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NSFW OC Redraw thread

1: You can either post a brief backstory of your OC and/or redraw an OC that somebody else posted in the thread.

2: Make sure the OC isn't explicitly and immediately pornographic/sexual in their backstory and appearance so the redrawer has something to improvise upon.

3: Character design critique and discussion is welcome.

4: This is NOT a request thread. Artist Only. No spamming OC/infodumps for multiple threads without delivering.

6: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)
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Here is Naomi (the girl) with a Naomi (the arcade board). She plays arcade games and has other outfits based on Sega arcade machines, as seen here:
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Fuckin sweet. I gotta draw her with arcade machines more often. The machines are deceptively hard to draw. Post an OC and I'll draw them ASAP.
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To stimulate this thread I'll post some of my OCs.

On the left is Fayrann. She seeks to be a good mage, so no spells which mess with other people's minds, tears up the fabric of reality or Necromancy. She believes in using magic responsibly and only for the purposes of helping others.

On the right is Rilvani, a talented mage who takes pride in her magical ability. She has a haughty attitude and looks down on others, especially non dark-elves. Will she learn to be better or will she fall into darkness?
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On the left is Elizibeth, a breton. She's a warrior with a haldberd. She's very strategic when it comes to the art of fighting and has a plan for everything.

In the middle, isn't rilvani. Probably. She's an arsonist and seems uncharacteristically playful about being arrested.

In the right is Allessandra. A witch hunter type. She's very pushy and zealous when it comes to hunting heretics.
How long have you been drawing for? Very nice style.
Hot diggity dog. I think it's just found my new favorite general.
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screw it, if Judy is gonna be in the OP, might as well drop the girls in this once
Tina and Judy are life partners working a pharmacy in their little off the grid town.
Tina used to be(and as far as they're concerned still is) the leader of a small gang.
Anna is Tina's older sister, a cop
and despite having a husband might have a bit of a crush on Judy, or maybe is just jealous Tina found her first.
I have been drawing for 4 years. Thank you.

I would've asked for permission, but I didn't know where to contact you. Glad you're not upset though.
I dunno if you're the same anon that drew it, but I loved that fill
such great lingerie
so I might as well jump in and fire back some lingerie love on others
also if you are the same guy, I realized I don't know if you were just drawing or returning from something i did, so post a character

I'm not the one who drew that. I drew the one where she's next to the paladin guy(it wasn't my best work) but yeah I'm glad you appreciate Judy being on the cover of this thread haha.
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Her name is Sam, she likes exploring
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brother of all the details
the two tone bush is lore accurate lmao
thank you
I'm glad you liked it! Something about it looks off to me and I almost didn't post it, but now I'm glad I did. I've got some guys here >>7394081 you can draw for either thread, but don't sweat it.
Glad you like it anon, thought I'd do something playful and creative hah, plus I love bushes.
I wish I had put more effort but I've drawn all day today so I'm a bit tired.
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might as well share here too since someone already did something sexual with her.

Whitney, far too innocent Christian girl. She's an angel but corruption is fun
I tried making this a bit more defined but I don't know if this art direction is good enough for a single nude drawing.
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Woops. Posted it this time.
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Saint Nyren the Tender (Nyren Aurelia)
Npc from my DnD campaign.
A mixture between Griffith and Miquella minus their conceited nature.
Nyren is as likely to sacrifice himself to save a child as he is to sacrifice a child to save a town. He is long lived. I write him intentionally warm and soft. But he has a long history cold calculation when applicable. His choices don't lead to personal gain. And sometimes lead to personal loss. Like his eyesight and close friend.
I'm not drawing your loli bro, sorry.
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You wouldn't have been able to do her justice anyways.
Holy shit, is that rilvani giving her head!? Bwahahah. Feel free to post your OC if you have one.
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Lol yep, glad to see the joke landed haha.

How about Lavender Devil? She's like a black goop fae demon that zealously seeks out both emotional highs and lows
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Very nice! That's how I pictured her as a young adult, post ur OC dawg
She is 21m tall and loves small things
She lives on a permanently frozen Island where giant Animals live
I actually dont wanna sexualize my OC, i just wanna have fun making sexy drawings, glad you took that joke drawing well though, anon.
No worries, I when I posted Sam I was hoping for her being aged up, i should have clarified that. If you want you can post your OC in the other thread and I'll redraw.
Oh i see, wouldnt surprise me if a lolifag delivered something anyway kek, aged up aint so bad though.
I'll consider sharing my OC later then
This is hot. Thank you anon.
Looks good. I think the eyelashes being darker makes a big difference.
I love that it's a perfect KO. Ass looks great too. Thank you for drawing her.
>haha, I was just kidding about wanting lewds of my loli
>I thought you guys would understand that I actually wanted you to make her an adult
>haha, glad no one made that mistake
You're welcome to post your OC.
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Here you go, this is Little Susie
Haha, whoops!
I forgot to mention that she is a baby, and you should probably age her up, haha!

I guess I should have made that more clear, since I'm posting a baby in the NSFW OC Redraw thread.

My bad! Well at least I didn't wait a day, and not clarify that I wanted her aged up until after being called out!
That would have been embarrassing!
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Hmm yeah not my cup of tea, kind of disgusting, also concerning for sure, but here you go champ.
You people are a joke. The rule is that your OC has to of breeding age and if you feel like there is some ambiguity use catbox.

Sam here literally has tits and there are adult women who look like her and you're out here equivocating her with drawing an actual baby. Sam is fine, your joke OC isn't.
He admits himself
>when I posted Sam I was hoping for her being aged up, i should have clarified that.
Don't tell me she's an adult, tell him, smart guy
>The rule is that your OC has to of breeding age
who said that?
This was directed at him lmao.
You're the one that posted a baby wearing a diaper as some gotcha.
And then it was redrawn as some sort of gotcha.

There are no winners here.
kek, I assume this is a satire of that anon who posted Dora (but not really) the explorer.
You're the one that started this, there are no winners because it's an autistic rant
>You're the one that started this
That's funny, because I can clearly see who posted first
Says the antagonist that posted a baby in a diaper.
>says the freak who redraw a baby sexually and wanted redraws of another underage character
You sure showed me.
I love drawing little girls. https://files.catbox.moe/u9fhv4.jpg
Neato, drop ur OC plz!
Swiss girl!
She's very cute

Here ya go thx again
>Pedogarbage outside of it's containment
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https://catbox moe/c/nps2d5
https://catbox moe/c/7g38yg
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Name: Joojoo
Occupation: stuffed factory reject doll by way of missing feet and hands
damn this thread went to shit fast, shame
Chill, I'm working on some projects.
These are really interesting
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replying to myself to give more information, hes basically a runaway angel who didnt want to be fated as a warlord.
Is this lil fella a male?


I really need to switch back to watercolor
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dirty little whore
I really need to think over how I draw things. Most of these are failed drawings. I don't know why its so hard for me to draw a decent looking naked girl. It always fails. Maybe I should just stick with the SFW thread. Perhaps God isn't letting me draw good if it's an immoral drawing?
what is ur oc
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Here you go, hope u enjoy also thx for drawing my oc >>7395682
The demon is sexier than the girl kek
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much! However, I am not good at drawing women. May I lolify your characters?


My Oc's are



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I shouldn't be surprised, ggs
bro I just realized that one the rope holding her hands together has slack, and two, her hands are backwards. Lmfao. Goddamnit.
I just saw this drawing. Thanks for the redraw haha. I guess her magic didn't save her in this situation.
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in medieval times, bunny rabbit used to be called "cunny rabbit"
that's just an unrelated fun fact, she's an adult and let's keep it that way

(catbox it or janny mad)
i'll draw a bunch of fills tomorrow
I want to see this creatures genitals in your style
Here you go! https://files.catbox.moe/bbeyal.jpg
lol nice
Awesome! You're great at capturing this kinda stuff!
To stimulate this thread a bit I'll post another one of my OCs so people will have a drawing option that isn't a furry or loli.

Meet Allessandra, she's a paladin who's goal in life is to "eliminate evil". She's very much against homosexual behavior qnd is very accusatory of any magic users accusing them of being witches. She also gets set off at at people talking about astrology, people who live out of the cities, and anything which has a sniff of "heresy" Keep in mind the fact that she's a paladin, and they cast spells.

Feel free to corrupt her.
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Damn. I forgot the picture. Here she is.
Posting her again…again

Emo yeehaw, her lore is boring to explain but tldr: Woman who gets adopted by hunters as a child has her whole family killed, apocalypse happens and she runs out of food, joins a cult who then makes of her a cannibal against her will, escapes and now she likes to kill, fuck and vibe around trying to pretend she’s not traumatized…Oh and she likes taxidermy

Collects one-night stands like pokemon cards when doing her odd jobs…

For the people who like to suffer drawing partners instead of doing anons (love you):

Has one sided feelings for the blue guy, yet he doesn’t reciprocate her feelings even if aware of her crush on him...

They do get freaky in bed even if he doesn’t love her romantically tho, fwb

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i forgot the wrist's fur kek
Here you go, Nyren and emo yeehaw in there full bare assed glory
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I forgot the fucking image again
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I've been really sick and not able to draw really. So seeing this is nice especially wakingbup late at night to vomit.
I always like nyrens sensitive side the most. Why i posted here. Thank you anon


Here's what I've been dabbling with while on the couch.
Aww thanks sm for drawing my girl anon
I love the poses, her putting her foot on top of Nyrens is so cute to me!

Got any ocs? Is it the cute lamp girl and paladin from before?
Yeah, those are my ocs.
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Sorry for late reply y'all

Very nice, thank you, showing off what God gave her!

This looks great, feels very renaissance, thanks a bunch!

Tried doing Elizibeth, doesn't really look like her though, might be drawing another one.
lmao this thread is like half /lsg/
they're the only people that consistently draw desu. I'd say if there was a skill gradient it'd be heavily skewed towards lsg and then that one mech guy.
Mech guy is good he's already at adv/pro. I'd imagine they've at least held a couple contracts in the industry just based off the quality of their work. Obviously, their subject matter is kind of limited from what we see, but that looks more like a choice than a constraint. They're so skilled they don't even have to render or color. It's incredible ic has this resident mech artists but nobody even mentions them.
She's cute anyways thanks you
the angel in full glory, thank you anon, i already love it!

which reminds me, i need to do a bunch of doodling for this thread specifically, i'll get to it when my wrist heals up
He's missing glasses. Facial hair and his ears. But I'll get there. Also his hair needs a second pass. I want to make it more asymmetrical. But thank you
Don't give him facial hair! This is a woman and femboy only thread.
still i appreciate it
ok but boys can have a lil scruff and be cute

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