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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman
Hikaru Hayashi

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Framed Perspective
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous thread: >>7301968
The only difference I see there is coloring.
rendering is important so get off your ass and put some values into your art
Why bother rendering when the underlying sketch is still /beg/?
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Is it over?
I thought we were supposed to split /beg/ and /int/.
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what do when it feels like you're getting worse at something you were doing just fine a few days ago
naw stop asking and keep grinding
take a break and give yourself time to rest and reset
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I’m a dummy tho :/
IQ has never meant shit unless you are on the extremes of either end. that is considered "above average". you are fine anon, stop being such a bitch
online IQ tests should not be taken seriously especially ones with nebulous categories such as 'verbal'
What makes you think doing art requires a high IQ?
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I drew furry for the first time
These look utterly awful, tried out a 15 minute practice thing for each three, just cuz I didn't have too much time for all of them so I wanted to rush them.

I am very bad at drawing wider jaws and I tend to struggle with head/rib proportion ratios still. I actually could have done a better job but when you have to do them in 15 minutes you do not have the time for it...

Anyway gonna start my next proper drawing in a bit just hope it looks less awful than these do.
Chris chan
It smiles like a minion
The screen tone hurts my eyes.
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I see. But I’m still not very smart, I only cleared high school with like Cs and Ds and was a huge junkie for part of it
I haven’t had crazy improvement in the 4 or so years I’ve been doing it. These are the very first drawings I did back then and I still suck. Other artists seem very high iq by comparison. For example, shadman on his YouTube channel and streams when he was around, he sounds eloquent even though he’s ESL, meanwhile i live in America and stutter and stammer.
Practice scribbly gesture drawing more. Don't erase anything when you do those. Don't grip your pen so tight.
Still, this seems like you're just making excuses for your situation. And comparing yourself gets you nowhere.
it makes sense to suck at something after finally getting good at it because now you know what youre capable of, that feeling of sucking with new knowledge and skill is what pushes artists to keep improving
There is a thing called talent, not everyone can improve at the same rate to the same heights. Also man of shad shouldn't be your rolemodel for anything at all.
The smartest people know how dumb they really are.

Was a little sleepy from my sleep pattern changing which isn't helping, but I'm just glad I did some drawing despite that.
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head too small?
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I gave it a try, I was thinking more like a fashion magazine cover and I noticed that most of the time they cut off the feet and when they show them it is usually a top down or bottom up perspective. The good thing is that they only use about 5 different composition patterns, so they have to be the eye catching ones.

It was a fun exercise anon thanks.

For practice, not everything is solved with lines.
Yes, yes you should. Use proper construction too because your character looks broken in several places.
School grades are a function of effort, not intelligence. I also did HS with C's and D' then came out of Uni with honours.
Can't see her neck
head is okay. face seems a little low. she's got no neck and the right shoulder could use a touchup.
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I did shit in Uni too, but did come out of it with the degree. I just don’t like school or I’m dumb, or both realistically.
Brutal. Adachi was right about talent then?

Shadman and I both have dysfunctional lives, so his is an optimistic estimate of where I could end up.

I did these hands today and the paintings were from yesterday. I will keep practicing with what little my iq can do for me, even if I’m still giga /beg/
At least you don't have
>learning disability
>shakey hands
I've been trying to learn how to draw for years but I just don't know how to improve.
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I improved in a month, right...
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refer to the cope graph
I bet you didn't even try to learn Blender or 3ds max
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Adachi might be right about the talent thing but he decided to be a bitch about it which in your case would be giving up from the beginning and just prompting slop.

I applaud your effort and progress anon, I really like that long hair Tatsumaki you did there. Keep up the good work, I'm positive you will one day reach your artistic skill goal.
Anon..... how do you put up with this shit?

Also it seems like there is a high number of spanish speakers in these threads, weird. Unless it's just one guy making it this obvious, in which case por qué nunca me respondes?
You just don't like school, at least not the way your school's systems worked. Don't let your impatience and frustration boil over into self-flagellation, that ultimately serves no purpose. I've been where you are. Just work, study, take breaks, and be patient with yourself.
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reposting. any tips appreciated, especially on coloring hair
I would say so. I feel like your brushstrokes are cleaner and are adding more detail. Keep up the good work, watercolor-anon!
I smell dutch
Is it okay to feel pleased with some of my work?

I am not very good yet, I mean I've only been drawing for exactly a year and most of my pics are awful, but occasionnally I draw one that's better than my usual pics and I feel pretty proud of it.

Is it okay to feel proud of art I draw or is that a bad thing?
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Are there footfags in the room with us? I need help.
Enjoying what you do and pride in improvement is exactly how you get better so I don't know why you're asking this, unless you have some weird views on morality.

That's like asking if a guy who was DYEL should be proud of being able to bench 1pl8. Sure it doesn't sound that impressive to people who regularly lift more, but anyone can respect a man's improvement if he started from nothing.
I'm poor. I'm used to cope.

Maybe there's other guy around here, but the non premium version of Ibis Paint doesn't let to save with a name other than that generic stuff. Also, I don't know you.
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Anybody know what book this is from, or any books that follow the same structure?
should that not be every book
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How bad is my loomis
roast it, give me a reason to hate myself so i'll draw more
reposting because no one helped last time. How do you know what to draw next?
some people say draw the flavor of the week for attention, others say some other shit, but either way, my main issue is not knowing what to draw.
any ideas for helping chronic art block?
I draw faces, eyes or copy poses from hentai, preferably alcoholized.
I wait until inspiration strikes or I ask gooners for reqs
>How do you know what to draw next?
what do you like? think deeply about what you actually are interested in and draw it, don't just idly draw slutty anime girls or a boring landscape because you saw a nice picture once you know?
maybe you're super interested in space exploration, go crazy and design space marine armor, spaceships, aliens, rockets, alien planets, astronauts, space stations....
if you can't think of anything then you need to do some introspection, nobody here can give you the answer. At least this is what I think so take it with a grain of salt
Surely there is some open source alternative to paint on android, right?

>Also, I don't know you.
Isn't that the whole point of being anonymous?
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You guys need to try harder.
You're not putting in enough effort.
yall niggas need jesus
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Amazing. Art also takes long to learn, i had that reality check a while ago.
>I ask gooners for reqs
what happens when you have no followers who respond. :/
very good, damn
redline from christ when?
Make friends with more popular artists and worm your way onto their dicksword servers
i'm in artist servers, i just never ask there for requests because why would you?

imagine you follow an artist, then one day some literal nobody with less skill goes on the server and asks for requests. why would you even humor them? if i did that i'd be mocked at best.
Just ask for 'ideas' not 'requests'. Also depends on the local culture. Generally artists don't take issue with humoring artists that they mog
I'm sticking with Ibis Paint though.
Tried clip paint studio, but it was not for me

You asked in Spanish why I never respond you, so you must've confuse me for other guy
Just dipped my water colour brush in my tea cup, Will it kill me?
Yes you have cancer now
Unfortunately no.
It was mostly green paint
Blue might hurt your stomach, green is kid shit, won't even make you barf.
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how the fuck do you do the value distillation/notan meme on things like this?
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Use two values. These pics are always going to be challenging because of the shapes involved
Soft pastels or oil pastels which are better for a beginner?
It's nice and not smudged, anon. I remember watercolor needs lots of planing.
I believe bright backgrounds don't help your subject pop out like the tutorial. Play with making the background a different hue or passing over it after it dries.
Oil pastels taste better.
>Soft pastels or oil pastels which are better for a beginner?
You did. It's not nearly as heavy handed and it's more textured. Good job.
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Gonna stop here for today...

I fucked up with her left foot, I need to bend it or else her leg being bent like that doesn't work. I'll do it tomorrow but I still got her head, hands and such to do tomorrow.
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I really wanna deconstruct figures into 3D, but it feels like I don't really have a strong grip on that. Would making simplified figures using 3D forms be a valid exercise ?
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yea im ngmi
it looks like u focus on just one part of the body/limb and draw that then move onto the next rather than drawing the overall body all at once, even if it starts off as a sketchy blob at first, it'll most likely help make it look more similar to the reference.
u can go back and clean up each part afterwards, but dont start off that way.
also pay attention to negative space, notice how the gap between his leg and arm by his head is much smaller than the one in ur drawing? theres also hardly any gap to the left of his arm thats propped up against the ground, yet u drew one. why?
These look really good though anon
u r what u think
Squint your eyes or look at it very zoomed out. Those areas of scattered light and dark will merge into a mass of gray. Think of big shapes, one dark shape for a whole tree or a whole background layer of trees.
Those are really good gesture drawings and they show the gesture of the pose well.
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playing with elves
how do i stop being scared of drawing hard things? i've held off learning how to actually draw the head/a detailed figure and have just done gesture, bridgman copies, and nature studies
>zoom out
>everything looks fine
>zoom in
>bellow average details
I guess I'll start working in bigger resolutions then scale down the result? how the fuck is this a thing at all? is this a brain trick?
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I bet gesture was hard in the begining aswell, so what's the difference.
You need to understand the concept of drawing though, or behind something, which you can't really do if only concentrated on outline like that. Yes, learn 3D shapes and construction.
Yeh, I work at like 4000 x 4000 300dpi and scale down when I'm done.
It's not as scary when you begin to notice how everything is basic shapes. Squares, tubes, circles, etc.
is 300dpi the standard? some suggest 350dpi
Oh, really? Maybe I'll try that out, thanks. I remember back when it was 72 lol.
how do you shrink it?
That's last step. Should be under Image. Resize or something like that. Never go bigger.
i know i mean do you shrink resolution or the scaling or both? and by how much?
the hair tufts under the ears, facing down, etc, should be more shaded + the bottom of the face should have a small bit of shadow
the back leg seems disconnected from its respective asscheek
Overall pretty decent :)
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boobs too high up, they connect closer to the bottom of the pecs. very cute drawing
In Krita, how do I automatically match the colours of something I pasted in to a new layer with the colours of the main image?
I'm trying to get the pasted element to blend in as much as possible.
Sorry if this is a dumb question.
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Used a reference to give a body to my girl. I think I'm getting the hang of it but I keep fucking up with my tools thickness lol
duly noted. thank you very much, anons!
It's not stupid, but it's poorly explained anon, I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish.

Try with

Filter > Colors > Color Transfer
Filter > Map > Palettize
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some practice. btw the cubes are not shaded, just practicing drawing lines in different directions
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more sketches
You mean like with the eye dropper tool?
Oh, sorry, the physical dimensions. How much depends on what you want to do with it. A lot of those social media places squish it down even more so be aware of that.
I know what you were trying to do but the right foot/shin seems off to me. Try curving the top and making it slimmer more maybe if you're going to forshorten it that much.
I'm sorry, I'm extremely new to digital painting.in general, to the point where I don't even know the correct terms to describe what it is that I want to do; i'll try my best though.

I have an original image which I can at least identify as having a specific "look" to the colours.
I then have another image that I have "cut out" of another image which has another distinct "look" to the colours.
What I would like to do is make the colours of the cut out look the same as the colours of the image that it has been transplanted into.
Hopefully that makes more sense, I'm sorry if it doesn't.
Thicc. A little too thicc for me personally but 008 shouldn't jut out from the hips that much. She's not a centaur.
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I think i'm finally understanding gesture. I know it's far from ideal but it's way better than the disgusting shit i´ve been making for months
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Trying to render more colorfully for Bucci Papa, idk if the planes of the face are right. Concrit welcomed
great job whatever you do keep doing it i like it 003

If there is a strong big negative shape in the composition I like to start with that so I have an anchor to rely on.

No worries, no need to apologize, generally what you want to do is digital compositing. I don't know of a 1 click solution on any product that does this (not saying they don't exist just I don't know maybe a img2img based product). if you want to make a foreign image feel not so foreign there are many things you can do:
1. values, find the darkest and brightest value of the surrounding areas where the image will be placed, then cut off the contrast (filter > adjust > levels or color adjustment curve).
2. find a "mother color", if the main image is outdoors probably its going to have a lot of blue, or if its a sunset more orange feeling, etc. then adjust the color balance to match the shadows, midtones and highlights.
3. make the lighting make sense, find the light source and paint over the foreign image using the overlay blend mode, overlay is special because it will brighten if you use a bright color or darken otherwise but keep the color characteristic.
>i inhale
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Thanks Anon, you've given me a lot of keywords to google. I'll be sure to read Krita's manual as well. Admittedly I should've done that in the first place, yet not knowing what terms to look for specifically would mean that I would've had to read the thing cover-to-cover!
>had to read the thing cover-to-cover!
You say that like it's a bad thing. :)
I would kill for that skill.
Why the fuck did you give Toki tits?
Do more boxes facing the left.
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I’m pretty sure I have adhd as well as schizoid personality, and possibly BPD or some other cluster b issues on top. Plus I’m an inkwell.
Self flagellation is good though if you’re a femdom fag like me. My goal is to draw my (3dpd) waifus and just acquire maximal hedonist pleasure in my lifetime. Hopefully if I draw good enough I can stop being incel. I’ll use my language skills to travel east and illustrate Slavic whores in all their beauty.

I downloaded the reference packs from another thread and I did a painting of this one. My edge control needs a lot of work I think.
beg here
Shaky hands do not mean you cannot draw, stop this myth right now.
For the other things, I feel you, just put your standards down. We are like flowers, growing in our own pace.
Nice drawing, schizo anon. I really like the expression on the woman, you could finish it and it could be your Mona Lisa
The objects on the left are not entirely clear. takes a few seocnds to understand that it is a drink can. The TV or whatever it is may be a bit cut off. thats just my opinion tho
>learning disability
>shakey hands
That's just the resident schizo
Btw, do we know what happened to 6 months schizo? Does he still pop up or did he vanish? He was a big thing here like a year or 2 back and I just returned.
god I'm supposedly painting so much every day but when I enter krita and see the list of recent files and I'm seeing files from 2 weeks ago on that same screen and like what the fuck am I even doing all day? All that time is just being shat away and I don't know how.
Yeah this is the dilemma dude. Once you start trying to actually dedicate time to specific things you realize just how much time is wasted idling or going random bullshit. The irony is time is the one thing none of us ever get back yet most of us spend it like it's worth less than the shit in the gutter.
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Toad princess
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Never really planned out a drawing, trying my hand at composition and perspective to actually finish a piece. Any feedback?

Is she... is she gonna fuck the frog
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Ok, new plan. How abou this?
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looks cool

looks good, that initial pose should be somewhat easy to find a ref for future reference
You need to work on the armpitpussy and nipple bulges.
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What do you mean by that?
I said give me your fucking blog! I NEED MORE FAT BITCH PUBES
Should I render the armpits steammy as well?
Oh come on you don-t have to lower yourself to that level. I just feel that your armpit is very smooth because there is no prominent pectoral line going into the arm or the lats making a small cave in the lower form.
Just my stupid opinion but I think it woul improve the appeal and make the anatomy far more realistic.
It's good. I love the smug face. Personally I think shoulders are too wide compared to waist and hips but its' totally the proportions a real woman would have instead of an anime bimbo so probably my notions are the wrong ones

Did u use a photo as a reference? Nice. I love still life paintings.

Arms seem a bit like marshmallows. Video related
Also those breasts look kinda unnatural imo.

Super cool. I feel hyper mogged

That composition has a lot of focus in the background so you will have to render that bg good.

Super nice. The only think I can say is that I feel that her left leg/knee is too pointy. Probably the shape of the leg
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Finished this in a day instead of a week like usual so I'm happy about it
I really like how crisp that looks.
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Tried drawing Andrew Dice Clay
Does this give a feeling of her actually hitting the target?
The feeling? No. There's no gesture to it, no follow through on the swing, it looks like she just place it on their head and it exploded, but since our brain understands the context behind this we just say she swung the macr into their head even though the body and doesn't suggest that.
Yes and it looks scary more than tom and jerry humorous. If that's what you were going for, you succeeded
Personally I think it does the job, and also works well with the simple artstyle
are the new masters academy/proko courses good? i have pretty much all of them in the /ic/ torrent but i'd like opinions on them before i start watching them
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even just rotating it automatically gives it more gesture and seems more like a swing.
I tried to give a feeling of 1-handed swing, that she doesnt need to bend all over and just easily swung the mace into the goblin's head.

Someone asked me to draw a different weapon from her classic 2-handed sword, the goal honestly wasnt humorous or grim, but if youre telling me that its more scary than comical then that makes me really happy, i like when people think my drawings are scary.

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what do you think of abstract monsters?
So like a plastic toy? A mace is heavy dawg, but hey, you do you.
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Anywho thank you a lot for your feedback about drawing her butt.
At most, ill leave her like this and do someting else using your advice

Also her expressions were super cute.
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Well, lorewise she is a really powerful and deadly berserker who wields a 2handed sword with 1 hand because she grabs her target with the other hand then starts cutting the limbs off one by one, so using a 1 handed mace is nothing for her.
Sheldon Borenstein - See It - Feel It - Trace It - Draw It and Anatomy Book
Yes they are good but it depends more on how much effort you put in to it.
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how do you blur the differece between the multiply layer and the flats? just raw soft brush?
Anywho that gem looks good. Imma try to steal that shading method for it. x3
>shaky hands
Are you me. Nah, but I gave up learning to draw ages ago and have just been painting foxes since 2020.
>it looks like u focus on just one part of the body/limb and draw that then move onto the next rather than drawing the overall body all at once
That is exactly what I do. In this one I started with the head.
>theres also hardly any gap to the left of his arm thats propped up against the ground, yet u drew one. why?
Most likely because at one point I started out with a wrong placement of where the shoulder would be and then drew the arm from there, making the rest of it not line up.

Okay gotchu.
how do i stop being so retarded when trying to draw digitally? i'm way more relaxed drawing traditionally because im not worried about my lines being perfect or whatever because that's just how real life works. but with digital its so hard for me to turn that perfectionist part of my brain off in the same way and i end up spending ages messing with brush settings because it just never "feels" right. i've been forcing myself to just use a basic hard round brush to get over it but man drawing is just not fun. it feels like trying to ignore a mosquito bite or something
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How to fix perspective?
I'm trying my best but it sucks dick
I struggle to draw a slightly open mouth on her in this perspective.
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worked on this today.
i struggle with anything that isn't a face forward perspective.
but i'll keep trying!
Respect brotha.
wish you the best
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i'll try too
Solid color multiply layer shadow-> blend edges when needed with round mixing brush -> Another layer for darker shadows-> a little bit of airbrush to give it volume and roundness(just a bit)
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Tried out glazing for the first time today and i just need someone else's opinion than my own on how it turned out and if i should continue.
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What the dog doin
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chibi tips

i wanna draw cute happy chibi girlies with stars and hearts and cute hats and haircuts

i can't find any good chibi guides online, only long-legged big booba miku wwwaaaah
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The perspective feels a little awkward and it's not a good style match but maybe this will help?

This looks great, you should definitely keep going.
This might be a really fucking stupid question, but are there any Loomis Head tutorials that focus on the chin?

For whatever reason I can never get the chin to sit right, because every tutorial just kinda goes "then draw the chin" without any of the tech that they gave the rest of the head.
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Looks good. I don't know what your reference looks like but I'd suggest also working on your hard and soft edges to define those muscles better.
You're drawing each part in order without checking angles and proportion. Each part ends up skewed or squished. Make landmarks or a croquis first, then draw on top.
Oh, thank you, anon, for your opinion. You should have linked your own artwork, so people could give you some feedback in return.
How do you usually start a face? I used to do a circle and a chin and guide lines and all that and then start with the eyes but lately I've been starting with the nose as a triangle and it's honestly helped me map out the face with less construction lines.
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arigato sensei

3-heads tall style looks good to me, thanks for the knowledge!!
I was sick and had a headache, so I did not draw. This is my work, if you're curious >>7304689
Well, my two recommendations would be to start with construction, slowly building the head like a sculpture, and to use black-and-white images as references since colors can be very distracting and are not as important as the values.

Loomis has an excellent book about drawing the head.
>Loomis has an excellent book about drawing the head.
Yeh, if you want every head to look the same.
Shit, I swear I forget even the most basic things then wonder why its hard lol. thanks, indeed I did not use construction and ref was in color
I don't know about focus, but you can apply the same concepts as the blooks and just build up shapes on top of that framework. If you want to get more in depth with it, then it's a matter of looking at the underlying structures and I don't think loomis really covers that. Supplementing with the goldfinger book or some other anatomy specific resource is probably the best option.
Tim McBurnie a real one
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Do you have any examples? I can't really visualize what you mean
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That gun is impressively detailed but the uniform kind of looks like it's sliding down her body and making her look weirdly elongated. I tried changing the uniform and the position of her limbs a bit, it's a cool pose so I think adjusting some of the lines to be straighter won't distract so much from all the work you've put into the top half of the drawing.
i do think she looks cute.
put all lightning parts (as in the white of her boots and hair) on a "overlay" layer.
i'll try that
I want you to succeed anon. I just want you to know I believe in you
i hope you succeed too : D
I saw this and I legitimately cried, it reminds me of when I first started and it makes me nostalgic. It has so much soul anon. Your drawing legitimately made another person cry tears. This is weird cause that wasn't even the emotion you were trying to evoke here, but I just see the beginning of my journey in your drawing and it's touching like sincerely. I want you to succeed brotha. Don't give up on whatever it is your goal is. Soul. 100% Soul.
okay, not sure how i should go about putting her hair on an overlay.
ibis paint doesn't have overlay layers. i can put an overlay effect on the brush i'm using though.
i'm just not sure how to put it on the hair and make it look good.
might not bother with the hair this time and just keep in mind using an overlay brush effect for my next picture.
but ty!

good to hear.
glad you enjoy my drawing too!
i know it's mediocre but ty!

you should show me your work too
Youre right but shes also 5'10"
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I didn't mean to imply anything about your skill. Your drawing style just literally resembles how mine looked. I only have positive intentions behind my words. This is my current WIP kinda looks like shit right now but I've been messing around with the perspective to make the composition look a lil more dynamic.
>I didn't mean to imply anything about your skill. Your drawing style just literally resembles how mine looked. I only have positive intentions behind my words.
oh, i see. ty!
i dint necessarily take anything as an insult. i just think of my work as mediocre.
i have a lot to learn but that isn't a bad thing either. i feel like i've already come a pretty long way despite not being very skilled currently.

>This is my current WIP kinda looks like shit right now but I've been messing around with the perspective to make the composition look a lil more dynamic.
it looks amazing!
ty for showing me
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here's a better one i did recently since you enjoy my style
well, you can always just choose a lighter color instead of pure white instead of an overlay layer.

it is still cute tho
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quick single layer sketch while vibing to the over the garden wall ost
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its the weekend, time to lock in.

gem spotted
Soul :) Don't ever stop.
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Doing timed hand studies. I learned that painting and drawing are different and i'm better at painting.
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Drawing hands becomes kinda intuitive when you learn its patterns.
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Now what, I was told to paint in values not in colours but I'm too retarded
soulful af
dunno if the eyes should be that bright. id say even flat eyes migh look good
ignore the background. lay in the overall values of the subject first to separate its planes and create form, then lastly add details and if needed clean up, details always comes last. also, this shit takes time to figure out things since you're drawing something that you never drew before
just use yo peanut brain to its fullest and trust the process
pic unrelated
am autistic pls say in autism languoge
> i placed facial features completely wrong huh, need to pay attention next time
> fuck up again in the exact same way
> wow, i'm a dummy, third time's the charm
> do it fucking again
i think i'm a bit special
I feel like I'm losing it trying to make this stomach fit/work with the rest of the drawing. I want it to be prominent, but not pregnancy/fetish levels. I just want her to be chubby and still look like she's sorta lounging/sitting.
how do I know if I'm using a reference right?
i think it looks okay.
belly button looks a little weird though
I can tell that you're overthinking it, because that stomach looks excellent.
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Maybe this'll help you
i think it's these lines and the gap in the thighs that make it seem bulging. The bottom full curve looks good, but the additional lines makes it much more prominent

idk how to fix it properly, i'm too low skill, but that's what draws my eye, good luck anon!
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What you said makes a lot of sense. Tried your idea and personally I like how this looks way more.

Give yourself more credit, you're clearly picking up on what works and what doesn't. Thank you, Anon!
aw yeah, nice! looks a bit cleaner now, great work. glad i could assist!
You made her fatter and made the ribs and hips much wider
Are all of the nearly 28 million pixels necessary?
Yeahhh mystic set and cute aura
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Anyway, I dusted off the horse anatomy I haven't used since 2011 to see if I could make sense of the OP pic without knowing what the source looked like.
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1,5 hours later, kind of happy with it. Needs to pop more but I feel like I will ruin it by passing over it again.
What else to upgrade on the butterfly
prretty good. now it's all about adding more details like her antennas and maybe some clean ups, but be careful or you'll ruin it, tho...

you could even try to draw the flower she's on top of, but then again, you could end up ruining it
also, maybe render the white local value on the end of her wings, i think it will help. just details stuff
I bought white gouache 2 days ago for this very moment
ye, but don't overdo it... it's like, a really thin line of white and it aint even 100% white, it kinda blends in with her wings
Very nice gesture
I like how youre controlling the edges. Like on the stomach the hard edges on the soft strokes
I'm autistic, with ADHD. I can't focus on trying to get better at all or even come up with anything to draw without just giving up and going back to looking at my phone and doing something else. I've legitimately never been able to commit myself to any serious hobby and have gotten lazy over the years with my only actual one which is writing and the only reason I'm good at writing is because I wanted people to be able to understand what the fuck I was saying and I wanted to write good stories because I thought I'd never be able to make them in a visual medium, but that's it. I've never been able to commit to a serious routine, schedule, or anything. I just sit in my room online doing basically nothing.
Everything I try doing looks so daunting and impossible. I tried learning Source Filmmaker as a teen and I gave up immediately because it looked too complicated. I tried learning how to make my own games in game maker, gave up immediately and never touched it. Even something like drawing just looks so complex and impossible. This is what it's like for everything I try doing.
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pretty sure he posted it because of the other 2 jackoffs trying to get a pity party going
he sounds like he really enjoys drawing
when do i move on from gesture and quick croquis to actual figure drawing and anatomy
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Ok I took some rest and didn't push myself too much these last 2 days, got a 3 day weekend ahead so I'm gonna get grinding and I WILL be able to draw a proportionate full body figure by the end of it.
most guides i've seen have said a week as by then you should be comfortable with proportions and then work on anatomy and specific parts.
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I'm autistic, with ADHD. I can't focus on trying to get better at all or even come up with anything to draw without just giving up and going back to looking at my phone and doing something else. I've legitimately never been able to commit myself to any serious hobby and have gotten lazy over the years with my only actual one which is writing and the only reason I'm good at writing is because I wanted people to be able to understand what the fuck I was saying and I wanted to write good stories because I thought I'd never be able to make them in a visual medium, but that's it. I've never been able to commit to a serious routine, schedule, or anything. I just sit in my room online doing basically nothing.
Everything I try doing looks so daunting and impossible. I tried learning Source Filmmaker as a teen and I gave up immediately because it looked too complicated. I tried learning how to make my own games in game maker, gave up immediately and never touched it. Even something like drawing just looks so complex and impossible. This is what it's like for everything I try doing.
I've been trying for a literal year to get advice from you people.
Based Medabots enjoyer
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My master piece is done

now i suggest you analyze it and try to memorize the steps you took to paint it, so you can do better on the next painting

also, check it again another day with a new perspective, you'll notice a bunch of things that you missed before
you have come a long way, anon. honestly.
this feels like a jump even in comparison to your last one.
don't get comfortable now, there's still the journey in front of you.
Thanks for the help, kidding about the masterpiece I can see plenty things to improve on
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wip, supposed to be a view of the spindle seen from the great salt desert moghra'yi from caves of qud, I dont do landscapes a lot
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repostan for help, any pointers?
Same though. The autism/ADHD thing. You on meds? I just started ADHD meds. I take one and go sit myself down in front of my canvas with a general idea of what I was to do that day, and then I just paint for like 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours. It's great. I used to get maybe 20 minutes of painting done a day.

Try a real paper sketchbook with pens and pencils, not computer software. Print your references, don't use your phone. Computers/phones are garbage for focus with ADHD, and even on stimulants, you're still setting yourself up to fail if you've got all those ready distractions at hand. Put your phone in another room with the volume off, turn your computer off so it'll be a pain to turn back on again, neither will be as attractive that way and it'll be easier to work on your drawing.

Starting and abandoning hobbies is very common.
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I've been medicated on stimulants for my entire life and this has never gotten any easier. Was on adderall, it stopped working recently, then switched to Vyvanse, didn't work. Now I'm on Focalin, still doesn't work.
A lower dosage of focalin, anti anxiety medication. My mind and my body locks up and prevents me from actually doing anything. Usually either out of anxiety or my mind and my body simply just locking up and telling me "What the fucks the point"? And just making me look back at my phone again or just stimming and staring at a wall.

Legitimately NOTHING has worked. I felt better for a week and then nothing. This has gone back all the way since I was a teenager too. I had thyroid problems that got fixed, but this never got any better.

I don't know how to get the motivation to do anything. Even when I do happen to try my hardest in doing something, it's always half as good or even just 2% as good as anybody else doing the same thing, because me being purely retarded and unable to learn or focus. Even when I try, nothing good happens. My entire body feels sore and I rest for the whole day. I've been working out for 2 years and lost 20 pounds as well.

My body still shakes even when I'm on the right amount of stimulants that make feel relaxed. Right now I'm on a lower dosage than I was previously because that dosage made me feel sleepy. Now I'm on a lower dosage and it still makes me jitter a bit. I don't know what to do.
Anon I'm gonna save you some headache, that Anon is a troll/spammer and has been making the exact same posts for a year. His only objective is to waste precious time of people more productive than him. See >>7306729
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We believe you, buddy. Let it all out.
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How do I into shading?

also does it look okay?
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>ibis paint doesn't have overlay layers.
It does. It's right here. Can you find it?
what drawing app and brush is that? i love brush texture
are you using watercolors?
I am asking this because although Im not sure, I have the thought that watercolor = not good for beg. Because fast dry time + working in layers complicates the process, and so it would be better to have only one thing to worry about.
Im not saying its your problem just sharing my thought. good work.
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I use watercolour because my goal is to paint outside in nature. Also ots very cheap to try out and you can paint something very quickly
You should not do that. You should draw boxes and anime girls in the dark room with a drawing tablet and a computer.
All the art groups I've joined are just loli coomers or retarded howies crying about how they can't draw, where do you find art friends
you found them, they draw loli
There's something called mediation and breathe control. It's fairly simple to execute but takes time to master. You sit in a place you feel safe, proper sunlight, you sit cross legged if you can't, you lay down. Close your eyes. You breathe, inhale six seconds in and exhale six seconds out. Focus on the timing. Clear your mind. You'll feel numb, a buzz, or even see colors. You stop and do it again tomorrow. Do it long enough, you will reset your body and mind.
groups for learning to paint realism are the secret sauce of finding art communities that arent retarded coomers that can only crudely draw porn and retarded anime fags
This is actually good advice from a beg.

Yeh, you want S curves there not C curves.
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hi beg. im drinking to make the pain go away
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still figuring out how to draw the hair
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You guys realize looking at others /beg/ scribbles is a hazard to your own visual library and will hinder your progress, right?
bitch most of us spend half our day scrolling social media one /beg/ thread won't damage our visual repertoire
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This looks super cute, anon. Blog?
i'm not a master at hair but what I usually do for long hair is to just use a big brush with high stabilization and go wild
I actually did realize this. It's why I avoid looking at ugly art and female basketball Americans, I don't want any uglyness to creep into my waifu art.
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I finished my bug collection
holy shit clean lines and shading
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Okay then, this looks better I guess
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is the bean useful
MDMA? probably at least once, yeah
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ms paint mouse
Thank you! I don't have a blog cuz I don't know where to post. Btw, can I see some hair you've drawn?
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Most recent work, Used a ink brush with pressure based thickness. Is not that detailed but you get the idea,
having trouble with the poses of this piece that was commissioned. any other critique of this would be appreciated. this is just the lineart, but I want it to be right.
oh, guess it does.
i'm blind.
How come the dragon's mouth has fundamental depth but not the humans?
following the art and science of drawing, is drawing with my shoulder that important if I'm using a 15.6 inch tablet instead of a traditional setup?
>Brent Eviston
ooo very cool! I getcha, maybe I'll try roughing out some shapes and refining it maybe.
You have a worse problem than poses. Every character besides the dragon on the right feels like it was copy pasted from separate works. You are clearly aiming for a dinamic scene but your characters perspective (or lack of) dont reflect that.
I use an 11inch tablet and draw from my shoulders. If youve done draw a box, the guy even does small ass circles the size of an eraser thats on the end of a pencil- with his shoulders.
>fundamental depth
if I'm understanding the term correctly, it's because the client might want them to be shifted around
I love /beg/ but it's kinda disgusting to see all this coom art and perversions. I keep coming back here, but it's bittersweet.

Who knows though. Maybe if I was in a real life artist group people would have even darker art in secret.
Get over yourself
Super cool! I like the butterfly and ladybug the most. I could see them on a t-shirt.
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Have a (You)
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It takes some practice but drawing from your shoulder you will get smoother lines and it's better and your body. You should try to draw from your shoulder more. Adjust your canvas zoom as needed so that you aren't always doing small strokes with your fingers or wrist. You can reduce your GUI by drawing in full-screen mode so you have more room to draw too. Always making small strokes can quickly lead to pain and overuse injuries. Some people are lucky and never get it, but if you've ever had soreness in your wrist or fingers after a longer session, you should take steps to avoid it as these types of injuries need a lot of rest to heal completely.
Bruh, turn down de soul a little bit.
That's awesome!
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sailor moon + schulz friday night

I like your croatian diaspora chilean miku, I love the colors and contrast, but in many places it feels flat to me, for example the skirt for me is missing the back, otherwise it looks more like an apron. Also the curvature of the thigh band and the highlight don't match to me, looks both square and round. awesome job

I don't like the composition, everything feels all over the place with no focus, and what bothers me the most is the void in the middle of the piece.

The moth is cool, the beetle too, but I thought the skull horns were the mandibles of the beetle, and i think it would have been cooler that way. But none the less great work
Beautiful work, is your focus on tattooing? The moth and eyeball spider are my favourites.
meant for
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After studying hands all day, i decided to render an old figure drawing.
It's kinda nuts how your brain really do get faster at rendering after you do it many times. Corrections, brushstrokes, etc - alll comes instinctively.
seeing pawells work here and tumblr artists never improving made me realize browsing shit work will just fuck your life up so yeah,
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This is a difficult pose and I'm really unfamiliar with guns but I tried. If you have a reference you're using I can probably give you better help if you post it. The foreshortened leg is already quite good but I think things stared to go awry with her arms and upper torso.
looks really good anon I really like the stomach, the breast looks stiff and fake they should follow the form curvature of the ribcage and gravity.
The breasts are originally fake on the reference, i was just too tired to design new ones. Thanks for the compliments. >w<
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Upper torso was my biggest struggle. I did want to fix that rear leg the way you did but figured I accidentally made something that looked fine. I'm inexperienced with full bodies in general but wanted to challenge myself and, more importantly, do something fun. The reference is actually this classic.
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So, I am a complete beginner and I've had gesture drawings shilled to me. Left is mine and right is basically traced over the reference. Why does mine look so terrible! It's kind of funny. Am I too beginner for gesture? I guess I should try to focus on anatomy first..? But what exactly do I do? I have seen the book "anatomy for sculptors" reccomended, do I start there? Sorry for all the questions.
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I can see why you had trouble with it, that bulky armour obscures a lot and it would be difficult even with a nude. You did well I think, very ambitious. I hope you keep going with it and have fun, I like figures myself though so I might be biased. I drew out what I think the pose is like under the armour but it really is difficult so I hope you don't get discouraged.
Not discouraged at all, I know my limitations but I've overcome tough blocks and hurdles in the past (coming from stick figures just a couple years ago and only drawing recreationally since) so I know for a fact that I can surpass myself and all I have to do is just keep practicing. Thank you very much for the help anon.
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It's mainly a proportion and foreshortening thing, since you're a beginner you don't know yet how it works.

Honestly, i think you should give a look on Brent Eviston's figure drawing course, it's all meticulously digested for beginners, it applies to both traditional and digital and he's a great teacher, i learned the fundamentals under him (and a little bit from Proko).

One of my old renderings.
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anatomy check?
Lmao you drawingkeks are totes hillllaars~
Using just a click of my mouse, I can use my sAI 2.0 software to seamlessly generate perfect quality anime girl drawings, additionally utilizing wAIcom stable plane diffusion. You drawingkeks probably spend way too much time grinding boxes like an idiot, meanwhile with my AI it only takes 4-13 hours to generate. Bloody bastard benchod SAAR do not redeem, Zelenskyiv Offensyiv is doomed SAAR!
So, I've been watching a few digital artists who have been streaming their work in order to get a feel for things.
There's one tool which they use that I'd very much like to know the name of so that I can google how to do it in Krita, but I don't know the name of it. I can describe the steps preceeding and the outcome if that'll help some kind Anon identify what I'm going on about:
First, the artist will use the freehand selection tool to cut/copy an area onto a new layer
Next, they will either select a colour from the palette, or use the eyedropper to select one from elsewhere in the image
Then, they will use a tool that changes all the colours of the new layer into shades of their chosen colour as they paint over it.
For example, if their selected area has shades of white and they select a red colour, the tool they use will change all those shades of white to shades of red in one fell swoop, and all the artist has to do is roughly paint over the area.
Not that familiar with Krita yet but it seems like some color balance tool
I found it: it was a brush called "Adjust Color"
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This is a nice drawing so I don't think you have to change anything, but I did try making some adjustments.

The hand position has an uncomfortable feeling to it if you hold the pose yourself, so I tried putting it in a slightly more comfortable position. I also shifted her weight on to one leg to try and make the stance a bit more solid and made the hair a bit fluffier to try balance the whole pose more.

I hope this helps, it's mostly preference though and I think your picture is fine as is.

I've never even heard of this, is it only in krita?
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i messed around with it a little.
how does it look now?
>is it only in krita
I'm not actually sure, I'm still very new to digital painting and I've not used any other program such as GIMP or PhotoShop
I haven't drawn something to be viewed by people since about 2007. I've only doodled since. I want to grind my way to draw good. I want to make the Number One Game Of All Time That Will Change Gaming Forever and I cannot do that if I don't do all my own art. The game covers themes such as yokai, rape, robots, mental illness, katanas, gun tricks (think Revolver Ocelot), and contemporary politics. Is 31 too late to learn how to into drawing and make the game that will define the 21st century?
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That "Painting" thing is really fucking hard, I stopped doing characters and line art to try painting, and how do you even go about this?
Do you just paint over and over until it's better?
I limit myself to greyscale, but how do you even decide which grey to use at the start?
Maybe look into values a bit and then look at pictures and turn them to grey scale to understand where values are placed
Thanks a lot guys.

Yes, i think that is the right path for me. For now i am focusing on improving my skills, and want to continue for about 1 year. Afterwards i want to be an apprentice at a shop and learn tattooing. Luckily i live in the center of a decent city so i have some good options.
witch anon here. i use clip studio paint!

i used uhhh: 鉛筆R pencil brush i found on CSP assets. it layers very nicely and has a crayon-esque texture i like very much
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How to fix having too wet water colour? Is there a trick to compare the wetness of the paper and the paint? I mostly covered it up but the foreground is still blown out.
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scribbled this in.
goal is to make non-ai version of the art on the right.
no, that's not it.
Here's a thing i did a month ago, couldnt finish it cuz I wanted to fix the face and anatomy but couldnt figure out what was wrong even looking at the reference for guidance.
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whoops forgot pic
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heres the reference. I think I didnt make her grab her hair cuz I thought it didnt look good but more likely I didnt know how to)

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