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Hypocrisy edish
bloody froiiizin outside cunts it's barely 25 digeridegrees
Might vote Reform.
Who is actually a Lib Dem, don't think I've ever met one
very cloudy today but still warm
Incest got in my room again
mum knows some old ladies who vote for them
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Well, /brit/?
used to be loads in oxford
>Cameron faces backlash for claiming brexit will cause conflict and instability
Who'd have thunk it
might? might? why only might lad
Everybody should hate Reform (grifters), Putin (megalomaniac), and Christians (idiots)
room fucking stinks
fuckinf sick of this now im melting
dark nights and cold weather again pls
uni capitalists
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Lads I don't get it, how did Lib Dems become more cucked than Labour? Like I feel like they're no different than greens now but in the past they were almost exactly centrist, bit disappointing
grim runt incel FREAK
pooing shiestily from my bum hole
Startling similarities between Oswald Mosley rallies and Nigel Farage rallies.

Racist populism is very distressing.
the only man in canada who immigration laws apply to
brexit derangement syndrome
I used to vote for them until they got rid of Tim Fallon for daring to have a moral compass. Very popular in Cumbria
hi guys it me :)
brick is the dumbest person i've ever seen post on 4chan and i'm starting to think he's a russian false flag
I'm sure his MI5 mates will help him out of this pickle
whats cucked about them i thought they were quite sensible in the telegraph quiz thing
they constitutionally have absolutely no power at all
it's not like in the UK where technically TECHNICALLY the monarch does have power

Japan's monarchy is the only one with absolutely none chiselled into law. That's what the yanks demanded.
It's existed for over a millenium so though the US wanted to punish Japan, it didn't desire to erase its entire identity.
I hate Noman tyranny
Afternoon spainlard
nah there will be mass deportations of punjabis from the GTA as their work permits expire
they’re having a meltdown as it looms
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long live Wales
watching the film contact
Alri spainlard.
Lib Dem has a lot of trannies in it now somehow and they're all about inclusivity and policing language, would absolutely never vote for them now
how so
I think russia is pretty cool but the war is fucking stupid. Nato already had a border with them, and now it's doubled because the finns shit themselves once the war started. Crimea was already theirs more or less, why didnt they just take donetsk and call it a day?
Why are jfs so threatened by /brit/?
They come here like that belgian lad and start seethig about white boys or farage or something.
new Peter Pan shaping up well
The Nazi Ukranians were genociding Russians
this was the proposed new statue for the maidan square, but they rejected it because it wasn't black
finland was already in america's orbit before the war, joining nato is just a formality
ukraine is different
Lidl checkout girl eyeing me up
90s rorke returning videotapes without rewinding them
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my bollock is stil aching from that
>why didnt they just take donetsk and call it a day?
Because the ukrainians will keep shelling them until they get it back.
what the fuck
yeah you would have a thing for lidl girls, nonce
The only party with 100% white candidates is Green
stupid cunt
put the 2nd red one in the middle and it's a guaranteed win
human handed it over
if i hand in some overdue library books will i have to pay them money? shan't be returning them if that's the case
nigga look like patrick from spongebob
thats actually hot af
got a degree in blackedology
And why wouldn't they
Most likely yeah
full of farts and regret
fatpheebs looks so peng here
wanting to work for nato?
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White women too
very racist me but african american soul food looks banging
mad how my ancestor was some danish prick
it's not
it tastes like utter shit
much prefer a sunday roast me
MMA clowns can't fight
silly business model that rewards you for stealing
sadly blacks can't write down the recipes for white men to cook from, guess we'll have to import another million jamaicans
same also their cocks are peng
Didn’t poo for like two days between Saturday and Sunday probably because I was stressed about the move and travelling and everything

Now I’m having two poos a day. Big meaty ones as well. Like the body is trying to catch up.

Interesting isn’t it
cunt you cannot say simple shit like mac and cheese and fried chicken isn't fucking pengalicious
Rewards honesty with infinite books, really. Can't take any more out now can ya
Why have students got work permits anyway
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Year 10 tights
im bigger than that
it's not
mac and cheese is literally kids food and fried chicken is way overrated
a simple seasoned chicken breast cooked in a hot frying pan with butter tastes way better
six chapters left in fire emblem 11 and haven't promoted a single unit yet, mad
Bit of an outdated attitude mate
spainlard/nafomong has begun nonceposting toil
reckon no one in this thread has had sex before
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brit bro i coomed on emma watson
Phwoar yeah
>mac and cheese is literally kids food
There are many ways to cook it, it can be very tasty depending on what cheeses are used
doesnt your arsehole become tighter because you didnt use it for 2 days?
it's pasta and cheese
it's always going to taste like pasta and cheese
a nice spaghetti carbonara shits all over mac and cheese from a great height
mihai is alive lads look at this
always get mac and cheese at festivals. found like 7 mac and cheese places at glasto. this nigga gun eat good
rorke scranning a boiled unseasoned chicken breast
proper dire summer we’ve had so far
leftypol scranning years old meat flavoured with mohammad's sweaty arsehole
you a veggie or summit?
It's always fun watching idiots like you embarrass themselves
after they graduate they are eligible for a 1-3 year post-graduate work permit (PGWP) but they complain the process from there to permanent residency is too complicated and/or unfair
they’re all demanding to be allowed to stay in the country despite the vast majority of them having no marketable skills due to the influx of immigration being a scam backed by McKinsey and Trudeau
brit bro it's time for emma watson
last year was even worse, it rained almost everyday
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do some people need to be poor for others to be rich
Because now theyre the ones getting fucking shelled. Good riddance.

To another 2 years of fascist pigs dying for a jewish comedian. Cant make it up
I'm comparing two dishes that use cheese and pasta as their main ingredients
what's the issue?
14 dinosaur nuggets for dinner
jUsT fIlTeR hIm!!
i have had sex, including ejaculating inside the fanny without a condom
June was crazy sunny last year
My neighbours vote Lib Dem (husband) and Green (wife). They're really nice people, incredibly kind and helpful, and it'd definitely be a better world if everyone were like the two of them.

Unfortunately, I am not wholly detached from reality, so I will be voting Reform like anyone else with any common sense
cor love that number me
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Bizarre mindset. Just 2 more weeks? Oh 2 more years now
>crazy sunny
Death to fascists. Especially glassy eyed tatar demons.
tyea in a mans fanny maybe
They taste different and are cooked differently
i still love that radioactive orange kraft dinner
t. escargot enjoyer
>3 pints is binge drinking
fucking nanny state
anyone who isnt clinically spasticated filters mongs like him and ignores any bait posts they spot.
you're obsessed with him and he lives in your head rent free. grow up you dickhead and find something else to do.
Gonna drink a pint of cum with the goonlads at camden town, a shame I gotta return to shitaly tomorrow. The gooncon of this year has been the best prolly
me hiding in the back
1 vote for the Workers party of Britain tyvm.
death to the lgbt nato reddit ghouls
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>mac and cheese
Fucking racists
Got the photographic evidence to back it up too
yeah too hot, last year was ideal
gimme the regex for the nonceposting then
>just ignore him
fuck off
but they are prepared using similar ingredients
and carbona is simply the better dish hands down
mac and cheese is kids food in comparison and is very often served to kids as it so happens
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The best between /brit/ int and /brit/ r9k

imagine thinking youre above mac and cheese grow up
fascism is the new punk rock
if you find it impossible to ignore words on a screen then you have severe mental problems.
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Kojima is the brit bro
I post here every day
really is bizarre what some people decide to feel smug and superior about. its fucking pasta and cheese lmao
dumb crossposter
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Selena or Masha?
Well well well
not really true
a digital space is like any other
some smelly retard slinging shit around is annoying
>after they graduate they are eligible for a 1-3 year post-graduate work permit (PGWP)
As in they're allowed to stay and look for a job or it's an actual work permit?
In the UK we have a similar thing but it just allows you to look for a job but the company hiring you still needs to sponsor your work visa
some very sad people on here
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the lunch
Remember once seeing a middle-aged fella on a quiz show answer a question with 'children's sweets' like you weren't allowed to eat them after 18
then you need to spend much less time here mate.
just wish i was normal. cant believe how close i came to normiedom and let it all slip right by me. now i get anxious leaving the house.
the US hasn't had a bald president since eisenhower
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Shooting ropes over their blazers
only povvos eat mac and cheese
that is true and i plan on doing that. but it doesn't change what i said
just saw the nephew post gay porn in the family discord server omds
is that hummous
neither would offer even a glance in disgust at me what do I care
taking tips from that anon earlier to keep your windows closed?
The lads as it were
looking like elton john farted on it
it's funny because mac n cheese has come back as a fashionable food, hating it is a very middle class 00s meme, some of the people here are so out of touch
its only annoying because you allow it to be annoying. and that gives people power over you.
think on lad.
not really true seen it on menus at fancy steak places and that
no such thing as a "fancy" steak place sorry to burst your bubble
steak is runt slop
stick it up your bum
you bite on it
mad how I'm 5'7 and Mia Goth towers over me with her 5'9 frame haha
remember this advert
just ate some crisps lmao
In Britain, we call it macaroni cheese.
i'm nearly 30 and haven't had any hair loss, reckon i'm in the clear for the rest of my life now, get in
>data ethicist
Whats that then
Looks like seasidemark in the thumbnail
>I have given 6 years of my life to this country, to this community, and now the government is saying we have to leave the country
6 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things, PR and citizenship should require a commitment of 15-20 years at the minimum
It's ridiculous people can spend such a small amount of time (5 years working in the case of the UK) and then suddenly be considered on equal footing as a native
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I did it brit bro

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Women will really talk about what gives them 'the ick' and then go outside in crocs
about 99% of men have some degree of hairloss, it's just barely noticable in the lucky ones
No, but I remember that one with the dog shouting 'SPOCK' that got binned after about a month because people loathed it.
those are some big cums
pipaki feeling proper posh with his spaghetti carbonara. doesn't put cream in it you know, the PROPER italian way
fuck off spainnonce you evil ghoul
Cacio e pepe for tea
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>citizenship should require a commitment of 15-20 years at the minimum
Roman Empire enthusiast?
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NEW FRESHY STARTER ! ah what entail JOURNEY ! destination finds GO GETS !!!! wow such speak word influence all . WORLD WIDE ICON ! yep !!
>that coat
>that barnet
what does łOЯ ИOM 2102 mean?
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I'm having one of these
No idea desu sorry senpai
thought i was balding in my teens because my hairline took on a slight M shape but it hasn't budged since then, i believe it's considered "maturation" and not true hair loss
Jus sanguinis, simple as really
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That’s you told Rorke
>Mon roi
My king
mac and cheese for tea
>Geert Wilders' father was Dutch; his mother Maria Anne Ourding was born at Sukabumi, the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) with a mixed Dutch and Indonesian background.

Can absolutely foresee the Hapa/Eurasian century coming forth to inherit White Civilisation and become the force of the new right-wing globally. Most Hapas tend to have extremely rightwing White fathers and traditional Asian mothers to boot
No I just have a degree of common sense
>you will get told "we told you so" again
don't understand, when has voting farage's way gone wrong in the past?
destroyed those wankpuffin gammons
couldn't sit through the preamble
Content-free argument
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It's time brit bro

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nigga -__-
dios mío
Incredible how many people express aristocratic and elitist outlooks on society, even certain liberals, but then you suggest that inequality is a moral good and maybe we shouldn't be holding everyone to the same standards or expecting it and nobody will accept it
the only foreign food I like is Italian and Chinese
I agree
Especially since 4 or more of those years are often spent entirely on a university campus with their compatriots spending no effort integrating into regular society
It’s insane that they’re so fucking entitled, too
farage is bad
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love a woman who can't run
Mad how foreigners cant even comprehend the goings on in this thread. We have evolved past all other inferior forms of humour and intellect. We are in our own efficient hyperculture bubble of upmost peak 4chan evolution.
>Especially since 4 or more of those years are often spent entirely on a university campus
Thankfully our government closed that loophole a good few years back and studying no longer counts towards citizenship
fit milf neighbour across the road
god i wish i could shag her
farage is good
arr rook da saem
>those thick poor working class gammon runts need to vote the way we tell them! your country and fake culture isn’t worth a damn
>why aren’t they voting for us?? we must clamp down on them for being *insert new buzzword here*
repeat until fascism. they did this to themselves.
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imagine splurting your anglo-saxon babies on her dago face
What about American
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He's right you know brit bro

DC;VR ateotd
done me
Might vote Reform.
Every successive Govt of the last 20 years has committed to building hundreds of thousands of new homes every Parliament and - I think this is accurate - not ONE of them has met their pledge.

The issue is supply and demand and our central bank (BoE) jacking up interest rates so the City can make a killing under the guise of "battling inflation" when ev1 knows inflation has settled as a result of international energy pricing.

If they'd built enough houses every year to keep in line with population growth/demand the cost of houses wouldn't have gone up.

If the Bank of England didnt jack interest rates, it wouldn't be so expensive.

But in abandoning those responsibilities, successive Govts (Tory and Labour) have opened the door to extremist rhetoric.

So now when you have a Farage or a Braverman on TV saying "our infrastructure cannot take any more immigrants, mass immigration has failed"

To the simple minded who run towards simple explanations to complex problems - that abject nonsense sort of... makes sense?
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I don't really consider it foreign
I've said it before and I'll say it again
Has science gone too far?
mad how mexican cartels and terrorists all launder their money in the caymen islands
genuinely can't stop cooming over the thought of impregnating a foreign bitch
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>Monay night
>To the simple minded who run towards simple explanations to complex problems - that abject nonsense sort of... makes sense?
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do women really

It's a masculine surgery if you think about it.
I'm sure if a man had chubby cheeks and then looked like skeletor, his looks would actually improve.

Women need face fat though.
post it again lad go on
I love Italian women so much lads
Claud Monay night
only anglo and slav women do this
Laugh all you want leftypol, you have it coming for you.
phwoarrr yessi
>mass immigration has failed
Is the implication here that with sufficient housing mass immigration would have been a big success?
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Based brit
Only saw one fitty at the shop
Can't even remember what she looked like, just registered her as fit
Me? Absolutely fuming about the way the country's been run in the last few decades
Also me? Absolutely fuming about anyone who wants to try something different
not just the cheeks, the fucking lips

fucking why
she's irish tho
gods not real
england is not real
people are. no human is illegal
being English is basically like being telepathic
we just understand one another innately
no need for words like mere peasants, we just think and our ANGLO kin act accordingly
a type of anglo
Might move to the Gaymen Islands
Get rid of the greenbelt. Concrete the countryside. Britain cries out to be airstrip one
What about Edward Snowden?
>Erin Elair Moriarty
>Born: June 24, 1994 (age 30 years), New York, United States

And Ireland is anglo, they get all our tv channels ffs
That's not true, Irish people are closer to negros than Englishman. Even the Welsh are less subhuman.
based based based
you already live on it
how is this amount of sexo even legal?
Good lad
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off to bed
Tarmac the Lake District
Build endless tower blocks
Fill them with Africans
Wow im so based for making this post
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fuck y’all crackas chucky ar la nigga
the so called green party manifesto

Smoking at this ungodly hour
If you speak English, you're English, simple as
Irish people are just more tolerable Scottish people when you think about it
The tower blocks will have solar panels on them x
we NEED to send more culture to devon and cornwall
there are far too few non-white people living there
it's a hotbed for right-wing extremism
Why are green parties so diabolical
I think it’s the German one that wrote something about mandating interracial breeding or something
Watching the pink panther
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I could've saved her.
german one was the one doing load of noncing and actually had noncing as part of their political program
Nah they're completely different, Scotch are a fundamentally Germanic Protestant minded people
English *natively
it's bizzare what excites centrists
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I could've saved her
dont know what a sex toilet is
Also vote labour
Even me
No they aren’t, they’re Cambro-Saxon in the lowlands and Anglicised Gaels in the north
Southgate could have saved her.
Leftypol can’t help hisself
Based soi checkmark
don't like either
Yeah, Germanic Protestants like the English with a colonial mindset
What a bizarre post
Might it some pork
If you speak English and you were born in England and your parents are English and you’re not lactose intolerant and are over 5’8” and you’re white then you’re English.
Simple really.
Especially you
why does black men kicking a ball in a field send englishmen on a frenzy and make them beat their wives
What if I was born in Scotland but over 5’8 and lactose tolerant and white and native Anglophone
Why didnt she just Lee-ve him
what if I'm 5'7
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what if I developed lactose intolerance due to medication?
Where tf is the new
Sorry you’re now Welsh. I don’t make the rules
Celts under a Germanic tongue and faith
women say that abusive men have telepathic powers that means they are unable to do so
Warwick Davis isnt english now?

In a sense…
Germanic ancestry too based on their haplogroups and historical documents

What's Celtic about them?
Does he look English to you? Can you imagine him in a suit of armour fighting a dragon?
Quaffing a poowank
All to do with supporting Crimea. If they succeed with the current offensive around Kharkiv they'll pretty much have completed that. Then we'll see what happens.
LOL. Trying this hard.
The only way. Carbonara does not contain cream.

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