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джoфpa издaниe

golemy tsrny tsrnczugy i go rasturat szupakot
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First for our Lord Jesus Christ
тoвa зa box cutter eнтycиacтa бeшe пo-cмeшнo
he looks kinda ugly but nice bod i guess
и квo Жeчeв пocлeднo гo лaпa нa вapнeнcкa фapaoн тaкa ли? eбacи пaдeниeтo
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Why is she looking at me so lewdly?
she wants to put her cock in your ass brother
because you're a useless whore
does she put those fingers inside her vagina
will i fucking die if i go work out outside now
32 degrees full sunshine btw
>dying in cool and refreshing 32 degrees
Sashko is meeting pale devil baddies at his group therapy sessions while you rot in front of a screen all day.
32 is nothing tho?
>complaining about 90 degree heat
nigga just drink some water, wear some shorts
our bodies sweat for a reason
I wouldn't give a fuck about any kind of heat if I wasn't genetically programmed to be sweathuman by my father
Cool and refreshing 50 degrees.
silence, non-sufferer
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>will i fucking die if i go work out outside now
>32 degrees full sunshine btw
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um, sweaty...
>lower humidity
>lower temperature
>jobless neet so no reason to leave the house
it says it feels like its 36 bro
okay, ill believe you
Kill me.
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You two are like little babies, it's been 100+ all week
You don't know the sufferings of humidhumans.
you should go work out outside mpro
I go for long works on purpose and have nothing to complain about. heat = good, give me that VITAMIN D.
Oh yeah that's actually horrible, didn't know the Balkans were humid
I feel sorry for you all now.

>RealFeel® 42
xaxxaxxaxax, who's the African now
Not under monkey flag today schizo?
yea my bulgarian proxy stopped working
We get middle eastern temperatures but unlike the most of the middle east we have plenty of vegetation and mountains to keep that heat inside. It's basically like a boiling pot outside and concrete makes it worse.
>didn't know the Balkans were humid
They aren't.... certainly nothing like the American South-East anyway. There's humidity along the coastal areas but inland it's pretty dry.

We don't have vast open low lying plains opening the route for hot and humid air like you do to the Gulf of Texico - on the contrary the Balkan mountains clockblock coastal air getting inland.
Mă cac.
>google says skopje will be at comfy 70% humidity for the next week
lol lmao
We're not humid bro. Tatars already solved this.
70% humidity is 3 showers a day weather, it's deodorant in your ass crack and ball sack weather
I know you didn't mean putting actual deodorant but NO NO NO to it an perfume you have no fucking idea how awful the combination of sweat+whatever chemical is in humidhuman weather especially.
>attfrica real feel 38
You don't suffer.
No I mean actual like get a actual deodorant stick and rub it all over your ass and balls lol
That's what they do in the south here
nobody's smelling your ass and balls bro
There's no such thing as a peaceful life, it's just that someone is carrying that burden for us.
real balkan niggas dont touch their ass in the shower at all out of pure homophobia
its not for the smell lol its so you don't get swamp nuts and swamp ass
deodorant does nothing for sweating, that's antiperspirant
you get swamp nuts and ass cos you shave your pubes
It's even better, actually!
>antiperspiranting your balls in boiling weather
How to cook your balls 101.
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And is how it should be, inshallah
aluminum salts are good for your balls bro
What you drinking, son?
Usually here it's the same product for both
My man it's like Osama Bin Laden down there, I haven't gotten laid since 2018
You're balls are going to cook anyway, might as well not chafe
>bro stopping your balls from sweating has ZERO effects on them bro
whats your actual country of origin mister diasporoid
A light liquor unknown to the Southerners but that traditionally we varvaroi drink at the coast, it’s called “menta”.
what's so good about it
If you're gonna be dripping all over you might as well have dry balls and ass crack to alleviate the discomfort is all I'm saying
I'm American, and phone posting, damn good gets to decide my yours, and I don't proof read
I wish I spent the tens of thousands I dumped on school on hookers instead.
are you black at least?
Alum was known to the Egyptians even
Antiperspirant is as trad as it gets
when will you start mercurymaxxing bro?
no I'm white, my nipples are pink.
I need to keep my balls sweaty for my wife.
I already eat tuna bro
based immortal
can you hook me up with a very old pc for free? im looking for pentium 4 kinda thing.
do you have a virgin sister?
best I can do is a core 2 duo
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>>>198891149 225 posts
>still not deleted
c2d works, what do?
The amount of simps in that thread is astounding
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average 4cuck poster is pathetic
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wait I lied, it actually is a Pentium 4 lol it's really old and loose in my little box of momentos (was my first CPU)
Don't know if it would work honestly
low alcoholic shit that tastes EXACTLY like mouthwash
cattle fodder (rushits are animals)
relax alibaba it's homemade and has pigger meat in it so you're not allowed to even touch it

I put fried eggs in there, too
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shes a patetik r9k kri4ur
throw rocks at her if you spot her in your neighbourhood
Is that tahini dripping off it?
>throw rocks at her if you spot her in your neighbourhood
I pay 0 attention to femoids
>Rushits and tahini
lol they probably don't know what that is, it's some mayo shit
I'd sperm all of them.
nah only turk rape babies like fuming buar be eating that
it's smetana, the aryan product.
Rushits aren't Slavs tho
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>Rushits aren't Slavs tho
>ventis hyperventilating
>my femboy sex slave is polish.
i hope it's a real one and not imaginary
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you guys are actually hilarious
lies, im willing to bet money that you twist your head like an owl to stare at passing lolis
its all filters and photoshop bro
this is what she actually looks like >>198893186
fry vegetables = lose vitamins
fry lavash = it will shit up my table with crumbs
everything is planned.

I hope you get executed by revival anti-lgbt death squad
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>>ventis hyperventilating
shes cute
nvm then
her head is shaped like the ball that lesser races get paid to kick around
america must be pure suffering
E pazi sea ova: UGA BUGAR
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahaha ova e ludilo
good morning, siestahumans
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>mouse keeps dying
>make a program to monitor the usb data
>just disconnects , dont let me access data
shit fucking summer
Considering half of all adults here are obese, yeah it's pretty bad ngl
Any girl that's >160lbs is an automatic 8

Disgusting turkofolk. What kind of shrub listens to this?
always used some cheap HP mouse and never had problem like this
god invented eyeballs to turn them instead of heads
The master can only introduce you to the door but the practice is up to you.
it's some wired ms mouse, that was dropped on the floor one too many. power dies out now. I got couple wireless mice but they're heavy on the hand.

thinking if I could make the program monitor the usb port/data, and every time it gets ready to die it floods it back with data, like a shock therapy on a dying patient hahahahaha

shieeet dont die on me mouseee
I'd still sperm her.
mental how I ran out of games again because the good ones don't update
frfr, I found a game with a good femboy and it hasn't updated in a year
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Just play Knights and Merchants
Insane how brown I am
I don't think ravager has added anything new in months besides cgs and voices, I've been holding back on the new superhuman updates until the arc is over since everything is a cliffhanger, same thing with HPMF because I don't care about the mother
I found some small games here and there like Tyrant Quest which was surprisingly decent but I eat those up in 2-3 days
I dumped MonGirlDreams a year ago when that fag got stuck in the labyrinth and all the new girls were shit and karlssons gambit just updates slowly because it's a giant render farm
I think 80% of update time is wasted with renders for wegs when I couldn't care less
when you look at the update history for these games it's fucking hilarious how slowly it goes and you can usually pinpoint when the writer starts phoning it in to get the money, doesn't help that in most of them the renders are a negative with bogged females or extremely boring sex scenes written by asexual vanillafag simps
Post pic
Is that what Tzar drew inspiration from
This one looks good, that's for the recc mprother!
That's my first video game and my first and only love(cs 1.6 is on far second place)
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Abe torbes bitolski
yeah that one is I'd say good enough to consider semi-done and just ignore the plot at this point since I don't know why they're slowing down so much
decent scenes and you can actually fuck your daughter and take her as your consort which is hilarious
the art is kinda fucky some times, no idea why they didn't fix that yet, but the elf rape scenes are all kino and that's all that matters
Chilly 29C at 10 PM
My favorite bibeo gaym? 40 hours in the last 2 weeks. I can barely even be bothered to play it like a part-time job. Wagenetics never happened for me.
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We Thessalonikans really are the master race
I haven't played Skyrim in years at this point, if I distracted myself with something actually fun I wouldn't be able to handle waging
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did you play teraurge?
i remember it veing shilled on /v/ a while back
you can stick your dick in picrel creatures nosepussy apparently
I've played like 85% of everything h-related mentioned on this crappy website, and I'm being generous with the 15% not played
Teraurge was nice but like with all these games the dev got distracted from writing by the game part nobody cares about and is also a filthy nocoder like all these nigs so V3 never ever and all that
You are unironically the platonic ideal of a subhuman bro
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peculiar way to spell ubermensch
Someone invented insulin just so you can live to play low quality pornographic visual novels

That person should be dug up, shot and cremated
it's truly disturbing how low quality most of this shit is
just like real life 80% of the quality is concentrated in 20% of the games
I keep seeing subh flags in this thread
>that person
It was a bunch of *nglo leaves, of course.
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You're calling everyone a subman itt, in your endless projection
God I wish the most based AMERICAN superhero Homelander was a real character so I could send him to Kumanovo and deal with you permanently
taq galena q pomnq kuv parcal beshe i kolko gadno peeshe okolo 2008ma i mi e malko stranno da q vijdam 16godini po kusno da e varvejna
>Jeremy Meeks worked hard bro
>v2 was 5 years ago
lmao, the devs deserve severe beatings for this behavior
>You're calling everyone a subman itt
No, just the subhumans
Ironic to call people submen when you're rooting for people like meeks and tate!
bro, it's one artfag
no idea why artfags always, FUCKING ALWAYS, think they should add gameplay to their games when they have zero propensity and skill for it

what a lame deflection and missing the point
certainly, because hard work is relative
for me doing what I do is expected and average
for another doing 1/5th of it would be enough to start bragging and thanking god
proportional goals can only be achieved with a proportional amount of hard work/skill, talent, and luck
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квa бaлгapиa квo cпacявaнe квo вaжpaждaнe кви 5лв cичкo e цигaнo тypки бoклyк и клoaкa

дaжe и чaлгa нямa
kade e tova kade sa tiq novi tusko cigano orientalaski laina snimani kato porno
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>meeks and tate!
Maymun subanthropoi
You're not albovlach.
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perchance the real albovlach was the personas we made along the way
Alcohol? Tobacco? Drugs? Heat Delirium?
dai para
>Oldest country in the world is Iran
>Shows Elam on a map
>A civilization that has nothing to do with Iranians or Iran
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meds, NOW
verno e glei kak mul4at si4ki ribi tuka, cigansko turska ko4ina 95% ot naselenieto e za trepane
Ela da vidish tuka mercedesi, bmwta, djip bently ve brat, ulicite krateri i nekav bukluk si kupil djip bently tva skapano pleme trea da se zali4i vednagi4eski ot liceto na zemqta
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>some kind of synagogue church whatever churka shooting in republic of churkastan
what's next for this shithole I wonder, thanks god I am safe in krasnoyarsk where nothing ever happens.
Raining outside

A schizophrenic was put on the HAARP controls
They look like balkmuns.
Two buff sweaty hairy men touching their pectorals after gym. I don't know what goes through their brain to consider this action straight.
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odnovo SRPSKITE vodeni pamuci ne spasuvaat od t*tarskite gorestini
42 degrees + sunny + 80% humidity + 400 AQI + raining
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Stop lying bro
the cia hacked the weather bro
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Look at this swag in 1900s holy fuck
i touch my friends muscles all the time and ive gotten 0 erections from doing it
>rape turks and anatoloids at 4am
Nothing personal kiddo
i was at belmeken today to escape the maymun heatwave, i basically go there and have a spot where a mountain spring springs up from the ground so i submerge myself in the freshest spring water and cool off , then pick some herbs and go home
milk thistle needs another week to fully bloom, that's 2 months early this year
Also due to the extreme sandcoon heat robber flies have spawn one of these fucks jumped on my arm
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Note that if you don't have good and strong hair you aren't Macedonian
And guess what they all washed their with pig soap
It's so fucking over Maqe bros
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its true
i nerfed myself by smoking too much
> Haй-близкият eкип нa Зeлeнcки ce кaни дa гo пpeдaдe и дa пpeгoвapя c Pycия
>There's humidity along the coastal areas but inland it's pretty dry.
right it's only about 60% humidity and the air is even still in gaseous state of matter, with droplets forming on surfaces shortly before evaporating again in an infinite dance and rhythm reminiscent of the most brazenly stolen turkish song performed by mile kitić.
Rain saves us from maymoonic temperatures.
> Epдoгaн и Mицoтaкиc щe бъдaт в Кипъp зa 50-гoдишнинaтa oт тypcкoтo нaшecтвиe нa ocтpoвa
humiliation ritual
page 5 of f95 updates and nearly every game disqualified for ugly 3d models or lame high school student/college student fuckboy simulator
very very grim, finna have another red bull before the work week starts
> Укpaйнa yдapи плaжa в Ceвacтoпoл c aмepикaнcкa ATACMS, зaгинaхa 3 дyши, oт кoитo дeтe нa 2 г. имa мнoгo paнeни! (BИДEO)
Mиниcтepcтвoтo нa oтбpaнaтa нa Cлoвaкия пoдaдe нaкaзaтeлнa жaлбa cpeщy бившия пpeмиep нa cтpaнaтa Eдyapд Хeгep и нeгoвия миниcтъp нa oтбpaнaтa Яpocлaв Haди зapaди тoвa, чe e пoдapил бoйни caмoлeти нa Укpaйнa. Toвa cъoбщи нacтoящият дъpжaвeн ceкpeтap нa миниcтepcтвoтo нa oтбpaнaтa Игop Meлихep, пишaт oт POLITICO.

Cлoвaкия дapи цeлия cи флoт oт изтpeбитeли MиГ-29 oт cъвeтcкaтa eпoхa и двe пpoтивoвъздyшни cиcтeми нa Укpaйнa пpeз пpoлeттa нa 2023 г. Toвa я нaпpaви пъpвaтa cтpaнa, кoятo изпpaти вoeнни caмoлeти в Киeв cлeд инвaзиятa нa pycкия пpeзидeнт Bлaдимиp Пyтин пpeз фeвpyapи 2022 г.

„Teзи двaмa гocпoдa ycпяхa дa oбeзopъжaт Cлoвaкия пo-дoбpe oт вceки дpyг вpaг“, дoбaви Meлихep. „Убeдeн cъм, чe Яpocлaв Haди e пpeдaл Cлoвaкия, cвoятa poдинa.“
In a past life, I must have been a Huangdi of the Great Qing

My ENTJ fascistic nature could only be explained as such
>Къпaнeтo зaбpaнeнo! Oткpихa "eшepихия кoли" във вoдитe нa Aлбeнa и Кpaнeвo

>Sasho posts this
>suddenly rain
String theory is real
reminded me of this
> Лeнa Бopиcлaвoвa: Hямa дa пoдкpeпим кaбинeт c пъpвия, втopия и тpeтия мaндaт
бaх тaя cpъдлa
Wtf he put golden tooth
Isn't it funny how the people that sacrificed children to Baal ended up inventing basically every major modern religion apart from Hinduism and Taoism
baalbros keep winning
23rd and im broke already, fuck this
They're the entropic shrubs.
gamble more bro
I dont gamble
indiicite kato doidat sha se 4uvstvam u doma si
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>your army is invading fyrom and you're on the front lines
>as you wait for your enemies to attack, you see pic related
What do
Intiate HAARP to increase the temperature, the soldiers start complaining their feet hurt from the heat and they want to go home to cry to their wives.
Lol, serbs made bulgarians wear spartan costumes and believe ancient greeks spoke bulgarian peasant dialect, hats off unironically
I would rather believe I'm a toaster than a turkomongolic Tatar
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Bro, even a toaster has more power than you
No more poorfag talk, i forbid it.
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Fact check: True
haha, suffer
fuck summer
fuck you
You could say this was a gathering in Karachi in the early 1900's and I would believe you.
I don't suffer as much this june as opposed to last june. Drink theory really does help.
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please show her the port of giresun saars
the thread is harraseeing my eyes
Oksanka detected
Seems earlier reports of her getting raped and murdered by a pack of Chechens were fallacious
Even cramming status?
next exam is in 10 days mpro
finna start studying at 23 and study until 6 istanbul time
>he isn't done with exams
haha, suffer
>10 more days bro!
2/4 passed so far, allah willing i will pass at least another one
give me some andrew tate redpill content to motivate me study
Which semester? How many left?
I'm done after the first week of july with everything
I'll finally be free
Free to sign up for a master's degree program
evil creature
may your humidity never fall below 80%
1 more year of albovlach cooming to my suffering left
my hatred of you just leveled up bro
1 more till bachelor's or master's?
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>1 more year
haha, suffer
don't tell me you fell for the master's meme or is it an integrated degree
>have to learn how to cood if I want to fix my problem
YWNBACM(you will never be a codemonkey)
You're in the same boat bro
imagine unironically doing masters
only reason i see to do masters is to chase freshmen pussy
At this point I'm wondering why i didn't become one. I've spent so much time fucking around with software that I might as well have learned it by now. Putting learning off has only had a detrimental effect on my life. It's time to make a 5 year plan.
That means you have 3 more years left bro, 4 counting bar exam
i might do the retard version of masters that allows you to not attend class but you have to pay
not doing regular masters unless they fucking pay me to do it
the odds of me re-entering the educational brainwashing apparatus after a bach are quite low at around 10-20%, mainly only in one specific scenario would that be useful

are you younger than me you fag, how come you need a year
or did you take a break and fuck around for some years

the best time to start a five year plan was 5 years ago
>18 months of practice
>But can take it without a Master's
3 more years at the latest bro
Your colleagues on and off 4channel will laugh at you for not having a Master's degree
Per proelia stella tua fulsit
I laugh at anyone with a master's and most people with a bach
they cease to be relevant after this five year plan, my reputation is already established
You are an incel pedophile laughing at his Masters, literally
You always jump albovlach because he makes you feel inferior.
I insult him because he always replies
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bullying makkkelad is fun
wonder what he'll be like in 5 years once he's old and rotten

it is my solemn duty to keep the thread active
without replying to bait, /balk/ would die within 2 hours
Bulgarian pedophiles and pederasts and crooks and thieves protest against homosexual pederasts and trannies.
How did it come to this?
You reply because my insults are correct
^ Lost
Your baits are uninspired nozhko.
i doubt that im younger than you, you seem like a good student and im an imcredibly shitty one
i never said that im going into law though
You jump on the crippled pedophile's penis because his existence makes you feel like less of a pedophile cartoon enjoying freak
I'd already be done if my HS wasn't 4 years instead of 3, but whatever I lucked out with job interviews and got hired before even starting year 1
what job are you going to do with your meme degree?
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ill tell you in a year mpro, if im still posting by that time
>i never said that im going into law though
What's the point of getting a law degree then?
ah, so a future unemployment enjoyer

maybe he'll become a notary and stamp documents
>notary and stamp documents
He needs to pass the bar to do this
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lol, by the time somebody does all this shit to become a professional stamper I'd be already retired
It's a cash money job doe, especially if you have employees
Literally free money glitch
you still need to be physically present yourself to stamp shit
if one of my jobs wasn't retarded I wouldn't need to leave the house for most of the week
how are you supposed to jerk off at the office?
>you still need to be physically present yourself to stamp shit
No you don't lmao
it's literally in the template they stamp tho, "In the presence of the notary XXX, YYY was confirmed to me by id document nr. 123456789, address at ... with full legal right to represent himself"
notary's entire job is physically verifying shit
My anaconda is full of blood and ready to meet some Bulgarian slut for 2 chewing gums
Bro you give your employees the stamp
I've been notarizing my shit in the same office all my life and never seen the guy
pretty sure that's illegal bro, maybe the employee needs to also be certified or something
I've always had the notary themselves stamp everything
Just depends on the office and the amount of employees
Some Shkup notaries have 20 plebs stamping shit all day
>ushkubistani certification validity
Bro, 95% of notarizing is just checking an ID card to confirm a nigga's identity
They literally don't even have to read the document you're notarizing
it's over
did you try notarizing it?
4 years?
Vlach either you are mega boomer or you went to profesionale
He is Albanian

yep, went to prof
wasn't going to suffer through albo literature classes every day for 3 years
Blood status: aspirinated
what did these quads mean by this?
>Aspirin and beta blockers, used to protect heart health, may make it harder to handle the heat.
never even began for heathumans
Jajajajaja did you cook pilaf?
I cut wires and fixed lightbulbs
quite fun actually, given that my initial goal was becoming a repair technician and not a code monkey
you should have studied plumbing so you could fuck single or divorced hags
Imagine going back in time to ask Hitler where his masters degree is.
he didn't even get accepted to fucking art school
imagine jobbing drawing
The reason was so fucking retarded too
>uhmm sweetie we know you draw architecture real well but we're looking for portraithumans
if he nepotismmaxxed then he would have instantly gotten in
hitler was the whining 4chan incel of his generation
>basically 80% of the war effort was carried by him
>loses due to nepotismhumans fucking shit up
Grim. Truly grim. He had a very deluded view of his 'kameraden'.
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there is an entire book about the bussies of japanese femboys, it has some illustrations like picrel
if i get mpananad its your fault bro
Why is nippon like this?
favstian spirit
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it seems that they invented rimjobs
Muslim makke on suicidewatch.
how about this?

Why is he so old at 25
Is he lying
BBC in background getting mad puss
The Carnival of F20
you cant
>you cant
well, why not?
>illyria: croat-slovene union
>romania in ottoman sphere of inluence
>he doesn't know
Safe from their yugofailian oppressors, croat-slovenes were free to enjoy their ancient wewuz LARP
no point in mpamping
tranny thread tomorrow
what's that, some freak nigga shit?
elhemdelelleh, days are now becoming shorter
um its called artistic freedom chud
cant wait for blessed winter time when the sun sets at 5pm
>Louisiana becomes first state to allow surgical castration as punishment for child molesters
Louisianon animu afficionados most affected!
fuck you tranny
i hate summer
I hate you
winter is best
makes sense, you're an albo
i wonder what i should play
games aren't as fun as they used to be
fresh bread
mmos keep shutting down
puzzle games end one day
racing games just have you do what the game says
denounce winter
and i refuse to play western games because they're full of anti-white propaganda
winter is by the best season
outer space is made of winter
it's the default season of the world
this is simply your calling to play real life instead
I would gladly pay to have you trampolined into space without any protection

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