If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!>STICKY:Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Qw/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view>WHERE to get study materialsannas-archive.org>>>/ic/artbook>>>/ic/video>Want to practice figures?quickposes.comsketchdaily.netcharacterdesigns.comlovelifedrawing.composemy.artmangapose.comline-of-action.com>PYW and give your feedbackWhat can be improved?Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.>Cool teachersGlenn VilppuMichael HamptonSteve HustonBrent EvistonMarco BucciAndrew LoomisGeorge BridgmanHikaru Hayashi>Cool booksKeys To DrawingDrawing With the Right Side of the BrainHow To Draw Comics the Marvel WayThe Art and Science of DrawingFramed PerspectiveFigure Drawing For All It's WorthThe Complete Guide to Drawing From LifePrevious thread: >>7402985
Thread Challenge
Thread assignment exercise, let's see how's your observation level at...
>>7406944Sorry. Didn't see your post. Well, I like that ref too.
>>7406944>>7406945Look like AI.
Can anyone help me understand why my faces always come out incorrectly? It's like every single head I do is too wide or too long or too short, I can never seem to get a consistent face. I've been drawing for a year now and I'm frankly embarrassed at how I still can't do consistently good facespic rel is my process
Is it over?
looking for advice on backgrounds (how to detail them, how to make the character blend into them etc), any at all would help!>>7406963it's only just beginning, i like the bottom right one >>7406953i honestly can't either and end up just relying on transform tools to get that consistency right, i think there's no shame in doing the same if it helps!
>>7406967She has incredibly long upper arms and her elbow seems broken.As for your question, I have no idea.
why the FUCK does csps engine get brutally mogged by kritas? what is wrong with japan?
>>7406975What? Is Krita better than CSP by now?
>>7406979i just downloaded it for the first time and mixing paint feels so much better. like in csp im flailing in the water but now i can swim
>>7406975I switched from krita to csp and I hold the exact opposite opinion. It's preference
>>7406953if you're trying to do loomis you need two more lines on the face at the bottom of the nose and the hairline. do the construction over your favorite faces from artists you like and see what proportions they use
>>7406938New therereeadThis one is my sketchiest, but my favorite one yet.
>>7407004why did you whitewash her?
the more i draw the worse i getdoes being sick change your ability to draw bc ive been sick for days and desperately need an excuse for sucking so hardnot like i was good before but its gotten wore tried changing things up and doing a quick sketch rather than autistically laboring over one drawing for like an hour >>7406953faces are complex and humans are sensitive to minute variations due to the survival importance of recognizing different expressions and threat evaluationyou have to draw within the framework your brain already has for faces, whereas if you're drawing a caterpillar or something it's a lot easier to make it "work" bc your brain doesn't care as much about what the caterpillar looks like and is easier to recognize it as such
>>7407007If you’re sick then rest. Your cognition and motor functions are at their fullest
>>7406953I mean, this can work, anon. It's a style thing isn't it?Pic related is me just slappin hair and a neck.Do you want something on this line of style or you have something specific you are going for?
Any tricks to perspective I should be aware of? Also, is there a tendency to favor a left part of the picture over the right? I couldn't find many poses like the flipped pose I drew with the right shoulder(character's left) being the closer shoulder
>>7406963This is great stuff. About the figure you painted, that's the challenging one. You just have to apply some basic rational logic on how simple objects works when subjected to simple torsion, bending and perspective. The body is like a metal chain. If you twist a chain the links in the chain won't disappear all of a sudden, or shrink and deform out of our dimensional reality. The body is a solid object and it is subjected to the same laws of physics. The trick is to understand the basic muscle groups and the sequence that connect them. In example Lats>Serratus>Abs>hip/crotch area>legs, etc. That's a sequence of muscle connections, that can-not be broken or modified, those links in the chain must be accommodated all together in that sequence. And you can make that linked sequence of muscles as simple and stylized as you want, as long as you don't break the limits of how those solid objects twist and bend all together.Drawing twisting solid objects in perspective could be a good exercise.
caught a thread somewhat early to post.i tried drawing bigger (which is something i should be doing more often), pretty dissatisfied with how it went after i inked it..
>>7407027I really like Modare's art so I'm trying to do stuff likr him, but everything I do turns out like this and it just looks really bad
>>7407071this was another attempt that turned out really bad
>>7407071So, I looked at this artist and got what you are saying. Maybe you should try to trace how you construct a head on their work to see the difference.
>>7407004I drew a mouth like that last night
Probably the last work of the year
>>7407092You get paid for this?
>>7407093No, why would I?
>>7407011yeah good advice lmaouhh somethings not working right atm
test doodles that I'm actually kinda proud of
is it really so hard to draw that makima picture?I think I'll draw it tomorrow
>>7407109go back to drawing sparth ships and sexy erotic women please...one day you will be a professional famous artist :)
>>7407154which one, the front or the side view
>>7407129Based mid 90s protags
>>7407097You called it work. It's fun reaction image. I wasn't giving you shit
third drawing, went for a pokemon this time instead of a real animal
>>7406938i just started and i am trying things outi started drawing shapes to train hand and then made stairs and then hitler doors and then i did small piece i wanted to draw full medieval like town street but i got boredis there a site that just shows medieval/fantasy style bulidings and streets? i'm thinking style of tibia 7.3 main menu streetpica way to learn krita? i just used very basic things and was wondering if there's some quick video toturials made by autist for autist that explain what buttons do whattell me if i got rails descending stairs on the left and second floor door's iron bars right i am bretty proud of them (yes they are unfinished)i had fun drawing this, regardless of end result also i mainly focused on perspective and tryied to controll my pen since i just started and want to train muscules
>>7407162This is too soulful for this thread, even board. Go draw some children's books anon
>>7407162Is that sun Hitler?
Fuck me I cannot draw skinny characters, maybe I should try to force myself to do more of Shirow Miwa's stuff
>>7407168can you draw any characters?
>>7407163how is this soulfull lmao>>7407167>Is that sun Hitler?door too i had problems with curve since someone on /beg/ told me i should practice long linesso i had few tryies and then it looked like hair and.. oh well
>>7407170Eh if they're round
>>7407170Be nice anon.
>>7407177Even the robot thinks I'm round. Maybe I should just roundmaxx
>>7407180It's fine, the anger helps me grow.
Too tired to draw today, it sucks and I'm angry
>>7407196Me too anon. I've been crazy sick since Monday. It's taken me 3 days to do 30mins of work of this shit >>7407088because I get so fucking nauseous. I wanted to do more hatching study but I just don't got the energy to copy panels
>>7407200he looks cute
I've been playing Minecraft a lot recently and was inspired. Despite practicing endlessly, I struggled with 3D shapes, especially cubes and prisms, so I was hesitant at first. I had fun, might even color it later.
>>7407201Then drawing on my bathroom floor was worth it. Thank you.
>>7407202You know point perspective, right? This would be *the* opportunity to nail that stuff down.
>>7407211he's soulmaxxing right now, hes transcended the mortal coil anon
>>7407109Very nice
>>7406938guys i'm a retard that just started, how do i make the star think in krita like the guy in 7:25 here?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxoTwEdbbgQ&t
>>7407232He literally says how in the next couple seconds.
>>7407233never mind i think figured it out i just drew a line duplicated layer and then duplicated it again>>7407232ye but i mentioned i'm a retard i just started and learning krita?
>>7407237you should learn krita-cal thinking first
>>7407240>krita-cal thinkingoh fug what is this then?
i am tiring of fucking up trad i think im going to finally buy a draw pad
>>7407156the side view
>>7407232Doesn't Krita have a perspective tool? It's been some time, but I remember something like that.
>>7407232holy fuck you don't need to draw any star there's this assistant tool bulid in krita pic relthis is amazing
>>7407254lol 2 seconds apart >>7407251
>>7407251yes i found it in pic rel just before your post amazing stuff>>7407254fug someone should make a "what button does what" toturial for retards
>>7407250>drawing fotm fap fodder
>>7407257There's an user manual anonhttps://docs.krita.org/en/user_manual.html
>>7407258its been 3yrs when is this month over
>>7407261idkwhen ppl get better taste
>>7407259i know but knowing me unless i see simple explaination or example i will struggle to learnyou know like that situation with car differerencial and that video from 50's
>>7407264You could be a bad bad boy who uses AI and just use chatgpt whenever you have a question on how your paint program works. It's pretty helpful
>>7407262>>7407258Chainsawman part 1 and part 2 is peak. The main character's struggles are very reflective of our current times, about a doomer idiot kid who ends up having to grow up while dealing with the entire world trying to fuck him over
>>7406938>My shitfigs went into a baker's image Ouch. Motivation I guess. Does anyone use in motion? Gonna check it out once I'm back home on a bigger screen, looks interesting.
>>7407275>Does anyone use in motionBodies in motion* my bad
>>7407274>while dealing with the entire world trying to fuck him overYeah bro, this is totally reflective of your struggles.It is a good manga though.
>>7407272chat GPT is gay also i'm just impatient from years of bullshit that people pushed on mewell thx anyway
>>7407278It is a good manga and it is reflective our current struggles. What I like about Chainsawman is the context it exists amongst other shonen manga. Other manga and media often portrays protaganists who aim for lofty goals like world peace or gaining large amounts of status but Chainsawman starts with a man who just wants to survive and find meaning in his life. Denji gets what he wants time and time again and ends up wanting things that end up grounding him more, (wanting to have quiet family life with Nayuta, have a girlfriend who loves him ,etc). Most of the growing generations have many of the same mentalities and struggles of Denji- the don't want money or power, they just want to live comfortably, eat good food, and have people love and remember them above all else. Most people I would argue, are still stuck at Part 1 of Denji's character- purely trying to survive and pay for rent , food etc.
>>7407274>who ends up having to grow up while dealing with the entire world trying to fuck him overBruh, that's literally every teen superhero ever.Like, that's the plot of all Spider-man movies
>>7407285As for the "dealing with the entire world trying to fuck him over", most of that is metorphorical, obviously. Devils don't exist in our world (i hope), but the fact that they work in tandem with the government and constantly do things that fuck over society is a pretty nice way of saying even the government isn't your friend. In a lot of ways the irony of the devil contracts mirrors how politics behave in our world- in order to defeat corruption/evil, many people try (and fail) to enter the corrupt system in order to bring change to the world. Denji, a simple man is the only one who ends up stopping Control which I thought was great. Again, when you actually think about what the context the show was made in and what symbols it uses, I find it to be very enjoyable>>7407292And many people continue to enjoy Spiderman for this reason. Just because many people enjoy it doesn't make it slop. People can execute it poorly of course, but I particularly like Chainsaw man's approach to conveying its messages.
>>7407294>Just because many people enjoy it doesn't make it slopI'm just saying it's not the only story that does that, I actually like both of them. Just, yk, read another book and all that.
>>7407274Based Makima enjoyer dabbing on the plebs.
>>7407311Fire Punch is better. Better art too.
damn who knew a short story would have better art than a fucking weekly series
>>7407321Yeah, fire retard was kino.
what do you anons do when you're in that phase where nothing comes out right
>>7407328Agreed, Fire Punch was great. Hopefully it can get an anime adaptation.
>>7407330trash the drawing and work on something else
>>7406944Hard for a beg to see the right arm/shoulder/torso connection due to the shadows and black top. But that one and the one below are better thread challenge pics than in the past few threads. Thank you.Can't wait to draw the girl below tomorrow!
>>7407334Just noticed: I forgot to blue-outline the other leg properly. Alas!The manly urge to post your work quickly.
>>7407334NTA, you can either invent the right shoulder or you can work in value and make is a lost edge.
one day
>>7407157radical dudewarmup from today, I'm trying to work on shading and I ended up ignoring the anatomy because of it, I think the shading is alright but it could use work
>>7407334This is why you learn your FUNdies. Think about how cloth works, and how it would have to stretch and fold to get the arm into that position. The way you've drawn it, it looks like that shirt is sewn into that pose.
>>7407354unhelpful post
>>7407357Do you want me to illustrate how sleeves work, or are you going to actually take the initiative and try to figure it out yourself?
i will never be an artist
>>7407354do you talk about the right arm or the stretching between the breasts?I do see how the arm is going backward, away from the viewer (and ofc is bent), which does explain the folds of the cloth. If you mean the cloth stretches around the shoulder: my screen isn't displaying this well (I just assume you can see some stretching).Perhaps you mean the cloth in general, but frankly I am not far enough in my studies to work on that yet, considering I have only just started heads this week. Therefore I cannot quite see what you mean exactly with the arm position.Thanks for feedback, though. Will focus on drapery for next thread challenge featuring clothes.
>>7407250damn this is good
>>7406967But I'm a hopeless virgin! It never began!>>7407038>>7407038You're that guy that does the tube nipples. I am flattered to garner your attention. I don't know about all that complex studying stuff but I'll keep drawing things that interest me and hopefully succeed with my brute force approach
>>7407367Right arm, shoulder in particular. There's not a lot visible in the reference, so you just have to make it up. Which is more doable if you take some time to figure out how cloth behaves when you move it around and manipulate it.Here, I drew you an example, probably not 100% accurate, but good enough to illustrate the point. You can see how as the arm moves up, the cloth moves with it, and it stretches between the position it's sewn into (arms at the side) to where it is now. You can grab a tube of paper, and bend it around to see what kinds of shapes folds make with certain motions.
>>7407038great stuff. Blog?
>>7407274>ends up having to grow upnot reflective of our times
>>7407380very insightful, thank you.
>>7406944>>7406945Best I got at the moment, at least I can feel it straining my "get better" muscles
>>7407160I am quite happy with how it turned out. Although I will learn how to do shading later
>>7407366too late, u already are
Is there a drawabox equivalent for painting?
>>7407211I know the very basics of it; I never looked into it beyond, "place point and draw parallel lines.">>7407227I wish.
>>7407484Maybe Ctrl+Paint
I have an ipad and a pencil, what's the best drawing program that's free or free adjacent
>>7407495get procreate for 13 dollars there's nothing better on Ipad and it's a one time purchase
>>7407495what kind of pencil the touch sensitive one or the normal one
>>7407495IBS paint
>>7407518>>7407495*IBIS PaintXMy bay
another scrawl from today, making progress
>>7407538I like this guy
>>7407484paint a box
advice on how to draw arm muscles? I feel comfortable with the forearm but the bicep is where I feel it looks wrong.
>>7407545do you draw gay hentai, those are cute characters>>7407549penis vibes
>>7407378>You're that guy that does theNo prob anon! I guess that's the secret, draw what you like always for fun.>>7407383Thanks anon! I don't have a blog, I just post flashes on /f/, at weekends mostly.
Hello between the complete and new collaborative links which one is the best for a beginner trying to learn to draw? I also had a look at the board sticky and saw that the squidoo link gives me a warning. Is that something that is relevant?
>My art in the OPoh shit am I officially /beg/ now?I thought I was pre-/beg/ and worse than everyone here
>>7407562the sticky is old and not functional. (4chan is not really an active site outside of the big boards and even then) if you want an intensive course try drawabox.otherwise just find something you like and draw it for fun and then try to improve on your mistakes
>>7407572Next station: "INT", Have a nice trip, Mr Beg.
>>7407572my traced wolf is on the OP and I started 3 days ago what does this means
Drawing one Makima every day for the month of December to see how much I can improveDay 19: Tried to do another no reference one, but I decided half-way through to use a reference instead. So this one I can tell is off perspective wise because in the reference shes leaning forward.I was also intimidated by drawing a side profile last time so I didnt want to do it again but then I realized being afraid of drawing is reddit as fuck so the next few days are gonna be all side profiles.
>>7407562all of the stickies kinda suckso do all the books, btwand all youtube channelsyour only hope is probably a mentoror learning japanese / chinese / korean and gaining access to the actually good art instruction out there
Is painting its own skill? I always kinda thought of it as advanced drawing.
>>7407584no, is animal drawing different from figure drawing?It's all just drawingjust, instead of lines, you're drawing with shapesand you have to memorize lighting patterns, color, edges instead of human anatomy or perspectiveit's all just memory. memorizing perspective, mermozing bones, memorizing color
>>7407497I might later>>7407514Pressure sensitive>>7407519I'm trying this for nowMan, digital drawing is so much harder than normal drawing. And I can't even normal draw. It just feels so unnatural
>>7407645the request I was given was>zojja bullying alphinaud
I feel like im at the point where I can draw anything I want but I'm still like beg level in painting/rendering. I feel like I can shade anything in bnw then use gradient maps but obviously that method has many drawbacks, and the effect looks compromised. Also there's uncertainty of what the drawing will look after the gradient map gets applied.I should probably try an approach where the sketch is not just lines and shading but tones too, no drawing in the dark hoping the colors will look good when I apply them later
>>7407612>MemorizeUnless you are a copyfag, there are tons of other aspects, like the mechanics of a line, the logic of perspective, hell, even the feel of shit is an important aspect.
wanted to try something. it kind of almost works if not look into it too much. probably
>>7407680how did you learn to paint? What's your process?
>>7407659i change the wording to make concepts easier to digest for begs. of course it's not all memory, a lot of it is a fundamental rewiring of the brain. but vague terminology is one of the biggest hurdles in drawing, for example the confusion of 'gesture'
>>7407552I should really do that more often
>>7407686If you use "memorize" instead of these vague concepts, then the word "memorize" becomes vague, and you are back in square one.Biggest hurdle for begs is not enough drawing, not words.
>>7407693nothing vague about memorizing
I'm doing Marco Bucci's CGMA course and week 1 demands that I study the composition of a few movie shots but I can't think of any movies with good compositionAnyone have a website where I can just find some cool movie shots or something?
>>7407573>drawaboxThanks for the recommendation. I'll give it a try, looks like they start with cylinders and I had started trying to draw cubes and from different perspectives, so looks like we're headed in the same direction. Anything else please link me (I can pirate some online courses too), I'll have a look through the hackmd in the thread sticky. >draw something you like I mean I don't really have anything I want to draw, I just want to improve my drawing skill and eye. Also saw pewdiepiew's recent video and it seems like a trap to draw whatever you feel like cause you might just draw things you think you're good at or what you like and not stuff you suck at, and consequently won't improve. So I prefer that stuff and also the drills to be selected by people with more experience in teaching so they are useful and I don't have to try to figure out what to study. I saw there is another thread for drawing besides this one, what's the deal with each one?
>>7407684I didn't. on technical level I suck ass.
>>7407711mogs me
>>7407711tell us anyway senpai
>>7407698Ffs, you mentioned "memorizing anatomy", are you talking about literally memorizing, as in learning all the bones and muscles and commiting them to memory, or are you talking about figuratively memorizing, as in learning and practicing until you "get it"?If it's the former, you are dumb, if it's the latter, any figurative speech is inherently vague.>>7407699Filmgrab is a good site, but it's incomplete.Alternatively, search "best cinematography", pick a movie and then search "name of movie + movie still".Can you share the name of the course? Didn't know he had one there.
>>7407736you must have some strain of autism my friend
>>7407741Brotha, we are on a corner of 4chan bout drawing, we all either have autism or ADHD.
>>7407745NTA, but I've never seen tips about drawing while having ADHD. I would like some.
>>7407751I don't think I have ADHD, but maybe work on multiple things? Like, 20 minutes of gesture, then 30 of painting, then 25 of your project, etc
>>7407680disgusting style
Can someone help me with the anatomy of thisLooks really off to me
What do you do when you feel like you've been stuck on a piece? I'm seeing some small upgrades here and there but it feel like i'm running in circle redoing the same stuff over and over and it's taking way too much time. I'm beg too so its not like the extra effort are going to make a masterpiece or anything.>>7407806Its cute
Some of my stuff.1
>>7407832It was a focus on values btw, I dodged them for too long, and it's really difficult.
Has anyone tried and finished some of Sam Nielsons' courses? Do you look like picril? I'd grasp some of the ideas he's explaning (mostly theories with pictures), but I've watched like 4 hours of videos and could hardly tell what was I listening to, lol.
>>7407833This looks great, I'de just use harder edges for some of your shapes/values.
I'm thinking about using scented pencils as I train. For something I'm not good at, or just learning, I'll use the shit scented ones like lemon. Once I'm a bit more confident, I'll progress to the good smelling ones like pine. That way I reinforce something. I don't know what, but something. Thoughts?
>>7407736The Art of Colour and Light
>>7407709If you don’t want to draw why are you drawing
>>7407905I do, where did you get the idea I don't? I said I had nothing in particular that I was that excited to draw.
one drive just recommended me a drawing I made from back in 2020 when I first started my journey. It's a nostalgia blast. Thought I'd share it here with you guys.
>>7407921here's another one. lol
>New: the Fast Sketch Plugin for Kritatime to dump shita and move, idk, to firealpaca or even mypaint
fuck this i give upi thought to myself "oh i'll just fix up that anime study, it's just the face it should only take me half an hour or so, then i can do some other studies fir a while"nopeit has to be so goddamn precise oh my god, everything has to be proportional, the eyes have to be JUST the right size and spaced the EXACT right distance apart, nose and mouth need to eb in the right places with enough space on each side, the face can't be too wide, aaaaggghhh fucki redrew the mouth a thousand times and i'm still not happy with any of it why is this so fucking HARD?!
>>7407946flip canvascheck features relative to othersright now the edge of your mouth extends past her right pupil while it lines up in the originaleyelashes extend past pupil for both eyes instead of ending at itetc
Started with Michael Hampton's book in October but restarted and reread the first half in November because my results weren't great... I feel like I'm marginally better now, I'm at the part of his book that switches to skull construction. I figured I better apply the first half to a bunch of figures before moving on but man I want to take a month off to study portraits exclusively so my figs don't stay ugly. All in stride I guess.
>>7407946>it has to be so goddamn preciseyep i also struggle with symmetry and proportions.because of this i can't relax and "just draw". drawing is like a rocket science to me. very hard. i can't even draw wojaks without significant distortions
>>7407709> seems like a trap to draw whatever you feel like cause you might just draw things you think you're good at or what you like and not stuff you suck at, and consequently won't improveI feel like this is wrong you will always find something to improve with each drawing
first time making a piece, broken lumbar spine
>>7407923would smash
>>7407974she couldn’t find a bra her size lol
>>7407978its flying away in the far distance, look at the spot left to the palm tree
>>7407946Draw what you see. If it looks wrong, use an eraser. That's it. Are you that retarded?
i want to oppose aijeets but i don't have enough strength or talent...
>>7407946>it has to be so goddamn precise oh my godyeah, that's why teachers recommend to start with 'easier' subjects (rocks, plants, bugs, etc)a rock can still look nice if it's inaccurate, a human face not so much
>>7407986how tf are they easier? rocks can be very detailed and tricky, plants are kinda ok but some of them also can be very detailed, insects are just difficult., require understanding form and symmetry. your teachers are rigid retards. drawing le epic bugerinos won't help me to draw fotm animu waifuslop, it's a fucking waste of time
>>7407990Just trace them dude nobody's going to know or care
>>7407956>>7407976what makes them hot anons im confused lmao
>>7407990>how tf are they easier?I put 'easier' in quotes since they require the same accuracy skills, but your emotional response won't be triggered if you draw a rock or a bug slightly offa nice drawing (even if somewhat inaccurate) will motivate you to continue drawing, so try to get some easy wins in between
>>7407984just ignore them
Can someone help me with the arm, like my character is squaring up and also checking his fist.
>>7408065use ref
>>7407946You are too focused on the proportions of individual features, when in reality you should look at the size of the head.
It wasn't great to begin with but i feel that i really fucked up with colors
>>7408074You did, now instead of feeling, try to breakdown what it is exactly you did wrong. I could point it out to you, but self reflection is a skill that should be trained. The better you get at breaking down what you did wrong, the better you can self teach and improve.
>She also got her picture takenI tried to make the clothes and folds look better this time. how does she look?
>>7408079I had too many layers and got confused while picking the colours for shades, the values got worse. I heard that painting in gray is a better approach for digital, but i should either get better at it or start shading with proper colors right away
>>7408082Draw her other eye. Can you even draw both eyes? Show me what happens when you lift up her hair on that side.
>>7408071whats this book called, is the english version on ehentai?
>>7408085Okay that's a fair assessment, but I'll point you in the right direction. Look at the background of the reference. The value is much more saturated and darker in value than your light blue background. This affects your overall value scheme and colors. It fucks with your perception of local color. I don't know if you're going to redo this, but if you are, instead of your light blue background, try to match your blue to the blue of the reference. At the very least it will bring all of your values lower and also saturate your colors.
>>7408082Holy soul! You win the thread!
>>7408093I don't like redoing failed art but thank you a lot. I keep messing up values
>>7408099If you take one thing away from this then let it be this. When painting or setting up your values pay attention to the background. It will almost instantly help you select better colors and values purely because of the way your brain is perceiving contrast. Gl
Can I get critique
>>7408090I don't want to :D>>7408098I'm glad you like her
>>7408103You should do more cloth studies, her sleeves and shirt folds look awkward
What are some things I could fix while in the construction faze?
>>7408104I've been trying learn to form folds and make them look more natural. I'll try
>>7408082cyclops-chan you're king of all /beg/'s. not because of your skill, but because of the sheer effort you always put into your drawings. everyone should have this much passion, This is SOUL
>>7408082Nice work on the rendering anon. Thought the constant bullying on that cute OC puts me in a depressing mood every time. It's like being given micro doses of poison, little by little.
>>7408113Nah that's Pawell.
>>7408126Pawell puts more effort everyday for better or for worse
>>7408126pawell is king of /int/'s
>>7408129Honestly? Fair, he's been grinding so much that some of his drawings are finally crossing into int status. Good on him, I think he'll make it
>>7407972Don't get what you mean, I didn't say anything about that and I agree you will. My point was about spending too long focusing on just one thing and not improving in other areas. Like pewds was just drawing anime girl faces over and over and over.
>>7406990>>7406991"Fun" №1281
>>7408135King of pre-beg's. his latent talent is yet unrealized
>>7408131Uh no. Only person that would say what you just said is Pawell samefagging the suggestion that he's king of the /ints/.
>>7408144Pawellbros our response?
>>7408145There aren't any pawellbros.
>>7408101You are already /pro/. Leave.
>>7408147I'm a pawellbroI admire his grit
>>7408137Maybe one day he will actually draw and realize that talent
>>7408137I'm sure he feels good about being potentially good.
>>7408137autists ngmi.His resistance to learn or adapt or even to draw are the surest ngmi indicators. You look at the grind and overlook how he is just procrastinating with an extra step.
>>7408145he isn't /int/, but he's a very good /beg/ and he will be /int/ for sure.
>>7406945I watched this Zapata vidhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWwSHk0t3fM And decided to try on the thread challenge. Like he said, it was more about having fun than anything.
>>7408194If you gonna use black for the shadows on her, you gotta do for the background too. And this brush for hatching isn't really complementing the brush for spot blacks.
Should I learn all about shading lights and darks before I fuck with any color?
>>7408184I wonder if it's almost like a crippling fear of failure. I kinda have the same problem at times where I catch myself browsing when I should be drawing and I think a big part of that is an underlying fear of failing.Or I'm just completely wrong and he's just some weirdo.
>>7408063Is he polish? Why is head so flat at the back?
>>7408205its cut offits a bargue plate copy
>>7408198Nice work anon!
>>7408198Good work. I've think I've had the most breakthroughs in applying the lessons I've been studying to my own work when I'm relaxed and having fun.
>>7408082I love you cyclops-chan. She is so cute
>>7408208You should make that more clear then cuz now he looks slavic. Also your values aren't dark enough
>>7408234yeah i was still working on it.im leaving it at this.
Redlines, please? Thanks in advance.
>>7408082i havent even attempted to draw clothes yet
>>7408237Literally just use a reference
>>7407162>>7406938i am redrawing my hitler door streetthe objective is to train my hand so it's not wobbly and to train perspectiveopinions? i don't draw from ref
>>7408249>i don't draw from refUse one it's your training wheels. If you don't use the training wheels you will scrape your knee anon.I must however declare that the drawing is very sovl
>>7408249>i don't draw from reflol
>>7408249>>7408253>>7408255its not even training wheels. every good artist uses references, its stupid not to.
>>7408253>>7408255>>7408268>every good artist uses references, its stupid not to.Oh.well you live and learnwhat i should put on this street?i am thinking staris leading downwards on the leftsimple beach with pier in back ground on lefthitler suncart on street like the one from skyrimrailings for stairssome 3d-ish bulidings on the right streeta duck/ducklings? i alredy have amogus
>>7408285Add a bread stall
perspective status?
>>7408313Something is up.
>>7408313Magazine is off, you wouldn't see the front as much
>>7408313what rifle is that trying to be?
How will drawing realistic figures translate to drawing sonic
>>7408323drawing proportions i guess
>>7408323Train your eyes and hands on something familiar so that you quickly recognize proportion and form and can deform that bipedal shape into whatever
>>7408319Looks like some variant of the AK by the receiver, but the handguard and barrel look like a G3.
I tried to tidy up my mess a little bit. for better or for worse,
>>7408345Looks like the Finnish RK95
>>7408149Nowhere near pro. I'd like to think I'm at least intermediate
>>74083195.56 sako rk 95 tp
>>7408354this looks like someone put an ai anime face filter over a realistic painting. the face is distractingly out of place
>>7408360I knew that looked very familiar. I've also drawn the Finnish rifle. I drew RK 62 but with the new stock. Are you Finnish too? >>7408116She is a good and resilient girl. She can take whatever the army throws her way>>7408232>>7408241:D
>>7406945>>7407334Daily.Did not yet study cloth and drapery yet, but recognize the need. Observation without understanding really made drawing the jacket a rough experience.WThe weekend allows for some study and research time.
>>7408387Try to be a little more mindful with your lines. For example, the abs aren't defined enough in the ref to be sectioned off. A line insinuates an object is in front of another object, or a hard crease. The form around the abs is pretty smooth, she's far from a chiseled physique.
>>7408392should it be purely done with shadows/hatching?Or left blank?I'll actually experiment with both approaches rn.
>>7408393Either way, up to you to figure out.
>>7408387That poor pussy
>>7408387I like this one. The head position in the ref is really hard to pull off, and you did a really great job at it.
Man the file limit is way too low. 4MB is nothing. Can't post nothin'.
>>7408404some baginers hang like that. dont bodyshame.
How do I fix the arms.
>>7408375the way you draw weapons is so good cyclops-chan. I like the level of detail and depth you are able to draw them in trad
>>7408387>>7408392Here's a tip that might help. If you duplicate your ref, blur it a bit, and set it to "divide" on top of the original, it'll highlight rapid changes in value for you. These are what your lines should focus on (as far as form is concerned anyway, still have to pay attention to occluding objects). More blur will pick up finer details.
>>7408421https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrLuPapCu_sGo ahead, try to put your head in there
>>7408407You can put it on paint and redimension your drawing. Used to be a suggestion here that you should post at max 1000x1000
sona warmup doodle
>>7408333>>7408338Is this actually true or are you memeing
>>7408432Thanks, I'll try that.
>>7408442This shit don't work, says the bitmap is invalid. Fuck it.
>>7408375No wonder youre finnish, your artstyle is ugly just like your people. And you samefag so much as well
>>7408452Stop crabbing the /ic celeb and PYW
>>7408410arms look okay but the connection from ribcage to pelvis is throwing me off, it feels kinda flat but it's hard to feel the form in that pose so idk
>>7408462How would the connection from the ribcage to the pelvis?
>>7408407I send pictures to my girlfriend on messenger. Messenger is actually a really good file compressor. Just re-download the image from the chat and it almost always averages around 3.8 for really big pictures.
>>7408465you might have luck drawing a pelvis in something erasable so that you can highlight where the abdomen meets the hipbones, or find a reference that does it. key is to find landmark body areas that standout in that pose and show them. you can see what i mean here, it shows a distinct connection by skeleton and skin and muscle at the abdomen area, from ribcage to pelvis.
>>7408404>>7408399yes, I notice now as well.In an earlier stage of the sketch it looked a bit better (or rather_ closer to ref), but the thigh gap was too large and I fixed it by cutting the layer a bit and pulling the parts together. In this process the pussy got messed and I lazily redrew it and somehow reverted back to some symbol drawing shit.I'll be more mindful next time.>>7408422Might help. Thanks for sharing this technique.>>7408403Thanks!
>>7408194efficient, nice hatching
Sketch of a scene from a D&D homebrew campaign I ran a while ago.
>>7408489Damn, someone is having fun while drawing.Quite rare around here. Where's the floating heads and figures I am so used to?I am too /beg/ to give advice, though.
>>7408489From a scifi horror story I'm writing. Not going to go into detail, it is essentially a subhuman thing created by a bitter AI. Through genetic modification and selective breeding has altered humans into heinous new forms as vengeance for their many "crimes". This type functions as basic patrol guards in the sprawling super structures of the Machine God.
Ok cracker
New thread :^)?
>>7408522no, too early, wait until this gets to at least page 7
>>7408529I never see the point in this, since everyone is just witholding their art until next thread
>>7408531not true, the last thread wasnt abandoned until it was on like page 8 or so and ppl were still participating then. if anyones withholding, its because ppl make new threads too soon and then there ends up being like 3 beg threads up at once.
wip of some Christmas art, pose kinda feels off but I think it'll be alright
>>7408538red guy's legs look way too short, especially the extended one
>>7408531withholders are pussies and let them suffer, while real artists simply post and have fun. No one cares about your precious doodlesanyway.
>>7408540Thanks. Last one for now, a hynn drone. ("Hynn" are the humans who were twisted by the machine god)
couldnt save this drawing so it looks pretty ass, more of a lesson than anything im actually proud of, do like how I did the shading though
>>7408581Very close to the Half Life 2 design. Is that accidental or intended?Quality looks good enough for a webcomic. I think practicing skulls and faces would elevate your art some more.
how do i get people to notice my art...
>>7408619Damnitall. You're not the first to point that out, it wasn't intentional. Might as well discard the drone design and make a new one.
>>7408638Can start by posting it here, well try to give you what feedback we can.
>>7408616I think it's cute
>>7408489I also draw dnd characters. You should extend the rouges arm rather than pulling it back
>>7408690thank you! now that its been a bit Ive come to realize it isn't that bad, I can do better obviously but I'm not as disappointed anymore ^_^also holy shit YOUR art is cute, how do you get clean lineart? is it just a steady hand or do you use a stabilizer?
I gave foreshortening a shot and it looks off to me any ideas how to make the hand look more palm-up?
>>7408711i didn't realize ive had the stabilizer off this entire time but i dont like it anyway its too slow. anyways i draw like this since it improves visual clarity in the hopes i can better see what im doing.
>>7408745also my sketch lines are shitty as fuck lol
>>7407921>>7407923What does your art look like now?
>>7408800It's gotten better but I feel embarrassed posting it here.
>>7408814 strange picture. everything is nice but wrong, shadow fill between legs is not good too
not really sure how to add colors that make sense
Drawing one Makima every day for the month of December to see how much I can improveDay 20: As I said yesterday, avoiding drawing something you're bad at out of fear is peak nodraw reddit, so I'll be doing a few days of side profiles to get better at them instead of continuing to be afraid of them.Its a little rough from all the drawing and erasing but I think shes a little less mannish this time
>>7408745>>7408771oooh, I see I see, I really like your very free style of sketching to me at least it looks a lot more lively? dynamic? don't know the word im looking for but I like itI think I rely a little too much on construction myself, but I still like how this turned out
>>7408130>>7408858I mean it's good. What else can we say about it?
>>7408840Could you share your reference? The chapter number, page number. My advice is to erase cleanly. Don't be lazy. Buy a harder pencil and a better eraser if you have difficulties erasing the lines. Use lighter touch.
>>7408741Check the mirror or take a photo of yourself.
>>7408868I have it saved right here, don't mind the watermark. I just look up images on google.It would probably be better for me to look through and reference just from the manga instead, with the more focused linework. Yeah I'm just using regular ol number 2 pencils, the eraser on this one is just getting kinda worn down. Doesn't have a whole lot of life left
Carl Barks' Porky of the Mounties
>>7408879I've posted it on here a few times already ive been told its pretty decent
gave it a burl ives
roughs, or as we used to say in school'sloppy copies'
>>7408840>>7408880I don't understand why don't you just copy the picture? I'm not even saying you should get the exact shape. But it's obvious you skipped a lot of lines that exist on the reference picture. It's not the time to get creative, anon. Draw what you see. It's practice. You only have 11 drawings to go. Don't waste them.
>>7408900What you mean like trace over it?
Pre-beg here. Not looking for criticism(though it is of course appreciated), cause I know everything about this sucks. I have no clue about shadows, color, texture, my anatomy sucks, the entire room is crooked, cause I forgot to lay down construction for everything but the people and my coloring is messy cause I had to force myself to actually do it.But I did it, I finally "finished" something. I have finally pushed through that "why start if it's gonna suck" feeling, and honestly feel really motivated right now.Wagmi
>>7409005Proud of u
>>7408895Yeah I've heard that one before buddy
>>7409018Thank you I haven't drawn in awhile
>>7409005you just draw real stuff that's so much better than me who can't draw unless spoonfed with how2s and every obstacle removed
Tried doing one of those gestural construction things. How is it?
114 poses, started 15 decemberthese latest ones were bad, I saw a lot of progress at the start, then stagnated and then started getting worse
>>7409016I just wanted to share some old doodles to see what people thought dude. That's all
>>7409087use thinner cylinders for the limbs, they are too thick, don't make the joint markings so large.draw a billion more of those
>>7409091I doubt those are even old now. Sounds like you wanted to post your work with a pathetic excuse that doesn't allow for criticism.
>>7409015Thank you>>7409047Nah anon, I believe in you. Just pick an image you like and try to draw that, without fretting about having it look exactly like the reference. My image barely looks like my reference
>>7409095Who hurt you? Lmfao
>>7408514That's pretty good, curious to see more k this deep lore of yours. >>7408581The proportions on this one look a little off, or is it just me? The head looks a little too big for what seems like a lobotomized drone. Still, pretty scary looking.
Does something look off about this pose. Need to know, before I do the final lineart
>>7408826Can you fix it so its not wrong?
>>7409158Chest part looks strangest. Is it on bed or wall? What holds the leg up? Another pillow? I think it would be difficult to make the tail look right.
>>7409088I don't see any improvement. But that's normal. I mean it's just a few days ago.
>>7409174She's on a bed and raising the leg herself
>>7409158Feels like a photobash, like the torso isn't connected. Tough to show connection in this perspective but that's what it's giving.
>>7409087Who taught you to do it this way? Why don't you use the same method for left and right leg? Left and right arm?
>>7409098Fags like you that only want praise
>>7409179>Feels like a photobashSo it's bad from the ground up? How can I avoid this?
>>7409184I never asked for praise you schizo. I wanted to share some drawings that popped up on my computer so that people could roast them.
>>7409187Then post your current work
>>7409185I don't think you really can avoid this using that perspective, you'd have to shift the camera further to the left
>>7409185Like the other anon said, it's the perspective. Sometimes you just have to accept a certain view+certain pose will throw off the eye, it happens irl too. If you're open to critique then for that pic I might raise the camera just a few degrees so that you're seeing hip bones occluding the torso as it recedes into the background. Sorry if that doesn't make sense in words, I can try to sketch out what I mean if you're interested.
>>7409195I know what you mean and I'm already doing exactly that, thanks
>>7409188now post yours
>>7409200No, but nice progress.
>>7408904Draw larger so that you can copy all the details of the original without running out of room.Do your best to copy every line by measuring using your eye. Compare distances between features.If you do your best to draw at the same size as the original, you can even overlay the two at the end to see your mistakes. Or hold your drawing up to the screen and see the original shine through your paper.Pay special attention to how lines begin and end. In anime, the style is so refined that every line and every part of every line plays a much larger role in defining the shape and character.If you look at the left line making up the segment of hair coming down her face, you can see in that in your version, the line sharply curves left at the end, which says something different than the original which is one smooth curve up to the top.
>>7408863with more difficult poses, i tend to rely on construction a bit more. if you feel like your relying on construction too much and you wanna change that, feel free to try different ways of drawing and see how it feels.
>>7409158I'm gonna coom
>>7409200Poor anon was bullied into showing his work
>>7409200I kneel.
>>7409158>>7409195is that okay?
>>7409251I usually draw furshit. This is for a commission
>>7409254furshit is fine too. now hand it over.
>>7409249Yeah that looks good, it looks natural imo
>>7409256https://x.com/_NoConcession_Still haven't uploaded my latest drawing (picrel) on twitter, because I'm waiting for the search suggestion ban to get lifted. https://www.deviantart.com/noconcessions
>>7409261>gardevoir wife>no massive tits or assinto the trash it goes
>>7409264I want to rub my face against her bony chest, while holding hands with her hnnnggg
>>7409261You still keep drawing the far eye a bit too small in your drawings
>>7409264Bimbofied Gardevoir implies a lack of taste. I pray for you
>>7409271Damn, I'll try to be more mindfull of that. Thanks for mentioning.
>>7409272You're so wrong, flat chests being sorrow to the heart.
>>7409278nu uh
>>7409249much better
Can someone please tell me how to apply hatching to my drawings? I don't like how simplistic my black and white drawings look and wanted to throw in some hatching to make it look stylized but I have no idea how to do that.
>>7409287Isto sim es arte.
>>7409305https://www.lovelifedrawing.com/hatching/Not on PC yet but I'll do dome examples in an hour or so
>>7409339Thanks, anon.
>>7409287no more turd polishing
slow and steady getting there
>>7409368where are her eyebrows?
>>7409305I tried to use multiple types of hatching but it's quite obvious I mostly use vertical/parallel hatching, topkek. Also I did it quite quickly, I recommend you take your time and map out shadows first, then decide what type of hatching should go where, etc. I went in without a plan and especially the middle part might be overdone.
>>7409385I appreciate you but have you tried adding more details? The ref is really detailed and yours (although it looks very nice, don't get me wrong) is full of broad stokes and not much details. Especially the grapes on the top of the white thing suffered from that, it looks like a blob of agglomerated grapes. Also you didn't paint the stems.
>>7409370Thanks for the reminder, i didnt want to do them with the lineout but i forgot and started shading
>>7409374I tried doing something like that a while ago, but I felt like I was doing something wrong. I'll try again some day, but this time I'll go through with it.
>>7409401Well probably cuz your lines are too thick, and you have to keep a certain consistency when hatching.
tried drawing a girl i know
Hello beg, i havent drawn in 12 days. It is over. I have been doing non drawing projects. Now back to figgies!>>7409385listen to the other anon, your painting studies now are kind of unfinished. you stop at the basic forms. add eye candy, learn how to cheat with textured brushes>>7409368cute thot>>7408956crab snapped his head off?>>7408897i am sad nobody gives you (You)s. i guess it shows beg doesnt like western cartoons
>>7409472Looks great.
>>7409473Do you ever create and actually pieces or are you all fig practice
where do i start if i want to learn about coloring my drawings
>>7409473What is your endgame pawell?
Thing from another scifi horror thing I'm writing. This one is less horror more action/adventure. I don't care that much about high scifi, just trying to go for what might have a pull with normies. This thing is the result of a psyonic user that was overtaken by a cosmic being known as the Devourer. Its a biologicial and spiritual plague driven by maddening hunger.
>>7409473Pawell is back! Thought you died.
>>7408897>>7408893>>7408892>>7408891>>7408889>>7409473>i am sad nobody gives you (You)sI'm not that anon, but when I see his posts I just get startled. The lettering, the drawing skill and composition, the themes. That's far beyond "pro level" work, it is legendary-tier shit. I don't know how to take it. I don't know if it is someone re-posting stuff from some one else, or even some type of AI.If it is real, this guy is like a glowing UFO just chilling in this board.
>>7409261ok seriously (and unironically) how do I learn how to animate like you?? that lifting animation is activating way too many neurons
>>7409492Not pawell, but there are always some outliers in these threads from time to time, i don't really get why anyone would re-post other artists stuff here
>>7409493Years back I messed around with Source Filmmaker quite a lot. I think I just retained some of the "instinctive feel" for what looks right in animation. I never did any animation practice or anything and the lifting animation is my fourth one ine two years. The last one is from exactly one year ago(picrel)
>>7409486Couple of mercs from the same story. Experimenting with color.
>>7409504Why the planets are casting shadows?
>>7409506They're small moons the colonists brougth in to regulate tides/gravity. Or for mining, I haven't decided yet.
>>7409508Dude. can you see our moon casting shadow? LMAO
>>7406938rate my tuphat and hand, the tophat is too tall but what about overall proportions?i tryied to copy boku no hero hand *was first thing i found in google images(
>>7409511They're kept in the atmosphere w/ innertia drives, honestly its not something I thought that much about while writing the script and pretty much everyone I show this too points it out kek. Will probably remove them, but I like the visual of them casting a shadow.
>>7409513and of course i did not attach pic
>>7409514Should say, either in atmosphere or very close to it, haven't decided yet, and its not relevant to the plot
>>7409511NTA, technically speaking, all moon phases are the result of the moon casting shadow on the Earth. It's just *not* a cast shadow on the artistic sense cause it's so far away that the shadow difuses to nothing and we only see, well, the effect on the moon. So yeah, that anon is wrong.>>7409514Bruh, if you like the composition of round things casting shadows, just use drones or something.
>>7409514If you're going to keep them look up two things. Atmospheric scattering and volumetric lighting. It will make it far more convincing than this. Where there's a will there's a way to make things work. You just don't know how to execute your idea so they look like floating orbs just behind your character.
30 figs done, honestly feel pretty good about the progress, looking forward to incorporating figures and eventually drapery into my sketchbook. But now I'm back to 0 knowledge, learning skull and skull landmarks.>>7409519I like the 3d on the doodles in the back, the hand doesn't look bad either
>>7409536I also forgor my image kek
This is supposed to be someone giving the phone to someone in front of them, does either of them look okay or is it both shit?
>>7409548left looks good, right feels wonkywhat kind of work are you doing
>>7409549Thanks in that case I will use left. Making a manga atm, finally on the last panel.
New thread time?
why did he become a totally different race
A bit of gesture practice.
>>7409537i just started and saw hand from MHA and it looks like letter Dso i drew letter D and some squares, tomorrow gonna redraw
>>7409567it's okay anonlet the redpill dissolve
>>7409492Thanks for that, you're too sweet. I'm using some premium materials - Tokidoki sketchbooks usually and Mitsubishi Hi-Uni B, plus modded thrift store mechs with light blue leads at .5mm. These would be way more messy if I wasn't posting them somewhere. Happy holidays.
>>7408956I really like this character, have you done turnarounds or expressions with her? Is there more from the scene?>>7409017I want to do this style so badly>>7409088how do you avoid burnout, what's your setup like?>>7409200Are the Knightanon? Post more Ghibli inspired stuff pls>>7409287This would be a great longer-form comic too>>7409368love your handling of this pose and clothing/wrinkles>>7409473>i am sad nobody gives you (You)s. i guess it shows beg doesnt like western cartoonsdon't mind much it's fun to see what everyone else is drawing desu
>>7409567You're not comparing it to the ref enough, ur eyes are way too high, hair is off and the nose/mouth is off as well.
>>7407129The guy on the right has a really pleasing colour scheme. >>7407366Just keep grinding.>>7408101Is this supposed to be a young boy?>>7408130She's ready for the Russian winter. >>7408135Keep drawing crabs.>>7408323Ideally, you'd gain an understanding of how human or human-shaped bodies move. I think it's supposed to make stylization and exaggeration easier.
>>7409200how long have you been drawing?
>>7409473>pawell stopped drawingit's fucking over
>>74096216 months
>>7409492You would love this guy, Daan Jippes, he's the master of style appropriation and is largely the man responsible for getting the Disney Renaissance off the ground.https://www.lambiek.net/artists/j/jippes.htm
>>7409480youtube videos then books
>>7409583>how do you avoid burnoutI watch vtubers and am fuelled by desire to get better and draw for my Oshi
>>7407709>I mean I don't really have anything I want to draw, I just want to improve my drawing skill and eye>it seems like a trap to draw whatever you feel likeWrong wrong wrong. You have to have SOMETHING you want to draw. That's why pewds was able to improve. Sure, he's not amazing yet, but he has measurably improved in a lot shorter space of time than someone with your mindset. You need that drive.
>>7408092The author is Yuyu Kouhara. I don't think any of her stuff is on ehentai though
Drawing one Makima every day for the month of December to see how much I can improveDay 21:Tried drawing bigger as advised by one anon to more accurately compare to my referenceI Feel something looks off in the jaw area still. These proper jaw formations escape me.I really want to gain a deeper understanding of shadows too, becasue trying to emulate the dark spots I see makes me feel like I'm just giving her a disease
>>7409753Better portraiture than 99% of IC desu
What those bind supposed to do? It's translations from korean, so I dont really get what's it all about. And I use krita so those binds dont work or idk.
>>7408407Sick armor.>>7408489The helmet on that guy on right is gnarly. The pointed bits at the top, the skull like nature of it, the angular eyes--it all comes together to give off an intimidating vibe.>>7408840Much closer than last time. >>7408892It's always a treat to see your old cartoon art.>>7409368Nice eyes.
>>7406938How long are drawing supposed to take to do? My absolute shit drawings still take hours to draw and make flat colors, I can't really comprehend getting better ever at that rate.
>>7409753Going bigger definitely helps let you more closely match the source image's details. I can see some trouble areas though. The way you did the neck makes it seem much thicker than the source image, and the face is too tall. The hair isn't large enough off the top and front, which makes the face feel even larger. You also didn't seem to try very hard to match the braid.
>>7409809The way you rounded the jaw makes it feel even bigger, because the rounding suggests volume that the original shape doesn't.
>>7409809the neck is slightly wider because I thought maybe some other measurement of mine was off so the original position for it I thought looked weird.Hair is definitely a little too flat, I noticed after I posted it
Is it normal that I find myself adjusting and going out of my circle I draw when I construct my head? or should I try my hardest to make everything fit in the cicle, connect the jaw perfectly to the circle, etc.?
>>7409823The head isn't a sphere, it's fineIt's just so you remind yourself that there's a round shape there.
>>7409823Read Loomis, not Tiktok.
>>7409821This may or may not help. But lift the paper/notebook and see it vertically. Sometimes your proportion is off because you draw on the table. There's a reason why people use an easel.
>>7409522>NTA, technically speaking, all moon phases are the result of the moon casting shadow on the EarthI believe it is other way round. phase is shadow of earth on the moonmoon casting shadow is called eclipse
>>7409831What, it's neither. The phase is the moon casting a shadow on itself. As in, it's just a form shadow.If the earth casts a shadow on the moon, that's a lunar eclipse, other way around is a solar eclipse.
>>7409833right. makes most sense
>>7409833All the moon phases are a result from changing positions of the earth sun and moon.
>>7409249someone on /asg/ told me the hand and face is fucked. I understand, that I could've put more effort into the hands, but I don't get the face. What's wrong with it?
>>7409096thank for your support kind anon
Did a little more playing uno tonight. Not sick anymore. Pretty nice.
>>7409844rotate the pic clockwise her spines and neck is broken
>>7409856Just rotate it? Or redraw it from another angle?
>>7409607Sir, that soldier is a guy
>>7409844In my honest opinion, both the anime and manga threads are filled with trolls and weirdos. Don't take their advice too seriously.
Is there any way I'd apply changes to all layers in Krita?
>>7409914>Is there any way I'd apply changes to all layers in Krita?Here you go, I asked chatgpt since i don't use that program.Filter Layer: Create a filter layer on top of all the other layers. This will apply the filter to all layers below it. To do this, go to Layer > New > Filter Layer and choose the filter you want to apply.Group Layers: Put all the layers you want to adjust into a group. Then, apply the filter to the group itself. To group layers, select the layers you want to include (hold Shift and click on them), then press Ctrl + G to put them into one group. With the group selected, apply the filter as you normally would.
>>7409914what kind of changes? if transforms then group them. if adjustments then group and add adjustment layer on top of stack
>>7409918>>7409917I've finished (kinda) my painting and found out that the proprotions are off. So I need to transform multiple layers at the same time.
Guys, where's the new thread? This one is dead already
>>7409963Page 7, it's fine
>>7409963thread is fine
I miss when we had a new thread daily with people's works being showcased. It gave me something to look forward to. Fuck the guys that made that anon go away.
>>7409993?? Only crab, no action? Whats stopping you making those threads yourself??
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