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mad how there are literally billions of people who go day to day living their lives, talking with other people without knowing a word of English

theyre just there, like insects, moving around, doing things and not speaking english or hearing english or anything
The tulpa mrs sub edish
Why does that make you mad?
You're an idiot

When he says "mad how" he doesn't mean it makes him mad. He means that he finds it surprising. You can say things like "it's mad how..." or "it's crazy how..." which I suppose means "it's unexpected that...".
Mad how youre not even british yet youre posting under that flag
You rumbled me, I'm actually from the Federated States of Micronesia, but I'm on holiday in good old Blighty
This is the official thread.
This is the official post of the official thread.
Can I make a thread next?
taking a shite
Pokemon is one of the only pure goods in the world
you can buhtan up my shirt you little wog
crystal clear is a good gen 2 hack but it has some cringe like a self insert elite 4
Rorke petting his pet moss ball
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any other left-handed empathetic genius in
rorke's moss ball voting green
wish my virginity was pokegone
rorke scranning his moss ball
What is this new gimmick
paedophiles are more likely to be left handed
gone woke
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a poster has a moss ball in his living room
rorke has a moss ball now
190 would have loved this thread
it's curious how ever since farage returned leftypol has spent 100% of his time attacking reform and 0% of his time attacking the tories
sucking a moss ball
ooh rare
Vote Reform to ban transgenderism from being taught in schools
its not even made of moss
Spaghetti and mossballs
lads I'm off I think
Can't do this anymore
between the tranny porn and gay porn, spaino is happily wrecking the general and the jannies seem to be supportive of it
And the very latest from Toby?
poor canslad never catches a break
shut the fuck up nigga
was gonna vote for workers party of britain but might vote reform now
swapping rorkes moss ball out for a matza ball
Marimo, more commonly known as moss balls, make a fun addition to your indoor garden and are a popular feature in aquariums. These aquatic plants are also relatively easy to care for once you know the basics

The little green spheres are not actually moss, but algae. In their natural habitat, the algae balls live at the bottom of cold lakes. They keep their round shape by the action of the waves.

The plants grow up to 5 millimeters per year and will eventually reach 2 to 5 inches in containers or 8 to 12 inches in natural conditions.

Marimo balls are regarded as good luck charms in Japan, and since they have been known to live to 200 years or longer, they are often kept as family heirlooms.
spainmong is a janny, can cancel the reports coming in
Nearly bed time for you anyway you auld cunt
>New polling with @ObserverUK

>The Labour lead is now 20 points

>Labour 40% (n/c)
>Conservatives 20% (-3)
>Reform 16% (+2)
>Lib Dems 12% (n/c)
>Greens 9% (+2)

>Fieldwork: 19 - 21 June. Changes from 12 - 14 June.

Drank a potion made from boiling nettles in mouthwash then had a meltdown when 190 bullied him on a Canadian vpn
tied between voting for the magpie party or the moss ball party
did canslad get doxxed or something
Why is everyone posting in my thread now?
Kinda want one
t. Lamar fan
voting reform for a laugh
it's a labour stronghold, what's the worse that could happen
yes he is a 47 year old man who uses a trip code on /co/, /k/, etc
>make one point
>he's so triggered he breaks out 4 devices in the space of 90 seconds

you're mentally ill
his samefagging is really awful yeah
nah lad, spaino just pretends to be me and hopes he doxxes me one day
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you're not allowed to have a meltdown, spainmong
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on the lagers etc.
drake is a half black half jewish man from toronto that larps as an american gangster
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You posted your screen by mistake and have been crying about 'le spaino' every two seconds
You also say he put on an irish vpn and impersonated you and announced that you were 47
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spainfat is threatening a melty
shifting /brit/ into HEFTCON 3
That's AI generated.
This that one she did where she's a robot prozzie?
where does spainmog get all these passports
drake has never made anything remotely resembling gangsta rap
this is a man
no meltdowns, toby
AI generate this *spreads asscheeks apart*
Not mn you faceblind autist
hi spaino

the fake theory is he's a mod, not just a normal janny that he himself started
realistically you can just buy a pack of around 500 IPs for like £5 on the dark web
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chatting shit he was in a yg video
Went to Harrods today
“Those who do not think about their own sins make up for it by thinking incessantly about the sins of others.”

—C.S. Lewis
but rorke's a creep
rorke's a weirdo
what the hell is he doing here?
rorke doesn't belong here
just wanted to be funny, its a chuckle that mousey is being polite recently and the usual boring cunt is having a multi-week wobble
another dogshit zinger
Canslad knows a lot about the dark web lol, naturally given his inclinations
eating raw chicken
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he went to private school, rapping about his come up lmao
classic spaino projection
cansland wanking his old cock to judge dredd rule 34

>oh that's the roight stuff sure, hitting the right spot so that is
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prefer gk chesterton quotes me

Remember when I was the only one calling everyone Diego and nappynonce?
Good times
IDK yg but my post was dumb, I'm trying to say I never got that vibe from Drake, he didn't try to make NWA or something, he came out of the gate making Forever, a song where he definitely sounds like the high pitched voice neeky light skin that he is
can someone tell if I've been wanking to their bikini pics on instagram? even if I use incognito?
you little poofters love gossiping about your gay /brit/ personalities
I used to be into crack now I'm into racism
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crab people crab people
haha it's so true! we do!
haemorrhoids haven't been back for a while. reckon it's safe to get this little tush ravaged again
kill yourself
would love to drop a piano on drake’s head
Neighbours getting excited about the Romania game. Always wondered where they were from, and now I know.
u forgot 1 of the clogwogs
ever notice how nobody ever goes for a piss in Star Wars
So that election lads, any thoughts on that? The footie? The weather? Any incel walks happening? Anything but this?
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jump into moving traffic
Just got off a flight and got back to the flat and seen you lads have been seething about me all evening lol
Canslad has a theory
spaino isn't one person
He's a group
Specifically the IRA sent to take down /brit/

Now I see the errors of my ways
If only I’d been a good poster when the thread quality was bad but not utter dogshit
Oh well
Actually I suppose they might be from Ukraine. They were here before the war kicked off so they're not refugees.
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Evening lads x
It's insane lol
You run this place
Took a banger selfie earlier which shows off my features well. Going straight on my tinder
Hi Tim why are your burgers so smol?
please keep the spain vpn on so i can filter you
you've got your cock out, haven't you
would advise against posting that one
I can see the Mediterranean from my living room :3
There are no toilets in the elder scrolls games. At first I thought this was an oversight, or it had some magical explanation, but apparently it's historically accurate. People didn't have toilets until relatively recently.
where'd he get those really tiny burgers from then
Post a pic then or you're larping
I am bringing my ID to vote for REFORM UK on Thursday 4th of July 2024
can see plenty of 'mediterraneans' from mine
Always knew there was a reason I hated those games
>The Reform UK leader had appeared on the BBC’s Panorama programme on Thursday night, drawing a link between Nato and EU expansion in recent decades and the conflict in eastern Europe.

That's all he said? If you want to take any sort of nuanced view on this topic you have to acknowledge the west's contribution
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Put my head under the covers and my heart rate pr BP dropped so much I have three different pulses in my body, but I guess one is the same as either of the other two like 50 percent of the time
scared of the toilet witches sir
I've got a blackstar amp. It's decent.
Everyone teleports their shit and piss to Bravil
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What do you guys think happened to him? My mum thinks he’s been kidnapped by the mafia in Tenerife
Hope Adam stays safe in Spain and doesn't go missing x
y is there buttplug next to his record player
Will do in a bit I’m just getting dry now after me shower
He’s doing a tiktok social experiment and will reemerge in a few days
Need a laptop for work, what do you lot use?
probably eaten by a lion
mumbergs heard that, something about drugs
she picks up some shit on tiktok
The kidnapped theory does sound legit tbf apparently he lost someone’s drugs
>Pizza and lager is a fun meal to enjoy on a weekend
>playing childhood games that still hold up as an adult is a good thing
>so what if I’m a slim male
>again so what if she’s being pleasured by a thick African penis? She still comes home to me. Her real man. I would unironically forgive her if she ended up fucking a black guy…
what did he do before he went mental?
dead, will have given it the big 'un to the wrong people and they'll have done him in
dont get lions in the balearics do you
might try and go a whole day without eating just to see what happens
no way spaino has ever had a shower
the laptop my work provide me with
some dell with a numberpad probably an inspiron
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Hmm I wonder if opiates have fewer side effects than benzos
hamas got him i reckon. they've been kidnapping loads recently
He’s either died of dehydration or he was kidnapped and killed and they’ll never find the body
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hard to say for sure
you rarely get dinosaurs in britain but then you find yourself in loch ness and who's to say?
thinkpad t14
macbook air
What's that image about then
you’re right he’s too sweet he’d just melt in the water x
thinkpad, i've got the t480s
dependable and all the parts are replaceable and affordable to do so
cheap to pick up ex-business on ebay
love watching balkans screeching at each other
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>walk the 11 hour journey because you missed the bus

can see myself doing this tbf. You just have to get into a good rhythm, decent pair of trainers on and it's do-able.
arseraped by big spanish blokes
Work got me a fuckhuge Dell precision this thing weighs about 25 lbs I fucking hate it
mad how we can microscope the skin the look at the atom in a cell but we can't use satellites to look for someone in a park
bloody britishers stole the bloody ramput garawai diamonds
another victim of the vaxx sadly
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>fucking MOOOve!
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got a date tonight, rate the /fit/
nothing brings me happiness anymore
The Facebook mums are on the case
Women of Muslim birth being slags in Britain
Having the classic Spaino dinner tonight

A load of cured meats, cheeses, olives, bit of bread
had a hp probook from work for a few years but they're giving me something more powerful soon but idk what
>livestock-on-livestock violence
Yr police are completely incompetent, eh?
I couldn't do it now, but when I was in my prime maybe. Easy to underestimate how rough you'd feel after 5 hours walking though.
im going to spain tomorrow lad
he's not missing his family has just found a clever way to get a publicly-funded holiday extension
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good thing this diet will kill you soon
The technology for that does actually exist, just not in consumer hands.

The US has satellites with larger mirror arrays than the Hubble telescope except facing earth instead of deep space.
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No you aren’t
Out of order
Level 1 crook energy

Having brown pants and a brown jacket and brown shoes is a lot of dedication. You're expecting it to go somewhere but it's just kind of "more brown". I would just drop with the jacket and get something with an open collar
Same here lahhad
black cows matter
imagine if macauley culkin and steve buschemi had a daughter
she looks nothing like steve buschemi
we've done this
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why has britain been so much more hawkish and anti-russia since leaving the eu though?
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I love American Whore on Twitter fr fr I reckon she’d make a goddess hotwife
black cocks matter
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I hate Muslims with every fiber of my being

t. son of Muslim parents
in what way has she been a slag?
are goddess
You should get banned
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>Channel 4 news says
>away from his wife for almost a month
>just reunited in the country they’ve moved to
>eating dinner together
just a sec honey ive gotta update my mates on 4chan
mmmmboy are you fat!
kat thread
Just take one day benzos
one day opiates
one day meth
and then interchange and you won't get addicted or tolerance! There you go mousy
I have a desire to eradicate you since I have studied the Quran extensively and is in the process of reverting to Islam. I was born an Irish Catholic.
She’s showing skin like a whore.
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howling, what a sad cunt he is
her bum's quite big aha
Fucking state of that face
in all honesty the degree to which i hate myself is frankly absurd
I don't want to see someone's dogshit metapost every single tome because you're autistic as fuck and usually make the place worse or make problems otherwise even if it's not making spaintard problem bigger
dunno her and she's not as pretty as candice so I dunno if I can get on board
don't know who this is
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>in the process of reverting to Islam
you fucking idiot
>I was born an Irish Catholic.
I AM CATHOLIC now thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ

you had the luxury of being born into the right faith and are throwing it away for Pisslam
babe, please tell me you have spanish tampons in the bathroom!
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bet she didn't choose a diet version
seek therapy to solve this
finnish schizo tranny who nearly got tasered by police the other day, she was liveposting the entire thing lol
some utterly bewildering deja vu happening right now
mental how you think this time, THIS post i'm finally going to epically own him and make him crawl off forever. literally everything he posts is just fabricated to rile you runts up and you can't help but feed him every time. truly staggering how thick you are
finish tranny that manages to be more schizo and more obsessed with canada than toby
he’s banned from entering canada now and has been on a meltdown for ages
Lol everybody shat on kat when they made themselves vulnerable ans tried for happiness. Dumb cat, nobody likes cats
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oooooooooooooh noooooooooooooo
shut up ahhh nigga
mental how you think I asked nigga stfu lol
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Singer Cheryl Tweedy the girlfriend of Ashley Cole and Victoria Beckham the wife of England Captain David Beckham, attend the FIFA World Cup Germany 2006 Group B match between England and Trinidad and Tobago at the Frankenstadion in Nuremberg, Germany (2006)
>just get heckin therapy bro! just get freakin medicated! i love crying and talking about my feelings and confessing to an authority figure to absolve myself of my sins!!! (only secularly doe)
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Please stop larping. This is my Catholic bible I bought 5 years ago before being revealed the teachings of Mohammed (PBUH). I will burn it eventually, come back to Islam brother.
This is what canadaanon looks like with makeup on
Only if you have a valid thread-posting licence
ngl living in scotland looks like a right laugh
bit of sonic and doctor eggman patter on the football there
you love to see it
>40 for smellden ring dlc
So instead you’ll bore us all to death with your histrionic moping here then
some close calls where me and the sisterberg nearly shagged back in high school
glad we didnt in the long run
nah your best bet is doing nothing and hope you get better by magic
you've let your heads be occupied rent free by spainnonce, sad!
blue hair and a yellow shirt
should have been sonichu
islam is theologically garbage
if it didn't have a reputation among some as 'le heckin based and redpilled' religion nobody would even think about 'converting'
Reckon they ever got off with each other? I bet they did. Two gorgeous lasses, alone, after a bottle of champagne... Inevitable really.
can't imagine shagging my sister at all
my mum? sure why not
How does that almost happen
nooooooooooooo oh noooooooooo muh /brit/ muh thread quality this thread is my life!
You are deeply confused
I hope to God you are joking
: |
ausdog moment :/
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never had the biological revulsion with her like i did my other sisters and we were both quite autistic
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I bet she'll still vote for labour
my head to waitrose and bark at some tories
Brit schizos unintentionally saving the world by inspiring the ANGLO man to log off, reclaim his life, his nation, his planet
How do you make a one solid decently sized lump of pasta and mayonnaise seem appetizing
It tastes good and I always make extra pasta to leave some to get this but the idea seems icky
this written by a random word generator?
Bradleyposter not daring to make one about this headline
Prove your ex-Muslim brother, the typical case for ex-Muslims are Iranians or Pakistanis who believe they are LGBT. I’m currently courting a Pakistani girl from my workplace (we’re from Bradford) she’s 22 and I’m 24. There’s also a half white bald black Muslim revert who married a local Pakistani girl. It just feels good to have a community.
this is why I am voting reform UK
sucking a moss ball
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Saudi students, Lime Street
Told me how much they enjoy the city.
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>(we’re from Bradford)
No doubt these feral youths are white women stealing bubbly
You made it seem like it almost accidentally happened but now it's like you both just wanted to fuck each other
stop talking yourself mate this is deeply unhealthy behaviour
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>Prove your ex-Muslim
yeah, 'students'
definitely not fresh off the boat
phenotypically white but spiritually brown me
shut it paki
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One nation under a groove
Gettin' down just for the funk of it
One nation (one nation) and we're on the move
Nothin' can stop us now
Do you promise to funk?
Do you promise to funk? Hah
Do you promise to funk? Hah
Do you promise to funk, the whole funk?
One nation under a groove
Gettin' down just for the funk of it
One nation and we're on the move
Nothin' can stop us now
One nation under a groove
Gettin' down just for the funk of it
One nation and we're on the move
Nothin' can stop us now
(Nothin' can stop us now)
One nation under a groove (here's my chance to dance my way)
Gettin' down just for the funk of it (out of my constriction)
One nation and we're on the move
Nothin' can stop us now
Uh hah hah hah
Uncle said he drove through Bradford once and didn't see a single white person the entire journey.
he's really just a coward
Mental how badly I mindraped him
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Black tar heroin (6-MAM)
Vitamin C
Leave in a jar in the sun for 2 days
How am I confused? Please explain to me, the Quran has never been edited unlike the Catholic Bible and I even tried to find the most accurate Catholic bible for English readers before reverting to Islam.
vitamin c deez nuts
oh you stupid bitch
britain was literally never white
*sniff sniff*
where do you get your vitamin c from?
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Not surprising.
Hush your gums cuh
really looking forward to spaino's upcoming spain arc and the adventures he is going to get up to
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Life is so good for boomers

How do non-boomers even cope with it
Vitamin C fluoride steroid cream for the prostate
big fan of belgium's utter refusal to score
wouldn't live there even if you paid me
I’m a Muslim but don’t go to mosque that much. Also drink alcohol and smoke weed :/
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He's only gone and made the comically small burgers lmfao
might get a bit of toast on the go
yeah... bit of toast
me second row on the right
Not McDonald's
Luckily it costs less than toothpaste
same except i don't drink and don't smoke weed
very few foods that aren't improved byh being miniaturised
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Does my faith in Allah actually bother you? My faith is harmless to you.
I’m white of Irish traveller stock, born and bred in Bradford
Muhammad is Joseph Smith tier
how can you believe a word of it? It's just incoherent shit
>falling for 190’s VPNs
yeh we did at the time but it never materialised
Mental how madly I mindbummed him
Lemon flavor fentanyl mouthwash with alcohol in it
Eat 3g of flouride and use mouthwash with alcohol in it twice daily. It will kill all of the germs
Ryan Giggs should 100% be the next Wales manager
don't care about your weird larps spainy
>matches with guy on tinder
>waits for message
>finally gets one today
>"hello gorgeous"
>"howdy handsome, read my bio?"
(bio containing my identity)
>i wait for response, i drive home
>re-open tinder to see he unmatched immediately

we ballin
50% of the Pakis at my work are like that (I’m the Bradford muslim revert)
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>It's just incoherent shit
it isn't
i bet you have never read Quran
I have and yes it is
>Irish traveller stock
okay you're subhuman and attracted to subhuman Islam
makes sense
Hate when they stare at you because you're the one non-boomer around
Mouthwash and orange squash with added vit C and D
Swallowing it
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>howdy handsome
Do you believe Muhammed rode a flying donkey to the moon?
based stormzy
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kek. This is gold.

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