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Pet Shop Boys edish

Sinned : >>198938071
Good morning /med/.
Good edition.
Now that I am working on my weight I feel that I am entitled to a little rant about it. I hate how disgusting I look; looking more or less like a potato with toothpicks for arms and wider sticks for legs. I'm always in a state of discomfort and most of my clothes don't fit me well or at all. As soon as my blistered toe heals, I'll be increasing my walk's distance. I feel good about this and I will try to not let anything (mostly myself) stop me from going down this path. Hunger has slightly subsided, so that's good. I'm eating much less now, as intended.
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Had a strange nightmare tonight.

Hi /med/
Look at me thread >>198979122
>Had a strange nightmare tonight.
Do you recall any of it?
You're doing great Maltanon, big respect for the effort.
As long as you remember all of this is in your best self interest and will only make you feel better the more you do it, nothing can stop you.
At some point, maybe invest in good shoes and socks so the blister become less of an issue.
same. I was in some tunnels/underground abandonned facilities with a creature hunting me.
>destroying nords with Poseidon
>bossman calls me
uh oh

It seems i already had a similar one or more about it, basically there are some weird caves where some strange dudes assemble and i found out something about the caves and some try to kill me
before waking up i was being overpowered by a weird dude with a massive mouth
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>weird dude with a massive mouth
like picrel?
Being chased by soyjak must be quite something.
Basically he was holding my wrists close together, so I try to move my hands toward his head but he just open a massive mouth and have both of them inside it
So I'm like what the fuck do I do now and I wake up
Two others guy near him not helping either of us fr fr
Lmaoing at the flyer btw
The flyers look nice, I doubt I'll ever get some in my company even if I worked in an office because programmers rarely are involved with syndicates.
>So I'm like what the fuck do I do now and I wake up
Maybe it was for the best.
>I doubt I'll ever get some in my company even if I worked in an office because programmers rarely are involved with syndicates
I work in a R&D industrial zone, there are portals to get in where you have to slow down because the bollard are close to each other and they are off centered. So they were handing out their flyers there.
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T'is the season to lose weight. Eating is almost a challenge in this weather.
>depict political enemy as godzilla
>think this will make people not want to vote for them
Weebs truly are retarded no matter which country they're from.
While there is probably the need for better socks and shoes, I was expecting blisters since it is a new pair of shoes and I haven't walked this distance in a while, and years ago when I made my first attempt at weight loss, I had blisters on my feet at first as well.
I'm not the one with night terrors for once.
For me, eating is a challenge in all year long I'm afraid.
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>in all year long
That "in" shouldn't be there.
Me in the bottom right btw (curious dog)
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Based, I love Gojira!!
Good lucl fren and keep us updated on your progress. Soon enough, 10km will seem like nothing.
>night terrors
Funny but my "nightmares" aren't really nightmare. Maybe my love for horror movies made nightmares less of an impact, it's just a fun adventure for me.
>Based, I love Gojira!!
Yes, I'm still not going to vote until this law :
is examined by the senate.
For 7 years, from the far left to the far right not a single of those old fuckers have examined this law that was voted by the parliament. This country is a disgrace to "democracy", it would be better if people claiming we are and that it's important to vote.
I like the ideas but then you can just put some bullshit conviction on someone like not liking brown pipo
No because the Gayssot law qualify racist insult has a misdemeanor and not a crime, this wouldn't apply in the list of misdemeanor of the law :
This law is really good and the only reason no decree has been issued from it is because politicians are a bunch of corrupt bourgeois who deserve the rope, along with all their descendants that will keep plaguing our country.
doubt there are much candidates indicted for crimes though?
too lazy to look at your list
most politicians need to hang anyway
>doubt there are much candidates indicted for crimes though?
Not, but in the listed misdemeanor there are stuff like :
>not being a sex pest (extra hard for politicians)
>not beating your wife
>not being a corrupt piece of shit
>not paying your tax
>not doing your job with integrity
I did not see the dog because I was looking a bit higher.
>Good lucl fren and keep us updated on your progress.
Thank you and I will.
>Soon enough, 10km will seem like nothing.
10km is my aim. I'm currently doing 4km, the first planned extension of the walk will raise it to 6.4km. The most I've done in my previous attempts was around 7-8km.
Leftists trying to portray the right as evil and failing, as usual.
On Thursday we're going to have someone over to install an AC unit and I really don't want to be here. I'm thinking of actually take a bus and go somewhere but I don't know where.
>Weebs truly are retarded no matter which country they're from.
Based Catnigga
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group activity w the coworkers tomorrow
I suffer
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>creative common
>the book is over 1400 pages long
fucking based. Every book should be free.
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My father decided to go full Brune and paid some company to do research into our family history. It is just as I suspected: plebs all the way down.
My distaste for anime and JRPGs has given me cold feelings towards the East, however, I do feel a sudden rush of warmth whenever I see cute Japanese girls.
Didn't he already do that ?
Or did he went further?
>mfw the genealogist slacked and just lied
Nothing interesting whatsoever?
That's why I couldn't care less about genetic or ancestry tests and such, it would be just rural peasants for centuries, not exactly riveting discoveries
>tfw still refuse to pay britoids for documents about a POW
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He did some amateur thing years ago, but it only went back a few generations. This thing here has a whole written report that's 6 pages long and has stuff like copies of birth and marriage certificates. It still only goes back to the 18th century though, and even the earliest record has the anglo spelling of my surname (original Gaelic version looks like some forgotten city from a Lovecraft story).
Nope. The only thing I found surprising is that my family were not originally cityplebs as I suspected, but ruralfags who moved to Edinburgh in the late 19th century. 90% of the professions listed are either:
>coal miner
>hairdresser's assistant
>hotel waiter
Yeah, I'm the same as you, never had much interest it because I knew it was going to be a long list of peasants. I can see why the scions of /med/ would be more interested in it though.
Part of the fun of this exercise is knowing what they did, so even if it is all ordinary, I would still deem it interesting. Hotel waiter in particular caught my eye first.
my tree is quite boring if i go back only to late 18th
Dude probably interacted with the ancestor of NORF FC
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I don't really know much about it, but apparently that job had some prestige back then. I mean, these days if a woman found out her boyfriend worked as a hotel waiter, she'd probably make a Tiktok crying about it while sitting in her car, but my ancestor apparently managed to support 4 children on that salary.

Is it really so much to ask to have just one watchmaker or alchemist or ratcatcher in your family tree though?
Right? He probably met some interesting folk.
>she'd probably make a Tiktok crying about it while sitting in her car
>but my ancestor apparently managed to support 4 children on that salary.
That's true for a lot of jobs.
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Consoomed. If the portuguese nesquik will be mid, I'm going to become a lusophobe.

Good job Maltabro.
>Blistered toe
What happened? Kicked something with it?
>my ancestor apparently managed to support 4 children on that salary.
Dis nigga >>198955114 had like 6 children
Thanks. The blister is caused by the rubbing between my toe and the sock and shoe.
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>a painful swelling on the skin that contains liquid, caused usually by continuous rubbing, especially on your foot, or by burning:
I should have opened a dictionary fr fr. Pardon my retardedness.
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Kek. I had others - in my soles for example - but those were gone fast. The one on my toe persists.
>mfw I'm descending a steep road with lots of pressure being added to the blister, popping it and feeling like the toe is on fire.
Yeah, he needs his pills.
>Yeah, he needs his pills.
What it does to a mf when new railways don't get built..
Or when he's out of Kosovan coffee.
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>And two plastic lobsters
So fruity.
I hate Salesforce and the new job.
In the new job they really try to get us not to slack.
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>they really try to get us not to slack.
Just see this as a survival job until you find something better
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The quirky gf
Gironde ROCKED
Look at this as a challenge to overcome and develop your slacking abilities.
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EU international politics aside, when did TLDR EU get such an absolute ENGLISH ROSE to be their host?
what a lovely accent, I think.
She wears glasses, which translates into defective genes.
Would not bang, also probably has a tattoo somewhere hidden.
she didn't have glasses the last time, I don't she needs them it's just for aesthetics
yes I know your post was a "2/10 would not bang" type meme, I just want to be pedantic today
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Nice digits but you WILL help businesses keep track of customer interactions and sales data.

>She wears glasses, which translates into defective genes.
You don't need good eyes if you can sense your surroundings.
t. sightlet
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Moving to la Réunion in august
Suffering is cancelled
Keep up the good work king
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I read that many people there are of mixed heritage and they have their own creole
I get wanting that black puss puss, but if you do that at least teach them proper European French
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I'm jelly fr fr
who is this thoughbeit, i have a doubt
Yeah Réunion is extremely mixed between Euro French, blacks and métis, south-Indians, Arabs, Vietnamese, Chinese and others
But it's pretty chill, I've been there before there is little tension between the communities as opposed to say Guadeloupe and Martinique where the blacksl descendant of slaves are still mad at the whites occasionally

Going there to start new studies (sciences de la vie, écosystèmes tropicaux)
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>bossman lend me books to write a report
>one of the book's author is a famous Russian scientist
>reminds of a guy I met not so long ago who was his student and did his PhD with him
>guys live in France with his family for now but is unsure about what job we will have in a few months once his current contract ends since he doesn't want to go back to Russia with his wife and kids for obvious reason
>thinking about this makes me sad
Holy fuck summer melancholy is the worst thing ever.
What are you going to do there?
Btw French people can't suffer, when they get fed up of the best country on Earth they can just fuck off to one of their colonial holdings
Also I already have a black gf
So if I was to date a mixed creole it would mean actually getting a whiter gf kek
Noice, but are you serious about those studies or it's some way to slack? Feels like you're not interested into having a permanent job fr fr
Going back to uni after a decade being a wanker travelling the world but still felt like being somewhere exotic so I applied to uni in the colonies
You seem very privileged.
I am, no fucking way I'd go to school again if I wasn't
I wanna work in the field of nature conservation eventually
I'm fine with a permanent job as long as it's related to the outdoors
No that much, I worked shit jobs to sustain my travels
Fruit picking, factory jobs etc

Privileged compared to the 3rd world but I didn't have a fortune
I also lived in a van for several years to save money and increase mobility for seasonal jobs
Some aspects of that can be very cool but it made me technically homeless
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that's actually really interesting
also good luck with your tropical ecosystem studies
I kneel out of respect.
Going there for a Reunion?
(Sorry. Good luck with your studies)
Thanks, I'll try.
Interesting, I know other chicks who do the same.
Women can be so weird.
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there is some heat and it makes me slack
how does booma do it
That portuguese nesquick I posted is delicious. Thank you, Portugal.
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good afternoon lads
why does the french have to lie? >>198984426

sheer hate and I need to pay my bills
but one must be really strong willed to not give up to the heat
Good day med, France vs Poland in 30 minutes give us your strength we need to score some goals
Sheiiit I had 21h in mind and wanted to watch
Oh well it's pooland
Why is there portuguese nesquick in hungary?
Spooky theme
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>Receive a call for a job offer in Vigo
>Check rent prices
>30m square meters shoeboxes eats up 60% of salary
How the fuck do people even live in big cities
>we need to score some goals
Indeed, my fren. Indeed :D
/med/ders on suicide watch

So that it can enter my tummy.
For some reason AI just said fuck it and named the 'jak "the zoomer" instead of "the italian zoomer"
I will actually physically hurt you for implying francesinha is bad
although if you did eat it daily you'd be dead by stroke or heart failure by age 25
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Magyanon on horny watch
Hory shittu, she cute. But why are her boobies white?
very interesting AI shit, thanks for sharing
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My first
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The bleach
Does the black sea count as part of the mediterranean? I mean it's technically one body of water.
Literally me
If we go n'y "it's technically one body of water" then there is also no difference between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, or any other seas/oceans

Same for continents, we draw lines but Europe/Asia/Africa are one connected landmass
>Enough evidence for Muscat and co. to be trialed.
Haha let's go.
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>0 (zero) matches in all nordic cities
>move to tunisia
>10 matches in 10 minutes
This is getting heavily suspicious. Is it poverty or is it dark skin? Because i'm quite pale, so maybe i look exotic to them, and just average to snow bunnies (i svffer)
Tunisians are white though
Try Romania
Within Europe that's where I had by far the most matches
I tried Bucharest but didn't have much success, i will try some other cities. In other slavic countries not much to report
Yeah, my impression after some swiping is that they are white
Maltabro check this out if you haven't seen it yet>>198994409
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>St. Julian's promenade
I'd rather turn into the Michelin man.
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also goths
Kek. There's no salvation for this land.
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Too much people, noises, activity, etc.
>doing decent at the climbing gym but struggling on some paths
>decide a last attempt on some path I did no try much
>brutally MOG a few dude by passing it with ease
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I hurt my hand while drunk climbing some construction area palisade.
To do a big poo it seems
France is good
Outstanding picture, with the stream of piss too
We played like shit just like always.
Also Lewandowski is a bitch.
Twinkest hand in existance.

Hahahahhaha xDDD
Sounds like a premise for some black comedy

Nice and surreal

Well... :D
Nah just a misguided young man
just a pee
I missed pee pics too, it's been a long while kek.
Why are you ragging on me, my twinkness is a disease, I can't help it.
The 'babeteria was closed so I had to go to another. That's it, I'm voting Chuds.

That other kebab place might have robbed me a little.
Malta in the past 11 years has been the setting of a black comedy.
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bretty funny
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I fucking hate women so fucking much...
Listening to female coworkers talk about dates and shit. Makes me wanna puke.
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I'm amazed. They found a way to make wojaks even more soulless than they already were.
Perhaps I should not have taken harissa with this weather

I hate them. Without even hearing them.

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Grim. I miss the days when women were blissfully unaware that 1/5th of the male population lusted after their feet. Another aspect of human interaction locked behind a paywall, as society continues to atomise and even more elements of the human experience are subdivided into transactions.

I hope you didn't match with her.
did not even like her
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>move back to Culombia again
>start getting superswipes sent by cuties
It really is unfair, also i wonder if those would drop my sorry ass the second some better local male approaches them
Hahahhaha, already me. Cheers!
or if it's a scam
Good one

Who's into gayming? :D
>get like
>knows the algorithm will propose me the like at second swipe
>names check out
>fat black girl
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Curious crab
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Sister....... The source is in the bottom right corner of every single pic.......
They aren't hot enough to be scams and they are also confirmed profiles, which isn't really much proof of anything, but scam profiles are pretty obvious
Yeah i get many matches from fat ugly sheboons, i'm getting more racist and fatphobic
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Why does this exist.
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>Why does this exist.
The answer is rather simple. Your people between 1760 and 1840 decided that they wanted to do something funny and said something funny should have consequences.
>breizh is dying we have to do something... niggas in morbihan asking if im from belgium bc I got a breton accent...

Holy grim, twinko
Something wrong with my eyes/focus, it seems

Good que(er)stion

Lol, today I was almost trampled by such blue-haired woman at a pedestrian crossing
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You may enjoy this
Nice leggings indeed (even if not shiny enough) :P
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We gave the world gifts they were not ready to receive. You're right, it is our fault. We should have known better.

This is why aliens haven't contacted and uplifted us yet.
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I've unilaterally decided that Argentina is white and has a healthy bmi
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She could easily be 1/4 native.
Terrified crab.
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It's 2024 sweetie. Dechudify yourself.
Yeah, i would easily make 1/8 native children.
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Warning labels.
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This is a woman worth flying to Argentina for.
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She's mine tho
>We gave the world gifts they were not ready to receive
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>cold shower
if it was not so annoying to dry myself, i would do many of them
I didn't remember there were so many people in the gym a Tuesday at 21:15.
>Lewandowski is a bitch
Barça influence.
How much did you drink?
>england trying to be shittier than us
they might succeed in this tough competition
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You can have her after I die of old age (in approximately 12-15 years).
Southgateball is truly vomit-inducing, not that Spalletti is doing much better by using fucking Jorginho, Raspadori and Di Lorenzo
Slovenia proving again its superiority among ex-yu
serbo-croats SHOCKED
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Spoke with an office qt for a while. She's perfect but gonna leave the country soon. Life is fucked.
not enough kek
Good night and sweet dreams nibbas.

>I will never get my hipbones fractured by a sphinx (female)
Why even live
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ifeliz noches, hungarito!
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you've posted cringe
Sorry but I won't post cat boys or bara comics.
check out this sick 'geon
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im so embarrassed.......
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very cringe post
people should always post more funny sexo and more Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egyptians didn't look like that.
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true, the historically accurate dress was even lewder and looked like pic related
all her holes would be easily accessible as she strutted around the pharaoh's palace like a slut
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That dress is suspiciously flat-chested and does not provide generous leeway for a typical female waist-to-hip ratio. Are we positive that we're looking at women's clothing here?
stop being so perverted males did not wear that
You've been infected with the gay catnigga, I blame the Hungarian and the French twink
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Gonna make Sicilian pizza
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There is nothing wrong with being cautious - I'm sure I don't have to explain to you the diverse range of nonstandard sexual appetites present in the ancient world.
Your toppings? Let me guess: black olives, pepperoni, bell peppers, bacon slices and mozzarella.
>I'm sure I don't have to explain to you the diverse range of nonstandard sexual appetites present in the ancient world.
you should have to explain the nonstandard sexual appetites present in your head
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Pic is the toppings

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