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Any idea on how to get similar results and if this is style is appealing ?
Have you tried drawing it?
No seriously, have you tried making something while using this rendering as a base? Have you tried tracing it with rendering and all? Have you tried putting the pen in the canvas and make lines and shapes that resemble this rendering...?

Did you try any of that yet? If not. Go do that.
wow thank you, never thought about that, but you still didn't respond the other part of the question
>asking before even trying

>not checking the catalog to find the exact same thread with similar art
Pathetic NGMI shit yourself
>is style is appealing
How often do you see trending art with similar style? Its old, people dont like it that much anymore. Now shit yourself
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>wow thank you, never thought about that
For my health, I'm choosing to believe you're being sarcastic, but in the rare case you're not: You really go a long way just by drawing the thing while making visual studies on the way. Try separating the rendering on layers, you first start with the color, then the blacks, then the rest of the shading details, lastly the highlights. Start from basic to complex by going in levels.
>you still didn't respond the other part of the question
Who cares what I or anyone thinks about it. The rendering is obviously well put, no wonder how it made it to OOT/MM art design, that's all you need to know, really. If you like it and want to try it, just go for it, what is me telling you "I (don't) like it" going to do?
You can only get generic non-answers on /ic/ like >>7371610 because no one here has any actual knowledge.
It kind of looks like Copic marker to me, so I would just look around for process videos where people are using markers and see if you can find someone whose art has a similar look and copy what they do.
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coloring like that is: saturated base colors > black silhouette > shadow > reflection > effects > any random garbage you think will look kool
see you in 3 months I hope you try it yourself

You are not leading by example here, buddy. Copics, fucking really?

It's fucking digital. The artist was inspired by Mignola's shit so look him up too. Now kill yourself for making another useless thread on this sorry excuse for a board.
What the fuck are you talking about? It’s literally just the style that was used in the promo art for Majora’s Mask.

Do you not know what inspiration means? I'm so sick of this fucking board and the retards who post here.
Oh ok I was wrong
This comment is hilarious. The post you quoted is not generic at all - it's the fucking answer. Permabegs who are too lazy to do studies won't understand this though. There is no magic trick or secret, it's literally just shading with black inks and a basic soft edge low opacity round brush in Photoshop kek. You will get this result with literally the most basic default brushes in any drawing software - which would be obvious if you just picked up a pencil and fucking tried drawing.
The dunning kruger is so strong within you that you'd so confidently answer that this was colored with Copics - on a very obviously digital piece? This is why you always take posts on this website with a grain of salt, so many permabegs have absolutely no idea what they're talking about and will lead other beginners astray with dogshit advice like this.
The funniest part is in the end you just regurgitated the advice you shat all over:
>find someone whose art has a similar look and copy what they do.
That's literally what this post >>7371610 said to do kek.
Have a clean lineart first of all
step 1, paint the base color without any shading
step 2, paint the terminator line as thick stylized shapes in black without blending, one side has to have more light than the other to create visual interest with contrast and balance
step 3, paint the midtones that leads to the terminator line, make sure to have edge variety, blend in don't areas, make sharp edges in others to properly imply form, change the hue a bit to avoid making it muddy and give it some color variation.
step 4, paint the reflected light as some flashy color to create visual interest, use a soft round brush and let some of that soft less opaque color bleed into the terminator line
step 5, sparingly add highlights that are also stylized.
The graduated color in the lineart (on the sword) immediately reveals that everything in the picture is digital.
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my post sounded like AI for some reason, here i tried doing it my way
Comic book style inking shadows + coloring with flat colors + a little rendering

For the basic inking part, david finch has good tutorials on youtube
The artstyle is way too unique and stylized. The coloring is super high contrast with lighting coming from the back of the subject, complementary light from an odd color.

The process for the artstyle looks like he sketched a cartoon and gave it relief based on anatomy, as opposed to either drawing a cartoon outright, generic stylized anime or an anatomically correct character from first intention.
The only reason art trend is that instruction is forgotten and the trend itself is referenced based on marketing metrics. It has nothing to do with people liking it or not. The "free market" isn't as free as it claims, it's masturbatory and its purpose is profits gained by any means possible. Hard to judge art when you're talking about profits or trends.

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