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File: EwzNKvzWgAE4n0-.png (498 KB, 1184x920)
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Exactly how many weeks, months, and tutorials until I can draw a fox like this?
you need to commit seppuku first
meh, i feel like you could get there in a year or so
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Exactly how many fucking times are you gonna create this thread?
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cute fox
kys serbian zellig pedo
There's a LoRA for her that's really good, so zero
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Like a week. The art style is simple. I don't miss this artist's Furry Nothing Content Boykisser shit polluting my feeds but if you want to take up the torch you do you.
In the 13 years of my Steam account, I've spent over 11500 hours on Steam games alone. God knows
how I would draw if I spent all those hours drawing. It's almost 100 days until the new year and if you start drawing right now and do it 8 hours a day,
by next year you'll have 800 hours and enough experience to create a foxy like this.
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>Exactly how many months
Let's count. I have 80 pieces on my pixiv accounts. Probably about the same number of earlier works that I haven't uploaded anywhere. Each normal drawing takes me on average 2 to 4 hours (early ones probably less).
That would be (160x4h) 640 hours just for completed works. Probably some hours I spent practicing, but I don't like learning, so we'll round up to 1000 hours total.
So, what do we have? There are 1440 hours in two months. And that's why I can say I've only been drawing for two months.

The answer to your question is two months. Four if you like to sleep.
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prereq is a SKUNK like this
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why is it a prereq
All you have to do is jack off to her and you gain the ability post nut.
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Based fox enjoyer
I've seen this fox in other threads, who Is the original artist?
Sometimes simplicity Is the best
Foxes with nice tits
>Averi's rule 34 Is full of ai crap
I mean who knows. There's not really any way to measure how long it would take you.
filter it out by adding "-ai_generated" to the search
>t. local gooner

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