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Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.

Some free resources:


Might as well check the archives and active /ic/ threads for references:


Previous thread >>7354452
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What's wrong with the day I draw legs?
I've never liked it, and they've always been my weakest point, anatomically.
no hips? it creates a shape that does not match what you see day to day in normal observation of people, so it sticks out
Could you elaborate on that?
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muscles newbie

your silhouette is probably not communicating the human body in the way you might want, what are some artists you enjoy that have body shapes that you do like and you can compare them to what you dont like about your own
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i have no idea what im doing pls help
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I don't know. It just looks pretty formless to me; maybe I need to put more focus on the musculature?
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Did some trad stuff, and some digital stuff today as well. feet / shoes have always been tough to get right - need more practice!

woo, thanks for making a new thread!
nice man, good job!
fun stylization
are you studying from reference?
keep it up, don't forget to study your basic 3d forms.
seems fine. looks like you're drawing really small, try drawing larger.
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>are you studying from reference
Yes, right now I'm working from some Disney and Don Bluth sheets. Trying to get that look down.
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Study the bones, anon. The patella is almost non-existent
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looking at this made me understand the deltoid/biceps connection on the upper arm bone. what anatomy book is this guy using
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2 min gestures
Thanks anon, you too
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Digi+Trad today

try to break it down into base forms to understand his shape language.
the middle legs look pretty good!
2 hours well spent. Those titty girls are going to have back problems later in life.
this guy is a god at painting holy fuck highkey
Letting go of shit like this finally made me happy. Good for him, Ill do cartoons :)
>The patella is almost non-existent
what did he mean by this
some cooling down figgies
Lately, I've been often been doing figgies late into the day when my mind cant handle more complex drawing tasks just to make sure I have something done by the end of the day and it's started to become somewhat of a signal for my brain that its time to sleep lol. I guess I am now forced to draw figgies before sleeping everyday. Lets see what the gains will be in a year
beautiful i love your shape language
both of y'all are huge inspirations to me,, how much mileage do you think until i get to being able to draw believable figures from imagination? and do you have any immediate critiques?
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Avoid refs with forced perspective like this. You'll learn bad.

Memorize the skeleton, bone by bone. Treat ribs as one and spine as one.
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Thanks, I'll take what I can get.
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great figs
todays figs

thank you
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the holidays take a lot of drawing time away

i like the glasses
cool shapes, so nice
nice, i love the full body poses
love the right, those things are huge, shes got crazy balance and strength
so cool, love all of it
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>Holli Would
muh dick

bro I know what refs you're copying. The jig is up.
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a bit of drawing today

looks like hide-channel, nice
thanks for the kind words, anon. I couldn't speak to how long it'll take, main thing is to stay consistent. Get a solid understanding of putting together the body with basic 3d shapes, study basic anatomy, and practice drawing from imagination.
breddy good. the mouth on the left head is a little too flat. the mouth has a slight arc to it, wrapping around the teeth.
good stuff
eating an ice cream cone? nice shapes.
holy crab
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That's exactly the vibe I'm going for. This sort of femme fatale type character is just mostly absent from modern comics and cartoons.
Not doing the best job of it right now.
>looks like hide-channel, nice

The first set of figgies and the first figure on the next, yes. The others are from photos on pinterest. And thank you!
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ty, great sexy faces
ty dude, you as well, that leftmost one is insane
nice detective work
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A bunch of sketches from imagination
Thank you for your kind words.
Personally I believe for drawing from imagination you need a few things.
1. Practice, yes you need to practice drawing from imagination cause it's a very difficult skill, being a xerox machine won't teach you how to create something from nothing, but it helps with observation and trains your eye. I've been trying to draw from imagination from the very beginning, tho my results were quite obviously horrible and flat. Just don't let that stop you but don't just draw imaginary figures, think of it as a way to test your knowledge, drawing from imagination is pretty much the process of working with what you already know instead of acquiring new information from drawing with refs.
2. Studying, specifically anatomy, simplification, and perspective.
3. Gesture and construction are your best friends.
4. Finding a workflow that works for you the best is quite a challenge by itself. Also if some method doesn't really feel good feel free to try another one.
5. A good idea is to grab a ref and try to play with it, maybe change the direction of a leg, tilt the head, etc. Instead of jumping straight up to full imaginary figgies. Build up some confidence.
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busy day today, but wanted to get some drawling in. imagination+ref studies.

good way to break down the overall shapes. I think your "K" perspective might be a little off.
forms look good.
good practice! girl with big sword is strongest. Kneeling girl is nice too. perspective on the boxes is a bit off. Big sword girl could use a little more cranium, imo.
is there anything to actively teach anatomy? like an app that tests you or anything like that?
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I have upped my leg game.

Noted. I was never great at lettering; it's an underappreciated skill.
I also need to change those awful pants.
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I suck at this
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I kind of fucked the layers up
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i liked your fig and used it as reference
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Oh wow, thanks. That's some good shit
Though this was the reference image
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some more fun quick sketching
>eating an ice cream cone? nice shapes.
ice cream for sure, every time, its fun
>ty, great sexy faces
thank you, love the way you did the connections throughout the body

SEXY SHIT GOIN ON MEOW GR8 EXPRESSSIONS 10/10 ON THE LEFT 1 INSTA B0NER actually they all gr8 nice nice nice


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Spent a while on this and tried new brushes.
face is nice body is aids
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Got some of Josh Black's vids on in the background while drawing. Warm up doodles + some studies.

nice. on the ball kicker, I feel like the crotch comes down too far. you might want to grind out some hip studies, looks like much of the structure is getting lost in that section.
nah, it's good
good stuff, I like the shadow study
practice cylinders receding in space
might want to start your drawings with gesture, then block in the big shapes like head/chest hips. there's detail, but it's not all placed correctly.
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More crap. Need to focus on gestures for an organic feel.
there’s really not that many bones that need to be well defined, aside from hands and feet, which i’ve yet to approach constructively .. so i try to work them in as i go. i at least have the major ones worked out, more or less.
10/10 would love to see more of your work
i’ve been kinda doing gesture to develop a way to see a 3D figure, and then using the CSI lines to do a rough shaping of it, and then details when i feel comfortable ,, though i doubt it would hurt for me to use more firm shapes, instead of everything being so fluid.
10/10 i have no notes. i like your style
oooo thank you for all the great advice! a lot of this is stuff that i feel like ive been working hard toward already, so i feel like theres a chance im still gmi :’) ill definitely try the last bit you mentioned, i feel like as soon as i get a drawing tablet, it’ll be a lot easier to do more figure studies instead of just the 2-3 a day that ive been doing..

no one in the /beg/ thread drew this reference, and i thought with the mirror, that it might be fun to try ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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for those of you who copy books, how many pages a day do you aim for?
Really? I feel like i don't get better at this. I watched so many videos on gesture, any advice to improve?
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Thank you, nice shapes.
You're only ngmi if you give up in my opinion
I'd say try to focus on construction for now, leave gesture for later
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felt like an anatomy kind of day, some ref some memory - Asuka with no ref felt pretty good, decent foreshortened hand for having no reference.

on the right track
learning the bones can be super helpful, esp. a stylized version of them. then when you learn the insertion points for the muscles it'll make alot more sense.
very nice! including a rough in for the traps would help fill out the shoulder area, imo.
Gesture is a bit advanced even if it appears to be the "simplest" version of fig drawing. The other anon is right you might want to work on construction, and pepper in gesture as you go. I always recommend "Hide Channel" on youtube - his "croquis" series really helped me understand how to plot down a pose using simple forms. (I set the playback to like 0.25 and just drew along with him stroke for stroke.)
looks like your proportions are pretty good, but it doesn't look like you are really finding the "rhythms" - finding the pattens that form as the parts of the body flow into each other. You'd prolly benefit from doing the "progressive" timed studies. start with like 10 30sec -> 10 1min -> 5 3min -> 2 5min -> 1 15min.
Everyone learns things their own way, but that's some of the stuff that's helped me.
some good stuff today, I like the sword lady.
the head tilted back pose is so tough
this one seems closer to the style you like.
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some more
lemme shitpost a bit

bro, I know which thread this drawing came from. The jig is up.
what does bro mean "the jig is up"?
what do you referene? Anatomy pictures, or photographs, or do you do those from imagination?
The leftmost looks like out of an anatomy book while the rightmost seems like it's from imagination.

My references suck. Woman standing #3452
Can I get a big isolated version of your Asuka for sharing on /c/?
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fo sho
I cleaned it up slightly
King shit
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decided to hit it with a bit o' lineart
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I watched hide's croquis series up to the lvl 1 for beginners video and tired the method on some of my gesture references.

I wanted to play around with this for a day or two before I continue the series. I have issues if the character is twisted or just in sideview in general
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Todays figs, some imagination some ref. playing with shapes

nice fig
I use everything for reference. Photos, anatomy refs, other artists studies, random stuff I found online, I've used videos and paused on interesting poses.
I use a program called QuickDraw! to randomize my refs. You can also use Pinterest, they don't allow nudes, but they have a bunch of good anatomy references.
nice man, I think it's good to change things up if you hit a rut. try to get the basic shapes down of the chest and the hips. Pause the vid and really try to understand the 3D shapes.
Keep it up!
Solid as usual

Funny how a little attention can motivate, huh?

Twists are tough. You can cheat it though bydrawing like a 3-line 'fish hook' for the block in front, and then for the one in back one line into the long outer line of the hook.
Forgot i wanted to say: it's interesting how different successful construction drawing is from observation drawing. Getting a sense of volume in observation drawings where i can use value and shadow shapes is basically just 'how fast can i copy what I see', assuming the lighting is decent.

But for construction I gotta invent like 30-70% based on what I know should be there. Like the ankles, knees & hips in these two had barely any info and the lines I drew are all executive decisions.
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pen figs today. permanence definitely changes the brain.

the subtle shadow indicators are nice. the invented parts look good, nice job. Something about the one on the right seems like her legs are a little short. not sure.
a little confirmation now and then is always nice. I wanted to clean that one up anyways, so it was a good excuse, hah.
Does anybody here use the Reilly method? I really enjoy it but I want to know if it has any limitations, particularly when drawing from imagination.
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I think I'm gonna watch the next video tomorrow

I don't really understand what you mean by that.
What refs do you use?
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getting some longer practice in took me around 4 hours
IMO it's too based on 2d shapes, it's not good for understanding form. Like you'll get really good at 5 standard poses then say 'well fuck'.

Bridgeman is king.
nice job, how do you like it?
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started as a quick doodle of an elf, ended up having to figure out how to draw an armpit, lol.

lookin good! grinding out some cylinders/boxes along with your studies will help.
I have a folder that has 200k references. Photos/books/art/etc. I just set it to random.
nice work
Great work
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Some hot garbage from today. I gotta focus on making each of my lines more meaningful, it's too easy to get lazy and place them by instinct instead of thinking about what relationship they should communicate.

where/how did you learn anatomy? And how long did you spend on those sketches?
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I think the line drawing on the right with her fingers touching her neck is the only one I like
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The arms just don't feel right
You have a great style, keep it up!
Live model?

Are you the guy I was schizo-yell-posting about boxes at? You have improved a little. You still have a long way to go until you are one with the box, but your stuff is a notch or two up from where I remember it. There's a little more patience and care for your marks.
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Started Vilppu Renaissance Course yesterday. A very humbling experience.
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My brain just cant ignore the contours, the whole thing will take a wile to understand, for sure.
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ass study

Ty for the support
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Thanks, nice shapes once again.
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Anon, I…
Funny how years later I still remember the exact Vilppu video some of these came from
pure soul
I would suggest focusing on construction instead
You're right, I got a bit worse compared to last time.
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quick sketch figures during busy holidays
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Have you learned to feel the form after all this years?
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Actually that's me. I haven't posted here much since because boxes aren't figures.
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doodle figs.

when I decided I wanted to learn I took the free Proko videos, then other random youtube stuff that popped up + self study, still learning.
I like the angles
nice consistency
pretty solid, the weakest fig is the lower left on your pen page.
putting figs im boxes is a good exercise. TenTen's course has a pretty good method of breaking things down to help with thinking spatially.
take your time. don't rush. work on cylinders next.
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I like the shape of the skirts, gesture of the poses is nice as well
I love this. Basically my style, but in good. This goes straight into my inspiration folder.
Great stuff.
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figured a good next step would be to start putting clothes on the figs. doing it from imagination is a brain teaser. back to being bad at things for a while, lol. I think I have one of those "how to draw clothes" books floating around somewhere.

do you have the reference for the top fig? I'm wondering how her scap/trap area is compressed on her right side if her arm is stretched forward.
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I think its this one.
Do the ribs twist a lot?
I usually use a box or an ovoid shape to represent the ribcage in my figure drawings, but I find a box more helpful for understanding perspective, identifying the planes I'm looking at, and better managing proportions. However, I've noticed that the ribs twist quite a lot—much more than they seem at first glance.
from the first two ribs at the top to the last two ribs that stick out more, you can't always draw two parallel lines because the ribs twist significantly in some poses, at least based on my observations
How do you approach this when constructing the ribcage?
No, ribs are almost totally static, but stuff around ribs twist a LOT: clavicles, scapulae, abs, obliques, etc.
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a few days off turned into 3 weeks no drawing, oops. left from ref

nice back views

lovely gesture as always

i like pawlina

bottom left sitting girl looks great and i like how you do connections in general, also re: last thread ive been drawing for way too many years. i only started taking fundies seriously late 2023 though which has helped me tremendously. everything from before then is infinitely worse

do you mean the individual ribs? because i dont think they do that
the middle girl is really cute
Try twisting yours and see what happens
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I could learn a thing or two. Maybe I should be copying bridgman or something instead of looking at models.
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Das true...
Haha thanks, I think I need to try drawing her.
you should continue to do both! combine life drawing and master copies
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love the scapula and origins
>I like the shape of the skirts, gesture of the poses is nice as well
thank you

really cute
>lovely gesture as always
thank you

love the shape and contour

copy art and life, check out some video lessons too, mix different ways absorbing information

love top left, she is so twisted up

nice variety, love the coat figure
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Continue to follow Villppus course.
Right now my biggest problem is how to place the paper. Vertical on an easel feels shaky, its harder to draw round forms, the damn gravity is in the way. But when im drawing on the table, i fuck up the proportions more than its necessary.
The other really big problem is the lack of real models. Im living on the country side, we dont have here any drawing live courses. The next big city is over 80km away.
Maybe i can draw some horses or cows. We have even lamas in the neighbor village. But i dont think they will stand still long enough.
>pretty solid, the weakest fig is the lower left on your pen page.
Thx. Yeah, tried to push the gesture more with those, but everything else fall apart.
>nice variety, love the coat figure
Thank you anon. Its from a movie.
If you want to study it yourself.
Im doing a masters study rn and and now i wonder whats the thing under his left leg, a big shlong or what?
looks like it's spose to be his big toe
how big is your sketchbook? you could get one of those laptop stands to prop it up so it's a combo of both and you can rest your elbow on the table when needed. i use one for my 9 x 12 sketchbook. i dont have any other sizes to compare though
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A little bit of cheating with cg.
Yeah, i saw it in the end as well. I changed it up a little bit.
Im still searching what materials are best to use for gestures. Most of the time im using a4 format.
Not sure about a table stand. Drawing from photography is just a preparation for live drawing. I want to have something im more flexible with. As i sad, i want to draw some farm animals this week.

recently realized that i can only draw semi-decent when i have particularly good posture, otherwise it all looks like slop,, also, i can’t draw faces small..
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Gonna do cleanup in a bit. Idk about color
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Thanks, it was a timed gesture
Nice figs as usual
Guys, can you recommend some top tier figure drawings, collected in one place, an art book or a blog and in high quality?
Mostly interested in mannerism but not exclusively.
The figure drawings in figure drawing for artists by Steve Huston are great
I like François Boucher and François Lemoyne figure drawings

I have some here if you want the full res pic you can click the link under the image

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what if you get a flat board at an incline for your desk

like the Pontormo eyes

nice arm cylinders

trad color or digital?

single sphere in bottom left is peak soul, also nice core shadow on figure above
>like the Pontormo eyes
Thx. I found out about him couple days ago, never heard the name before. His drawings are crazy good.
>what if you get a flat board at an incline for your desk
You mean like a big a3 or a2 clip board?
Thank you, i will check it out.
>I like François Boucher and François Lemoyne figure drawings
Yeah, i like them, especially the first guy has the qualitys im looking for.
The link contains old photos, or maybe i do something wrong.
use the dropdowns and select, male + drawings or female + drawings
probably trad, I kinda hate digital coloring
is this digital? i’ve been looking at transitioning to a tablet instead of just graphite, but i’ve been thinking about how i’ve kinda gotten a good feel for how to use a pencil finally, and i wonder if i couldn’t get a similar feel digitally.. anyhow, nice work, keep it up
how do you get so much volume out of one sheet? i figure it’s easier with digital, but any time i try to draw small on paper it looks horrid, so i can usually only get 2-3 figures out of a 9”x12” sheet, and i know that doing only 2-3 figures daily really isnt much.. also your figures are getting really good, so props.
aaaaaa, these cylinders aren’t shit lmao,, but thanks :)

the portrait thread hit the bump limit, so i’m just gonna post this here.. took some mushrooms and used a nifty carpenters pencil to draw. not great, needs improvement, but i learned a lot from it.
are you using a sketchbook? ngl i find drawing figures on small sketchbooks hard because the spiral gets in the way and blocks my hand. i also find myself drawing slightly too large and having the edges of the figure cut off. you could either rip the paper out or get a bigger sketchbook
i do use a sketchbook, but the spiral never bothers me much.. i also find that i don’t use the entire sheet, and that i can practice drawing in any open negative spaces, so i should start trying to do that.
(first one)
Nope, all on bristol paper.
oh no kidding! very well done! do you use construction lines? the paper looks very clean, so i’m curious as to what your process is.
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Fig from earlier I wanted to post.

Noice faces. Not the usual shovel face anime.
Naked figure needs more work, feels a bit blobby now. It will come with understanding of large anatomy chunks such as pelvis and ribcage. Respect for making the belly stand out.

Noice. Thanks for artist names, I dont remember any.

Thanks for this.

Very nice butt and back arch.
Ah, thank you, very nice.
>I dont remember any
I struggle a lot with French but Italians aren't easy as well.
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am i still beg? or am i doing any better?
Still beg because I think your perspective knowledge is lacking. Anatomy is good tho
>the paper looks very clean
not in the slightest, I have to do tons of cleanup and redrawing, finishing this is largely an exercise in not fucking it up while I refine lines and trying to gently erase things
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Im very frustrated with trad, still couldnt found a good position. One of my fountain paints died, the other run out of ink.
So im continue to draw nonsense in sai.
I would say high beg. The hair looks very off though.
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Found a parallel pen with some ink in it, will not last for long.
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Trying to apply what i learned from master studys on a photo study
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been a little too busy to post

nice figs everyone!
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Cool, this are from imagination?
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love the connection and twist

love how rock solid the legs look

amazing power stance
I've been studying Dynamic Life Drawing for Animators by Matessi lately. Is there anything missing from my approach? I've been trying to get into videos since you can see the subject move in and out of the pose.
I think the right leg is on backwards
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Here’s the reference video. He twists his foot near the apex.
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Here's a frame.
His toes are pointed at the camera at the apex, the foot would be best foreshortened. I'm not a doctor but nobody's foot can do that kind of 180 degree turn, but that's really my only clue because the video and pic is blurry.
That foot is coming towards the camera, homie. Don't use blurry reference please.
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Here's his foot just before the above frame, pointing away from the camera. Is there a way to reduce motion blur?
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Pardon my work notebook and checking pencil but this is what I meant, just with rudimentary anatomy you can interpolate between the pose you want and the anatomy that should allow it to happen and then invent a pose on the paper that is close enough to capture the gesture of your reference
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I really think it's a foreshortened foot, the foot just wouldn't do that without disintegrating the ankle bones
I see. I know ankle joints are hinged synovial joints, but was trying to capture the perspective along with the gesture. Is there a way to make videos clearer doesn't involve just changing the video's resolution?
>Is there a way to make videos clearer doesn't involve just changing the video's resolution?
None that I know of. I also use bodies in motion sometimes, which is probably what you're looking for if you're watching videos for animated poses. The only thing that helps with unclear reference (imho) is knowledge of the skeleton and muscles that construct a body, their proportion, and what it can and can't do, so that you can make your own informed decisions where the reference falls short.
I got it. Thanks.
It was an honest mistake?
Yea, I did it late at night.
It happens.
Trying to make sure I extract some value from studying some figures with Michael Hampton's book, some are better than others
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Trips but no picture
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A bunch of doodles
It's way easier digitally, yea. I also draw on an equivalent of an A4 sheet.
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some studies

that one was a mix of drawing the base figure from ref, then putting clothes on top from imagination, and just ref studies
nice compressions
I like studies from videos
lookin good. the head tilted backwards is a tricky thing to get right
I like the value study
>lookin good. the head tilted backwards is a tricky thing to get right
Thank you, but yeah it is. I'll save heads for another stretch of practice. Tried some from imagination rather than reference, this is gonna take some time to really sink in. Then hands, heads, and an infinite amount of drapery...
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Me again lmao
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40 minutes each

How did you mark the facial features?
1. I made broad strokes and hit them with a brush to get a big soft area.
2. then I used a stump to model out more of the form.
3. in steps 1 & 2 I was mentally planning where I would want to lift out with a kneaded eraser, do this before step 4
4. I go in and mark sharp details (nostril, eyebrow, eyelashes & pupil, etc.) with a sharpened tip of charcoal
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i love the expressions
i like the way you did the under side of the heads
love the mark making and the expression, so cool
>nice compressions
thank you, great legs on the right page, love those shapes
love the squatter in top left
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It's only been a few days of drawing and imagining figs on my own but I think I'm just spinning wheels at my humble beginning, gonna go back and actually finish the book I'm reading. Wish I had more kind things to say about the work itt but I don't have enough experience to say anything other than "looks good."
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trying out different perspective
you have very little understanding of the forms youre drawing. draw to understand instead of trying to make polished portfolio pieces.
lovely, very clean
still /beg/,, but definitely gmi
solid understanding of 3D form,, i think gesture drawing will help clear up some of the stiffness in your models
love the aesthetic of your drawings, very clean and have a lot of life in them! gonna take some notes from things you’ve done here

i like how these feel, and you have a lot of confidence in your lines, which make these look really solid, despite any anatomical issues. 10/10
i think the fibula is supposed to be curved more, but i like the balance in these nonetheless
good work as always,, would love to hear more of your process, or things you’re working/focusing on
i like the forshortened angles you do, 10/10 as always
good, keep it up!
love the gesture in all of these!

sorry for skipping a couple days, y’all.. i accidentally cut the tip of my thumb off while making potatoes the other morning, so i’ve been taking care of that.. and then when you skip a couple days of drawing, getting back to it feels insurmountable..

plus the radiating pain i feel is distracting from my drawing process.. but it feels good to practice! i’m spending the holidays alone (again) so im thinking ill be taking a bunch of mushrooms throughout the week and practicing as much as possible. i want to focus on putting more confidence into my lines, and getting more comfortable with the whole process of drawing.

at first i started drawing for the autonomy that comes with working for commission, but as of late, i’ve really only been drawing to understand myself better.. it’s gonna take forever, but i have time..

any constructive criticism is welcome
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(also sorry for breaking it up into three comments, 4chan kept flagging my comment as spam..)
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She's from imagination, thanks!
Well my process, I think I can actually post a process video. Let me see...
Lately I've been focused on lineart and finished works, I don't post them here.
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Uhhh I tried
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I still have the individual anatomical parts of Michael Hampton's book left and originally I thought I didn't need them but after doing a half dozen figgies I think I might. Trying to do a portrait for each reference to double up on gains. Talking
Hampton doesn't really teach portraits though so I think I need some specific instructions because this is not giving imho.
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trying to bet a better understanding of the scapula connection. found a 3d model to rotate + some various studies over past couple days.

keep it up, drawing from imagination is a different process in the brain. Takes practice like everything else. remember your proportions for the head. it's the circle + another 1/3 down for the jaw/chin.
very nice subtle rendering
kickin' it oldschool
I think you have the belly button in the wrong spot.
>stumpy thumb
ouch, dang. potatoes are dangerous.
you're doing pretty good, but I wouldn't stop learning the basics like boxes, cylinders, basic perspective, etc. If I were to start over, I'd definitely tell myself to lean into those early. I see many people saying "don't even try without learning xyz first", but I think it's fine to do both. seems like people get stuck in box purgatory and fizzle out cause they don't do the stuff they are interested in like figure drawing. Keep it up!
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Thank you for the encouragement. I'm about to finish this sketchbook and even though it's only 2 months it's cool to see my work go from incomprehensible scribble-people to actual likenesses (with lots of room up improve). I should learn to light figures at some point.
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more quick sketch, gesture->structure->anatomy, in that order

thank you
careful dont lose your fingers
>love the gesture in all of these!
thank you, im glad you like them
nice, thats a lot of drawing and time lapse
cool i like the contrast in level of detail
love scapula studies so much
its fun for sure
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tough angle

it's great having a physical sketchbook to flip through
the extreme angle is cool
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Proko's measuring video is kinda ass for beginners. Filled with a lot of guesstimating that'll fuck a newbie. How do you measure correctly and fix mistakes on a display tablet?
Forgot pic
Proko courses in general are strange, not everyone is a great teacher
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I think it’s a combination of things? Length of torso, positioning of hips, angle of legs, size of feet.
Are we supposed to just be developing our eye to measure more accurate or are we supposed to have perfect measurements?
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My usual preface: I know that I'm not at a good level to post here yet, but I wanted to wish merry christmas to all /fig/ anons.
Sorry these are messy, this is just a page of some figgies I've been doodling for fun while listening to r/a/dio.
Also a question: How would (You) feel about a /fig/ secret santa? As in all anons who want to participate fill out a sketchbook of any size and then exchange them secret santa style at christmas?
Nice butts. Form felt.
I struggle a lot with having external forces effect figures in a realistic way.
Amazing stuff as usual Asuka anon. You still are my gold standard for figgies, even though I don't post I come by just to save some of your pages for referencing.
I just recently finished studying through one of Michael Hampton's books and it feels really nice to have some knowledge of anatomy now.
Great figs. I really like how "realistic" hampton's figures are, with the fat overhangs and mass everywhere.
Great stuff as usual, always inspired by how varied your poses are.
Awesome figures. I took your advice from some time ago and am focusing entirely on draftsmanship with no shading. It has been both fun and frustrating, but I feel I've learned a lot.
I'm glad you returned to /fig/ for a bit, love how pronounced all your figures are.
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ooh this is genuinely helpful, much appreciated! do you have a blog or somewhere you post finished pieces?
for portraits, i’ve found it much easier to shade in details instead of using direct lines, but also, i suck at portraits so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ good figures btw
i be slacking on my basic shapes desu, but i agree, ill have to go back to shaping out my figures more again. definitely helps to learn the structure and form of the figures.
appreciate these immensely! trying my best to push the boundaries of what i understand, drawing poses that i don’t feel confident drawing n such.
id say this looks like way too much measuring for figure drawing. if you’re trying to recreate the images directly, try doing bargue plates.
>not at a good level to post here yet
brother, not a single person here is gonna chastise you for not being good enough, not even to mention that you’re figures are looking fine :) keep up the good work!

merry christmas yall,, im gonna be getting a surface pro 8 as soon as another one is listed on ebay :) almost have enough saved up for the one with 32GB ram and a 1TB SSD. once i get it, im hoping to do much more with quick gestures and practicing more aggressively. i work at a slow pace with traditional materials, but im having fun with it.

can someone tell me if i’m doing this right..? this is more or less how i structure my figures when i draw them, unless im doing quick gestures. for those, i just place lines in “3D” to better understand the form that im trying to draw..
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Merry Christmas frens
Thanks! Nice torsos!
Thank you, it's nice that I can inspire people, even if it ain't much. Keep going bro, we're all gonna make it.
No problems haha. Yea I have a twitter.
Clothes are kinda annoying and hide many important landmarks which makes them harder to use.
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Forgot the pic lol
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>can someone tell me if i’m doing this right..? this is more or less how i structure my figures when i draw them,

one thing you can do is try using wrapping lines more when putting down the major forms. see those lines you drew in the second stage that are hugging her waist and hemline? aim for that sort of thing, just do it more carefully. theyre very useful for understanding both the structure of what you're drawing and how it's oriented in perspective but the sloppier you are when placing them, the less instructive they become. one fun thing about drawing clothed figures from reference is that you get some of those lines for free, so you can study and try to capture some of the subtlety going on as forms turn.

also, as a general comment, using social media photos as ref sets you up for failure i think. aside from filters erasing anatomical landmarks, the ease with which these photos can be edited and the social pressure to do so means you can never be confident in the truthfulness of what youre looking at. fine if you like it stylistically, but when learning it just makes it so much harder to understand what youre drawing.
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If you can overlay your drawing over the original photo it's a much easier way of seeing where you went wrong or what you did accurately.
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After following Villpus course for some weeks, im trying to implement what ive learned to painting. Otherwise im afraid, that my drawing and panting will drift apart to much.
Ehhh don't worry anon, even if you make a mistake you can always correct it.
OR make a better drawing next time, you learn something new all the time when you draw!
Thank you for the reference threads Anon, I've been looking for more of these.
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wanted to get some practice in before the day ends. feels a little meh today, I think I'm rushing cause we have stuff to do, lol.

cutting stuff in half and thirds is a good way to start measuring.
this might be overkill, what are you measuring?
Thanks for the kind words anon, I like the Santa.
you're losing some of the action line as you go, you might want to try to lay down tilt lines for the head/shoulders and hips, then draw your line of action before adding in your base forms.
c'mon 4chan

nice page
very nice! i like the face
form feeled
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What's the point of doing those technical anatomy studies? You trying to be a doctor or something?
There's absolutely no way they can help when doing stylized work from imagination, so why do them?
Not him, but learning anatomy does help. It helps you understand what the body is doing, how it really looks and moves. For imagination, knowing anatomy gives you a much clearer picture.
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depends on your standards and what you wanna draw
if you understand the connections inside, you can understand what you are looking at on the pose

>There's absolutely no way they can help when doing stylized work from imagination, so why do them?

Been trying to draw for like 5~6 months and not seeing a lot of improvement. I don't get how to draw gestures (and forms). What is the first few steps of drawing gestures? I gotta grind the right way.
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Forgot the pic sorry picrel.
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Also picrel
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Bear in mind I'm speaking as a 2.5 month /beg/ as well. First few steps of gesture for me are basically just stick people with a suggestion of a pose. Your figures are well proportioned already which is good. But generally, I go in this order
>Suggest pose with large masses such as head, pelvis and torso, tapered "triangles" for limbs
I also tend to exaggerate the tilts which helps a lot.
>Check perspective
This is the form step you're talking about I think. For me this is cylinders, which i mostly just imagine. But I would draw the perspective of each limb, and try to take into account the overlaps. This kind of happens along with the next step,
>Rough in anatomy
Basically once I have the larger masses and landmarks roughed in, then comes anatomy. I'm not great at it yet but just putting muscles on top of your cylinders (you can kind of see I do this for legs in pic rel). I have a bad habit of doing everything at once and have to make time just for gesture though, which again is just the suggestion of the pose without perspective or anatomy. Work included in case that affects whether this advice is valid.
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Do these look proportionate?
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honestly I don't know how to do gestures properly either. i don't really get what the fuss is about, i don't ever use gestures anywhere in my actual process of drawing, so its been extremely useless to me.
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personally what I like to do when i want something to look animated, is instead of gesture is draw from an impression.

Like i'll imagine and get a quick vague impression of something cool action to do, and then quickly try to do it before the impression fades.

When I first became able to do it, it was when I stopped having any big problems drawing from most angles, and could draw without guidelines or references. Guidelines are too cumbersome and slow, and distracts you from your impression; and same with struggling to produce an angle because you don't know it. You don't need to be fast, you just need to not to get stuck. Its much more practical if you ask me.

I rarely draw like this because I prefer to draw either without thinking (bad), or focusing on love / appeal.
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Alright, 2.5 hours and 10 (the first one was too bad to count) figgies. One day I won't use the "bones."
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incorrectly proportioned arms seems like the standout issue in these. torso length/width and how it relates to the pelvis is another.

i havent really done his lectures, but those beanbags that proko teaches seem like a decent way to begin understanding the proportions of torso/pelvis and how the soft tissues of the midsection can be expressed in different poses. i'd recommend at least taking a look at it.
I enjoyed drawing the abdomen I'm considering studying under Dan Thompson to learn his style of mark making
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this 4chan spam thing sucks, wth,
love the underside of the head
>the extreme angle is cool
thank you
>I struggle a lot with having external forces effect figures in a realistic way.
>Nice butts. Form felt.
thank you
i love the weight in the hair on top left
>Thanks! Nice torsos!
thank you
it's doesn't have to be something you apply in your art it's supposed to help your observation skills
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hi figgu, here are some gestures
thats more lay-in than gesture
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Thanks! Will try to apply what you have said from next drawing!
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Tried drawing in a way you said. Thank you very much again! Didn't knew you answered me because 4chan didn't annotate me with (you)
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This one turned at well for a prebeg like me. Ty so much!
These do look much better, good work anon
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Rough gesture type sketch
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These are todays practice pieces. Was quite fun but not sure if I am improving gesture and form wise.
nice lines, but some misalignment issues, with the neck in particular.
Someone should post this in every /beg/ thread.
I believe you but can I get a redline or something to demonstrate so I can learn
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Attempted to revisit neck/shoulder girdle before moving on
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Trying out a brush pen, really reveals my bad posture dang
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Happy New Year incoming
Thank you! Hopefully we'll get better next year haha.
Arigato gozaimasum pretty gestural forms as usual. Have you tried rendering your stuff?
Pretty good lines
Simple tools really reveal our weaknesses
I think you are, just keep on thinking about the process and struggling. The ride never ends.
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having taken another look at it, honestly i think my crit boiled down to nitpicking. id push things a bit farther toward the left, but i think it works either way. that ribcage is very loosely drawn though, and imo largely responsible for some of the alignment issues. check out how strongly your centerline deviates from curvature of the left edge of the ribcage.
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using hide's croquis method on my gesture poses.
Yeah I see it now
Thanks anon
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How am I doing? I think I should start using references.
Boobs are difficult to draw, they're like, like... bags of sand.
breasts and one set of hip-jewelry indicate motion but everything else suggests a static pose.
The boobs aren't supposed to be but the chains are, I just forgot to fix them.
oh you know what, my bad. her breasts dont indicate motion in the clad version. good work.
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sorry for the slop I just needed to pump something out to get back into it.
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It's been a while, I was busy
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Happy New Year /Fig/!
let's all get better in 2025
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How can I get more flowy gestures and better form? I don't even know how to draw breasts and my figures looks stiff
“Flowy” is a byproduct of drawing the figure correctly. It’s not a goal to aim for in itself. If you draw the figure correctly then it will look natural by definition.
“Stiffness” usually indicates basic problems with form/perspective.
In your case the arms and legs are pretty fucked up and don’t match the reference at all, so start there.
How do you like to simplify hands in quick(-ish) drawings? Do you have any examples from pro artists to look at?
To be more specific (not at my PC right now so I can't make an image): look at the reference and on the arm going over her head, take the length from the edge of the shoulder to the elbow, and compare it to the length from the elbow to the wrist. From shoulder to elbow is noticeably longer than elbow to wrist, because her forearm is going back in space so it gets shorter. In your arm you made both of those segments the same length, which flattens out the arm and loses the effect of depth.
Once you've eliminated all of those mistakes from your drawings, THEN you can worry about flow (but honestly you probably won't need to worry about it at that point, because again, if the figure is correct then "flow" should follow naturally).
Study the skeleton more so you can get a better establishment for how the body “moves” so that gesture is easier to create
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dont have much to add beyond whats been said, other than try to do those wrapping lines around where things connect as well. shoulders, pelvis, knee, neck etc. itll help you make sense of how things relate.
not the anon you are responding to but your rendition looks much better because of the linework.

the anon you are responding to has very clunky lines, the models right thigh being the most obvious. Even ignoring all the rendering you did in your version, the linework stands on its own as much more delicate and expressive.
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some practice from today

one thing you should look for is the planes of the forms. in your drawing you have her chest tilted up and to screen left as indicated by your wrapping lines. but in the reference we can see the left plane of her ribs, so her chest is actually pointing to the right.
nice work! the forms and the details look really good.
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switched to digi for some imagination practice. had flow in the back of my mind.
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How to correctly draw the pelvic box and the whole figure together? I'm too stupid and don't understand what the anon with red outlines meant
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Digital is also good for colouring!
you're so fucking good. do you have a blog
beautiful full-figured ladies
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thinkin' 'bout them boxes.

I looked for your reference online, but couldn't find it. you actually were closer on your sketch than your draw-over.
Try to get your boxes a little cleaner, the persp is a little wonky.
for the hips, I usually look for the iliac crest to determine tilt, and then the bottom of the box usually ends around the crotch.
I haven't done much with that, but I probably should to progress.
nice job, the only thing I wish you spent more time on was the snake tail (body?) a bendy cylinder is good practice!
thanks! no blog at the moment, I just mostly post in /fig/
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round 2!
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frankly, the anon with red outlines didn't do that great of a job. i agree with what this >>7423537 anon said, focus on perspective and you'll be able to get through a lot of roadblocks much easier
not that anon but this looks really nice. i like the doubling up of lines thing you're doing
Thanks. Will try.

Will try adding wrapping lines to where things connect. Unless i forget it from alzheimers I am getting Thanks.

Thanks. I noticed that too. Wonder if i will be able to fix it because its the parkinsons coming from my meds, but will try. Great help.

Didn't even knew that. Thanks! Now I see it.
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Hello /fig/, I've been wondering, can any of you identify what this connection is between her pelvis and left leg? I can't tell if it's an inguinal ligament or something else.
How do I know if I'm doing line of action / gestures right?
>what this connection is between her pelvis and left leg
tensor fascial latae or sartorius most likely, they both originate higher in the hip than the quad
rectus femoris or tensor fascia late, but that's only a guess according to your drawing

post ref
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Here's the ref. I don't think it's the tensor fasciae latae since it's too lateral, so it might be either the sartorius or rectus femoris.
its shown going behind the main trunk of the leg, so i'd say its the hip flexor. sartorious would be relaxed/not expressed in that pose. rectus femoris would never(?) be angled that way in regards to the main trunk of the leg.
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Been drawing after finishing Michael Hampton's book, just referencing my own notes and trying to just learn by doing. I also tried reading Tom Fox's book, maybe because it's a pdf or maybe because I (perhaps foolishly) feel like I "know" what he's saying, or because his style isn't appealing to me, I'm just zoning out on his instructions. I think I want to read Bridgman's book or Vilppu's, but I want to avoid academizing my drawings and still have fun. Maybe Vilppu.
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Tfw you feel the form
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Trying to crawl back into the drawing habit this year. Every time I just fall off when I start making progress.
Wish me luck.
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Some hands from Imagination in the pastel bic pen - was quite happy with them
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>tfw pencil adds 25 pounds
I'm not sorry
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some figgies/gestures
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I like your figures anon! I used the one at the bottom as ref for a quick figgie
You’re like table guy 2.0
very impressive anon
i cant even draw hands this well using a reference
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Thanks Anon! So far I'm just counting figgies by the day, I think I'm gonna embark on a 30 day or 100 figure run and see what I can improve alone before picking up another manual
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Tried to render again. Dont like. I hope Vilppu will speak about rendering later on in his course.
I have problems from switching from drawing to painting.
Maybe? Unless you mean something different from the tensor fasciae latae. I went looking for muscle refs, and while it's lateral it corresponds with the angle.
>Unless you mean something different from the tensor fasciae latae.
nope, same thing
>Redraw gesture
>Compare them to older gesture drawings
>They 90% of them are objectively worse
I want to blow my brains out
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Figure painting allowed in the Figure illustrating thread?
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i tried.

didnt get the turn of her torso right, or a good sense of body pressing against leg, and trying to justify the pulled in leg narratively with that mooring bollard ended up being very awkward, but i like the mood.
Any specific methods to quick gestures? I'm somewhat new to this
I can't really demonstrate without a video but I usually do something like this for 1 min gestures
>Indicate flow
Most often I look for the asymmetric lines and indicate those, so think of looking for a tilt or twist, then putting down a couple of lines that show "this mass going this way, the other mass going the other way"
>Indicate largest masses
Then capture the biggest masses of a figure, which for me is usually starting with the pelvis or torso, depends which one is more "dominant" or in a more interesting position. This is usually done with just circles that I choose to treat as spheres. These masses follow the flow indicated earlier. Head usually comes last, idk why.
>Indicate tilt or facing or position of masses
Not sure what to call it but this usually happens at the same time as the last step, I just look for the "center" of each mass and sketch in a contour line to indicate that center. So this solidifies the position of the masses, and therefore the figure, in space.
>Add limbs
I don't use fancy limbs, I kind of have a bad habit of using a ball for deltoid, tapering triangle for bicep/tricep/humerus, ball for elbow joint, then another tapering triangle down to the wrist. This isn't the best because it's hard to indicate the position of the limbs but hey, it's a gesture. Ditto for legs, tapering triangle shape down to circle knee down to tapering triangle shape that connects to an indication of a foot triangle.
>Things I'm looking for
There's no "step" for this since it's just happening simultaneously but I'm looking for the leg holding the weight and using that as an anchor. There's usually a favored side that you can identify even at the masses step. Think of like a straight leg supporting a bent one.
>Add connections
Usually last step, add connecting lines. Almost always C or S lines, I'm looking for the pinched or stretched parts of the figure and just indicating areas where the masses are connected. Comment too long, my b
Thanks for the tips. I wasn't entirely sure if Hampton's a hack or not.
My sense of proportion is so fucking bad I'm not sure I can even do gesture drawings at all


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