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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman
Hikaru Hayashi

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Framed Perspective
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous thread: >>7291641
Why does everyone always get Shrek's color wrong?
kyss retard
he has many layers, comparable to that of an onion>>7294150
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anyone have any favourite proportions? rule of thirds does make sense but sometimes it's cuter to move the nose and mouth up

hard to get the jaw/chin shape just right though
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hide dem hands boy
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What to do when too lazy to render? Just draw postures.
I'm not sure this is very useful, at least the way you're going about it
>draw a simple rough sketch to map out the proportions
>stare at it for 5 minutes
>”I think this looks fine. It looks good, even. I cannot detect any problems in this sketch.”
>do the final drawing
>realize there are multiple critical errors in proportions, perspective, etc
What’s even the fucking point of sketching if I can’t even see the mistakes until everything’s done and inked?
I feel like this is part of why my progress is so god damn slow. I can’t iterate fast. Quick sketches give me no info whatsoever, I can only actually find mistakes and learn from them when I do a completed drawing. It’s maddening.
Most of usefulness has been getting used to drawing tablet and figuring which way those shapes are. Cutting and shaping

>get ready to benchpress, load 225
>lock in the shoulders, arch my back, grab the bar and plant my feet firmly on the ground
>realize i cant lift the barbell


You gotta start small and simple. makes sure youre able to draw simple forms in space consistently with same exact dimentions, then slowly add on top over time. Just like when working out, you people ego lift then wonder why there's little to no pregress.
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Crit please, drawing a sort of mini plane /rectangle is the best way to attempt this type of angles right?
It's weird that many hobbies have that same mentality like you can't get better if you don't suffer greatly.
Vulgar Freudian "no pain, no gain" mentality.
Well yeah, learning a skill is rewiring your brain by expending energy, which your brain doesn't like, hence the pain.
You get the best progress when you push over the carpal tunnel syndrome and don't let your mind trick you
It's more like you need to consistently be pushing yourself just beyond you capabilities to improve. Lotta people have fun drawing without developing their draftsmaship, nothing wrong with that. People here want to develop those higher level drafting skills and you do need to push yourself outside the comfort zone for that. Pushing yourself too hard is always bad, I don't think anyone will argue that.
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don't really know how to improve just doing soulless studies
so you don't know
Sure. Based off your studies you are still weak in your value control, construction, form, hard and soft edges, observational skills. I mean I could go on and on. You're supposed to have a goal with a study, reflect on what you're doing right and wrong, then take what you learned and implement it into your own work. You're literally just... well I don't know what you're doing with these. They're all so random and unfocused in their purpose, are they color studies, value studies? Material studies? These all look more like copies than studies where you are biting off more than you can chew if I'm being quite frank, but we all have to start somewhere.
Someone please help out this retard, I can't figure out how to change the color of my lines in Krita.
When drawing over stuff I usually use red/green, once I'm done (in photoshop) I just make a new layer, paint it black then use it as a clipping mask to the layer I've drawn in.
How can I do that in Krita? Is there a better way??
how badly would I be wasting my time if I got this? I'm looking to do cartooning while learning to draw in general, so

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drawing my cute monster waifu as warmup
more anatomy study later

I really like that seal painting, it's very soulful and well done.
Use a box, yes (3-point)
Do a thousand more of these while playing with dynamic perspective and foreshortening
my grifter alarm is going off
(also check out the video course general)
ctrl + shift + g
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Trying to break the secret of fat anime tiddies
Not to sure about the nipples position (or the rest for that matter)
SAI2 bros tell me something hidden some asian secret some random feature that isn't immediately available
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>ctrl + shift + g
Doesn't work
damn she cute
Yes I know check sticky and all that but I can do that later when I have more time
For now can someone give me TLDR on a learning to draw pipeline
Already have a goal in mind, already know it will take years
It seems similar to learning Japanese which I’m also doing
Just get the basics down then after that practice every day and that’s it?
nta, you can also do this photoshop. Just click the checkerboard. It creates an alpha lock so its like making a clipping mask without creating a clipping mask. Then just color over it.
all his books are up on zlib and libgen
There you go anon. Almost anything is free on the internet. Don't fall into the trap of spending money instead of mental resources. It's the permabeg mistake and an easy way to get the feel good reward without putting in the work.
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would like some rendering tips or critique for next time
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Stop treating it like a clipping mask nigger. Click the checkerboard on your line layer. It's called alpha lock. The alpha is all the invisible area that isn't your line. If you lock the alpha, you can only draw on what isn't alpha.
they'll add this next update for sure kritasisters
least convoluted basic feature in krita
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Also yes,, I agree, Krita is a fucking terrible program that doesn't have clipping masks one of the most used tools in literally any digital art. Alpha lock won't let you use blending modes for specific things like shadow or light. You might as well just use something else.
Calm down edgelord, the anime community doesn't tolerate the use of that word.
Get a grip or suit yourself.
Sure I guess I can deal with that, I suppose.
You win today little man, you win today.
yes we do
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actually the more i look at your posts the more i feel like this was a troll. Especially after this one >>7294666
where you pull up 2 other programs lmfao. Let's just agree that the real losers here today are the people who unironically use Krita.
drew my oc sticking a finger in a hole in his face (nondominant hand)
my hand hurts
so does my face
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i only just got my pen tablet like two days ago, still getting the hang of it, but it's not so bad right? definitely still need to do lineart head drills for my pretty anime girlies but we're taking baby steps
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But it's free and open source!! That means it's good even doe it actively sabotages the user
Do you mind making a timelapse? I really like your style but I'm still confused on how you do it.
i dont think you have that many options if youre using linux so i can see why people would get so defensive over it
do you know of any way to make a timelapse easily on procreate? Id love to when my main hand is feeling a little better
more left hand
Is Krita that bad?
It's not that bad but it's made for code monkeys not artists
I wouldn't say it's bad, so many people wouldn't be using a "bad" program just because it's free (you can always pirate, it'll always be an option and a great retard filter). It's just rather different from what people are used to, if Krita were to be the first art program you ever interacted with it wouldn't be that much of a burden to learn.
The thing is, Krita rarely is the first program someone interacts with, and ""artists"" tend to be not the sharpest tools in the shed so even when Krita has all the features those ""artists"" need they'll still bitch and whine over it not being a 1:1 copy of their favorite (PAID AND BACKED BY A MULTI BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY) software of choice.
>right click layer
>quick mask (ctrl+shift+g)
>clipping mask group automagically creates itself and works as god intended
>learned how to do this in less than five minutes of web searching
Now what now I say what in the sam hill is wrong with all y'all lil niggas
(Captcha: YDNTKW)
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I've been using Krita on an android tablet exclusively for the last six months after using Artflow and then Medibang Paint for years. I have several custom brushes I made myself and have repurposed the animation feature to create sketchbook files that I can export each and every page named and numbered with the click of a button and I did this all in the GUI without looking up a single tutorial. In short, you are wrong, and additionally retarded
>picrelated- a page from my sketchbook file
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Testing studying with 3d models, steve huston + cylinders makes the most sense to me.

Lately I've been digging the proportions and silhouette of donghuas like "Hero Return" and "Since I Wasn't the Heroine".

Looks cool but a little too plastic, I don't like the white gaps on the tentacle overlaps.

you are applying black layer to all the layers, you have a background layer that is opaque so everything will turn black... create a group with the layers you want to make black, fill the top layer with black and turn on alpha lock.
Learn how to use the computer anon.
Also, the fill tool has a grow option that may be faster for this.

no art software is really bad, but the thing about art software is that it probably has one of the worst user bases possible, "artists" rarely know how to use computers properly.
post a sketch. I bet it is too rough and your mind fills in the gaps for you until its time to actually fill them in physically.
Or, hear me out, if your target audience is artists, you should develop software that has tools those artists use. But, hey, capitalism. We all know Krita being free is the only thing it has going for it.
Refer to the second paragraph in the post you just quoted.
>Most programs have very similar ways of getting the result you want.
>Krita does not
>It's the artists that are wrong not the developers
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I need to have the right leg be a bit behind comapred to the left one.
Is it more or less correct this way? For some reason I completely forgot how to do it when it should be easy.
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>you should develop software that has tools those artists use
>uuhhh y-you do have the t-tools?? well, how about uhhh... T-THEYRE NOT IN THE SAME PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!
Pathetic, what are you going to bitch about next? The default theme, that you can edit in any way you desire, not being pleasing enough to your faggot eyes?
meant left leg be behind
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Today was just bad in terms of art, I couldn't do real life studies for shit...but I had a little bit more success drawing her.

But my god, I couldn't get her iris/pupils to look right. I dunno why but every time I drew them they looked derpy and weird, until I got to this point but she just looks soulless.

Can someone help explain why her eyes look so off? I am looking at references for anime eyes but I just can't get it right.

Tbh she looks flat as hell, much like these crappy artists I used to know who tried to poorly emulate the anime/manga art style but it just looking soulless.

I can tell it looks off, I just don't know how to fix it.
They are too close together, anime eyes are still at least 1 eye part
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Hey guys so I'm trying copy an artstyle because I want to draw a specfic character in the style. The problem I'm having is that I'm not sure if my thinking process is correct.

So in my example lets say I want to draw sombra from overwatch in the kim possible style. I have so many references for how characters are drawn in this style so would I need to just lock on to how a specific character looks then use only them as the model to create the style from ?

So for example I would use how bonnie looks as a the map for how sombra should look generally interms of shapes ?
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I'm trying to follow the Roadmap of David finch in the sticky and copy the figures in the How to Marvel Book. I'm not if I'm doing this right.
Right, noted.

I tried to account for the perspective though.

I am bothered by her nose and just the way the eyes are drawn in general.
You're supposed to post art, not blog post. This is not your personnel blog.
Thanks to that retard Powell we got one too many folk out here blogposting instead of drawing.
I'm asking a question in regards to art not blogposting ffs, where else should i go to ask questions about copying a style. How am I supposed to start when i dont know how to start
I'm explaining the issues I had prior to drawing Asuka actually to give critiquers context.
trvth nvke
yeah positioning the eyes is complicated in general and even harder with anime eyes since they tend to be so big, something that could help you would be like drawing an indication of the eye sockets, as for the nose maybe think of it as more of a diamond, prism shape perhaps?
I have been using Krita for a long time and today I learned it is bad. so sad
I'll have to work on that tomorrow once I redraw her.

Appreciate the advice.
We have to cancel you and you can't comeback here. sorry
fuck off

I just wanna know if I'm doing this figure exercise right, no need to get assblasted.
The roadmap says to learn an underwear shape for the pelvis, but the figures he recommends to copy in his youtube videos don't have an underwear shape.

The other posts aren't me
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Stop pretending to be me. You are the un-me, I'm the real me. You wanna be? Me?
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podria ser mejor
What's wrong with it?
I want to be dead.
doesn't even look like homegirl is holding the bag with her hand. it's like it's floating in space. also the comp/posture choice doesn't really make sense. why is the dude looking back at her while her left arm is swinging back as far as it is, she's turned away from him, looking down at her drink or the ground in front of her?
clearly not as much as you want to be live (not a misspelling)
Yeah rebuild the wheel buddy. Krita doesn't provide anything of value worth relearning or having to be stunted in transitioning to other softwares for. Strawman it all you want, the developers just made a shitty UI. Blender is a great example of open source and intuitive UI. Krita is not. Seethe more kirtafag.
The turn is uncanny, like its a doll with a center mass pivot, and the chest turns around the waist snapping the spine in two. This much turn would affect the lower body posture
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Studying anatomy is soul draining
You should try shading your shapes. The purpose of the exercise is to draw volumes, not lines.

What do you think of the drawing as a whole? aside from the turn
krita was the first program i used and i've mostly gotten used to it by now, are the problems so bad i should consider switching?
>Krita doesn't provide anything of value worth relearning or having to be stunted in transitioning to other softwares for.
Please refer to >>7294833. Had you read my first reply in this chain we wouldn't have to keep on this worthless conversation.
No shit Krita doesn't have all the bells and whistles, it's a completely free and open source multi platform program, and even then it fits the workflow and fulfill the needs of a lot of people. Comparing it to your cracked version of Photoshop is not only unfair but stupid.
Also I don't think I have to mention that this is /beg/, were you a career artist with meaningful accolades I'd be willing to accept that you simply cannot adapt Krita to the way you work (even then it'd probably be a matter of time investment not lack of features), but people here (me included) can barely draw a human with accurate proportions, whining about having to think for 1 more second about the position of a tool is just, again, pathetic.
Resistance to change is human but the lengths people go to justify their biased and feelings-based opinions is outright bizarre.
Distill the common feature from the show

All girls look pretty similar, if you want to maximize the styling, just draw the closest looking character doing the overwatch cosplay, when done - alter in any direction you want.
Alright fine we can agree Krita UI is archaic and leave it at that.
the style is basic and the subject matter is faggot
The eyes are recessed in the skull. Even in anime skull. You obsess over the slit shape, but you should start with just two vertical dots, and maybe a line on top of the dot for each eye to figure out the gaze/focus. Eyes are tricky, but cartoony/chibi/stick figure eye works because of cultural reasons. Capture the gaze first, then try to make it more realistic
its good that you completed it. But technique is weak and unrefined. Start another one
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you fucking niggers NEED to kill yourself for derailing the thread AND not drawing
brown fucking subhumans rats
wheres (you)r drawing?
jaw goes back way too far
Try to add background and ambient lighting. They seem to be wet, it would be fun if they reflected more
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such tits are not impossible
Seal is very cute
It's old and unwilling to change. It's like if a smartphone came out and chose to instead of having apps in a grid style have a swivel page menu or have the camera only accessible via triple clicking the side button then saying it's the other smartphones that are too stupid to learn the complexities of their system. Like no, humans just like consistency, it's not a matter of can I learn this, it's why should I learn this? Something Krita devs don't give a fuck about and why their program is what it is, and something like blender is so easy to pick up. Blender was built from the ground up trying to keep that cohesiveness between its keyboard shortcuts, menus and UI being intuitive, similar to other programs. Krita could be so much more if it followed a similar approach but it's old and quite frankly I don't think anybody wants it to change at this point. They're all too used to it by now.
shouldnt the ear fluff inside be white? its usually white
Gotcha. simplfy the eyes and then do the details.

can you elaborate on the slit shape and connecting the dots? Just to make things easier.
I think it is bad.
Thanks alot. I eventually figured something like that out after having my head feeling like it would explode
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>/beg/got when he realizes his favorite setting is in a different drop-down menu.
>blogposting is le bad!
Blogposters keep this thread alive and running if you haven't noticed you tourist.
Eye is complex, but most of the attention is on the pupil (directionality, focus) and the upper lid (agitation). Its a circle and a line. If you can place two of those in the right way, its easier to work with the rest.

For animehs the eye should be kept pretty simple. A few superfluous pixels with too much contrast would make a believable eye into uncanny makeup.

Also the entire line around the slit is almost never complete. Its not a pair of glasses with a rim
Her hair in general is supposed to be blonde but i didnt have the color
I'll work on that tomorrow, I'll see if I can draw more than one head shot of a character too to see if I can get the hang of it better.

Really appreciate it as it was honestly a bitch to draw and the final results just don't look right.
define improve
define define
you don't need any of those features anyways, if you really need something you can learn it in five minutes. what program you use is irrelevant. Krita has probably one of the best manuals of any drawing app.
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Also side note, I made an error with her electrode thing on her left side. The perspective overlaps the hair when it is supposed to be behind.
To state the meaning of a word, phrase, sign, or symbol.
i dont get it
I don't understand why Asuka is so popular among pre/beg/s
not my problem :)
>I don't get why one of the main characters of one of the most popular anime series is popular among people who like anime
draw something you actually like, even if you're doing a study. don't just take random images. if you want to study a meme, study a meme you like. draw a person you like. etc
Smartest person itt
I've not seen much of her on here honestly.
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No prob, tried drawing an example but fellow beg so not perfect
People who have surface knowledge of anime have surface knowledge of drawing. Their taste is not developed yet.
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Its an ok subject. I'd use her for pose studies any day, if you know what I mean.

And I mean that she's nubile and lean, almost uncanny, with stupid thin and elongated mr.skeletal, almost grotesque, but also sexy in an awkward, angular, teen way.

Some of the best arts worth of copying are of asuka. Shit person tho. Maybe one day people switch to uraraka.
please be bait
She's pretty and her costume has lots of fun shapes
NTA but
No, that's literally what you said lmao, you 100% moved the goalposts there
>Krita is bad because it doesn't have (tool)
>Krita does have (tool) it's just done slightly different
>Krita is bad because they do things slightly different, literally unusable
Funny you mention Blender because they did exactly that. Blender's UI is wildly different than industry standard 3D software UI and it's way harder to learn because the software is so complex and has a million different features jammed into it. See this guy here, a professional animator who is used to Maya, absolutely in shambles shidding and farding himself trying to to jump right into Blender https://youtu.be/X6V4JTx1Pyo?si=T9LDZa-sMCodRUUj

Krita is very simple and frankly having used GIMP, Photoshop CS6, Medibang (probably the one I've used longer than anything else), and other stuff, I don't see what's so unintuitive or "archaic" about its UI.
>Krita doesn't provide anything value worth relearning
It provides at least 90% of the functionality of every other program out there to my knowledge and its free and it also isn't even remotely hard to learn. Maybe if you weren't an autismo-tier obstinate retard who refuses to leave your comfort zone you could, like me >>7294804 >>7294817 be able to learn how to do something new within literal minutes and then get on with your day without having a melty and giving us all secondhand embarrassment.
>right click layer
>quick mask (ctrl+shift+g)
>clipping mask group automagically creates itself and works as god intended
>learned how to do this in less than five minutes of web searching

Literally anything else:
>Alt + Click
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Anchoring an asuka sketch to this, you can't stop us begs :)
interesting bulge
Real women have penises terf
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Disgusting desu specially that troon in the middle with the chest hair
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I think my proportions are getting better, but not quite there yet. Feels like everything gets better very slowly. Frustrating sometimes, but if I look back a couple of weeks, I can see the progress
You shouldn't be worried about proportions on a stylized drawing.
nta, but stylization at its broadest is just the departure of pure conventions. but there are multiple aspects in which that can happen, proportions being but one among them; just because a drawing is a stylization doesn't mean proportions don't matter.
Good proportions bring good balance, though
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Weird energy in here today.

I really like these.
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I'm quite happy with this one, I hope I managed to do it a little better than my previous one.
I also apologize to all hand/footfags for the atrocities I've committed.
This is quite nice, and I like the style
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My observation skills is kinda improving.... But still not good enough
You don't know how to draw
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Thank you fren :)
I'm just so drained I forgot to write it again but I appreciate any criticisms, opinions, redlines or even thoughts (you) have about my drawing.
Welp, I guess I failed the Keys to Drawing assignment (plumb and level), with your guides it's pretty easy to tell how wrong everything is positioned but before that I was actually thinking that the proportions were actually pretty good....I didnt really check whether everything was well aligned though...
I think I'll try measure each limbs size compared to eachother > do the rough shapes like the first image > check whether they have a good enough alignment and only then start to "really draw" it.
Also I don't know why but I made her right foot 2x bigger lmao
could you post the ref in iso?
Not sure what you mean by that but here's the image I used
thank you. sorry for the lack of clarity, just meant 'in iso(lation)'
I actually really like them tiddies, very natural look, I can feel the volume. Some women have them like that, where they sit a bit lower and heavier, good job desu
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cool landing strip bro
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>that reading comprehension
lmaoing at ur life right now
kritababs really got buckbroke by the clipping mask thing lmao
I think trying to do the Nomura TWEWY style is cool but the lack of a background and weird composition/anatomy kinda fuck the image.
>alt + click
This makes them seethe chat.
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Hello beg, i am being productive!

why not simply lock the transparency?
nice birb. how did you achieve that texture in the wings? is this just flaws of the ink, or was this deliberate?
cute thot
>cropped hands away
i havent found better multipurpose app than krita. it is literally the best. corel painter needs 3 seconds to perform undo and CSP literally lags during painting. honorable mentions rebelle for painting and sai2 for PERFORMANCE (no lag)
just draw the soul
i am not fan of the color choices. but its all well made
eyes too far apart
add shades connecting them to the ground. well made
keys to drawing (observation), perspective made easy (perspective). then you have all the fundies for whatever you want next like figgies, manga, painting or whatever
literally just use reference and see where real life boobs have nipples
if you will actually spend that time drawing you wont waste time. but if you will be like typical nodraw who just watches video tutorials... it will be over for you
there is nothing to crab or praise. keep drawing instead of reposting same stuff twice
even in trad you can use layers (light table). maybe your sketch is just too light so you dont see it properly?
drawing horror is easy: the more deformed the more scary it gets. i want to eventually draw not scary figgies lmao
No offense, your gpu sounds like it is ASS if you're lagging or have a delay for undo in painting software.
pawell why don't you use a tripcode so people can better filter you?
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Cirno has seen some shit.
you're mentally challenged, retard.
What are your thoughts on minimalistic drawings?
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how do i lose virgenity . guys
draw the vagene and rub ur weiner on it
i nev seen one draw for me . pls.
bold of you to imply that i of all people have seen a real one
i just told you how to lose the varginity like i did
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can u draw the vargana u losed with then. pls. i think it looks like this
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I'm the sombra art style question anon, I actually wanted to do sombra in breath of fire 4 style, thanks alot for the help, felt you would like to see it. Also not sure if pixel art is appropriate for these threads but fuck it
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fixed it
HOT, thanks for fixing it, daddy
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sorry broskie the one i used got all wet and soggy but i left my bed and maked a new one 4 us
the vages is actually more of a rhombus but it has weird shit inside for the the impregnation
hope helps now i go back to bed so i can lose the v card again if you catch my drift
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watch your proportions, anon
so hot i wil print it impregnate it also why are you white
im a mandingo black fella its jsut that i forgot to turn off my camera flash sorry dont forget to print in color i always forget that
it fine thank you son i will print in blue im colordblind cannot see black
By default every single file you make in Procreate already has a time-lapse saved and ready to export unless you turned it off. Tap on the menu at the top-left and then tap Video.
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I have a question about 30 second gestures. When a pose is very static what can you really draw? For example this pose, do you just draw a line going from the neck to the foot and maybe a couple of curves to capture the arms? I don't know why but I struggle with static poses like this.
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>When a pose is very static what can you really draw?
only one way to find out. experiment, try to get as simple as you can. circles, lines, maybe boxes or tubes. one thing you can do to try to better approach certain kinds of poses is simplified gesture drawing with no time limit. it also helps us to see your results, so we can give more catered advice.
I'm a total /beg/ but in this case id draw the way i gaze the picture, so flowing lines upwards while padding some heavyness to the butt region
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Face is unappealing, study more anime faces
Don't be afraid to add more shadows (especially in folds)
Stfu faggot, my drawing is way better than yours. You suck 1 million dicks free of charge.
based put that nigga in his place
You made her look old
I been trying to do a hour every night of gesture for the last few days. I only have 27 images in my pool at the moment. I also apologize if they are hard to see, its a rather large image.

30 seconds: https://files.catbox.moe/n2q0zm.png
1-2 Minutes: https://files.catbox.moe/zlwu9w.png
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Just like yo momma
If you want to look at non hag cirnos for reference, there’s a thead on /jp/
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>cropped hands away
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my asian characters look like wojak. wtf. how to fix this
yeah, you captured the "dead inside" look that wojak evokes.
not bad. this guy does some good vids on the subject of replicating styles in pixel art

Nah, I mog you to oblivion.
Stay bad and mad I guess
I think its good desu
thank you anon
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Thanks! Ironically brandon is the guy I've been following this whole time, he's taught me so much about pixel art. Hope these highlights make sense because I'm gonna animate now
you found your destiny as a wojak artist
do not try to escape it, you will fail
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i feel like you drew the clothes without overlaying it on top of the body first, especially around where the torso connects to the hip area. I don't think a torso width can concave on both sides into the waist. I've heard measuring from the shortest side of the anatomy helps to line things up
Further clarification, atleast with that pose, I do not feel the stomach/belly would be positioned within the width of the rib cage because the area circled is meant to stretch/curve outward not inward. hope that helps
Take your meds, Anon.
They don't look like hands. You'd benefit from using a reference for them next time.

That one pikat video about heads could help you understand what's going on. That, and iterative drawing to help you achieve a face you like.
>inb4 someone bashes me for recommending a vtuber video and not an old master's teachings

She's too short, too bulky, and it looks like she's made of stone — that rendering doesn't make sense.
Try gesture drawing. Watch Vilppu's videos. Draw some figures alongside him. Don't skip hair and hands.

I hope everyone that reads posts like this have the common sense to perceive how nonsensical they are.
You're symbol drawing. If you aren't already, read keys to drawing.
Human faces and bodies can be specially hard and frustrating to tackle as a beginner. Try something simpler. Watch the "Just draw" video from Design Cinema.
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super new to this whole drawing thing so any criticism is welcome
Use lines to convoy 3D shape and depth in 2D. Avoid straight poses and lines. You can strengthen and curve lines with multiple strokes but make them meaningful. For example I can see in her shorts you did multiple lines to bring more width but they are uneven making the form get lost.
Thanks but I'll wait for somebody who knows what they're talking about
>you did multiple lines to bring more width but they are uneven

with uneven do u mean line thickness or uneven proportions?
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I did a quick head sketch and inked it twice. The left one is done with slow, undecided strokes with multiple strokes, the right one is done with fewer, but more thought out strokes with consideration of the over all shape and line language. Which of the heads convoy form to you more?
both look terrible, left looks thinner
i see what you mean thanks will need more practice for the nice lines i guess
That applies to marker type of brushes. Pencil/charcoal type of brushes are more lenient and allow more strokes to build up the line and form. Choose your tools and style based on what kind of work you want to do.
i'll try, thank you for the input

to be fair, she is on her 60s...
>That one pikat video about heads
I'll try it, thanks
I have been just tracing recently but this image is good reminder why tracing isn't good.
You didn't copy the anatomy 1 to 1 but your sketch is now much clearer than the original
she is cute
stop posting feet pics
subconscious mcdonalds-chan
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i did some textures
I think it's really good
the rust and snowball are good! the gems(?) i think could use some more definition, too airbrushed inside I think?? like the light is hitting the left hand side but it's not as tight like in the rust and snow yknow???
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nondominant hand figure studies, done six so far today, aiming for 15 and hoping my hand doesn't fall off
cool as always, funny when i saw you in that server
holy shit i had no idea, maybe i have some already then
based ngl desu
Holy /beg/trap
I've been out of practice in regards to drawing anatomy, so I did some shape construction tracings to try and get back into gear.

The top left was done randomly, no references was used.

Is this at all effective for drawing anatomy without needing to relay on references though?

I am just not sure if I am wasting my time or not.
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After starting to draw digitally i started to struggle when it comes to lines smoothness and i didnt have this type of problem when drawing on paper

Is it something that will go away over time? or should i maybe use some brushes to make things less painfull? i seem to struggle the least using brushes that control opacity with pressure
the hair needs a lot of work doesnt read like actual hair oes on your version
facial proportions dont match
hands need work
body looks a bit strange, you need more line confidence try working with a low stabilizer and practicing strokes.
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Today I began my breakfast with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. With every sip, I could taste the tangy sweetness of the oranges, invigorating my senses and preparing me for a creative morning.

Orange juice is more than just a drink; it’s a burst of sunshine in a glass, making it the ideal companion for any breakfast.

Next up was my tuna sandwich, a classic comfort food. I opted for a sandwich with no crust a little indulgence that makes the meal feel just a touch more special. The filling was simple but satisfying: a blend of tuna, a hint of mayonnaise, a dash of pepper, and a sprinkle of celery for crunch.

The absence of crusts not only made each bite smoother but also gave the sandwich a nostalgic, almost childlike charm.

With my breakfast in hand, I decided to try my hand at drawing. I’m a beginner, so my drawing skills are still a work in progress, but that’s part of the fun. I grabbed a sketchbook and charcole pencils and set to work. I chose to draw a simple scene of birds somewhat inspired by my breakfast.

As I savored the last bites of my sandwich and the final strokes of my drawing, I felt a profound sense of contentment. Sometimes, the simplest things in life like a refreshing glass of orange juice, a comforting sandwich, and traditional drawing bring the most joy. It was a reminder that even in the mundane, there are moments of beauty and satisfaction.
It should be effective, I don't think it's possible to draw something well if you have no knowledge or memory of it so it's definitely not a waste of time.You seem really anxious about your drawings though, and it seems like you're trying to absorb a lot of information at once and getting distressed when there's little improvement.

This is just my opinion, but I think you're overwhelming yourself to try and get back to the level you were at before your break. You don't have any choice but to work with what ability you have in this moment though, so I think this is just damaging your morale. If your focus right now is anatomy, I think it would be better for you to break the body into pieces and work on more focused studies. It may also be beneficial for you to try studying something you haven't before so, you can't compare it to your prior work. If it helps, I think working outwards from the torso is a good way to break down the body.
I like your birds and enjoyed reading your post, but the brush you're using isn't very convincing as real charcoal. That sounds like a nice breakfast though so I hope that part was true.
I appreciate this.

You aren't wrong. However I am confident I can get back to where I was relatively quickly. But it is overwhelming, and I recently came down with a mild virus which made me tired and feel terrible so this likely didn't help recently either.

I am currently a NEET and may need to get a job at some point, so I am trying to make as much progress as I can before hand when I'll have less time to draw (and I would like to do commissions properly at some point, have done 2 already but after this next one I am putting a halt to it as I am simply not ready to do them with my low confidence level...no I won't share the comms I did I don't think they are appropriate for this threaed).

I'll do one real life study today and then call it, shoulder is hurting and I am quite tired still but should be better in a day or two.
Digital will always feel more slippery but you can adapt if you give it time. Using stability features can help, but too much will spoil your line control so you only want enough to account for the lack of tactile feedback with whatever tool you're using. You have to experiment with it. You should also take into account the ergonomics. Are you drawing flat or at an angle and how big is your tablet, are you doing anything different with your body when you draw digital as opposed to traditional.
i just hope that by the time i finish keys to drawing ill be able to draw decent anime bitches
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Any pointers? >>7295928
You're replying to a troll.
If you using screenless tablet, wear paper on top of the tablet for better feel and traction. I'm using thick sketching paper on top of my screenless tablet.
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I tried my hand at it
I wonder if those "paper feel" screen protectors are any good.
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I think you're having some difficulty keeping track of your values. The black and white portrait seemed like the best example so I used that one. You can see here that you've painted her eye in dark just like the reference but didn't notice that several other areas of the picture match that tone and should also be dark. Comparing values that are alike will make this kind of study more successful and I think less stressful too.
It will destroy your nibs, grinding them twice as fast, and also clogging the tip with stuff, instead of keeping the surface as clean as possible. You just have to get used to the glossy feeling. I remember at first, I even tried to stick a felt in the point of the nib, of course it didn't work, I just ruined a nib, and it didn't fix shit.
You want to fool yourself that you're drawing with a pencil in a piece of paper, wich is retarded. You're using a precision tool intended to work as a electronic device, not as a pencil wood on paper. The pencil simulation is happening on the software itself, it has nothing to do with "how your digital pen feels like"
This is like when you put those "pet shoes" to your dog or cat, and they will try to take them off, and they will walk funny till they get used to it. This is the same, you have to get used to it. That's why you modify the brush engine options, stabilization, drag, etc. You can't modify the hardware as it is already, only the software.
One step closer to my dream
Messed up by not drawing the crotch lower and making the left arm too large but at least the breasts are about the right size and shape
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Do you guys also have weird pressure curve settings?
Yeah, I thought it was a funny.
Thx a lot, i will try out all of the stuff mentioned later and see, i was getting really lost at digital drawing for days so should help
She just has a thin waist
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first naked adult woman I draw
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Stick with one or two default brushes you like, maybe a pencil type if that's what you used before, and try not to go too crazy with all the new tools. If you're having trouble with sweat causing friction and making it hard to slide your hand across the tablet and draw straight lines, consider getting a fingerless cotton glove or some other suitable material. I just picked up some old cheap gloves and snipedy snapped all the fingers except pinky.
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>a couple of days ago I finally found a brush that clicks for me when it comes to sketching
>today I find a brush that clicks for line art
yeah, I'm becoming unstoppable by the minute
wait this is kinda fire
You dont need to worry about line smoothness imo. It will come just as you use your tablet.

Your biggest problem is your observational skills. Make sure you're paying attention to shapes. Another anon said drop the image on top every so often. This is fine to do as long as you dont trace. Just do that, make notes of what is incorrect/off and then take it back off and correct.
I see. Thanks for your feedback
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Idk it still feels a bit weird
I looked you up from the watermark. The first clue was in your post but I missed it so thanks for having another one in your bio so I could avoid clicking it. That's not really to my taste, but this picture is really great it's super clean and has lots of appeal. If you don't already, maybe you should look into animation.
Share them with us, faggotto-kun.
better than your loli drawings
Nah, it's personal preference anyways
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Working on this. The colors don't feel interesting enough.
Wow nigger are you really going to blogpost and not even share the fucking thing? Kill yourself.
very cool
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Could someone please help me figure out how to accurately draw an anime face in black and white? I don't really know what I'm doing wrong
Thank you!

When I drew that I thought "Lol I should draw a funny face", but I decided not to as I wanted to move on.

If you are wondering what that was, I was testing out my observation skills. I need to learn how to draw breasts properly.
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I dont agree with that
I'm a shitter so it's blind leading the blind here, but I'd suggest first trying to get clean linework in place before doing literally anything with hair rendering or shading in general. You should be able to recognize what type of hair she has and the little bits that break the silhouette and the parts that show the direction of the hair even without any color or shading, just by lineart. Check out other artists' sketches and lineart and try to copy how they do it. You should also note that the local value (base colour without any shading) of the skin is much lighter than all parts of her hair apart from the very brightest highlight on the light, so the shade on the top part of her face should be much lighter than any shading in the hair (currently they're the same). After you get proper lineart in place, maybe just color the entire hair with a darker tone and then brighten or darker areas based on that. Similarly, for skin you only want to darken areas based on its light local value, i.e. only slightly and not as dark as the hair.
>I need to learn how to draw breasts properly
You and me bro
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>Wow nigger are you really going to blogpost and not even share the fucking thing?
Yes I am
seethe and cope
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I feel like the nipples should be further apart
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My main issues are the eye and the expression, I really don't understand how to replicate them at all.
How would you do the linework of the eye? Maybe I'm misunderstanding your explanation, I'm really new to all this, sorry.
In picrel I changed the brush and tried to follow the color levels of the original one, looks better but the eyes are still wrong and the expression seems different.
Say, what technique are you using for construction?

I love your style and would love to learn how you got to your level!
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>Using this shit-tier meme ON YOURSELF
Oh you mad
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i drew a lovely horse from memory
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i look like that
>Want to draw
>Try reading on how
>Every guide looks too complex and impossible to figure out
>Give up
What do I do?
Suicide but don't forget to stream it, if you're even capable enough to set up a stream which seems highly unlikely.
In any case, just give up on breathing.
Oh shit anon you're back! Think of something funnier though
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draw anything u want and as soon as your stuck check a tutorial on that thing rinse and repeat
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try it and fail a million times
Take it one step at a time
You mean from absolute zero with no previous skill and experience? Do the whole Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain rigamaroo. You can ignore most of the author's ramblings but do the exercises to a T.
oh fvck... i love yo
I did it more like a gesture not really a specific method but you could look at Steve Huston
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hey anon who has been requesting my speed paints, I made one for you and am making more out of drawings I made before, I'll repost them next thread if you don't see them here
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When I'm too retarded to understand the guide I just copy the pictures, I wouldn't say it works but it's better than nothing I guess.
scott robertson (scottypoo) how to draw
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damn this simple change is making digital painting WAY more fun. it's annoying having to use mouse whenever i need to press in menus and stuff but it makes drawing so much more fluid and smooth and you can draw from the shoulder and I just wanted to share in case anyone else might like it the same as I
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your line art images are way more appealing than the ones with shading that's all the input I can give
Yes! Cute snek!

I agree, I just think I'm shit at shading still
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Hello beg, a tax evading furry is roaming the woods!

you can achieve same effect by simply zooming in on the canvas, no? also always changing the aspect ratio of tablet : monitor fucks up your muscle memory. it is like when FPS players change their mouse sensitivity. you dont want to change it without a good reason
the shading doesnt follow the forms of drapery. there are two strategies for drapery: references and draw what you see OR invent folds exactly so they follow the forms of the body underneath it
sharpen your pencil when doing the edges
if you dont know something, always go for reference... oh, you actually have reference. i would say you are doing okay. keep drawing
easiest cheat for colors in digital is to use exotic layer modes like hard light, color dodge and then just paint over with almost transparent color and it will do the magic for you
the more you draw on tablet, the more confident your lines get. pro beg tip: always practice with zero stabilizer, turn it on only for real pieces where you NEED the absolute clean lines
that looks like bridgman
>use krita on pic with 10kx10k canvas
>no lag whatsoever
yet on same hardware some app lags like crazy. just face it, the drawing apps are not coded equally.
Sketchin, trying this out more.
>why not lock transparency
You can do that for quick n dirty stuff but if you're working on a more involved illustration then you'd most likely be better off putting that stuff in its own dedicated layers. It's more organized and harder to mix things up that way, plus you can do more post-hoc adjustment of individual elements if they're kept separate.
So say you have flat colors, you can create a clipping mask layer to paint on shadows, and then if you want you could easily change their color since they're on a separate layer from the flats. You could even take it a step further and create a clipping mask on top of the clipping mask, so that you could refine the shadow further without actually changing the shadow layer. Professional illustrators tend to use really fussy layer setups like that. I'll confess I never bothered with clipping masks ever in my life (but of course I'm no pro, I'm a seat-of-the-pants doodlemaxxer lol) but this thread got me to messing with them a bit. Very nice educational moment actually
imagine the smell uuurrgghh
how do you make speedpaint webms?
thanks for the tips, I'll remember for next time!
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someday i'll draw a face that doesn't look like a possesed doll or a mask for occult practices.
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something wrong with proportions if you wanna help - redline, please
I drew this from memory thanks to fundies. I am sorry I was led astray by the boxnigger. You were always there for me.
I know it looks like utter shit but I am proud of being able to draw it from scratch by myself thanks to guidelines.
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Thicker leg or smaller leg /lbg/? I honestly can't decide
Thicker leg, ass and tits that hang like cow udders.
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Crunching the resolution down makes painting easier and more fun for me.
Maybe I can practice this way
The bucket of slops keeps rolling
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As in, you change the mapping if you want to be more precise? In which case - zoom in retard.
I don't think I understand what you're getting at
Dude I'm loving these series of pics! Really interesting "genre" or whatever this is. Keep it going!
sauce on the girl?
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You traced that, faggot. Good taste though.

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