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Lad, what's wrong with you
>Pizza and lager is a fun meal to enjoy on a weekend
>playing childhood games that still hold up as an adult is a good thing
>so what if I’m a slim male
>again so what if she’s being pleasured by a thick African penis? She still comes home to me. Her real man. I’d forgive her for cheating unironically.
farting about
finally, a canslad edition
always the best threads
fuck off you dullard
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Ryan Giggs as the new Wales manager with Ched Evans as assistant
Business idea: mouthwash, toothpaste, bottled water, etc. And it has loads of added fluoride
Marimo, more commonly known as moss balls, make a fun addition to your indoor garden and are a popular feature in aquariums. These aquatic plants are also relatively easy to care for once you know the basics

The little green spheres are not actually moss, but algae. In their natural habitat, the algae balls live at the bottom of cold lakes. They keep their round shape by the action of the waves.

The plants grow up to 5 millimeters per year and will eventually reach 2 to 5 inches in containers or 8 to 12 inches in natural conditions.

Marimo balls are regarded as good luck charms in Japan, and since they have been known to live to 200 years or longer, they are often kept as family heirlooms.
hope you die an early death
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420 blaze it
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Oh dear
get the niggers wanked the fuck off
Get a skill.
Beautiful girls
All over the world
Love are giggsy. One of the fastest wingers in the business back in the day.
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why won't they let him score?
Uhhhhh....source/name inshallah
Wonder how big his bbc is
they built britain
Racism innit
I would rather get paid to throw money at advertising
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>Nonverbal child dies after being found in Dundalk water
black people play football but they don't seem to care about it much
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think that’s the first time I’ve seen lukaku finish a goal for about 10 years
get the gay porn on
get the moss balls sucked
>The plants grow up to 5 millimeters per year and will eventually reach 2 to 5 inches
Wtf that's slow as fuck
Assuming the growth rate stays the same as it grows (seems unlikely) that would take about 15 years to go from 2 inches to 5 inches
I might have a severe case of liggin
>Make /brit/ unusable
>The ANGLO man logs off, reclaims his life, country, planet
why are the belgian shirts so sweaty? gross
>heh I wonder why a marginalised minority has a connection with another marginalised minority
That’s metaphorical, I’m not a Wahhabi who takes everything as a 100% physical fact. Just as how Protestants take the bible as 100% fact with no metaphorical teachings.
i'm good at wanking
So the first time CANS was posted it was kinda funny

Why couldnt it have been left at that?
Why are some people on 4chan like literal children where they notice something was funny then repeat it over and over again? Not only that but they then turn it into a whole personality. What's wrong with this place?
black people just sweat more
No idea :(
Is 10mg of diazepine a lot?
I thought 12-15 mg was a dose for sleeping
>15 years to grow from 2 to 5 inches
Same as your dick
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post the most beautiful woman in the world
nah de bruyne's the same and he's so white he's transparent
any racists in
Romania don't want to score
Mousy that isn't a real drug
big bags of cans tied to canmong's legs and thrown in a lake
they were bullied and/or molested as children
Imagine a world without spainretard
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lol imagine him trying to scream for help but he can't haha
(You)s are a POTENT drug
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Mong: The royals are using Taylor Swift for clout!!!
Enlightened: Taylor Swift, who took the photo, is using the royals for clout.
this would be my house
that can kill you yes
getting utterly steamboats and having a chinky duck and pancakes lads
It was a little girl
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he can’t leave me
what would I do without him?
she was first in the line when god was handing out chests
>He doesn't have mates that he can repeat jokes with infinitely and stay funny forever
Neek lmak
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Only time I have missed being in the company of a prostitute lads
what's this from? looks like Virmire from Mass Effect
Starting to become a lustful little tyke for all pretty women I see in public
Lock mental patients in closets
Wrap them up and feed them methamphetamine to see what happens
Spaghetti and mossballs for dinner
no methamphetamine
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dubs decide whether I give in to my gender dysphoria and transition into a woman
Lads I was about to call it a night and post goodnight in /brit/

Then somehow this one is alive?

Well, cans it is
Lovely, LOVELY cans
Medium chipper

the only way to be
Be back in 30 minutes, anyone want anything?
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Footballas gone mental
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well said cloudo
I want you to get a clue
mad how in 1924 people would think 2024 would be like this but it's not
probably a message from God this one
Fluroethylolvinyl-potassium fluoride beta blocker forever
where does /brit/ stand on this debate?
with Nige or the spinster?
need to shag 50 year old divorced mums
Are you born with a female or male voice as internal monologue in your head?
The minor in question was 16/17 years old
Bit weird but that's legal?
imagine going back in time and them asking you what 2024 is like
uhh yeah i can wank to HD porn, lose my job if i use racial slurs and gas is 100x more expensive
>twitter screenshot of left-wing opinion
>"this is so true"
dubs decide whether I give in to my bbc craving and suck a throbbing bbc
literally what does britain have without universities
just endless call centres and care homes
Literal virgin freaks in this thread hating Canslad because he enjoys a few cans
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>mousy typing in the chemicals as a post on 4chan thinking it will do the same as taking them and using telepathic frequencies to make his brain act as if he's on them in some electronically placebo effect
Mi5 on your tail mousy
i don't have an internal monologue
I'm no leftymong but it's weird how people say the arts are useless yet at the same time everyone watches tv, movies, plays video games, listens to music and so on
Better times
male or female internal moss ball?
I agree with her
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what does her sister do exactly? other than collect bad tattoos
judging from his other interests being professional wresting, judge dredd comic books and shit games about vampires, he is an extremely lonely man
so the repetitive use of the word cans and the acknowledgement of it from strangers in a thread specifically for people from another country on an incel forum is pretty much the only acknowledgement of his existence that he ever gets
he's here literally all bloody day doing it as well
it makes sense that someone like that is insanely dull and lacks creativity as otherwise they'd have some sort of life
Is there a correlation between breast size and number of sexual partners?
they're not useless but maybe 1% of people studying them should actually be studying them
>tranny cherry picks a tweet from a year ago to prove she isn't the pedophile with some eceleb as proof
Wonder what's on her hdd
Not in the land of the free
go on, treat yourself
might start chatting to some in asda
wonder what's on yours
Art degrees* are virtually useless
The vast majority of people getting “arts” degrees do not study or produce any actual art
You cnt think with your voice
kay dee bee
elongated ear bitch
The calibre of the women in ASDA is dire. It's mostly obese single mums with dyed black hair and drawn on eyebrows screaming profanities at their brat of child who's having a tantrum and crying.
Beautiful eyes
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Ruby "accidentally" dumps a load of pumpkin puree all over her carpet. She assures us that she cleaned it off-screen but refuses to show it (translation: that pumpkin part of the carpet now and Ruby's waved goodbye to her deposit).
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Wouldn't you like to know
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>pumpkin puree
Never heard of this, is she eating it out of the tin?
how do I convince women to have sex with me?
I think in my own voice
True shaggers don't convince the women. They let the women convince themselves
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With triumphant music playing, Ruby sits hunched over her desk, sneering at the screen. She's JANUINELY confident in her dissertation and AWHLWHEYS LOVES STODDYING.

To overcompensate for her clearly being well aware that she's floundering, she resorts to her usual tricks. ACKSUALLY, she wasn't JOSST writing her dissertation, but also doing vague, nonexistent ADMIN WAHHHRK and also doing group work for the presentation that she earlier claimed was a solo exercise. Anything to give the illusion of being a highly organised, always-multitasking, super-productive child prodigy.
>tfw you will never shag chubby midwestern milfs in your car at a Kroger parking lot
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The smaller the breasts the more promiscuous. The larger and more aesthetically-appealing, the better put together she is.
Is she asexual?
You don't need a degree to be creative
The new 'eitch

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So a male voice. Gender dysphoria is being a woman in a males body. If you are a woman in a males body then why don't you think with a woman's voice
you got bored of cuck posting then?
Best £200 for 1hr I ever spent, she seemed to enjoy the time too. Came off as a very honest Scottish lass desu
Doesn't look like it:
>Roberts lives with her husband, David Stevens, and two children, a daughter born in 2010 and a son born in 2013.
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I don't see Ruby really embracing her sexuality or the prospect of a relationship, regardless of it being straight or queer. I don't know if it is because she dislikes romances or the fact that she is so childlike at times, it seems so beyond her at the moment. Plus, she is convinced that being an introvert means being on her own from people and not liking company, she's use that reason for not having a relationship. For all we know, she could be asexual or just not interested in that part of life. Plus, can you even imagine Ruby on a first date with anyone? I'm thinking about this as I've been watching clips of the show First Dates .
melty melty
new geowizard tomorrow
1. don't be ugly
2. have something of value to offer her - or at least pretend you have something of value
its so fucked to know that women just get raped and are friendly and kind to anyone that is brutal to them
and their only conceptiual defense to this knowledge is "well why didnt you rape me first?"
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>Roberts studied medicine at the University of Wales College of Medicine (now part of Cardiff University) and graduated in 1997 with a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MB BCh) degree, having gained an intercalated Bachelor of Science degree in Anatomy.[7][10][11]

A hypocrite
Very good
I have a gay lisp
muslim girl feet licky
Still, it's their choice what they want to study
beggars can't be choosers
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By the way, what he say?
He can tell I ain't missing no meals
Come through and check him in my automobile
Let him - with his grills, he keep tellin' me to chill
He keep telling me it's real, that he love my sex appeal
He say don't like 'em boney, he want something he can grab
So I pulled up in the Jag', and I hit him with the jab like
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you've gone woke louis
No it's not hypocritical; you obviously don't know what hypocrisy means. She did a science degree but clearly she believes in the freedom of people to choose arts degrees if they want.
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I just want to be the little spoon
>the mistress getting ready to make the custom video
What is she doing
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88F/31.1C here in the northwest, fires coming soon. Can I claim asylum in UK?
We now go live to Rapelad. Rapelad, your thoughts?
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lad needs his arsehole pounded asap
suffer you annoying little cunt
she needs to start drinking water
Americans cardboard houses burn down when it gets too hot (not even very hot)
just bash the AC on
is that not the done thing in yankland?
destroyed that cunt
Kinda makes me hard thinking that she’s orgasmed on a BWC
Sure but that doesn’t mean they deserve free tuition
the problem is any job actually worth a damn now needs a degree (often just any degree) exactly because of degree inflation
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blud got negative rizz
not anyone good on chaturbate tonight
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R̷̘͚͍͖͍͉͛̐́̓̒̃̀̉̌͌̈́A̷̢̩͎̦͛̇̑́͜P̴̡̧̢̙͎͓̜͕̘̖̪̙̻̽Ȩ̶̧̻̤̟̺͖͙͎̗̞͚̠͉̒͆̾̓̉̾̚ ̷̠̤͖͓͉̮͓̥̰͙̠̑Ŕ̵̢̨̫̹̟̯̹͕̾̉̂̊̒͝ͅÁ̷͎̪͍̒̊͗̽̀̈̚͠͝ͅP̴͉̥̏̍̉͋̔̆̽̕̚͠͠Ȩ̴̡̛͍̙̗̟͍̼͖̇̿̿́̓̀͘͠͠ ̸͓͙͇̰͔̺̓̈́͑͑̕̕R̷̠͇̩̮͖͚͕̻̺̮̊̓͌Ą̵̛̛̰̘̝̫̻̯̳̱̥̀̿̐̀̆͘͠͠͝P̵̛̱̮̱̳̘̥̪͔͇̩̭̈́̌̆͆̔̀̓̀̚͘͜ͅÈ̴͉̫̙̈́́͒͐̉̔̑̋̓͛̉͗͘͜
imagine working your 9-5 and coming home to ash fucking sarkar
looked up this weirdo's twitter fucking roaring
Wonder what happened to Craven
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not sure if based but who on earth is gifting this to a SWer?
she's only ever had white bfs
I would try ozempic for free to see what happens but I will also inject it into toothpaste and eat it or I'd also like to know about why it did that to my body
Going to do a pp then tomorrow awaken to a smoke and coffee and sit on that blue site all day again wahey
might quit 4chan
got a job at mi5 monitoring extremist communities online
stupid nonsense
You won’t
take me with you
women love being abused
i am a non abuser, thus i cannot have sexo witho womano
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Just going for a walk lads!
would be a dream come true
I'd inject it into my willard to see if it makes it bigger

No AC in my gooncave
Glad I could prove you wrong so easily
you moving to china?
I heard 4chan is banned there
why? just a shorthand
what would you call her? i guess she's a pornstar but "porn" for me has connotations with like studio porn which she doesn't do
It won't :(
Not wrong is he?
Is Shopping and Fucking a good play or is it just popular amongst the Oxbridge crowd who find shopping for yourself vulgar and rude, therefore hip like rock n roll?
WAIT... you'll need this
*gives you a 2/3 empty orange fruit-shoot*
maybe some do but i think most of them don't and actually just like being submissive in a non-fucked way
Just Spent about 8 hours in Scarborough and walked about 20k steps
Didn't see one attractive woman all day, no exaggeration
Quite hilarious
Imagine that happening in a coastal town in Spain or France
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sex worker
Those of you with aunts and uncles who have black partners
Are they Irish diaspora?
props up the almighty petrodollar and heckin israel
Everyone was talking about how he died but I'd never heard of him.
mad how many mistakes the flawed but fundamentally good west makes that end up with mass carnage and millions dead ahaha
our invasions in the middle east is the reason why literally no-one trusts the West anymore
a complete political disaster-class
Blackcurrant fruit shoot is the best flavor and E numbers
she's not a prostitute though
that would be a wildly incorrect description of her job
yalda hakim would get pumped
date toil tomorrow
glastonbury toil on wednesday
Camel jockeys got their shit pushed in. Cry about it.
you need to see a psychiatrist man
We lost though
imperialism is good when it benefits white people and you can't change my mind
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domu aragato jew-san
richard dawkins is on gbnews
found out this is from a comic where a dad and son fall in love with each other and have graphic gay sex
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Why is fresh seafood in Scarborough three times as expensive as the fresh seafood in Filey?
has he realised his life has made an absolutely awful impact on the western world
been to both towns
Richard Dawkins DESTROYS Diego
He's a midwit
DAE remember Bruce Forsyth.
You’re giving him too much credit
just want another cute chinese gf. really miss it.
i disagree but even if that were true it hasn't, at least not middle east jew wars
Do you want to marry her tomorrow?
We at /Brit/ condemn the horrendous attacks committed on October 7th.

not saying he's the sole reason am i
scarborough mentioned
Speaking of non-white people

AOC is attractive
>i disagree but even if that were true it hasn't
Richard Dawkins just called transgenderism a nonsense
can we discuss the fact that trump is beating biden in the polls by a landslide right now?

and still "landslide" might be too generous for biden. trump's ahead in 5 out of 6 of the swing states that have historically decided elections. biden won all 6 of these swing states in 2020 but now is winning only one of them by 2%. trump is winning by as much as 13% in the other five states.

people who think it's because of the gaza war and that it serves biden right are wrong. first, the only swing state biden's winning right now is minnesota, which has the largest percent share of muslims/middle easterners/north africans in the country. second, the poll shows that the people who supported biden in 2020 but are no longer supporting him in 2024 are young, black and hispanic self-identified moderates and conservatives, and that the most important issues to them are the economy and immigration. self-identified progressives and liberals are still sticking with biden across the board. people are throwing a fit over the burning sun scandal and forgetting that trump got Roe V Wade overturned and abortion illegal. people are foaming at the mouth over chuu drinking starbucks and forgetting that trump gave netanyahu free reign to build settlements in the west bank during his presidency and that right now netanyahu is betting on trump winning to annex gaza and the west bank
How so?
this dude's having a mental breakdown
fuck that when will /isr/ condemn 7/7 or the manchester arena bombing
this isn't an official /brit/ statement. mousey is director of communications and delivers our public correspondence
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This was peng!
>country destabilized
>thousands dead
>economy in shambles, no real hopes of developing for decades to come
Yeah. We "lost"
Back from the cans and chips shop
Lads, I didn't bring you anything back since nobody asked but for now, enjoying the chicken and chips
There is literally no atheist argument against trangenderism.
Are you Irish diaspora?
did the decrepit old man say something retarded?
how much did it cost
still in scarborough?
onlyfans whore (or onlyfans girl/creator if you'd like something PC)
when will he shut up about cans
Neither am I
What are you saying exactly
yeah there is, it's idealism
It's alright
Like it less 2nd time going
Maybe good advice is to only go once
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participate in democracy rorke
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I live there mate
For everything? About 30 euro
Including the milk and bread
is claudia fit
I'm voting REFORM UK.
You just described Britain and Canada lol
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russell kane on the weather
Why's it always baldies who seem to have a problem with me when I'm out (have thick luscious hair)?
racist t-shirt depicting saka
t. Corporal Cody Hernandez
Seems like a pol post instead
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Would you make her your lawfully wedded wife on Tuesday?
>Greens are the only whites
just saying something is something isn't an argument
I'm voting magpie.
Diego going in about how idealism is the philosophy of finding the ideal in society and claiming he studies philosophy kek
gotta be green
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Loads of worse places
what is an atheist argument anyway
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Modern mongy woke britain
At least, unlike you, I have a job.
Drank one coffee and 500ml of Red Bull tonight and now I feel a BIT queasy
i send an email to each candidate asking for their max deadlift
whoever has the highest wins my vote
simple as
lots of foreign flags recently that post exactly like spainnonce
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Scampi and chips from Bradley's, Scarborough
not really
Woke mob won't like this.
Alri spaino
She's black
Whether you find her fit will depend on if you're Irish diaspora or not
South "Asian"
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>the nation's favourite
but i've never heard of em
Not really

Leave your smelly room once in a while lmfao
Proxy yank
paid thug for zog is hardly a "job"
cheers mate, need some good faceswapping software for the toilfus (plural)
>She's black
somehow this possibility never entered my consideration
Emma Thompson being interviewed on GBNews starting now

Good goy
>Good goy
in what world is "lewis" a jewish surname? schizo freak

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