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We had a reference pack sharing thread not long ago. My hard drive (and past almost 2 months of progress) died with it. The links in the archive don't work anymore.

I'd therefore like to revive the thread. Anons who are lurking right now should have the material - sharing is caring. I shall link a few things that still work:





Online reference sites:

Personally I only use sketchdaily and line-of-action. Sometimes I browse pinterest for creative refs, but they don't allow nudity and is therefore of limited use for artists.

Bodies in Motion was mentioned in one of Hampton's videos:
>bodiesinmotion 785 mb

>7GIF more functionality for gifs than your MS Photoviewer
Daily reminder no one needs huge images. Compress your packs, save up space.

Personally anything bigger than 2000px on the longest side doesnt make sense either. Resize ur packs and save space
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Dont forget to actually use your refs.
Use GesturesSesh(free, open source amd lightweight) and start drawing!
I like to zoom in to see skin surface "texture" and how shadow works.
Useless. Certainly not thousands of times
What for?
If it is useless for you, just scale it down for yourself. This should be a personal decision.
Memory is cheap and plenty.
Not even if your whole career is painting macro shots of human skin.
Stop making excuses to keep hoarding and start drawing
so as me... use jpegoptim for compress witout loss quality.. or just don t
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A bunch of Japanese ref
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Whare da asian bitch from?
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Thanks for doing the good work
>Daily reminder no one needs huge images.
I draw from a 4k 27" monitor rotated to portrait. The refs are visually similar to an actual figure modeling session in terms of how much FOV they occupy. I prefer huge high res images.
>4k 27" monitor
I heard OLED has burn-in issues, while IPS has problems showing colors as brilliantly (especially blacks are rather grey).
Ips, i don't worry about the color as much as value. No screen is good enough for color imo
good exemple of badly compressed set. that plus the bad light, it's even more frustrating.
I'm so lonely.
I don't think I can take it anymore.
you can have hundreds of begs look at you and be with you if you share a set of yourself.
Chubby men still are amiss in my reference folder!
Not even for photobashing this could be an excuse.
Get back to drawing. You dont need it anon
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I love when you tell me what I need anon.
Make an effort to talk to people, You're a human being you aren't meant to be alone. Look what happened to Tesla he developed a relationship with a pigeon. Get a part time job to interact with people- or do what I'm doing and date a girl who is far below your league, it sucks to have sex with her but boy she treats me like a king, plans dates and it feels nice to be valued for a while. Don't fall in love with her, you can delude yourself like Tesla did. One day she'll get tired of your shit. I plan to use her to get my confidence up because my life is in shambles and all I want to do is art.
What you are doing is evil. Don't waste her time.
Unlike you, women are on the clock.
Not that I don't understand your motives. I'd rather see hookers who treat me well than play a girl without any serious intentions.
Nah she know what this is. If she wants more I'll decline. We were talking about kids and she said "I'm too young" she is not too young. I'm not stringing her along we're just dating.
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I knew I recognized this guy...
The only 4K 27" OLED monitors on the market are stupidly expensive (>$1K), even at 32" they're really expensive since shrinking OLED TV pixels is hard
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some of the images in this pack is corrupt
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does anyone have this reference pack?
They were also shared last time.
The link doesn't work anymore.
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Any outdoors packs?
what the fuck is that vagina
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I'm most grateful
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someone hav?
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Thank you.
>going into unnatural positions to cover the pussy
This shit is so unhelpful. No one will ever need to draw this pose.
perfect. Even useful lighting.
Very normal and tender naked chick. I tend to prefer this to conventional models.
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>need to
Ah, who needs any drawing...
It can be quite teasing: just as lingerie covers up and yet can enhance the appeal.
Any good Trans model packs?
they have all unfortunally commited suicide
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Anyone haz pic related or muscle girl refs?
a bit annoying how the window shifts and resizes based on the image shown, but pretty cool little app nonetheless. thanks for sharing anon.
pureref's slideshow function works better imo.
Another anon made this, not as lightweight but the size doesnt change
Oh didnt know that, thanks!
thanks! ill check it out.
oh yeah, this one's better than gesturessesh for sure. thanks again.
I've been using this one
oh, thanks. that one's really good too. no custom time intervals is the one drawback i can see.
thank you based anon

thank you!
any with women wearing dress?
Any experienced anon can share which pose/photosets is actually instructive for drawing? Perhaps in terms of resolution, lighting, camera, etc. I don't know, just a beginner.
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any good packs for feet, hands and just face/facial expressions?
>pose/photosets is actually instructive for drawing
any pose is going to be instructive for drawing a person in that pose from that angle
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start with the big picture then work your way down to the small details. Pose/gesture down to lighting/shadowing.

this pack has some of what you are looking for
does she have any other pose packs?
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much appreciated.
Hi, does anyone have any books in this series?:

daratto shita pose catalogue
not really, but here is something with her

great job, wish people would post some of there drawings here as well.

I though I saw some on the artbook thread not sure though
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bumping with some zishy photo set
>wish people would post some of there drawings here as well.
Check over in /fig/ that's where I post mine.


Lmao these pirate threads have made me give artstation more than $200 on packs. I even bought the ones from here that I liked so I could post stuff with a clear conscience.

Source of pack?
Thanks! Do you have the uncompressed set by any chance? Hands and feet are quite blurry, it's not that big of a deal but if you still have the uncompressed version I'd gladly take it
Sorry don't know the source of the pack, download off a site

don't have the uncompressed set, but I do remember it was over 5gb maybe 8 or 9
thank you!
>wish people would post some of there drawings here as well.
posted my stuff from
in the /beg/ thread.
is also mine.

I use the reference every day and I am grateful for everyone posting packs here.

>pic from unrelated ref pack
>the file contains a virus or malware
what's going on?
I only got this warning once before.
don't know, your antivirus doesn't like zip files?
its all picture so nothing to worry about
it usually doesn't ping zip files
If anyone needs specific angles or clothes or poses that they can't find, let me know.
I'm always looking for females with a piece of cloth.
Historical clothes would also be interesting, if available.
Does anyone have a reference pack that is just hands and feet?
Thank you
Part of me thinks that's Noah offering his own stuff to pirate. Based.
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Ah I don't really have any historical clothes
>freshen ye drink, guv'nah?
shit, It's throwing the virus warning again.
Prince Andrew is eating good
funny cause the named of the ref pack is called all American

that going to be bad news for you because I have a bunch of these zishy packs
how about specific body types? I'm looking for unusual bodies: fat, emaciated, what have you. Not the standard healthy body. Unique looking breasts also welcome.
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Any chance anyone has this, or any of the packs of these two?

Bummer, she doesn't get naked.
sadly none of his model gets fully naked
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Cute girl
Any links for these?
They all have a dead cat in their crotch.
More like a dead rat
And that’s a good thing
What year are those books from??? Do Asian girls shave their pussies these days, or do they still have the custom of growing a bunch of pubic hair???
no, it is not.
It is if you're not a chomo like (you).
no, unless you're a fucking furfag like you.
It helps with the pixel censoring, but those jap faggots still add some black bluring on top of the bushes in those images. Failed society, failed nation.
Does anyone have any chubby and/or muscular girls?
>normal human thing
>common place until the explosion of pornography into the mainstream
He knows, he's just an hyperbolic pedo.
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Any good skull reference pack? Not of the human skeleton or anatomy, just skulls.
Only a real pedophile like you can relate something like that.
Google images
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very cute girl
seconding this. also requesting bald people.
thank you!
Need a heavyset woman like this but younger.
thank you!
lol small pp
fat piece of shit, how disgusting.
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Nice! Thank you.
Mamma Mia!
Windows shows a virus warning.
false hit, the files just have the images
>you will like what I do otherwise you're a porn head, and a pervert to.
No it really is not a good thing, too much is unhealthy asf, hence how easily it stenchs.
Likewise with zero pubic hair, it's not healthy either.
What the fuck is wrong with you anyway.....
Fucking gross, who wants to draw fat bitches [spoiler]Thank you[/spoiler]
Does anyone know where to find good references of statues/sculptures? Like the greek ones, doesn't have to be greek tho. All I get is paywalled images or shit quality
To add to this, any ref packs with historical clothes/drapery would also be great
Looks normal, femanon. That pussy tho....yikes!
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Does anyone have a thinner male reference pack?
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this was from the last thread
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Looking for gunman references poses. It can be either shotgun or rifle.

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