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Ai is getting better. People are now making animations with prompts that, while novel, will only get better too. Who will be paying for art in 5 years anymore...

I'm feeling depressed bros.
Give up, more bandwidth for the rest of us.
>what's the point
even if all the money in visual art dries up, not everyone makes art for money. if you want money, and don't think you'll get it, by all means quit.

I mean many won't give up. I'm worried it won't matter how good you are.

Gaming companies are already using Ai for stuff. I can only see more downsizing in the future for art positions. Not like I'm happy saying this.

Well yeah if you just want to create art for your own gratification then more power to you.
Self expression and the enjoyment of the process. It had honestly took a load off my shoulders. Where as before I was desperate to git gud and draw like others, now I'm much more relaxed and really into exploring how I myself draw. I accept the imperfections. I still work to improve them, but if I wanted something perfect and something like somebody else would do it, I'd just use AI. What ai still can't do is put the exact line that you do on the paper infront of you. It'll never create exactly what you will, it will never create the imperfections of the transfer from your mind, to eye, to hand, to paper. That is still a uniquely human thing and it's worth doing if you enjoy it.

From the business standpoint, working in the industry was always a pipedream unless you had certain credentials in your race and sexuality. Most of the work has been outsourced for years and the leads of projects fail up via nepotism. All AI did was put a final nail in that coffin. Where as I often hate nihilism, I think the nihilism in AI is quite freeing. You draw because you genuinely enjoy it or you don't draw at all. You've got no incentive to torture yourself by hating your art because it's not as good as "so and so's". If all you care about is skill and drawing like thar person, just use AI as that's going to be the future. No, it's much better to learn to love the process and pick out the things in your art you yourself like as now "soul" is a commodity, and really, it's you're "soul" that's the commodity because AI can emulate that too.
You were never gonna make it. If it wasn't AI it woud've been another cope like asian jeans or something.
>Who will be paying for art in 5 years
I don't know why you guys limit yourselves to being a wagie.
I run an art business, I use my art to create products like webcomics and animation and I sell them to my customers.
My clients pay me directly, I don't need to work for Disney to get paid for my animations
There's a demand and I supply it.
I don't care if Disney use AI slop to create Frozen 3 concept art, it doesn't matter, because I created my own Frozen with blackjack and hookers.
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>I'm worried it won't matter how good you are.
It already doesnt matter how good you are, what the fuck are you talking about.
Wasn't AI meant to be getting worse because it was starting to refer to other AI art?

I've been working on caricature, which i figured AI wouldn't be particularly good at since it involves interpreting someone's features and deciding what to exaggerate

did painters go through similar fears when the camera came out?
Photorealistic painting is pretty much dead if you haven't noticed.
>AI meant to be getting worse because it was starting to refer to other AI art
This is happening, but there's a fuck ton of good input around still and old models will continue to exist into perpetuity so the quality limit on AI is such that it won't get worse, it will either stop improving or start improving increasingly slowly, both of which are equally possible even without input incest because diminishing returns are a given for everything.
i still kinda enjoy realistic oil portraits, though I wish i could figure out a more loose paint style that would look painterly and allow me to finish pieces quicker and without looking over-worked.
I just finished a piece I plan to submit to a high profile prize next year.
I also still really like realistically rendered caricatures.
But yeah I've been feeling off since AI art started 'getting good' and am looking for hopium
No one is paying for your art now, let alone 5 years from now. Just have fun and keep it as.a hobby.
I've given up posting art online. If you don't have a following then it's pointless. You will either fade into obscurity because AI is better than you and will be flooded on social platforms, or worse, you get lumped into the new generational crowd of people redrawing generated images because everything is now a competition to be successful. Not even speedpaints can salvage this situation. We are living in a situation where people are starting to not give a fuck how the image was created, just that the image exists and it's good enough for them to enjoy.
Only retards actually believe this. The data that they need is already scrapped and it won't take much effort to curate datasets for recent data. AI won't get "worse." It'll only reach a plateau, which it hasn't reached yet.
my main concern for the past decade has been that after I die, someone might find the work I made for myself and draw any form of profit or enjoyment from it. I hope that I will die of a terminal illness so I wll know in advance when my time has come, so I can destroy every single thing I have made that gave me joy up to that point. I want everyone else to choke on AIslop, because the human race doesn't deserve anything good.
The replies to threads like this over the past couple years went from arguments about styles being safe, it being obvious and unwanted, slop consumers having shit taste, to everyone without a dog in the race saying "Just do it for fun lol", if you want to grasp the state of things.
>We are living in a situation where people are starting to not give a fuck how the image was created, just that the image exists and it's good enough for them to enjoy.
Unironically the only people that believe this are AItards themselves. Unless the image is particularly good, which 99% of AIslop isn't, then it's just met with disgust and apathy by the general public.

The worst part about /ic/ AIsloppers in particular, is that they do it out of spite and to get back at the world for feeling inadequate as artists. They failed, so they want everyone else to fail too. Unlike /g/ or /v/ sloppers who are just retarded coomers, you are far more vile.
You forgot the point where if you have a decent following multiple prompters will end up ripping off your style and potentially making money from it
You're a bit out of touch with "the general public". This was the situation before AI was even a popular thing. They see a picture they like, they give it a like. They are not going to vet the authenticity of it.
People didn't like AI because it was shit. Well it's slowly becoming not shit.
Art on the internet was worthless to begin with. You need to be able to sell it for it to have value, because money is the only concrete measure for (subjective) value, and guess what—even if a consumer bought access to your art on the internet they wouldn't be able to resell it, meaning that the value added to the economy ends up being zero. Internet art was never economically viable, people are just too near-sighted to see it.
>Well it's slowly becoming not shit.
yes, just two more weeks >>7372623
Are you literally retarded? You have just described any service. You do something for someone? They can't resell that, so in your mind the "value" added to the economy is 0. But that's not how economy works. Drawing for someone is absolutely a service and not a consumer good.
People will give likes to this
People give likes to all kinds of retarded scams and ewhores. What's the point. If you want to develop a skill, do it. All this doomer shit is just an excuse to not try at all, and sit in a pile of feces and bodily fluids while posting self-pity garbage trying to convince yourself and others that not trying was the right choice.

God sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm posting in a board where the dregs of humanity post since it's the only place they don't get banned from
>People give likes to all kinds of retarded scams and ewhores. What's the point.
That was the point. I don't know what tangent you tried to go off on.
watch look back anime and tell me an AI can do that
ai for art
drones for warfare
there is no more soul but we will go back to the stone age soon enough so its fine
So you agree likes are worthless and all kinds of retarded shit and slop gets a ton of likes anyways. Then why do you care so much about them?
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its still shit, wil always be shit, idc that AI can imitate 30% of human art perfectly, its the soulless kind, and it will always be ultra-derivative, by nature
The argument was that people won't care about something being AI or not ... and they don't.
At this point you're just waffling.
>Why do you care about likes.
I don't
I brag to my friends that I can draw very well.
I swear did something happen with AI again that niggas need to spam near 4 fucking threads in a day.
I'd suggest roping yourself right now if you feel like bitching to me about it
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Just shut up and get a job at Walmart >>7372751
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People said the exact same thing back when photography was invented. People said there would be no need for artists. People said everyone would want photos and artwork would become obsolete.
Can't, they only hire illegals and spanish speakers now.
tranjeets seething
The only thing AI can potentially kill is the anime girl in a void which was low effort slop anyway.
It's not doom posting, but just logic.

Robotics doesn't advance as fast as AI, so AI is specializing on creative things, which will be the first jobs to be impacted, which already have been.

>but what's the point
As I said on another thread, you draw to show the world a piece of your soul, and you are the only one that can do that.

Massive difference between taking photos and a generative tool like Ai, anon.

Photos are a medium.
Ai is a tool, just like a camera is.

You don't need to bring an artist out to paint portraits like they did in the 1700s when you can just snap a pic in a sec and be done.

Ai competes with artists as a middle man that intends to bring creative ideas to life.
>I run an art business, I use my art to create products like webcomics and animation and I sell them to my customers.
what happens when a million AI fags do the same thing but faster and cheaper?
not that worried. if it becomes a more competitive scene im fine with that. i (and probably a lot of ic) focus on getting better substantially more than the average shitter. mostly dreading the oncoming downpour of shittily made ai shows, games, and comics more than anything. even so those may drive up demand for human made shit
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>What happens with fine dining when billions of obese americans eat McDonalds?
Nothing. They weren't his clients anyways. If you want to coom to AIslop you weren't paying for art in the first place.
Anything that requires any degree of consistency or quality control needs a human team. No, 1girl coomslop on twitter or videos that devolve into a psychedelic dream after 2 seconds don't meet those standards

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