the post and it does come off as "smart guy" i'm sorry, i didn't mean it that way lmao. i just genuinely asked before if i should study non-stylized anatomy before bridgman to see if it would make it easier to understand
and I'm sincere in saying your copy was very very good.

Bridgman will serve you well. He teaches you fundamentals of fundamentals, and it can only be a solid foundation that takes you as far as you want in life
I'd recommend hogarth's dynamic hands book but that's pretty much the same concept morpho's simplified forms is based off of. Maybe try supplemental content?

This video by synix https://youtu.be/hzl3eaxAJpo helped me alot when I started. Tbh, everybody learns differently, just spam different teachings until it clicks.
seconding hogarth hands


Hogarth book.
Thanks guys, I appreciate it a lot.
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Can I ask if this looks 3d or still flat as shit?
Flat asf
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You scare me.
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Nice refs, thanks yall
It is the year 2145, and the beetle people have since taken complete control of the human race...
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so many gohos...
Can you tell me how to make it look less flat? I can barely make out construction
Looks good anon, great fundies too
wouldable, draw her naked
i can draw heads and hair fine. i can draw individual face parts fine. i can draw faces without a head decently. but i CAN NOT draw a face on a head to save my life no matter how much i try and study. is there a good guide? am i just stupid?
CSP 60% off sale on right now if anyone wanted it
pyw prebeg or ngmi sketchcel
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Delving into perspective. I am utterly retarded.
no it just means you don't truly understand the form and planes of the head.
you will thank yourself later
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this is the last thing i drew a few minutes ago but it doesn't really illustrate the problem
That's a good exercise, animating is a very good way to get in your repetition while also using your knowledge in application. It's sloppy, but, it's a good effort for a dive into perspective. Keep it up anon. I'm proud of you. A lot of people shy away from perspective and construction because they're some of the more difficult fundamentals to grasp. The irony being that they're also the fundamentals that train your spatial reasoning the best, which is critical in art, but that's something you only really understand once you're on the other side looking back.
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here's a figure drawing from this morning that better shows my problems
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Fucking twat mocking me.
I know. I have to be aware of what I am doing, where the lines were previously and where they are supposed to go and they go down the fucking shitter because I dont have the talent to do this shit inside my fucking head.
>The irony being that they're also the fundamentals that train your spatial reasoning the best, which is critical in art, but that's something you only really understand once you're on the other side looking back
I want to fucking eat the face off every fag who didn't have to grind this shit like a stupid retarded toddler learning how to chew his own food without dying because they were born with talent.

Con fucking grats you can trace some lines on paper and show a spastic retarded cube. I still can't draw FUCKING TRASH SHIT.
oh i also posted >>7297283 earlier which was another figure drawing that also clearly shows my issues
which server is this, name
i have a hard time with form and planes in general and idk how to fix it. i just do figure drawings all day and nothing improves. i'm like chris chan in that way.
if you're not conscious of what you're drawing you could do a thousand figures and not learn anything, if you don't get form and planes it might be time to hit up the ol' box
Chill buddy. Spamming cubes is just one way of training spatial logic. You only have to grind it until it clicks, the box spam is just the most straightforward way to do it.
well i try to be conscious. not sure what i'm doing wrong really. i'm autistic and have adhd and don't see pictures in my head though so maybe one or all of these things contribute to it seemingly being much more difficult for me than others. i've been at it for a laughably long time and just don't get better. idk what the "ol' box" is either.
drawing boxes/cubes in perspective, extruding and chopping parts off to see how it affects the form
also cylinders
just manipulating and combining basic forms until you get the hang of it
What is the question, because I want to learn how to draw
eh unless i'm missing something i can do this just fine and don't see how i can apply it to my specific issues. i took an animation class in college 20 years ago and animated rotating cubes and bouncing spheres. i feel like my problems are more specific to drawing more complex shapes.
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last one.
>Complex form confusing
>Simple forms easy to manipulate
>Breakdown complex form into simple forms
>Understand how complex form moves through space
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That’s really cool.
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>no one said hi back
We're not friends?
Sorry are you sure you know who I actually am?

Regardless I'll give you a response, I have clearly improved relatively speaking (whether or not it's much is another thing), but sadly some things slowed my progress down and I've repeatedly gotten out of practice, so sometimes my skills are worse on certain days than others.

For instance, my observation/accuracy with limb placement and proportions was better a month ago, but due to being out of practice it's gotten worse.

Recently, I was busy doing gift art for a friend, which took me a while to draw so it got in the way of other practice I had to do, and this is in addition to doing commissions (rather trying them out), which also slowed my progress down for the same reasons. For this is why after I do one more (because I promised someone I would), I am going to put a halt to any gift/commission art for at least a year until I actually improve enough in both skills and confidence.

Also I admittedly do not know how to give actual detail to real life figure studies yet and I do enjoy drawing more cartoony looking characters but I like proper anatomy so that's why I do real life studies.

Regardless, your attitude is very smug and douchey so i probably shouldn't have bothered giving you a response but regardless hope this is a satisfactory explanation for you.

TL;DR Life/doing commissions before I was actually ready/sleep issues/distractions/sometimes burnout has slowed my progress and resulted in me often declining in quality due to being out of practice.

Yeah I didn't really know what I was doing with the lips and the perspective kinda got fucked. My main focus was on the actual body itself but yeah i need to work on drawing real faces more.
bros I want to start drawing damn but I am old, what book do i pirate bros
Ur not getting any younger fag
Stop bullying him his heart cant take it.
On his behalf I'm sorry sir. It's never too late to follow your heart's desires
You're still not getting any younger fag. That's the point. Either you do or don't.
wait I do like command and conquer generals
maybe I start copying it hot damn
Youre right i suppose. More time spent hesitating is less time spent learning to draw, and that 45 year window could become 44 real fast
Kino. As they say the best time to plan a tree was 20 years ago, second best time is now.
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In /fig/ he said that it looks good, in /beg/ he said that shit, who should I believe?
The one that keeps you growing.
where can I learn to paint like you?
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Need to redo left arm and make a few edits here and there. Had to rush at the end.

I think my faces are getting better. Studies are paying off I guess.
Really cute bwo, saved.
I'm learning how to draw just so I can make more Gohos but I guess it'll take a loooong while to get competent at it.
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Not good I'm afraid. You might want to draw fewer boxes but spend more time getting the proportions and angle right before attempting this exercise. You could use Blender if you want to have a reference for a cube in perspective.
I mean the lines don't even seem to converge on this particular cube
Is Clip Studio Paint even worth it for beginners or should I stick with Krita? Also how well does it work under Wine?
I just wish I had friends to help me and vice versa.
I just wish I had friends
Anything is better than krita
Ill take what I can get I guess
That’s really smug.
god I wish I was capable of doing this already. left arm does indeed seem to need some work but otherwise she looks great, anon
she just brapped so..
What's the appeal behind western/cartoonish anime?
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Recently struggled with switching from traditional art to digital and it seems i improved quite a little bit. This is just a sketch that i made yesterday but i am too busy today so will probably have to draw lineart tmr and color it

This thread helped me a lot with improving in just 1 day
Thats what i tried to copy for reference
anon PLEASE learn to stop chicken scratching. there are people who draw 10 hours a day for 30 years and have no problems and there are others who get an RSI for the rest of their life within months because they abuse their wrist to the bone by doing drawing like that. above all else focus on proper drawing form: using the shoulder, making confident lines and whatever people on youtube will say etc
reference is kinda shit ngl
Oh well, i spent like 1-15 mins drawing like that and didnt notice it but thanks for advice, i spent liike 5 days drawing on tablet so its kinda hard to find a way to make an acceptable sketch, let alone lineart or coloring

Kinda agree but i somehow ended up failing to even copy it properly so i am worse lol
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I finally feel like my heads aren't looking disgustingly bad. Shouldn't have ignored the guidelines after putting them in.
kek what a good character design
chat gpt just gave me a pretty good critique. i do suck at connecting the abs to the pelvis desu.
yo this is insane, it's pretty correct, and even identified my half assed bench.
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anyone got any tips for hands and feet?
have a clear groundplane and your pelvis is weird here, the legs should be pushed more outward from the trochanter
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couldn't figure out what to do with her left leg
Do you get a rush of dopamine when you reply to yourself or how does that work
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Working on this
then revisiting meds map later tonight
What level of fucked am I if I can't do the Fun With a Pencil ball head segment...?
Anon, what are you talking about? What do you mean you can't do it?
Comeback to it later.
What's infinitely more fucking stupid is the fact you didn't post your work.
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Well, obviously it's not that I *can't* do it, it's that it comes out wonky. His look so great, but mine are weird and wobbly and asymmetrical. It makes me wanna rip the sketchbook in half, and I've gotta take such an outsized break to quell the tard rage lest I fuck something up that it's infeasible.

I guess the real question is: How do I do this shit without wanting to rip my hair out or otherwise going gorilla mode?

Here you go!
Anon did you really believe that you would be on the same level as someone that spent decades honing their craft by just picking up a pencil?
If that were the case then everyone would be an olympic athlete and any sort of training is for the birds.
just try again. stop taking so many breaks. Let your emotions show up on the paper.
I'm gonna make the angriest damn jolly little ball man the world has ever seen...!
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i love asses and crotches
Put down lighter lines and use searching lines by going over them multiple times until you find the one that looks best
You're such a perv
I guess I've just heard that being "sketchy" is bad and that you should never do it and aim for confident lines, instead.
Had a university exam...too tired to draw...
So had a good night's sleep, and put some hours into this.

Personally I think this is one of my best real life studies so far...it's not great at all and it's messy/unclean and not terribly detailed, and the toes friggin suck (but I tried my best to keep them accurate as I barely draw toes), but I feel this is one of my best so far especially compared to the piece of crap I drew last night.

That being said, I still dunno how to apply actual detail to what I draw, especially things like the bones/shadows/muscles at the moment.

Anyway, critique away. Again it is helpful and encourages me to try better.

This pic took around 2 hours to draw, but was distracted a few times while I was drawing.
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Sketchy lines have a dynamism to them and they can look good and even confident, it's bullshit that you should only ever put down clean lines and I promise you no one in the art world actually does that even after the mythical 10k hours, everyone sketches and then cleans it up however they see fit
chicken scratch does not mean sketchy lines. Two different things
very nice anon, you've moved up into a new level of drawing.

sorry for the harsh crits before, but I'm glad to see you finally step foward out of your comfort zone, doing something like this

it only gets easier
You were >>7297306 ?

I mean, I appreciate the praise but I have done similar quality stuff before and much of my issues were due to life getting in the way and health/sleep related things...as well as doing art for others before I was ready.

I could potentially always draw like this, but we'll have to see in a few weeks once I've done this last thing for someone.
Huh. When I DO stop trying to do mega-confident lines, my stuff winds up looking like chicken scratch. Is there a way to construct outlines out of more than a single line for each part without being chicken scratch?
Who told you sketch lines aren't supposed to be confident?
Sounds like you lost the plot buddy
And who told you sketching means "constructing outlines out of more than a single line for each part"?
Look at your favourite artist's sketches, copy a few of them maybe and you'll get it
>Lost the plot
I'd love to find it again.

>Who told you that?
Nobody? I just assumed that that's what confident meant. The "ALSO NOT chicken scratch" skull on the right clearly only has one line per section of outline.

I dunno, that's just how sketches come out for me? How are you supposed to make sketches confident?
This shit right here is why I almost never crit anything.
Sorry :(
You ever heard of tempo drawing? Might help you out with learning how to draw confident lines.

Synix is that rare combination of artist, teacher and influencer that actually produces amazing quality content.
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really need to learn how to draw hair
my attempts to copy look like utter shit even if I trace guides and landmarks over the ref. I have never done copy studying before but I've been drawing for years. how do I improve my observation skills?
Thanks friend, I appreciate it.

For what it's worth, it has taken me years (of irregular effort) to get to this point.

Would have taken half the time if I had actually applied myself.
anyone know a good forum or something which is a good environment to improve? like competitions, critiques and stuff? that old concept art site was cool but it died
Sadly most has been replace with disc*rd
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what's the redpill on watercolour painting lads?
its really fucking hard to git gud at (at least for me, I got filtered)
I've been on /dad/ for a bit. the threads are hella gay so don't read them ever. just post your work on the site
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Bonnibel's unusual way to let off steam
Really nice! You definitely "leveled up" your skills
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Another ref copy
What'd you learn? What do you think you did well? What did you do poorly? How will you implement what you learned into your work?
We'll see in the coming weeks if that's the case. But I think I better do the commission I promised to this person next, since once that's done I can practice and draw my own pics without having to worry about getting distracted from improving.
I think I got better at cloth simplification, also my values improved, but that's subjective.
Face proportions went wrong so there is a space to improve.
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Exclusively using lines limits the amount of detail you can depict. E.g. you can paint nasolabial folds softly, but if you represent them with a line your character is suddenly old.
Hair in your drawing is messy because you thought random, lazy lines were enough to represent it. Same with the knees, although not as intensely.
Clothes are messy because you tried to differentiate the clothes from the skin with a darker value using messy "brushwork. For the clothes, bucket/lasso tool with a light gray would have achieved better results, and way faster.
Consider pic related next time for getting decent enough results when quickly adding values to your sketches.

>it's bullshit that you should only ever put down clean lines and I promise you no one in the art world actually does that even after the mythical 10k hours, everyone sketches and then cleans it up however they see fit
Artists like Peter Han, DongHo Kim, Tom Fox, Kim Jung Gi, Katsuya Terada, etc prove you wrong. I won't elaborate much because the subject matter can turn out to be annoyingly subjective but, as cliche as it sounds, confidence will come to you if you put in the time and effort, and it will magically start to show up in your drawings. It doesn't matter if you draw slow like Jung Gi or fast like Yoh Yoshinari, your lines will show your confidence and will be a fundamental part of what composes your unique style.
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'ate fat bitches, simple as
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You don't know what you're missing, virgin boy.
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Thank you!

I was honestly aware the hair looked lazy I just didn't have time then to learn how to draw hair better...my main priority was her body itself and head to an extent.

Same for tthe clothes, I just kinda used a brush just to make sure they stood out more but yeah your example...so much better I'll use that for the future.
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Help me out guys, I feel something is wrong with her.
I know the hair needs work. I'll be fixing it later
I'd really like to hear your thoughts
you have a foot fetish
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trying to get better line art...
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im going to bed, too tired
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did some copies and thought it turned out well even though there's a lot wrong with it
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how does this look?
Really cute!
Cute face anon. Wish I could draw a cute face like that.
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Can someone tell me the difference between these two? I feel like the wide angle is growing sideways or the FOV is approaching the left side of the angle as if walking towards a gated wall.
I am tired of seeing others get better than me so fucking fast and easily. Please God give me talent.
Stop blaming talent, just work harder
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i tried another bridgman, this one was harder than the first one but i also spent a lot less time on it
I want to learn heads and bodies as fast as possible, I am studying, I'm doing the drills and warmups, I'm trying to improve but I want to focus on drawing heads and bodies fast or at least know the core exercises I need to do in order to most improve in this subject.
For example I know that my circle, straight lines and boxes drills help me draw with more precision and confidence but I have no idea how to make a properly sized skull or those box skeletons people usually begin their drawings with.
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Nigger draw something
>as fast as possible

What’s the rush? Art is a lifelong journey. I understand wanting quick results but you have to also be realistic. Bodies will take years to effectively learn, depending on how advanced you want your bodies to be (cartoon bodies? Comic book level bodies? Maybe somewhere in between realistic and stylized? Establish this to make your goal more realistic).

As for core exercises, there are many. Perspective knowledge, shading, shapes…hell you pretty much need all the fundies to a degree to draw a body effectively. Proportions are also incredibly important, so warming up with maybe a quick layout of bodily proportions might help. Just think “what do I struggle with most?” And try warming up with that.

>i have no idea how to make a properly sized skull or those box skeletons

Both require different methods. Find one that works for you. Boxes work for some, drawing an oval for the ribcage works for others. Someone already replied to the finch link which is helpful but also check out other figure and portrait drawing artists such as vilppu, Steve Huston, hampton, morpho, etc, and not just Bridgman and Loomis . Good luck.
well first just draw some heads instead of circles. you'll never draw a head just by drawing circles. and yes, a lot of your heads will be ugly. it's normal
I might have exaggerated or badly expressed my intentions, my issue is "I want to fuck around/doodle figures but my knowledge beyond stick figures is non-existent" I don't want to draw perfect bodies and faces and I don't care whether it'll take years for me to do beautiful things, I just want the bare essentials everyone knows so I can keep them in my mind and add them to the drills I already do.
I mentioned the box skeletons (so a little square for the hip, big square for the torso, you know what I'm talking about) because I often see those when people construct stuff, or the classic potato shape looking anime face, or whatever rule people use to place eyes/nose/mouth/ears so they don't look uncanny. Those are all core things everyone keeps in their mind and require very little prior knowledge but I don't know where they got them. When doing Keys to Drawing I'm asked to imitate masters, draw foreshortened subjects, find the midpoint, and all the other essential stuff but I still don't know how to draw a human from imagination, am I being hasty? Sure. Do I enjoy doing these exercises? Of course. Would I be feeling way better were I able to pick a piece of paper and confidently know that I'm capable enough to at least IMAGINE what I need to do to even begin drawing a competent figure? Definitely.
Drawing from imagination alone is very difficult, let alone drawing humans. If you want to draw humans from imagination, Loomis is your best bet since he teaches basic construction and doesn’t have super complex, just effectively drawn, figures.

>but I don’t know where they got them

The box is just perspective knowledge, and the application of the boxes and other forms for the head and what not is just an abstraction of anatomy.

If you want to learn imaginative drawing, quickly and effectively, pick ip perspective made easy or do a perspective course or do Loomis /morpho, both of which particularly cover that. You can’t draw from imagination without strong shape and perspective knowledge
you should do the finch guide. i know you think I'm some scammer so you didn't click my link, but you're missing out on the best resource to learn figure drawing from imagination to a professional level. It's not a sissyshit program either, like those box guys you're talking about (box figures are piss easy)
Finch’s Bridgman + Loomis method is good but it’s just so damn long. I’ve been on my first run of Bridgman for years, it’s a damn big book. not to mention his drawings are so complex and detailed. The guy wants quick results . Bridgman would probably give you the best, but not the quickest
>I’ve been on my first run of Bridgman for years,
I finished my first run in a week bro. Granted, I was working on it for several hours a day, but it shouldn't take "years"
i'm a /3/fag and can barely manage a stick figure but I want to be able to at least make my own references for some personal projects. where to start? proportions+anatomy? need to make t or a pose with front and side view and have it be consistent through both views, is that too high a bar for a /beg/?
How long it took me is mostly due to not strictly working on Bridgman alone + hiatuses.
>it shouldn’t take “years”

There’s no “should” and “shouldn’t” with this stuff, you”re done when you’re done. Most people aren’t going to finish it in a week though, realistically, anyways.
Sorry for taking so long to reply, it's almost bed time so I'm feeling a little tired.
I did click in your link, bookmarked it, read (skimmed) it and downloaded most of the books mentioned but, like I said, I'm mainly interest in the bare minimum I need to draw something that doesn't look like it was made by a literal toddler holding a crayon with his mouth. That previous anon asked me to post my work and I replied in a cheeky manner because I don't keep any drawing I've done from imagination, they're all awful and embarrassing. Your link, while very helpful, does not answer my question, I'm not looking to do another entire book alongside Keys to Drawing, after I'm done with it of course, but I see very little reason to burden myself with yet another book. Adding too much stuff would just demotivate me and I'd probably end up doing nothing.

Maybe I am just asking for the impossible, maybe drawing a basic human, or even something like an anime styled human, requires a lot more work than I've initially thought, which is why my question sounds stupid/absurd to you guys and the answers to it unfulfilling to me. In any way, I've downloaded the books and written down the tips. Tomorrow I'll try to organize them in a nice order so I can go through them one by one.
You basically want to lean towards a fashion designers workflow. Start with figure drawing using one of the accepted books like Hampton and use the proportions you learn to get started.
>Your link, while very helpful, does not answer my question, I'm not looking to do another entire book alongside Keys to Drawing, after I'm done with it of course, but I see very little reason to burden myself with yet another book. Adding too much stuff would just demotivate me and I'd probably end up doing nothing.
this is the definition of not making it, fren. you're not going to be able to put in the amount of effort required to get to where you want, so you may as well find something else to turn to. There's no easy shortcut here

true, sorry. no reason to rush Bridgman all at once
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How to get this good? Will boxes save me?
I'm not willing to dump 8 hours of daily work on a hobby, I do what I can with the free time that I have. If today I got an hour free before going to bed why would I divide it even further by splitting my attention in two different directions? Rather stupid in my opinion. But well, I think I got an answer, not the one I wanted but the best I could get given my shitty question. I'll just keep going on my own pace.
NTA, but if you don't have much time to dedicate to art the best way to make fast progress is probably by learning how to accurately copy other people's art. This will build up a mental bank of information that you can use along with the basics of constructing a head and body. Basically learning how to mentally deconstruct characters and put them back together in different poses with modifications to make them your own.
No shut up
If you dont have the time or the talent to make big progress out of little time you are extra fucked.
Enjoy seeing NEETS and other priviledged fucks do what they want all fucking day while you wageslave.
Good luck.
No one asked you to do 8 hours. I'm just amazed you won't even work through 2-3 books.
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>Talentfags can do without breaking a sweat
I am fucked.
Thank you!
>Shoes in the house
>Giant dick growing out of the floor
>Cum and sweat everywhere
It needs colour, some manners, and internal logic. Good day.
babe wake up new beg schizo dropped
If you're amazed by that you can barely imagine how I'm feeling by seeing someone with such poor reading comprehension. Maybe you're trying to read my posts while playing subway surfers, scrolling tiktok and reading 15 books at the same time? Based and grindpilled might I add.
Why should I care, it is what it is, do you also wake up mad thinking about all the billionaires in the world who never had to work a day in their lifes?
I'll try to do more of that, thanks.
That's like 48 frames of sloppy animation what are you on about?
I was trying to be nice, but you seem really bitter.

Good luck with anything in life, lil bro
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I don't animate. The last animation i did was because I was working through Morhpo's simplified forms. If you're really wanting to see that I'll post it. Though based off your response ima assume that's your animation and not somebody else's from your discord. Which makes me wonder why you're presenting it as someone else's.
Lmao no it is someone else's. I am still pretty shit.
Definitely mirin that breakdancing animation. Looks solid enough to build up to something.
Thanks, and if that's not yours, then just recognize you're a lot closer to that than you realize if you're the anon that was posting the animations up the thread.
Anon we’re on your side here, but I think you’re getting the responses you are because you want shortcuts. You’re saying things like …

>I’m mainly interested in the bare minimum

>burden myself with yet another book

>i’d probably end up doing nothing

It reads a lot like you honestly don’t have much passion for art, and if you do somewhere in you, I think you should tap into that side of yourself instead of the one that wants these results ASAP. If you want to get good, you’ll have to do more than the bare minimum, go through certainly more than just 1 book, and not tell yourself that “doing nothing” is even an option. Many people here take art very seriously as I’m sure you can tell by now, and you’re gonna need to change your attitude if you want the results you want.
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Maybe it's just a big misunderstanding, even though I fail to see how that would happen in this case. I'm an ESL so some words might be more loaded to you than they are to me.
>I’m mainly interested in the bare minimum
>burden myself with yet another book
>i’d probably end up doing nothing
Being nice by saying you're "amazed" at something you didn't even interpret right? Sure, it's been a long day I'm tired and this is the last post before going to bed, I'm probably grumpy and I apologize for that, were I well rested I'd probably convey myself differently but whatever. Feel free to ignore or disregard my post if you find a problem with the way I write, it was not my intention to be mean to you as a person and you shouldn't take it that way.
kek. what happened to your bedtime, bud?
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Yesterday practice, any help is appreciated
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anons, I have been watching a few yt vids on coloring. tried their methods but I just couldnt get the right angle and which parts of the center object should be lightened or darkened.
Nigga what the fuck are those "boxes"?
You didn't even try
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what kind of shoes should i give her
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can i make it if i keep drawing with finger on an ipad? dont wanna buy an overpriced pen
pencils and printer paper cost less than 10 bucks bro
wood sandals
yeah and i still want to draw digitally
You don't need faggot pen to draw. I was quietly seething one day when I one of the retards in my art class were saying you need the apple pen to be able to draw on iPad. As if though eraser and sliders don't exist. As long as the tablet's screen is functioning your skill is what determines what you can draw. What the apple pen provides should have already been base features but Apple loves to milk their loyal retards. Draw with your finger to spite those fuckers for me anon. Show them they're all just sheep sucking from the goyim teet.
this is very strange cope, apple sucks and the pencil is overpriced but come on man, ain't nobody getting shit done finger painting
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I've been drawing with fingers on the Ipad for over a year now, it's manageable thanks to smoothness sliders, but it has downsides. You can't see precisely where the stroke lands at first as your finger is covering it, you don't have precise enough control over curves, and the screen starts to look blotchy (I do wash my hands), which might be sufficient reason for buying a pen, but eh, I feel like burdening myself a little first
Draw with your finger is wild
skyscrapers with the same starting point i guess
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You know there are other pens that work with iPad besides Apple Pencil right?
What is your twitter?
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Where do I even begin lmao
new slop
>Your brain on drawabox
I don't know which ones are good, or which ones are for drawing. They all say just "stylus".
how do you even use shoulder when drawing short lines?
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I'd like some advice on how to hatch shade, or just shade in general or advice on anything in this drawing. I spent around 2 hours on it and this is my 50th day drawing.
The ref has the roads cutting this diagonal gesture, which looks really nice, but yours ended up a bit static.
Based Dorian appreciator

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