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Which teacher is the best at teaching figure construction? Give your answer and please write 3-4 paragraphs to defend your thesis.

Possible choices:
>Glenn Vilppu
>Steve Huston
>Kirk Shinmoto
>Kevin Chen
>Michael Hampton
>Will Weston
>Charles Hu

Extra credit: talk about who you DON'T like and why.
Post your work OP
I asked for 3-4 paragraphs
Better post a lot then, gonna need at least 3-4 finished pieces with self critique and self reflection if you want a post. Pay up.
you probably aren't good enough to critique my work, anon. I'm asking for what teachers helped you, not for feedback on my own work
Just pick anyone to follow then draw already holy shit
>3-4 paragraphs

I'm starting to think these types of threads are farming responses for reddit gold. You then use the archive to post responses to reddit users asking specific questions on the art subreddits.
Pay up. Pyw or fuck off.
which is why "I fuck your mom" is the best response to every thread like this
lots of anons here who think they already know everything
I'm onto your operation. It's very unfortunate for you that you're dealing with a very observant anon. Gig is up.
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I'm honestly surprised at how hostile everyone on /ic/ is, like y'all were abused as a kid. There's no way a drawing thread is gettin thousands of karma on reddit. I just wanted a discussion on art learning, but you guys love taking every oppurtunity to stamp down on someone else for a mere fleeting feeling of superiority
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I'm not gonna give you a thesis on any of these, if you really wanna get somewhere you'll have to study multiple so you build up mileage and piece together a method that works for YOU out of all the methods that are being taught. Taking insights and methods from multiple different sources is the best way to learn, of course that also means putting everything into practice as you go. You don't have to follow any one teacher doggishly while you're studying them either, if something about their method doesn't work but you've learned something previously that does then just keep doing what works and ignore the advice being given, only take the useful parts and discard the rest.
>best teacher
A live model.

Nice try AI jeet
Why are you surprised? You've been here for a decade plus.
You have to go back

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