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Hey guys I'm making a Thread. I'm a bit old at 37 and did graffiti in Melbourne Australia as a degenerate kid. I found an old sketchbook and will upload some things if the capcha time doesn't drive me insane. Post your own stuff and feel free to critique. This one is of the shitty musician Nick Cave done with Artliner brand drafting pens and a busted open red permanent marker
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Behold a satan. Satan says dance
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Skull Island. Same Artliner pens but with water based ink washed around
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Fetusbot with pantone markers
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Climbing things
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I didn't do well in school when my books looked like this
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Fuck yeah OP. We need more of this on this board (people posting their work) but also more broadly just cool creative artwork that’s not Chinese cartoon related. Also want to make a mandatory announcement on behalf of OP that no critiques will be welcome and will be immediately discarded if you do not post your work in your response and you will automatically be assumed to be a jealous and unskilled crab
Yo this is dope as fuck. I'm stealing this idea for future use
Very nice fellow boomer. I also use to do graffiti here in the bay area, I don't have any of my notebooks left, and I think all my pieces were painted over years ago.

You have pics of anything you've done in the field?
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Train thing

Thanks man but don't dismiss the critiques. I get the anime cringe but it's 4chan and we have to deal with it. Some of the best criticisms come from people who can't draw for shit, and it matters because they're Lookers and not Makers if that makes sense. Part of making art is for people to enjoy it, and the people that make art can get too tied up in the materials and the image in their head. It takes people with no creativity to instantly spot the flaws and say "you fucked up that bit right there" because they're the ones paying attention
>pantone markers
Hate graffiti, but your other sketches are really good. Must've been grand to be sorta good as a kid.
My old drawing were also soulful af and not autistic... however they just weren't good. Good ideas, bad execution. Your kid self mogged my kid self. You probably mog me right now as well.
>don't dismiss the critiques.
Nope, sorry. For too long we’ve let howies and nodraws critique and crab in bad faith to the point where nobody posts their work on this board anymore. You forget that this is 4chan where jealous unfulfilled and socially disastrous little bugs come to hide behind anonymity. Whether their critiques are accurate or not is not the point, it’s the bad faith. And work should be posted. I’m vetoing you OP. I’m commandeering this. This is my thread now. NO CRITIQUES ALLOWED WITHOUT WORK POSTED, OR ELSE YOURE A FAGGY LITTLE /nodraw/ INSECT WHO CANT EVEN DRAW THE CHINESE CARTOON GIRL HE MASTURBATES TO. Thanks!
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Blimp wars
would d love to share my work, but it's anime cringe, though I'm really jelly of OP works, it's peak creativity.
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I've got no photo evidence of street art I did because it was in the mid 2000's when digital cameras were shitty + the few prints I had were burnt in a bushfire in 2012, but I'm not going to lie: My art was shitty and cringeworthy. It was big dumb loud stuff in busy places that got hit with shitty tags immediately, and the few bits that stayed up for a while were on buildings that got demolished, but that was the whole point
I feel similar in that my old drawings were better than my new ones. You need to find another person to draw with. I got really stagnant for a while but now have Mr Squiggle sessions with the old stoner wizards at the local pub. You draw a random squiggle on a page and flip it upside-down and hand the paper and pen to the next person to figure out what it is
Just let the thread speak for itself and don't be a gatekeeper. I'm welcoming to all art that fits a similar theme and you should post your own if you want to enforce rules
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Also Australia isn't immune to racism. I didn't mention being an ausfag in the OP, but we have a lot of funny times with native aboriginal people
your design look like all of the drawings I used to follow on Multiply blogs around 2005
You don't own this board faggot.
You’re mad that i made fun of your chinese cartoons aren’t you buddy
Great job OP, your work is miles ahead of this guys >>7407503
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So many murdered hilighter pens
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His drawings look pretty good for a late night post, he just seems a bit sad and drunk. I do exactly the same thing at 3am like pic related to send to friends. Your hand-eye coordination gets munted with too much booze and drugs at a late hour, but the fact that he's drawing and posting his work online means something, especially when it's just being an anon on 4chan without being a tripfag
Just behave in this thread please. Don't be dickheads. Yes 4chan started as an anime site and Also Yes anime is weird creepy pedo shit. Enjoy and contribute to the art here and now, and take the cartoon beef back to another board elsewhere
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Yes, as the OP posting my own art. Please post your own or take your problems and namefagging somewhere else
You sound an awful lot like somebody...
Oh yeah, this guy. Wouldn't that be so cringe?
Holy fucking schizo.
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If this is going to devolve into some cringe thread of schizos fighting retards who dont even post their own art, I'm going to stop posting and hold my head in my hands. Just fucking behave already you cranky cunts
i like it anon, ill download some of these
That's amazing, I was also an autist who kept scribbling in the margins of my text books instead of paying attention in class and it didn't look nearly as good.

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