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Previous episode >>7353379

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Message vastian0988 on Discord for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/
woah there sens, cool it with the paedophilia
Let’s cave his skull in with a huge rock
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>Save an unuploaded drawing to submit when I doesn't draw to keep my streak up
>Checked my gallery and see it is already have been uploaded

Phew, almost got called out. Thankfully I didn't submit it
If I's have been reached page 1, I's be free!
It's that time again
Who's the meanest dad? Anyone had any bad experiences with anyone? Who to avoid?
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it returns, but updated
Shame Grabstein and Smough changed their pfps
dad political tier list when?
Emphasis on stein.
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Same old same old.
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Quick survey: does your own cum gross you out? I've been using my cum rag to blow my nose more often ever since I started looking at my own cum as just a form of mucus. I mean to me it's like other people's poop fumes smell gross but my own poops smell fine personally. I kind of see my own cum in that same sort of light.
shit is disgusting no matter what, cum is delicious as long as the person is on a healthy diet, its as easy as that. but please dispose of your rags used for cleaning, or at least wash them if they are made out of fabric. i couldnt imagine reusing fabric to clean up blood multiple times, and that is way less disgusting than the other.
im wondering what made you put me into the liberal category..
There's only like three liberals, which one are you?
maybe posting the prior statement in combination of being in the liberal category was not the smartest move.. i dont mind people perceiving me as a faggot, but not a liberal
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dads for this feel?
some dads dont respond to comments or go on meltdowns, cant think of any mean ones, 999 damage I guess
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The scariest thing about meeting someone is not know what they like, with DADs I know we like drawing and 4chud, so we can talk about furry porn and wojaks.
Are you in love with me anon? Did you afraid to hurt my feeling? That's very sweet of you!!
>being included in dad tier lists
I finally made it
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>not on the list
i'm a cryptid
they only listed those that have a perfect streak, as it should be (i got ignored too, as i missed one day)
chooby is in there tho
>likely female
>likely male
not sure what'd make you think that
>definitely male
that's more understandable in terms of subject matter, but you can look at her self-portraits and meet the dad posts to see she's got a vee-jay.
oh youre right, nevermind, i just counted the portraits, many people on the list dont post daily and or dont have the full streak, a bit less then 1/3 even..
I just did whoever was page 1 2 and 3
I see you in all the threads bashing ulala. I don't know what they did to you.
Ellie's female faces seem masculine. Maybe they are a transwomen.
Oh thanks. I tried not to look at meet the dad's.
Okay but which dads are the sexiest?
>I don't know what they did to you.
I let him in and he took everything. jk. perhaps I hate him cus I hate myself.
>Ellie's female faces seem masculine
her more recent stuff is a bit more so, or at least ambiguous. though if you look at her earlier stuff, and consider the subject matter, I feel it's quite clear she's a she.
yeah honestly if I hadn't I'd probably think she were a dude myself
i only missed few days!! PUT ME IN!!
I figured there was a 50% chance it was just you bullying yourself.
Ellie, yeah that's why I didn't put them in definitely male.
>not on the list
Thank fuck
I’m never on a tier list. Am I just too new?
I was on tier lists back when I only had like 15 subs
You got me.
mine seems healthy so i'm not grossed out by it
huh i never really considered what side i would be on. i guess i'll take republican cuck if it fits
not again...stop doing that to my cloaca...
uh oh someone's made they got >skipped
Likely retarded:
I'm not mad. (I'm very mad)
i bet you're not even on DAD
Confirmed retarded ;)
update it please
Post more art
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Ulala, Calli, Whiff are all black males
Urazi - Male, Ellie - Female
Phoenie - Female (feminine artyle)
Zanza - Female (draw herself imo)
GGraphite - Female (feminine artyle)
Saury - Female (too emotional)
Ocos - Female (dad portrait challenge)
Zerocalcare fans - 80% women
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Ulala tranny, otherwise yeah
Urazi is male. Ellie is likely female
Saury is not female.
I don't think CGraphite is female.
Wad is not female.
AV-ROM is likely not female.
fuck I mean Urazi is female.
Calli is a confirmed pakistani woman living off welfare in britain
You're not white, wad
for whatever reason, that feels right
Female this male that who are the non binary dads
^ what xe said
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tell me where Wad touched your DAD waifu anon
Phoenie is 100% male, also the art style is just Fluff Kevlar
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what the actual hell does this mean
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dont show me that
this clarifies nothing
>what a wacky time to be an american. tulsi as director of national intelligence had me raging man holy fuck. please save us mitch haha
It's about US politics
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incoherently vomiting out political opinions on an art website is an interesting way to express yourself.
On the internet, nobody knows you're a lesbian
those don't exist
>Likely male
>Definitely male
He doesn't know...
I don't agree with their sentiments but I think incoherent dad descriptions are based
I like seeing people ramble about their day
I don't think they're based but I do enjoy some copium. I wonder if he and SN can keep it up for the next four years.
What a tranny man.
this lol
I'm not republican
Actually I don't vote at all even in my country
how many dads (besides me) voted for Trump?
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>wake up
>check the comic I drew yesterday
>one panel has a hand drawn the wrong way around
I am deeply ashamed.
I don't know why the pedophiless are obsessed with arloc when paturnia is the superior character
>I don't know why pedophiles are obsessed with a child character as opposed to an adult character
comme c'est bizarre
drew yesterday, drawing today, gonna draw tomorrow
with the crazy headcanoning and self inserting you'd expect them to make paturnia into a shota
I wish people would draw the latch onto the sexiest Zerocalcare character, the armadillo
I suppose it depends on who they identify with more and their particular fetishes. perhaps they prefer shota on shota, or perhaps they prefer an ugly ass italian man committing statutory rape on an twink.
>they prefer an ugly ass italian man committing statutory rape on an twink.

I assume this is the one
i hate this siht
I think if I try really hard, Ill eventually make it to level 26
I try not to talk politics on DAD, so you're probably not going to see much of that from me. November 6 was merely a slip-up. I think that might be the only time I've even mentioned anything on DAD that'd give away my political leanings.

I do think I need to step up my incoherent description ramblings game though. I feel like I've fallen back in the habit of just writing the usual boilerplate stuff like "erm i drew this today bye", instead of actual blogging like I tried to do earlier this year.

I do like whiskey.
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>I think that might be the only time I've even mentioned anything on DAD that'd give away my political leanings.
>you're probably not going to see much of that from me. November 6 was merely a slip-up
I will be stalking you going forward, so for your sake, I would hope so
That's funny, I was just telling a coworker yesterday about that incident at SF pride. Kind of scary you'd have something I posted two years ago readily on-hand though...

>I will be stalking you going forward, so for your sake, I would hope so

What would you do if I talk politics again on DAD?
>What would you do if I talk politics again on DAD?
find your address and watch you while you sleep :P. joking, of course. I just enjoy a little bit of TDS, so I'm taking the piss.
>Kind of scary you'd have something I posted two years ago readily on-hand though...
lol depends on what you mean by "on-hand." I happened to go down a /dad/ rabbit hole a few weeks ago and wound up looking at the subs for the 2022 pride challenge and saw yours, among others. naturally your recent post here made me think of that.
>I was just telling a coworker yesterday about that incident at SF pride
did you tell him before, or after the gay sex?
>I just enjoy a little bit of TDS, so I'm taking the piss.
>wound up looking at the subs for the 2022 pride challenge and saw yours
oh that explains it
>did you tell him before, or after the gay sex?
I would never have gay sex with a male coworker
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a few days, apparently
gay sex, carnal knowledge, whoppie - whatever terms you wanna use. this is a safespace, after all.
>kazoo comes back again and then leaves again again
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nta but I'll join you in using the descriptions more
it's more fun reading what someone was up to each day

goddamnit please don't notice lol

I'm gonna carry this shame for a while till I get used to drawing after work again. I have a bad feeling I'll be an elimination board main-stay for a while, but I'll try not to.

Also what's with this new insane Captcha timer? 800 second wait time wtf?
>drawing after work
what's your schedule like? could you not adjust it such that you can get at least 30 minutes in before work? or at least 15 minutes or something, so that you don't have to do as much after work?
Not him but it's less about schedule but more about mental stamina, personally the DaD itself works enough for me but it's mostly because I have ideas I want to draw, if it was pure practice I'd procrastinate
Drawing before work is unfortunately a disaster for me. I do art for work too and 'modeswitching' is really difficult for me. Every time I've tried doing simple shit like warm-ups I keep dragging my feet about getting back to work tasks. It's even worse with 'fun' drawing or studies because I just wanna keep doing whatever I was doing earlier.

I think my best solution will probably be a stricter work schedule. I don't think my issue is mental fatigue desu. I draw for about 5-6 hours a day for work and don't really feel like it's tiring. My problem is that those work hours take me the entire fucking day instead of what you'd have in a regular 9-5. I had a studio I was renting for a while that helped separate work from free time, but now that I'm WFH again I keep procrastinating and doing my work stuff till pretty late at night, especially if I had a late start. I have plenty of free time if I condense work in a proper schedule but it's a struggle.

I'll keep fiddling with it and see what works. I used one of those study websites where you have a webcam on and have done some ADHD study groups for accountability to try and finish tasks within set hours, but I don't stick to anything for too long. Those are also kinda easy to be flakey on because I can't screenshare so I'll end up getting distracted anyway.

I'm hoping building up more discipline and fake a sense of urgency/make daily studies feel like a must instead of optional, since that worked for me with job stuff. Honestly any suggestions are welcome on how you guys handle this sorta stuff.
solution is very simple actually. lock the fuck in
:O anon thats genius why didn't I think of that before

shitposting aside I think outofearshot really has their shit together on this. I kinda wonder how they divide their day up, they seem to get a pretty large volume of work done and manage to split between work/drawing belgian comic blorbos AND serious studies. Really admire the way they go about things.
is this astroturfing
maybe scheduling the after work stuff would help too
I saw a bunch of pros who do a 30 minute lunchtime spitpaint each day for example, so the time slot is always the same and so is what theyre practicing
if you have a specific 45 minute slot for practicing landscapes after dinner or whatever it's easier to make it a habit
what if arloc had an evil twin brother called colra
what if you (female) cosplayed as arloc and I stay as my 280 lb self and we share a room or something
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There's some deep DAD lore I didn't even know about.
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>Have to live in the timeline where SN isn't burning in hell
that's nothing, I remember a DAD who stopped posting when a hurricane hit their area and they never came back
i don't get why being a lefty (i guess that's a lefty) and ranting about politics is bad but nobody would be saying anything if it were a magatard. i've seen a few ugly trump drawings on site, nobody has said anything. is it just Magatards crying
>being a lefty (i guess that's a lefty) and ranting about politics is bad
no one said that. two or more anons were making fun of SN and ulala for their laments about the election. there are right-leaning people with TDS comparable to lefties, and it's similarly comical.
Reps are loud and whiny exactly like "the other team" (let's face it nobody gives a shit about the actual political aspect, it's been always about screaming against each other) and will scream to you go away if you point that out more news at 11
choob got harassed for months for drawings of trump
Hehehe I drew trump on dad recently, hehehe
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I only realised now he's singing the fnaf 2 song
Haha yeah that's the one lol, you got it!
if trump appoints me, I'll make /ic/ great again
Our streaks are going to be so great, you may even get tired of posting
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I think you might just be retarded, anon.
Why does wad never comment on my art but he comments on everyone else's?
wad comments onm my art :)_
best replier: juta
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I had Trump fanart on my DAD account but it was deep Trump lore you wouldn't know it was a Trump reference unless you really, really loved him.
was it that anime redraw of the assassination attempt
I want to draw more digitally, but Im a competitive powerlifter, and sometimes after long ass days of lifting, like Saturday, my most intensive day of the week, my legs and upper body are so tired that I just eat and then lay in bed all day.
I bought a laptop because I thought I could just draw in bed, sole reason for buying it, but if I put the tablet on the keyboard part of it to keep it level, it makes the laptop start crackling like its about to blow up, and I cant balance it on my chest because it disconnects and is unstable.
Are ipads the only way?
get a samsung tablet around the 300-400$ range dont give money to some shitty overpriced ipad
assuming it's a screenless tablet you could put the tablet on the side of your bed and draw like that, with your free hand on your laptop's keyboard for shortcuts and such. Alternatively if there's no space you could stick it onto the side of the bed with ducktape and draw sideways. you can practice your hand-eye coordination like that too.
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I heard ipads are apparently very good for art, but I hate apple as a company, and couldnt imagine using anything with ios. Are samsung tablets good for drawing on though?
Thanks for the suggestions, In practise it was a kinda terrible idea to buy a laptop for drawing in bed, everything is unstable and the wire ends up getting knocked out all the time, hardly any room, all around uncomfortable. Taping it to the side of the bed is a creative idea though.
Powerlifting is gay, dude
You want me to burn in hell? What'd I do?
No, you're thinking of bodybuilding
I draw on a piece of paper and a clipboard in bed. Have been doing so since I was 11. Get on my level.
just draw on paper nigger
I never said that bruh
I fucking specified digital art, you double nigger
and trad art is better than digital art, triple niggerfaggot
He drew a swastika in yesterday's pic I guess I'm not good enough for nazis
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dad handjob tier list when
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that sneaky twat, a whole 3 minutes and 55 seconds off. I couldve drawn 40 cocks in that amount of time
it's weird how i'm showing up in tierlists now, i'm not even relevant...
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finally a list that ranks me accordingly. thank you very much :>
if you're on a tierlist, you're by definition relevant. you've officially made it, anon. you can stop trying to gitgud now.
Dont put me there, move me up two places and repost it
nice work, anon. how long about did that take you?
I made it out of pre beg
Fuck yes
this but unironically
lots of eliminations today, what happened
probably just happenstance
I've never had sex
well don't kill yourself or a bunch of first graders over it incel-kun
claritatis causa (Latin for "for the sake of clarity"), I've never had sex either
>lol it's just random
do you realize how stupid you sound?
Me neither.
i didn't want to tell xem that but you're right. but also leave xem alone, some people need to cope with the idea of chance
>do you realize how stupid you sound?
I have that question for you
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery anon
My first kiss and sexual encounter was with a gay guy two years younger than me.
The average DAD loses his virginity at age 31, you still have time.
You're telling me I only have 5 months to go oinky sploinky inside a fair maiden? It's over
Average!!! AVERAGE
You could still lose it at 50
>inside a fair maiden?
you might fair better if you don't limit your options - both in person and manner
there are no more fair maidens in this world, only bipolar used holes
thats why you get a used hole to produce a fair maiden
and then fuck that one instead
Ms Paint is my favourite software to draw in, warm up with it every day. Sometimes I wish I could draw in MS Paint but without its limitations, even when I adjust settings and resolution though in other software by turning off pen pressure etc it never feels like MS Paint. lame.
it's not her fault, it runs in the family
i sometimes see dads submit without specifying time spent, is that okay to do if you're in a house?
we were talking about that recently, its fun to do it in a house, as you can become a deadweight stone that drags your team down
it's fine, you just won't be contributing to the total number of hours for the house that month. last month there were a few dads in houses and uploaded regularly but didn't put in their times: nothing wrong/rule-breaking about that. all you need for a valid streak submission is 30+ minutes of work.
oh so i'll lose my streak? hmmm well nevermind then
Nobody said youd lose your streak shitiot. If you submit something with unspecified time, its assumed its 30 minutes or more, because youre only supposed to submit 30 minutes worth of work
like the other anon said, no. whether you're in a house or not, in order to maintain your streak you need at least one submission within your upload period that includes 30+ minutes of work - that's it. you can choose to enter the time in your submission or not, but if you don't, and you're part of a house, it you won't be increasing the total hours drawn for that house. plenty of people aren't or are part of houses and sometimes or always don't explicitly write out how long a submission took them - that's not against the rules.
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How is this mf still among us
meh. sure it's just a handful of lines, but who knows what his full process is. if he's autistic enough, perhaps he takes a fair bit on the construction and then just shows the top layer.
feels pretty good when i see incredible work and i check the artist's gallery and they've been uploading since 2018. dad user whose name is a common /ic/ slogan i'm looking at (you)
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thanks anon, means a lot
I told you not to show me that, and you did it again.
I agree with this list because I am not on this one.
How come nobody ever critiques my work in the comments?
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Try the kitaabun approach. Maybe it works.
6+ years for mishapen anatomy and bad shape language, and taste. I can see the confidence in your lines but that's it.
>le bad shape language
mods get this mf outta here lol
>kitaabun approach
jeeeesus, you stupid cunt, deaf dumb and blind
The uhh... the pic, anon. Look at the pic I attached. It's their avatar. Get it? That way, other dads know kitaabun is open to critique - because it's written right there. Cool, right? I said that you could try that - you could make it obvious that you're cool about receiving critique so other dads feel free to comment on your submissions. Remember looking at the pic I attached so you can get an idea.
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He's not
>le bad shape language
It's true. Cartoon and stylized fags like whiff, calli, outofsearshot, ray shape language are way more applealing than your. I know that you can do way better than that. Just a thought.
100 streak isnt a big loss, 200 should be minimum
I have to admit it do find ulalas art incredibly uncomfortable to look at, the only person on dad that makes me feel that way.
Oh, the teeth tard?
there is no line confidence. look at those disgusting chickenstratched wobbly crooked lines
Do you just have no idea how house hours work or what?
how many of these ulala haters are just ulala themselves
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I'm not but if I was in their shoes i would definetly be hating on myself, feels good to be a permabeg everyone makes fun of
which one is Ulala, the big dick, small dick, or the woman
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I'm not ulala or any of those other anons but I really do not like how he draws teeth/mouths. They're too high up on the face.
hey guys, it's ulala9 here (real). AMA.
Is this schizophrenia?
thank you! I think it was around 4hrs. half of the time pushing pixels around.
I am going to go against the grain and declare myself a proud ulala stan

If ulala has a million fans, I am one of them.
If ulala has only one fan, I am that fan.
If ulala has no fans, than I am no longer on this earth.
If all of /dad/ is against ulala, than I am against /dad/!
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Why is he depicted lowkey attractive. L drawing.
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I can't upload on DAD for some reason. I'll just post a drawings here I guess.
Somebody make a tier list instead of drawing please.
that is exactly what people do around here
I would be I only care about a quarter of the people on this site and the rest I don't even recognise
how does that blind date challenge work? do they sort it by the ocs sexuality or do they just not care and everyone is supposed to be bisexual?
not care everyone's bi
>everyone's bi
another chud invalidating the experience of nb folx. let's dox this guy and make him lose his job.
You do get 2 dates so 50/50 your OC goes on a date with their preferred gender. You can come up with something humorous like "wait I thought you were a girl" or maybe they end up best buddies. I don't think there's a big enough dating pool to be able to cater to everyone's sexuality.
this, sometimes i go through a drawing like 50+ minutes but the end results are shitty squiggles that makes me want to kill myself.
I was going to be really cool and do like a split screen with my male oc and my female oc so I wouldnt have to draw a gay date, and let the other person choose. Thats my idea though, thats helllordpainmagistrate's idea, so donut steal >>:((((
Not really 50 50, it depends on how many dad's like guys or girls when it comes to making OCs. Might be more guys if we're going off Dad Fighting
I'm going to submit a 5 day old baby to the challenge
Your ocs can have fun in jail
That just makes it a play date bozo
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Huion, where's my fucking Kamvas? Why is the model I ordered the only one not on stock?! Are you making me regret giving you a chance?!?

And many other questions without answer
that's actually a good idea!
Thanks! I was kidding about the donut steel stuff, feel free to do it too, give your opps some options
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1 step closer.
Damn you're fiends, praying on the downfall of others, tsk tsk tsk. You will now suffer my gypsy curse and will die before you reach page 1.
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>Wasted trip
She's clearly dealing with some form of mental hang-up. It's not anyone's fault. She quit on her own term.
>Did I pray for it?
>Am I pleased?
>Wasted trip
wrong, those trips came to me to affirm my post. My gypsy curse is coming for you.
damn, thought that said "gay curse" and got hopeful for a sec
I’ll be honest, I’ve been severely mentally unstable and I forgor.
If getting to page one is something you badly want to achieve and it will make you happy, then I won’t even bother trying to reinstate it. The streak is meaningless to me, the only thing it brought me was people constantly talking bad about me because I was on page one. I just want to post 2000s anime girls and my fictional husband and find people who genuinely enjoy my art
Don't give this person the satisfaction of your failure, that will affirm that behaviour. Please attempt to reinstate, wishing you the best of luck
I want to get to page 1, but I realize it's an arbitrary goal. if you have a legitimate way to get reinstated (or even an illegitimate one, but could someone dupe nana) and you want to take it, by all means. I don't take joy in the fact that you've been having a rough time mentally, so sorry if my post added to that at all.
I’ve been really stressed over the pressure put on me just because I’m on the first page, people constantly wishing me to lose my streak and judging harshly whether I improve or not, I’m too soft to handle it. I appreciate it, I really do but it only brought me misery, I didn’t feel any pride at all. If anything then shame because I posted once a week and often it was just a slight change to a wip, every time I uploaded something I felt ashamed… I don’t have strength anymore to compete (in houses or streaks), I care extremely much what others think about me and maybe now, I’ll finally be able to make the majority of dad forget about me and not observe and judge me so harshly anymore
Don't let the jealousy of others ruin your own self-fulfillment you should get from good consistent work. Very few people have the willpower to get a streak of even 30 days, fewer to 100, and fewer to be like your level. Have some confidence in yourself, you've earned it.
You are too hard on yourself. I can't console you, but you shouldn't judge yourself that harshly of care that much about expectations of others. Everyone has different things going on in life, some people have more time to draw than others, and some people don't draw as often as others, it's fine. Please try and get reinstated. Just row row, fight the powah, keep the streak for you, for your own motivation, and when you eventually lose it, lose it to an honest defeat. Don't give up.
In MY daily furry drawing tracker website?
Well, it's more likely than you think.
I've only seen like 5 furries on DAD
Good for you.
Usually it's the /beg/ who criticize the most. Remember people only punch up, and help those they think are down. Hope you can find the joy in art again.
Most people are assholes. You'll have a harder time finding someone who isn't a sardonic fragile ego trash burglar in this day and age
I was first page for ages too and know the feel
There's nothing wrong with dropping down to being weekly or every few days on pages 3 or 4, if it makes you more relaxed and happy to make and post things it'll be a benefit desu
I saw a Q&A with game devs recently and they said that the mid ranks are the most toxic
Flaming, throwing, leaving early, going AFK etc, all those were highest at the mid levels
The really low level or really high level people were more chill
I wonder if it's the same with art
Nope. The only asshole I've seen all day is you :^) must be a you problem if most people you meet is assholes.
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>Overly sensitve, depressive woman with spotlight effect and victim mentality lost her streak because she could bother to post an image in a span of 1 week.
>anon1: It's the evil /beg/tards that shitting on my fair lady
>anon2: nah. It's actually the /int/oids XD
What a bunch of doofuses. @Junkven mosts o DAD users are really cool people. How about making some DAD friends? giving people nice comments instead of drowning in self-pity? Just a thought.
Friendliest dads tier list?
Not really the nicest people always get taken advantage of the most in life
I have noticed punch downs in DAD, though they are passive aggressive so many others probably don't see it.
I just want to log my progress and stay in my lane. I believe 'DAD friends' would drag me down and poison my taste.
not junkven, but sadly ive experienced myself that making art friends is utterly useless. they either just want to draw for money (soulless), have no vision and do it out of habit (even more soulless), or the delusions are incompatible.
the only thing art "friends" are useful for, is to share some information with each other until that fountain is dried up, going to the next person to leech your improvement off on. its just tiring
think of art friends as people you want to see succeed? There's no one like that at all in your life?
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Cynical and jaded. I pity you 2. I will continue to enjoy my time on /DAD/ :)
i know one person (who doesnt even draw anymore), i cut everybody else off. i still wish all of them success, its just that there are others out there befitting more of their time, talking with them would just waste both our time.
You're right, I'm cynical and jaded yet I still enjoy my time on DAD. In the past, someone tried to help me by throwing a wall of text at me. They were right, but it wasn't compatible with my work and motivations at the time. I tried their suggestions and stopped enjoying my time on DAD. It took me a long time to learn to enjoy art again so I wouldn't want to do that to anyone else.
how do you properly repent for your sins?
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You should change your way of thinking anon. There are real genuine people in this world. Give them a chance :)
Trading surface level compliments does nothing for me.
you are a shell of a human. a skel'ert'n, as it were.
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I give crits too. Just allow anon commenting.
I already allow anonymous commenting and I don't need your 'crits'. I think I'm more 'real' and 'genuine' than your DAD friends. If I don't like most of the artists' works on DAD why should I pretend to care about their compliments? Are these really your friends or just acquaintances who pander to you, especially when you're interacting anonymously?
Come on, where's the E? What did I type that LARP for?
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I don't want to "trade" compliments like you said. I do have a few pals on DAD.
>I already allow anonymous
I only comment on the DADs who deserve it AKA good artists.
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Last message. Pull that 15 inc long dildo out off your ass and start enjoying life on GOD's green earth. If you are a hammer etc. etc.
Where is the interaction that we had on the comment section that you started on my submission? Are our friendship not good enough to be an example of how one friendship can blossom?
I thought we have something special :(
I'll take the bait. You only comment on furries, gays, pedos, and trannies.
>You only comment on DAD users
Sad to see you lost ur streak :( I really enjoyed the stuff you posted, hope you feel better soon..
I'm a beg so I'm being quite the hypocrite here but honestly I really don't like any of the artworks posted by other people, yeah I recognize that on a technical level some are very good but your drawings tell me absolutely nothing
It's probably the same the other way around but seeing you guys fistfight each other to be the king of this god forsaken hill is pretty funny
(junkven, I haven’t posted since >>7372928)
I’ve been giving people nice or excited comments when I noticed dads who drew something linked to my interests (like delinquents) or I like their style, I’m just mostly anon. I could comment on “random” dads trying to make friends but I think if their interests are completely different it won’t go anywhere and die very quickly, I’m way too autistic and can’t mask and not everyone can accept the cringe. I don’t want to wallow in self pity, I just really think dropping the streak isn’t such a big thing for me as it would be for other dads who commented. I tried to move to page 2 or 3 and posted once a week for two years but it didn’t help, I also (mostly) posted weekly because some days my art was really bad and I was scared of being laughed at and judged for my skills. I really appreciate the encouraging comments and they really do mean a lot to me, but 90% of this streak came from 2021-2022 and I only went on dad for 5 minutes a week since then, I think there isn’t much I could be proud of. I think if anything, rebuilding the streak from scratch and posting daily again would be more motivating for me than climbing to the top of page one from its bottom. But I need a break, and get myself together before posting again. I think a junkven who posted daily but on page 5 would be a much stronger person than a junkven who posted weekly on page 1. Also, why is everyone so fixated on me being a femoid… I don’t want to be treated differently because of my gender

Thank you so much my fren, it makes me really happy to hear someone actually likes my art and it matters a lot to me. I won’t stop posting on dad, I really like some artists and I wish I interacted more, I just really need a break and get myself together
>talk shit
It's actually true. Nobody gives a shit about your floating anime heads either LOL.
Stop being too emotional and over thinking sister.
>what's the story behind your anatomy grind session anon?
t. /beg/tard
the real question is: did Calli's parents come to britain legally? or did they make her to get permission to stay?
I just want to say thank you wad for posting because you art is so low quality and shitty it makes me feel entitled to draw something in 5 minutes and upload it and say it's 3 hours too. I mean this genuinely, thank you, it makes my life much less stressful.
me when im totally not schizophrenic or anything
I think what dad really needs is a female vtuber to represent the community
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Ethnicity of picrel? Italian?
Egoraptor looking ahh
Isn't Junkven Chinese? I headcanon Junkven is Chinese-American because in Chinese culture self-pity and fear of judgement is BUILT-IN. Competitive Asian upbringing leads to mental illness and being "overly sensitive" bc tiger mommies criticize their kids all the time.

Chinese friends and relatives give you a hard time if you seem too proud, confident or successful, and life is about living up to external validation. Success is about not failing or losing approval. So unless you break out of the mindset, you think self-pity is all there is: it's automatic, it's the default.

Success, now I think, in my made-up silly personal culture is about having fun, making friends, being yourself. I think Junkven's art brings a lot of joy to people's lives and I hope they keep posting. I've never seen anyone's art that I didn't like. Even if you make a bad drawing, it doesn't make the viewer's life worse, and it helps you learn to accept imperfection.
or she could just be naturally extremely neurotic
Still whiter than the average Italian
The advice still applies if someone is neurotic. I think the neuroticism stems from putting too much value on the result and peer approval, vs the process, enjoyment, and your own approval.
>I think the neuroticism stems from putting too much value on the result and peer approval, vs the process, enjoyment, and your own approval.
I get what you're saying, but I think it's the other way around. it's because you're neurotic that you tend to view things that way and have negative emotions about it. it's not some conscious decision, at least not for some people, it's just the way we're wired. obviously we can mitigate and alter these thoughts - perhaps in some cases quite dramatically - but some people are just naturally inclined towards that disposition and their experiences follow suit.
I have drawings I am hesitant to post on dad because I don't want to be judged even though I already posted art that is f word
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all wad btw
Arloc hands typed this post
Sens' ex who looks like the zerocalcare drug dealer typed this
Funfact: wad is short for fuckwad
Are all these wad haters AV-Rom?
I don't hate wad because he hates avrom and calli i hate him because he keeps making passive aggressive comments about my art and saying I'm a bad artist. Go fuck yourself wad.
It autocorrected comics
sens and arloc sitting in a tree
Do you have any examples
proof or you're just av rom, dont be ashamed to reveal what dad you are if wad is being passive aggressive to you
I'm Whizzard
wad doxxing era
story behind this?
from what I can gather wad just doxxed callis location and dad for being a pedophile
LOL pulling random articles out of his ass... Typical wad!
do zerocalcare fans tend to overlap with ranfren fans?
seems too specific to be a random article my guy really just doxxed someone because he's mad
>gives random guy news article about her pedophile father
>gets rightfully blocked
>instead of moving on proceeds to harass guy daily to the point of making comics about the daily death threats
>surprised when he snaps and posts it
is Calli/Sens/AV-ROM retarded?
ladies, ladies, you're all pedophiles now stop pulling each other's hair
Shut up wad, you're pathetic and your ESL 'abilities' get you clocked every time anyway
nice wads finish last
maybe you wouldn't be so mad if you actually picked up the pencil instead of trying to get attention from strangers online. PERMABEG ALERT
controversial statement: I am not particularly a fan of zerocalcare's art
wad wishes anyone would care about him enough to send him death threats
my favorite part of wad comics is how he always portrays himself like the next coming of jesus christ and yet he doxxed calli and probably drove av rom off the site too a real person of the people
watch him make a comic about how strong and brave he is for getting unfairly cyberbullied by the mean and evil dads :(((
people who post zerocalcare need to be banned
if the zerocalcarefags, the furfags, and the pedofags were all banned, we could make /dad/ great again
Make a list and I'll see what I can do
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Start with these.
If you are neurotic, you can become less neurotic by changing your beliefs and behaviors. I think there is a reciprical relationship between your behaviors and your beliefs.
So if you are naturally calm, you feel more autonomous and focus on having fun.
But if you are naturally neurotic, and you change your mindset and behavior, you will rewire yourself to become a more calm person.
Agree, enraged faggots listing blanket terms, just say what dad's you don't want here you coward. Or make it a tier list.
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>if you are neurotic, you can become less neurotic by not being neurotic
How can you say that with a straight face when Fran exists
The human soul can basically be whatever it wants. Your personality, identity, it's just a collection of thoughts and habits. You're neurotic because you reinforce that you're neurotic by acting in familiar and comfortable ways. If you want to be something different, you assume the identity, habit and beliefs of something different.

unless, of course, you're not aware in which case I can see why you think it's impossible to change yourself.
I can't get over how handsome he is.
100% a pooner
how so?
>Sees random person
>Brings up trans people
I'm in your head RENT FREE
Stop projecting xister. I accept you for who you are ;)
you should be in my bed rent free instead. there is one stipulation, however...
It's easy to fantasize over someone if you don't know how unlovable they are in reality
that's true. but few are, or perhaps no one is, beyond the redemption of character.
also, part of the utility and beauty of a genuine relationship is the opportunity for reciprocal care and improvement.
>Mental illness
which other dads are confirmed trans?
there's no such thing as a woman that likes vintage computers.
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Gave her a chin
You'll never be as desirable and nobod want too look at you troon
shush, all dad's are loveable
I want to make a ranch with crystal clear well water and rehabilitate all troon daddies.
there’s probably just 5 (at most)
Dad loveability tier list
4 alts floating around inside your head do not count honey!!!
Is there any proof of the death threats?
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I saw that and I thought, is it true SN is 42? I feel like it's like those 13 year old kids who lie and joke around that they're "42" and they're not *really* 42.
Also who DOESN'T listen to long rambly videos on YT while drawing. I've been going through "Collection of Horrible Fates", Caving accidents, True Crime, podcasts on both sides of dating culture (Divorced single mom instant regret after divorce! Men will ruin your life!), "Cancelled Youtuber to Tiktoker Pipeline"
I think I saw him earlier this year saying something about living with his parents and getting this or that job if something didn't work out, so I'd assume he's a zoomer
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maybe not living with them. tried looking for the sub in question, but I found this, which is probably truthful.
this is the most sad thing ive read in a while.. sometimes i wish for calamity to strike me down, because of how little i have accomplished in my wasted 24 years, if they are truly 42, i will add them to the list of those that should be freed from their struggle
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I hope everything goes well for SN. I like reading the blog posts under daily submissions. It feels like we're all in this together. I hope SN doesn't think we're making fun of him and that they keep posting them. I think quite a few DAD's are also in their late 20's early 30s
yeah same. I just post random stuff I see dads write cus it keeps these threads going. I have plans to do get into animation myself, and I'm 27. but I enjoy making art in general, so I'm not particularly worried about the fact that I'll be getting into it "late." though I don't currently have plans to "make it" in the biz, so there's that. anyhow, if he can find something to work on animation enough to get halfways decent, even if it were a few years down the line, I don't think it's an impossible feat by any means.
>i am 42 btw
>i am 28
>surgery, struggle to draw mentally and physically
>no jobs, no gf, live with parents
I don't buy this shit. Too depressive to be true.
Tune in to the next wad the dad comic to find out more! In the next issue- Death threats on discord? An unlikely addition to the Arlocverse? Sexpest unrest? Stay tuned!
I focus and draw better when I have background noise personally
But it can't be exciting content or something that I need to pay attention to, eg a movie or audiobook
I need calm music or streams or sports where not much happens
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I'm 32
A realisation hit me like a truck this week when I realised that Kim Jung Gi was 32 when his first big artbook got published, picrel
He'd been drawing non-stop since he was a kid and I only considered being an artist in like 2009, but still, feels weird
You have greater resources at your disposal than Jongy did.
I'm a 24 yo dad, I feel kinda old though, not as far ahead as I'd like to be, but I haven't been on the grind for long. Arts my second priority hobby after lifting. I've still got big ambitions though.
I'm the same age and I don't know what I want to do with my life. I have no ambition and no big idea of what I want to do, sometimes I look at internet celebrities and wish I had the charisma to be one but it's more then that, and it's also about not wallowing in self pity and making good work so people appreciate you.
You gotta realize Kim Jung Gi had different circumstances than you. His parents probably nurtured him (or if they criticized him, he received the kind of trauma that made him obsessed and ambitious at a young age.) Maybe you had to deal with health issues, addiction or homelessness. That's why you can't compare. We were each put on this earth to make our unique art. Imagine if Panic at the Disco didn't make "Work This Body" because they're like, "oh, we'll never be as good as Aviicii" You are on the right path now and it's only poggers from here.

When I was 20 - 23 I thought it was "over" for me. I hadn't "made it" Artists were turning pro at that age, going to art school, getting into industry. Kishimoto wrote Naruto at 22. CLAMP made manga since their teens and early twenties.

Now I feel younger than I did at 20. I produce more and better quality art than when I was "taking it seriously." I feel like it only goes up from here. You have the rest of your life to enjoy art! It is not a race. The only sad thing is the years wasted on such hangups, when you could've been making more art. And getting started later in art has its perks, because you know you're doing it because you love it not because you want to make a living or prove to anyone you can do it. You already have a day job. Now you can make the stuff you love.

Remember, if you're insecure about your age, just lie about it. Or don't tell people your age. I'm 18 btw.
>Arts my second priority hobby after lifting
Post body
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Yeah it doesn't bother me much, just felt weird suddenly realising where he was at this same age
I just hadn't made the comparison before because he was so much older than me
>kishimoto wrote naruto at 23
Oh fuck, yeah sometimes I think about mangaka, or even people Ive met online in art communities that are younger than me and are pros and for a minute it hits me negatively. But then I think about how I havent been drawing for as long as them, and I've just been having fun making little things I enjoy rather than grinding fundies this whole time and I feel better. Since joining dad Ive improved a lot, and Im satisfied with that. Based and true.
I think youve been too influenced by tuber culture, Id hate to be an internet celebrity personally. I understand the pressure of making good work for the appreciation of others though, after not doing that for a little while I feel embarassed I felt that way though and just go back to drawing for fun.
Check dms babe
I don't have big ambitions or anything.
I like doing art. Writing a story, painting a pic, composing a song.
"Making it" was never an aim for me, it would suck to turn a pleasant hobby into work. Though I wouldn't mind to experience for once the famous "Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life".

Maybe Mark Twain was gaslighting us. Once it becomes a job, things haves way to slippery slope into unfun slogs.
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Here, a wisp of color for your our worlds.
*our gray worlds

I need sleep
>I think youve been too influenced by tuber culture, Id hate to be an internet celebrity personally
I saw a video about Proko the other day which claims he makes $3.5M a year or something
Maybe it's true but the guy still doesn't make great work and I would hate to be stuck making HOW 2 DRAW EYES videos for the rest of my life even if it made big bucks
When I was young, making it meant getting the approval of peers, millions of fans, 6 figures a year or millions of dollars, my art plastered on billboards, made fanart of...

When I am now, making it means making the art and story you want to tell, authentically, without regard to how it will be received or when it will be finished.

Paradoxically, to make it in the old sense (creating art purely for others) would mean failure by my definition now. And now, as long as we are making art, we are all making "it" because "it" is just the art that we're making.
i think what i want is to make as many games and other forms of storytelling as possible
Everyone has different priorities. Maybe Proko has always wanted to be a teacher. Maybe for Sakimichan art was just a means to an end. They are successful if they achieved their purpose. I agree, we each have our own unique success. For example, my health cannot handle the workload of a world famous mangaka.
I've seen a lot of DADs working on games, but never a DAD that finished a game.
who's the most artistically commercially successful person from /dad/ and/or /las/?
I want to make a furry dating sim, but I need to finish my fucking 20 minute long animation first, and I've also got all these challenges I've signed up for too, I'm so tired.
>furry dating sim
the cancerous nature of that aside, just make explicit priorities. if your game is more important than the challenges you've signed up for, but (at least) temporally your animation is more important than your game, then focus on your game. if that means you have to miss the deadline for this or that challenge, so be it. if you like it so much you can just catalogue them somewhere and do them later. sure you won't get the badge, but again it's all about priorities. just a part of life, crodie.
grrr now you've done it. i'm going to finish it faster now that you've said this. you've been warned. i'm going to put a curse on this post number hidden somewhere in my game. just you wait.

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