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Garms edish
poo smells lmao
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Thomas the pork iter.
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me reading one of sacked tranny's posts
who cares about the basic history of your nation bro just watch rick and morty instead
Who are you talking to
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*walks into /brit/*
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refute this
you can't
i owe an apology to brazil
it was 7-1
you worthless piece of shit ape, i apologise
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I think "English" lessons in school should be less about writing stories and more about learning old English through to early modern English.
nobody cares what you think
Tell you what. Something like Scientology wouldn’t fly here
nobody cares what you think
when they wanted to show max payne at his lowest, they sent to brazil lol
i can go all night boy
He's done you to be fair
This seethe is unbecoming of a European
growing up is realizing tolkien was literally just a personification of the modern boomer conservative mindset
>thank god we fought the nazis because classical liberalism is so great or something
the same message presented in his shit books. if you actually like lord of the rings as an adult you're either a sheltered toryboy, mentally deficient, or both
why were anonymong nonces so obsessed with that back in the day anyway. seems such a bizarre thing to care about
the wogs from my country kicking a ball beat your wogs from your country kicking a ball
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you're siding with the ape, eh?
Holy shit you're retarded
cope and rope
utterly bizarre drivel from the yank again
germany's team wasn't wogs back then
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might go for a cheeky pooey bum wank lads aha x
You're the ape, he's the monkey
You are severely mentally ill and klopp is gone.
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>Lord of the Rings
>classical liberalism
It's literally medievalist monarchy though.
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Underage girls are pickpocketing tourist in Paris right now and you are pork-iting?
tolkien was an anarcho monarchist
I'm spitting bloody but can't see any bleeding from gums or mouth
I did punch myself in the head earlier, mighy have sonething to do with it
I am quite tired but too early for kip. Don't start work until 16:00 pm tomorrow you see.
Filtered by simple sarcasm
bud, peados are buying 3 year olds in your country
sit down and look down
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You dont have a job, yet alone a life outside of /brit/.
Why do you find that image so funny?
Spainonce samefag meltdown at 2am
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Spainonce samefag meltdown at 2am
i should play that shadow of mordor game some day
i do have it on the hard drive
Send them to calais rape camps immediately
we don't care about that brown mongrel
thought it was crap
Spainonce samefag meltdown at 2am
i should it a fatty pork some day
i do have the drive
>He has spent 5 years in British prison fighting extradition
Holy shit I thought that was just a couple of years ago
Oh its funny because he copied my post
>julian ass
Toss up between twitter screen caps and tiktok for worst posts on the general
Either way, they're both negative iq zoomer slop
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>growing up is realizing tolkien was literally just a personification of the modern boomer conservative mindset
>>thank god we fought the nazis because classical liberalism is so great or something
>the same message presented in his shit books. if you actually like lord of the rings as an adult you're either a sheltered toryboy, mentally deficient, or both
Sauron LOST
ugly bloke
Oh its funny because he copied my post
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how would orcs know what a menu is
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Leftypol licking his wounds after this battering
The Holdovers is a good movie
>Little Rishi's first day at school
My mental health is stable but consistently low. I feel apathetic to most things.
The national debt has grown to over 100% of GDP on his watch
do ye aye?
Join the club pal
Bought a cantaloupe melon today
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>Three Birmingham men die after caught in rip current in Gulf waters at Panama City Beach
kill yourself yeah?
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Just watched a bizarre YouTube unskilpable ad which lasted 3 minutes, the video started playing and its doctor mike watching a full advertisement for weight loss
He's saying the real fake thing that works is fake and freaking out because didn't buy the course and try it out silly. Je also has three same diet
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wha dey doin in da wahda??
decent tits for a tranny tbf
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>Alarm set for 10 hours 44 minutes from now
you are not allowed to post mice
>how would orcs know what a menu is
genuinely good question
Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence
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>At least eight people have died in a large office building fire near Moscow, the regional Governor Andrey Vorobyov has said.
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>EU politician openly supporting Islamic terrorism on twitter as a way to defeat Russia
dude I hecking love liberal democracy
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Cocaine carbolyxic acid freebase
Dont care
Still voting Tory
Fluorinated cocaine sublimed nitrous oxide ethyl
so called "Islamic terrorism"
buddy, you funded and trained the guys who flew in your towers
Negative 180c gassic cocaine fluoride
I'd be surprised if Mr Twin Towers browses /int/
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wholesome big chungus liberal democracy vibes
tolkien invented one of the most popular genres in fiction
Yep, it exists!
would you be surprised if he took out an insurance right before the thing happened?
think I'll have one of my patented poowanks
mousey sex arse corrr spaff
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We did it, reddit!
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tolkien didn't invent fantasy you thicko
have no idea what he's on about if i'm honest
his love of the halfling's leaf has clearly slowed his mind
Day 3 of fluoride:

I'm still waiting for it to have accumulated though
Not funny though is it. It's sadistic and disturbing.

Bradley Walsh would be horrified if he learnt what you associate him with.
all these guns you love to brag about
and no balls to use them
what a shame
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It's not difficult to understand
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Yeah but back then it was supposed to be a secret. Now they're not even trying to hide it anymore. Gunther Fehlinger is openly supporting Islamic terrorism on twitter now as a way to defeat Russia.
he did basically invent high fantasy
wtf are u on about
That's in Ukraine retard
Something about this guy's teeth looks really, really unnatural to me.
No downsides to renekton
had a nightmare my laptop broke
no he didn't
you look unnatural you deranged freak
yes he did, anything you see with elves and dwarves and whatnot in it, they nicked all their ideas from tolkien, that's just a fact
Just felt a glimpse of what the elite think of us
Mee too but it's whatever
high fantasy doesn't mean 'stories with elves and dwarves' you mong
Error: You may not post more than 5 active threads at a time.
just a dig at american passiveness
and of course the english pussy lapdog sides with his master
actually that wasnt me, but you have correctly identified me multiple times.
He really did mate
Doesn't really matter if there were some small forerunners, Tolkien came along and generated the archetypes of the genre
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it does for all practical purposes
no it really doesn't

absolute chune
We're in the same boat you mong
Or rather the same canal
Pretending to not be a lapdog is just blinding you to the fact that France is now a US economic zone
Diversify your portfolio.
im poor as fuck but cant stop spending money
*checks for americans bases*
yea, there's none
can you say the same?
This is not sustainable!
All of you


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whats going on here then
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When did the global elites stop even trying to pretend that they aren't evil murderous psychopaths?
They used to put up a facade that they're nice benevolent people trying to help the world, but now it's like they don't even bother with that anymore.
having some heroin
classic frog cope
>Diversify your portfolio.
anti-white bastard
no pakis in my portfolio
he wasnt just watching lmao he was already hunched over while creeping up
either about to snatch a bag or get a shag
go on, check
prove me wrong
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rorke's great grandad
they still try, you're just old enough to see past it now
Not sure where things are going
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Irrelevant really
>tfw my families weak jaw gene is male
I don't get it.
are they all mouthbreathers?
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good post
my great grand dad was in the trenches
he survived but it fucked him up
that's why i have no respect for the so called "refugees"
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anya taylor joy
got shit on her nose
what a retard
We have big noses which must contribute surely
le wild indian appears
hey if non-north-atlantic-touching countries like hungary get to be in NATO then why can't we?
check, you little bitch
she is turning into a werewolf
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bit of late night scran x
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>I am longing to be with you, and by the sea, where we can talk together freely and build our castles in the air
poo on white? wonderful choice.
See >>198973488
its early morning
whats the best part of australia?
yea keep sucking
>WikiLeaks' Julian Assange to be freed after pleading guilty to US Espionage Act charge
got more mental elves then the asylum in valinor
the most powerful alliance in history
I don't consider the soviets and US/UK during WW2 "True" allies, more just temporarily on the same side
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America, Russia, and China are the only countries who still take themselves seriously as a sovereign nation.
Everyone else is like "Yep, I give up. We're just going to be a vassal state from now on."
Love again: wanking at ten past three
(Surely he’s taken her home by now?),
The bedroom hot as a bakery,
The drink gone dead, without showing how
To meet tomorrow, and afterwards,
And the usual pain, like dysentery.

Someone else feeling her breasts and cunt,
Someone else drowned in that lash-wide stare,
And me supposed to be ignorant,
Or find it funny, or not to care,
Even ... but why put it into words?
Isolate rather this element

That spreads through other lives like a tree
And sways them on in a sort of sense
And say why it never worked for me.
Something to do with violence
A long way back, and wrong rewards,
And arrogant eternity.
of whom is India a vassal?
she really shouldnt be attractive but she is
insane luck roll on her part
And you
we cant event make our own films mate, mongs brag about how our studios make movies for america rather than making british films
>she really shouldnt be attractive but she is
what a bizarrely stupid sentence
Why not
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>Two pilgrims were killed on Monday when their motorcycle fell into a deep gorge near Ganganani on the Gangotri National Highway in Uttarkashi district, police said.
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the anglo argentine race will rule the future (of the world)
no bases, boy
she's from an incredibly wealthy family
Plenty of TV and streaming productions
Cinema is dying anyway
watching the new serpentza vid on china
who loves ya baby
I'm watching my wife make lunch
bad features, perfect harmony
if her eyes werent as big as they are she'd have never landed any roles
>consuming popular media in 2024
lmao what?
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So? You bend the knee to America and all of its core institutions of influence like the rest of Europe
the state should get rid of nukes and use the money to fund british media
what is she making
>bad features
like what
impossible to be born in the americas and be white
the land brownifies your soul
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What year is it?
will the first person born on mars be white?
She would she's just be a different type
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>21000 Children Are Missing in Gaza, on Top of Over 15000 Killed by Israel
2024, do keep up
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stealing this extraordinary bradley
Aarvoll is spiritually white and he's from the Ozarks.
eyes wide apart (stated it was her biggest insecurity), strange nose, short chin, small upper lip, long philtrum
but shes still very pretty
Yes let's invest billions in a dying industry, excellent
do you reckon italians spoke with their hands and made random out-of-pocket vowel sounds back during the roman empire?
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*tears my ears off*
*rips my eyeballs out*
*tears all my skin off*
mad how more kids go missing around passover
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in the UK 80% of divorce applications are initiated by women
yes, culture matters. literally fund billion into tv and film.
Yeah I reckon they did
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do you reckon he's a yid or a kopite?
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>tv and film
But oir TV industry is fine
Just let it carry on as it is
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no we need high production quality and cultural export
Just shit myself
>>tv and film
Let me find a "chudjak thinking about trad wife" image
Right. That's it. I'm going to sleep.
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Why is this Jay Dyer guy such a schizo magnet?
Fascinating statistical quirk
tory bros, i dont feel so good....
go away
oh my days is this Aarvoll guy catyank
>and cultural export
almost like they planned it this way
catyank won
satan lost
not even remotely funny
youre right.
its not funny.
confusing post
because cultural export makes our cultural more normalised internationally, makes us more liked internationally and promotes business and tourism. See Korea a great example of state lead cultural export.They have the world watching their shows, films and listening to their music.
kill yoruself
satan clutching his hands with tears running down his eyes because a 30 something year old sperg who still has his parents dictate if he can drink alcohol stopped him in his evil ways
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catyank won
jay dyer won
russia won
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I'm goin' out on the highway
Listen to them big trucks whine
I'm goin' out on thehighway
Listento them bigtrucks whine
Ah White Freightliner
Won't you stealaway my mind
Well New Mexico ain't bad, Lord
And the people there they treat you kind
Well New Mexico ain't bad, Lord
And the people there they treat you kind
Ah White Freightliner
Won't you steal away my mind
Well, it's bad news from Houston
Half my friends are dying
Well, it's bad news from Houston
Half my friends are dying
White Freightliner
Won't you steal away my mind
Lordy, Lord I'm gonna ramble
Till I get back to where I came
Ah Lord, I'm gonna ramble
Till I get back to where I came
Till that White Freightliner
Gonna haul away my brain
>Korea a great example of state lead cultural export
Currently lying down nude in the grass eating bread and honey, just as God intended
He's too well spoken and coherent to be catyank.
hes rtight, what are you on you mong? the entire world listens to kpop and watches kdrama
Is any part of that statement incorrect?
piss off spainlard
you lot had tons of weird cults at the turn of the 20th century
>thing is popular therefore it has merit
The UK already did more than enough cultural export, it's called colonialism
you're damn right they did

Popularity is a merit, yes
jay dyer would get on well with diego
Thing is popular therefore tons of people give the Korean economy money, visit Korea, and are more positively inclined towards Korea and its product.
So yes.
>colonialism bad, kpop good
unsubscribing from this JF subreddit, see you losers
kpop is utter slop and only autistic girls and paedophiles listen to it
isn't jay dyer the lad that went missing
Gangnam Style was catchy though.
its the JFs childish rebellion against anglo culture
>muh product
fucking hylics i swear
dogberg having a melty
i get along better with americans than i do with southerners
Hate Tutsi cockroaches
Hutu dog
there is alot more nuance than just "american" and "southerner"

your only options for entertainment nowadays
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AHOHOHO...Indubidately good fellow! Carry on!
arr same
southerners always have this air like youre a subhuman they dont understand friendship
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americans have more melanin per capita in their brains then most african countries do in total
your only options if youre part of the midwit normiecattle herd
Might build a stone hut to live in
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im the half-evolved monkey at the front in csgo matches
noooooo but i want to blow it down !

build it out of straw instead!
Aarvoll is smart and white.
Russian literature is still there
old games too
>your only options if youre part of the midwit normiecattle herd
>world of tanks
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>your only options if youre part of the midwit normiecattle herd
not sure what any of this post is meant to imply
bit bizarre really.
>not sure what any of this post is meant to imply
>bit bizarre really.
ok well im not black for a start
if youre racist just say youre racist

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