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If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman
Hikaru Hayashi

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Framed Perspective
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous thread: >>7289092
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A quick one.
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Morning study
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crit pls
Cute! Cute!
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I have too much free time at work but don't have the resources to do more than doodle on sticky notes with a crappy pencil. What should I practice doing to improve my skills? I can't exactly fill a sketchbook but i still practice drawing heads and expressions and stuff.
First step is to buy better resources.
Practice by doing fundamental exercises.
Bottom left the mouth is way too high note too short

Nose a bit wide
Mouth too pursed

Something is bothering me about left but I can’t tell what pls help. I’m happy about right drawing but if anything is wrong please tell me !
This is how the checkout or shop is lovingly called. I thought it was funny
I figured as much. I could get actual resources and draw at home but I'm just thinking of what i can do while stuck at a desk for hours at a time without anything else to do.
I'd check out her wurstfach
just like
bring a sketchbook and some pencils with you?
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-> >>7291749
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Tried some watercolor
What exactly is preventing you from bringing a sketchbook to that desk???
Long and short of it I'm at a desk surrounded by security cameras and my employer has a stick up his ass about making sure we stand there doing absolutely nothing but hours of nothing drives me insane thus I'm trying to figure out how to make the best of my limited resources.
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I keep starting, going strong for a month or so, bouncing off for half a year, and starting again.
What're some good fundies I could read or watch? Probably watch given how I've struggled to make it through most of the books.
I tried Brent Eviston last time but it felt like I was missing something as I was doing his exercises, maybe because I was using a tablet and a lot of his stuff had pencil techniques?
I'm hoping I stick to it this time, even thinking of grabbing some books and pencils to work with when I'm not at my PC for when I need to go to school.
I just get very overwhelmed with all the possible resources and avenues, kinda bad at self-directed learning.
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I'm not used to drawing in the anime style.
Can someone help me make the face better?
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I have been following this "28 Days Painting":
Maybe it is garbage but it has kept me motivated
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trying to figure out how to get features as accurate to the reference as possible but I can't tell where on the page and how to do that.

Do I need to just force myself to pick create and pick one line like for example nose width and force every single feature from the skull to the chin to be relative to that one line ?
Also apparently the way I am sitting completely fucks up the perspective making drawings look weird if i look directly above it.
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A type of Wobbuffet
trying new line art method and some color practice
when I used to work at walgreens I put some sketch paper and a pencil towards the unopened register. It wasn't really fun to draw because you were constantly interrupted by sounds thinking it was a customer and the context switching was not enjoyable at all. That's why I don't like jobs with major downtime, you don't get real art done.
Yeah i just figured I'd ask for advice on how to improve a little working within my situation.
>Something is bothering me about left but I can’t tell what pls help. I’m happy about right drawing but if anything is wrong please tell me !
either looks a bit flat, there's not that much contrast in values - in general, but more importantly in the lights/shadows. in terms of stylization right looks fine on the whole personally, but with left the right eye stands out. it looks too high and away from the center of the face.
Pretty nice but her hip is greatly dislocated.
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Stylistic choice.
>find a really nice blender in photoshop
>it comes up as a type of special brush, not a smudger
>every time I switch back to the brush it removes my default brush
>when I switch back to the smudger its size is set back to default
does photoshop just suck for painting? I can't even pick favorite brushes or create some kind of quick select system, it sucks shit
Mistakes aren't style.
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Not a mistake, fully intended.
Get back to drawing, anon, stop wasting both of our times.
another dress sketch.

Checking the features by comparing and measuring what you've already drawn is pretty standard. You could try using a grid to be really accurate, that's also an option.
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what clothes should i give her
camisole + denim shorts
A T-shirt with a cute shark and a pair of jorts.
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are these good tips for master studies
>spend no more than 30 minutes - an hour on each
>go into them with specific goals -- e.g. you like the way an artist does legs, so you're copying their legs and actively thinking about how they went about drawing them
>try to apply the fundies to what you're seeing
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It's not really my thing either but I tried. I quite like how you've drawn her face though, I don't think it needs to look more anime.
2 and 3 are good, 1 makes no sense. You draw until you fulfill the purpose of the study, no point in putting a timer on it.
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>>spend no more than 30 minutes - an hour on each
in general I think people should be doing more shorter studies (i.e. 2 hours or less), but depending on your goal(s) with a given master study and your ability, it's sometimes going to take you more than an hour to complete (whatever "complete" happens to mean for that specific study). longer studies, regardless of whether their of a master's work, some random reference photo, or a live model/object, longer studies allow you to experiment more and think more about all of your decisions, you have more time to make corrections (to get a more desired result, or, again, simply for experimentation). however you want to go about master studies is up to you, but I wouldn't be so quick to relegate them to shorter studies only.
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oksy but how do you draw pants
A tea dress with puffy sleeves.

The second two are good but I think the first one would really stress me out and seems kind of arbitrary.
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I feel like being mass reply fag today

you actually drew something? pretty cool
stylistically doesnt flow together nicely
what were you studying?
pretty dang good, the hair could use some sheen, give them the same level of rendering the face god
this drawing makes me uncomfortable
its stiff, he looks exactly like a mannequin
you didnt try at all
you've done all you could with the resolution, maybe try to subtract from the face instead
youre genuiley not copying a single thing dude, pick a small area of the photo instead and try to copy that
This seems inhumane.
The first one is quite contextual. Personally I think having a timer going at all times while drawing is a good thing so you can see what you can achieve in a certain amount of time, but there are some master studies in which you'll need multiple sessions on. I'll tell you right now the only thing I do that takes 30 mins is warming up with gesture drawing.

I think your goal should be to finish in an hour, but if you do not achieve that- so what? keep going until you understand what you set out to understand you won't get in trouble, promise.
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Likeness relies on proper proportions. Use plumb lines to see what aligns with what. You are not using the pencil the correct way, the outline of her eyes are too harsh, try drawing lighter and building up your values/tones. If you want it as accurate as possible measure out the angle of every line, you can do this by holding your pencil up at arms length, rotating your pencil to the desired angle you wish to copy then bringing it down to your paper, maybe imitate/ghost the stroke you wish to do... Though it seems like you're working small. Be mindful of your strokes, having that many on the paper can confuse you and throw off your drawing.Finally I'm sorry to say, you're symbol drawing her lip line are not that straight, nose not that bulbous.
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>Likeness relies on proper proportions.
Doesn't account for caricatures.
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>open video about how to draw something
>"this isn't how i usually draw"
all art education is a grift/scam
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fighting for my fucking life with these
such is security work
tell me to kill myself in minecraft /beg/
Sometimes you see art so disgusting that you're just forced to hide the post
If working post-it size has worked out for you so far, you could try one of those mini sketchbooks or making your own with folded printer paper. Biros are a surprisingly good drawing tool and easy to justify having on your person as well. There's not really anything wrong with practicing on sticky-notes though, you can always stick them somewhere more permanent when you get home.
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am i somewhat close to getting gesture right or am i too focused on the countours of the body
Can you post your reference as well? That's a bit difficult to answer without seeing what you're working from.
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Not the other anon, but a small tip from me (this isn't really about gesture, but more about proportions and likeness); use the negative space in order to see if your drawing matches the ref.
Example: is the negative space between her legs the same shape as the one in the ref? Not quite.
yeah i noticed that after looking at the ref again to post it. negative space between the legs is off and the forefront leg's calf isn't bent like in the ref either. thank you for the reminder though, i appreciate it
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>thank you for the reminder though, i appreciate it
>Cock has the most contrast
Impeccable composition work.
thanks for the help, anon! That's a great edit.
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Any anons been going through the artwod program?
That's true. The materials i have to work with aren't really the issue, just that i have very little drawing ability and don't really know where to start in regards to my weird situation.
1. you're going to burn out
2. artwod is for mindless NPCs who doesn't have ideas on their own, so they just grind fundies endlessly in hope of getting some satisfaction from drawing
thank you. i had not properly drawn in a while due to my carpal tunnel. i needed to draw a penis. here is the last thing i properly drew before that
the curve looks visually satisfying
like the other anon said this just seems like another grift to take your money and burn you out doing mindless shit to prevent you from getting into the industry and lower competition
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First point: Ive been drawing for a while and I know now how to pace myself out to avoid burnout.
Second point: im going though the courses as to learn fundies and when getting to the more advanced courses to learn to draw more complex stuff. So I dont understand what you mean by the mindless npc thing.
Do you think all im doing in art is just doing the weekly wods while doing nothing else?
>burn you out doing mindless shit to prevent you from getting into the industry and lower competition.
They teach real stuff. its not like they are pull shit out of their ass. also how are they gonna prevent me from making it? is antonio gonna come to my house and take away my drawing tools or something? your points make no sense
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The leg is by far the wrongest thing I've drawn right? What can I do to fix it? I don't think the proportions are that wrong, maybe the pose? I kinda drew it without anything in mind so maybe it could be fixed with more "planning" or something.
They prevent you from making it by making you do mind numbing fuckass shit like line exercises and drawing random blobs. Yes these are technically helpful but for 99% of people they just make you hate art and quit.
If you're already doing it and enjoying it keep on trucking, if the pic you posted is your work I'll even say it's pretty impressive especially the doodad on the bottom left. It's just not something most people want (or need) to draw and definitely not a good starting point.
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ok faggot, then just do it. why are you here arguing?
i literally look like that
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But I fixed the orientation before posting...
you should be an art reference for anon then
Line exercises and "random blobs" are foundational abilities that improve your technical skillset by hammering in the basics
>"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."
4chan doesn't recognize orientation changes if you just do it from the file menu, you have to open it up in the photo app or paint and do it there
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Still doesn't look right after trying planning it with cylinders, I'd appreciate some help on figuring out why... Maybe the proportions are super off and I'm just not noticing it because things are bent around? I'm doing it without any reference.
Ah I didn't know that, thanks for telling me.
Im not? I asked if anyone else is doing it, and people started telling me its bad and stuff. I said I dont think so and now im the one arguing? was I supposed to just say "yes master anon ill stop drawing now!"
Also if im an autist faggot then why don't you share your amazing wisdom with this autist and tell me what I should do instead of artwod
Oh yeah I agree with you, you really have to know what you want from a program and how to pace yourself out as to not burn out. Yeah the art in the og post is mine thank you for the complement.
and yeah you are doubly right with it not being a good starting point. honestly nothing comes to mind about a good starting point in art other than drawing for fun for a while.
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I find gesture pretty tough myself but I'll try my best to help.

I can see you've done that long swooping C line on the back and I'd put that in myself so I think that's good, but it looks like you might have put the arm in after since its so straight. I think you can feel the flow of movement a bit better if you try and continue the curve of that line all the way into the right arm.
On the other arm, I think you can make the turn on the wrist its own line to make the movement feel sharper. I actually think you did a pretty good job around the top of her body but her pelvis and legs feel a bit slack compared to the reference. I feel like the movement of her pelvis and raised leg are pulling up to her face in a kind of tight scrunch so its more compacted and actually flattens out her lower back.
I found it hard to get good tension in the planted leg myself but I think you can feel a tautness around the ankle. I think it would help you to look for the areas where the body is pinching together.

Overall, I think you've made a really solid effort but might have gotten distracted by details too much, so your drawing lost some of its energy. I find doing gesture poses of a model holding themselves still more difficult than doing poses from images of people actually moving, so you could give that a try. I also strongly second >>7292257, negative space is maybe the most valuable thing for checking your work.
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Thank you so much for the in-depth explanation and example. I did put the arm in after and I can see how it breaks the curve/flow seen in the reference.

I recently read through some of the FORCE book and was mainly focused on trying to get the flow and rhythm right, alongside the C curve. I'll try to pay more attention to tension between parts next time.

Also, what kind of brush is that? I really like how it looks and how the pressure portrays the curves and tension.
She looks phlegmatic. That's not necessarily bad. Interesting how she looks so round and weak.
Her head looks so weighty so that her upper torso is falling.
There's exercises you can do that help build fine motor control and line confidence. I think the most common one is joining two dots with a single stroke but if you look around online lots of artists have their own exercises they like. You can practice basic 3d forms as well. If you look up drawing warmups or drawing exercises you should be able to find some good resources.
You could always practice anatomy learning and memorizing the muscles/ insertions then see if you got it right on your lunch break. Maybe a method of some sort like the riley method, it's much less vague than the loomis method of heads and helps a ton more.
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I did this today, where did I go wrong?
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It's hilarious the pushback you get when you mention construction or perspective. It keeps permabegs up at night so they have to always talk about how it kills soul or is strictly and exclusively used in design or architecture. I wish they'd just hit the bullet instead of jerking off all day and realize how helpful construction and perspective are in the pursuit of creative expression.
It's Pharan's DuckwellP which is part of a pack, I think it cost something like 10 dollars on gumroad. It's the enpitsu pack if you're interested but you can probably get it in the brush thread if you ask. It uses tilt so you might want to make sure your tablet has tilt sensitivity first.
how does a lazy person with poor tech literacy and carpal tunnel learn to use digital? it intimidates me so much
I do both trad and digital. Digital is literally leagues easier because it's so forgiving, easy to choose your colors and much faster.
>poor tech literacy
If women can do it so can you.
Thinking about doing this kind of terrifies me so that probably means I should be doing it. Your drawings look beautiful btw, very accurate and elegant.
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i fucked up the proportions, but oh well

I kneel.
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doubtful, i am retarded, most women are not retarded
for some reason it's much harder for me, i can't discern why
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you are fucking up the Ajna
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I like how loose your style is
maybe try adding some thicker lines on overlaps in order to get more depth your drawings?
If you're primarily a draftsman I can see why. It's hard to translate the traditional feel of pen or pencil on texture paper to digital and the paper just has a good tooth to it. Not to mention lines can be wobbly. Best advice is scan or take a picture of your trad drawing or sketch, then get a program like lazy nezumi pro or use line stabilizer and just ink over it in digital. It'll get you used to the feel and is a kind of half way mixed media deal. A pencil brush also obviously can help imitate that organic quality.
Nobody mentioned construction schizo
Thanks bros. It'll be good to have something to do.
You're retarded.
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>most women are not retarded
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Thanks for the tips, I overlaid the drawing in aesprite with the reference using burn I do feel that the nose is pretty accurate , why do you think the nose specifically is not accurate ?
Fap fap fap fap sauws
>Something goes off in my brain and I do something I never practiced before
What does this mean? Like, stuff kinda just clicks
if you've ever practiced literally anything else in life, some concepts require legwork for your brain to be able to understand them concretely.
good idea, usually the reason i don't is only keeping a very thin pen on hand. i haven't been able to draw properly recently but i'll keep it in mind for future pieces
the wobbliness is hell on digital, i like digital watercolors. may be worth getting a scanner someday for that. i can never find brushes that feel natural.
digitally colored attached
they intmog me even when they're sex objects
Tips on making hands? Anything that'll help making them not look like fucking sausages?
The perspective of your face is just fucked. The nose is a symptom of that.
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oh forgot to attach this
do you mean in general, or do you mainly have imaginative hands in mind? at any rate, more particular advice can be given when you post your work. don't mean to be a dick in saying that, just trying to encourage more productive exchanges.
You also forgot to take your fucking meds
Yeah last time I redline for a nigger on this god forsaken board. Rot in hell.
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Sad thing is, I did.
A singular retard is enough for you to give up? Come on, anon, don't be so sensitive, this website is a retard magnet.
I've been erasing a pair of hands for 15 minutes, when i get done with the whole thing i'll post it here.
I mean in general but more specifically when drawing from a picture, I'm not ready to draw from imagination at all.
I rather spend my time getting better and giving meaningful input to people that actually want it. I'm here for the memes and shits and giggles but I was retarded enough to believe someone actually wanted a redline.
Would you still make them if people ask for it?
That fuckwad definitely wasn't the anon you redlined for.
I think anons often reply late to good advice/redlines because they get busy applying it. At least I'd like to think that.
>I've been erasing a pair of hands for 15 minutes, when i get done with the whole thing i'll post it here.
no worries. on that note, though, and perhaps you've already read/heard about this so it might be redundant, but I'll say it anyways just in case (though also for another potential anon here): you should consider minimizing the amount of erasure you do. ultimately it's your choice, but erasing can take up so much time that hinder progress that it's better to simply slow down a bit in your mark making and opt for restatements (which is talked about in Keys to Drawing, for example). throwing out erasing, at least for some drawings/studies, forces you to think more about your marks if you want a more desirable result, which erasing is less likely to promote.
Thank you , also dude every post on here has no i.d you literally cant tell who is who. Also when you say perspective you mean the head is not positioned correctly ?

oh wait im dumb, the first image I posted wasn't taken at the angle I drew it from. I wasn't drawing it from directly above which I'm learning affects alot
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I'm not the anon that gave you the original nose critique, but this is what I can see.

I've circled the line that's causing the biggest issue, that little line is just much too dark and gives the impression of a more bulbous nose.You can see in the reference the shadow on her nose is very soft and smooth and the lightest part on the bridge is quite narrow.
So you can see how much of a difference you can make with just drawing lighter or heavier, I also softened some other dark lines on the face. If you practice measuring features against each other and using a lighter hand in places, I think you'll see some good improvement.
Trying to go back to the basics. It went as bad as you expected.
It was supposed to be seen from below but I fucked up and cant even realize why
It looks to me as though you put in guides to help you draw it in perspective but then just ignored them and drew over it. If I had to guess you probably let habit and muscle memory take over. I think you would get some immediate improvement by thinking about how the ribcage is curved and how that looks from below, worry about laying the breasts on top afterwards.
I am that anon thanks for clarifying it better than me. This is what I meant with the shading and lines being too dark.

Also to the OP drawing the image both of her eyes align with her nose, don't think it's the warped perspective but her left nostril isn't aligning with the corner of her eye. See how this anon made sure it was aligned? And of course you didn't get the dip in between her lips.

Good job taking the critique and hope for the best, I'm gonna stop procrastinating now.
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>don't post my work anywhere
>only socials I have are all solely used to follow people I like
I need to make some kind of online presence huh? not sure if I should use my real name or alias either. seems like a 20/80 split with real name and alias respectively
also not sure if people have two sets of accounts, the ones they use for dicking about and the others for professional portfolio type stuff
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Right on the nail. If I am not mindful of every single thing during drawing I just forget about 3d drawing and shit all over it.
Just disappointed to realize how much effort it takes me to shit out something horrible while talented artists can do it blind.
Honestly that one is just a bad example. It took me 1:15 according to Krita and I gave up halfways once I realized the perspective was all wrong and didn't even know why. Just fucking hopeless.
I really like this artist. They dump tons of sketches and rough wips and even through the mess they look so fucking perfect and well done and everything.
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I give up, this took me like 2:20 hours, something like 1/4 (maybe even 1/3 I didn't check) of it was me trying to make a face or fix the hands. Whatever I'm just too bad at it, I'm still getting my training but I don't want to leave them in.
I am starting to feel sad again. I started doing the boxes again and the lines but realizing I can't even make the most basic things and can only come out with ugly crap kills me.
I just cant have fun seeing some discord animators drawing rough figures in perfect perspective moving around while I can barely plagiarize an anime bitch properly.
I am not having fun.
You're not hopeless anon, everyone has bad habits. If you can recognise it you can fix it.
>I can barely plagiarize an anime bitch properly.
Holy shit, are you me? I can't replicate a basic anime bitch, it always turns out into some other person pretending/cosplaying the character I'm trying to draw, yet for some reason a Japanese animator can animate her and the essence of the character will always be her no matter how much she twists and turns.
the dichotomy of man
I think this is the first normal sized penis I’ve seen all year or maybe in years
stop drawing me!
You guys have to realize you're seeing years of studying and refining their process in a clip (most likely sped up). It's the equivalent of watching someone lift an incredible amount of weight and being discouraged because you can't lift it yet.

Taking the time to sit there, show up, try your best and ask for feed back. You're doing the right thing. Art is incredibly hard because you're trying to juggle tons of fundamentals and also trying to sell an image. You're going to be shit at it at first but the only way you stay shit is if you give up. Keep up the good work and we'll all make it.
Uploaded this timelapse too
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i would usually make it bigger but i wanted to try drawing a more realistic penis
that's not you anon........
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Sorry for the melty, I'll try to evaluate my own work, I'd appreciate any opinions, guides, red lines, redraws or anything else you'd like to say.
This was my Project 3-A from Keys to drawing, I've never drawn before this book
Things I'm happy with:
- Far from perfect but pretty alright proportions, the lesson was asking for a proportionate drawing and I think it's accurate enough for a beginner.
- I think my line confidence got better.
- I'm happy with the way I made the shoes, even though they're a little small.
- I like the way I do the shadows.
Things I'm disappointed with:
- Hands. The left one, which if asked I'd say would be the harder one of the two, ended up looking better than the right one. I think I got lucky, it's also still really bad and confusing but not as bad as the sausage claw I turned her right hand into.
- Face. I just can't draw faces this small, another anon a few threads ago told me to posterize the image on photoshop and try to draw the shadows, I tried multiple times but it always looks either uncanny or badly positioned. I'd love if someone could draw her face on top of my drawing so I could try and copy it.
- Hair. I kinda gave up on the head overall, I was going for over two hours and I just got really sad and tired.

I think it was a good attempt! Keep in mind you're trying to convey depth as well, how are your lines doing this? The separation of the shirt and the back could've been used to do this as well, focusing on occlusion shadows all together could've helped. Shading shouldn't be an after thought those extra scribbles could have been used to describe a plane change. I also would've put more attention into the folds in general (maybe just capture the gesture of them, the triangle of the sleeve the trapezoid shape of the back and really focus on getting the curve of where the skirt meets the butt right since it's a focal point that is conveying the form of the butt). I would draw the outline of shadow shapes lightly then shade them in and if that's not your focus only include the major ones. You are responsible for everything you decide to put in an image.

Other than that again good attempt really like how hard you tried to get the shows angle right and you used less lines.
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Probably a mixer brush or clone brush, you can set a custom hotkey for it. or shift+b to cycle through the different brush tool types. Photoshop is primarily for photo editing and it running on an ancient code base so it's not really optimized for painting but it is very powerful if you know what you are doing.
Thank you for replying fren.
>Keep in mind you're trying to convey depth as well, how are your lines doing this? The separation of the shirt and the back could've been used to do this as well, focusing on occlusion shadows all together could've helped.
I'm not really sure what you mean by that, I thought that shadows were the main way one could convey depth. Maybe line strength could also help. I did a quick redraw of the shirt area but I don't understand how I could use the shadows to improve it.

>Shading shouldn't be an after thought those extra scribbles could have been used to describe a plane change
I thought that you should add shading once you're done with the main shape, I added four pictures with my progress in the bottom but you think I should be adding them even earlier? Could you give an example where that applies?

>attention into the folds in general
Yeah, trying to draw the whole body is really draining so I ended up slacking off. I think I should stay on naked models for a while.

>draw the outline of shadow shapes lightly then shade them in and if that's not your focus only include the major ones
Seems like my shadows are a big issue but I'm really struggling to understand why, when I glance at the picture I don't see many places I'd do different after reading your reply. The main shaodws I notice are just the one between her shoes and butt (some sort of ellipse) and the lumbar (a ">" triangle)...
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what is it called when your old studies look better than your newer studies? the smaller figure is from april, the bigger one is from today. am i regressing or am i punking myself
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overthinking. You've improved. Biggest errors in current one are you pelvis being too low. I moved it up and it looks fine. Also your head, I don't know what the fuck you did this time around. A lot more errors in old one for sure.
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thank you anon
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I said it was good so I gave advice on how to take it to the next level, the little things really, there are some problem areas that you can fix (such as the hands) but it's solid. I was talking of this area near the shirt being described with more clarity because you did such a creative job with conveying the forms above it. In picrel I show tiny opportunities to shade a bit better along the form (I forgot to finish the occlusion shadow near the bottom of the butt) and some strong shapes imo that you could've added. Speaking of shapes pay attention to negative space as well like the space between her pelvis area nailing that helps finding other things easier. Again your shadows aren't bad just make sure they're helping the image. Also keep up with the clothed models, you were focused on the figure I get it, it doesn't have to be perfect.
I just can't see myself getting any better.
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Sloppy attempts at this >>7292361 angle and then tried the reverse but with starmie the plane/tapered rectangle is the right way to attempt it right?
I understand it now, I'm a little slow so thank you for your patience and explaining it further. I will try to iterate on the issues you've pointed out in my next detailed drawing, hopefully I'll get more things right next time.
I'm starting out, or rather, starting out for the third time after life kinda knocked the motivation out of me the last few times I tried.
I keep facing the same wall everytime I try to get into drawing, that is, I pick up my pen and don't know what to do.
I've watched youtube tutorials, courses, read books, and something just doesn't click. I end up drawing circles or just trying to copy a picture I think looks good as accurately as I can and end my session feeling like I've learned nothing.
Has anyone else ever felt like this or know a good way to overcome this feeling? It's something I can't quite put into words.
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I got in to digital drawing 2 years ago.
I know my skill is improving, but I'm still strugaling with motivation to practice.
I'm realy struggling with the proportions of the human form.
Find something you want to draw/looks fun (regardless of how easy or hard it looks) and try that a bit. Even if you fail so amazingly that you don't ever want to show it to anyone, the prospect of doing it better one day will inspire you to keep going
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My old shit from about a year ago
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Tried to study some a picture I like but got distracted halfway through lol drawing is so much fun.
So I copied this character 7 times without looking at the reference image, and this is my 2nd copy of this character while looking at the reference image.

I could do this for another 7 attempts, but I'm getting bored of this memory drawing practice. Anyone know if I should keep practicing or take a break and work on a different project for a while?
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I was working on this while completing this recent attempt at memory drawing practice. If nothing else, it gave me a reason to draw an extra 30 minutes a day for the last two weeks.
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Haven't drawn in a year, wasn't ever particularly good.
Hope I can stick to it this time!
Good to see that you’ve ignored all the advice I’ve given you and you still struggle with the exact same thing one year later.
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Nobody ever responds to my stuff...
your practice strategy isn't working, clearly.

sorry for being mean, but i gotta light a fire under yo ass
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Carol marine study
you should spend more time on this study. you never take it to enough of a finish. also, stop tracing the drawing. these are legitimate criticisms that are meant to help you out, ignoring me only hurts you
Kinda funny how much I struggle with drawing figures
where can I go to ask someone to remove a watermark
lemme see. If it's quick and easy, I might do it
I just struggle with getting angles correct (my figures tend to be less dynamic) and proportions
>Got 3 likes on his anime styled art
Normies love realism dumbass. The only people who shit on realism are artistsm
actually: is this slow improvement for six months? i know everyone is different and it's just a single figure, but i wonder
yes and i have been following the words of artists. many people have. thousands upon thousands of people deceived.
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anatomy study later
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>Try coloring
That shit is hard
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how would you draw a circle for a head with manhwa proportions? meaning the hairline and eyebrows line divide the sphere into 1/3s instead of halves like the loomis head
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Used a corset as reference, but it ended up looking like a dress.
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Bocchi the diabetic
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gesture so hard...
i can't tell if i'm slowly getting it or not and don't know if i'm good enough to move on to doing bridgman
Where's the gesture? I see a lot of contours
This is what I was worried about.
I tried to portray the big S curve on the left that
goes from the left arm down to the foot and the C curve for the outside of the right leg but I guess I got too caught up in the details. I also wanted to show how the body is supported by the left leg while also pulling that way with the line weight.

I guess I should just trust in the curves more.
gestural curves like you're talking about aren't contours, they're just imaginary lines usually on the inside of the body to indicate force/movement
That's because you're only looking at the man in the mirror, when you should be looking at the stars.
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Even when they are legit. They sometimes bloat it out like drawabox. Based on Dynamic sketching, a 8 week course. But according to the creator of drawabox their course takes 6 months to complete at the fastest, also that many finish it in one or two years.
Is this by design? To hook people on their Patreon for as long as possible? While drawabox is free you need to sign up for their Patreon if you want feedback.
>sign up for their Patreon if you want feedback
It's really incredible how we have so many nice people willing to help out in this thread, people may talk about crabs or whatever but it's really nice to see everyone interacting and helping each other without expecting anything back.
It wasn't always like that buddy. Used to get feedback for free but it became too popular too keep up with demand so they started charging. It is what it is. Also 6 months is ridiculous. I got what I needed out of it in a month and started studying and doing more specific construction/perspective exercises.
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Hello beg, i think my boss is in big stress. Not me though, i am just a beg drawer.

a bit stiff, but i still give thumbs up
gesture is not outline
horrible anatomy, beg lines
>draws clothes in a vacuum
always draw a figgie wearing them
anime is heavily STYLIZED version of reality. they intentionally break the rules to create unusual stuff. proof: one piece
cute thots
i never understand beings like you. You either draw for money or fame and then you literally go to pixiv or netflix or steam or google play, click sort by popularity or by income and steal whatever is the most profitable or popular. Or you have a pair of eyes and naturally you know what looks good and what doesnt
welcome to my world
the theory is definitive: the more you draw X, the easier it gets to draw X. nobody can tell you what to do with your existence
eyes too far apart
you need art book about figure drawing. badly
you dont read the book, you DRAW from the book
very cute, next time use reference for water tough
less whining, more drawing. also drawing primitive 3d shapes correctly is INSANELY hard. hardest shit ever is ellipse, box is on 2nd place of impossible shape
never ever give your real name to social slop. they are literally arresting people in UK and Canada for facebook posts
Hogarth Drawing Dynamic Hands
just find brushes which imitates your trad tools
the HARD BLACK outline is not consistent. it should be on way more places. like this is just disrupts the picture
keys to drawing, chapter 3
Gecko Keck How to Draw with a Ballpoint Pen,
Matt Rota The Art of Ballpoint
the line between chin and ear cannot be full, look up how real people necks look like, there is soft edge ad most, never hard one
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>even pawell doesn't bother to crit me
This is the moment when you know it's truly over.
Which one are you?
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I got it wrong it was 5 months. but just like you said it's ridiculous. he's just teaching what he learned from dynamic sketching, so drawabox really doesn't have any reason to take more than twice the time of dynamic sketching.
You and me both anon. We are alone in this journey I'm afraid
guy who did the deranged rant about realism here! i calmed down
like, i only talk like that when im panicking and need to find something to latch onto to justify my emotions. most of the time i am pretty normal.
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Your lines and shapes have a pleasant quality to them but there's something about your figures that's making them look almost gloopy. I think proportionally there's something off about the forms you're using to build up the torso, they seem weirdly long.
Something else that's exacerbating the long gloopy feeling is I think you're connecting the arms too deep into the torso, which is kind of funny because the isolated arm drawing are really quite good. They should project outwards a bit more.
I think it would help your figures look less strange if you tried to make the head box more proportional to the torso as well, you don't have to draw in the whole head, but I think having it be a more proportional box would help correct the long torso issue.
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>organized and cleaned up my /ic/ folder
feels good man
Thank you, yeah I have a lot of trouble with the proportion of the upper body and torso and connecting the arms to the clavicles/torso as well, I'll keep what you said in mind and try experimenting some more with different methods and shapes to see what works
I love your stuff pawell, wtf. You should stop studying and just make horror art for now
Is there any good way of getting back into practice after a long period of not doing certain drawings?

I spent a few weeks not doing real life studies, due to heatwaves and other things I had to do, but my god it feels like my skills have regressed a tad.

My confidence is better still, though my lines look very messy due to getting things wrong and redoing them over and over, and I can't draw breasts despite doing them better a few weeks back.

I hate this, I just hope after this week I'll have more time to practice so I won't lose my progress again.

I found that I struggled to measure the width and scale of things, though my positioning of limbs and such are still better than earlier this year so I haven't completely regressed.

I am more aware of my errors, but I've regressed...also I felt a tad unwell today which didn't help. Hoping tomorrow I'll do better.
tryin something new
>>7292478 Im the anon that they are critiquing

I decided to draw the simplest character I could think of because it became very obvious to me that I don't know how to measure correctly to apply features or space things out.

Looking for any critique on this , I know trying to colour absolutely fucked up my lines but fuck it. I'm more focused on if im accurate in placements.

I found drawing elipses or curves super hard interms of copying the reference even when I dreq out guidelines or plum lines ? I tried to get atleast 3 points when doing the curves but at times I just winged it, I did the eyes like 100 times and it looked like he was looking up till I shaded in the black
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before the colours anyway , any tips on matching curves would be appreciated , maybe i don't understand how curves work
I want to try applying anatomy and lighting, where do I get a bunch of images of statues and shit? Or is using the figures in the stickies considered good enough?
people like you, with your attitude, never make it. you're not drawing because you like it, but because you think it's so easy that it should be a walk in the park, and it becomes a shock when you find out it's not. Good luck finding anyone to baby you through this. you're in the most beginner of beginning stages of learning, and you're already this close to giving up? What a revelation it must be, to find out your psyche is so far below average compared to the other people in this thread working hard and actually improving their art, that I wouldn't be surprised if you started tinkering with AI shit like the subhuman you are

grow up and just draw
trvth nvke
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I've very much stagnated, need to know what sticks out and what I should focus more on
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Surprise Thread assignment: Draw the cutie on picrel.
Let's see if you've been doing your homework or not.
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Some anatomy study before bed
this is somehow the only thing i can motivate myself to draw
her hands look really short, can she even wipe her own ass? her torso looks so long
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Apologies for the slightly silly drawing, but I find it helps to think of the club shape of the humerus when I connect it because it reminds me the bone naturally curves outward from the body. I saw you were already using a circle to place the shoulder, so this is just an extension of that. The arm sort of clips on to the box with the clavicle and shoulder blade, but doesn't enter it. It can still overlap with it, but it can't be inside it, if that makes sense. If you try the club shape it might help you place your arms a bit further out.

That was me, hello again. I think you've done a really good job with this. I would find copying this image tough due to how round and symmetrical he is, so I don't think you should be too hard on yourself. If you look under his arms you can see the gap between his arms and feet should be narrower, and I think if you drop a line down from the tip of his arms, yours are a little more pointed and further out. I think you've made great progress though.
my brain short circuits when i try to make a background
That's why is a carefully selected image. Look at her shoulders, they are almost in line up with her nose. She's shrugging her shoulders up, pulling along her clavicle and scapula bones, stretching and exposing her torso.
>soulbro's a coomer too
the search for good men continues
muddy colors, lightest value should be on the main focus the head, second the hand. the veil/hair is hard to read, looks cool
Wow way to assume shit.

I actually was hoping someone could give me some advice on how to retain what I've learnt without needing to constantly study every single day or to at least have a way to get back on track if I've been sidetracked for a while.

Also no offense that kinda shit is more demotivating to most than helpful...it hasn't demotivated me if you are wondering, (I'm used to being told I'll never make it in the past) it's just when I draw really well and then find myself getting rusty constantly due to getting overwhelmed with things I need to draw if I take breaks for any period of time, I was wondering if there was a good method to speed this up.

Challenge accepted, I'll see about drawing her tomorrow.
the issue is that nothing sticks out friend
i'm sorry to disappoint you anon
you're alright man, just in my feels. your stuffs great.
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in my feels too, which is why i'm only drawing self indulgent porn of my oc. hope things get better for you, friend
>Good Men
Pick one
he draws women too
I need to max out my knowledge of the arms, I need to do it quickly. Drop me anything useful and hopefully something that can be done in a day or two
>give me some advice on how to retain what I've learnt without needing to constantly study every single day
your problem is that you lack enough self awareness to realize that this is your problem right here.

also, draw that woman now. Then draw her again tomorrow. Then again a week from now. You think you can learn this by doing a few drawings a day? Bro, one figure drawing class at Disney might involve a few hundred poses in an evening, and that's already after an 8 hour day of drawing.
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I didn't draw much today, I am ashamed
It's too late over here...not an excuse I legit need to sleep now (one of my obstacles was sleep issues), but I downloaded the ref for tomorrow. I'll do it, and share it on the next /beg/ thread.
thank you anon. keep doing your thing.
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Okay I fibbed a little...I was drawing but was practicing with cubes.

I tried to make sure most of them didn't look too obviously wonky but I'm still not that great at rotating 3D cubes.

Anyway that's it for today. Hope you enjoy what I draw tomorrow.
Thanks again! Legit felt like I had a learning disability for a second when I was struggling so hard to measure and line up things even when doing such a simple character but I think I have internalized the logic and process. Also damn i didnt even notice how far apart the feet are, starting to see why most fan art is never on model or why people have same face syndrome etc This shit aint easy despite how obvious it can look at times
That might help, right now I just draw the clavicles out and put a ball at the ends where I feel it would make sense then do a gesture curve for the upper and lower arm and draw right on top, might have to be more constructive and try to get a more anatomical idea for the clavicles too instead of just drawing straight lines. I'll have to implement tomorrow, I'm going to bed for the day. Thanks again
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hi /beg/, back after a few days with something fully finished finally. As always any/all criticism wanted
just draw lots and work hard. my crit is on your attitude, not your methods.
Stupid question, but can you dark stuff while it's sunny?
Like I wanna draw someting I started last night but it's super sunny now and I'm just not in the mood
Am I too weak to the weather or is that normal?
Drawing cute mascot characters is a challenge to get right because they're designed right down to the millimeter, its also much harder to hide mistakes on a simple character. It has it's own kind of difficulty on top of all the other stuff. Style guides are really interesting to look at when they surface but they hardly ever do.

The hair is beautiful but the shading on the sleeves looks off. The outer edge is straight but it's shaded as though it has more dimension. A bit more depth wouldn't hurt either, maybe a darker background?
thats some huge bazongas if you know what i mean
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please elaborate
i mean just look at those humongous babadonkas? awoooooooga ablublubluble those are some certified milkers if ive ever seen one
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crit please. Themes: metamorphosis and solipsism
I don't think cum would be stored in oxygen tanks.
I wonder if people feel the same type of disgust I'm feeling looking at this when I post my coomer drawings.
>Amerimutt hours
honestly same
protip: they do
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inspiration from Lain
Well, thanks for not outright saying it to my face then. I'd feel really sad.
It's ok. Even if we're disgusted, I'm sure someone likes it.
doing quick digital coloring on my goon stuff
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Profound. I did a redline of your oxygen tank. The perspective of the label and the head was off. Definitely grind construction and perspective
is this AI?
AI isn't capable of producing art with such a profound message.
do women like that body type?
asking for a friend
the artist is a woman
They like the body type if it's connected to a dominant person.
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Should Izuku's be all assertive or going in for the kiss like a girl
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wow rude
bocchi the boulder
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What went wrong with my colors? I liked how this was turning out, but they look ugly and boring. The colors I chose mainly are on the top left.
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People get their own work critiqued. It's a cyclical give/take system.
It's the people who post art, never respond, and never give critique that borderlines on pure faggotry. Especially egregious if you're one of the /int/s (you know who you are)
This is some kind of 2006 deviantart time warp, you best be trolling
its called having a soul hon you wouldnt get it
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values are very muddy and the colors are too saturated, the dark purple of the hair is practically black
the color on the back of the skirt looks like Pantone 448 C which is literally the ugliest color in the world, used for cigarette packaging to try and put people off buying it
I'd suggest just going for less saturated colors and using hue shifting when you're making shades
if you can, make it so your color wheel / box has a hue, saturation and brightness slider so it's easier to do
also worth doing a quick greyscale check every now and again. in photoshop you just have to press ctrl + y, it's called proof setup or some shit
hope that helped, only a /beg/ myself
Negative IQ points
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was worth a shot. where did I fuck up?
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I'll see myself out
I'm the OP, nothing you said came off as particularly off to me, so im not sure, I'm going to see if they add anything helpful to what you said.
What's wrong with what he wrote if you don't mind me asking? Can always appreciate more perspectives on my colors.
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Design pretty much done, might add more .stuff on top. Might remake the eyes, I dunno really
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ref. all in HB btw. took a little over an hour and a half.
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first time trying portrait drawing, holy shit LMAO
Me on the right.
ur beautiful don't let people slander u
Are you new? It looks kind of like you airbrushed everything.
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yup, i can do bodies just fine, but since it's actually my first time trying portrait painting, i guess i'm this bad LOL
actually no, it's jsut that i never drew faces, so i guess that's really showing and i'm drunk so idk
There's no way >>7293912 is the best you can do, start again and do it properly.
I'm not going to sleep until you post something with actual effort.
PLS, i'm so drunk i might just pass out
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Hello /beg/ its been a while but I’ve been working on my head during breaks at work, its going well. Its so funny how different my “style” turned out to be compared to my ideal when i started drawing
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What do you do for work? (Please tell me you're a professional artist already)
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I like the colors. The hand on the left seems unfinished? The small sketch at the top has the fingers kinda pinching the skirt
nice. Looks pretty close. The nostrils and tip of the nose seem to be a little small
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How badly am I fucking up? She is supposed to be trying to tie up a sarashi and seeing how bad it is going.
Should I start off with Krita instead of Paint Tool Sai2?
I wish! I instead spend my days working as a business analyst making pretty looking graphs for dumbass superiors. I can’t complain , it pays the bills
I would expect a more painful expression given the amount of squeezing. Boobs seem a little high up on the chest
try using both and see which one has the better set of features. I've never had issues with Krita myself and it's completely free
Wanted to portray uncomfortability more than pain.
>Too high
I mean, she is basically squashing them against her chest.
Anyone crying about burnout over four fucking drawings is a certified ngmi.
These look good. Keep practicing.
Why does the face look so flat?
nondominant hand art ignore handwriting
you have a weirdly good sense of squish physics with the tight fabric and on loops in general
she looks like a doll which is cute but you should do studies based on physical people/figure studies, good start though
nostalgic. very canadian MAID core
>you have a weirdly good sense of squish physics with the tight fabric and on loops in general
Lmao is it weird because everything else is absolute ass?
Honestly the main thing is just the face/eye doesn't look as good as the rest of the drawing. everything else looks fine except that. especially the hair. i'd just reference anime side profiles more closely. i have the same tendency to place the eyes weird if i don't follow a reference.
Lmao I winged everything but the face and hair.
I used this as reference for the portrait and took me some time to get it wrong.
Your doodled face there >>7294016 has lots of appeal even if it is only half a face. Would love to see a redline from you.
I have been having tons of problems with faces and I can'0t do them correct at all. Legit fucking suicide inducing.
i gave it a shot but I've never redlined before so it didn't come out good. so i think I know what you're having a problem with with the eyes. your sense of 3d construction is fine but remember that 3D construction also applies the planes of the face. I have the same problem if I'm not referencing closely but I want you to compare your reference side by side to the image and notice how the eye shapes. now look at this random woman. do you kind of see how the eye socket is a 3d object that changes perspective when turned to the side? sorry for the thumb drawing i didn't edit this on my tablet, but basically you want to make sure the eye shape is pinched toward the ear to make that illusion of 3d appear.
>nice. Looks pretty close. The nostrils and tip of the nose seem to be a little small
thank you. I think you're right about the nose. perhaps if I had done more evaluation I could've noticed it and made the adjustment. as far as your own drawing, are you going from a reference at all or purely imagination? the tilt of her torso, to me at least, would seem to be going to the left *if anything*, so I would think the bottom of the boobs should be level with one another or slightly tilted in the opposite angle; in yours the right breast is a little lower than the left. also her hand which is holding the sharp object looks to be in an unnatural position. it looks like she's intentionally bending her wrist back to the side to get her fingers to rest over her palm as they do, but I feel like she should be making a fist or something, similar to picrel, with her wrist locked.
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Lmao wanna see something fucking pathetic? i tried to construct the face far more and all that jazz but gave up and then halfassedly tried to copy the ref with very bad results.
would you try copying some real faces of attractive girls for me? i want to see if that helps, I'm going to compile a reference for you if you want to try.
My portraiture is utter shit. Every attempt at it goes from bad to worse and even sightsizing it with the ref right next to my canvas it comes out horrible.
Legit too fucking retarded and autistic to draw retarded anime bitch faces, much less a 3dpd face.
Soending a whole hour trying to plagiarize a portrait only to come out with really bad shit just kills my mood to draw for a while.
not portraits, just try referencing these. just look at them while you draw, the drawing can be anime. just try following the curves of any of their faces if you can, it doesn't need to be realistic or 3d. just try to keep your eyes on the pictures. you don't have to do it but it may help.
>women existing
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I like how this is turning out. How can I make this better?
I have carpal tunnel, in my penis!
Is Marc Brunet worth listening to?
A few of his videos got recommended to me and I kinda somewhat understand what he's saying but they all kinda feel like ads too.
Also do I just keep trying to copy art I like until I get good? This stuff is hard...
>Is Marc Brunet worth listening to?
you should always be cautious when getting info here, as the likelihood of someone answering such a question who irrationally hates the resource in question is, I would venture to say, relatively high compared to other platforms. so keep that in mind with negative criticism of this or that resource. ultimately all you can do is try it out yourself and see how you like it. by all means use it as much or as little as you like, but especially if you're a /beg/, the problem could very well be you, not the resource. so perhaps consider trying the resource and then posting your results with the advice you tried to implement and people can give you (ideally) proper criticism on what to fix.
>Also do I just keep trying to copy art I like until I get good? This stuff is hard...
that's part of it, but there's only so much that can be gained from that. if you wanna get good at observational drawing, do observational drawings; if you wanna get good at perspective, do perspective studies, etc. draw from life, draw from references, do master studies - do it all. experiment, see what seems to work and what doesn't. be intentional and constantly assess your process.
Thanks, I did ask with the general assumption that there might be some vitriol toward it so I'd take recommendations and criticism with a grain of salt.
I'm rather STEM-brained, so going into something that I can't just realistically progress easily from front to back and be learned by the end is a little foreign to me and pretty intimidating. I feel like I should know how to do something theoretically but obviously that's just not how it works with art. So I've been looking to see if there's any structured approach to learning I can follow but more and more I seem to realise it's just a case of fucking up and trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Which is a little challenging.
how long have you been making art and with what degree of consistency? what kind of art do you want to make anyways? digital? trad? both? figurative? portrature?
Thanks for the analysis. I did use a reference for the general pose, and I used my imagination in certain parts to add my own style (face, hat, hands, boobs). Still trying to learn some tricks to draw boobs and hands well, but this anon >>7294016 is probably right about me needing to study real humans and figures. You're right about the slight left tilt of the torso, which was done to match the head tilt. As far as the hand holding the wand, I did want to make her hand tilt back and point away from her, but it looks very odd. I'll probably redraw that hand/wrist and change the arm angle.
Nothing consistent, one and off for maybe... two years? Might as well say I started yesterday for what it's worth. I've had a couple of 3-month bursts of motivation here and there but something always knocks me off track and I slip. But I always end up coming back.
I'm digital, bought a screen tablet for myself a while ago. I like cute things and cool things, so like... concept art is a big inspiration, monsters, armour, cute girls and animals are what I hope to draw one day.
thanks for all that. idk if you'd say I'm "STEM-brained" exactly, but based on my sense of what you're saying I was on a similar boat when I first got into drawing. it was very foreign and even frustrating doing however much reading and watching of content, trying and trying to implement it into my drawings, but not getting any immediate feedback that I understood it; if anything, it seemed like I didn't at all. I really only started to see results a few months in with consistent drawing. also in the past year or so I've implemented both daily drawing sessions and longer studies into my regimen, say 3, 4, 5+ hour drawings, and that has seemed to help. I'm not really knowledgeable on concept art resources, but elsewhere I can simply say that if you can and want to, try to get back into a consistent routine. daily, if you can manage, but at least multiple times a week. and seek out other eyes to critique your work, if you don't already. doesn't have to be here, but naturally you're going to be biased and hindered to some extent in your ability to critically assess your own work, so other people, even /beg/s, can sometimes see things you've overlooked. a big picture idea is that unless you've exhausted your options, you can't say you're hopeless. so as disheartening as it may sometimes be when you don't see results immediately, it's a good rule of thumb to think that with this or that adjustment those results will come.
Thanks, I really appreciate the advice.
I think you hit the nail on the head, it's that lack of something "clicking" that I think gets to me. When I'm studying say, math, or chemistry. I can throw myself at a problem and when I "get it" I absolutely /know/ that I get it. There's an immediate "you have the correct answer" there and I can be happy, do a few problems, and I'm done.
With this I watch tutorials, guides, read books, follow lessons, and I feel like I still don't understand anything and end up with nothing but canvas after canvas of copied/traced doodles and pages of lines and circles.
I think I'll try my hardest this time to stick with it, even if there's no progress I'll at least attempt to form the habit of spending a little time every day drawing something neat I see on twitter or wherever.
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More trash wips. Wanted to portray her slamming her chest against the table but everything about it is trash. Specially the items being all knds of fucked.
Do they have those fancy napkin boxes in Granblue?

I swear I wil try to study more and doodle less tomorrow on.
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Study from a Twitter artist, also how does one study from Villpu's drawing manual do I just read through and copy his drawings to get a feel of the concepts?
I think the boobers look nice maybe add some squish to the bottom of them
Pictured on the right: my sperm cells entering her womb.
you don't display enough force. especially not for that size
exaggerate the drop and add a larger impact/ tremor on the desk around her breasts
I need help with arms, been doing this for a week and I got the general idea of the muscles and how they connect but I dont know how they exactly function. it always feels off looking at these drawings I made, and I dont know what I am doing wrong
Isn’t that what anatomy studies are for? Map out the arm, how it’s structured, the bones and muscle
Rent free, kek
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I couldn't do it. The damn pose was challenging, I couldn't draw the breasts due to the arms obscuring them, and the pose itself was hard for me to draw for some reason I guess due to her moving her shoulders up...and I could never get her head size right.

I was looking at her, but I just simply couldn't do it, maybe stress or just a lack of interest in this particular pose.

i'll do some more and share them in a bit.
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What's the name of this goddamn option? I'm trying to bind it to a shortcut but I can't fucking find it.
thank you! i'll keep that in mind because i can definitely see that as an issue now
Looks good so far, my main recommendation would be to add darker shades between the fingers to add more distinction between them, maybe doing some shadows in blue overall could help? it'd also help make the piece overall look more cohesive in terms of colours.
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Alright so had a bit more success...but my god, I felt like I forgot everything.

I dunno if this is a case of art block or something, but I struggled to figure out what to do and I felt way less confidence, plus I swear the studies I did last night were better.

I did sleep a tad messily, and I am slightly unwell at the moment, so could that possibly be why I have "art block" like this today?

I'll do one more thing, just something more fun, maybe if I enjoy that more and have more success maybe it is just maybe boredom from drawing from real life.
Pop-up Palette
I never even touched the bones, I only memorized the ones that stuck out the most, meaning elbow, that bone that's below your pinky finger. And that's pretty much it.

Also, what do you mean by map out the arm?
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>tfw went complete course autist mode
there's no fucking way I won't be where I want to be as long as I finish all of this. the idea is to pinball between 2D and 3D so I don't burn out
Pinballing so you’re constantly on the grind for minimal if any gain and questioning what you’re doing is exactly the way to burn out
>questioning what you’re doing
gaining proficiency in the fundamentals, with the end goal being that I can make pleasing 3D illustrations supported by the 2D skills I picked up in character design and everything else
proficiency in 2D translates over well to 3D, but it doesn't really work the other way around, which is why I feel the need to do both in tandem
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I'm proud of you son, now post it in the actual fucking thread >>7294140
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doing a sitting pose but i'm not sure how to draw the legs
would've been nice if someone linked it at any point
A new thread is created, or at least is supposed to be, whenever we hit the bump limit.
Just how new are you? Are you lost?
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how do you get good perspective when you want to draw something like this?
learn about 3-point perspective

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