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>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Message vastian0988 on Discord for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/
Previous thread: >>7292847
Everyone who posts below me is homosexual
Everyone who posts above that says, "homosexual", actually meant to say, "...is rizzier and better looking than me. They have so much talent that there's no more room for it in their head that it has to go to their already big pee pee and makes it even bigger!".
Also, the guy above is in in fact the biggest homosexual on DAD and it's a safe bet he already has 10 dicks in his ass this very moment.

That aside. What did tonkers mean by this:
>Theys a tonk overr tharr

I notice he put cat eyes on tonkers this time. For the life of me I can't put two and two together. I can replace teh word, "tonk", with many things, nothing good.

Sometimes tonkers posts the most mysterious things. Probably a setup for a future reveal where we'll look back on this with a new understanding that lets us see the whole story in a new light.
name and shame lolifags
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I will take the bullet to cheer on my fellow dads to keep up the good work \^^/
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why do some of you mfs post a comment and days later delete it like what is wrong with you I swear to god
plenty of comments i want to delete but then i'd look weak if I gave in to the shame.
post nut clarity
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This image is way too suggestive. Must you people be reminded that this is immoral and illegal? Yes, I understand it's moral in some cultures and religions(Islam. Pray for AIsha), but in sensible societies of reason and righteousness, you people would be tarred and feathered. Shame on you.
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If I was a mod on DAD the purge would begin IMMEDIATELY.
It's more than a little suspicious the banana refuses to mod me. He knows half his follows list would dissapear immediately if he were to do that.
Ocos is slacking. We can't lose to shit piss coommers.
who gives a shit
>posting furry where furry is forbidden

I've made that mistake

But yes, straight furry can stay (that's some good shit not gunna lie), but nothing good ever came from gay furry, that too would go on day one.
When the electric chair rolls out, you'd know who.
again, who cares
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The furries out first, then we can talk about the others.
Day 3, started coloring in a bit of what I was working on. Haven’t ever used colored pencils really and I’m liking them. But I really need to work on my shading, it’s something I’ve put off for way too long.
>kills 99% of posters
Uooooohhh ToT
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FurCHAD board thoughbeit.
>no lolishota allowed

What would happen if you post them on DAD? Will banana get swatted by canadian military
You guys are forgetting how much effort it takes to moderate grey areas.
Banana being strict and btfo racism/loli/ anything else that can cause drama means he doesn't need to deal with line testers or humor semantic conversations about what is offensive or not.
I really like the progress I've made today :^)
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>the feeling when you're in a cold ass building that for some reason has the ac turnt all the way up and all you have is some flimsy sweater not meant or designed for such harsh indoor conditions and you've never been one of those little bitches that always complains about it being so cold because you're a strong stoic, so you endure knowing you still have over an hour left in this frozen hell.

Be strong tonkers.
>....a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of cunny artists cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
What if you despise the community that grows from your website? Does keeping a distance not mitigate bias and erosion of your own taste?
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least interesting OC ever, with a stupid name to boot.

OH, I just got it! That's pretty funny.
Can we get a DAD furry tier list?
They're all dogwater.
I’ve gotten better after joining DAD
You're supposed to.
I wouldn't draw if it wasn't for DAD. Will is deterministic and conditional, not free.
make one and post link
Why are you overanalyzing zoomer discord low tier weeaboo shitposts
You actually read that post?
At what point while I'm drowning 20ft under in my own inadequacy do I still cope that's it's possible to swim. If I had some proof that I'm learning something getting better in some way I could keep going. Hmmmmm.
Mayhaps it is time for a change, sire
You can try getting better at just one thing first and then the confidence you get from that can cascade onto other things
Become my wife and I will carry you to shore
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Ah now this is something Tonkers does right that most people just leave out, and that is the importance of adding empathy to an art work. Edmund Burke suggest that art can be stimulating when we are able to imitate others, in this case the subjects in the image, and empathy serves this function well. In addition, what tonkers does well is he leaves room for the imagination. He doesn't just spoon feed you what you should think, but really lets you speculate and wonder. This si probably why he substitutes words with "tonk" all the time. Yes he could be substituting the obvious word, but you'd never know. However there's something really strange about this image. Had it been any one else who drew this I'd be very critical, but now I'm just curious. Tub's skin is not it's usual pure white color. This can only be intentional from the creator since he knows his character well. So one must put the pieces together and suggest that wherever Tub got lost something must've occurred that altered her biology. Certainly the last time we saw her she was just fine. So why now when she got lost? Maybe Tonkers is trying to add a twist to the situation, as in, yes she got lost and dramtic stuff happend, but there's an upside to it as we'll find out. However, I don't think this change is permanent. Recently this week he posted an age progression of Tub, and she was in her pure white form, so obviously this change in skin tone isn't here to stay for long, but it's proabably meant to elicit some sense of novelty without changing what the viewers like most about the character forever. I think Tonkers plays with the ups and downs that concepts have on the human psychology pretty masterfully. Certainly there's some degree of innate talent here but it's also pretty clear from his previous posts that he also attributes his competency to his well read nature, and it shows.

I predict in teh future Tonkers will be preserved in the library of congress. You do.(post word limit reached)
More like Tongan tubgirl.
>importance of adding empathy to an art work
That's an interesting idea. Could you explain how would you add this empathy to work that lacks it?
I want to draw furry porn slop and if I can make it resonate with people, that would be a huge plus, but I'm not sure how to come up with this stuff. Usually I just pick a pose used by another popular artist, pick color palette from a movie I liked, pick character that's popular among furries and that would fit both palette and pose and then draw that. I think my works are fappable, but they hardly matter afterwards.

>inb4 "use your own sexual experiences"
I'm a wizard and I'm planning to stay pure till my death.
I really hope you are Tonkers and are just being a cringe rambler seeking attention, because simping for this mundane crap to this level is just, why
the guys annoying but don't insult the victim bro
>tfw no annoying, rambling fans simping over my work
>I really hope you are Tonkers
0% chance he isn't.
>thread is haunted by no-draw, drama-hungry, un-funny, autists.
I drew porn and jacked out a fat one. I am more fullfilled and happier than "You"
I also literally did this
came 3 times in a row god I love women
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>Usually I just pick a pose used by another popular artist, pick color palette from a movie I liked, pick character that's popular among furries and that would fit both palette and pose and then draw that
yeah okay so i think first and foremost you should think of a story, like what is the narrative behind your illustration. if the narrative in your illustration is compelling then even crudely drawn furry porn can be erotic and memorable. with how you've described your process, it feels like you're going out of your way to make sure what you draw is complete slop
>yeah okay so i think first and foremost you should think of a story,
I KNOW that my pictures need a story, Anon.
I don't know how to came up with them, how to figure out if my stories are any good or how to make sure it's even possible to tell that story in a single illustration. I can't rely just on "inspiration" if I'm making a new illustration 3 times a week.
>doing what other, more successful artists do = slop
Weird take, but alright.
Bro, I'm just here to shitpost, but I have some ideas i guess.
Yes, story telling is important. My analysis of stories lead me to two key terms that are essential to craft a story. They are: "What if", and, "But".

You're into furry smut, so lets come up with a story.
Start with "What if":

-"What if" you were walking down a peaceful trail in the woods...(here there's no story in mind yet but wooded trails have animals so this is a good setting)

Now let's think of, "But": The word, "But", serves to surprise the reader and helps stir up your creativity. These things add literary interest.

-But as you're walking an anthro wolf pounces to attack you and is now straddling on top of you...

Obviously this wolf girl want to fuck you. And you obviously want to fuck it, BUT that's too obvious and boring a plot, so we'll use the term "but" to subvert our expectations.
In this case we think, "But the guy doesn't want to fuck her...", and now we have to think of why? Let's look back to previous ideas and build up on them(this is important in story telling). The purpose of the trail comes to mind. The trail was probably a shortcut so he can get to a place he needs to be immediately. So the reason he wouldn't want to fuck this hot wolf is because he has something important to do.....but what's more important than fucking this hot wolf?... oh.. maybe he has a hotter bride waiting for him that's more important to him!
Now lets think about the wolf girl. Why would she want to attack this man to fuck him? What's at stake that motivates her? Well, maybe she wants to be a queen of her tribe however another wolfess doesn't want competition so only she's allowed to breed. That works.
So now we have a woflgirl who's desprate for sex and is motivated to fuck this man(you) for several days straight, even keep him captive for years so she can have puppies with him.
Here we now have a situation that fits well in a single image. You have a wolf girl raping a man...
You have a wolf gilr raping a man, explaining why and he should just enjoy it or something, but the man says he has to be soemwhere. And because of this we may both sympathize with the man but at the same time find this situation very fappable, even thing that hell, this isn't so bad, while others may think deeper and wonder how hot his bride may be that he would want to stop this wolf rape

You can continue this. "What if", and "but" process to complete the story in other images even..
Goddamn it, now I'm in interested in finishing this story.

What if then the bride finds out that her to be husband had walked down this trail that nobody ever walks down because its infested with wolves.. She realizes he must've been desperate to get to her in time to have done so and he must've been attacked by the wolves.

So she wants to send knights to hunt down the wolf that "killed" him. But nobody is willing to go because of more important issues. So time passes and she marries a knight and later convinces him to kill those wolves. So he goes there and ends up finding the wolfess and hurts her, but then the would've-been-husband shows up to defend the wolfess and it's revealed he ended up choosing to stay in the woods. But then ti's revealed that the knight in front of him marreid what would've been his bride, but what pissed him off is that the knight was an a-hole he hated and now wants to kill him, but the knight escaped to tell everyone what happened, and now the woudl-be-husband is ashamed this his love would find out, etc. etc.
bro it's just furry porn
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How did tableguy came up with this, from just a prompt of "harvest"?
S tier
All furchads that love their furs
F tier
Furries who draw for money.
b-but my technical skills ;_;
as in harvesting organs
No, the original prompt had nothing to do with organs. It's tables creativity that made that connection, he has a spark that's missing from my work.

Harvesting organs is about as creative as the idea of harvesting souls or harvesting crops.
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damnnnnn so the anonymous comments are like that now?
Anon was right
Who is this referring to?
That submission was the only one that interpreted this prompt that way during the tier tourney and it got some of the highest possible creativity scores during that event. You're objectively wrong.

Not gonna lie, in panic I've rushed to check if this comment was under my submission.
On a more serious note: I think it's better to get a rude wake up call if you're doing something wrong, than to stay ignorant of it. Now ball is in the artists court: either he'll ask for clarification to see if Anon has a point like a GMI or he'll get mad and ignore it like a NGMI.
Friendly reminder that bullying isn't allowed on dad and if you feel a post went overboard, you'll be justified in notifying mods.
It's just as easy to >name and post here.
I think you're just out of the loop if you think, "organ harvesting" is anything but mundane and mainstream. China basically brought that term into common parlance for 90% of the population.

Table guy is the only one disgusting enough to actually draw that stuff, it's not because his idea was unique, so the creative score was more about the execution of that idea than anything else.
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>I would have probably worded what I was going to say nicer the first time had I known you'd want a genuine response

Can you believe this mf? As someone who's also not a fan of the art in question, fuck whoever made those comments.
it appears someone is deflecting the critique
Don't know how much longer I can deal with the mental anguish of being the worst poster on the site.
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Worst period, or worst as a function of level improvement over time spent submitting?
biologically female dads
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As long as we're being honest, Tonkers also is regressing a bit, recently his tonks have been off model and I don't like it. However this is because he hasn't drawn for a year, so even the great Tonktub would struggle to maintain likeness.
AlternativeD however has no real excuse, so if it comes across like I'm putting tonkers in the same category as him I mean no such offense and I apologize if one is needed.
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I'd also like to call out this guy. Idk if he's gotten worse, or if I just realized how bad he really is as I've grown, but in my mind he just seems like an amateur to me now, where as before I was in awe over how realistic he draws. Idk, I don't really look up to him anymore at the very least.
I know mp5 lurks so I will say I miss your stuff and hope you are well, take it easy
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> As long as we're being honest, Tonkers also is regressing a bit, recently his tonks have been off model and I don't like it. However this is because he hasn't drawn for a year, so even the great Tonktub would struggle to maintain likeness.

You're that guy. Shut the fuck up you stupid faggot.
Can you not drive by seizure me. I'm dumb enough to stare at it, fortunately it doesn't do anything. But anyways idk who "that guy" is, but he's not me and I'm not him.
kill yourself
Actually my eyes hurt from staring at it. That was such a bad idea, eugh.
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You owe me a fully enchanted diamond sword.
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Ah, more tonk fanart.
I see Tonk is getting more notoriety on the site. This is a good omen. Tonk can't possibly take another year off if this keeps up.

Good job mina. this looks great.
and by "great" i mean looks like gay shota shit, which isn't so great, but it serves my end goals greatly.
why not just post what you already said:
Better yet, don't post either.
>girl likes cute anime characters
>guy likes cute anime characters
If you keep this up, you'll end up convincing me I am tonk....

....am I tonk? No I couldn't be...no I'm not, I'm sure of it.

Hope you don't mean me, Personally I hate this >>7308081 tonk picture for several reasons, but it'd be counterproductive for me to act like it.
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I hate gurofags
LMAOOOO!!!! Okay, if nobody makes another dad thread I'll post this as the main image! That face on the top left though.
n.b.: tg has a child
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we don't draw here
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I know tonkers well, and I know he'll call you out for the "nieghbor" ass tonk you really are.
Gonna assume Tonker is some egirl or femboy and everyone is trying to fuck her or him by pretending to like their mid art
GG y'all
>tfw you're just an npc and only the main characters got through.
Going to sleep. Fuck you, Tonkers will be the GOAT of all time DAD. We're already seeing that in real time as his following grows.
How often do you think Tier Tourney should happen?
Vote and comment please, I'm curious about your opinions: https://strawpoll.com/LVyK2ed1RZ0
(I shared this poll on dad forums and 4chan thread for extra visibility)

Tier Tourney is a competition of dads. Over the course of 3 weeks they make 3 pieces of art from the same prompts and get judged by a trio of judges. It all ends in a tierlist that's as objective as possible.

It used to be held each year. IMO that's problematic, because it becomes less and less popular each year and judges get tired. I personally caught myself thinking once or twice "eh, I haven't improved enough to join, I'll join next time" or "oh, my rival didn't join - it won't be as fun this time". I think that making tier tourney more sporadically, maybe once every 4 years like an Olympiad, would turn it into a much more anticipated, popular and fun event, one that people would be very compelled to join, because it won't repeat itself any time soon.

Every 6 months.
I don't think that would work, but I've added that option to the poll, in case other dads also think it's reasonable.
Why not? Use a judgeless/peer critique system.
Well, currently tier tourneys have less and less participants each year and I'm guessing it's because people get tired and bored of it. Making them even more often would make that problem even worse, instead of fixing it, but I'll admit it's just my guess.
2021: 42 participants
2022: 28 participants
2023: 23 participants
I'll do some guessing just like you: The 2021 peak is from an uptick of COVID tourists. Anyway, tierlists are clamored for every 6 months here.
Also there's a problem of coming up with good prompts that are fun, can be creatively explored, aren't limiting any dads from participating but at the same time aren't so vague, that you can post anything you like.
Perhaps. But why 2023 wasn't as popular as 2022? 20% less participants is a big drop.
I'll even go as far as saying 15-20 is a healthy number. Do you really want 30-40 entrants judged? That's all those users that just got the Flawless badge.

23 is still a good amount, 50% subscription rate of the Flawless user count. It's good to see users pushing themselves; I wouldn't expect 50% of users to be ready for illustrations. Anyway, If we rule out 2021 as an outlier then we have 2 samples. Let's see how 2024 goes then you may have a point.
>Do you really want 30-40 entrants judged?
Yes! Being the best dad out of 15 isn't nearly as impressive as being the best out of 40.
The bigger sample, the better and more accurate the tierlist is and the fiercer competition.
Speaking of impressive, even if 40 signed up, TG isn't around to be dethroned. Surely, a tier tourney would motivate him to return? Will we even hold one this year at this rate (if you want them rarer)? Who organizes these aside from banana hosting on dad.zone?
>Will we even hold one this year at this rate
I sincerely doubt it. I don't think banana have anything in this direction yet and this discussion will give him an excuse to procrastinate for one more year at least.
>Who organizes these aside from banana hosting on dad.zone?
It started with some dudes from discord, before banana took it over.
>peer critique system
Yeah, I'm SURE it will be fine, without people voting for themselves and their friends higher and that it won't turn into a glorified popularity contest.
If enough people join, the peer critique will average out the biases.
>flawless Summer Challenge 2024 streaks:
Frytail, John Johnson, Ritstreler, Phoenie, Calli, Kouzui, King, donnie, Ocos, outofearshot, Kuti_art, tsutra, Shooshed, ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ The Destroyer of Worlds٩(◕‿◕。)۶, Tehomツ, SN, ator, Urazi, mehl, Whizzard, Grabstein, kedskaput, ServalOfChaos, Prinzi, Zanzalur, kerksed, Fofo, Apricot, Amani, Christmas Yoshi, AlternativeD, XX9099 DAMAGEXX, rayminiscule, Dachoppa, Notosh, Sens, quad, Aura, DTierDaddy, gottagitgud, jeejeen, Oliviet, echo, ドリアン.
>didn't maintain their flawless streaks from last season:
nsix, Courtier, Kitaabun, Fran99, Bearslime, Dryhton, mapache
>recent season flawless streak count:
>previous season flawless streak count:

impressive, especially considering this summer challenge had an additional day to fuck up and lose your streak. congrats to those dads, and let's see how this autumn fairs.
Would make the most sense, that or it's literally just them schizophrenically replying to their own artwork.
Would love to have a tier tournament this year. Hoping we will ^^
I've never been part of a tier tournament and was hoping to try it one time at least. I'd like to know how people rate my work so I know where else I can improve. tierlists sometimes help, but no one explains their reasoning on an individual basis and you don't know if someone qualified is rating you. even if it's not a tourny, it'd be cool to have some way to get that sort of info at times, like a "peer review" feature.
Anatomy is literally the veggies of the Art world. I know It's good for me but I just can't stomach it. I start heaving putting that shit anywhere near me. Maybe what I need to look for is a coomers guide to anatomy. It shouldn't be boring to learn what I want to learn but it just is.
>It shouldn't be boring to learn what I want to learn but it just is.
what all have you done to try to make it not so?
>got some of the highest possible creativity scores during that event
you mean the same tier tourney he was shadow judging other works in dingle's place? the one that was pretty much just a whole fraud with lots of dadcord circlejerking?
lmao even
'shadow' judging, when he signed his name on the judgements he made (that were quickly redacted) you need to go outside if you think this is worth getting outraged over.
'shadow judging' when he signed his name to the judgements he made, that were redacted only a few hours later. You need to go outside if you think it's worth getting upset about.
I don't think anyone was outraged over it other than sekx. The point is that the score doesn't matter and it was still, frankly, not that creative.
Sekx left because of one guy shit talking him just for fun. Litearlly one guy. And now he deleted his account. C'mon man...
>dad got eliminated with a vicious mockery
damn, those fa/tg/uys are on to something
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wait, summer is over?
Today is the first day of fall.
>tfw september is now a summer month.
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>didn't maintain their flawless streaks from last season

So what THIS then? HUH?
wait why does spring and summer have the same image im a dumbass for not noticing this
fuck you that's why

came to mind looking at this
Oh SHIT I just remembered a challenge I need to make
it better be the inspiration chart
OK made it. I didn't make it the full month because some people will be busy with Inktober stuff

not quite
lol updated

>Joins dad on a whim
>Flawless summer
I'm improoving
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I don't believe this. I don't want to believe this...
You must be the tonkhole who also bullied Sekx away too. This can only mean you're targeting the Tonk next. After all the time I sacrificed to bring him back... after all the investing I did to boost his following so he's motivated to continue Tonkventures.........No, I'm not happy with this at all....

Must I remind you what happened to Cystic????
Must I remind you?!?!?!?!?!?!?????????

But... Tonkers is stronger than that, he wont' be bullied away so easily. I believe in that. I hope.
>You must have bullied Sekx away too.
no, lol.

Just stop being cringe.
who knew frytail sounded like that
based, keep it up!
LOL! That was funnier than it should've been.

Actually Cystic btw...

>Deny, deny, deny.

I know a liar when I see one. Stop lying liar. Why are you lying? Don't lie to me. Liar.
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>Cystic btw...
>I know a liar when I see one. Stop lying liar. Why are you lying? Don't lie to me. Liar.

consider this (you) your schizo attention whore award
But I don't want attention, it's eating into my gains. All I want is for this thread to become a tonker's fan community, but instead I get nothing but anti-fans posting here. Wish all of you people just went to the shadow thread or something so we can Tonk in peace.
Astroturfing is gay so fuck you

>verification not required
My guy have you seen how the king types
>WOwee!!! Amazingg!zZZ!!!!

Say what you want, but I couldn't be that kind of spastic maniac if I tried....
Those are some real schizo hours...
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I've dedicated a song to Cystic
I'm overcome with grief from our bearded Armenian looking dad being taken from us. So I've decided to sing a song, here's to you Cystic

>white male voice
>no Asian jeans
NGMI bro!
Cystic lives on, you can't kill an idea
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Ah, yes. A good farewell song while I eat my cold burrito and iced water.

His account is nuked and he hasn't bothered to show his beard here again. It was a hard fought for conclusion, but in the end DAD is safe from his corruption.
What's left to do but to listen to his requiem with a toast.
all these little bros want to be lilramune so bad
nah i wanna be ariel or tehom
literally who
A shitposter from beginning of dad.
He was known for avatarfagging with anime girls from princess connect, posting his kanji practice on dad (which was annoying to some as it's not a drawing), and eventually getting banned after posting doodles of a stickman pissing all over the place and claiming it took him over 30 minutes.
What made him exceptional was that he kept shitting up the thread for literally years after getting banned. Sometimes things would get calmer, but a mere mention of his name would wake him up from slumber and derail the thread.
What happened to shirleygoblin?
What happened to ShrineyGher?
The guy/gal who used to post new subs for people to comment on. What happened to 'em?
Nobody comments my drawings
Pyw here and I'll tell you what I think about your drawing.
It feels nice to start drawing daily again :)
I am still here, but my office made us stop working from home so I could no longer regularly make threads. I was a little sad that no one decided to pick up the Shriney mantle after I stepped down.
What is your accent? You sound almost Australian but not really
I understand now. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.
it's not even an obligation. if he's not happy, you don't exist.
you can't spell sisyphus without sisy
be a man, drop your streak
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trying to experiment with digital.
It's just a British accent, so similar
It sounded like Russian accent to me.
I've heard that too but it could be any eastern european accent
Nope.Anybody who says you sound russian or whatever other European country is retarded. Don't even validate that notion.
This. It was clearly a South African accent.
desu americans and ESLs struggle with identifying accents
Oh my gassy gracious. That's my voice, I'm British. I had some serious nose breakage some years back which changed my voice, so it might sound a bit unusual I guess. Russian is a funny one though, I can't hear that
we don't do that here
What is it we do, here?
troll, start drama, spam retarded and or gay shit, say disparaging things about other /dad/s we hate which we'd never have the guts to say on our /dad/ profiles, and most importantly: not draw.
I'm both of those, but then again I'm more educated than my peers, so I guess I'm one of the good ones.

>Russian is a funny one though.

No there's nothing funny about retards somehow mistaking a british accent from a Russian one. For christ's sake these people need to be shamed and ridiculed not accepted and normalized, that's why America is fucked right now.
shut up retard
don't be rude
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I'm not sorry.
I take that back, I'm sorry as fuck
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dumb faggot.
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that's the point. fuck you.
uncalled for
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You're a blight on this thread.
meanie head
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kill yourself.
The only person who posts drawings gets ignored.

This thread has two possible futures, and we're choosing teh worst of them.
If you drew then you/d have work to post, wouldn't you? Even if you don't draw, you can still simply stop posting here.
>me just now realizing that DAD is mostly made up of ESLs
Do I just time myself and attach proof or are people just supposed to believe me when I write the time it took?
you can if you want. people don't look closely unless it's very obviously like two short scribbles
Just don't join houses. I have never specified time spent.
You're right, I could be playing minecraft instead of browsing.
>That's my voice, I'm British.
Sorry Anon, but we've already established it's not any European accent, guess again
>just time myself and attach proof
Many people do just that. There are many programs that do this kind of thing automatically if you're working digitally so it's not as problematic as some people make it seem like. And it will completely stop any accusations of cheating, even if you're a beginner and drawing slower than average.
>are people just supposed to believe me
Most do and, unless there's a HUGE discrepancy between your art and your time, you'll be given benefit of the doubt.

>Just don't join houses.

The sad reality is that majority of 4chan users are <20yo zoomers with fried dopamine circuits by tiktok/cocomelon/9fag. They're here just to shitpost and farm (you)s, not to have an actual discussion.
>The sad reality is that majority of 4chan users are <20yo zoomers with fried dopamine circuits by tiktok/cocomelon/9fag. They're here just to shitpost and farm (you)s, not to have an actual discussion.
True. I hate it, but I can't do much about it.
I get angrier for every comment you don't reply to
I only started timing myself and joining houses so I can accurately track how much I'm drawing each month. I'm trying to get faster and more efficient, so it helps. do it if you think it'll benefit you.
You're telling me ggg has spent 2.5 hours on that tomato and it's still not done?
protip: some people work on things for more than half an hour
That's not a tip you fuckin retard.
you're welcome
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No Michelangelo only worked for 30m a day, maximum
Spending any more time than that on a single piece is for the deranged
>Michelangelo had sub-optimal methods
good to know
That was sarcasm but frankly I’m impressed by your glass-half-full perspective
what if i sketched out all 15 cocktober drawings and then just finish them over 30 minutes on the respective days
If your dad rival asked you nicely would you let them jack off in front of you
Doing 30m of work on the piece you submit on the day in which you submit it is what the requirements are.

I don’t have a dad rival but if I did I wouldn’t let them do that.
That's what most popular artists do, why they insist on knowing prompts well before it actually starts and why any last minute changes bring so much drama. It's all fake and just a way of getting more followers.
...I'm not sure if they could get it up when standing in front of an ugly bastard like me.
you cheat yourself
no one cares
Will honor give me easy followers?
Will honesty put bread on my plate?
And if no one cares, then why should I?
what are you doing here for followers lmao
Get your cock badge if you want I will NEVER comment on your low effort trash
>implying you'd have anything to say other than preaching from your high horse
Yeah, I'll be fine without your comments, thanks.
yea you right
i cannot let the old masters down like this
Most of the big inktober artists have done 80% of their inktober posts already and are just sitting on them rn
I posted my drawing, send comments
I'd ask that because that's my fetish (but I need a rival first)
Are you Mexican by any chance?
... No but I am latino
No I hate coomers, no matter which gender
You'd need to win my heart first
i can be your rival if you want
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Damn. Kinda sad actually.
Yo what the fuck, how did this happen? What a shame
for my sake, that better not be a fluke
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made it to 100, haw haw haw!
100 and donehundred. adios, fren!
Thank god. Now they can't do those cringe diptych images they always do. This is a great day for DAD.
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not necessarily a fan of the subject matter, for what it's worth, but in terms of the anatomy and proportions it looks to be coming along fairly well. the right hand is perhaps a little too "hook-y," if that makes sense. idk if you're going off of a reference, which perhaps does have a hook-y hand, but it does stand out to me as a bit disagreeable.
word on the street is it's a fluke.
ur wrong bub those pfps are fun
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>word on the street is it's a fluke.
the real question:
Is the dad romance with Grabstein over or will Grabstein join them at the bottom?
Beautiful. A significant step towards page 1 for everyone.
this. too many people are mourning apricot instead of congratulating rook.
I programmed a webscraper to automatically SMS me when a high page 1 user drops out, and when it does I see reality affirming my right to be the number one DAD.
The way I see it, Apricot failed to plan for when the world decides it's his day to lose. This is nothing short of planning to fail from the beginning. Such people are losers that delay the inevitable. I realized this a long time ago and decided I will give reality no opportunity to step on me. I always have at least a month's worth of drawings in advance, and each is uploaded automatically daily with 4 independent fail safes that gives reality no reality in which I can fail.

That said, I advice Grabstein to follow Apricot to the bottom. Better he's miserable now with someone else than be miserable later with nobody.I'll be back within 2 months when the next pg 1 user drops.
furfags get the rope too. I'll pass that fucker soon enough.
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gottagitgud rolling in his grave right now.
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>I programmed a webscraper to automatically SMS me when a high page 1 user drops out
hours late
>I advice
You will never get ahead of me bozo.
May I ask, what subject matter does it have?
porn. And not teh good kind like furry.
lewd cowgirl. the cowgirl part isn't necessarily the problem, though.
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bro loves AI so much he has those techbro balls resting firmly on his forehead
ESL furry who wants to cancel 'problematic' tier tourney because he 'hasn't improved enough' wants to argue trite AI dialectics.
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>art is that which may win in an arbitrary art contest
Hmm based or cringe? There's a lot of words there but I'm retarded, so is he right or wrong and also gay?
>is he right or wrong and also gay?
the latter two
>what, so AI artists aren't real artists?
Yes. Where the fuck do you think you are retard
What the hell is happening with this thread?
I'll say what everyone is thinking but no one is brave enough to say. When I play video games it should count towards my streak.
>not making art should count as making art
it depends, did you sacrifice your art time for it
I sacrifice my art time to goon
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>endless whataboutism for AI
get a grip man
>studying with AI art
imagine stunting yourself like that
It’s good when you have an idea of what you want to go for but can’t track down good enough refs, usually landscapes for me. I’ve used it for that a couple times.
nothing out of the ordinary. you new here?
>bro loves AI so much
Since someone is sure to take you seriously, I want to clarify: I don't care much either way if AI will be banned or not.

What I DO care about is if rules are clear. I don't want anyone to get banned because Banana couldn't be bothered to write his own rules clearly.
That wall of text wasn't written in defense of AI - it was written to point out issues he should think through before adding new rules on a whim.
banana has never retroactively banned anyone for anything added as a rule so if someone did actually use ai before now i dont think theyd be banned
I think using AI as you would a normal reference is ok
Especially since half the results on google etc now are fucking AI, even when you're looking up a particular artist like zdzislaw beksinski
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This, but unironically.
I'm still going to use AI for reference and for inspiration
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is this based?!
i need someone to tell me what opinion i should have on this
it's freaking zased out of this world
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According to a piece of fruit you're a hollow subhuman and should fuck off to deviantart
And he's right!
it's unironically very fucking based and I'm proud (and gay) to be a part of DAD (no meta-post-irony here, it's actually a good take)
So much for the tolerant left
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>what they do has intrinsic merit because each stroke, however errant, is a deliberate step with creative intention and a manifestation of their unique voice
Get ready photographers, if that's the definition of art, then you're next with your soulless pushing of a single button to generate an image
>tfw I used a prompt generator once or twice
Sigh. I guess dad isn't for me after all.
maybe you should go join GAG (Generate Art Gayly)
Whizzard looking on in disgust
Eh. A bit too strict for my taste. Banning pure/lightly edited AI images is common sense, but banning its use as references? Cringe. IMO he's just too lazy to moderate any problematic gray areas and that's why he's so aggressive about it.
Of course, if someone is using AI just for references, it will be almost impossible to prove it, so it's not gonna change much in practice - dad's who do it, will be just forced to lie about it.
if you use AI in any capacity you are a HOMOSEXUAL (which is bad!) don't shoot the messenger.
This is going to be so funny. Fuck I've already drawn today though. I don't want to over exert myself I'll have to post it tomorrow.
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>be me, page 2 dad
>buy dozens of AI generated books about drawing, pic related
>give them as gifts to page 1 dads, without telling them it's ai
>see how they all get banned, become page 1 overnight
gg, ez
>color picking and stealing composition from movies or other artists: based
>color picking and stealing composition from AI: cringe
Weird take.
>>color picking and stealing composition from movies or other artists: based
>>color picking and stealing composition from AI: cringe
because movies and artists usually put thought into their colors, while AI slop just vomits every brightly saturated color onto the page without thought or sense
will subu get banned then since he was outed as a subhuman AI tracer?
Using AI references is now banannable offense? lmao, no wonder only permabegs still use the website, even the admin is a crab
you will never post your work, your argument is invalid. now cope, we'll wait.
you will never post your work, your argument is invalid. now cope, we'll wait.
the cope took shorter than expected. more, please.
to be fair "pyw" is just an ad hominem in a discussion, not an argument
>you are a pussy
>I am indeed
no arguing, just honesty
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AI bros are just too smart. You simpletons will never understand.
Loomis was too eager
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help i need the court of public opinion to determine whether i send feet pics or death threats to banana
feet pics but you write death threats on them in sharpie
you should threaten him with death by feet. send feet pics as a warning so he knows what he's in for
Based as heck
But why does that matter? It's their mistake to make and the so long as you're actually drawing then it shouldn't matter.
I get not wanting AI to be the ONLY thing someone uploads cause that defeats the purpose of using a website that's meant to help you keep up the habit of drawing.
I get what he's trying to say, but banana has this beautiful way of making even the most agreeable statements sound gay and retarded when it comes from his mouth that it makes me kind of not wanna agree.
Honestly, what did you expect from a guy who lets dog dick suckers moderate his website?
Bro. 5% of a work being AI is fine. AI adds cultural diversity which enriches the final product. This discrimination against AI is not only biggoted with outdated thinking, but it also discriminates against disenfranchised artists which may not have the funds to access technology that the privileged among us have. I think it's time you redefined what it means to be an artist, you might use a fancy tablet, but others might use prompts to make art. This idea that artist have to fit a certain societal mold is elitist and supremacist. And this form of thinking only leads to hate and bitterness of a changing society that no longer fits your ideal vision of reality. Dad should be an inclusive community where all sorts of arts can prosper equality. You have to accept that the face of art is no longer what it once was, and this is a strength not a weakness.
weak bait
You're right 5% is too low.

Bro. 75% of a work being AI is fine. AI adds cultural diversity which enriches the final product. This discrimination against AI is not only biggoted with outdated thinking, but it also discriminates against disenfranchised artists which may not have the funds to access technology that the privileged among us have. I think it's time you redefined what it means to be an artist, you might use a fancy tablet, but others might use prompts to make art. This idea that artist have to fit a certain societal mold is elitist and supremacist. And this form of thinking only leads to hate and bitterness of a changing society that no longer fits your ideal vision of reality. Dad should be an inclusive community where all sorts of arts can prosper equality. You have to accept that the face of art is no longer what it once was, and this is a strength not a weakness.
yeah this sites rules keep getting gayer by the moment.
I remember when we were (and we still pretty much are by userbase) a 4chan website and the stated reason for no loli porn was "because law".
Now banana is trying to enforce some fucking morality shit or something? honestly I am impressed he hasn't banned anybody not on the discord circlejerk at this point.
>honestly I am impressed he hasn't banned anybody not on the discord circlejerk at this point.
That's only because banana himself is too autistic to be a part of that discord
In my view, 100% of art on DAD should be AI since the art puritans only exist to deny the existence of AI artists. Their oppressive, hostile nature does not belong in the 21st century.
AI art is simply more economical to produce and open to everyone of every skillset and helps bridge the gap between assigned male at birth and assigned female at birth people in the industry.
The only arguments against AI are not only subjective and baseless, but they sound too much like Nazism; calling our ai art, "frankenstein" creations, "less beautiful" , "exploiting" traditionalist artist so we should be demonized and eliminated, calling our art "less human", and saying we've "ruined" society when in fact we're prime contributers of art. We just want a place to belong but traditional artists only see us as a burden that pushes them away. Traditionalism is the problem, not AI. If 100% of art on dad is AI there will be no problems anymore.
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We need to bring together artists of all background and skill levels, that's what DAD was founded on and what made DAD great to begin with.
Is there any good alternative to dad?

I don't want to deal with someone who'll throw a temper tantrum and ban me because I accidentally used AI generated image as a pose reference.
I'm looking for place that's:
>a good archive for my art (NSFW)
>a habit tracker
>a community willing to offer feedback
Bonus points if:
>it automatically counts how much time I've spend drawing each moth/week
>there are ways to compete with other artists
Any ideas?
More -- we need more midwit takes on both sides of the AI dilemma!
I hope this drama will continue in the next thread, it's too delicious to end so soon
we need /wow/ - work art weekly
instead of the daily whitevoid sketchcel copyfag cuckdom thats enforced here there needs to be a site about making finished rendered illustration with multiple persons in perspective every week
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No my AI brother. They WANT us to leave. This is our home as much as it's theirs. If they don't want us around then THEY should leave. Remember all those that came before us that fought against traditionalism's oppression and discrimination because we're different. Stand up for what's right. If we must peacefully protest we will.
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Peace or else. Our freedom is not up for debate.
You don't deserve to see my finished works! and I don't want to be known as a 4chan poster
Heh, I gotta admit I laughed out loud. And only real art can evoke such strong feelings
Too low
>assigned male at birth and assigned female at birth people in the industry
what did he mean by this
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The furries are quick to acknowledge, their feeble minds relieved the AI Menace won't come to Mog them. Curious.
What a lame thread.
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Well then my friend, let me sell you on AI artists. We are not only more productive than the lazy traditionalists on this site, but we also complete every illustration we make all the time, every time.

Ai users come here to be productive members of the DAD community. And if you people adopted our beliefs and customs you too could be as productive and fulfilled as we are.
Pic related only took me 5 seconds to make. 4 of those seconds I was jacking off and finished to my own work even.

Yes. AI art is museum worthy I agree

You're right, I wasn't giving it the 110% Ai deserves.

Even government websites use those terms now lol. What a world.
I've seen some AI furry shit, and it's wonderful. They can only hold onto their safe space for so long before we come for them too.
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Las*, and more. I'm the linen that is woven in this general.
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They hate us cause we draw anime girls better than them. We're an inconvenience to the low skilled traditionalists.
Wouldn't the mgop guy benefit from better lineweight?
>the mgop guy
Are you perhaps referring to mgop?
Was the rhetoric that opaque? Has no one criticized his line work before?
In theory I would agree with this, but I think it's better for DAD to officially take a hardline approach and just ban any and all use of AI, even AI reference. The technology in it's current form is fundamentally unethical, so it shouldn't be given even an inch of legitimacy.

And ethical considerations aside, using AI for reference is just a bad idea in general. It's not a reliable source of information, and there's nothing AI could generate that you wouldn't be able to find elsewhere. It's no replacement for real life (or photos of real life,) and master studies of actual artists. Nothing of value is loss by preventing dads from using AI as reference.

...but all that said, how a ban on AI reference could fairly be enforced is tricky, since "using AI as reference" can mean a lot of things. Is it fair to ban someone for just using AI as inspiration to get their ideas from? Where should we draw the line? I don't know. I could see it being a grey area in practice, like blurred submission. Something that's discouraged but won't necessarily get you banned.

These comparisons with AI and photography are disingenuous, in my opinion. Photography is a lot more than just clicking a button, because it still involves stepping outside of your house and choosing a specific composition to photograph. Camera settings, adjustments, filters also all factor into a lot of creative and technical decisions made by the photographer.

Whether photography should be allowed for a DAD submission is a different matter, but it should be obvious that none of banana's statements against AI art applies to photography.
Interpretive dance should be allowed on DAD if photography counts. Same with sitting in front of a camera eating a jar of mayo. All 'art' but is it related to drawing like other visual mediums that no one questions?

If you can tell you use ai as a reference you deserve to get banned.
>Interpretive dance
that's performative art, not visual art
it's visual if it's video taped as much as photography counts as drawing
"visual art" is not proscriptively used in the most literal sense possible to mean "art which you can see with your eyes. you can not appreciate that, and be against proscriptivism (which I myself am), but based on the rules of the site and the meaning in mind you're not talking about the same thing.
*prescriptivism. also forgot to close quote, FUCK. and to clarify, I'm not against prescriptivism to a point, but ultimately it doesn't seem to be able to justify itself. but that's a different convo.
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post the video of it on DAD, then.

Oh, wait....
then work on it not all looking the same plz
im not kidding and im not an anti-ai luddite it just all looks fucking identical when its ai
That satan Minecraft is trying to infiltrate my mind.
Sensation is an illusion, let it dissipate. Feel nothing. Be nothing.
The feeling is gone. I've mastered meditation and I've mastered my mind. I control myself now.
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Does anyone want to do some kind of halloween challenge during october?
>>>7311530 (You)
>Photography is a lot more than just clicking a button, because it still involves stepping outside of your house and choosing a specific composition to photograph. Camera settings, adjustments, filters also all factor into a lot of creative and technical decisions made by the photographer.
Same with AI: it takes a lot of tweaking of settings and prompts to get any good results, often you have to start an initial image to get exactly the kind of composition you want. It takes real effort to get really good results that won't be easily distinguished from regular art.
>halloween challenge during october
Seems fun.
Can we use that as an OP for the next thread, please? It's hilarious
please no
I bet you watch cocomelon too with taste like that
got anything in mind anon?
nothing makes me seethe harder than being called a whitevoid sketchcel desu, it's too real
Maybe something about "hollow human beings" to keep up with the memes?
I'd love to
i support this idea cuz that will surely force my retarded adhd ass to produce finished illustrations at last
Just change your submission frequency to weekly and do that, idiot.
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Kill ulala with hammers
It's like my brain can't understand simple shapes. It all makes sense in my fucking head. It's not hard to rotate a box and see that different lines get shorter then longer but fuck me It's impossible to physically draw it I guess.
if you don't have practical knowledge in drawing, you never really had knowledge in the first place
I don't get ot
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Good job on your pieces Dads! Love em ^^
You just gotta practice
It's like knowing what you want to say but to speak in it another language you have to painstakingly translate it word by word at the moment
But as you practice more you'll learn phrases and it gets easier and easier
what about ot don't you get?
what is a cocktobe
but it says locktob
'locktober' is where faggots indulge their sissy fetish and (try to) wear a chastity cage on their dick throughout October.
NTA, but thanks for explanation, I was wondering what is it about as well.

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