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The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7354653

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga
The Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga

Habanero Scans: https://www.dailymotion.com/HabaneroScans/videos
Full MANBEN Series link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0GiIM_rGEGPjTGQ4HadH4eizLu5E49Tz&si=gpRcOXt_H1l3shNF
Urasawa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIFOAoFm47XOAlJwTa6Ieg/videos

Source of OP image is Negima Chapter 5 Page 6.
Some western / indie publishers of Manga:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Yen Press ( https://yenpress.com/ )
> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.
> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.
> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to yenpress@yenpress.com, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

Shrine Comics ( https://shrinecomics.com/ )
> Small indie manga publisher
> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes
> Allows crossposting to other sites

Iconic Comics (https://www.iconiccomics.com/)
>A bit like Oni Press and Antarctic Press
>A small publisher with a focus on indie works with manga inspiration
Other open comic publishers:

Dark Horse ( https://www.darkhorse.com )
>Dark Horse still welcomes your submissions, and all submissions will still be reviewed, just as they always have been.
>All unsolicited story/series proposals must have a full creative team on board. Writer-only proposals will not be reviewed.

Image comics ( https://imagecomics.com/ )
>Image Comics only publishes creator-owned material. They do not contract creators; they’re only interested in publishing original content for which you would retain all rights.
>Image Comics publishes creator-owned/creator-generated properties and THEY DON’T PAY PAGE RATES. Image takes a small flat fee off the books published, and it will be the responsibility of the creators to determine the division of the remaining pay between their creative team members.

Drawn and quarterly ( https://drawnandquarterly.com/ )
>Please email a low resolution PDF with at least 20 pages of comics and cover letter to submissions. Do not send dropbox links, scripts, or proposals. Please read our submissions FAQ.

Fantagraphics ( https://www.fantagraphics.com/ )
>submission page: https://www.fantagraphics.com/pages/faq

Top Shelf Productions ( https://www.topshelfcomix.com/ )
>Regarding submissions, we're easy. Just email us a download link of what you'd like us to review. NOTE: We cannot accept cover letters, plot synopses, or scripts unless they are accompanied by a minimum of 10-20 completed pages (i.e., fully inked and lettered comic book pages).

Additional publisher lists:
> https://jasonthibault.com/definitive-list-comic-publisher-submission-guidelines/
> https://writingtipsoasis.com/best-independent-comic-book-publishers/
Current Contests:

Silent Manga Audition 22 "Seized With Rage":

Global Comics Awards 2024:


/mmg/'s very own anon-led anthology: /ic/onography
(Anthology project is defunct but the discord is alive)

Additional community added Resources:
Mangafonts: https://mangafonts.carrd.co/
Hiro Mashima YT: https://www.youtube.com/@mashimaCh/videos
Ganmo, a job listing board for manga assistant work: https://ganmo.j-comi.co.jp/posts

How (You) can help /mmg/:

> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.
> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.
> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.
> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.
my motivation has hit 0%, what do you guys do to get it back?
Usually I take a break for a few days. Look at other people's progress, and draw for fun while I'm at it.
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I have been severely unmotivated and depressed lately and i got stuck on the linear progress what i wanted to do... so, i try to pump myself up with anime openings, and trying to do what i can do at the moment, it might waste some time doing the corrections for not doing everything in order, but when i think about it, it better that waste even more time by doing nothing
I force myself through the tears, I hate the me who sits around doing nothing more than the me that keeps drawing despite not knowing if everything is even worth it.
...get it back?
that leads to drawing like shit and then having to spend double the amount of time on corrections
what are some actually good one shots?
I've tried checking out some one shots of serialized manga, but they all clearly read as chapter 1 of a long form story, and I'd like to see some successful (production-wise) examples of complete, self contained short form stories
junji ito's shorter works are kinda like that, but I feel the weirdness is distracting
Not him but forcing myself to draw never impacted quality for me. It just took me more time than usual to get shit done.
Not really, because I don't like drawing slop so I'm careful with the work I do, I'm not always gonna be in the mood for drawing and that's the way I motivate myself, of course its not something that will work with everyone.
I keep drawing until I get mad about it all. That jumpstarts my motivation to get through the chapter, fuck everyone else. People dont wanna read my manga? I'll just make it for myself anyway.


Hasn't happened to me yet fortunately.
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How doable it is to make a living from drawing R-18 doujin and fanart and sell it on Fanbox/Fantia?
I live in a low cost 3rd world country.
400 bucks is enough for me to live decently.
400 was enough here 5-10 years ago
now it would barely cover my food
Depends heavily on how skilled you are.
But if you're good, then yeah there's no reason you couldn't.
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Writing takes me quite a while, so gotta make sure I don't forget how to draw my characters in the meanwhile.
You know, I was against it at first, but I think maybe we should use local OC for the OP image. What do you think cowboy? I think it might be a nice change of pace and show the other anons what we do here. I know many of us are a little insecure, but I say you do the next thread with one of your pages to start.
I haven't done it because the idea of using my own pages for the OP strikes me as a little bit masturbatory, but I haven't made the OPs for the past few threads so I don't have a problem with it now.
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Working on the comic commission of client's OC girls wrestling topless
It'll just end up playing favorites. I use 4chan because I don't want secret clubs.
What an odd fetish to have.
Honestly, not so odd. I remember in main stream media in my childhood pointing out men enjoying seeing women wrestling/boxing/fighting, Simpsons making a joke about adult-orientated foxy boxing, Futurama having Leela and Amy do wrestling practice with joke being Fry being more interested in his petrified dog than watching it and for example Ally McBeal having a scene where the guys go watch women's mud wrestling, The Mummy movie having the ruler watching women fighting and so on. Plus there's lot of vintage videos and photo shoots of sexualizing women's combat. Fighting, sex, revealing and skin tight outfits have universal appeal even if one doesn't have particular fetish for it.
Are you studying at all? I haven't seen any improvement in a while
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tfw hands are too fucked up from video games to make my manga
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>arms fucked from posture
I got you bro
Lmao what
Are you made of glass
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I don't like that idea, echoing >>7364725. /mmg/ has done well so far because everyone is generally focused on their mangas and sharing what progress they've made without general concern. Once you start throwing in the various works of anons into the OP image you end up with either having:
1) somebody butthurt that certain anons seem to be chosen more frequently than others, making others want to demand their "turn"; or
2) make a composite image so as to include everyone so nobody gets butthurt, but then doing an image like this takes time and is even more work for the thread creator - it also doesn't fully stave off butthurt/drama because some anon is going to inevitably bitch about how their image wasn't as big or prominent in the general collection. There's also only so much space in a nice collection image, so somebody again is going to be left out and again get upset.

tl;dr: There is a hell of a lot to lose and pretty much nothing to gain from switching to anon images for the OP, not to mention it also sounds a bit masturbatory as pornanon at >>7364703 has said. Focusing on professional manga images has us instead looking at what our targets should be, plus the amount of image source diversity is like 10000% higher. There's only like at most 20 anons in here contributing anyway.
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I was thinking while working on my comic. Have you ever felt that if you nitpick just one panel, it might seem bad, but when you look at the whole page with all the other panels, it looks just fine? I don’t know if it’s because of working digitally where I can see every single little mistake in the lines and details, but when I zoom out and stop focusing on that specific panel, it looks good.
great negative space
Just curious, which country are you from?
>that horizontal line in the bottom right panel
Is this Loss?
I think the only 3rd worlders we have are from Brazil. And Oi anon, who is from Southern California. Same thing
What do you guys think of Dan Harmon's story circle as a method of structuring stories? Would it be too restrictive for a long form story?
I think Dan Harmon should kill himself, s'what I think.
it's basically a simplfied version of the hero's journey, worded in a way that aids in it being looped and repeated so it can be used for TV and episodic (rather than serialised) structures. I actually think it's quite loose and ungeneralised for longer stories, since the momentum generated for each "cycle" might not last the length of your series. You have the freedom to apply the structure for as long and drawn out as you want. In the context of manga, each"arc" would be one cycle. The hero would be constantly experiencing and learning through new events that happen, and after all that, they grow and change and move on. You have to like fractal-ise it so the whole series is one big journey, but contained within is many smaller journeys that get you to where you need it to go. Fractalise and minimise the cycle as many times as you want for individual characters per arc, and per chapter. If your goal is for a slice of life that resolves by the end of the chapter each time, then start and end at 1. If you need a cliffhanger per chpt to keep the momentum going over a longer arc, then you'll have to offset the cycle to end near the atonement, and pick up where it left off next chapter.

If you wanna make an epic, its probably better to read something you wanna emulate and reverse engineer it's structure instead. There's a reason why rick and morty dumped its overarcing storyline in favour of monster of the week episodes, so I would take his advice for longer serials with a grain of salt.
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Redoing digitally og trad pages starting with one
Is it improvement so far over the og?

I am from South America too...
Do balkans count as third world
I mean they are developing countries
developing countries aren't third world in the first place, those are undeveloped countries
poland and hungary are developing countries, but good luck living on 400 bucks a month
I'll be honest, I'm frankly surprised there aren't like a million filipinos in /mmg/. They also love manga like nobody's business.
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A thread ago someone mentioned to fix my text placement/paneling

Crab 3: Epiglogue


I think this was a bit better but
Let me know what you think and how you'd improve it.
Good, I hate flips. But yeah they are probably too busy drawing
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hard to post from whitey's basement on a typewriter
>the dyed blonde asian with the rich whites
it's the little things
Maybe it's because I lack context, but it's hard to read and understand the text. You should be more direct and cut the fat a bit. The panels themselves are cool though.
What's wrong with them? I have never heard a complaint from them even though I used to browse /int/.
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Pic related.
Tbf, I can even make due with just 200 bucks if I live frugally.
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I've been thinking of changing my brush, but I already finished two pages with the one I'm using currently. I don't want to have to redraw them. You guys think it's possible to make a smooth transition from one brush to another? Imagine changing from a low opacity pencil brush, to a 100% opacity ink pen brush for example.
Look at it this way: nobody is going to read it anyway
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I always have a mixed feeling when I see depiction of wealth gap like this.
I do feel sympathy for some poor people who would never get wealthy no matter how hard they work.
But in the reality is, most poor people I see are poor simply because they are just retards who are too lazy too improve themselves, spend their money for drugs and drinks instead of education or investments, and are cocky moreso.
I am not wealthy myself l, but I understand why those wealthy people want to quickly replace these ragtags with AI, robots, and drones soon.
richfags are one bad day away from someone convincing the rabble to cut them to pieces, they can't "replace" anyone before making sure they aren't outnumbered million to one
even if they could do it tomorrow, they'd need decades at least of societal restructuring to set up the stage
I saw a guy sitting in his car, zonked out on weed this morning and he had a sticker on the rear window that said something like "Imagine if the world was run by kindness." Some people are too lazy to achieve their goals and would rather hit the wait button like elder scrolls and hope something magically changes when they wake up. You can see it on this board, people who have been drawing consecutively for 10 years trying to convince noobies there's no magic method for getting good.
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It's surprisingly popular. I'm oi anon and I've drawn so many commissions of mine and other OCs lewd wrestling these past few years.
>Pic related Alya is unrelated
>3rd worlders we have are from Brazil. And Oi anon, who is from Southern California. Same thing
It's true.
I think it's better to look at how David Chase structures stories and writes than Dan Darmon.
Its just gotta be good enough to get the story across. Believe it or not most normie audience goers arent fags like /ic/ users who are anal and like to point out every single inconstancy with a drawing. I love manga but when Im reading that shit Im not analyzing every panel, Im reading it as a story.
Id think in general with these sort of things you should just write out what your intentions are for your story first, let the ideas flow, THEN you take ideas from these story structures/methods and see how you can apply those ideas into your story. You dont want to adhere completely to one idea of storytelling, it can become constraining that way having to forcefully think of these story telling methods without letting your own ideas breath first.
>spend their money for drugs and drinks instead of education or investments,
I came from money, and that's all I did. Lead singer of a band, drugs and booze almost every night from age 16 to 30.
I had a lot of fun, plenty of women, but I would trade it all back for the time to get better honed at my craft, and have a family.
I will say, coming from money did allow me to pursue my dreams, and travel the world, but it also made me feel like I had much more time than I really had. If I would have taken drawing seriously at a a younger age, I could have finished my manga already, given up and gotten married.
I hate not being able to find a reference I need, especially when it's something mechanical
just make it up
worst case scenario, you get made fun of and people share the image, free marketing
best case scenario, nobody reads it
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this is my first attempt at making a oneshot, it's page one, I'm doing it in traditional.
I read about Fujimoto that instead of working he would enter magazine contests and enter his oneshots and live off the prize money. Is it possible to do that being a foreigner? How do you find out when magazines open calls for entries?
before asking if it's something a foreigner can do, ask if it's something you can do
do you think you're going to win prize money in the first place?
>I read about Fujimoto that instead of working he would enter magazine contests and enter his oneshots and live off the prize money. Is it possible to do that being a foreigner? How do you find out when magazines open calls for entries?
Anon that's not even reasonable for japanese to do.
And magazines often have constantly rolling contests. Or at least the major magazines do. It's their favorite way of promoting up-and-comers.
my priority is not really to win, it's how to participate and to participate itself, I would like to start somewhere.
starting with oneshot contests sounds like a good place to start.
Anything that gets you drawing is a good place to start.
One-shot contests are a good way to get started on trying to go pro, not necessarily drawing comics in general. Just start whatever comic it is you wanted to draw in the first place, figure out what you're doing BY doing, then when you've made gains and shaken off the newbie stink, that's when you should consider things like contests and stuff.
I don't care if nobody reads it and they make fun of me, I'll feel wrong if I just fake them
okay, but that's not what you asked
there's plenty of contests you can enter, there's not a lot of chance of you living off prize money
okeey, I will strive to finish this oneshot first, be able to make pages at a good pace and then we'll see!
Are those buildings coming out of the water in your first panel?
Yes, it is supposed to be a flooded world like in Yokohama Daidashi Kiko, I like that manga very much. in the following pages I will make a little more exposure to the world.
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Thoughts on the change? Old to new
I left the first 3 panels best on the left, and the last panel best on the right
>manga making general
please be doing your ganbarou best kudasai onigaishimasu
Nah, that's bullshit. A human can't maintain that kind of schedule without croaking from stress and fatigue. These guys like to hype themselves up the same way wrestlers used to claim they became 270lbs of muscle by taking vitamins and saying their prayers.
this guy better be millionaire at this point
oh bro, if you took one week to learn the face structure you could apply it in every one of your drawings and improve them by 300%, your grinding is inspiring but try to study a little bit, you have potential
the point with the seething at wealth inequality is people thinking meritocracy is a thing, it is in a way, because if you put real well spent effort you can improve your situation 100% of the time, but it's not true because if you're simply born rich you will have an easy life; it just comes down to people thinking people didn't earn what they have and being envious, while at the same time having 0 self awareness and just letting themselves be lost in dumb emotional cope rethorics
What is wrong with the face?
there are already some contests going on like the wordless word manga contest. mangano 2nd award, oh and also Young Magazine USA
The problem is that richfags control all the resources and the levers of industry, but they despise the working class who make it all worth anything and undercut our quality of life for no discernable reason other than spite (since they already have more money than they could ever spend, profit cannot be the motivation unless its literal insanity)

The world is completely controlled by a class of people who for all intents and purposes, dont live in it and have no stake in what happens because they can all just buy their way out of trouble and hardship thanks to generational wealth and the momentum of monopoly which ensures they are 'too big to fail'. At the same time, they spend obscene amounts of time and money on propaganda projects to stop anyone below them from moving up, like trying to convince you that generational wealth isnt real or is fleeting, so dont help your kids or you'll spoil them.
>3 hours of sleep a night
Nah, fuck that. I don't care if that means I don't make it big. I ain't killing myself over some goddamn lines on a paper, no matter how nice they may look.
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As someone who lives in Brazil and exists between the extremes of both sides, I came to the conclusion it is what it is. There will always be someone at the top and someone at the bottom. Even if you take away materialism, the hierarchy will be about something; either skills, sex appeal, age, knowledge, etc. There is a huge number of Brazilians who don't even need to work; they get everything “free” from the government, yet they still live like maggots. They could use this money to change their lives drastically, but their priority is not food or safety; instead, it’s the new iPhone or doing drugs. They hate rich people not because they don’t have enough to eat, but because they want to live the same lifestyle.

Of course, if someone used that money responsibly, like a human being, instead of like a chimpanzee; or worked honestly and didn’t waste it on ridiculous things, the average Brazilian would see them as evil and “capitalist.”

This even applies in the United States maybe less about money, since they are wealthier, but more about identity, sexuality, or whatever is at the top of the hierarchy. I’m 100% sure that their left don’t want equality; they just want to be at the top and it doesnt matter if they had to be fucked in the ass by P Diddy every saturday to get what they want.
This you?
>most poor people I see are poor simply because they are just retards who are too lazy too improve themselves, spend their money for drugs and drinks instead of education or investments, and are cocky moreso.
You ever see them win the lottery?
They blow it on dumb shit, buy a mansion they cant afford property tax on, cars they cant afford to insure, and other stupid shit. Only to end up having to get rid of it all, and go back right where they started. Remember when they got, what, $1200 government bucks during the pandemic and decided to spend it on shit like tigers?

Few have been smart with sudden influxes of money. They decide to fuck themselves over.
I'm kinda annoying in these threads, so i wanted to ask if i could join the discord, i mostly lurk around
What's your comic?
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The one that sucks...
I mean the one guy that was crying for failing to win a monthly award on halloween mr.backdrop
I really like the change with the first two panels. When the face is already a close up shot, it causes the follow up to lack emphasis. So the adjustment is really good. It's like a camera zooming in on the subject in his distress. Same goes for the changes on the bottom row. It feels much more tense with more expressions reacting to this situation as opposed to one. Nice work.
Nah, I'm not married to a billionaire duchess and pretending to be poor

Communism was always a red herring
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I don't know if someone could use this, but this is the second time this month that i have to babysit my older cousin with schizophrenia so he doesn't go a start a fight with drug dealers

It feels like mr. Magoo kind of shit
You should use it. Write about it.
Nah, i thought about it, but it would feel weird, but still seems like a fun thing to do
It's blowing my mind that a lot of manga looks better than it actually does is because it's in black and white. When colorized obvious flaws become apparent.
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It's in the pastas. Just join dude, no need to ask for permission.
Do a two page colour spread when the guy cums.
Every time?
One for each girl.
That's not very efficient.
You're getting locked in the office till they're done.
I'm already locked in the office.
I love the smugness of your girls
It's similar to how a sketch can look better than cleaned up line work. One is no commital and allows your brain to fill in the blanks, the other presents it in a specific way. I agree with what you're saying, but post the image made you come to this conclusion, I'm curious.
Do you know about the sales of eromanga?
Like, at what threshold of sale do eromanga can be considered successful?
5k copies? 10k copies?
I'm kinda curious to know what is the "Kimetsu no Yaiba" in the eromanga industry?
Can't speak for all publishers, but...

From what I can tell, it seems that the publisher I'm with generally won't consider a book a success until it makes enough money to pay for itself. The base page rate for the book is 8kJPY * 190 pages, so 1.5 million yen is the amount it needs to make back.
Print and digital give different amounts of royalties, so for simplicity's sake I'll use the digital sales. A book is around 1100 yen, the platforms take half of that while the publisher and author splits the remainder. So in order to make back 1.5 million yen, you need to sell around 4400 full-price copies. Everything past that is pure profit. A book that sells 10k is considered quite solid, and there are a handful of authors (with this publisher) who have at least one book breaking 100k digital copies (not counting print copies). This publisher isn't the biggest one in eromanga though, so I imagine the bigger publisher's numbers are higher.

>I'm kinda curious to know what is the "Kimetsu no Yaiba" in the eromanga industry?
Not sure there is one. I remember hearing at some point that Hanaharu Naruco's Shoujo Material was the all-time bestseller at over a million copies, but that may have just been hearsay plus it was a while ago so it may have been surpassed by now if it that figure is even true. Can't find a source for it so I don't know.
Anyway one of Danimaru's book is currently at the #1 on DLsite for all-time sales. Dunno how many copies it sold. I can't access Fanza to see what's top on there.
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Scott McCloud babbled about color. I think you have to look at color the way you look at ninjas. One ninja is a dangerous foe only the hero can defeat, a hundred and the annoyng comic relief sidekick can beat them with ease.
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oh right I forgot to add the wooden stump between gesche and the banshee
Advancing the story is hard.
Nah, just 1 or two panels that show the passage of time can move things along
Kinda feel dumb for not having any social before posting my comic
I still don't have any. I don't intend to until I'm on at least my 3rd comic. Less pressure on myself, more time to work on fundies
I guess, but I worry about wasting the reader's time or creating scenes that ultimately go nowhere.
Yeah. I'm thinking about just putting all the pages in a zip file and posting here for the time being. At least I can just delete it if I end up regretting.
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I still haven't posted anything else than a link and still is getting like 3 views per day
I know it's nothing, but still is just a link, it makes me wonder how it would be when i start posting actual art
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I have been trying to draw more complete panels this time around so that the meaning is clear without words. but I hit my limit for drawing things in perspective, like the windows so I hope its not too distracting in the end
What is on this page looks nice, anon. You sure you're having issues with perspective?
thank you, I mean things like the seat being forward facing and not slightly angled as it should be. Lazy things like that I am a little worried about. But since you said it looks nice then I can get away with it
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Comparison of the old last panel to the redraw
Better, but I liked the ladyman looking face. Looks more like a tranny than split personality. But then again I have no idea what the context is
I like right more but you should save the face on the left for something else.
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comparing the first drafts to the final art is always fun
Yeah, manga (that was meant to be BW) doesn't translate to full color really well (well, at least the ones which are getting colored editions - the big SJ series, all weekly stuff). Simple or just outright empty backgrounds no longer blend in, instead they start sticking out really painfully. It looks super cheap.
How natural sounding is deepl or Google translate English > Japanese?
I want to write a short 2 page comic with just a few lines of dialogue and translate it to post on pixiv
When I was in Japan it worked well enough to communicate, but I have no idea if it was like an awkward overly formal way of saying things
ML is completely retarded for any languages not very closely related, and formality is the least of your concern.
Natural? Not at all. Never will be either, a translation app can't read your mind to understand the concept you're trying to communicate, and there sometimes are things that have no real equivalent between languages.

However it's generally good enough to get the idea across, so long as you make changes to its output so not every character speaks in the same robotic textbook polite japanese. Suitable for editorial, not for readers. It's how I make my manga.
I'd just check for spelling mistakes and sanity. And use legible fonts instead of pretty ones.
A big pitfall is writing in american phonetic english instead of something normal.
Pretend you're a lawyer when you read your own stuff.
That must be the reason why western comics look so off putting to me even when a skilled artist draws them. The colors and the simple airbrush shading are slapped on drawings that were meant to be black and white. They'd probably look a lot better if they just used flat colors at least.
I prefer manga 99% of the time yet I personally think that the absolute highest peaks are in European comics. Page size twice the size of manga, great art, great coloring - if you can combine all three, it's hard to beat it. Something like Blueberry looks fucking amazing if you've got the big physical albums.
IMO, perspective is pretty low on the priority list. It's usually fine to just eyeball it and save yourself the trouble of drawing 10 million red lines with the perspective ruler.
You learn perspective precisely so you can eyeball it and have it look solid. Perspective rulers are training wheels.
This is why korean webtoons are so much superior to manga.
This is a problem I see a lot with new comics compared to older ones. The guy who draws the black and white and the guy who does the painting are not in syntony. You can't just make a drawing planned to be black and white and expect it to look good when colored; even if indeed your drawing has a lot of black and white, you must think about the colors too. And shading the black areas just feels so amateurish. At least in the past, the artist had control over the colors of his drawings. I also don't know how much the coloring problem is a skill issue or if they are obligated to color following this pattern.
I've never seen a webtoon that didn't look like shit. The best-looking Korean stuff are the traditional comics like Veritas, The Breaker, Space China Dress (the original version).
I sincerely hope you're kidding. Maybe anons here in /mmg/ are trying their best to make a nice looking manga, but as >>7368405 has said it is insanely hard to find a webtoon that doesn't look like the most quickly produced slop possible given their insane production crunch times. Korean sweatshop artists work at a pace that makes those "mangaka weekly schedules" images that get posted from time to time look like a fucking vacation by comparison. Almost no backgrounds, or if it is it's the shittiest traced 3d possible, colors are generally pretty basic, and so is the character design because who the fuck has time to make nice looking clothes unless it's a money shot panel or closeup.
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stop saying western when you mean american
usa is not the west
it's as retarded as pretending all eastern comics are webtoons
I'd rather read a comic with AI art and writing than a Korean webtoon.
the worst thing about korean webtoons is writing to me personally, idk why but it always feels so cheap, perhaps korean doesnt translate into english very well
>I'd rather read a comic with AI art and writing than a Korean webtoon.
Anon, I...
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>usa is not the west
yes, esl-kun
usa is a country in the west, it is not the west
like india is a country in asia, not asia
please learn english
I don't know what 3rd world shithole you live in, but when we speak of the East and West, we are talking about Asia, and Europe/America.
Please stop typing
holy retard
That's what he said. You just listed Europe as part of the west, ergo America does not equal "the west". It's a part of it, yes, but he's right in pointing out that reducing "the west" down to american comics is misleading/false.

And besides, what's Australia then? The east? Is Africa not also part of the west?
No one fucking said the west was just America but him.
wtf are u even talking about
>/ic/ talks about drawing: absolute shitflinging, screaming, hair pulling
>/ic/ talks about anything but drawing: calm, collected, a masterclass in civilized discourse

>/mmg/ talks about mangas and comics: calm, collected, a masterclass in civilized discourse
>/mmg/ talks about anything else: absolute shitflinging, screaming, hair pulling
CSP is weird. If you turn a monochrome layer into a Tone Layer, it doesn't recognize gray tones. But if you turn the Monochrome into Gray, put down some gray, make it into a Screentone layer, and THEN turn it back into a Monochrome layer, it's happy to recognize "grey" tones, even different ones than you've put down.

Makes me think there's something else I'm missing to cut out the middleman.
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This is why I hate digital art. With trad all I need to do is put what I want down on paper. The pencil never somehow turns into a paintbrush, the pen doesn't disappear off the page if I turn on a lamp.

But I still need to learn how to do digital and get a tablet if I ever want to go anywhere with animation, simply due to frame consistency
I'll have to disagree with other anons here and come out the gate saying the bottom panel doesn't look good and I can see where you struggled. She doesn't look like she's sitting on the seat but instead appears placed in front of it.
I understand what you wanted to accomplish but I think where the confusion comes from is indecision. You wanted the scenery in the window to be visible, but to do that you put the horizon in the frame- but then you wanted this particular shot of this character without clipping her out of the frame so much, that put the seat really close to the vanishing point, so all of these elements are getting squashed in and the result is awkward and unnatural.

I think the best remedy for most of the visualization issues like these is actually to build a mental library of camera shots and especially having a handful of fallbacks in case you run out of juice and don't know what to do. That way you don't spend as much time trying to figure out how everything should look for every panel that's not a head shot. And also, to pin down what that panel needs to communicate and list the ways it can do that. Sometimes artist's specific desires for wanting something to look a certain way ends in madness and frustration, but this is comics, not illustration. If you can carry the same message in a different way, AND it's easier to draw, then don't waste energy fighting yourself on it. Readers don't know what's going on in your head. They only see the page.
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I noticed that about the seat and tried improving it. Heres what it looks like "finished". What's in the window doesn't matter and I randomly drew a horizon without much thought, but you're right in that I wanted to fit in her body including her eyes in the shot. I was unwilling to cut anything out so I tried to have her slouch a bit when raising her legs and lowering the seat.
also forgot to say thanks, I will try to learn more conventional camera shots and use them more when doing environmental storytelling and stuff like that.
Was going through old files last night, found the early "concept comic" I had made back in 2019, with a proto-Mina and proto-Anuchar. Always fun to look back on early roughs.
Much better! It might not be perfect, but I think this works well. "Good is better than perfect" is also a valuable card I keep in my deck, especially in maintaining the balance of quality and completion time.
Even thought that i feel like a retard for taming myself so much while writting, i still fear that i will get like ban or something like that if i go all out
But at least now i don't have the fear of just post it on only one place
I might have written myself into a corner.
I'll write you out. What's the issue?
Oof. Please try and avoid deus ex machina if you can.

Is there anything you can allude to? A close up on an item that seemingly had no relevance before? A side character that you didn't fully flesh out? An old man whispering "rosebud" before he died?
It's okay, I'm gonna slap a crappy ending and everything will be just fine.
I was going to post something like "ricochet that motherfucker then", but i couldn't find a fitting image, so know i wanna ask what kind of corner did you get into anon
Forgot to set up thing, now I'll have to end the story without it somehow. Dumb, I know.
>It's okay, I'll just make it bad.
Do you have a deadline or can you put in the time to think of something good?
just embrace the asspull and flashback it in afterwards
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6 more pages, then I'm moving onto a completely different manga for 2025.
Trying to avoid burnout
>manga making general
After my current manga I'm going to make a Yu-Gi-Oh fanfiction spinoff
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Pic related
Good news
I found a printer and photocopied trad shit
I'll still redo them digitally since i already am making one and it looks better over og
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How bad is it? At worst it could be a foreshadowing for a sequel, or if someone ask you just say something like "you'll see it on the future"
Ah, so YOU'RE the only other anon besides me that also uses PS. Was wondering who it was. I even purchased the upgraded version of CSP but I just can't gel with it and the controls (despite trying to change them to mimic PS more).
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I use Photoshop too. Unfortunately.
I came from graphic design, so photoshop was something I was already familiar with.
That being said, I want to move away from it because of all the faggy TOS Adobe put in.

What's the deal with CSP? Is it that much diff?
>What's the deal with CSP? Is it that much diff?
It was that the UI is a bit different with everything in a slightly different place than how it was with PS despite me trying to move things around (although it's not CSP's fault of course), and the control scheme being a bit different. There were also a few buttons and their behavior that as much as I tried I could not alter no matter what, and I didn't want to have to relearn my button habits after all these years. If I ever pull the plug on Adobe then perhaps I'll finally grit my teeth and go cold turkey with CSP. Again, it's not anything CSP did I have no issues with the program, it's a me problem and not wanting to change ingrained user habits to suit CSP.
Anons I made a oneshoot for the global comix contest. I’m doing a bit of spam since views are important for the contest metrics. The website is a bit annoying with the ads, so I apologize in advance.
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I did my part.
A shame that this is a oneshot, its like reading a good creepy pasta but it cuts off right when the story starts. Nice read either way anon. Good luck.
The manga style is well done and I like how expressive the characters are. Congrats.
By the way what the fuck is mangadraft, i have forgot to ask, but which other sites are like mpc to post manga? Not like go into a editorial and try to get published, just go and post, like pixiv
Looking at the site, it's a host based in France and it allows NSFW. >>7371350 anon, is it easy to host stuff there if you're not entering the contest, or is it one of those places where you have to essentially audition to get a creator spot?
I like it and therefore I can give you an honest vote.

However I will hold it hostage for until you answer me these questions:
>for how long have you been drawing?
>how many hours a day are you practicing, how has it changed over time?
>how is your practice/anatomy/gesture grinds and free drawing split, how has it changed over time?
>how long did you work on your one shot?
>what helped you improve the most, what were certain things you did to beat plateaus?

Thanks, anon.
Fuuuck I want to know the rest
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I htink I'll never be able to draw for more than 2 hours a day. It's just so tedious. Would mangaka draw as much as they do if they didn't have to worry about going hungry? How much do pro mangaka draw a day when they don't have a deadline?
You need to have a sliver of autism to enjoy drawing, sadly. And japanese are often autistic, so it comes easy to them. I personally enjoy drawing things that I've been drawing since I was a kid (ie. robot masters), but things outside my comfort zone are often tedious.
I'm a pro mangaka without a deadline and I still draw all day every day, some rests here and there. Same way you do any job.
I got to the second page. I hate ads with a passion anon. I'd rather donate directly to you than watch 1 ad.
>I still draw all day every day
Yeah but that's because it's your job, so that gives you a push to draw. I'm not a pro. I don't need to draw for any urgent reason, and I don't make money from it. I'm just a guy drawing as a hobby. So I have to force myself. It feels like self-flagellation.
Why don't you have an adblocker
I do. I guess it blocks youtube ads but not the ads on this site.
You asked how much pros draw when they don't have deadlines.
And I drew all day almost every day before I made money from it. That's how I came to make money from it. It was never fun.
If you don't enjoy drawing, then do something else.
Damn... I always blamed my job for the fact I don't draw much, but I just had 3 days off-work and only drawed for like 6 hours max in these days. I need to discipline myself more.
Drawing's like working out. You'll become more motivated once you start seeing some progress.
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I'm now officially past the half-way point.
>tap image
>it zooms in
what the fuck
Nice work as usual pornanon. How many pages is this douji- (wait you're not self published, caught myself there while typing lmao) story supposed to be?
This one's 60 pages. It'll be the last original story the book. After this I'll do a small bonus chapter for one of the other stories then the book is done.

In related news, the gyaru story is doing crazy well. It hit 1000 downloads over the weekend, way better than me or my editor expected. It's over ten times the sales of the first story, so almost certainly going to be making the bonus chapter for this story.
What does that mean profit wise for you if you don't mind speaking on the subject?
The single chapters are only 330 yen each, so 1000 copies is $800 AUD. Good chunk of extra change, but what's more important is that it's a very good sign for the tankoubon.
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I was going to post my oneshot (pic-related) for the mangadraft contest but, I finished too late before the deadline.
Finishing a page a day is not fast enough from perspective. But, even doing that made me pretty sloppy by page 5 or 6.
I just needed to do the lettering, which I struggled with. I should make the font smaller.

Doing my first oneshot really brought out my inner pessimism and inferiority.
I'll just dump the whole thing in these threads once I'm motivated to do the lettering.
But, I did learn a lot doing this. I do recommend others try doing a oneshot.

You got my vote anon. I really enjoy your use of screentones and crosshatching.
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page 2, I'm slow, I need to have a good rhythm, I wanted to finish the one-shot before the end of the year, but well, I should erase those graphite erasures but it looks dirtier but I like the touch, what do you think?
depends what kind of drawing. If you're trying to come up with original things to draw then it'll be much more mentally taxing. If you're drawing things that you've already sketched out and planned, then you can go longer than 2 hours if you take breaks.
Wonderful progress. All great pages.
how did you study figure drawing? do you do figure studies regularly?
>how did you study figure drawing?
Drawing manga. Can't say I really "studied" figure drawing, manga just involves a lot of it.
>do you do figure studies regularly?
Other than drawing my manga? No, I don't.
really? no loomis, vilppu or bridgman?
I feel like I've been conned
No, none of that.
Maybe that's why my shit looks wonky half the time though.
my own shit looks wonky to me too, and I spend most of my time studying so idk desu senpai
I like the graphite, it gives the image texture.
Thanks anon. I appreciate it.
That's a cool effect on the bracelet, how do you did it?
You mean... shading?
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Of course I know that it's shading pfff, i'm not a retard
I was asking if it was an specific brush or anything
You think i can post my old sma entry on mpc
Thanks anons!!
>anon, is it easy to host stuff there if you're not entering the contest, or is it one of those places where you have to essentially audition to get a creator spot?

You can upload any work whenever you want, although it's my first time using it, so I'm not really sure how to gain readers and subscribers.

what is this, a trivia? lmao

If been drawing for years almost 5 but it's only relatively recently that I've started drawing manga.
I used to draw for many more hours before, but now with a 9 to 18 job, it's pretty hard to find time.
I have a sketchbook for anatomy that I use to practice from time to time, but right now I’m more like "pornanon" and just practice drawing figures by making manga directly.
I spent a month in this oneshoot, If I didn’t have to work, I could have finished it in less than 3 weeks.
What has helped me improve my drawing the most has simply been drawing manga pages non-stop, constantly participating in contests to have short-term goals.
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Thanks. It's really just having the lines conform to the shape while building up shadows in the right areas.
thanks for the insight. Upvoted (even registered for it!).
I did notice, though: you said you did several manga competitions. Your profile only leads to your most recent ones. Share your old ones. Share the progress~
Mind if i ask you what kind of brush are you using, or at least the configuration of it? I kinda suck changing some of those things so now i'm stuck with certain config
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Finally first remaster done
the cockiness of the poortards is the worst. And the entitlement.
The smugness of that comic itself is disgusting.
>blaming capitalism
in any other system the bottom guy wouldn't even have ramen and there wouldn't be top guys, besides some technocrats or-what-have-you. Capitalism is the only system that shares the wealth a little bit - and ideally (and often) distributes it to the most shrewd, intelligent and inventive.
all the improvements are better (right panels)
>t. can't afford a house
I do and I have no debts. I work a normal job.
I heard there's plenty of people who neither save nor invest any money by the end of the month. Unless you are stuck working minimum wage jobs meant for students there's no excuse for such lifestyle creep.
And, yes, hosuing is more expensive than it should be - but at leats there's a market that fixes it. When nobody can buy, prices must drop. By the time simply living squeezes out your life blood and it's unfixable with established crony politics, you can have your revolution to redistribute wealth (but pray that the new system is capitalism again and not communism or some other shit).

>people willing to exchange the best system ever for the worst system ever, just because the best system is flawed
You even have the freedom to just check out of society.
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>but at leats there's a market that fixes it
nigger, the market is fixing the prices, we literally need big gov to step in to stop the capital holding kikes from raping us
last reply because you're honestly retarded and out of touch
>And, yes, hosuing is more expensive than it should be - but at leats there's a market that fixes it. When nobody can buy, prices must drop
Not true, at least some states pay landlords for properties they can't rent, leading to increased rent because you can inflate the rate and get more money than what someone would pay for it.
Also the entire Trump thing is about inflating property value afaik
>You even have the freedom to just check out of society
It's literally illegal to live off the grid here
Who even is this guy? He seems to imply he's made stuff but I only ever hear about his shitty, annoying comics.
He and his brother made comics professionally in the 2000s. Published by Image, did stuff for Marvel etc. They split up and while his brother continued to work in the industry Josh decided to take the route of eternal butthurt, making these cringe comics complaining about how whitey keeps him down or whatever.
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joshua is mostly known for his comics about white-on-asian raceplay (i'm not joking) where white men cuck filipinos abd filipino women are whores for colonizing white men
the funny thing is he supposedly found a white gf and immediately dropped the whole r/asianmadculinity thing lel
What s tragic guy. You'd think if he actually cared about comics, he would just make them independently but I guess he's too much of a weirdo.

I should write comics about how tough it was growing up white in a predominantly white country.
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I use paint tool sai so, I don't know if this help you.
But I usually use a pen with a paper texture for my lineart.
>You'd think if he actually cared about comics, he would just make them independently
Uh... he did. You just read two of them.
Looks better, but I think you should make the panels and speech bubbles look nicer. It would make a big difference.
I'm missing the Iron Cupid guy and that dude who drawed some girls inside a car full of bullet holes in this thread. Also, could someone please answer this >>7365522
>Also, could someone please answer this
I can promise you that not a single person, not even your readers, would be bothered if you just switched to the new brush without any transition at all. Most probably wouldn't even notice.
>Most probably wouldn't even notice
Well at least when I'm drawing they look so different. I'll try it making a finishing page or panel with the new one.
One of the lessons comic artists all learn at some point is that nobody is paying attention anywhere near as much as you are, lol. Most readers are barely even glancing at the artwork between the speech bubbles. And sudden changes in art style are really not a problem. Doctor McNinja went from pencil sketches to full color illustration and nobody complained. Don't think you can't make changes to the artwork whenever you choose, especially not if you think it's an improvement. Plenty of professional manga shift artstyles and drawing tools all the time, barely anybody even notices.
I see. Thank you anon!
>not a single person, not even your readers
a bit redundant, no?
I miss the guy with the butterfly and canival stuff too, i hope all of them are safe
You know what I mean. He's not telling a story or trying to entertain in any way. He's just impotently complaining.
he actually got some praise from asian internet communities for "starting conversations" and destroying racism or challenging power structures or whatever
I was going to post the one about "unlearning art education" where he btfo's whitey by drawing bearded asian trannies, but I think the the thread's got too many of his comics as it is
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I miss efficient human, that guy was so based
the mmg turnover rate is too high
This was interesting read.
What you're doing is really cool, always been a fan of playing with light and shadows.
That's the type of art that gets you on a list.
A fun list.
Too bad he left before I got here
I got complains my comic is basically unreadable and most i got it's fun which is nice but people complaining about shit composition and being hard to read make a good point that is how the fuck will i cultivate readers if they cant understand shit.
I'll have to tidy up speech bubbles and use straight lines
Also how hard are they to read from 1-10
I cant read them at all
I got framed ink i think that's good start
So going back to drawing boards to redo it again until at least you can read it
Can you elaborate a bit because i am scratching my head on how to fix it
Not that i can't see it sucks but don't see why it sucks. I can see something is wrong but can't tell what exactly so far
He's ribbing you because you never actually posted your comic...
It's this one just didn't want to post it billion times 7 same pages again to not spam it
it's messy and loose, yes it's hard to read
you're not at a level where you can pull off loose
less scribbles, more shapes
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Oh alright. Yeah as pointed out I was joking, but now I know which is yours, so allow me to elaborate.
It looks like a hot freaking mess someone did on their lunch break.
The art actually looks much better now that youve touched it up, and the fact you stopped trying to scan the shading, and did that part digital looks leagues better than before.
But I also asked about your panel lines before, and why they were all round and uneven, and you said it was intentional.
It doesn't work man.
This guy above me said it best
>you're not at a level where you can pull off

Take everyone's favorite example of bad art, One. Even he does straight lines for panels, and legible words.
Oh I just read you agreed about using straight lines, sorry it's past 1am I'm tired.

You also need to use more black, those last 3 panels pop the best because the contrast. And more blacks or screen tones to the background. (for example, space is black isn't it? That's a space battle)
But I'll say again your art looks so much better now that's its touched up.
Aight i'll add straight less wobbly panels and touch it up
Now i made space battle it's own page
I'll turn page 1 into 2 pages
Page one they fight in space ship crashes and we cut off to alien planet and 2 aliens running from bombings but ship falls and they both get on ground
On the end of page the big cyclops emerges from ship crashing in fire and rest is similar
I did this so pages have more space to breathe and feel less rushed between cutting to aliens running
Did he made that? Where can I read it?
I wouldn't go as so far to redo the artwork, as I think it looks good. Just the lines, and more room for words, and more contrast
Idk i did like 2 pages of new so far and i can't decide i like both ideas
I'll do both new and old and compare which one flows best
New will just be mainly rough so i can cultivate efforts to improving old as much as possible in case former still holds up to my idea
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>use csp
I don't understand what those words in the image mean or translate into csp
it doesn't
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Finally completed the first arc of my comic. Feels like quite the accomplishment, like completing the first book of a novel.


Now I want to translate it to spanish (not that I will get an audience but still), draw some character profiles for my website, and banners, work on commissions, and hopefully I will have enough time left to actually try to figure out how to draw.
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Also gotta go back and add a few pages/revisions. I grew to dislike how uninteresting is the clothing given to most npcs the first arcs, I need a stronger cultural identity for people in their world, it all seems too mismatched. I also need to show better both the use of vail, the religion, and the Empire's abuse - a strong self critique I have is that it takes time for a reader to even identify why there are rebels at all.
>the mmg turnover rate is too high
Life gets in the way I suppose. Even anons who aren't making a comic and are just doing regular drawings will just disappear into the void without any warning and bam, they're gone.
>(not that I will get an audience but still)
I'm in this post and I don't like it.
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Working on my silent manga audition submission
>the name of that coffee shop
I know it's supposed to be a silent manga, but what am I looking at? Bibco? Bibio? Vibio? Is it even supposed to be letters?
Do u see that the people are not humans. It's not english letters. As long as you see it's a coffee shop visually
the cup says coco, so...
Congrats anon, you've done a lot of work. Last I left off on your story, they were getting tossed off a train. I'll go back and try and pick up where I left off. Also, Spanish is a good option, and it seems like a lot of beaners read webtoons. I might end up doing the same down the line.
I didn't even notice that, but now that I look at it I cant' help but see AI lettering. It doesn't look alien enough to be alien. But still, it's a dumb nitpick
>Spanish is a good option, and it seems like a lot of beaners read webtoons.
I also might get my work eventually translated into spanish, but I might go one further and also add portuguese, since BRs are also crazy about manga as well. Got so many here in /mmg/ and there seem to always be portuguese translations on MangaDex and the like.
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That is a cool panel separation caused by the candle smoke. Absolute creativity-pilled.
Oh good idea. I forget in my bigotry that not all south america speaks spanish.

To any BR anon here, can you read spanish naturally, or is it different enough where you had to learn it separately?
Reading is very easy, understanding what is being said is more hard.
Gotcha. Alright well the portuguese is on the list
>understanding what is being said is more hard.
I mean the spoken language. Spanish speakers talk 5x more fast than normal humans.
My first language is spanish, but i learn that if you read it slowly you could understand italian, french and portuguese, so i hope that it's mutual because in twitter i just see post on japanese, english, spanish, and a lot of portuguese
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Hey I think I'm on of those 2 guys.
I've been sick, so I went off on a tangent because of brain fog.

I'm trying a couple of 1 page mangas. I'm sure there is a nip term for them I don't know, but they are fun. No pressure.
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How about now anons?
>My first language is spanish, but i learn that if you read it slowly you could understand italian, french and portuguese
Yes, because they are romance languages.
Would you rather now this and then second page be remaster of pic rel
Or to go like these 3 new storyboards of rough remakes
And last one
If anyone is confused by storyboards
Page one
>Wide shot of battle happening in planets atmosphere, next page shows 2 ships fighting with one crashing on planet they are fighting
Page 2
>Another big shot this time cutting to planet's surface showing 2 aliens running from ship dropping bombs on their city, the same ship falls and explodes blowing them away, one of alien looks away and sees bad guys coming out of ship wreckage and fire
Page 3
>Same shit his eyes reflect in face of their boss who now stands on throne of skulls of conquered species
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You lose so much detail the way you did it.
Okay, but still too rough. Make the lines thinner and not wobbly, keep their width always the same and close all the gaps.
My brother in Loomis, you clearly draw and WANT to draw, amd you obviously have some interesting ideas bubbling in your noggin', based on all the images I've seen of yours. But for the love of god please look into how comic makers (doesnt matter if its western or eastern) emphasize subject matter even for a busy scene. My problem with your panels is that you have so much going on and I find it very hard to try to follow along. I do not say this to be mean, this is my genuine feedback as a reader and fellow /mmg/ anon.
I see. Nice that you're still drawing
Feedback is never "mean" thing to do. If it wasn't for constant feedback comic would've been even worse than it is now
I'm wondering how much>>7373868
>>7373852 can understand of scenery or it depends on person to person who can decipher this mess
Anyways i'll go to sleep and in morning i'll fix 2 problems pointed in and additional ones that come in replies
I got judge dredd and some cowboy comic named tex. I'm trying to compare what i lack in comparison to either other than obvious technical skill gap
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I made my first proper comic strip. how did I do.
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>how did I do.
>Inspiration came to me in a dream
It's as simple as that.
Thanks :D
looks good actually. I really thought that anime girl was all you could do but the pc, keyboard and gondola looks fine.
I tried my best
If you're not going to use screen tones, you're going to have to learn how to render properly. Because right now you have a whole lot of lines that aren't implying anything.
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I barely use csp but, I tried some pens. Out of the few I tried, the design pen felt the most similar to the pens I use in sai.
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That's the spirit
this anon here

This is probably going to be a retarded fucking question, but how do I actually know where to break up sentences in speech bubbles?
>This is probably going to be a retarded fucking question, but how do I actually know where to break up sentences in speech bubbles?
Where it sounds natural. Read it aloud.
brother I can barely speak japanese, idk where it would sound natural and am still relying on translation software just to write it. I've only been studying japanese for like 2 months.
Well, there isn't a hard rule dude. You really do just have to go by ear. Closest thing I can give you to a rule of thumb is generally you want to put your line breaks after particles. But you'll need to recognize those particles. And exceptions.
alright, thanks amigo. I'm gonna bug a japanese guy I know and see if he can look it over and tell me if it's shit or not
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I should redraw the hands on second panel of first page but for now I will keep it. Probably there will be a new page between 1 and 2 because symbolism stuff.
Im loving the contrast with the latern here. I wouldn't mind if the entire rest of your story looked like that.
>I wouldn't mind if the entire rest of your story looked like that.
My intention is to transition to a style with more black and white contrast
I think that's a great move, and your setting really allows it.
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I realized that I've been drawing in a western way, damn I'm going to have to edit the pages.
page number 3! at least I was able to finish this one in one day.
I didn't realize that the dog looks like the Lorax.
Please, please don't ever justify your dialogue like that. You want it center justified. Thin at the top, thick in the middle, thin again at the bottom... like the shape of a speech bubble.

Why do you have jpg artifacting on your pages?
To be honest, I hadn't even noticed.
It must be because of the scanner I'm using
You gotta tweak those options then. You should never have jpg artifacts on your work, unless it's a deliberate choice.
is there a blank file with all the correct page dimensions and margins already setup? I don't want to just guess and make it from scratch.
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Yeah, lots.
those are all enormous and like 1000x bigger than I draw.....
Well, buckle up and learn to draw big. Drawing small is kicking it in the kiddy pool.
I don't know, I never got his blog
More things fixed
Anything else to or is it enough?
Anyone still have issue with being able to read it?
I have no issue with scrapping this page or reusing it for different purpose when i got another idea in mind
It all is worth it one way or another
Nigga i forgot the pic
If it's shit i'll just remake pages again using skills and previous suggestions in new while adding more to it
I don't know what you're doing, but I swear every time you repost an image, you fix one thing, and somehow create a new issue. All of your individual panels look blurry now, compared to the previous iteration here; >>7373831 like you're individually resizing each panel, or something...
I think i did move some to fix them being scattered all round the pages alongside resize
I should've just resized the canvas itself and them move them around,
I have no fucking idea what i am doing no more
It's like i'm polishing a turd into a half decent mess but everytime i clean one stain i accidentally spill more over
Is there a way to make my own screentone patterns in Medibang Paint?
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I hate to break it to you man but I don't think there's any salvaging this page from a readability standpoint. It's a composition issue, you're not giving anything enough room to breath. Everything is crammed into a tiny little panel. And try not to dump whole paragraphs of text into a single box like that, spread it out and abbreviate more.
The panels themselves are a lot better. Keep this style of panel up.

Wow, that's a pretty good fix.
Jesus man you are the god!
I really wanna take your sketch and finish it but is that stealing?
Maybe i should just take it as inspo and try do something of my own
Take it man, I don't mind at all. All the better if you take it as inspo, what's important is that you learn from it.
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Well brotha i made sketch combining your and mine version
This is page one ill be back with rest
This example is way better. Way way way better. So much more readable. Characters and the spaces they are in have room to breathe.
Anon, you should compare yours and his and think about WHY his is much more readable to the audience.
>WHY his is much more readable
That's an easy answer. Luck.
It's all based on luck.
Back with more this time combining 3rd panel and leaving it for page 3 last ones for most impact
If you have now more issues with composition tell em now before i go over and fuck it up again
>Why is it better
3 reasons to me
More technically skilled
Better usage of shadows and blacks
And flows better, his panels especially speech bubbles are placed in a way when reading it your eyes zig zag around while in mine they feel like afterthought only awkwardly standing around contributing nothing more than further stain the visual mess that this already is
Another one and last page
I turned one page into three because i thought it looked cooler
Similar as yours except instead of seeing their silhouette in burning shadows we see them first from afar in crashed ship while aliens look beneath from crater due to crash then smaller panel shows his body similarly to former one but close up and rest is same
And finally >>7373834
Now it's one panel split into two
First one shows leader of bad guys on his throne made out of bones on pile of dead bodies of conquered species while protagonist on other side, their souls casting a spotlight in darkness just like in og just this time elevated in 3 point if you can call it that
Im not gonna touch anything in case you guys have any other thoughts regarding composition before i finally move on from these 2 fuckass pages and do like 100 others
God please help me finish this comic and make this work out so i don't get stuck infinitely redrawing same 5 pages
>More technically skilled
That has nothing to do with readability.

A retarded child can make something easy to read and understand. Flow and use of shadows can be attributed to experience, which you admittedly do not have, but there are plenty of newbies who also get that right.
Who are you inspirations? What do they do differently or similarly? Try and bite their style and incorporate that until you can have your own identity that works well.
>Favourite artists?
Toriyama and jack kirby
I like the way kirby draws anatomy with posing and the way toriyama does panels and fight scenes. To be fair my anatomy is more influenced by the way 90s cartoons drew their superheroes than anything
Until i get approval that storyboards can be finalized into a finished page i'll go and copy some dragonball fight scenes trying to get why they work
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Funny, my anatomy is also from 90s cartoon, just not superheros.
Well my friend, as I said before, it's not so much your art that needs work, it's your presentation.

But now that you mention it, your text is somewhat akin to Kirby. But that isn't really ideal these days. The big walls of small text stuffed into smaller boxes was more necessary when it came to page limits and deadlines, but we have so much more freedom, so why not use it?
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I did a very basic sketch of this a while ago, but no one said if it was good or not, so i did in trad now hoping to see if this seems fit for a cover or not
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Panel redraw


is the unofficial title, its going to be the interplay of the life of an older male artist inter spliced with the life of a young female artist.
It's based off my interactions and seeing how my younger cousin, who was visiting from a different country, Katyusha acted and her drawings still resonate with me. I think the conclusion is "Life always has problems, whether you're a small girl hoping to be taken seriously or an older guy who is still "figuring it out" .

I think actually asking my cousin for the female artist perspective would be interesting. shes basically 12 and I'm 32. We 100% bond first and foremost as art bros. truthfully, she's scary good but im going to try to keep her PTSD down about her dad dying at a young age due to alcoholism. Part of me wonders if I should go for the whole RUSKI in AMERIKA xaxaxa type comedy instead
well anyways, i guess this is just my way of saying i can see my cousins fondness for writing knives, stones (even something bulimia?) I'm a little scared to address the problem, but I woudn't know how to address the eating disorder thing most apprioately.

im just coming to the conclusion from looking into her drawings, she definitely has some sort of eating disorder and fixation; whats the most subtle way of helping her out?
>whats the most subtle way of helping her out?
ask a pediatrician, or /lsg/
She's 12 with an eating disorder? That's rough.

I was a preschool teacher for 10 years, and worked with under 12 summer camp for when school was out.
I don't know your relationship with her, but eating with her is a great place to start.

We had a 1 acre garden at our school.
You wouldn't believe the kinds of fruits and veggies kids would eat when they pick it themselves. Kids love foraging. Eating straight up raw kale, limes and cucumbers, just because we grew them ourselves.
If that isn't an option, cooking. We did lots of cooking with the kids. Just something simple, teaches them to measure, prep, clean, and it's hard to not want to try what you made.

As for the art, kids are a great way to find the pulse of what's popular, and what kind of trends are in. But as for writing? No. I wouldn't expect a collab with her at 12 if I were you, in terms of art or writing. Kids are great at ideas, not fully flushed out work.
>the guy grinds boxes all day thinking he's going to draw autistically constructed industrial design propositions on paper in the year 202X
>the girl posts cutesy naive animal characters on twitter
>the girl makes an onlyfans account as the guy hangs himself
That's one way to get yourself banned from Christmas dinner.

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